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S28.E02: You Look Like Gollum

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OMG!  Second week and I had to mute the sound.  I am really disliking this season.  It seems like no one has ever seen the race before.  Daddy/daughter team - the daughter seems like she is special ed or something.  No disrespect to special ed.  She was over the top with yelling, and saying daddy, and screeching and princess like behavior.  I don't like anyone on the race.  The tasks seem very dialed back.


One more episode and I may be out.  I have been watching since season one where I caught the show by accident.  This is worse than the family edition.

  • Love 8

I would think a hairdryer would be tricky to navigate on a race around the world, given the need for power adapters and/or converters that change from country to country.  Hair dryers and curling irons take a lot of power and voltage may be a factor as well.

I hear ya, but that only tells me that racers in prior seasons packed adapters/converters along with the hair dryers! (I'm guessing the smarter ones brought smaller, travel-size ones).

  • Love 1

What makes Blair's blow dryer/curling iron thing even more hilarious is that when the cast was announced, I found a video of Blair showing EVERYTHING that she packed in her backpack. She said that she did a lot of research to find out what past contestants had said were things you definitely needed and things that they said they had packed and never used. She said she tried to get her backpack down to the bare necessities because the most common thing that past racers said was that they ended up throwing away a lot of stuff to make their backpacks lighter. But she did show the travel sized blow dryer and curling iron she brought (and an international adapter). I'm not sure how she accidentally threw out her bathing suit when she got rid of the blow dryer because in her video, the bathing suit is in a totally separate ziploc bag. Maybe she dropped it? I don't know.


She also said that she got eyelash extensions before she left so she wouldn't have to worry about bringing mascara (but then she DID include mascara in her makeup bag). She said she was proud of herself for "only" bringing six makeup brushes with her.


She got more demerits from me for saying "for my dad and I." Ugh.


Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 3
Fine, Blair accidentally unpacked her bathing suit when she got rid of her curling iron and blow dryer. Why didn't she just wear a sports bra and underwear? Whoever loaned her an outfit was nicer than necessary.


She said she only had thongs.  Because, you know, they take up less space that can be used for curling irons and stuff.


I had to look up to see if emeralds come in any color than green.  (Just out of curiosity.)  After all, diamonds can be almost any color so I thought maybe a pink emerald, while unusual, may not be impossible?  For the record, yellow to nearly blue, yes.  Pink?  Nope.


Also for the record, being able to do a Rubik's Cube isn't a measure of intelligence.  Knowing enough to buy plane tickets at an airport when you want to go somewhere is.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 14

clearly none of these people has ever seen Romancing the Stone or they'd know how the hell to pronounce Cartagena.

Even if they had seen it, they wouldn't be sure, as Michael Douglas as usual stuck to his own (mis)pronunciation (see also "nucular" in The China Syndrome).


I like the brothers, their self-awareness and their general outlook, but they were saved only by another team making a more egregious error. Get yourself onto transportation when you need to, guys!


Like last week, I find these teams a more engaging, less bothersome bunch than we often get (never mind how they were recruited).

  • Love 4

I'm shocked at how much stuff she took with her after doing the research that clearly showed racers only had two outfits. I really wonder how many of these people are interested actually trying to win the race instead of promote their brand on the race.<br /><br />I guess she's a Make Up guru so she cant understand she can do less then three or four baggies stuffed with make up but it's not going to help her win.

  • Love 1

Hair dryer and curling iron?!??  O.  M.  G!  And her head still looks like a rat's nest.  I'll venture that she won't be taking the head-shaving fast Forward.


So much stupid chatter.  El race-o!  Pink emeralds!  Your bum looks great!  A traumatic experience with a fish...caught in the poop-crotch...  (?!??)


The shrieking is approaching dangerous levels.  Somebody from Health and Safety needs to say something.


Overall, I'd say that the LookAtMe-ing is way down, although still to be found in some instances.  While less LAMing is good, the increase in shrill screaming somewhat counters the improvement.  Joslyn telling Erin to STFU and concentrate on business is a very encouraging sign.  Any way, I thought it was a good episode, or at least, better than last week.  I expected someone to go ass-over-teakettle down the steps at the mud volcano, but never thought anyone would freak out over a little fish laying on the beach.  Far less a little fish laying on a plate!  The challenges were good, and Phil was good, and for the most part the racing was good mixed with stupid (IOW, normal).  Sorry for the departing team, but I think they were the source of "El race-o!" , in which case, prolly better if they go.


