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S01.E03: Blood Ties

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Yes, we got the Superman and Batman reference that was in the trailer.  Yeah baby!


Every pairing of the team worked perfectly in this episode.  Poor Snart learning that some things can't be changed, at least he didn't erase his sister or friendship with Mick out of existence.


And on the shallow side, Sara in that dress, holy freaking Zod.  Damn she was rocking that tonight, Nyssa would approve.

  • Love 7

First and foremost - it's official - this is my new favorite show.


Next - the biggest thing I love about this show is that so many members of this team are so haunted by their past, yet still the show manages to be fun.  Arrow - take notes.  No nevermind - don't come anywhere near my new television love.


And speaking of love - I love, love, love Sara. She is so amazingly badass and so tender deep down inside.  Love her SO much.


I really enjoyed Ray and Stein together.  I am so happy that this show remembered that Ray lost his fiancé and that was the driving force behind him building the suit.  Arrow made way too light of that when they tried to make him be in-love with Felicity.  I like this Ray so much more than his Arrow evil twin.


Cold and Rip were in a contest to see who could tug my heart more this episode.  I do love the damaged boys, until they start acting really stupid that is (Oliver I'm looking at you).

Edited by nksarmi
  • Love 9

Sara is so awesome! I guess the bloodlust is not cured yet, Arrow. However it seems she has more control over it or she killed those extras before not killing Not Ivo. I liked the Rip and Sara scenes. For being a bloodthirsty assassin Sara is good at reading moods. *shallow note* she looked amazing in that in dress. Green is her color. Sorry Oliver.


awww baby Leo. Poor Snart, he should know once a dumbass, always a dumbass. 


Good job, Rip. You messing with the timeline is why Vandal kills your family. He wouldn't have known who they were otherwise. Also of course Sara is bringing weapons, she probably doesn't go to sleep without a weapon. 


I really like how they are using the teams different skill sets. And it looks like the Rogues are already changing, old Snart would not have cared to go rescue anyone. 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 3

I thought this was a damn good episode! And it felt like it was an hour long which is great since it didn't fly by. I felt like they achieved a lot.


The writers obviously have a great grasp/fun with Sara/Snart/Rip and I enjoy them immensely but they need to start showing some serious love to Kendra.


Since Malcolm said yesterday that Sara isn't effected by the Pit the same way Thea is, I guess he wasn't talking about needing to constantly kill in order to stay alive. 

She still got the lust but if she doesn't indulge, it won't end up killing her.

  • Love 2

1. Was it not established yesterday that Sara did not have Thea's blood lust because John Constantine made her whole?


2. Jackson knows how to fight in a serious manner now?


3. So Savage's followers captured Sara and Hunter in the room where they kept Carter's body. They hauled our heroes out, and brought them to... the room where Carter's body was kept...?


4. After Savage was "killed" why did Hunter not take the body and just burn it? 


5. That long after his death, should Carter's blood not coagulate by then? As well, should he not be in rigor mortis already?


6. I am not sure I have the appetite to follow the series if all they do is hunt Savage from a point in time to other point only to have him resurrects at the end of each of the episode.

  • Love 3

For me I don't care about Vandal at all. I'm watching the show for the characters and how they interact with each other. I'm loving what we've gotten so far. I find most villains on shows tedious, they are engaging for a couple of episodes then I want them dead by the end of the season and that is thing that rarely happens, fans end of up loving the villain and they stick around well past their expiration date (ie: Malcolm on Arrow).


If they do end up killing Vandal at the end of this season, I consider that a win for me. And it looks like they will since he's not a fan favorite villain. 


This show is much better without the Hawks. That's why they needed more than one other woman. I'll still hold out hope that Kendra can get better. Maybe she needs to hang out with Sara for a bit. She does need to learn how to kill, who better to teach her than an assassin. 

  • Love 7

Savage resurrects if a single cell last until Kendra kills him. He's Immortal. So yeah if you can't deal with that you probably won't want to stay watching. The episode was multi layered and fun so I hope you stay watching. 


I'll give the show the benefit of the doubt of perhaps a deleted scene where they take Sara & Rip before bringing them back.


Jackson was mostly just punching. He's also kind of built guy who has been superhero for a few months. Plus he adsorbed a nuke so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.


It's only been a day and who knows what the resurrection magic does to Carter's blood.

Edited by tarotx
  • Love 3

Savage resurrects if a single cell last until Kendra kills him. He's Immortal. So yeah if you can deal with that you probably won't want to stay watching. The episode was multi layered and fun so I hope you stay watching.


