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S05.E19: Taking Chances / S05.E20: Walk Away

Tara Ariano

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Longtime lurker here! A few thoughts on the show...


1. For those saying they can't believe you can get a house as cheap as the one Amber and Matt bought...I live in Eastern Kentucky. We live in a nice brick ranch house.It has 3200 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 2 outbuildings with electric (my husband's workshop and my office), and 3 acres. We paid $95,000 for it and it was move-in ready. 


2. Tyler can kiss my ass.Seriously. His rants about Cate's depression were really burning me up. Hell, I'd be depressed, too, if I had to live with him. 


3. Re: Cate and Tyler...It kills me the way they constantly sit around self-analyzing themselves and their situation and giving themselves congratulatory pats on the back. If they put as much effort into their actions as they did their conversations they might actually be somewhere by now. 


4. Amber and Matt: Matt scares me in a pedophile kind of way. What kind of man stalks single women with children on television? Because that's what he has done. Stay strong Gary, stay strong. 


5. As revolting as I find Farrah as least she finds ways to show her "storyline" without laying in the damn bed all the time. Amber? Almost always either on the couch or in bed. Cate? In bed or on the couch. Maci? Bed and couch. 


6. Anyone else read VC Andrews' MY SWEET AUDRINA? That's kind of what Farrah's mother's house reminds me of-Whitefern Manor. And Deborah? What kind of fresh hell is she sporting with those clothes and that makeup? She looks ridiculous. 


MTV has done these jackasses a disservice. Although it's provided income for them over the past 7 years, none of them are capable of making it in the "real world" at this point. Maybe Maci because she seems to have a good support system but the rest? Doubtful. Of course, I hope the trainwreck doesn't stop any time soon. I can't take my eyes off it. 

  • Love 9

Butch's criminal history is online. It was posted a few years ago. His history includes robbery and burglary. I am sure it would be easy to find that DV matter online as well. I just won't bother. My point was there are more factors that played a part in why Butch served time in prison. Had he not been on probation and under the influence, chances are he would have served less time.

Unfortunately, here in Southern California, we have jail and prison overcrowding. We have far too many felony offenders out on probation. The overcrowding impacts sentences that are issued. We also have programs here available to people who are drug offenders. Many drug offenders are also charged with DV crimes. The hope is to give these offenders a chance to get their lives together and receive proper help rather than clog the jails and prisons with offenders who can turn their lives around. The whole Three Strikes law has caused many non-violent offenders to end up in prison. Butch would have likely ended up as a Three Strike offender with his criminal behavior. He would be serving life instead of four years. By the way, wasn't he released early? I don't think he actually served four years.

Sorry for the goofs. This tablet has a mind of its own. It inserts it's own words.

This three strikes is stupid.

  • Love 2

Everything Farrah shrieks at others is, I believe, actually how she feels about herself and she's trying to beat people to the punch.  Telling Simon that "only ugly girls wait two years" to get engaged -- she knows that she's ugly, inside and out.  Telling the producer that he's white trash when she knows damn well, deep down inside, that she's white trash.  Telling the producer that his "shit only got picked up" because Derek died.  In reality, that was probably the only reason she was selected for Teen Mom, because she was a single parent dealing with a death.  Her instinct is to deflect and that's why literally nothing ever gets absorbed.  She doesn't love anyone, including herself.  When I look at her I see a tremendous amount of self-loathing and self-hatred and very low self-esteem.   She may act like she thinks she's hot shit but she knows that her life and the people in it and the things that she's done suck and suck hard.


Sophia is a creepy, ugly little troll.  Is that kid wetting the bed and starting fires yet? *shudder*

  • Love 9

Yes, Farrah is bed, bath and beyond.

hahahahahaha GreatKazu, you win the internet today!

OMG who does that?

People do. I was chatting with my kids and their friends (guys/girls in their early 20's) about this subject last night, and one of them said he would do it and that he found it funny. I told him he was dead to me.

  • Love 2
6. Anyone else read VC Andrews' MY SWEET AUDRINA? That's kind of what Farrah's mother's house reminds me of-Whitefern Manor. And Deborah? What kind of fresh hell is she sporting with those clothes and that makeup? She looks ridiculous.


Her mother has always squicked me out.  And yes, the terms "like someone V.C. Andrew's ghostwriter dreamed up" is entirely apt.  Also, did she have Bell's Palsy or something?  At one point it looked like the left corner of her mouth was immobile.  Maybe it was the shitty pink Wet-n-Wild lipstick she was wearing?