Didn't the race once provide swimming gear if it was needed and the racer(s) didn't have any?  And if you were on TAR and had to jump into a mud volcano, wouldn't you just jump in in your thong -- or stark naked, if needed -- should you not have a suitable suit?  You know they'll pixelate your bits for TV, so what's the big deal?


One good think I'm taking away, is the "smashed plantain" dish.  Never seen that before, but it's obviously a thing in Cartegena, because they have neat little plantain-smashers in the kitchen!

Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 3

It looks like Dana and Matt (the dancers) are going to turn out to be the designated bickering couple. She as much as admitted to being high-strung and it really showed during the detour. Zach and Rachel screwed up too but managed to keep it together; Dana is going to lose her shit every time something goes wrong.


When Kurt was getting out of the mud pit, his board shorts got very clingy. I'm kind of surprised the censors didn't do a little Survivor-style blurring.


For now I find Tyler's laugh somewhat infectious but I'll admit it could become grating after a few more episodes. I'm giving him a pass for now because if I had smoked the detour and pulled ahead of three other teams like that to finish first, I'd be yukking it up too.

  • Love 1

I continue to like this season so far. I laughed so much during this ep.


I find everyone to be quite decent people. There doesn't seem to be any assholes in the bunch, which is surprising since there's usually at least 1 dick every season.


There is no doubt in my mind Blair isn't the first to bring a hair dryer and curling iron. I bet even some if not many fan faves have! The women always have their hair done/makeup on in every season, so either the show is providing them with tools or they're bringing them. I don't really have a problem with it. Wanting to do you hair and makeup doesn't make you a bad person or a bad racer imo.


I find Blair hilarious, but her voice will probably end up grating hard.


I continue to be surprised by how much I like Tyler. But then I remember all the gross stuff he's said and it kinda dampens it. But so far he's fine on the race and him/Korey seem to be the team to beat right now.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

I did not enjoy this episode, and wanted to mute it or turn it off constantly. It looked like great tasks, which were ruined by shrieking. And the stupidity. My God the stupidity. Not having a bathing suit but having a curling iron and hair dryer? What??? I may have to take up drinking to get through this season. I do not like most of these people.

I found the drinking game of taking a drink every time one of them shrieked to be quite effective.

Did not like the mud and gave a little shudder with each submersion. At least they got to swim but I might have required a pressure wash.

  • Love 2

With the exception of the dancer team, who bickered somewhat but so much less than so many in previous seasons, everyone's ultra-supportive of their teammates.  This is one of the highest priorities for my enjoyment and can make me forgive a lot of mugging, incompetence, and even a tiny bit of shrieking.  It reminds me why I was one of the few to like the Guidos--they were always good to each other (and in all the history of the show, they are the only ones that I've heard be smart enough to make a plan going in not to air dirty laundry--when they sensed they were going to argue, they had pre-arranged to say "enough said" and drop it).  So I'm still liking this season as much as any.  

  • Love 5

I thought the title should've been "Book smart doesn't help you with international flights." Maybe that gave too much away.


I noticed everyone dunked their heads under the muddy water, even when they ostensibly didn't have to. I wonder if that was a direction on the clue (or from the producers): Must see muddy bodies.


Bye, Southwest flight attendant...who seemed no different than any other Southwest flight attendant on any other Southwest flight I've ever been on. Enjoy your 15 minutes-- well...I guess 88 minutes (two episodes) of TV fame.

  • Love 1


Didn't the race once provide swimming gear if it was needed and the racer(s) didn't have any?  

One good think I'm taking away, is the "smashed plantain" dish.  Never seen that before, but it's obviously a thing in Cartegena, because they have neat little plantain-smashers in the kitchen!

I love plantains, but I've never seen them in that flower shape before.  Interesting point about the swimming gear, because last year at the volleyball competition, everyone had a white bikini on in the same cut, so I'm assuming they were provided to the racers.  But not here....

Am I so spoiled by hotels in the US that I always assume they will provide a hair dryer in the room? Is this not true around the world, at least in the level of hotels that the teams would generally stay in at pit stops?

I think it's pretty typical in nicer hotels no matter the country, but they stay in a pretty wide variety of accommodations (including some they book on their own during a long break waiting for a location to open). Some less fancy places might have one available to borrow at the front desk, but if your hair is super important to you, I guess you bring one along to be sure.

Unlike Phil, I don't think bringing a hair dryer is such a weird thing (curling iron, yes). It's easy for guys to judge when they have an inch of hair that air dries in 5 minutes! I hate having wet hair, and my hair looks like a fuzzy Christmas tree if I don't blow dry it. Of course vanity becomes less important as the race goes on, but these people are on camera and I don't think wanting to look nice is so weird.

