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S06.E11: Please Welcome Erika Jayne!

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I wondered this as well, especially with Yo's new blog emphasizing that you are what you eat. When I read that I thought, "So.....lemon juice and one half of an almond."


Let's not forget that shit-ton of daily supplements, so add:  Chinese ornamental plants, lead, toxic levels of vitamins and minerals, plus extra toxic levels of Vitamin C via IV drips.

  • Love 6

How have any of them taken "her kids health to a very disrespectful place"? They were floored by Yolanda's announcement that 2 of her kids also have LD and have had it almost as long as she has yet this is the first she speaks about it to anyone. Not once did they call Yolanda a liar or say that she was making shit up, not once. They did ask LisaV if she had heard anything from her good friend Mohamed, the kids father, and she said no. Then when asked a second time at Kyle's BBQ she replied what Mohamed told her the "kids were fine", something HE corroborated via twitter, and she added that if Yolanda said they were sick, that was good enough for her. How was that disrespectful? How was that unkind, mean, nasty because in my world, it was not. Now, had LisaV, or any of them called Yolanda a liar or claimed they had proof the kids were not sick, then I could agree with you, otherwise, the conversation didn't cross any line of decency IMO.


So you have never asked a friend how so and sos child is when you heard they were sick? Because that is what happened IMO.


They are mad that whoever talked to Yolanda didn't relay the whole conversation, making it sound like they were attacking her children which is a lie AND that someone else, who was innocent, was intentionally blamed to cause problems between them.


As for why LisaV showed Kyle that she had reached out to Yolanda BEFORE filming began? She did it because Yolanda has used that claim before against Lisa like a sword to cut Lisa's head off with the "Hollywood friend" cry!


Yes, Yolanda's constant "I'm sick, fighting for my life" act DOES impact the other HWs. They can NOT confront her on her many lies and attacks on them because they will look like uncaring harpies if they do so and Yolanda knows this and is using it to the max to rip the others apart.

The exchange between the women was in no way innocent.  That above all else is pretty evident. To pretend they were sitting around quoting verses from the bible, signing hymns and trading recipes when all of a sudden the overwhelming concern about Yolanda's children (ya know so they can request a group prayer next time they attended church) spawned the inquiry is completely laughable to me. Lisa's discomfort with the conversation shows me she didn't feel it was an appropriate conversation, Lisa R feeling that she needed to go as far as to "set the record straight and own it" also makes it clear and Kyle's abruptness and pushing displays how innocent the inquiry wasn't. I mean, lets call a spade a spade for Pete's sake. But hey, I guess a spade can be a heart too if someone wants to spin it that badly.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2


For the love of Pete - I am so incredibly sick of being told what is a true friend and what is a fake friend by Yolanda.

st.louielouie, to true friend you can add add real woman.  Unlike Kyle and LisaV who wear heels and jewels to a cryofreezing, Yolanda shows up without them because she knows what to expect, getting frozen every day as she said.  I doubt that Yolanda has heard of the true Scotsman fallacy but she sure uses it a lot to set herself apart from others arbitrarily.  Snotty cow.


It grinds my gears to see such a hugely privileged woman be so judgmental of her so-called friends all the time.  Stop slicing your friendship salami so thinly and find other "homies" if this bunch can't live up to your high standards.  And get off my damn TV.

  • Love 19

The exchange between the women was in no way innocent. That above all else is pretty evident. To pretend they were sitting around quoting verses from the bible, signing hymns and trading recipes when all of a sudden the overwhelming concern about Yolanda's children (ya know so they can request a group prayer next time they attended church) spawned the inquiry is completely laughable to me. Lisa's discomfort with the conversation shows me she didn't feel it was an appropriate conversation, Lisa R feeling that she needed to go as far as to "set the record straight and own it" also makes it clear and Kyle's abruptness and pushing displays how innocent the inquiry wasn't. I mean, lets call a spade a spade for Pete's sake. But hey, I guess a spade can be a heart too if someone wants to spin it that badly.

The moment Lisa said "well, no", Lisa knew she had made a mistake and a transgression. She's been trying to smooth it over and be conciliatory ever since.

If Yolly actually did things or talked about anything that wasn't related to Lyme, this scrutiny, which she apparently cannot bear, would not have happened.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 10
Lisa's discomfort with the conversation shows me she didn't feel it was an appropriate conversation,



It was an appropriate conversation until Lisa contradicted Yolanda's whole narrative and then panicked about it. Lisa was the only person at the table who knew or thought that Mohammed's attitude indicated the kids didn't have any major health problems going on. She could have just said Mohammed didn't talk to him about it or tell her anything about it.