  • Love 4

So if I'm remembering correctly, there was a first cake before Butch got there and that went on Nova's face too, right? Or am I imagining that? So two cakes for the face and then one more to eat or was there a 4th cake for eating once Butch arrived?

I wasn't paying that close of attention, but if I had to hazard a guess, I'd wager on 2 smash cakes (that Catelynn probably made) and one store bought sheet cake for everyone else.


I doubt they did "new cake for adults" all over. They'd have a lot of cake left over.

  • Love 1

My cat Bell gets a very sarcastic princess thrown before her name. On a side note I love how this all became about our nicknames for our cats.

I don't have a nickname for my cat but I will say that she has Resting Bitch Face and loves to get on my yoga mat and put her ass in my face when I am downward facing dog position!

  • Love 3
There seems to be a lot of focus on Butch and the cake frosting but no previous mentions of Cate doing the same with the snow. The show even chose to end their "heartwarming" segment with a still of the snow on Nova's face, smiling. I'm really curious what the difference was between cake face and snow face.


I honestly missed the snow part; I was having a hard time staying awake through that 2 hour festival of crap. But I would have been just as appalled, if they actually did shove her face into the snow.  As I stated, it's about body autonomy. Any time an adult does something like that to a child, I believe it reinforces the idea that they do not have control of their own bodies. I don't like it at all. 


Ghoulina - you make an interesting point about boundaries for a child and their bodies. Does that include the time Catelynn put black make-up on Nova's nose for Halloween?


Just me personally, but I don't do Halloween costumes on my kids until they're old enough to ask for one. I may put a little outfit with a pumpkin or bat on it, but I'm not going to stuff a baby into a poofy costume, or paint their face. I don't think you're a bad parent if you do, and I don't think it's quite the same as something as physically forceful as shoving one's face into snow, cake, pumpkin guts....but that's just my personal preference. 

4. Amber and Matt: Matt scares me in a pedophile kind of way. What kind of man stalks single women with children on television? Because that's what he has done.


I get the same vibe. I mentioned this on Amber's thread, when it came out that he conned some woman who was an advocate for abused kids. He just seems to keep placing him into situations where he's getting close to little kids, potentially vulnerable kids. It's creepy. Sometimes I think I'm too sensitive to these things, because I was molested as a child. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who sees Matt that way. 

  • Love 4

Just one more quick comment on the cake thing. I like the compromise most people I know have come up with. The baby gets a mini cake and can do whatever he or she wants with it, then there's a separate cake for everyone else. People encourage the baby to squish the cake, give them a taste of frosting and say "c'mon honey grab that cake!" and cheer as the kid makes a bigger and bigger mess. Same basic effect but no forcing involved.

  • Love 2

I honestly missed the snow part; I was having a hard time staying awake through that 2 hour festival of crap. But I would have been just as appalled, if they actually did shove her face into the snow.  As I stated, it's about body autonomy. Any time an adult does something like that to a child, I believe it reinforces the idea that they do not have control of their own bodies. I don't like it at all. 





Just me personally, but I don't do Halloween costumes on my kids until they're old enough to ask for one. I may put a little outfit with a pumpkin or bat on it, but I'm not going to stuff a baby into a poofy costume, or paint their face. I don't think you're a bad parent if you do, and I don't think it's quite the same as something as physically forceful as shoving one's face into snow, cake, pumpkin guts....but that's just my personal preference. 




I get the same vibe. I mentioned this on Amber's thread, when it came out that he conned some woman who was an advocate for abused kids. He just seems to keep placing him into situations where he's getting close to little kids, potentially vulnerable kids. It's creepy. Sometimes I think I'm too sensitive to these things, because I was molested as a child. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who sees Matt that way. 

I saw the snow part. She picked up snow and seemed to be feeding it to the child. I remember thinking, gross!

  • Love 3

 Its just cake though, I guess I just don't get it. At the end of the episode when C&T take Nova outside they shove snow in her face as well, the camera freezes on the snow left on her lips and nose just like the frosting was. Is it just the fact that Butch did it? If Cate had been the one to push her face into the frosting would it have been ok?



There seems to be a lot of focus on Butch and the cake frosting but no previous mentions of Cate doing the same with the snow. The show even chose to end their "heartwarming" segment with a still of the snow on Nova's face, smiling. I'm really curious what the difference was between cake face and snow face.


oh jeez... they did not shove her face into the snow - lol   let's stop being over dramatic.  