If that is the case, why not take the body? Throw it to the moon if the craft is a space ship. Otherwise, sealed, in a steel coffin, weld it tight and throw the coffin to Challenger Deep. Or keep the body, kill him when he resurrects. There are many alternatives to do, one that can not be done is just to leave him there while they know he will resurrect and be a big problem in the future.

  • Love 6

While not as good as the previous two episodes, I continue to really enjoy this show.  All the pairings have been stellar and it is a real strength of this show.  Sara is awesome.


Jax ain't that smart and neither is Snart for the plan he thought up.


I'm wondering why Rip didn't take Savage's body and burn it.

Edited by benteen

Throw it to the moon if the craft is a space ship. Otherwise, sealed, in a steel coffin, weld it tight and throw the coffin to Challenger Deep.



I came here planning to say exactly the same thing, except I was thinking Marianas Trench.  Leaving him lying there on the floor or whatever... I like so many aspects of this show, but this is a bit more than I'm comfortable with in terms of turning my brain off.  Even his followers find Savage eventually, if it takes even 50 years for them to get him out of there, that's Hunter's wife and kid saved as Savage's progress is delayed.

Hunter's giving Savage their names while at the same time being resigned to the idea that they have no way to stop him?  That's pretty questionable too.

Edited by Al Herkimer
  • Love 1

I really really like this show! I was worried going in that it would be a hot mess, but I already really dig the chemistry between the cast, and now that they are going to start time traveling again, we should get to have more fun time travel adventures. 


Sara is just amazing. How anyone could have wanted her to stay dead is beyond me. I am glad they are still dealing with her issues, while allowing her to be kickass and have way more fun than she ever did on Arrow


Its amazing how much I do not even hate Ray anymore. In fact, I...like him now. Its bizarre! A far cry from when he was pain in the ass TinCan Iron Man. I kind of laughed at the realization that Stein still does not remember him. 


Oh Lenny. His messed up past is doomed to stay messed up. And Rip might have screwed up his own timeline and got his family killed. Do NOT mess with the time line people!

  • Love 4

Jax also used a football tackle. It's not like he was fighting like Sara. I can buy he knows how to throw a punch. 


Not Ivo: Looks like someone brought a knife to a swordfight.

Sara: Tell that to the woman that had the gun. 

As us Chuck fans know, if you see a beautiful blonde named Sara with a knife, you probably shouldn't doubt her skills.

  • Love 8

1. Was it not established yesterday that Sara did not have Thea's blood lust because John Constantine made her whole?


Yeah, they kinda did.


3. So Savage's followers captured Sara and Hunter in the room where they kept Carter's body. They hauled our heroes out, and brought them to... the room where Carter's body was kept...?


I thought that was confusing as well.


5. That long after his death, should Carter's blood not coagulate by then? As well, should he not be in rigor mortis already?


That was the serious WTF of the episode.  They obviously didn't embalm the body, so it would have already to decompose.  And there was no real reason to slit his throat -- he was already dead -- and there was no beating heart so the blood wouldn't have been running out of his neck like water.  Maybe if they hung Carter upside down like a slaughtered animal in order to drain him.

I'm not taking Malcolm's insistence that Sara is "whole" because of John Constantine as canon.  She just isn't having the same issues as Thea.  My guess is because Sara's offed a few people in the last couple of episodes.  Personally, I have no problem with this - I do NOT understand these shows' obsession with putting people in war-like situations and then saying "killing is bad."  Thank GOD we have Cold and Heatwave on this show.  Oh yea, and Rip didn't seem to have an issue with it either.  I like Rip.

Edited by nksarmi
  • Love 5

Malcolm doesn't know much about the pit. He learned the turn on host by Thea having a side affect. Oliver was the one who was talking nonsense about Sara not being like Thea. Sara will kill the Pedophile or women murderer and be done with it ;)


And Carter wasn't really dead since Kendra was getting knowledge from him. Magic created a link between them. I was thinking put the body in a Lazarus pit since he's obviously just in a Thea state of dead. I guess I watch more shows like this than you guys. I'm immune to magic science. 

  • Love 1

Good things:


1. Really liking this format of switching up the various groups and letting us see the different interactions with people.  Jax in particular seemed to do better playing off Cold and Heatwave than he did with Victor Garber.


2. At least the inevitable Titanic joke is now out of the way. And yay for the Superman and Batman references. Kinda sad that they're both dead, but that's in the future so I won't worry about it.


