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S05.E01: What Makes An All Star?

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When the guest judge is the highlight of the episode (I love Dmitry so much!), you know it's bad. I also didn't watch UtG, and thought Sam was insufferable this entire episode. He interjects to hear the sound of his own voice, and isn't 1/3 as smart as he thinks he is. I hope he goes quickly. That is, if I can stand sitting through Ken, Mitchell, and Alexander long enough to keep watching.

Edited by Nutjob
  • Love 6

Am I the only person who thought "Bottle brush!" when they saw Mitchell's design?  


They needed to eliminate two, not save two* -in fact I would have also eliminated Sam's  net jumpsuit too -  It did not remind me of sports - it reminded me of the bags one uses to wash lingerie in the washing machine. But, there were more looks I liked than looks I did not like, so I am optimistic.


I used to feel sorry for Alyssa Milano when I saw the outfits they were stuffing her into, but at this point, there is just no excuse.  She must understand that she can wear whatever she wants, and I am sure she can demand flattering clothes, so there was absolutely no excuse for the two messes she wore last night, By this time, it is on her.


And, oh dear, now I have the Daniel Franco song running through my head

  • Love 8

One episode in and I'm already wanting to kick Ken, Sam, Asha, and Mitchell to the curb.

Dmitry needs to become a regular judge...he knows what he's talking about, and besides all that he's delicious.

Daniel, shut up.

I love Kini, Fade, and Alexander, and I like Valerie, Layana, and Emily. Dom I seem to remember being a stealth bitch, or am I wrong? Stella is fun...but in small doses for me.


I could not agree with you more.  I love, like and dislike all the same personalities you mentioned above.  I would think PR would never want to associate with Ken again, but then again, ratings are ratings - and he'll deliver the drama.


What an extreme opposite group compared to the Junior ensemble that just finished last week.  The Juniors' camaraderie and support was a breath of fresh air compared to this "adult" group (minus a few, well mannered and respectful designers) of cut-throat, combative, snakey people.  I hope Mitchell and Ken go real soon, with a few other following right behind. 


Looks like Ken is having another meltdown and threatening to leave tantrum again.  I hope it happens next week and I hope he truly walks off.  He is an angry, arrogant ass, and I do not enjoy him one bit, or what he brings to my screen.  I hope he gets "owt" real soon.


I really hope Fade gets better recognition this time compared to his season.  I think his talents were sorely overlooked, or not understood.


Let's replace one of the regular judges with Dmitry - he just makes sense with his observations and critiques.  I respect his judgments more than the others.

  • Love 7

Peplum was out like the 3rd day after it was discovered.  Ken has done that outfit like 100 times or at least that's how I see things in my own head.


Asha is disgusting.  Disgusting as a human being and just overall disgusting.


I'm surprised and confused that NONE of my favourites (minus Kini) wanted to come back?  Are they really all that busy besides Siriano and Costello?  Maybe they are tired of all the abuse and shenanigans.  Good for them I guess.


I thought Fade's was really cool and Zanna made herself look extremely stupid when she suggested he change it.


Was Zanna this terrible last time around?


Yeah.  It was good when she would try and fight with Dmitry and Dmitry was just Not Having It.  She seems dumb.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 14

UTG was ostensibly a contest for top mentor. They got Mondo and Anya, who I guess Tim felt hadn't won enough stuff yet, and finished out with Nick Verreos, who Tim barely tolerated, and gave them each designers to work with. The judges were (with the dazzling exception of Rachel Roy) poorly-dressed scarecrows, and they spent most of the judging time reciting scripted reasons why Anya's or Mondo's contestants won whatever the challenge was with shoddy work / weren't sent home for doing horrible work.


Asha and Sam belonged to Mondo, and were more or less coronated into the finale (they had to increase the number of designers showing to fit Asha in). Unfortunately for the best-laid plans, Heidi and Neil Patrick Harris were invited to be judges for the finale, and struck Tim and the judges speechless by asking if the contest was for the best designs or for the fact that Asha's seams were slighly straighter than they were on week one and Sam got many ideas on his last trip to Strawberry. After that, the contestant who should have won did.