Caitlyn held up the snow to Nova's face so she could taste it.  Kids that young lean their head into food so unless it's being fed to her on a spoon it's going to get on her face.  


And fresh snow is super delicious!  However probably not the best habit to teach a 1 year old kid because next thing you know they'll be taste testing yellow snow lol

  • Love 5

Watching Matt alone with Leah gives me that creepy feeling too.   Should he inappropriately touch that child, Amber will rip him to shreads & finally kick that bum to the curb!


I would like to think so. But Leah seems to be such a little people pleaser, that I worry she wouldn't even tell her mom. She'd end up telling Gary, and then I can see Amber accusing Gary of brainwashing her or something. Amber is being so overly defensive about Matt right now, it makes me sad. 

  • Love 5

Oh my god this was boring. Other than Farrah, these chicks never get off their giant beige sectionals. Seriously, did they all get ugly sofas as a gift from MTV?

From worst to first, who am I kidding, less worst.

Amber. Gary nailed Amber when he said she needs to feel like she won something. That's all she cares about. She actually looked disappointed anytime she might just get more time with Leah. She doesn't want the time, she wants the fight.

Farrah. What on earth are you talking about? I can't ever follow her train of thought.

Cait. Fuuuuuuuck it. Please shut up. I can't hear about how you gave up Carley or your anxiety or anything that you've been talking about for 7 years anymore. For the record, Cait rarely sounds depressed to me. She always sounds like she just doesn't like her life much and doesn't know how to change it. That's not the same thing.

Maci. Maci is always going to feel like she has to do everything and is so overwhelmed no matter what's going on. She's less hateful than the others, but damn that girl is basic.

On another note: can we talk about Gary's wife's hair? What is up with the fundamentalist compound hair? She's starting to do Leah's hair in the same Big Love buns too.

Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 5

Cait. Fuuuuuuuck it. Please shut up. I can't hear about how you gave up Carley or your anxiety or anything that you've been talking about for 7 years anymore. For the record, Cait rarely sounds depressed to me. She always sounds like she just doesn't like her life much and doesn't know how to change it. That's not the same thing..

I agree. So damn tired of the same chatter about iCarly and the 7 year anxiety. This shit is as bad as Farrah with her grieving over Daddy Derek.

I watched the cake scene finally. Nothing there for me to comment on. I was expecting to see something bad. LOL

The editing is so bad. Anyone else catch Maci's glass changing from full to half empty and then back to being full during the scene when she was talking to that chick while Maci was sitting on her throne? Maci had some food and a glass on the desk. I guess she was sitting there pretending to work.

Maci, honey...those big shirts only make it pretty damn obvious why you are wearing them. In prior seasons Maci would wear t-shirts that were pretty snug on her. Now, she is wearing very loose-fitting t-shirts while covering up with the bigger shirts. I assume those are Taylor's shirts.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 3

I must say, I was taken aback when Maci casually asked Taylor for her cornhole. When I was in school, cornhole meant something altogether different from tossing a beanbag at a board.

I think (but I'm not sure) that's it's a southern thing to refer to the beanbag game as a cornhole. I grew up in California so I just called it a bean bag game or a target game. I'm with you that if someone said something about their cornhole that meant, well...butt stuff.

  • Love 6

I think (but I'm not sure) that's it's a southern thing to refer to the beanbag game as a cornhole. I grew up in California so I just called it a bean bag game or a target game. I'm with you that if someone said something about their cornhole that meant, well...butt stuff.

I'm in Michigan and we call it cornhole too. It definitely sounds dirty.

  • Love 2

My aunt accidentally dropped a birthday cake upside down on the kitchen floor, she scooped it back up and served it anyway. I couldn't bring my self to eat any frosting but I had a bite from the inside of my boyfriends piece. Everyone else ate it normally, ew.

The funniest part though was when my aunt asked her granddaughter what birthday cake she wanted a few years later. She described the cake she wanted, in detail, and ended with "then drop it on the kitchen floor, grandma!"

I'm more grossed out by the spittle that lands on the cake from blowing out frosting, I would get behind some changes made to that tradition for sure, for some reason face on cake doesn't seem as gross, unless there is hair...then all bets are off.

Its so interesting to see so many different opinions on cake face, btw. I had no idea that was going to be such a popular topic.

  • Love 5

That being said, you don't do four years in prison for a run of the mill mutual combat situation.  In my state, that's the aggravated term, without there being gross bodily injury.  Every time Butch bitches about that no contact order I want to throw something at the TV.  You earned it, jackass.