  • Love 5

I was pretty taken back that Yolanda wanted LVP to apologize to the non-Gigis 


Wait -- oh my goodness, is this what we're calling poor Bella & Anwar now?  The non-Gigis?  Hee!  Ah, well, St. Gigi is the infallible one to Yo.  The one who doesn't need to be frozen & who doesn't have Lyme or whatever she claims the non-Gigis have.  Sheesh, that gurl is EVERYWHERE now.  I'm getting as sick of her as I am of Khloe, Kylie, Kim & Kanye.

  • Love 7

Erica Jayne didn't tell Yolanda! Erica Giardiasis did! Lol in HW world that isn't technically lying ! She was EJ in that "scene". (Eye roll)

Hells to the NO to LVP and Vyle leaving ketchup mustard stains and running off in a beautiful hotel . Shameful.

Someone needs to search the HW timeline to see if Diet Sprite (love this) presented those medical records in real time when we were all screaming for Vicki and Crooks to produce his! So unoriginal.

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 2

The exchange between the women was in no way innocent.  That above all else is pretty evident. To pretend they were sitting around quoting verses from the bible, signing hymns and trading recipes when all of a sudden the overwhelming concern about Yolanda's children (ya know so they can request a group prayer next time they attended church) spawned the inquiry is completely laughable to me. Lisa's discomfort with the conversation shows me she didn't feel it was an appropriate conversation, Lisa R feeling that she needed to go as far as to "set the record straight and own it" also makes it clear and Kyle's abruptness and pushing displays how innocent the inquiry wasn't. I mean, lets call a spade a spade for Pete's sake. But hey, I guess a spade can be a heart too if someone wants to spin it that badly.

Yes, Lisa became uncomfortable so she added that if Yolanda said they were sick, that was good enough for her. NO ONE at that table said anything nasty about either Yolanda OR her kids, not one word. And I have yet to see any here say they were "sitting around quoting verses from the bible, signing hymns and trading recipes when all of a sudden the overwhelming concern about Yolanda's children (ya know so they can request a group prayer next time they attended church)". Yolanda makes a shocking announcement, that all of a sudden 2 of her 3 kids also have LD and have had it for 2+ years despite her never saying 1 word about in all that time and they aren't supposed to comment on it, or ask about it? That is NOT the real world IMO, not at all. Most people would comment, ask about it IMO.

The moment Lisa said "well, no", Lisa knew she had made a mistake and a transgression. She's been trying to smooth it over and be conciliatory ever since.

If Yolly actually did things or talked about anything that wasn't related to Lyme, this scrutiny, which she apparently cannot bear, would not have happened.

Yes, she did seem uncomfortable after she told the truth, that Mohamed said they were "fine" but I still see nothing wrong with her answer. She didn't lie, make shite up, accuse Yolanda of anything or give them half of the story, she told the truth and even Mohamed agreed that he DID tell Lisa that the kids were 'fine". The only reason Yolanda revealed the kids medical issue was to further her sympathy, warrior act/tour on the show because she has NOTHING else to offer. Sad to realize that she felt more comfortable outing her 2 youngest health struggle instead of her separation from David. In other words, she felt it better to out her kids than her failed marriage because she knew her lies about the marriage would all come tumbling out of a closet larger/deeper than her pill/supplement closet. JMO

  • Love 23

I don't think Bella was good enough. Even if Yolanda couldn't or wouldn't pay for training and horses etc, her father would. He represented Jordan at the 92 Albertville Winter Olympics. He probably paid for the entire Jordanian Team's expenses, he was the entire team. .

Bella, as a competitive rider, could not be further away in contention for the Olympics. I know those circles. I think the money dried up and the Lyme is an excuse.

  • Love 7

The cryo freezing treatment was funny to me because I recently watched a Lifetime movie called Deadly Sibling Rivalry and Kyle played a woman named Tricia - whose character was murdered by being locked in a chest freezer. Her face was painted blue with a dusting of white to simulate being frozen.

Haha! Funny coincidence. That scene cracked me up because they were all laughing and Lisa's reaction to the cold was a riot!
  • Love 4

It was an appropriate conversation until Lisa contradicted Yolanda's whole narrative and then panicked about it. Lisa was the only person at the table who knew or thought that Mohammed's attitude indicated the kids didn't have any major health problems going on. She could have just said Mohammed didn't talk to him about it or tell her anything about it.

Until....... and then it became a conversation that Yolanda had every right to address.


I also think Kyle's deliberate direction of that conversation also outline the tone of that conversation. 


That was just not a conversation that should have been had.