If Asha, Sam and Mondo were capable of being ashamed of the way they behaved, they wouldn't have been capable of behaving that way. Just, seriously ugly humans.

Yes!  I would only like to add that despite efforts to behave more like the Tim we loved in the beginning of the franchise he has yet to fully redeem himself in my eyes because of how badly he came across during this awful competition. 

  • Love 13

Zanna thinks she is far more interesting and talented then she actually is. I also find myself embarrassed for Mitchell and Sam because they are such cliched stereotypes--seriously, all they can come up with is to act like bitchy gay drama queens?.  It's a shame that neither of them realize that Ken already has that title won :)


It also seems that Asha doesn't take criticism too well and as I recall, Layana didn't either.  Whenever she was told something by the judges she disagreed with, she'd just shrug and blink slowly.  It was rather odd.


I am interested to see what Emily, Stella, Dom, Valerie, Fade, Alexander and Kinni have in store for us all because they have actual talent and I remember liking their work on their individual seasons.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 7

That was some kind of bullshit, not eliminating anyone, but then bullshit is pretty much all they got any more.

I hope Kini wins. I hoped he'd get over his love affair with heavy, matte, fabric, but no.

Dimitry is the best thing to happen to this show since Christian.

Under the Gunn almost made me stop watching altogether. It might yet happen.

Sam is so toxic.

I do love Fade.

I liked Stella's peplum dress better than Ken's, even though she's walking around with an actual skunk on her shoulder.

I'll be sorry if Sam drives Ken off the show. I didn't like Ken, last time, or his collection of appalling hats, but he's trying and I'm rooting for him.

I kind of liked Alexander before. It was sort of funny, in the opening, how the designers could all find each other because they had stupid hair colors.

Mitchel was tiresome, as per.

I don't miss Tim Gunn but I'm sad that I dont' miss Tim Gunn any more. Still don't miss him, though.


Alyssa should cut whoever is dressing her. What the hell? My mom had those exact cullottes in the 70's. I'm pretty sure they're still in her dresser.

I like Dom, over all, but I loathed that cocoon coat.

Also loathed: Emily's Malificent hair-do and hideous sweater. Although tonight, when it gets down to 5 degrees, I will be wishing I had that sweater to wear around the house.

The winning look was the only actual good one there, but I can't help thinking about Dimitry when I saw it. I really liked the ombre effect on it. It's a little worrying that she - Valerie? - thought that it needed the black jacket.

So disappointed in Franco, and disappointed that he wasn't sent home, and disappointed that he deserved to be sent home.

  • Love 4

I've tried to burn my UTG experience and salt the earth, but I thought part of the Asha rumbling was her connection to Georgina Chapman aka Mrs. Harvey PR Executive Producer Weinstein.  And yet here we all are again.  Oh, well, and there was also the fact that Asha repeatedly got RAVES for cutting a slit in a tablecloth and calling it a poncho.


For me, Fade has to climb back up to "0" after snarling "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" at Mood.  I was so sure that had to be Ken, I rewound three times to verify.  It's one thing to magnify the drama in the workroom, but try to keep a lid on the asshole factor when you're out in public, 'kay?


I know there's at least one PTV-er who swears by peplums, but I still can't see how a hipline flounce is ever flattering.  Fortunately, the peplum's only natural habitat is Project Runway.


For the specific designs, I have nothing.  Was not wowed by either the challenge or the responses.

  • Love 4

Not sure if I'll make it through this season, especially after seeing the Juniors out-sew and out-class this crop of "stars". If I do keep watching, at least I won't have anxiety attacks waiting to see what ridiculous pregnant blue whale maternity outfit Alyssa was subjected to. Or for her water to break and flood the runway.