My take on why Butch bitches about it is that he might feel what happened in the past won't be happening again as she has moved on and remarried so they are no longer a thing. Both appear to be clean and sober. They share family together and it makes it hard on them (the family) when they would like everyone to be together. At least that's how I would feel if I was ever in such a situation.

  • Love 1

Is the no contact order at all within April's control? Can she waive it? I'm not commenting on whether she should, I just know nothing of legal protection orders and was curious.

I don't know about their state, but in most cases, she can't waive it.

She could ignore that it exists and not report any violations to the police. But since the event was going to be recorded and televised, it would be easy for any unrelated party to prove that he violated it, which could put him back in jail.


Not reporting his violations of the PO could land her in hot water as well, depending on what she has going on.

Edited by guilfoyleatpp
  • Love 3

Is the no contact order at all within April's control? Can she waive it? I'm not commenting on whether she should, I just know nothing of legal protection orders and was curious.

I got the I'm impression it's not. I realized last night I forgot to delete this from my DVR so I watched again and April even said to Catelynn how stupid she thought it was.

  • Love 1

Everything Farrah shrieks at others is, I believe, actually how she feels about herself and she's trying to beat people to the punch.  Telling Simon that "only ugly girls wait two years" to get engaged -- she knows that she's ugly, inside and out.  Telling the producer that he's white trash when she knows damn well, deep down inside, that she's white trash.  Telling the producer that his "shit only got picked up" because Derek died.  In reality, that was probably the only reason she was selected for Teen Mom, because she was a single parent dealing with a death.  Her instinct is to deflect and that's why literally nothing ever gets absorbed.  She doesn't love anyone, including herself.  When I look at her I see a tremendous amount of self-loathing and self-hatred and very low self-esteem.   She may act like she thinks she's hot shit but she knows that her life and the people in it and the things that she's done suck and suck hard.

This makes perfect sense  but at this point Farrah and her entire family have honestly  become so repellent I don't even care why she says the things she says, which proves the point I suppose.  



Watching Matt alone with Leah gives me that creepy feeling too.   Should he inappropriately touch that child, Amber will rip him to shreads & finally kick that bum to the curb!

Oh I really really hope it doesn't come to that before Amber tosses Matt and his belongings on the street, although she probably won't do it before he drains her bank account.  

  • Love 3

I don't know about Michigan but in California, the complaining witness can ask that the no contact order be lifted, but the judge and DA don't have to agree.  It happens every day in DV court.  I've seen victims get their lives turned completely upside down because the DA asked for and recieved a no contact order (on a misdemeanor!) against the victim's wishes.  Goes a long way towards teaching domestic violence victims NOT to contact the police when they're in trouble.  At least in my county, once someone makes that call, everything from then on out is pretty much out of their hands. 

  • Love 2

I'm in Michigan and we call it cornhole too. It definitely sounds dirty.

Whereabouts in Michigan? I'm a Michigander myself(near Detroit--Hazel Park/Ferndale area).

This reunion was a yawn fest to be quite honest.

Maci-- damn, I didn't know she was pregnant again until I came here and saw the posts about it! This chick is something else. One trap baby wasn't enough? Oh, you naive little twit.

I felt bad for Bentley. I used to laugh uncontrollably when I was a kid when I'd get in trouble. I literally could not stop. I agree that Maci was taking her adult issues out on her son, as well. The way she constantly runs her hands through her hair and moves it to the side drives me fucking crazy. Over and over.

Amber-- That cat didn't want to be found. I've never seen a cat look so pissed off. I get bad pedophile vibes from Matt, as well. He's a gross scumbag.

Catelynn-- I agree that she's not depressed. I think she's a lazy, overweight, boring woman who is stuck on a guy that she thinks is too good for her and she is constantly worried about pleasing him/him leaving her that it consumes her every waking thought causing her to be very unhappy with her life. I'm tired of her crying about the same old shit. We all have issues from our past. I lost every ounce of respect for her and her fug husband when I found out they leave Nova with bitch ass April half the week. That makes my blood boil. You want us all to pity you because of your depression/anxiety over your horrible childhood, then you leave your precious daughter with the person who did you the most damage? Bitch, please. Be gone.

Tyler-- I look at this guy and see a woman trying to look like a man. His hair is so weird in that uppity bouffant LOL. What is that fucking odd hairdo?!?! I don't get it. He's a shitty person with ZERO empathy.

