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S06.E11: Knots Untie

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So everyone within a huge radius would know about that big house and no one from Alexandria ever thought about visiting? 


Come on Glen, all you need to do is talk about how you're a few days from retirement. 


One upside of the apocalypse is that most of these characters get to live in some pretty sweet houses that they probably wouldn't have been able to afford before.  Gregory might be an ass but that was an awesome office and bedroom he had.  Well, except for Daryl, who probably chooses to live in a tent.

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I'm so disappointed to see that Rosita seems to have some actual schmoopies for Abraham because it makes me feel bad for her.  Abraham is clearly NOT boyfriend material.  Does he like anything about her but the fact that she sleeps with him?

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So.Much.Yes to this. I wish this group would learn to leave well enough alone. They could have just asked for some seeds to grow their own damn crops rather than carrying off half of the Hilltop's stash and said, "Good luck with that Negan guy. He sounds like a handful." But noooooo.


They have seeds in Alexandria.  In her conversation with Glenn, Maggie worriedly mentioned that they had planted seeds, but there had not been so much of a bud. Add this to being low on supplies with lots of mouths to feed, they desperately needed the food and supplies which is why they agreed to go with Jesus to the Hilltop. 

Edited by SimoneS
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Downside to the awesome real estate being it could all get destroyed any second, so don't get too comfortable. I wonder where Negan is living if his indentured servants get to live in such sweet digs and he didn't take that big manor for himself. It sounds like a lot of people are sharing that house, though, so that Gregory guy isn't quite bringing back slavery. He's maybe middle-management at best. Possibly a puppet leader. It's typical that a guy like that wanted to act like he had actual power in front of people who don't know his whole situation.


I love the concept of using a living history museum as your base in the event of a ZA. There are some old forts around here that already have tall walls…


The Hilltop is gorgeous. I love it when we get to explore places with actual architecture. New settings excite me more than new characters at this point. (Though I’m liking Jesus so far.)


Like the trade between communities that’s starting to shape up instead just running into one psychotic bad guy after another.

Not excited about Negan, though. He sounds like yet another psychotic bad guy. Yaaaaawn.


Hmm, when the negotiation turned into half their stuff in exchange for taking out Negan - I thought: meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


Did anyone notice Hilltop has an Asian guy? Friend I was watching with was teasing me that this means Glenn's a goner: "there can be only one!" I was like "noooo!"

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Of course Hilltop is populated almost entirely by people who never learned how to fight two years in. Of course it is.

Of course. I mean Rick and his followers have to be superior.


I wonder if Rick does not deliver in bringing their man back will they give back those supplies.


I thought Jesus was giving out too much information. Rick and his group are suspicious of anything that moves but Jesus just trust them because ... he should have been more guard especially about the fact that they were low on ammunition. And no way he should have allowed them inside the gate with those guns still in their possession.

So once again, CDB shows up and five minutes later all hell breaks loose in the community. Hershel was right - these people ARE a plague. 


I called a fellow watcher and said THE PLAGUE has arrived LOL I love Herschel for that one.

Edited by GodsBeloved
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Jesus:  "I took the truck because I thought you were bad guys, but I realize I was wrong and you are good."


Me: Jesus how far is your head up CDB's ass? Oh and if the roles were reversed, they'd take your stuff regardless of whether you were good or bad :\

That is actually what I thought was going on when the Hilltop people were pissed at CDB for not letting him deliver Gregory's head.  They would rather get the brother back.  They don't want Neegan to retaliate.  If Gregory needs to die, then that is ok to avoid that.

I thought Rick should have stayed out of it unless there was a direct threat. And Rick of all people should understand the willingness to give up someone in your group to placate the big baddie

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Daryl's cockiness is worrisome. At least, Rick's body language indicates that he is more concerned that he let on to the others. I just hope they do reconnaissance before going after Negan. I mean, that this point they don't even know how many people he has or where his camp is. 

I think Rick is being cocky too. He guaranteed he'd not only bring their man back but he'd deal with Negan sight unseen. Sure he's worried that some of his followers might get hurt or killed but I think he fully believes he will get rid of Negan and the Saviors.