3. So you can play likable, vulnerable and wounded, Brandon Routh! Where on earth was this Ray Palmer in the first half of Arrow season three, and specifically when he was pouring out his sob story to Felicity?  Oh, right, mostly stalking her telephone. It's ok, Ray. You're starting to grow on me.


4. Stein continues to manipulate people's emotions without a second thought. This will be fun.


5. Cracked up at Cold and Heatwave's whole, well, if you aren't going to let us rob the bank, you have to let us rob something else.


6. And Cold and Little Cold were adorable. 


Questionable things:


1.  Count me in as another person confused by the whole taking Sara and Ray away from the room with Carter's body to...the room with Carter's body. I feel there was something missing there.  


2.  Ok, loved the red lighting and the candles, but still, Vandal Savage and crew, I like my Evil Rituals held in places that don't look like hotel rooms.  


3. I'm still not buying that anyone on this show felt a strong enough attachment to Carter to feel much of anything at his death, and giving us two scenes of the characters mourning isn't helping me there.


4. I'm not, admittedly, a medical expert. But isn't the entire point of the circulatory system to ensure that blood keeps moving through the entire body?  In which case, surely those knife fragments would have reached Kendra's heart (or wherever they were going) by the time Victor Garber and Ray finished their conversation?


5. I know it was for dramatic effect, but emeralds are relatively fragile stones that don't really stay that clear at that size. Maybe they should have robbed a very large ruby instead. Otherwise, I'm guessing that Cold Senior went to jail because he was trying to pass off a piece of glass as an emerald.


Bad things:


1. Sure with only two women on the show, stick one of them in a coma for most of the episode.


2. Last night Arrow specifically said that John Constantine had cured Sara's bloodlust. Tonight she was bloodlusting away. Then again that info did come from Malcolm Merlyn, so I guess we can chalk that up to Malcolm lying again.


3. I realize it's a different show, but exactly how often are we going to have to hear Ray Palmer's back story?


4. Nope, I'm still not convinced that these flashbacks are happening in Egypt, let alone ancient Egypt.  On reason I'm not convinced is that everyone in your version of ancient Egypt just happens to be standing on Arrow's League of Assassins set, which is really making it difficult for me to suspend my disbelief. Unless I'm expected to believe that all of the League of Assassins scenes over on Arrow have in fact been happening in ancient Egypt, not, as Arrow has been suggesting, New Jersey.


Credit where credit is due, however, for coming up with some sort of reason for three of the characters to visit Central City and a couple of the sets there!


5. Count me in as another person completely confused by the blood coagulating business. Does immortal magic blood just not obey biological laws?


6. This is now more of an Arrow problem, but if the other League of Assassins are trained just half as well as Sara, how is it that Team Arrow manages to knock out their goons so quickly?


7. And this is more of an overall problem: surely some random past people are going to notice the flying and cold and heat guns eventually and start asking questions, changing the future, right? 


8. And speaking of overall problems: since Carter keeps getting reborn, couldn't they just go and get another Carter?  Did I miss the explanation for why they can't do this, other than to keep the boring guy with the expensive CGI wings off the show? I probably did.


And now, by popular demand, Sara!


But first, let's pause for a moment to applaud Caity Lotz for that dress, not to mention the legs to carry it off.


Number of times Sara succeeds as an assassin, ten: 1, providing Rip Hunter with an alternative, strategic plan for weakening Vandal Savage in Carter's absence, 2. Immediately realizing that the bankers had criminal connections just based on the calluses on their hands and other minor signs, 3, immediately recognizing when they'd been made, 4, immediately taking out the woman with the gun, and then taking care of most of the goons, 5, taking out a guy armed with a sword with just her knife, 6, carrying as many knives as she needed, 7, concealing them well enough that neither Rip nor the criminals noticed, 8, sneaking undercover in one hell of a dress, 9, delivering a major roundhouse kick in that dress, almost managing to get away, 10, continuing to take down Savage's goons even after a major blast, being the hands down most dangerous and badass person on a show with two criminals wielding superweapons and three characters who can fly. You go, Sara, you go.


Number of times Sara succeeds as a human being, five: 1. Recognizing that she's messed up. 2. Immediately explaining, when asked, exactly what the problem is and why she's a danger. 3. Talking about this, instead of sulking. 4. Putting her own emotional issues aside to talk to Rip and get him to refocus. 5, Fighting off her bloodlust by attacking the floor instead. I did feel a bit sorry for the floor, but it can be repaired.