Ken was a big ass baby in his season and apparently per upcoming episodes, he is still disagreeable. He reminds of Kanye West (appearance and holier than thou attitude), so any scenes with Ken set my teeth on edge.

None of the designs were wow moments IMO. But whenever I do like something or PR, the judges rip it apart, so what do I know about fashion?

  • Love 5

Dimitry is the best thing to happen to this show since Christian.


I'll second that! I was happy to see Christian as a judge on PR: Juniors, and I'd enjoy watching this season of All Stars a lot more if Dmitry were a permanent judge!


I hope Fade does well this time around too. I remember liking several of his designs in his season, and his two-piece top & skirt was one of my favorite looks from this episode. 

  • Love 8

Even Lifetime can find talent, if they want to...PR Juniors proved that. Even the eliminated juniors had more design ability going on than these adults. We will not mention again that they were genuinely decent, enthusiastic kids, who wasted no time dissing or arguing with one another. In fact, they tried to be helpful. 

I know, what a concept...which of these adults has even considered such a thing.

Alyssa is such an odd choice for hostess , maybe she is married to someone in the Weinstein organization, but she is seriously downmarket...and a long way from fashionable. The styling, the hair...all of it is just sad. Of course, the contestants ain't much, so maybe it is all of a piece.

Anyways...either do PR Juniors, 2.0 or find some fresh faces...design schools have a graduating class every year...start looking Lifetime.

  • Love 3


For me, Fade has to climb back up to "0" after snarling "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" at Mood.  I was so sure that had to be Ken, I rewound three times to verify.  It's one thing to magnify the drama in the workroom, but try to keep a lid on the asshole factor when you're out in public, 'kay?

I truly think Fade was joking right there. At least, that's how I took it... I remember whoever it was he pushed past (it's sad that I can't remember...Valerie, maybe?) giggling about it.


In my previous post, I forgot to comment on how it all came rushing back to me what a train wreck Daniel is. I mean, I don't think he means any ill, and never did, but he is just... so... clueless.

  • Love 8

For me, Fade has to climb back up to "0" after snarling "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" at Mood.  I was so sure that had to be Ken, I rewound three times to verify.  It's one thing to magnify the drama in the workroom, but try to keep a lid on the asshole factor when you're out in public, 'kay?



I hope Fade was bringing his version of silly fake drama, which is the way I see it.  I've chatted with him a great deal on social media, and he always comes across as he did on his original season.  I'm giving him a pass until more episodes air.  I could never, ever, ever, ever compare Fade to Ken. 

  • Love 7

Isn't Kini the one was was obsessed with denim?  I hope he can learn to let it go.  Regarding Alyssa's styling--clearly she hasn't lost the baby weight, is breastfeeding, and is short, which is a little bit of an excuse.  I was more upset by her makeup than her clothes--it looked muddy and sloppy to me, especially in contrast to her glamorous hair.

  • Love 2


tuned in to see Project Runway All Stars but somehow I wound up with Project Runway Assholes instead.  Seriously, at least 75 percent of the contestants were my most hated assholes of their seasons.  Is this just to create more drama or some weird ass redemption arc or what?  I guess time will tell.  Sam, Asha, and Ayana better have improved personality-wise because I can't with them at all. Hated them more than most during their times.  Also, not happy that Under The Gunn hasn't been left to die alone in a corner but these two jerks were brought back to compete with regular Runway designers.  Ugh.  They were the worst of the worst, not only as people but as designers.  They certainly are not 'all stars'.


Project Runway needs to do what Survivor does:  have "themed" contests, like Heroes vs. Villains, Beauties vs. Brains vs. Brawn. 


Project Runway:  Biggest Losers might suffice.  


As for ALYSSA, her husband is BRADLEY COOPER's AGENT.  Maybe someone should ask her if she would wear that outfit when Bradley comes over for a morning meeting.  