Edited by GodsBeloved
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I know I'm supposed to be rooting for CDB.  I know I'm supposed to get excited when Rick says "they don't know who they're screwing with" or gets his cocky little attitude up because CDB are such badasses but I'm so damn tired of it.  I'm tired of this show wanting me to believe that CDB are the only capable group in the world to have survived and that every other group out there are either evil or incompetent.  


I seriously want CDB to run across another settlement that is "good" and has their shit together and are just as capable of being badasses.  It's just so tiresome and i hate that I'm supposed to root for these characters when i find half of them annoying and cocky as all hell.


I'm at the point where i want Abrahman dead, his annoying factor outweighs any amusement i get out of his stupid lines.  I'd rather have more Eugene scenes, he's still amusing and not nearly as annoying.  


I'm worried about the foreshadowing from this episode, Maggie talking about how going after Neegan is going to cost them something, my initial thought is Glenn (again) especially since they focused so much on happy family Glenn/Maggie/Baby.  However, Daryl's cockiness and his turning CDB into a hit squad/mercs in exchange for food and medicine has me worried that Darryl's head will end up on the chopping block.  Although, I have to give props to Daryl for being smart in his requests, love that he added the cow in there.


I haven't been feeling this season, on the whole it's been rather boring.  I really think I need to go back to picking/choosing episodes to watch instead of watching weekly.  

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then after I saw them establish him as a more trustworthy character at the new place that I began to suspect he might be a double agent for Negan working to undermine George Mason's people.


George needs Jack Bauer right about now LOL


I was excited when I learned Xander Berkeley would be at Hilltop. He's a douche but I still enjoyed Gregory like I did Mason.

Edited by GodsBeloved
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Denise giving Daryl the oatmeal cake so that he won't eat roadkill was sweet. She is a nice person.


I know! I like Denise a lot. And I like her little, awkward interactions with Daryl. I enjoy when this show builds unlikely friendships. 


Closed captioning said "You think shit's settled?" As in, Daryl doesn't think there is any "settling down" in the current situation.


Ah, okay. That makes a lot more sense. Daryl is essentially saying that their situation is so unsettled, couples shouldn't be worried about settling down right now. Sounds like Daryl. I thought I heard the word "shit", but it sound more like "You think shit settles?" - I took it as Daryl being all emo, calling himself "shit", as in he's not worthy of someone settling down with. 


So the people in Hilltop came in and brought their own FEMA trailers? On all those convenient flatbeds apparently.


Ha! I thought that was odd. ONE person bringing a trailer with them - okay. But a whole passel of 'em? Stretches the imagination. I pictured people harnessed up like oxen, dragging their trailers up the hill. 


I saw a good explanation for this on another forum.  Paraphrasing, but it's the zombie apocalypse and they should all be wearing long, thick sleeves, long pants, heavy duty shoes, and hats to protect from zombie bites, tickets, lice and all that other nasty shit.  It's not like they can run to CVS for meds and RID.


That would make sense - except it's not consistent. There are plenty of times when Rick is just in a t-shirt. Abe in his wifebeater. Maggie in a tank top. Rosita scantily dressed. But this show does the same weird thing with seasonal transitions that they do with day-night transitions. All of a sudden it's supposed to be "fall", and people have coats on. But then there will be the random two that don't, and it's just confusing. 


-  Sasha getting cold feet, begging out of doing patrols with Sergeant 'stache?  Surprised that Abe didn't stick his tongue through his fingers & wiggle it when he flashed the 'peace' sign back at Sasha, considering his new 'interest' in her.


Didn't Sasha make it clear to Abe when they were out on the road that she was not going to be even slightly available if he didn't end things with Rosita? She doesn't want to be in the middle of a bunch of drama. (Frankly, neither do I.) And Abe is still obviously living with and copulating with Rosita, so....


If they need to lose some people, I'm happy for Rosita and Sasha to go first. That way, Abe doesn't need to choose. The "love triangle" was icky.