I'm liking Sara here more than I did on Arrow - she's been able to bring a lightness to her role here that she never did there, while continuing to struggle with her demons. 

  • Love 17

As much as the cast has stepped up their respective games . . . wouldn't it be better to have a show about time-travelling ass-kicker Sara Lance? She wears clothing appropriate to whatever era she's in, she kicks ass, she flirts with guys and girls . . . and every six episodes, she goes back to 21th Century Star City and beats up her sister. Ratings would go through the roof for the CW.


Anybody else surprised Leo Snart looked and sounded normal? I would've expected the kid to sound like the adult version. "Give you my lunch money? No, I don't think so. In fact, you give me your money. Like, right now-ish."


When did Mick become savvy about time travel? I have him pegged as a pair of fists and a heat gun. BTW, anybody else annoyed that we don't see the Rogues' guns freeze or burn anything? How different are they from Rip's laser?


Good plot with Ray and Martin. I'd like to see more of Jax without Martin instead of vice versa like last week, as opposed to being thrust into Leonard and Mick's excellent adventure. And apparently, scouting ships aren't that much different from cars in terms of maintenance. Okay, show.

  • Love 10

Everything with Vandal Savage was either lame or annoying, with the exception of Rip unintentionally putting a target on his own family.  The whole cult thing was gross.  Luckily Rip and Sara have such insane chemistry it all faded into background noise for me.  Stein, Ray, Snart and Rory were watchable.  Jax may be a good guy (and genius mechanic) but it seemed pretty easy for Snart to talk him into a joyride.  :-)   


There was so much going on, I think I need to watch it again.   

  • Love 1

I had the same thoughts about Vandal Savage - he's immortal, not invincible, so just freeze his body on the ship or take him 5 billion years in the future when the Earth's about to get swallowed up by the Sun.  


Also show - don't tease us with Michael Ironsides in the previouslies if he's not going to be in the show.


Other than that, the episode was fun.  No major complaints.

  • Love 1

I think the less we see Vandal Savageless, the better. He's just an annoying villain to me and the least interesting part of this show. Yes, I know he is why they are all time traveling, but I'm ok with not seeing him much. It's much better to see the group interacting. 


Sara/Rip: Loved seeing these two interact. I think having Rip as the sort-of-leader of the group (it feels more like a democracy/nobody listening to Rip ever) and having Sara kick ass and take names help with their dynamic. I love that Sara straight up told Rip about her bloodlust, no questions asked. See Oliver? Look, honesty! I guess Sara's bloodlust wasn't cured by Constantine, per say, but rather he helped her control it better. So as long as she isn't killing left and right, she doesn't turn into a monster. And with her soul intact, it's easier for her to resist the urge to kill. 


Jax/Cold/Heatwave: Excellent dynamic here too. I think having Jax interact with someone other than Stein has helped to let the actor play off others. His interaction with Heatwave and Snart were solid. I also like that even when Snart tried to change the past, it didn't work. Good. Now let's hope he doesn't try again. I really felt for him during his interaction with his kid self. It gave him a layer that we haven't seen before. He's probably happy nobody was around to see him tear up like that. But I love snarky Snart, and I'm also really enjoying Heatwave, even if I do keep forgetting his real name (Mick?). 


Stein/Ray/Kendra: Ah, Stein/Ray, a pairing we finally get to see working together. I liked it a lot. I also felt sympathetic toward Ray. There you go, show. You have pretty much redeemed him for me. I'll just forget he was ever introduced on Arrow season 3. It's the fact that both Ray and Stein are so similar (cocky, egoistic, yet actually brilliant and can back up their egoism to a point) that makes them work well together. Also, they helped Kendra! And in return, Kendra helped them find Rip and Sara!


Ok, yay, we have had a lot of the potential pairings interact. Now, let's see which ones have yet to have scenes together:


Rip hasn't had many scenes with others, weirdly enough. He's had scenes with the group, but Sara's the only one he's gone out on missions for. I'd love to see him with just Heatwave or just Jax. 


Sara has had scenes with other duos, but she hasn't exactly had scenes with Ray yet, or the split up duos. I'd love to see her with Jax, Kendra, or Heatwave next.


Kendra seriously needs to start having her own interactions. She was stuck with Carter the first two episodes and stuck in a coma for this one. I'm hoping for some female friendship. And maybe Stein.


Snart/Mick, and Stein/Jax separating would be great. Well, mostly Snart/Mick. They both lighten up the mood, but I'd love to see more solo Mick, since we know very little about him. 


I know it's only the third episode, but just throwing these out there for the future! 

