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All Episodes Discussion: The Daily Double

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Sad to see Julia go. Once she got to 10 wins I was hoping she'd pull off an epic streak, though I figured the Ken Jennings record was never in serious, uh, jeopardy.


One of the things that seemed to do her in was a number of wrong guesses. She took a few guesses in every game, it was the only time she'd 'up-talk' an answer, and as someone pointed out on another site (!), she had an enviable ability to quickly reason a question through and give the right answer, even if it was something she didn't know. Last night, for the first time, those guesses were wrong more often than not.


Still, kind of a shocking loss, considering her large lead going into DJ. It looked like she was coasting again.


Kyoto was ridiculously over valued as a DD clue in DJ.



Wow. When he gave the answer, even he seemed a little shocked by how easy it was, as did Alex, IMO. This show is strange that way. Sometimes there will be a $200 first-round question I think is difficult, then there are easy questions like this one that are DJ DDs. 


Unless there's a huge upset, Julia and Arthur will likely go head-to-head in the TOC. Those two against some third poor soul. Going to be interesting...

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So, I went down with the TWOP ship on Saturday night, but my first move after watching Julia lose was to try and pull up the TWOP Jeopardy board. ('m a slow learner. This feels weird; it's so ... bright here. Hello everyone.)


I'm as sad as I can be for someone going out with a record-setting run and a boatload of cash. Julia was an awesome player, and I hope she dominates in the TOC.


My mind stuck on John Updike for FJ, even though I know The Witches of Eastwick wasn't anywhere near 1999. And probably not anywhere near an Oscar, for that matter.

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I'm looking forward to an Arthur vs. Julia showdown in the TOC. Those of you know know me from TWOP already know who I'll be rooting for!


I'm sad the streak is over. I can't remember a more pleasant long-term champ in recent history. The new champ had a Charles Laughton air about him. I know he's not British, but I kept thinking of Charles Laughton as I watched the new champ's mannerisms.

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Mumbles, thanks for the clarification. When I think of "engineering" I think of a major with a hardcore math/science focus. I had no idea some universities offer degrees that are a little more, um,....diluted.

I didn't understand why they did "Easy Being Green" twice last night either. Alex announced the category in DJ like it was some inside joke or something but it didn't make sense. Or maybe I'm too much of a pleb to understand the nuances of the game:)

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Haven't they done that before, though - using the same category title in both rounds, with it referring to one thing in the first round and another in the second?  I like it. 

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They showed the painting but the description Alex read mentioned a 13th Century person -- I looked it up and Thomas Becket lived and died in the 1100s (12th Century).

I believe the clue said that it was a 13th century painting of the murder of this 12th century person.  I could be wrong, however.  I did know it was Thomas a Becket right away, though.


I totally blanked on the Kyoto Accords - for some reason my brain was heading for Iceland, even though I knew very well that was wrong.  And I couldn't come up with 'Irving' for FJ to save my life.  I knew the film/book title, knew Michael Caine was in the movie, knew the author's first name was John and that he'd also written "The World According to Garp" and "Hotel New Hampshire" (although I don't know if he wrote the screenplays for the films), and knew it wasn't John Steinbeck, John Grisham or John Updike, but the correct name just wouldn't worm its way out of my brain in time.


I'm sorry to see Julia go, but I did like Brian and hope he stays awhile.  Just not more than 19 games.

I read a recent piece by Salon's tv critic advocating for the reinstatement of the 5-game winner limit because viewers don't get enough of a sense of contestants' personalities to stay interested in long winning streaks.  Funny how he feels this way during Julia's 20 game streak, but thought people who got tired of Arthur Chu during his streak were just haters.

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I believe the clue said that it was a 13th century painting of the murder of this 12th century person.  I could be wrong, however.  I did know it was Thomas a Becket right away, though.