Or maybe kill Abe? I hate to say that, because I adore Michael Cudlitz. But I just hate the way they're writing this character. All his weird analogies and rambling introspection. He just comes off so doofy, I can't stand it. 


I noticed that Abraham lost the necklace that Rosita had given him. It was lying on the ground after the Hilltop altercation when Darryl helped him up.


I noticed that as well. I took it as some heavy handed symbolism that either Rosita will die, or he'll pick Sasha over her. 


I'm concerned that Maggie is going to die based on Lauren Cohan's short new hairdo on TD.


RIGHT? Especially since ASZ's resident hairdresser just kicked the can. 


Did these dumb-dumbs seriously just take all the warriors (bar an MIA Carol) and leave ASZ under the protection of a teenager? A teenager who was the only one savvy enough to realise someone should stay behind? Come on guys, I try so hard to be on your side, stop pulling this shit.


Don't forget that Morgan and his Stick of Forgiveness is there to defend the group. 


It's kind of exciting to have a new kind of storyline with the trade system and the battle of Negan. Usually, it's just about finding a new safe place that goes to hell.


True. But I think I would have enjoyed it a little more if they built it up longer. Meet the Hilltop Gang. Develop a relationship with them, trading over a period of time. THEN the Negan situation comes up. I've long been waiting for CDB to meet another group who isn't "bad", someone that they could work with. I thought there were many interesting ways to explore that. But, to me, it seems like they're just using Hilltop as a plot to device to get our gang into another knock-down, drag-out fight with yet ANOTHER group of baddies. 

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Did these dumb-dumbs seriously just take all the warriors (bar an MIA Carol) and leave ASZ under the protection of a teenager? A teenager who was the only one savvy enough to realise someone should stay behind? Come on guys, I try so hard to be on your side, stop pulling this shit.

That was the conversation between Rick and Carl, and I think Tara and Heath would be off on their supply run -- but really - Carol stayed as well as Rosita, Aaron, Morgan, Eric, Gabriel, Tobin, Eugene and others. Not the A Team, for sure, but enough to hold off a minor threat.

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1)  Didn't Sasha make it clear to Abe when they were out on the road that she was not going to be even slightly available if he didn't end things with Rosita? She doesn't want to be in the middle of a bunch of drama. (Frankly, neither do I.) And Abe is still obviously living with and copulating with Rosita, so....



2)  Or maybe kill Abe? I hate to say that, because I adore Michael Cudlitz. But I just hate the way they're writing this character. All his weird analogies and rambling introspection. He just comes off so doofy, I can't stand it. 



3)  I noticed that as well. I took it as some heavy handed symbolism that either Rosita will die, or he'll pick Sasha over her..


1)  Yes.  At least, that's what I got from it.  But it appears that Captain CarrotTop "wants his cake and eat it too", in chasing Sasha while still banging Rosita.  That would explain Sasha's backing off, if she knows those two are still "bumping uglies".


2)  Concur.  Of the 3, you gotta go AF/MC.  It was mentioned upthread, but he seems to be in a suicidal downward spiral & has been for quite awhile.  Or if not suicidal, then just accepting death if in its near embrace.  Worried that this mental deteriation will cost someone (important) their life in trying to save/protect him; be it Rosita, Sasha, or another integral part of CDB.


3)  Hopefully he dumps Rosita, to get with Sasha and then she ends up not getting together with him.  Would serve him right.  And yes, I'd rather see R/S together than either A/R or A/S.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I know I'm supposed to be rooting for CDB.  I know I'm supposed to get excited when Rick says "they don't know who they're screwing with" or gets his cocky little attitude up because CDB are such badasses but I'm so damn tired of it.  I'm tired of this show wanting me to believe that CDB are the only capable group in the world to have survived and that every other group out there are either evil or incompetent.  


May I hug you TIGHT? 

Edited by GodsBeloved
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So.Much.Yes to this. I wish this group would learn to leave well enough alone. They could have just asked for some seeds to grow their own damn crops rather than carrying off half of the Hilltop's stash and said, "Good luck with that Negan guy. He sounds like a handful." But noooooo.


So the Hilltop Colony is basically Colonial Williamsburg with FEMA trailers. Awesome.