  • Love 1

I found this an improvement from the prior two episodes even if the time travel stuff is still wonky. That said, I enjoyed Snart's lesson that even if you can change time, you can't necessarily change a person's nature (and was glad to see that he didn't get a more harsh lesson in that, by perhaps erasing Lisa from history). My other real takeaways were: the show seems to function best with a smaller cast of characters, so maybe it's time to eliminate some of the other chaff, and the show functions better when the least talented performers are on stage, such as both of the Hawks. Those two observations are not, coincidentally, mutually independent.


I thought Franz Drameh wasn't too bad this episode, and there was even a (brief) moment when Casper Crump seemed sort of intimidating as Savage.


And the parachute pants joke was funny. I used to own some. 


And I still have my leather tie.

Edited by Cthulhudrew
  • Love 1

4. Nope, I'm still not convinced that these flashbacks are happening in Egypt, let alone ancient Egypt.  On reason I'm not convinced is that everyone in your version of ancient Egypt just happens to be standing on Arrow's League of Assassins set, which is really making it difficult for me to suspend my disbelief. Unless I'm expected to believe that all of the League of Assassins scenes over on Arrow have in fact been happening in ancient Egypt, not, as Arrow has been suggesting, New Jersey.


Plus, only one of the Egyptians has been a non-caucasian so far. Did the Gods of Egypt people get a consulting credit on this show?


2. Jackson knows how to fight in a serious manner now?


What I liked about that was that he wasn't acting like a trained fighter, but the football player he used to be. He tackled the guy, and then started pounding on him after he was down. It's always cool to me when the fight choreographers make an effort to have characters fight true to their back stories, rather than have everyone be a trained ninja.

  • Love 5

Vandal Savage seems to even be immune from the advantage of time travel. He remembers everything. Plus, all his followers live 200 years. I have to say, doubling my life span really puts Savage ahead of the other cults. Of course, any theory on how to stop Savage won't work because the writers will find a way out of it. My personal plan would be to use the time ship to re-route the meteor in the sky. Now, you just have 3 dead people in a temple.

  • Love 1

Why couldn't they take Savages body and finish him off right then and there?


That was the part that super bugged me. Even if he got resurrected/escaped/got broken out later. It would have shown that the heroes aren't completely stupid/lazy.

Just because we know they can't succeed now doesn't mean they shouldn't try something. They could stick him in a box and he could escape and run around the ship causing more havoc and they can have a bottle episode. 


Also can we not have him in an episode. He's not really threatening or intimidating. He comes off more hammy than a season long villain. Also less of a villain is better. The more we see of him, the less impressed I am by his immortality. Which compared to super healing, speed, strength or fireballs is kind of mediocre. 

Edited by wayne67

I admit to never actually caring as much about the particulars of plots. I just go with the flow. So, I have zero to add about what they should had done with Vandal Savage. It's a tv show. He's their villain. He's who they are chasing on this mission. So, for me, moving on.


I also don't care about how many women they have on the show or how much they are used. I just look at them as characters. One character is out of action for me. It's not a woman is out of action.


I also can't knock arrow because it's not this show. I don't need Arrow to light fluffy. What I want from this DC universe is just for none of the shows to feel the same tonally. For the most part, they don't. It's a lot of fun watching this show and this episode but Arrow and its more darker tome is A OK with me too.


Sara is a revelation on this show. I think Caity is being helped by writers that love the character and want to explore her. You see that a lot with these shows. Like, when they do the Flash/Arrow crossovers, some character feel a little different. I think it's because certain writers like to play with certain characters. Like how Barry is way more snarkier when he's on Arrow.


I love Sara but I'm loving all the characters.


Rip is great for handling the more serious aspects of the mission and keeping things on point.

Sara is badass but she's also the loyal, dependable team member every team needs.

Ray and the Professor cover the more scientific aspects of this mission.

Snart brings the sass but is also a shockingly good team member.

I love how uncomplicated Heatwave is. He just to do bad things. You always know where he stands.

Jax works as the youngest member of the team sort of like how Spiderman will bring that influence to Avengers.

Hawkgirl is my weak link but she will have more time to develop.


I'm shocked that I don't hate the fleshing out of a villain with Snart. But, it actually works because he's a Flash villain. One thing I loved after seeing Flash in his element on the Justice League series is that his rogues gallery is usually filled with just complicated souls. Some that can be reasoned with instead of just locked up every time.


Keep it up show. I'm glad they are going to a new decade now.