  • Love 3

Daniel is my hero!  He has an annoyingly bland personality and he's a mediocre designer, and yet he's still managed to be on this show for 3 different seasons!  You go Daniel!  I hope one day I can be just as successful with my mediocrity as you are!


Now, if they could just get Daniel and Gunnar both on the same season...  I don't even know what I'd do!  Fall asleep?  Maybe.  That's just how mediocre it would be!

  • Love 7

I thought it was ridiculous that neither Daniel nor Mitchell got eliminated since both designs were just plain awful.

I loved seeing Kini again. He was my favorite on his season and I hope he wins this time around. I liked his design this week as well as Valerie's and Dom's.

I was also glad to see Swatch again! He's the best part of Mood.

Alyssa should fire her stylist ASAP. She's a beautiful woman and shouldn't be styled so badly.

  • Love 2

Really? Now I'm mad I skipped it. I was so disgusted by the rigged outcome of the mothership show. But I should have known - kids are great.


I know what you mean.   I'll never get the bad taste of the Ashley season out of my mouth.    The talent on display in Project Runway Junior, from kids 17 and under, truly underscored what an orchestrated mess the last season of PR was.


What's funny is, these kids were fans of the mothership show.   They knew the past contestants, they've seen all the drama, but none of it stuck to them.    There was one boy who seemed to be trying on the bitchy/flamboyant  persona early on but when his designs were quickly outshined by those of the other contestants he toned it down.   Other than that, there was no acrimony, no jealousy, no cattiness, no snark.   I think the kids were just so freaking happy to be doing what they love in the company of other kids like themselves that it made winning almost secondary.   The joy came from just being there, doing what they do,  and receiving encouragement from Tim and each other.   I watched and couldn't help but think, "this is the way life should be."

  • Love 7

I think Fade was joking when he said "Get out of my way!" Or that's what it seemed like to me. He is so NOT mean in any way that I have ever seen. He's not even snippy.


And I have to add:






Clearly, it may be time for Project Runway, in all iterations except for JUNIOR, to sail off into the sunset. I would watch the hell out of a sitcom starring Dmitry and Swatch, though.

  • Love 9

I truly think Fade was joking right there. At least, that's how I took it... I remember whoever it was he pushed past (it's sad that I can't remember...Valerie, maybe?) giggling about it.




I hope Fade was bringing his version of silly fake drama, which is the way I see it.  I've chatted with him a great deal on social media, and he always comes across as he did on his original season.  I'm giving him a pass until more episodes air.  I could never, ever, ever, ever compare Fade to Ken. 


Okay.  It sounded sincere to me, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.  I liked him in his original season, too.

  • Love 1

I wish Dmitry would never leave.  If they don't make Dmitry a permanent judge, let him compete over and over and over.  I like Fade and Alexander from their seasons but don't think either one will win.


I have never seen a peplum IRL, only on these design competitions.  Who the hell would want to wear something that sticks out from their hips?


Kini's dress made no sense in denim. 


Hate those poseurs from UTG.  I am really surprised the producers would want people to remember that walking disaster. 


Alyssa looked like a schoolmarm in mom jeans on the opening, and like she snagged Miss Ellen's po'teers for the runway show.  And it's weird how she stumbles trying to say the same thing Heidi does without using the same words.  Hannah had no problem using Heidi's words and it came across just fine.


Best part of this ep was seeing that Swatch isn't ailing or under wraps.

Edited by cattykit
  • Love 6

Really? Now I'm mad I skipped it. I was so disgusted by the rigged outcome of the mothership show. But I should have known - kids are great.

What I loved the most about the Juniors show was that it caused me to be able to love Tim again.  He was so sweet and like his old self with those kids, who actually need his wisdom less than these nutty "All Stars"  (really?  really?  Ken, Sam, Asha - All Stars?).  I think he deals well with people who are learning and willing to listen to him, but not at all well with the ones who think they are beyond needing his input, which is most of the grownup version cast these days. 