Maggie's obviously already gotten some seeds since she had plants to tie up at the beginning.  The problem with asking for more is that it does nothing to solve the immediate food shortage problem.  Best case scenario, meaning good weather and no infestation or apocalyptic assholes driving tanks through their pea patch, they're still looking at a couple of months before any seeds turn into produce ripe enough to eat.


I don't know if Rick was really thinking that far enough ahead, being covered in blood in yet another group of new people and all, but our gang also knows from their experiences with the guvnah that sitting around and waiting with a known bully in the neighborhood is a good way to eventually have that bully roll up to your gates.  And then it's your stuff that gets destroyed.  The Hilltoppers know they're there now and would probably give that information away if they were under duress. 

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2.  Abraham.  There is more going on than him crushing on Sasha.  He's having some sort of breakdown.  He isn't completely in control of his emotions and it isn't just about having sex with different women.  Most of his talking last night was about having children.  I think Abe is starting to spiral down over losing his wife and kids.  When he was letting that dude choke him out (and how is that even possible, his neck is a tree trunk), he seemed to be resigned to or even hoping for death.  I think we're about to lose Abe.  Interestingly enough, I think Sasha is pulling away because she's not yet ready to care about a man, just to lose him.  Good call.



I think when Abe was being choked he had a flashback sort of like the Hilltop guy who said he saw his wife and she had died before the ZA, Abe saw who he should be with, Rosita or Sasha and then when he got up and the necklace had fallen off it made me think the choice was Sasha. But he sure doesn't have qualms about doing  the humpty dance with Rosita while he's "waffling" on his choices, huh? He was very clear and definitive with Sasha when he made his intentions known but he's dragged this out a month or more, no wonder Sasha changed shifts. I hope the ultimate forshadowing in that scenario is that Abraham is gonna die, not either of Sasha or Rosita. 


The plot seemed very wizard of OZ to me, they go off to see the wizard, Gregory, because he's got his shit together and then he won't help until they promise to go defeat the wicked witch of the east, Negan. Then he turns out to be a liar liar pants on fire, chicken. Many have mentioned the lack of Carol going on this adventure, I think it's odd that pregnant Maggie was going, I don't think Jesus promised them "we have a doctor (they do have Dr. Denise back in Alexandria) with an ultrasound machine". 


Did Maggie take his horse painting? I find it hard to believe that Jesus would "follow" this guy, Gregory. Ninja Jesus who steals trucks and can get out of Houdini traps wouldn't sit around and let someone weak call the shots and even if he knew he couldn't defeat Negan he would always be hatching a plan or have a secret stash or something working against the Negan system. I noticed for a ninja he did absolutely jack squat when Ethan and the returning members attacked Gregory. Rick and Daryl immediately jumped to the rescue. 


And I never ever ever ever want to think about Abe's baby batter again. And slightly disturbed that Glenn and Maggie planned this. Or semi-planned. Maybe it was the "almost" good days of Alexandria when they thought they had a safer place to raise a family. And I know eventually somebody gotta start repopulating but seriously babies are a  pain in the storyline. 

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You know how, in reality shows, the person who has the most emotional phone call with their loved one is the one who goes home?  That's the vibe I'm getting with Abraham.  He's still with Rosita, but can't stop thinking about Sasha.  But Sasha has made it clear that he must break it off with Rosita before she will even consider starting up with him.  She even changes jobs, perhaps to remind  Abraham of her terms.  Abraham listens intently to the man who saw his dead wife when he thought he was going to die.  The look on his face when he was being choked seems to suggest that he is "seeing" someone too.  And he is genuinely touched by the ultra sound picture, as though seeing it answers his questions about even trying to plan for a future.  He doesn't notice when he loses Rosita's necklace. I think he has decided that wants a future with Sasha.  Ergo, goodbye Abraham, whom I will miss.

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Regarding The A Team leaving the little women at home and unprotected, they need not worry, Carol "Singlehandedly Took Down Terminus" Peletier is there to protect them.