I don't for one second believe the intent behind that conversation was anything but an attempt to dig up some dirt. Hey, maybe some think they have reason to. That's it's all par for the course. Etc. Etc. but lumps are given for these sorta things and these women get so tiresome when they start putting their jazz hands up in front of them all the while saying Not me, not me. The foolishness and denial is just so boring and overdone.

Yes, Lisa became uncomfortable so she added that if Yolanda said they were sick, that was good enough for her. NO ONE at that table said anything nasty about either Yolanda OR her kids, not one word.



Things don't need to be extremely blatant for people to take offense or come to certain conclusions regarding the spirit in which something was intended. I for one believe Yolanda had enough grounds to be offended. Plain and simple.

  • Love 1
Things don't need to be extremely blatant for people to take offense or come to certain conclusions regarding the spirit in which something was intended. I for one believe Yolanda had enough grounds to be offended. Plain and simple.



Absolutely--for Yolanda especially. She's been really aggressive about trying to control this narrative. She pretty much thinks she has reason to be offended if someone isn't at her bedside when she wakes from a nap offering to gently rub her temples. Of course she's going to jump on any hint that someone said something about her family's medical troubles beyond her being a hero (much less Erika's version that they were all talking about how the kids aren't sick) as something she needs to go after with extreme prejudice. Just as it's almost impossible for these women to say anything about it without some hint of doubt even if they feel like they fall all over themselves sticking to Yolanda's party line. They all know the version of events that those kids don't have Lyme is there.

  • Love 10

Until....... and then it became a conversation that Yolanda had every right to address.


I also think Kyle's deliberate direction of that conversation also outline the tone of that conversation. 


That was just not a conversation that should have been had.


I don't for one second believe the intent behind that conversation was anything but an attempt to dig up some dirt. Hey, maybe some think they have reason to. That's it's all par for the course. Etc. Etc. but lumps are given for these sorta things and these women get so tiresome when they start putting their jazz hands up in front of them all the while saying Not me, not me. The foolishness and denial is just so boring and overdone.

Things don't need to be extremely blatant for people to take offense or come to certain conclusions regarding the spirit in which something was intended. I for one believe Yolanda had enough grounds to be offended. Plain and simple.

Ok, lets say she had that right, then she should have asked exactly what was said but she didn't. She took Erika's word and didn't give either LisaV OR Kyle a chance to say what they said or why they said it, she kept interrupting them when they tried. In other words, Yolanda had no interest in the truth, she had an agenda and that was to make LisaV/Kyle pay for saying anything. IMO, she took them to the freeze tube as a punishment and to embarrass them ON camera which shows HER ill intent. Why didn't Yolanda ask them about that conversation on the phone when she invited them for that, why wait until the cameras are there, why try and force the kids "supposed" health documents on Lisa? It was all an act to further her poor, pitiful martyr/warrior act IMO and nothing more. Also, why didn't she reveal the separation instead of her children's health on the show, ON camera? Because she wouldn't look like the warrior victim IMO, because there are people that would defend David and reveal the real skeletons in her closet. LOL

  • Love 19

After having strange treatments for 4 years you would think that any toxin that was left would be eradicated  by now. Yo is a desperate woman with no job and no new sugar daddy prospect in the works so she has to hang on too her illness for attention.


I think it's the opposite. Four years of experimental treatment probably loaded her up with a million other toxins. The initial Lyme bacteria might be long gone, but now she's probably suffering from the side effects of receiving all her nutrition through IVs and supplements.

  • Love 15

That Lisa blanched after repeating what Mohammed had told her is a reflection of her realization that she had committed a transgression specific to the desires of a particular friend rather than some sort of smoking gun regarding the inherent morality or lack thereof vis-a-vis the discourse. Kim expected Kyle to not disclose her alcoholism on camera back in season one and thereafter to refrain from questioning her sobriety even though she showed up repeatedly over the span of five seasons to taping so inebriated she could barely form a coherent sentence. Yolanda and Yolanda alone introduced the topic of her children's health into narrative; likewise, she alone has sewed doubts about her honesty with endless contradictions, inconsistencies, and outright lies during her time on the program. There's no daylight between her bold, ever-expanding account of her suffering and Taylor's cinematic descriptions of her allegedly abusive marriage or Kim's indignation at the fact that women with working eyes and ears could deduce that she was drunk. If Yolanda doesn't want her assertions regarded with skepticism or dissected, she should desist from making them about her minor child. And if an adult Bella doesn't want any attention that's less than flattering, giving a publicity tour in which she provides wildly varying timelines about when she was diagnosed with a nebulous disease is probably not a good idea.

