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I don't think he went away -- at least not far away.  Maybe he just went to the Hamptons.  He has a place out there.  I mentioned in the NYC housewives thread I saw him walking around in Chelsea a few weeks ago.  A friend of mine spotted him last week in midtown.  Hmmm.


Wow, is it my imagination or is Satan Andy lookin' particularly haggard?  Vicks looks good.  Jenny McCarthy is beyond annoying.

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I'm no prude, and generally don't clutch my pearls over the antics of the various games they play on this show, but the cupcake/ass-painting game was a new low bar, IMO. I was even okay with the pervy silliness of guess what's under the kilt, but the cupcake game was too much. Why are we being forced to watch Andy humiliate early 20-somethings he wants to bone? Wasn't it enough just sticking them behind the bar with their shirts off? Must we now force them to have their asses frosted and bedazzled?


Well I guess they're at least getting a sneak preview of what evil Andy will be expecting of them after the show is over.

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Catching up on earlier episodes from the week and just saw the one with Jenny and Vicki. I'm still dying of laughter at the caller going on and on and on and on rambling without getting to her question. The caller kind of sounded drunk too but I just found it hilarious because you could tell Andy was getting annoyed and that made me happy. I'm surprised they didn't just end the call.

Poor Eric Dane. He was so NOT into being on the show. But he seems like fun. Love Lauren Graham.

I guess Eric Dane never watched or heard of the show, right? Because he wasn't having or giving any of it. I guess it's his prerogative but if he isn't gonna be any fun please don't come on my guilty pleasure show. LOL!!! That said, he looks great with gray hair and extra weight in his face. Lauren Graham just seems like a really nice and genuine person. She has beautiful skin & amazing hair. Yes, I'm very shallow about people's looks. LOL!!!

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  On 6/18/2015 at 5:41 AM, ByaNose said:

I guess Eric Dane never watched or heard of the show, right?


I only record the show when they have a guest on I like (Lauren Graham), and it was so uncomfortable.


I wish they'd make the guests watch the show beforehand. On another unusual talk show, Graham Norton, all the American guests seem to know what's up beforehand. But that was uncomfortable, I made it 2/3 of the way through before turning it off.

Well, I have never seen Eric Dane in anything (I just looked him up on IMDB and confirmed), so now my total impressions of him are based on (1) last night on WWHL, and (2) a vague recollection of some sort of sex scandal (pictures of a threesome?) with his wife.  Based on his surly attitude last night, I'm certainly not going to seek out anything that he's in.  If a guest is not going to be a good sport, he/she might as well not come on the show.


And, no, Andy, don't tell him he did a great job with Plead the Fifth, when it was clearly a huge fail.


Lauren Graham was in the same H.S. graduating class with my one of my cousins (Langley H.S. in Northern Virginia), so I liked seeing what was probably her senior yearbook picture.  

but the cupcake/ass-painting game was a new low bar, IMO.



I know!  I thought they couldn't get lower than the glory hole game.  AC said they were from Wilhelmina Models?!  I thought Andy bussed them in from Port Authority!



I guess it's his prerogative but if he isn't gonna be any fun




I thought it was more of a boring personality issue, some handsome guys, like Eric Dane, rely on their looks too much.


On another unusual talk show, Graham Norton, all the American guests seem to know what's up beforehand.



Please, AC doesn't have an ounce of the wit, the intelligence or the professionalism that GN does.


Did I hear Andy correctly?  Did he say Donald Trump is a good guy?  That bloviating, homophobic, idiotic orange asshole is a good guy?  Andy has reached new levels of stupidity this time.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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I thought they couldn't get lower than the glory hole game.  AC said they were from Wilhelmina Models?!  I thought Andy bussed them in from Port Authority!


Sheesh, that was vile.  Had to be one of the lowest points I've witnessed this show sinking to.  No, no pearl-clutching from me.  But man, there's a time & place for this shit, Satan Andy -- you wanna do whatever you wanna do to 20 year old models' (boy hookers) asses, please leave that off the show.  At least Jackie, who we know is far from a prude, was a good sport about it.  And thank goodness Kristen didn't make one of her annoying shocked O faces.


And btw, I figured he got those boys from whatever apps the Purple Mafia are getting their rent-boys from these days.  I didn't feel sorry for those boys, but Satan Andy was a slimeball for humiliating them on national TV.  Hope they got some good cash, Gucci wallets & Prada shoes for this humiliation.  Apparently, that's the rumor of how Satan Andy pays his, er, dates.


Did I hear Andy correctly?  Did he say Donald Trump is a good guy?  That bloviating, homophobic, idiotic orange asshole is a good guy?  Andy has reached new levels of stupidity this time.


I missed that, but it has nothing to do with him being stupid.  He knew exactly what he was saying.  It had everything to do with him being a fame ho & not cutting off the possibility of Trump from doing his show at some point.  He was merely kissing up to a celeb, which he does every second of his life.