Question. Does Michonne have a last name? I looked on IMDB and it looks like everyone has a last name but her. And shippers, don't tell me her last name is Grimes please :)

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I cracked up when the Hilltop gate opened and it looked like Williamsburg inside.  And the scene where Gregory is stabbed?  I was thinking, "Ohh, this guy is up to no good, he's gonna be troub... [stab]  Never mind."


I also wasn't sure what Daryl said to Abe but thought he said "Think she'd settle?"  Carol?  Nawww.  (And where the heck is Carol anyway?)


"What?"  Best line of the show.  It's a shame Rick was practically ordered to take a shower, then 10 minutes later he is covered in blood again.  That's why you people can't have nice things.


Loved that Carl let his dad mumble embarrassed explanations for a bit before shrugging the situation off. 


Side note: any comic readers, does Carl have long hair in the comics?


I don't know about the comics but I read somewhere that they are using his long hair to hide the bandage, leaving the dressing thin enough for Chandler to see through.


I have a bad feeling about this confrontation they're planning.  Rick and the gang are getting pretty cocky, thinking they can take anyone out based on past experience.  It stands to reason that eventually they will come up against a bigger bad ass.  I hate to think that any of the group is going to be killed but it seems inevitable.  Abe was acting pretty wonky and the sudden clarity of his feelings is a bad sign.  Glenn and Maggie are too happy, bad sign.  Daryl is sort of redundant with Jesus around, bad sign.  It seems impossible the writers would kill off either Rick or Michonne, but their happiness is also a bad sign.

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I find it hard to believe that Jesus would "follow" this guy, Gregory. Ninja Jesus who steals trucks and can get out of Houdini traps wouldn't sit around and let someone weak call the shots and even if he knew he couldn't defeat Negan he would always be hatching a plan or have a secret stash or something working against the Negan system. I noticed for a ninja he did absolutely jack squat when Ethan and the returning members attacked Gregory. Rick and Daryl immediately jumped to the rescue. 

Didn't Jesus say the people liked Gregory? Maybe that's why he isn't taking over if you will. Jesus seems like a cool head who doesn't need to be the man in charge as long as he can negotiate and get parties to agree. 


I agree that Jesus should have been the one to step in and handle Ethan but then Rick wouldn't have gotten his kill moment and cheesy "What?"

Of course Rick/Daryl/Abe are acting confident and cocky about going after Negan & the Saviors..... CDB's got Carol, and she is gonna slaughter them sum'bitches!

True dat ... true dat

Edited by GodsBeloved
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It seems like Alexandria went down hill fast after Deanna's death. How long was CDB in Alexandria before the Horde broke in? Just a couple weeks right? They had plenty of food. They let the ants get the cookies. They were throwing casseroles around (did porchdick throw it or drop it? And I can't remember if Deanna threw it or just left it on the front porch). But regardless, they seemed to be stocked quite nicely. Then in two months it's all gone. They went from sweater sets and book clubs to murder for hire. No forethought- no rationing. Maybe Spenser has been stealing it all.

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I don't have a problem with CDB deciding to take on Negan and his group after what they have witness and heard. They know that Negan is a bully and they are smart enough to understand that bullies are never satisfied with what they have. They're always looking for more and the minute someone on the Hilltop tells them about Alexandria, they will be coming after Rick and his group. Therefore, they would be sitting ducks waiting for the day Negan attack and hopping it won't be on a bad day when they are starving to death or have their best warriors out looking for food.

So I think it is smart of them to start planing ways to attack first and at the same time be smart enough to get something from those on the Hilltop for it.

My main problem is how arrogant they appear to be about it. But on the other hand, I can understand why they are being arrogant about this because they might think the only reason Negan is able to have power is because these people don't appear to be fightets. Therefore, Negan is not really bad and strong, it's just that these people are so damn weak.

Anyway,I believe they will pay a heavy price for that arrogance and it will be painful for me to watch when it happens because they are my arrogant assholes.

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And I never ever ever ever want to think about Abe's baby batter again. And slightly disturbed that Glenn and Maggie planned this. Or semi-planned. Maybe it was the "almost" good days of Alexandria when they thought they had a safer place to raise a family. And I know eventually somebody gotta start repopulating but seriously babies are a  pain in the storyline. 