  • Love 20

I wish Yolanda could look from the outside in, she would understand why her illness has left a lot of people wondering what really was going on.  She knows her medical/holistic approach have been questionable so why get pissed at the other housewives about their talking. No self awareness there at all.  Why not get mad at Mohammad for denying the kids illness?

  • Love 9

Ok, lets say she had that right, then she should have asked exactly what was said but she didn't. She took Erika's word and didn't give either LisaV OR Kyle a chance to say what they said or why they said it, she kept interrupting them when they tried. In other words, Yolanda had no interest in the truth, she had an agenda and that was to make LisaV/Kyle pay for saying anything. IMO, she took them to the freeze tube as a punishment and to embarrass them ON camera which shows HER ill intent. Why didn't Yolanda ask them about that conversation on the phone when she invited them for that, why wait until the cameras are there, why try and force the kids "supposed" health documents on Lisa? It was all an act to further her poor, pitiful martyr/warrior act IMO and nothing more. Also, why didn't she reveal the separation instead of her children's health on the show, ON camera? Because she wouldn't look like the warrior victim IMO, because there are people that would defend David and reveal the real skeletons in her closet. LOL

Yolanda's bitch eating crackers status doesn't make me any less gleeful about how she stuck it to them. Can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. It would be one thing if Kyle and Lisa ABSOLUTELY didn't engage in a conversation that at the very least threw some doubts and sent a tone of possible disbelief but they did. Was the conversation as brazen as Yolanda believed it to be no but it's the message and undertone that's the culprit. That's enough for me to be in Yo's corner about this one. One shouldn't have to clarify anything about a conversation that shouldn't have been had in the first place. Yolando doesn't have to justify her anger over the situation to that degree. It's a sensitive topic. Most people would understand that and stay mum but we all know for the sake of the show that ain't gonna happen so these are the results and the women reap the consequences of taking those risks. How she checked them and to what degree is really neither here nor there for me. She caught wind of some stupid shit, she checked these bitches on their stupid shit and they needed to be checked about that stupid shit and I LOVED every minute of it. LOL!

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1

I keep going over the strange connections in Housewifeland between Yolanda/Brooks/Shannon Beador/Lisa Rinna/Meghan King Edmonds. Yolanda and Shannon Beador from OC are really not that different in terms of dubious medical treatments.


Shannon is not sick but is a strong supporter of alternative medicine. She puts things out there in a way that communicates she has some knowledge that putting crystals in her teeth is insane.


Yolanda is sick and a strong supporter of alternative medicine. She does things that are really no different than getting crystals in her teeth, but advertises them as milestones in the advancement of Lyme Treatment. 


Brooks is probably not sick and doesn't really support anything at all but he wants to make money so he . MKE puts this out there and everyone says "we know", then she puts it out there again to a chorus of "we know, STAHP", and then again, and is still putting it out there because JUSTICE.


Lisa R, I truly believe, does not give a flying fuck about any of this but wants to be on the show which means continuing her Own Your Shit 2016 tour, but in BH no one wants to do any dirty work so they all try to perfect their concern trolling in slightly different ways. 


No point, here. It's just a very strange glimpse into the land of rich people with (or without) afflictions.

  • Love 3

I love the preview because I don't believe anyone told Lisar about Munchhausen other than Lisar's own little brain. She was engaging in that conversation with her own little self. That's why Erika calling her out on it and demanding that she give her source makes me happy. Lisar looks for story lines and then plays innocent when they pan out. I would love to know if she even has a "female" hairdresser (her scapegoat on WWHL) as opposed to a male IRL.

I will be disappointed if she does have a female hairdresser who raised it first.  She is living for the twitter feud with Yo right now. Don't feed the trolls Yo. 


Someone upthread said the HWs are mad at Yo and her Lyme story bc they can't confront Yo on her "many lies and attacks on them." Um she hasn't said crap about any of them this season until they started up doubting her disease and talking about her makeup. All their talk about Yolanda made her a storyline. They fed the beast.  If they had just said, "Poor Yolanda is sick - let's bring her flowers," every time she came up, Bravo would have gotten sick/bored of her and stopped filming it.

  • Love 3
I just have to say something. If I'm talking to people and bring up that my son is having issues.....etc. etc. that's my right. But then having others sit around and a later time and debate if it's really "that serious" and trying to turn it over in their heads as if THEIR approval, understanding or curiosity needs to be satisfied as if they needed more to accept the validity of it all. Not to mention the simple CRUX of the matter which is Keep My Kids Name out of your mouths PERIOD!  Ummm nah, I'd be coming for people too.