I have a small, folding high voltage hair dryer and a universal adapter that I bring with me when I travel (often with only a backpack). It's worked everywhere in the world and takes up very little space; dryer plus adapter probably weigh less than a pound together. I'm not terribly vain but I'd bring it on TAR.

  • Love 8

I love plantains, but I've never seen them in that flower shape before.




I love them too.  We usually cut them into short sections and fry them, cut long, thin rashers and fry them with sugar and cinnamon, or boil them.  I recently discovered how easily they cook in the microwave.  Just slit the skin so they don't explode, and 2 minutes in the micro and they're done!  


(Gotta buy some plantains...)


I don't think bringing a hair dryer is such a weird thing (curling iron, yes).


Didn't we once have a contestant with a huge, "Avon-Lady" sized cosmetics case?  That is far sillier than a hair drier, I think.  But I feel that the ideal thing to do is shave your head the day before the start, so I am not the ideal person to ask.   I guess if you can't cut your hair, you could put it it into a pigtail and dip the end in tar...

So I'm not the only one who's finding all the screeching and carrying on TOO MUCH!  Some of the women in particular have voices that could shatter glass even when they're NOT shrieking.   I may not be able to stick it out this season.  I can barely focus on the tasks for all CONSTANT screaming and Drama Queen antics.  And I just can't with Blair.  Fortunately, I'm sure she will be gone soon.  Show, please bring back teams of normal people.

It wasn't only women. I heard plenty of Brodie!s along with the Daddy!s.

  • Love 10

The only reason I enjoyed the fish in the crotch story is her partner basically telling her to stop speaking to the camera and focus on the task.  Race! 


The Not!Harvard! brothers showed the other issue for “famous” teams – stopping for a selfie with a fan rather than hustling to get a flight.  You can disappoint your fans.  They’ll understand when they see you on TAR. 


Dr. Dad is doomed racing with his daughter.  She is a very special snowflake.  She shrieked constantly, didn’t bring a swimsuit and was wearing false eyelashes.   Her little performance when picking the fish off the sand at the speedbump was OTT.  The greatest blessing in his life was when she moved out at an early age.  He got to skip some years under the same roof.  Is he doing penance for a crime he committed by running the race with her?

I told my daughter that he must be really regretting his decision to spend an entire month (or whatever amount of time it is) with that shrieking nincompoop.  Her response - he doesn't need to worry, they won't last long.  

  • Love 1

OMG!  Second week and I had to mute the sound.  


I too had to turn the volume right down - it was just too annoying ! Why cn't they talk normally !


I am not hating anyone yet but Blair comes across as a very dumb spoilt girl who can't do anythig without Daddy's help ! She is starting to annoy me more than anyone else.


As for a favourite team - i like the educated brothers, even though they have made some stupid mistakes. I like them because they don'tscream and shout like the others - they just get on with it ! They come across as having far more sense and i hope they stop with the stupid mistakes as they could be a very strong team ! I was also suprised at how they were the only fluent Spanish speakers as i thought Spanish was common as a second language to a fir few Americans ? I would have especially thought that the air hostess had a second language as it usually a mandatory requirement ?

  • Love 2

It isn't so much that Blair brought a hair dryer and curling iron with her. It is that she made her Dad carry them. Holy shades of Princess Vespa.

Not!Havard brothers are not long for this race. They forgot to pack their sense of urgency. It will bite them in the ass soon, unless they mange to pick it up along the way.


  • Love 7

I was on a cruise that stopped in Cartagena.  We're going on that same itinerary in December, and have already decided we are NOT getting off the ship in Cartagena.  Scariest port we've ever visited.  We'll be watching just to see if everyone gets out of there safely.


I also visited Cartagena on a cruise, and the two things I took away from the experience were (1) It was the hottest place on earth, eclipsing even Panama; (2) I was shocked at the number of legless and blind beggars pulling at our clothes as we tried to enter the old part of the city. That said, it was pretty cool to recognize the spot where the racers checked in at the end. 

I was surprised that they didn't include (or even show) Castillo San Felipe de Barajas, the most impressive attraction in Cartagena (and a filming locale for "Romancing the Stone").