I don't think it was Alexandria.  Maggie told Glenn awhile ago, after Lori dying to birth Judith, that she didn't want the state of the world to stop them from living.  Carting Judy around I'm sure has made her see that life somehow finds a way.  Judith and Carl make Rick stronger, they make Michonne stronger.  Glenn and Maggie will fight harder when they are fighting for their child.  I actually agree.  In addition, losing her father and her sister may be egging her to fill her heart with family.  There is no such thing as perfect circumstances but they are surrounded by strength and love and if ever a baby had a chance in this apocalpyse, it is with this group and those parents.


Question. Does Michonne have a last name? I looked on IMDB and it looks like everyone has a last name but her. And shippers, don't tell me her last name is Grimes please :)


It will be soon enough. :) Rick doesn't strike me as a love em and leave em type.  He'll put a ring on it and lock it down.  We'll know when Rick starts going out chopping off zombie hands to get the perfect one. 


Also, did anyone think for a second as Michonne looked sadly at the ultrasound that she and Rick made some mocha waffles last night?


I cracked up when the Hilltop gate opened and it looked like Williamsburg inside. 


Actually Hilltop is a very smart idea.  These parts are scattered all over with colonial stuff (VA and MD being one of the original colonies) and plantations.  These properties were built to support small groups of people and are well suited for surviaval purposes when there isn't electricity and running water.  Most will have wells as well.

Edited by Timetoread
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It seems like Alexandria went down hill fast after Deanna's death. How long was CDB in Alexandria before the Horde broke in? Just a couple weeks right? They had plenty of food. They let the ants get the cookies. They were throwing casseroles around (did porchdick throw it or drop it? And I can't remember if Deanna threw it or just left it on the front porch). But regardless, they seemed to be stocked quite nicely. Then in two months it's all gone. They went from sweater sets and book clubs to murder for hire. No forethought- no rationing. Maybe Spenser has been stealing it all.

Two words .. The Plague.


You bring up a good point though. They also had fewer people to feed so the supply Alexandria had pre CDB should have lasted longer.

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Of course Rick/Daryl/Abe are acting confident and cocky about going after Negan & the Saviors..... CDB's got Carol, and she is gonna slaughter them sum'bitches!


I kind of can't blame Rick for his seeming cockiness.  When the story was told that Negan tortured and killed a 15 year old boy (now we all know that in show time Carl is about 10 but we are going to have to deal with the biological reality of actor C. Riggs), that hit Rick where it hurt.  Rick knows that the last dudes who tried to get at his son had their insides removed by Daddy Rick.  Daddy Rick won't tolerate such a man looking at his son or daughter for kicks.  I guess Rick decided to skip to the chase rather than wait for this fool to come to him.  I'd do the same.

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It will be soon enough. :) Rick doesn't strike me as a love em and leave em type.  He'll put a ring on it and lock it down.  We'll know when Rick starts going out chopping off zombie hands to get the perfect one. 

Stop it. Just stop it ;)

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I like how Rick's group has met every thug, rapist, bandit, thief, corrupt cop, megalomaniac, cannibal, and violent post-ZA cult in the state of Georgia and beyond, and meanwhile Alexandria and now the Hilltop are like "Wait, what, fighting? No one said anything about fighting! We don't know how to fight!" 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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The plot seemed very wizard of OZ to me, they go off to see the wizard, Gregory, because he's got his shit together and then he won't help until they promise to go defeat the wicked witch of the east, Negan. Then he turns out to be a liar liar pants on fire, chicken. Many have mentioned the lack of Carol going on this adventure, I think it's odd that pregnant Maggie was going, I don't think Jesus promised them "we have a doctor (they do have Dr. Denise back in Alexandria) with an ultrasound machine". 