I think where I see the disconnect is - Kyle and LVP are supposed to be close enough "homies" of Yo that she expects them to speak up and defend her when her "disease of 4 years is being discredited". But then they're not good enough friends to be allowed to talk about her children? I talk about my friends' kids. Not in a malicious, sniping way. But I will relay cute stories, or ask about problems. We had a friend who lost his 5-year-old daughter to cancer. He was going through hell and wasn't available to hang out or talk a lot. One of my good girlfriend's grandma was BEST friends with his grandma. So sometimes I would ask if she knew how the little girl was doing, when she was going through her treatments and all that. It was simple concern, and I don't think Kyle asking about the kids was anything more than that. No one was being malicious. No one was accusing the kids of anything. I think it's ridiculous for Yo to just "casually" mention that her kids have Lymes as well, and expect no one to ever talk about it ever again. 

  • Love 19

I love the preview because I don't believe anyone told Lisar about Munchhausen other than Lisar's own little brain. She was engaging in that conversation with her own little self. 


I think she said something to that extent at VLP's tea party. "Someone" brought up that Yolanda's disease is in her head and she allegedly did some digging and came across Munchausen. Or she was scrolling through Yoyo's instagram and read it in one of the comments. Still, she pretty much admitted that she wasn't influenced by anyone other than her damn self.

  • Love 1

I do think Kyle was being malicious by bringing up Yolanda's kids, not necessarily toward Yo, but maybe toward LVP. It was like she may have known LVP heard from Mohammed and wanted Lisa to tip her hand.  Kyle was too smirky for me. She kept pressing LVP in too smug a way.  I think Erika read it right and Yo did too, but I don't think the malice was necessarily directed toward Yo in that one instance.  Lisar's nonsense is not necessarily malicious toward Yo, that's just a byproduct of her wanting a storyline.  


I truly think Yo is sick (of what?), and can't believe that anyone is questioning it. She is sensitive when it comes to LVP bc of past animosity (probably predating RHBH), so LVP is her go-to scapegoat.  Lisar is dying to be the scapegoat, but she is more of a shoofly to Yolanda.  

  • Love 2

I love me a good handbag/tote. I stopped feeling guilty about buying myself a Kate Spade bag when I realized I was burning through $30 purses every few months. I ended up *saving* money because, hey, I THRASH my bags (and don't switch them out!) and I need something that will last and still look good! Now they last years, which is awesome. I envy those of you with great Target bags because that would just not happen for me.


I totally agree. I'm wondering what Target all these women in the thread shop at that their $30 Target bags are lasting 10 years!!?

Mine are 3 months maybe. And they even new show loose threads and glued seams on the bands.

  • Love 3

One "can't believe anyone is questioning" Yolanda's account of her ailments when she a) robustly accused Ken of physically assaulting her and refused to back down from that allegation despite the fact that the encounter was filmed and showed her striking him b) can't even stick to a single timeline of when she contracted Lyme (and we're not talking a difference of a couple of months but multiple years in her perennially shifting versions) c) makes demonstrably untrue assertions like she hasn't listened to music in four years, walked in nine months, has been incapable of leaving her bed for 18 months constantly d) loudly proclaimed that Lisa hadn't visited her during those magical 18 months when only 3-4 had passed? Considering Yo's history of dissociative statements and/or pathological dishonesty, I would be befuddled if none of her co-workers didn't regard with her a considerable helping of skepticism. And she was already starting in on a narrative about how none of her colleagues had visited her in the season premiere despite Lisa and Kyle noting in a separate scene that multiple overtures and text messages to Yolanda had gone unanswered.

  • Love 22

I love the preview because I don't believe anyone told Lisar about Munchhausen other than Lisar's own little brain. She was engaging in that conversation with her own little self. That's why Erika calling her out on it and demanding that she give her source makes me happy. Lisar looks for story lines and then plays innocent when they pan out. I would love to know if she even has a "female" hairdresser (her scapegoat on WWHL) as opposed to a male IRL.

I will be disappointed if she does have a female hairdresser who raised it first.  She is living for the twitter feud with Yo right now. Don't feed the trolls Yo. 


Someone upthread said the HWs are mad at Yo and her Lyme story bc they can't confront Yo on her "many lies and attacks on them." Um she hasn't said crap about any of them this season until they started up doubting her disease and talking about her makeup. All their talk about Yolanda made her a storyline. They fed the beast.  If they had just said, "Poor Yolanda is sick - let's bring her flowers," every time she came up, Bravo would have gotten sick/bored of her and stopped filming it.

Yolanda HAS gotten in digs about the women this season as well as in past seasons and she falls on her "lyme brain/fog" to get out of it every time. Her comments about "Hollywood friends", "real friends" in directed at the other HWs, specifically LisaV and to a lesser extent Kyle.