I know Natasha Leggero is supposed to be funny, but I didn't laugh once at anything she said.  Is she funny elsewhere -- or is she just one of those peeps who is pretty over-rated?  I didn't know who the other guy was & the bartender was too happy & annoying.  This one sucked.


At least he didn't make the guests paint rent-boys' asses.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs

Eric Dane = Humorless.  He was not a good sport.  He looked as if he had no idea what show he was on.  


Andy was absolutely not singing the praises of Donald Trump.  If you actually listen to what he says about Trump (he kind of mumbled it as they were transitioning to the end of the show), you can tell he is simply trying to downplay his negative comment by throwing in something vaguely positive.  (Maybe Trump's people got to him?)  It's quite clear to me that Andy does not like Trump, no matter what little side remarks he throws in to sugar coat his other remarks.  


 However, Trump -- as annoying as he is -- IS a good talk show guest and radio guest because of his personality, and I would think that any host would want him as a guest for that reason.  So I wouldn't blame Andy for having him on, if Trump would do the show.  Why not?  Yes, Trump is obnoxious, and he is quite blunt and direct with some of his comments and critiques, but I wouldn't blame anyone for wanting him as a guest on their show.  He is fun to watch, while not being the warmest, most likeable person.

Edited by Sherry67

I think he made a somewhat harmless dig at Trump last nite.  Don't know what it was exactly cuz I was so bored by Natasha & the bland other guest I wasn't paying attention.  Honestly, I think Trump & Satan Andy would be OK with using each other.  Find it hard to believe he would outright support Trump, but will he slam him?  Haven't seen that yet.  As long he doesn't, Trump would do his show.  Trump is super-duper sensitive to those who slam him.  I don't find Trump's blow-hard routine entertaining in the least, but apparently some do, so I couldn't blame Satan Andy for wanting him on the show, whether he agrees with his dopey shit or not.

Andy was absolutely not singing the praises of Donald Trump.  If you actually listen to what he says about Trump



Oh, I was listening, I didn't say he was singing his praises, AC said DT was a good guy.


It's quite clear to me that Andy does not like Trump,



I'm glad it's clear to you, but it's not that clear to me.  AC's buddy Kelly Ripa always gives DT an orange tongue bath whenever he comes to the LWK&M studios.


He is fun to watch



We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

I think Andy walked back whatever his dig was about Trump because The Apprentice is also an NBC/Bravo/Universal property.

Most people who aren't good guests are bad because they've never seen the show, think they are too good for it, are generally humorless, or are not familiar with Bravo's oeuvre. I thought Uzo Aduba was not good for the opposite reason. She's a fan who hasn't given any of it much thought. It could also be that she's so new to stardom that she hasn't really learned how to speak extemporaneously. Also the answer for who you would want with you in prison from a Housewives show is always Milania.

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I think he thinks it's ugly, it's new/replacement construction (no idea what was there before) and in general is just a blight on his NYC paradise. If I recall there was also an accident at the construction site that he just further uses as proof that the building sucks. He does seem to be waging his own little war against it.


Does anyone know what he's talking about?  If that's the old St. Vincent's hospital, ITA with him & support his shade on it.  It was very sad to see that wonderful & much needed hospital for the area close & even worse to see some soulless building, with outrageously high-priced apartments, replace it.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Yikes, Rose makes Bethenny seem like a meek little lamb.  So why the pairing of these 2, who are so opposite?  Fail on this one, Satan Andy.  Poor Joshie.  She kept looking at him like she wanted to chew him up & spit him out.  I imagine Rose routinely does that to people who annoy her.  


Look, Josh is dull as fuck & he ain't my thing either, but he is super talented.  He seems sweet & harmless -- so yeah, he def wandered into the wrong show, that's for sure.  Anyhoo, snarking on him would be like stepping on a puppy.  Even I wouldn't go there.  But Rose sure would.  I do like her calling out Adam Sandler (who I've hated for 20 years) for his bullshit.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  On 6/24/2015 at 7:47 PM, Morbs said:

Does anyone know why Andy is so offended by that new apartment building in NYC?  He keeps tweeting pics of it.  Is the metal fencing part of it's design so he thinks it's ugly, or is that because it's still under construction?  What's the big deal about an ugly building?

Part of the charm of NYC is the beauty of the pre-war brownstones and apartment buildings. To see these cold, sterile buildings going up around the city is disheartening. My brother lives in the city and is always going off about it, just like Andy. Ugh.. I can't believe I understand anything about Andy.

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  On 6/26/2015 at 11:59 AM, bichonblitz said:

Part of the charm of NYC is the beauty of the pre-war brownstones and apartment buildings. To see these cold, sterile buildings going up around the city is disheartening. My brother lives in the city and is always going off about it, just like Andy. Ugh.. I can't believe I understand anything about Andy.