I got the same Wizard of Oz vibe.  I also couldn't figure out why despite generally liking Maggie that most of her stuff fell flat for me.  Instead of being impressed by what a badass leader/negotiator she was or awwing over the conveniently placed ultrasound, I just kept thinking "why are you here?"  They pack up to drive some unknown distance to some unknown place that could be yet another trap for all they know and anyone thought it was a good idea to bring a pregnant woman?  This isn't pre ZA society where there shouldn't be any reason the pregnant office manager can't do her job.  People die or get hurt all the time on runs.  Maybe they figure it all averages out and Alexandria isn't all that safe either what with Morgan wanting to keep marauding killers as pets but it just felt like a setup to yank the emotional rug out from under the audience again.  Certain death anvils are ringing pretty hard for me now that weren't before.

Edited by nodorothyparker
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I agree that it seems strange that Jesus is omnicompetent while all the other Hilltop members we've seen are a useless lot. The Alexandrians, who fall into two categories--1) utter shit and hopeless and 2) utter shit but trainable--seem more realistic.

Edited by Eyes High
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Abe saw who he should be with, Rosita or Sasha and then when he got up and the necklace had fallen off it made me think the choice was Sasha.


Only an apocalypse would give HIM a choice like that.


It seems like Alexandria went down hill fast after Deanna's death. How long was CDB in Alexandria before the Horde broke in? Just a couple weeks right? They had plenty of food.


I knpw! I was wondering, "Why this sudden desperation for food?" Now they have way less people to feed, yet no food.

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Rick's "What??" after killing one of the newly arrived Hilltop residents and wearing his jugular juice like a boss was just so humorously surreal.  Even in a ZA, the Hilltoppers are sheep.... and here I thought the ASZ'ers were sheltered.


"its cute how you people actually think that was horrific.  *laughs*  Shit, that's just a normal weekday afternoon for us.   Sooo, who wants to 'talk shop' with Redbeard Ricktator?"


......... and then proceeds to get his clock cleaned by the missus.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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That would make sense - except it's not consistent. There are plenty of times when Rick is just in a t-shirt. Abe in his wifebeater. Maggie in a tank top. Rosita scantily dressed. But this show does the same weird thing with seasonal transitions that they do with day-night transitions. All of a sudden it's supposed to be "fall", and people have coats on. But then there will be the random two that don't, and it's just confusing. 


I'm not sure that it need be consistent.  Some are going to choose comfort over practicality or safety and vice versa.  Some are going to switch it up depending on the situation.  The point being that wearing long sleeves and such shouldn't necessarily be seen as an indication of the season.  

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All that was missing was Scarol with her cookies. I feel like she would have had Gregory wetting himself. 


Whenever there's a scene like that between Rick and Carl, I have those internet things pop into my head, with him referring to Carl as "Coral". 


Maggie's smile when that doctor looked at her, after the "prenatal" comment, was sweet. It was nice to see them all happy. 

If someone has to die, I wish the shocking surprise would be Negan - hi, douche. bye, douche. But I know that won't happen. 


Rick covered in someone's blood - I just thought, "there we go." His "What?" made me chuckle. 

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We'll see how things play out going forward, but I think there was at least a little bit of puffing themselves up as a sales pitch to Jesus and Gregory, like, "Oh, yeah. Confrontation is our thang. We totally got this (but we'll figure out how later ...) Now do we have a deal?"

Really, it's all those book-club-is-more-important-than-crops Alexandrians' fault. If they'd planted crops and rounded up livestock long ago, CDB & Co. wouldn't be on the verge of roadkill and acorn suppers.

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That was the conversation between Rick and Carl, and I think Tara and Heath would be off on their supply run -- but really - Carol stayed as well as Rosita, Aaron, Morgan, Eric, Gabriel, Tobin, Eugene and others. Not the A Team, for sure, but enough to hold off a minor threat.


I just thought it was way too risky of Rick to leave the town (especially his children) without any of the big guns (bar Carol) after all they have been through. I'd trust Rosita and Aaron to protect me but the others are too green and who knows what the hell Morgan will do at any given moment.


I should add that I'm only thinking of possible human threats, they can all handle themselves with walkers now - you'd at least hope so after Axe-ocalypse!