  • Love 1

curling iron, hair dryer, cart-a-jean-a (3 or 4 teams), not knowing what a ticket counter is, airport fan selfies, no airport hustle, dont know the difference between a gremlin and Gollum, pink emeralds (it's not mixed up Lucky Charms), dropping emeralds, only having a thong when with your *dad*, el raceo, yelling at the judge to tell them what's wrong with the shelter, not reading your clue, believing "just over there"

This show has been on for over 10 years, but it doesn't seem like anyone has watched it before (or didn't absorb anything). Call me a hater, but I just don't see that these people are RACERS. There are so many "ordinary" people that would love to have a chance to run this race, and I still just see people who want more camera time.

Plus the shrieking (Daddy! OMG!), crying, and male & female vocal fry still hurts my ears.

And no one (even with a giant green emerald and nearly sliding down while being covered in mud) said that they were "hell and gone from Cartagena."

I did appreciate that no one seemed to be a raging douche bag to their partner or to the other teams (at least not yet).

When I realized I didn't care about anyone enough to wait for the nextlies, I decided that I should probably skip this season. Especially since Survivor looks like it's going to be fine (I was worried with Beast Mode Cowboy).

  • Love 3

I like them because they don'tscream and shout like the others - they just get on with it !


Yes, but they don't have much get-up-and-go!


curling iron, hair dryer, cart-a-jean-a (3 or 4 teams), not knowing what a ticket counter is, airport fan selfies, no airport hustle, dont know the difference between a gremlin and Gollum, pink emeralds (it's not mixed up Lucky Charms), dropping emeralds, only having a thong when with your *dad*, el raceo, yelling at the judge to tell them what's wrong with the shelter, not reading your clue, believing "just over there"

This show has been on for over 10 years, but it doesn't seem like anyone has watched it before (or didn't absorb anything). Call me a hater, but I just don't see that these people are RACERS. There are so many "ordinary" people that would love to have a chance to run this race, and I still just see people who want more camera time.


Part of my dismay with the stunt-cast "social media influencers" is the fact that despite claiming otherwise, they don't seem to have any prior exposure to the race at all.  At least, not judging by their racing ability.  So, eleven teams of genuine, interested, "ordinary" people were denied to make way for these very special, self-absorbed racers, who aren't racing terribly well.  These people can't all be stupid in real life, right?.  No, but they do seem to be race-stupid.

  • Love 6

I actually like the lack of familiarity with past versions of the show. To me, the most interesting seasons of a competitive reality show are often the earlier ones where contestants haven't found the patterns or expected challenges yet and the Unconventional Materials week gets a genuine 'I'm supposed to do WHAT? with the stuff from the flower shop?' rather than a groan of 'Oh yeah, that thing they do every season that I wasn't really looking forward to but I have a pre-existing strategy to deal with anyways'.  I like how the Race has tried to mix it up a little more with mixed results, but we're at the point where it's getting harder to surprise well-prepared Racers with changes.  So if it helps to regain a bit of the minty freshness of earlier seasons, I'm okay with going with lots of non-fans who had to scramble to do some not complete research for the show and then go take a crash course in how to drive stick.

  • Love 14

I would think a hairdryer would be tricky to navigate on a race around the world, given the need for power adapters and/or converters that change from country to country.  Hair dryers and curling irons take a lot of power and voltage may be a factor as well. 


Another problem is that a hair dryer will burn itself up in a country with 50 hz power because the motor won't turn fast enough.


Trust me on this one.

Another problem is that a hair dryer will burn itself up in a country with 50 hz power because the motor won't turn fast enough.


We have 50 Hz power, and most equipment out of the US operates without undue difficulty.  Stuff using the powerline frequency to operate timers and clocks (microwaves, VCRs, etc) are the biggest problem.  And since most of that is now made in the orient for the world market, it's almost all 47-63 Hz, using an oscillator for timing.


All that said, if you're unlucky, you can have trouble, especially with very old or very cheaply made gear.

I noticed everyone dunked their heads under the muddy water, even when they ostensibly didn't have to. I wonder if that was a direction on the clue (or from the producers): Must see muddy bodies.


Phil said they had to get muddy from head to toe.




When Kurt was getting out of the mud pit, his board shorts got very clingy. I'm kind of surprised the censors didn't do a little Survivor-style blurring.


Tyler tweeted a thank you yesterday to the editors for blurring his butt crack in one scene.  :)



Part of my dismay with the stunt-cast "social media influencers" is the fact that despite claiming otherwise, they don't seem to have any prior exposure to the race at all.


Tyler and Kory are friends with Joey Graceffa, who was on a couple of years ago, they must have talked about it.