  • Love 4

Yeah, seriously, take his dead body back to the ship and put him in stasis until Kendra can finish him off. Problem solved. They need to work harder on coming up with reasons why the team can't do the obvious other than "well if they did, the show would be over."

Other than that, I thought it was a great episode. Having the Hawks out of the picture improved things immensely, as I thought it might. Hopefully Kendra can start make some connections with the rest of the team now though.

Sara was amazing. :) Enjoyed the Snart side storyline as well.

"Anna Loring". Interesting. I wonder if that's confirmation that she is Jean's daughter? MG said once that they'd considered that.

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 2
Yeah, seriously, take his dead body back to the ship and put him in stasis until Kendra can finish him off. Problem solved. They need to work harder on coming up with reasons why the team can't do the obvious other than "well if they did, the show would be over."

I agree, and this is gonna be an unpopular opinion, but this is far from the only bit of fundamental weakness in the writing department.


They have a time machine (which is also a space ship) - this solves all problems.  If you try for Savage, he gets away, and is now alerted to your team's intentions, just go back a year earlier and try again.  And bring some futuristic weaponry, the kind that disintegrates every cell in Savage's corpse.  Or just drop said corpse off in proximity to the sun. Problem solved.


Getting fair tired of the whole 'can't upset the timelines' nonsense for a plot that's founded on the most fundamental disruption of the timelines possible - eliminating Savage in the past (which should be fairly easy).  If they succeed, the whole planet is saved so no need for Not-Dr.-Who to steal a ship from the Not-Timelords and start all this nonsense in the first place.  You can't found a whole show on the concept then whinge about how any tiny disruption might fuck up the universe. 


Lots of other little stuff bugs me too.  


Do all the characters have one storyboarded moment in their past which shapes their entire motivations?  And can only be overcome with a high-school-style pep talk?


They have a futuristic sickbay that can't remove bits of metal large enough to cause vascular blockage?  We can do that now, without a constantly-malfunctioning Not-Antman suit.


There's a futuristic Chilton's manual for your spacecraft that so detailed it can catch a grease monkey (even a super-smart one) up on two centuries of technology, enough to repair it?  I can almost buy that future-craft would be easy for anyone to pilot, but it can also be stolen just by swiping the keys?  That's the only security feature?

  • Love 2


That's the only security feature?

The security system was probably designed by whomever came up with the security system for Star labs.  So requiring a key is actually an improvement.


Why do I get the feeling that Jax and Stein will be kept apart in the field more often than not?  Firestorm is too expensive and too powerful to have around, especially if he's bulletproof.  The characters should be asking Rip for some futuristic body armor regardless since that sure would have helped the Hawks last episode.

Edited by cambridgeguy

Lots of other little stuff bugs me too.  


Like why hospital gowns are so short in the future.  By the way, who undressed Kendra and put her in the hospital gown ?


Or why that dagger would have broken into pieces in Kendra's body in the first place -- unless Kendra has an adamantium skeleton a la Wolverine.  Wasn't that dagger supposed to be 4000 years old, I don't think it would have been that fragile.

  • Love 1


1. Was it not established yesterday that Sara did not have Thea's blood lust because John Constantine made her whole?


Think of Thea and Sara as vampires for a bit.  Thea needs blood to survive.  Sara, due to some mumbo-jumbo does not need blood to survive.  However, Sara is still a vampire and blood is still crack laced with sex to her.  It tastes awesome.  She doesn't need, but she does really, really want.  So, when she gets into a situation where she might kill, she has to work hard to avoid indulging herself.  Sometimes she'll fail.

  • Love 7

Sara said, "my friend Thea" so I think they are good.

Jax is young I think, so I can see him easily being swayed to go have an adventure. I saw that as more to do with his age and nothing to do with race. I think the actor playing Jax has really improved too. I really enjoyed him this episode.

Now if only Hawkgirl would improve too. I really want so much to like her.

  • Love 3

You know, I think it was Arrow that actually made the mistake with Sara.  After Sara was resurrected, we do see her struggle with blood lust and she kills one of the HIVE ninjas as a result.  I think that was one of the reasons she left Star City.  So I don't know where this "Sara was cured of her bloodlust" came from last night.


Vandel really showed how charisma-free he was when Rip and Sara were brought before him before the commercial break.  An actor with charisma would have pulled that off...with him, it was just awkward.


I have a hard time believing that Stein wouldn't remember Ray if he was a student of his but I do like that he is portrayed as arrogant and a bit of a prick.


Heatwave has been a lot of fun on this show.

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