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I agree pretty much with the group just running into other survivors camps and just taking over. Isn't the only group to give them any real trouble is Terminus. Terminus was capable even though they were sick bastards. Just about all others they ran into were just ill prepared and didn't know what they were doing. Woodbury didn't have any real fighters besides Governor, Martinez, and Shumpert the rest had to quickly be taught on how to use guns. Governor's other group that he took from Martinez just came ill prepared and only killed Hershel while the rest were killed, two of them were killed by a child Lizzie. Alexandria everyone was just too comfortable with just living a lifestyle before the outbreak happened. 


If Rick wants to take down Negan just send Carol there by herself, hell she already basically took out two by herself being Terminus and The Wolves.


They really write all other groups and survivors to not really have suffered so much loss as the main protagonists and I get it to an extent but sometimes a villain are the way they are because of so much loss. Sometimes I do like antagonist more than the protagonist like that show Revenge, I love Madeleine Stowe's character and hated Emily VanCamp's character. Jesus may be the first character outside the main group that I may actually get to start caring about, hopefully writers don't ruin it and have him be Rick's little lap dog.


Speaking of Abe and his hair, is he making it a number 1 priority to pick up some red hair dye while out on runs?  It would be better if they let Cudlitz let some of his natural hair start to show. 


I see why Sasha is also pulling back, maybe she's waiting on Carl to age up, hoping Aaron will convert over to being a heterosexual, or hoping Daryl will take a shower. Maybe also knows that Abe is sleeping with Rosita and don't want to get involved in Jerry Springer type drama.

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I'm going to throw out one thing about Abraham. I think it's practical from a writing standpoint. So put aside your likes and dislikes of the character (and actor). I think they need people like Abraham and Rosita if for nothing than more than to be soldiers.

There have been many times on this show - and last night's episode was a good example, and many of you have pointed it out - when all (or nearly all) the leads, i e, "the fighting force" heads off on some new adventure and leave behind their camp (in this case Alexandrea) woefully unprotected (especially with everything's that happened before the time jump).

I mean you can't have Rick, Michonne and Daryl (who I consider to be the premier fighting group. I know you could throw a couple more characters into this group) in two places at once.

So,you just use the Abrahams of the world as a set piece. He is the guard, the look-out, the one you leave behind to safeguard the city-folk.

Now, that won't make the actors happy, but it fulfills a role from a writing standpoint.

I think most of us would agree that the Abe character is a good, trained fighter. I would feel more comfortable knowing that he and people like him were left behind to make sure the doors are locked. Other than Rosita, I think, Abe is the only trained fighter.

Edited by JackONeill
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Wouldn't that be hilarious if they built him up as the scary big bad the whole season half and then they get there and kill him in seconds.  Kind of like this: https://youtu.be/PP9eiXMPLcQ

Haha, yes it would, and I was thinking of Firefly whenever the music played! It seemed more like a Western (with an occasional zombie appearance). 

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I don't mind the bits of romance now and then because otherwise everything has been the same over the past few seasons; find a group who somehow survived just fine until Rick and Co got there, mass chaos results and people are killed because only Rick's group knows how to fight.


The first couple of seasons had a lot of different story lines (the early days of the ZA, Rick waking up, the CDC, the Farm), and now it is just meeting each new incompetent group trading off with a new villain. Rick seems to have either extreme hubris or a death wish to think he and his chosen few can defeat any villain. I was surprised to see Maggie volunteer to join up on this fight; risking your unborn child seems foolish. Yes, I know they can die at any time, but in a day to day choice, she is safer behind the walls of Alexandria.


Like everyone else, I was waiting with bated breath to see if Daryl would actually wash up and he did look slightly damp. I don't why the show is so invested in him looking as dirty and greasy as possible, but then again I find the actor unattractive and don't get the appeal anyway.


Much like Abraham, Jesus seems a bit cartoon character to me, especially since he has to wear a costume rather than just regular clothing like the rest. And I don't need to see any sex scenes with Abraham-I guess pickings are slim in the ZA but I would choose just about any of the other guys (not Eugene or filthy Daryl), over Abraham. And I must be nuts because I even find FPP kind of attractive when he isn't whining. 

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