Tony addresses succumb to multi types of housing. It is happening here in my Midwest city. No stopping it. Ecologically, it makes more sense.

  On 6/26/2015 at 5:07 PM, nowandlater said:

Is it me, or does Rose McGowan look different? It's not "plastic surgery" different. Or "older" different. Or "short haircut" different.


She just didn't look like the Rose McGowan that I remember.


She just looked different.

She had a nose job that completely messed with her face. It wasn't as bad or game changing as Jennifer Grey's, but it changed her look enough that I saw a pic of her last year and didn't know it was her.

I actually enjoyed both Rose and Josh on the show. Josh has been on several times before and seems like he enjoys himself without getting too far outside his comfort zone. And Rose is just weird, and always has been. She can't help it; she grew up in a frickin cult! And I like that "I don't give a fuck"/sarcastic nature of her personality.

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I would never have recognized Rose McGowan. Wow, she looks really different. I didn't think she was too bad. She definitely has a "fuck this" attitude but I thought she played along OK.


I like Josh but that hair has got to go! I totally had no idea he was dating Kat Dennings. I'm so out of the loop. That seems like an odd pairing!

Edited by ExplainItAgain
Part of the charm of NYC is the beauty of the pre-war brownstones and apartment buildings. To see these cold, sterile buildings going up around the city is disheartening. My brother lives in the city and is always going off about it, just like Andy. Ugh.. I can't believe I understand anything about Andy.


Tony addresses succumb to multi types of housing. It is happening here in my Midwest city. No stopping it. Ecologically, it makes more sense.



I don't know the building he's referring to, but if it is in the West Village, a modern building would stand out in a pretty ugly way.  But this is happening all over the city -- particularly in the East Village & the Lower East Side.  So yeah, I'm not sure I get his comment if it's merely about a new building going up that doesn't fit with the look of the neighborhood.  And btw, there are some modern buildings in the West Village too, just not many.  Not yet, at least.

  On 6/30/2015 at 12:55 AM, Morbs said:

I think Rose has done more than her nose.

She had a lot of work done on her face. There were some magazine articles talking about it and blogs snarking so she got offended and said it was from a severe car crash and she had facial reconstructive surgery. I def see the nose and eye lift. I thought she was gorgeous in her younger years in all those Gregg Araki movies and Jawbreaker.

Josh Groban is actually kinda cool and quirky. He did that 25 questions thing in US Weekly and was funny and humble.

I was never crazy about Andy and only watch the show when he has the rare guest I actually care about, but finding out he's a Deadhead has given me a new appreciation for him!


Trying to watch tonight because I love Flipping Out, but I never watch Real Housewives shows so it's pretty boring so far. Is this normal?

  On 7/8/2015 at 6:19 PM, bichonblitz said:

Wow, Andy was so subdued last night. I have never, ever seen him like that, he's usually bouncing off the walls. Jeff and Jenny from "Flipping Out" who are by nature so full of personality were positively boring and he did nothing to liven them up. Something was really, really off....


Andy said he had just spent 10 hours filming some Real Housewives thing and that he was exhausted, and glad that Jeff and Jenni were there because they could do the "hosting" for him. That made sense, but I also noticed how subdued J&J were. It was really uncomfortable, now that I think about it. I just don't watch this show enough to know what the normal energy is.

I was surprised to enjoy Kathy Lee and Hoda as much as I did.  The two ladies actually seem to be good personal friends and were quite entertaining.  I don't watch their daytime show so I had no idea about their personalities.  Andy seemed to enjoy them as well.


Andre Leon Talley gives me the creeps.  No wonder he's good friends with Anna Wintour (sp?).  How can someone who walks around dressed like a carnival tent have any fashion credibility?  Creepy, creepy, creepy! 

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I thought Shannon and Dorinda looked positively gorgeous on WWHL.  Had no idea Dorinda's boobs looked so good, unless she just had them done recently and that's why she was showing them off so much. Their make-up looked pretty enough to make me want to wear more make-up myself, but then I remember that it's summer and that shit would melt right off my face the second I walked outside. 


I really like Shannon, she's one of the RW cast members that I will probably always like.  Nothing she does bothers me enough to tire of her, and I do admire and appreciate her honesty.  Dorinda almost lost me with her weird drunken tirades, but I came back around when she laughed on an episode about her martini temper, and said her mother described her like a dragon that scorches the earth and walks away when she gets mad.  I could definitely picture Shannon and Dorinda becoming friends in real life.


Thanks to Andy, I can no longer have Loverboy play on my 80's station on Pandora because it now reminds me of the clip of his lip synch "performance" where he was proud of being told he was too "rapey" to the female dancers.  I'm so sick of him promoting himself and all the dumb shit he does outside of WWHL.

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