I do think Kyle was being malicious by bringing up Yolanda's kids, not necessarily toward Yo, but maybe toward LVP. It was like she may have known LVP heard from Mohammed and wanted Lisa to tip her hand.  Kyle was too smirky for me. She kept pressing LVP in too smug a way.  I think Erika read it right and Yo did too, but I don't think the malice was necessarily directed toward Yo in that one instance.  Lisar's nonsense is not necessarily malicious toward Yo, that's just a byproduct of her wanting a storyline.  


I truly think Yo is sick (of what?), and can't believe that anyone is questioning it. She is sensitive when it comes to LVP bc of past animosity (probably predating RHBH), so LVP is her go-to scapegoat.  Lisar is dying to be the scapegoat, but she is more of a shoofly to Yolanda.  

Yolanda has been trying to dethrone LisaV since she came on the show. It was really apparent when she tried to get Mohamed to side with her against Lisa, very apparent IMO. And THAT is where the problem rises from, Mohamed's friendship/closeness to LisaV, it eats at Yolanda and she will do/say anything, IMO, to destroy that friendship because, IMO, Mohamed spending time with LisaV's OVER spending time with Yolanda.

  • Love 17
Erica Jayne didn't tell Yolanda! Erica Giardiasis did! Lol in HW world that isn't technically lying ! She was EJ in that "scene". (Eye roll)


Ahhhh, now it all makes sense. So she wasn't exactly lying when she said it wasn't her! Hahahaha


Eileen may not be all about expensive shoes and bags but let's not forget the episode earlier on in the season where her husband was giving her grief over her VERY expensive clothing.  Not that there's anything wrong with that but let's not pretend she's completely basic ;)


I never thought the point was that Eileen was basic. I thought it was just that bags weren't her thing, and she readily admitted that. I found it refreshing that one of these women could be so self aware. She was basically saying, "I have horrible taste in handbags, I know!" 

  • Love 9



Trash Talk's recap. 


Lot's more obviously, those who detest Yolanda will really enjoy this one.


ETA fixed tags

I need someone to look at the GIF of Lisa doing the hairflip.....Does she have three - what look like track marks  - along her cheek?

  • Love 2

I totally agree. I'm wondering what Target all these women in the thread shop at that their $30 Target bags are lasting 10 years!!?

Mine are 3 months maybe. And they even new show loose threads and glued seams on the bands.


Well, mine last years. LOL I have purses that are 20 years old that still look good that I got at Kmart, Walmart, Target, Hills, Ames, ect. I don't beat my purses up, they are always hung up at home and I use a leather conditioner on the leather ones and use a water repellant on ALL my purses to help keep them stain free. I also don't overload my purses which causes stretching/fraying. LOL I admit, I am NOT into purses OR shoes but don't get me near good cooking/baking items, I go nuts on that stuff. LOL

  • Love 3

Eileen may not be all about expensive shoes and bags but let's not forget the episode earlier on in the season where her husband was giving her grief over her VERY expensive clothing.  Not that there's anything wrong with that but let's not pretend she's completely basic ;)


Lol, those dresses Vince was complaining about were $500.  Eileen could buy 6-8 dresses for the price of Kyle's handbag.


She's not into expensive bags, or even really clothes.  But she usually looks fantastic, which is more than I can say about a lot of these women and their style choices. 

  • Love 11
So do the non-Gigis still have it, do they have this mysterious chronic form? Have they been getting treated? Why aren't they bedridden for 5, 7, 9 or more months. Why do they appear asymptomatic (not bedridden like Yolanda, lol) and I don't hear them complaining.



My guess is they have positive lyme titers, which lots of people in an endemic area will.  It only shows that you've been exposed to lyme.  You might just have felt vaguely unwell for a day or two and nothing ever worse than that, but your blood will indicate exposure.  


Of course some people do go on to become seriously ill, but I would not put it past Yolanda to use a simple titer to show that THEY HAVE LYME even though they've never so much as missed a day of school.

  • Love 8

Lol, those dresses Vince was complaining about were $500.  Eileen could buy 6-8 dresses for the price of Kyle's handbag.


She's not into expensive bags, or even really clothes.  But she usually looks fantastic, which is more than I can say about a lot of these women and their style choices. 