  • Love 1

We have 50 Hz power, and most equipment out of the US operates without undue difficulty.  Stuff using the powerline frequency to operate timers and clocks (microwaves, VCRs, etc) are the biggest problem.  And since most of that is now made in the orient for the world market, it's almost all 47-63 Hz, using an oscillator for timing.


Anything with an AC motor will have trouble. Back in the 90's I took a hairdryer and an adapter to the UK (back when I had hair). I plugged it in and turned it on. The insides quickly glowed red like an oven set on broil, while the fan slowly puffed out smoky air. I turned it off before it burnt up. 

I freely concede that I'm old, and I'm issuing a preemptive "Get off my (non-existent) lawn!" to all kids in the area. :^)


So, you won't be surprised to learn that I hadn't heard of or seen any of the participants before the Race began. I gather that Tyler is a big deal on YouTube? Or some place where he feels obligated to explain his every move? Because I was glad he and his partner won the leg, just so that I didn't have to listen to him, any more. I'm glad he was so supportive of Korey, but the constant narration, and especially all the repetition had me telling him to "Shut up!" through my television. A lot. And he still didn't hear me!


Otherwise, I'm so impressed by how supportive all the teams are of one another, as well as the teammates of each other. I didn't have much faith in this gimmick, after being endlessly annoyed by the Blind Date version, but so far, I think production did a much better job of casting, this time.

  • Love 4

Anything with an AC motor will have trouble. Back in the 90's I took a hairdryer and an adapter to the UK (back when I had hair). I plugged it in and turned it on. The insides quickly glowed red like an oven set on broil, while the fan slowly puffed out smoky air. I turned it off before it burnt up. 


Well, my tablesaw, bandsaw, drill press, lathe, grinder, spindle sander, orbital sander, angle grinder, corded drill, refrigerator, circular saw, dremel, Shop-Vac, heat gun, etc, all work without issue.  I really haven't checked to see what type of motors they all have.


The heat gun in particular is little more than a hair dryer with enough power to set your head on fire...

Edited by Netfoot

It isn't so much that Blair brought a hair dryer and curling iron with her. It is that she made her Dad carry them. Holy shades of Princess Vespa.

Not!Havard brothers are not long for this race. They forgot to pack their sense of urgency. It will bite them in the ass soon, unless they mange to pick it up along the way.


I think this next leg of the race will tell if they have learned their lesson.  I think they were lulled into a false sense of security since in the previous leg they were able to use their intelligence to move from last to fourth and didn't have to particularly hustle.  But that opportunity doesn't always present itself, and it normally requires someone else to do something wrong or having a stroke of bad luck. I hope they figure it out because I really like them both.


I have a small, folding high voltage hair dryer and a universal adapter that I bring with me when I travel (often with only a backpack). It's worked everywhere in the world and takes up very little space; dryer plus adapter probably weigh less than a pound together. I'm not terribly vain but I'd bring it on TAR.

I think I would have maybe brought a few of those quick absorb hair towels.  In my experience they really do cut the amount of time it takes for your hair to dry.  But a fold up hair dryer that weighs less than a pound is probably a better option, but that did not look like what she had....or what her dad was required to carry for Princess Blair.

  • Love 2

Anything with an AC motor will have trouble. Back in the 90's I took a hairdryer and an adapter to the UK (back when I had hair). I plugged it in and turned it on. The insides quickly glowed red like an oven set on broil, while the fan slowly puffed out smoky air. I turned it off before it burnt up. 

That would be because of the voltage (240 vs. 120), not the frequency. Running a 60 hertz motor on 50 hertz will just make it run slower, if the voltage is the same.

  • Love 1


Part of my dismay with the stunt-cast "social media influencers" is the fact that despite claiming otherwise, they don't seem to have any prior exposure to the race at all.

To be fair, some of them do. Also, I have to remind myself not to become like aging opera fans who constantly compare today's singers disparagingly to those of their youth while I'm evaluating my reactions to a TAR cast during the first few weeks. Time heals many wounds. We were all screaming like banshees about annoying racers by season 3 and haven't let up since. Flo, anyone?

Edited by SteveAC10
  • Love 8

That would be because of the voltage (240 vs. 120), not the frequency. Running a 60 hertz motor on 50 hertz will just make it run slower, if the voltage is the same.


No, the voltage was 120 volts since it was going through an adapter. The problem was the AC fan in it was running too slow to keep it from burning itself up. 


I decided to keep my dryer at home for my subsequent trips into 50 Hz countries.