  • Love 4

When Alysso came out in those denim gaucho pants, and big bow on the blouse all I could think was--"Good Lord I owned that outfit in 1976". I remember buying it at a mall in NJ....Only mine had a cute denim vest with leather laces on the front. I loved that outfit.....40 years ago!!!!!


The accesory wall is by ..huh?? Baubles r us? Bauble Basement? Dollar Tree?


Shoes by...Chinese Laundry....what was payless taken?

  • Love 1

Shoes by...Chinese Laundry....what was payless taken?

Christian Siriano designs a line for Payless. Of course, Isaac designs for QVC.

In a sick, sad way, it's more realistic like this. The market is looking for designers who create buzz in social media so they don't have to have to pay to advertise the disposable clothes they're outsourcing to malaysian sweatshops or prison labor in China.

  • Love 6

We Canadians haven't seen PR since Season 10, so most of these designers are new to me (except, of course, Daniel Franco). While I missed this show like what, the sense I get from the comments is that we haven't missed much in the last few years (though not gonna lie, I did a happy dance when I found out it was coming back to Canadian tv--plus, we get PR juniors next month!). I'm willing to give most of them a chance. Please note I said most, not all. Not to happy with the non-elimination in this episode.

  • Love 1

So....All Stars is back!  I'm basically watching for Fade, and Stella and Valerie, and maybe Alexander.  I'm pretty sure I don't like anyone else, but I love Fade on my TV again.  Hate that they included anyone from that shit show Under The Gunn, unless it was Oscar or Natasha.  And they brought back the two crappiest people on that show.  There are so many people this season that I despise....Asha mostly, but Sam, Ken, and Leyana.....why reward assholes like that with a second chance....especially Asha.    Ugh....Asha....its just eyerolling that they even acknowledge Under the Gunn....and to bring her back....yuck.  I was happy for Dom in her season, but I don't particularly like her, and I think she has a way overinflated opinion of herself.


I think its funny that the judges loved Ken's peplum so much.....I hope they like it, because he will be making the same thing all season long since its the only thing he does.


I also call BS on not eliminating anyone.  This is shades of UTG all over again, pretty soon they will be asking the contestants to eliminate themselves.  I think they should have done a double elimination just to send a message.  This is All Stars....I think Daniel is on something and there was no excuse for that dress.  Mitchell's dress was a disaster, that top alone should have gotten him sent home because that model barely had any boobs and they were unfortunate.  Heidi would have had a field day with that.


I still plan on sticking to my plan to not watch regular PR, and after the mess of last season, All Stars seems like refreshing break.  Alyssa has gotten a lot less wooden, but what the hell was she wearing?  Is she pregnant again?  Georgina is no longer gorgeous and/or stunning!  I was happy to see Dimitry as the guest judge and I think he did a good job, he kept it real but he wasn't mean.

  • Love 5


I loved Kini's, but wish he would get away from black (that was my wish during his regular season, too)...was that material black denim?



Indeed, it was black demin.....Kini's favorite fabric.  I'm hoping he branches out a little, but only did demin because it was a challenge about their signature look.



For me, Fade has to climb back up to "0" after snarling "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" at Mood.  I was so sure that had to be Ken, I rewound three times to verify.  It's one thing to magnify the drama in the workroom, but try to keep a lid on the asshole factor when you're out in public, 'kay?



Fade will always have my love after the one exchange he had on his season.  


He was getting a bottle of water, he turns to the camera and with a tiny smile said something like "this water tastes so much better since it came out of the Samsung refrigerator."  It was so subtle, so shady and brilliant.


I'm not always a fan of his clothing, but I love that there is an idea behind them and I can actually see it.  Zanna's suggestion that he put graffiti all over his clothing was the dumbest thing I've heard in a while.  You were supposed to get the feeling of color and freedom against the backdrop of the grays, blacks and whites.  To do something as ridiculously literal as putting graffiti on clothing when you were inspired by graffiti is just so absurd.  If he had done that, the judges would have rightfully scorned it as being too literal.