I honestly think Eileen is the best looking of all of the women on the show. Whatever work she has had done is subtle and allows her to look realistically 5-10 years younger than her actual age, whereas Adrienne, Brandi, and Lisa V to an extent (though her work is a lot better) are trying to look multiple decades younger, and it just throws them into this eponymous category of women between 40 and 60 who are trying and failing to look 20. Eileen looks like a gorgeous middle aged woman. Yeah, that denim jumpsuit was dated but she worked it, and she liked it, and it showed. 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 8

I was out with my husband one evening and a friend asked "how are the kids", and my husband replied "fine".   Well, in fact my daughter had 2 months earlier had knee surgery, and two weeks prior to this encounter, she had back surgery.  So, no she wasn't "fine", but at that particular moment he didn't want to go into it.  She was dealing with anything life threatening, so why go into it.   Same thing I believe is what happened with Mohammad.   LisaV asks how are the kids and he simply says fine.  Not a huge mystery.  


Maybe it' because the kids are functioning, not "visibly" ill, and working, going to school, etc., he doesn't see it as sick.  BUT, YO sees them, as she sees herself, as suffering, on a "journey", being "warriors", etc.    She exaggerates their condition, but most likely their father seems them as fine.  After all, I don't believe either Bella, nor Anwar, have had leaky silicone breast implants.    And when YO, in her superior way, tells LisaV that of course he knows they are sick, he pays the medical bills.  Well, let's put that in perspective.   Can anyone see MO going through medical bills, checkbook in hand, itemizing everything?  Of course not.  He may be responsible for the bills, but I'm sure his accountants do the actual bill paying.    I have to laugh at the thought of the entry table at MO's mansion, with a pile of "to pay" bills. 


As for her being upset that anybody is talking about her kids.  Hmmmmm, let me get this straight.  She brings it to Kyle, she Instagram's pics of their medication, her daughters are now public figures who get attacked for much more than somebody questioning if they have Lyme disease, but she's offended when one of the ladies mentions it - and only mentions it because in all the previous years YO herself had never said anything.   This was all news to them.  And again, the way she said it made it sound very very serious  "They are dealing with compromised immune systems". 


Her "I have to go back to bed" excuse to get out of any type of situation is growing real old.  When LisaR went to visit, and questions were starting to get asked, oh no, all of a sudden she's too tired to carry on.    This storyline and her life are getting old, boring, and full of gaping holes, lies, and way too many exaggerations.  

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But this will never be not funny because it makes "She just told me her kids are deathly ill. You know their father--how are they doing?" a conversation that never should be had. 

You are correct. Stop and really look at that. "Yolanda just told me her kids are deathly ill" (did Yolanda imply they were on deaths door? It's possible but i'm just wondering if Kyle didn't just give in to the same tendencies Yolanda has for hyperbole) "You know their father how are they doing"


Look, as crazy as Yolanda is about all this Lyme stuff and how it's affecting her and her kids look at the above real close. Basically, if what is written above comes close if not exact, to what Kyle said she just basically said "hey Lisa, Yolanda's going on about her kids being really ill like she is and I don't buy it! Since YOU know their father who I feel is a more reliable and believable source I want to know if this sane person backs what Yolanda is slinging".  And yes that's a stupid conversation that shouldn't have been initiated and No Yolanda didn't react mistakenly because what it boils down to is that Kyle needed more in order to accept Yolanda's claim. Why? Is she entitled to more clarity? What's wrong with a raised eyebrow a shrug, acceptance and get well card and leaving it as that?


Is there reason to be weary of her claims sure. Is it okay to go around trying to gather proof about it by grilling third parties? Absolutely not. The fact that Kyle isn't close enough to inquire directly with Mo or had enough sense to understand asking Mo would be in bad taste then the same dictates that asking a friend of would also be inappropriate. I mean come on. There really is nothing confusing about Yolanda's overall sentiment over the gossip.

Edited by Yours Truly
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Her "I have to go back to bed" excuse to get out of any type of situation is growing real old.  When LisaR went to visit, and questions were starting to get asked, oh no, all of a sudden she's too tired to carry on.


I half expect her to have a bed in her dressing room at the reunion. Any time Andy asks a question she doesn't like, she'll have to go lie down. 

  • Love 13

I think where I see the disconnect is - Kyle and LVP are supposed to be close enough "homies" of Yo that she expects them to speak up and defend her when her "disease of 4 years is being discredited". But then they're not good enough friends to be allowed to talk about her children? I talk about my friends' kids. Not in a malicious, sniping way. But I will relay cute stories, or ask about problems. We had a friend who lost his 5-year-old daughter to cancer. He was going through hell and wasn't available to hang out or talk a lot. One of my good girlfriend's grandma was BEST friends with his grandma. So sometimes I would ask if she knew how the little girl was doing, when she was going through her treatments and all that. It was simple concern, and I don't think Kyle asking about the kids was anything more than that. No one was being malicious. No one was accusing the kids of anything. I think it's ridiculous for Yo to just "casually" mention that her kids have Lymes as well, and expect no one to ever talk about it ever again. 