Tyler is the only person I have ever heard of prior to the start of this season (I am not sure how that is the case, I have never watched any of his videos but for some reason I know who he is), I have no clue who these other folks are.  I really can't put a finger on it but there is something that really irks me about Tyler.  He has not done anything as of yet to warrant my feelings of irk towards him but he does irk me.


Prior to the start of this season I was very on the fence over if I should bother watching it.  I feared that this would be a season full of Justin's.  So far that has not been the case.  The only people who really annoy me thus far is Tyler and the dude who is racing with his mother (Sorry it takes me some time before I get all of the names down and I am too lazy to look his name up).

No, the voltage was 120 volts since it was going through an adapter.

No. Simple adapters do not change voltage, just the physical plug connection. Changing the voltage requires a step-down transformer, which is a bulky and expensive item.

The reason simple travel adapters work, is that most of our modern devices (laptops, phones, etc) run off DC switchmode transformers that can typically handle anything from 100 to 250 volts AC.

High-wattage appliances that run directly off AC mains voltage are an entirely different matter. If you are using a travel plug adapter, it is very important for your safety that you check the voltage rating of the appliance.


The problem was the AC fan in it was running too slow to keep it from burning itself up.

That would not be an issue, as the very slight reduction in speed would be more than compensated for by the lower current running through the heating element, if the appliance was designed to handle 240 volts.

It was the voltage, not the speed.

Edited by In Pog Form

I am having flashback feelings from the "family season" because so far I am finding this season as boring as that one. The teams have no pizzazz, common sense, or volume control. The only one who showed any personality last night was the dark haired girl who was yelling at her fianc Not to say they need to yell at each other, but let's show some passion people!

  • Love 2

Blair needs to stop talking, her voice could shatter glass. And my nerves.


Last week I was relieved that Blair and Dad didn't get sent home, only because a friend of mine (also a TAR fan) watches Blair's videos - or so I thought.  Turns out that I misunderstood - Blair is the only racer she had seen on Youtube, but my friend can't stand her because she finds Blair's voice so annoying.  

Normally I don't use a hair dryer because I live in California so I just let my hair air dry, but if I were going on a trip around the world to unknown destinations, I would probably bring the smallest blow dryer I could find because I have thick hair and I can't imagine trying to let it air dry in cold climates like Scandinavia. I do have one of those quick dry hair towels that someone else mentioned and although it does make my hair dry faster, it still takes at least two hours for my hair to air dry when I'm in northern California (half an hour when I'm in southern California). With the insanely early start times the racers have sometimes, I would have to get up at like 3am to give my hair time to air dry for a 5am or 6am start time, and that's precious sleeping time. So it may seem like pure vanity that Blair packed a hair dryer, but I would not want to run around with wet hair all day. One year I went to North Carolina and it was so humid that my hair never dried completely the entire week I was there and I HATED it.


I can't believe I just defended Blair!

  • Love 4

Add me to the older folks who are yelling at kids to get off their lawn.


How in the world could a fish get into your personal space?  how?  My next trip to the beach may require a full wetsuit, but I think my old lady skirted tankini is probably safe.


I was actually curious how many emeralds were in the mud pit.  After the one young man dropped his and the Flight Attendant daughter get pinks twice in a row, I was actually worried for her that the show only stocked 11 emeralds.


Still not adoring the teams.  Not!Harvard!  seems not horrible, if they make it.  Dancers could be okay if they get along.  Frisbees are probably the best pick of this motley crew.  too much drama for this curmudgeonette.

  • Love 1

Having lived in Germany for 6 years and also travelled for months on end since all over Europe, let me add that Scowl is absolutely correct.  Particularly with anything that produces heat of any kind you must have a transformer.  Quite expensive and heavy as hell!  Adapters simply configure the plug ends.  Many newer appliances are dual voltage these days and a simple throw of a switch on the item will change the voltage.  BUT, a dual voltage hair dryer for example bought in the US will only operate on the low setting if using 240.  When heading off to Europe on a lengthy trip I never pack a hair dryer or such, simply pick one up inexpensively at my first stop.  

I am so sorry I was happy last week was a non-elimination.  I could not take another minute of Blair and her father.  Way too much screen time.  The brothers are so smart they are forgetting they are in a race.  The mother/daughter could have made it had they not gotten rid of their taxi.  Small mistakes are fatal mistakes some of the time.


I am hating all the screaming and mugging and I refuse to take the time to learn everybody's name.  Wherein after 1 episode of Survivor and I know everybody's name.

This used to be my favorite show but the last couple of seasons have gone downhill for me.

  • Love 2

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