Catelynn and Tyler are not good parents. That poor baby shouldn't be left with April or Butch, EVER. I don't care how much someone claims that they've changed.

Farrah-- Her ugly ass cry face makes me giggle. Oh, Farrah. What the actual Fuck happened to you to make you so disgustingly repulsive?! Simon was completely tuned out. $2 mil house, huh? Lmao.

Sophia is a little turd and if she ever hit me like that, I'd slap her little ugly ass back. I don't care if that's harsh. That child is super creepy and it's a shame because she used to be kind of cute back before Farrah completely ruined her.

  • Love 6

Whereabouts in Michigan? I'm a Michigander myself(near Detroit--Hazel Park/Ferndale area).

This reunion was a yawn fest to be quite honest.

Maci-- damn, I didn't know she was pregnant again until I came here and saw the posts about it! This chick is something else. One trap baby wasn't enough? Oh, you naive little twit.

I felt bad for Bentley. I used to laugh uncontrollably when I was a kid when I'd get in trouble. I literally could not stop. I agree that Maci was taking her adult issues out on her son, as well. The way she constantly runs her hands through her hair and moves it to the side drives me fucking crazy. Over and over.

Amber-- That cat didn't want to be found. I've never seen a cat look so pissed off. I get bad pedophile vibes from Matt, as well.

Catelynn-- I agree that she's not depressed. I think she's a lazy, overweight, boring woman who is stuck on a guy that she thinks is too good for her and she is constantly worried about pleasing him/him leaving her that it consumes her every waking thought causing her to be very unhappy with her life. I'm tired of her crying about the same old shit. We all have issues from our past. I lost every ounce of respect for her and her fug husband when I found out they leave Nova with bitch ass April half the week. That makes my blood boil. You want us all to pity you because of your depression/anxiety over your horrible childhood, then you leave your precious daughter with the person who did you the most damage? Bitch, please. Be gone.

Tyler-- I look at this guy and see a woman trying to look like a man. His hair is so weird in that uppity bouffant LOL. What is that fucking odd hairdo?!?! I don't get it. He's a shitty person with ZERO empathy.


Tyler is sporting hair just like the cartoon character, Jimmy Neutron (Google the image).

Catelynn is similar to Farrah in that they both have no qualms leaving their children with questionable people. All through the years we watched what a bitch April was to Catelynn, and we sure as hell know what Butch was all about. Catelynn and Tyler both lived with them and suffered shitty upbringings because of those two and yet, there they go dumping Chevy Nova with them.

  • Love 4

Butch follows the conditions of parole/probation that he wants to follow. He didn't want to go to NotCarly's birthday. You leave prison with your conditions clearly documented and agreed upon. They don't add rules months after your release. He went to the wedding because he wanted a free vacation.

Tyler should mess with Butch by telling him that they've decided to postpone Nova's party until filming is over so Butch can ignore the order and not have it documented he has done so. Let's see Butch backpedal then because I bet he's mainly interested in being filmed as Grandpa of the Year as opposed to actually being a good grandpa.

  • Love 5

They may have gotten special permission from Butch's parole officer in order for them both to attend the wedding. There are certain things like weddings and funerals, one of a kind things like that where they'll grant permission for them to be in the same room for a certain amount of time.

They won't grant the permission for a birthday party though.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6

Oh my god this was boring. Other than Farrah, these chicks never get off their giant beige sectionals.

What is it with the big ass sectionals? It's a common theme with all these girls. Available seating for the multiple pets, human leeches, and baby daddies?

Seeing the cat under the house reminded me of the Simpsons when Homer's attempt at home improvement led to the cat getting stuck under the tile, then behind the wall.

What is there to say about Farrah that hasn't already been said? She's one vile, pathetic creature. A move to California was not a surprise to me because I think Farrah believes she deserves to be in Hollywood. And although Sophia is a creepy little redrum troll doll, I do hope this move to California is a permanent one. Look at how much Sophia has been moved around in her short little life. I know military brats who haven't lived in as many states as she has.

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Farrah and Co. are still in Austin. Perhaps the offer on that two million dollar house didn't pan out. As if.

Plus her Texas house apparently isn't worth nearly what she thinks it should be, so last I read she hasn't been able to sell it or rent it out either. I doubt she'll ever be able to afford a place that meets her high standards in CA (especially in a neighborhood that also allows Porta potties out front for months at a time).

  • Love 7

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