I must of heard it wrong as that makes more sense (since the question was about the art and it was painted in around 1250) -- will need to wait and see what it says on J-Archive.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I was floored at the miss of abacus and John Irving. I realise things like this are subjective but I couldn't believe she didn't get FJ.


I immediately yelled "ON THE WATERFRONT!" at the television - it felt like a total fix*


*I completely do not think it was fixed

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Big congrats to Julia - she was so pleasant to watch - hopefully the Irish brogue will be around for a few games

I wonder how some of the 5 game winners feel about the keep winning until you lose rule - I know games have to change to keep folks interested but there are probably some 5 game winners from years back who could have gone on to win many more games (& money)

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I wondered on Facebook why Peter thought "Orangemen" was a religious denomination and a friend of mine directed me to a Wikipedia page about the "Orange Order" so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. And I'll also give him the benefit of the doubt thinking that SU is an Ivy League school since he probably doesn't get much exposure in Ontario.

I didn't get much of a feel for Sarah. However, the last month or so the women are doing really well. Wonder what Alex thinks about that.

I liked the "U" category but neighborhood was a tremendously easy clue.

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I love reading all of your personal Jeopardy! stories. I'm nowhere near smart enough to ever compete but I do enjoy watching and getting a few questions right. I don't know what it says about the company I keep but people are always very impressed with my amount of correct questions (which isn't a whole lot!). I will definitely be tuning in to see Tigershark's episode(s)! :)

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There were a few TSs that I got, esp in the Rodgers and Hammerstein category. I was really surprised that Brian didn't get 'Carousel,' esp since Alex said to pay attention to the set, which I thought was a superfluous thing to say.


Sorry to see Brian go so quickly. You just never know with this game.


Here's a great interview with Julia. I like her even more. Who do you all suppose she was talking about here re a contestant who was miffed at her:

It was like, “If you hadn’t gotten that one question, I would’ve won.” That actually colored my memory of the game, but watching the game later on TV, I realized this is not how things went down. This person said it when we were talking at the end and Alex says, “Well, sometimes you get a tough break and that’s what happens.” I don’t remember if I said anything, but Alex tried to smooth things over.


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If I had hit a Daily Double in a Rogers and Hammerstein category, I would have made it a true daily double no matter what the score was.  I don't care if I were in the lead and had twice as much as the second place player.  I feel that confident about that category.  I'm such a huge musical theater dork, and I can't recall seeing a musical theater related question on Jeopardy that I couldn't answer.   I would have been really tempted to sing if I rang in for the "I Enjoy Being a Girl" clue.

Edited by Tigershark
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I ran the R&H category. I gasped when the bloke didn't get Carousel! The picture showed the characters sitting ON a carousel! I couldn't believe it was such an easy question and then someone could miss that.

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Man,that was not an enjoyable game to watch. I already miss Julia! I also don't understand how Brian couldn't get Carousel. At least he knew South Pacific was from James Michener.

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I was yelling Carousel at my TV.  Oh well.  Tigershark, I'm with you, I would have done True Daily Double on any of the Rogers and Hammerstein questions, I too am a musical theater dork, haha.


I was quite surprised that Irish Man didn't get to answer any of the British spellings category.  I thought he would have run that one.

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I was quite surprised that Irish Man didn't get to answer any of the British spellings category.  I thought he would have run that one.


The football player was from Canada, where all those words are also spelled with an additional 'u', so it was just a race to the buzzer.

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If I had hit a Daily Double in a Rogers and Hammerstein category, I would have made it a true daily double no matter what the score was.

Part of me would always have worried about doing that because sometimes you can know too much about a subject and it just overwhelms your brain when you are asked about a specific question. Or worried about hubris -  oh I know everything and then they ask the one thing you do not know.  But I thought all the R&H questions were easy. 


We have a woman champ again! 

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It was like, “If you hadn’t gotten that one question, I would’ve won.” That actually colored my memory of the game, but watching the game later on TV, I realized this is not how things went down. This person said it when we were talking at the end and Alex says, “Well, sometimes you get a tough break and that’s what happens.” I don’t remember if I said anything, but Alex tried to smooth things over.