When Alysso came out in those denim gaucho pants, and big bow on the blouse all I could think was--"Good Lord I owned that outfit in 1976". I remember buying it at a mall in NJ....Only mine had a cute denim vest with leather laces on the front. I loved that outfit.....40 years ago!!!!!


The accesory wall is by ..huh?? Baubles r us? Bauble Basement? Dollar Tree?


Shoes by...Chinese Laundry....what was payless taken?

I just can't even with the sponsors anymore.  The fact that I've not heard of the accessory wall sponsor or the makeup brand makes me think less of them already since they are paired with shoes by....wait for it.....wait for it......Chinese Laundry!


I've said it before....we are fast approaching an accessory wall sponsored by the 99 cents only store.

  • Love 7
Fade will always have my love after the one exchange he had on his season. 


He was getting a bottle of water, he turns to the camera and with a tiny smile said something like "this water tastes so much better since it came out of the Samsung refrigerator."  It was so subtle, so shady and brilliant.

Ha, I totally remember howling with laughter when he did that. I really try my best not to let the designers' personalities affect my judgement of what they send down the runway, but that moment solidified my Fade love.

  • Love 5

So....All Stars is back! I'm basically watching for Fade, and Stella and Valerie, and maybe Alexander. I'm pretty sure I don't like anyone else, but I love Fade on my TV again. Hate that they included anyone from that shit show Under The Gunn, unless it was Oscar or Natasha. And they brought back the two crappiest people on that show. There are so many people this season that I despise....Asha mostly, but Sam, Ken, and Leyana.....why reward assholes like that with a second chance....especially Asha. Ugh....Asha....its just eyerolling that they even acknowledge Under the Gunn....and to bring her back....yuck. I was happy for Dom in her season, but I don't particularly like her, and I think she has a way overinflated opinion of herself.

I think its funny that the judges loved Ken's peplum so much.....I hope they like it, because he will be making the same thing all season long since its the only thing he does.

I also call BS on not eliminating anyone. This is shades of UTG all over again, pretty soon they will be asking the contestants to eliminate themselves. I think they should have done a double elimination just to send a message. This is All Stars....I think Daniel is on something and there was no excuse for that dress. Mitchell's dress was a disaster, that top alone should have gotten him sent home because that model barely had any boobs and they were unfortunate. Heidi would have had a field day with that.

I still plan on sticking to my plan to not watch regular PR, and after the mess of last season, All Stars seems like refreshing break. Alyssa has gotten a lot less wooden, but what the hell was she wearing? Is she pregnant again? Georgina is no longer gorgeous and/or stunning! I was happy to see Dimitry as the guest judge and I think he did a good job, he kept it real but he wasn't mean.

No, Alyssa's not pregnant again. At least as far as I know (as in, if she is she hasn't announced it yet).

  • Love 1

Apparently my Dom feels are wordy, so I'll take it to her thread.

ETA: Yeah, I think they pretty much acknowledged that Sam spent his time since UTG trolling the real contestants and that's why he's here. Although if his cutting wit is so limited that he was more or less reduced to rolling his eyes and saying duh after a single hour, they may regret that.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 3


Peplum was out like the 3rd day after it was discovered.  Ken has done that outfit like 100 times or at least that's how I see things in my own head.


When he said that peplum is his SIGNATURE, I almost died. Such a small (and dated) detail is nowhere to hang your hat, Ken! That's like saying butterfly sleeves or shoulder cutouts are your signature - they have a very narrow time and place and are extremely dated except in the very short windows in which they have a resurgence. Annnnyway, I too look forward to his walk out and hope it's for real this time.


Say what you want about Zanna, but everyone who ignored her advice (Ken, Daniel, Asha) was totally critiqued for the exact same reason on the runway...! She was dead on with her dislikes this week.