I think the point is if people are that invested in talking about it or discussing it or wondering about it then they should be invested enough to contribute positive experiences and well wishes. If all that these women can muster is slight support and a whole lotta doubt then I think the point is the best route would be to leave the subject alone completely. And yes even if Yolanda is talking about it. What good does it do to be so thoughtless about someone elses health issues or drag out and question something so far that it would start implying deceit? Like is it really worth all that? Really? Never ceases to amaze me how low these housewives let these shows take them.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1

Maybe LVP was scratched by one of the dogs? 


I think that freezing really messed with their makeup.  I really enjoyed both the cryotherapy and the laughing at that scene and the luncheon scene.  They were good drama.  I do wish that LVP had turned to the suddenly mute Kyle and asked her to tell Yo she was so insistent on inquiring about Yolanda's kids when Lisa said she didn't want to talk about it.

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I am going to chime in here about the 'medical records' yoyo had during that scene.


I worked in a records room for 12 years and most of the time, people don't access their records.


I say most of the time because there are occasions when scans, x-rays and other results are culled from a record to be forwarded to another physician. Sometimes people - because they want to expedite a consult/appointment - will pick up those records and deliver them themselves.


MRs are also requested via law firms - by a subpoena - for court cases.


Almost all MRs, tests and scans are written in medical-ese and unless you know what you are looking for, usually don't make a great deal of sense.


Because physicians have such a hard time diagnosing LD - and MoFoYoFo has records that definitively diagnose the Non-GG's. She shouldn't waste those results on a pair of stupid housewives, she should get that doctor to go public with what tests he administered, what lab they went to and when they were given.


Something that foolproof shouldn't be kept under the covers, it needs to be shared for the good of the public.........IF NOT? That proves how selfish yoyo is and unimportant she thinks the other people on the same 'journey' are.

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I've never had bad experiences with Target purses nor am I particularly hard on bags, but when I bought my first semi-expensive purse (a Longchamp 17 years ago for $500) I was glad that I did. It is really well made. It's classic. And I have had it cleaned and serviced by the maker 3 times for free. I carry it nearly everyday and while it doesn't look new, it also doesn't look like a purse that's almost 20 years old. It was an expense that was worth it for me.

I'm not sure how much Eileen is spending on purses, but she should and could spend anywhere between $500-$1500 each on a couple of classic purses and carry them for the rest of her life. The problem is that these women drop thousands on bags and carry them for a couple of years. Eileen should Bag, Borrow, or Steal or Rent the Runway while she's filming because she knows these superficial bitches are going to clown her.

I find Kathryn to be superficial, shrill, strident, and unpleasant.



I personally started upgrading my bags a few years ago. Certainly not to Chanel or Hermes at 5K a pop, but I now buy Kate Spade, Dooney and Coach. If you watch the sales and outlets you can get them much cheaper than full  retail. I bought a Longchamp in Paris and it was much cheaper than in the US.

IMO they do hold up better than cheaper bags. I don't mind dropping a couple of hundred on a bag that will last years, but 5K is ridic. I love that Eileen gives zero fucks about bags and shoes and still looks classic and chic. As the Countess says, "Money can't buy you class". Some of these hoes need to take that to heart. 


Longchamp is my OBSESSION - I do collect them.  I have one in (almost) every color.  I am not a bag person at all - I refuse to spend more than a couple hundred.  Longchamp will repair your bag for free.  It is worth the money.


I grew up in a super wealthy area near Chicago - it is nothing like Beverly Hills (chi chi chi).  I am very much used to hanging out with people who have a LOT of money and none of them every show off like these idiots.  No one with money buys crap like that.  There is one reason to buy bags that cost thousands of dollars - to let people know that you have thousands of dollars!  And guess what?  No one cares! 


Kyle with her nonsense "well this is a classic Chanel..."  Then actually SAYING the price.  I feel secondhand embarrassed for her.


Eileen really won me over with her attitude about bags.  Why would anyone spend so much on a purse?  I would be embarrassed.  I don't think she needs to spend anything on bags.

Edited by heatherchandler
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To pretend they were sitting around quoting verses from the bible, signing hymns and trading recipes when all of a sudden the overwhelming concern about Yolanda's children (ya know so they can request a group prayer next time they attended church) spawned the inquiry is completely laughable to me.

Maybe Erica's assistant can say a prayer for them before the next show she does. He was very vehement and pious?

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