I don't remember enough about the individual games and scores to know if this is a valid guess, but based on the attitudes we saw, my mind went right to that guy in the middle who was so obviously frustrated by not buzzing in quickly enough.


Also, what a ridiculous statement to make. I want to whip out Judge Judy's response of "Well, if I'd had different parents, I would have been 5'7"." Or, to put it very simply, if things were different, they wouldn't be the same. ;)

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I liked the "U" category but neighborhood was a tremendously easy clue.

I loved that category, mostly because it referenced Arsenal in a clue.  Although given their results against Villa over the last few seasons, I'm not sure they'd be considered the favourite.



Today. 7:48 am


I was yelling Carousel at my TV.

So was I.  It was right there in the photo, but I guess if you didn't know that R&H had written a musical named "Carousel", that might not have helped.


I rather annoyed at myself for biffing the FJ - for some reason I keep forgetting that Penn is an Ivy League school, and I even have a friend who did her Masters there.

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Add me to the carousel amazement. Seriously? They show a picture of a freaking carousel, and the clue basically asks, "What is this a picture of," and he doesn't get it right? Wow.


ETA: Both of my alma maters: U of Penn and U of Arizona were made the show last night. That was cool for me.

Edited by teebax
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Also, what a ridiculous statement to make. I want to whip out Judge Judy's response of "Well, if I'd had different parents, I would have been 5'7"." Or, to put it very simply, if things were different, they wouldn't be the same. ;)


It reminds me of something my brother said back when Mark Spitz was winning all those gold medals at the Olympics. He was serious, and he was 23. "If I could swim like him, I'd win seven gold medals, too." 

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I would have been really tempted to sing if I rang in for the "I Enjoy Being a Girl" clue.

Me too, although definitely off-key.


Someone on another board suggested that a looped video should be made of Alex saying "I Enjoy Being a Girl" - I thought that would be very amusing:)


I was really rooting for the Hamilton Ticat but he didn't do so well, although he did have a few good gets.  He had a couple of brain freezes and I think that made him very cautious about ringing in.


I really didn't think Brian would last long and Sarah was very impressive. 


I had no clue whatsoever on FJ.  US colleges are not something I know much about.  If I were to be a Jeopardy! contestant I would have to study up on them since they come up frequently.

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I'm really bad at colleges and universities, so I was pleased when I came up with Quakers. I wasn't positive it was correct, but I really didn't think there was an ivy league team called the Lutherans. :)

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I wondered on Facebook why Peter thought "Orangemen" was a religious denomination and a friend of mine directed me to a Wikipedia page about the "Orange Order" so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

Ha ha, I thought maybe that was one of the "3 colors" referenced -- but no, Syracuse isn't in the Ivy League.


I live near Quaker Valley High School in Western PA, which also has teams called the Quakers, so it was pretty much an instaget.  LOL, I always thought "The Fighting Quakers" would be an awesome team name!  Speaking of which, The Fighting Pacifists is my nest band name ;-)

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FJ was an easy one, but I knew Brian and Peter were cooked. If you don't grow up here it would be hard to know off the top of your head which schools are Ivy and which would have a religious-themed mascot.

Seriously, Microsoft co-founder and she couldn't come up with Paul Allen?!

And so many lulz on the R+H DD. My elderly mother was screaming "CAROUSEL! CAROUSEL! CAROUSEL!" at the tv screen. Hell, Alex practically gave him the damn answer.

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I didn't get the Beatles question correct tonight.  As Alex might say, it was before my time. :rolleyes:


Seriously easy questions in the regular rounds tonight. The Biblical food category was so obvious! Grapes from a vineyard. Jesus fed people with fish. Manna was what fell from Heaven. I am very weak on the Bible yet knew all that stuff. Except the Beatles :)

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Many of those questions - especially FJ - were so ridiculously easy.  Added to the fact that the winner (can't remember her name, sorry) just isn't especially likable to me, although I don't know what it is about her that I don't like.  I guess I was spoiled by how pleasant Julia was.