Is it from the UTG watching context that y'all say Asha is a terrible human being? Because she didn't seem to do anything egregious in this episode, so I was surprised to see so much vitriol. If it is UTG-related, I don't doubt it, I'm just curious what she did there that made her such a villain.


Dimitri's "I'm struggling to find something positive to say" was perfection.


Mitchell and his perma-stank face need to exit stage right immeeeediately. Ugh.

  • Love 2

No fun coming back to bitchy queens and contrived drama after PR Junior.   Kind of like landing in Newark after a week in the Bahamas.



Having done this exact thing several years ago, that analogy is perfect.


High points: Fäde, Kini, Swatch, and Dmitry.


Low points: Sam, Mitchell, and that awful thing Daniel sent down the runway. Oh, and those mom-gauchos Alyssa was wearing.


At least Mitchell isn't "The Mitchell" anymore, as he was first listed in his PR original recipe bio. The sooner he is off my TV, the better.

  • Love 4

Was "Under the Gunn" always known as "Project Runway: Under the Gunn," or is that just a convenient re-packaging to enable UTG contestants to participate on PR All Stars?


During the run of the Under the Gunn show, ratings weren't doing so well, so they added the "Project Runway" to the title to drive better ratings.


Worst "all star" cast yet. Seriously Lifetime??


I'm not crazy about many of the contestants, but if they've got time to sit around and do this low-rent version of All-Stars, how successful can they really be? That's my one consolation.

  • Love 1

I truly think Fade was joking right there. At least, that's how I took it... I remember whoever it was he pushed past (it's sad that I can't remember...Valerie, maybe?) giggling about it.


In my previous post, I forgot to comment on how it all came rushing back to me what a train wreck Daniel is. I mean, I don't think he means any ill, and never did, but he is just... so... clueless



Daniel, to me, seems to be, let's say, somewhat in an altered state of consciousness.  Either on unneeded pharmaceuticals or off necessary ones.  Wow, what a stunning lack of focus.  When his picture popped up on this site, it showed me a face that looked stoned.  Or it could just be me. 

  • Love 1

Daniel, to me, seems to be, let's say, somewhat in an altered state of consciousness.  Either on unneeded pharmaceuticals or off necessary ones.  Wow, what a stunning lack of focus.  When his picture popped up on this site, it showed me a face that looked stoned.  Or it could just be me. 

Nope.  I don't remember him in his seasons, but the person I saw looked high on something...and it was not life.


At first it seems kinda okay, but it turned weird quick.  That rambling story about his wife, huh? His entire demeanor is just....just no.

  • Love 1

No, Alyssa's not pregnant again. At least as far as I know (as in, if she is she hasn't announced it yet).


She's a spokesperson for some diet on TV, so I think she's still working on her weight.  In the latest commercial, I think she said she reached her goal weight, and she was much smaller than she is here. 

  • Love 1

I didn't watch Under The Gunn, so I'm not familiar with Sam and Asha. Sam is already annoying me though, so I can only imagine his behavior on the show...

I feel bad the everyone is staying at the Hudson Hotel. The lobby and bar areas are spacious and really beautifully done (I go there quite a bit with co-workers), but It belies the actual hotel rooms, which are very small, dark, old, and extremely lacking. It's a terrible hotel. Unless they have some special suites or something, I will be surprised if we see many shots (or any) of them in their rooms.

  • Love 1

I had never watched UTG or a P.R. All Stars before. After watching this first episode I'm not sure I'm going to keep watching. P.R. Juniors was such a pleasure to watch and it's disheartening watching adults act like spoiled brats.

I don't like some of the designers , Ken, Mitchell, but I like Kini and Dom. I don't like Isaac Mizrahi and who thought Alyssa Milano would be a good host? She looked like a 60's secretary in the opening scene. Zanna what's-her-name seems like a twit.

I did like a lot of the designs in the first runway show but I thought Daniel should have gone home.

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