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Well, Sarah is no Julia, that's for sure. And not to be too incredibly petty, but she comes across as abrasive and I'm not sure if it's nerves or what but she has all these tics and faces that she pulls that are very off-putting.

Please tell me that it was not an $800 clue that had "This is...!" at the end. I mean, at that point, they might have just put the answer on the screen.

One thing I always find weird is when someone picks a category first, and someone else answers first. But then they keep going back to it, even if they never ring in first. It's odd to me.

A picture of Ghandhi? Really?

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The Beatles were before my time as well, so I was SOL on FJ.

Sarah's affect is very off-putting. She's probably a nice person, but her default expression is this mean, scrunchy face (totally mature description, I know). I'm not sure how else to phrase it, but I felt like she was looking disapprovingly at me the whole time I was watching the show. She reminded me of an angry-bird.

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Sarah reminds me of someone, an actress, but I can't put my finger on it. Part Claire Danes, I think, but… Man, it's bugging me.


Please tell me that it was not an $800 clue that had "This is...!" at the end. I mean, at that point, they might have just put the answer on the screen.


All I could think of was "This… is… Jeopardy!"


I really need to learn the difference betw Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. 


For FJ I guessed 'The End,' but I just knew there was another shorter title that I wasn't recalling. Doh.

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A picture of Ghandhi? Really?


That Gandhi clue was terrible, and the show has resorted to a disturbing number of those in recent years -- putting up a picture of the person being sought, highlighting on a map the country that needs to be identified, etc.


Jingoism as a triple stumper was rather surprising.


I'm not a big Beatles fan, but I think that helped -- when I thought of one-word titles of Beatles songs, Help was the only one that came to mind.

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As big a Beatles fan as I am, I blanked on "Help" and went with "Rain" instead.  But that probably wasn't a #1 hit.  I knew "Boys" wasn't.


Question:  I'm also blanking on a term some of you are using: TS  What's a TS?  Thanks in advance.

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"Help" instantly came to my mind on FJ. 


And I had nothing in my brain on the TS, but before the contestant could speak I blurted out Jingoism!  It's amazing how things come to suddenly like that.


And headless Jeopardy sounds like fun!  haha!

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I was probably the only one geeky enough to want to turn down all the FJ responses because nobody put in the exclamation point at the end of the title.  Probably best to keep me away from judging.

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Good Lord, could tonight's FJ question have been any more of a creampuff? My dog could have answered that one correctly and he's really not much of a history buff!

Did anyone else think the wording of the bulimia question was a tad insensitive?

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I was very taken aback by the answer describing binge eating and bulimia. As someone who will always be recovering, that sucked.


I have to say I'm glad to see Sarah go. I didn't like her affected demeanor, especially talking about how tweed is French for tweed! I miss humble Julia.  I was pleased Molly won. She reminds me of a very matter-of-fact coworker who's unassuming but a bull dog in the courtroom.

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Re: "HELP!" - they should have considered the exclamation, seein' as how "Jeopardy!" has one as well.


I missed FJ.  Not that I didn't know it, I didn't see it.  I was otherwise occupied.  No, I wasn't doing the other half of the bulimia clue. And, yes, it was insensitive.

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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Agree that the bulimia clue was awful and insensitive. I can't imagine how many people it went through and they all thought it was a-ok.

I've never been on the show but can only imagine how frazzling it can be, but it still surprises me when the category is called "State of Movies" and multiple people name movies with no states in them.

Molly is fine. She's no Julia either but she's more pleasant than Sarah.

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I'm going to forever curse the word "abacus" for taking our Julia away!

I can't believe an editor gave the approval for the bulimia question. They shouldn't have even gone there. What's next, a snarky clue about HIV or suicide? Just incredibly poor taste.

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