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Is it just me or does LisaR seem to want to take on LisaV this season. We now have a couple of remarks, albeit not directly to LisaV but about LisaV that sounded snarky to my ears.


I can respect LisaV's answer that at this stage in her life she just doesnt have some of the worries that she did in years past. I mean Pandora is married and working on her carrier, Max seems to be a typical 20 something working for his parents and their businesses seem to be doing well. What exactly do these women want her to confess to?

  • Love 23

Is it just me or does LisaR seem to want to take on LisaV this season. We now have a couple of remarks, albeit not directly to LisaV but about LisaV that sounded snarky to my ears.


Mhmm.  You can see it on her face everytime LVP speaks.  She damn near is about to pop especially when Eileen's affair got brought up again.  LisaR knows though if she takes on LVP most of LVP fans will be on her like a dog in heat on social media.  

  • Love 6

I'm enjoying the episode and I'm glad that they aren't pretending like Kim doesn't exist because it wouldn't make any sense to not address the issue given how her issues have been apart of every season. She's not a full time cast member, she might not even be a friend of, but it makes sense that the women would talk about her. A bunch of posters were talking about Kim off season when she was having her series of meltdowns so it only makes sense that the people who actually interact with her would also talk about it. The show is manufactured enough. I'd hate to think that they were discouraged from discussing Kim because of some loyalty to her. Apart from the fact that she doesn't deserve it, it goes into the whole thing about how there are so rarely consequences for Kim's actions. That she's still being talked about this season and that I know she won't appreciate it feels like a kind of justice that is appropriate for Kim even if she'll never be able to recognize it. Anyway, other former cast members are talked about, I don't know why Kim the permanent victim should be off limits. 


I will shamelessly admit to enjoying getting the hint of the dirt when Kyle said that she and Kathy no longer speak. It's crazy how much drama there is between these three siblings. 


I'm going to organize my thoughts about the rest of the episode in a separate post. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 18

Kyle lost the poll on WWHL, or rather, won it, I think it was "who is biggest liar?"


And she was distraught.  Andy had to put the graphic back up so she could confirm.  LOL  32% Kyle, 25% Yo, 21% VDP.  These polls are more popularity contests than scientific studies but I thought it was kind of hilarious to see Kyle lose her cool over being voted the biggest liar. 

  • Love 10

I heard "empaty," too. Didn't she also have difficulty understanding a particular word that Andy used at one of her earlier reunions? Why doesn't someone on production lecture her about speaking English since she lives in America?

Goad.  Yolanda asked, "what is to goad."

And she was distraught.  Andy had to put the graphic back up so she could confirm.  LOL  32% Kyle, 25% Yo, 21% VDP.  These polls are more popularity contests than scientific studies but I thought it was kind of hilarious to see Kyle lose her cool over being voted the biggest liar. 

What are they lying about and for the record-what a dumbass poll question. 

  • Love 7

Lisa will never allow herself to be vulnerable and that says a lot about Lisa.  Nope.  She's not going to say what can keep her up at night.  I could never be friends with her.  She's not a down to earth person.  Oh, and Ken, go hang out with your 'friends' or something.  And I'd put a bowl of water out for Giggy and tell Ken the dog can hang out on the floor like a dog. 


Mauricio's anniversary gift to Kyle were gorgeous.

Oh what did he get her? I didn't catch WWHL.

I'm an animal lover and I am absolutely disgusted by the mistreatment or abuse of animals. That being said, for some reason I find myself wishing Jiggy would fall off a cliff.

  • Love 9

This episode was ok, I enjoyed the Erika parts...it was nice to get the 7th and final HW of the season. Other then that...this season has mainly been REALLY boring. These women have such unresolved feelings about KIm and Brandi, just bring them back and give me the drama.


I love animals as much as the next person but that seems to be majority of Vanderpumps storyline this season, she has nothing else going on. 

  • Love 3


will shamelessly admit to enjoying getting the hint of the dirt when Kyle said that she and Kathy no longer speak. It's crazy how much drama there is between these three siblings.


if there is a reality tv god Kathy Hilton will sign up for a season of RHOBH.  Shit would get REAL for Kyle, lol.

I feel like Erika would be better drunk, maybe let her guard down a little.  I kinda miss the drunken revels the girls used to have like Taylor's wine tasting at her place in Malibu.  Even Adrienne got toasted and a good time was had by viewers everywhere.

  • Love 5

if there is a reality tv god Kathy Hilton will sign up for a season of RHOBH. Shit would get REAL for Kyle, lol.

And what do you mean? All what would happen is Kathy would intimidate Kyle and talk in her code language about "secrets" she won't even reveal. She won't come on RHOBH because I'm sure if she dared to push Kyle's buttons Kyle would (might) give Kathy the Kim 2.0 special from the limo. Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 6

So far Yolanda hasn't added anything interesting this season and this episode was no exception. All of her scenes feel like dead weight to me. 


LisaR has said some pretty ridiculous things this season and the comments about Kim are near the top of the list. She's coming across as especially desperate this season.


I liked LVP's "I've been wrong before" line about Kathryn.


Eileen's confession was awkward and I felt uncomfortable watching it. 


Random thought but I will be so bummed if Brandi ends up somehow befriending Erika because of Yolanda. Erika seemed like she'd be inclined to be nice to Brandi and Brandi will latch on because Erika has money. 


Next week looks juicy. 

  • Love 18

I love Eileen, but she was a bit of a Debbie Downer tonight, with the domestic abuse discussion and spreading her sister's ashes in Italy.  Time and place, Eileen.  


Not sure if I like that Vinnie has a 5 second rule with the burgers that fell on the ground.  I wouldn't touch those with a 10 foot pole!!   


Kyle looked great in jeans, t-shirt and glasses.  

  • Love 4

So far Yolanda hasn't added anything interesting this season and this episode was no exception. All of her scenes feel like dead weight to me. 


LisaR has said some pretty ridiculous things this season and the comments about Kim are near the top of the list. She's coming across as especially desperate this season.


I liked LVP's "I've been wrong before" line about Kathryn.


Eileen's confession was awkward and I felt uncomfortable watching it. 


Random thought but I will be so bummed if Brandi ends up somehow befriending Erika because of Yolanda. Erika seemed like she'd be inclined to be nice to Brandi and Brandi will latch on because Erika has money. 


Next week looks juicy. 

I think Brandi will say she is the poor Erika Jayne wannabe! LOL I wondered who was filling Brandi in on the others talking about her and I now see it is Erika in a round about way, Erika repeats to Yolanda what the others say and Yolanda tells Brandi.

  • Love 9

I heard "empaty," too. Didn't she also have difficulty understanding a particular word that Andy used at one of her earlier reunions? Why doesn't someone on production lecture her about speaking English since she lives in America?

Yolanda once asked "what means 'goad'?" Sure her English pronunciation could be better, but her vocabulary is good enough 99% of the time. Learning and using a lot of obscure or big words is just going to make her look even more pretentious.

  • Love 6

I'm so confused.  Whenever they show Pump on Vanderpump's other show it's staffed by young hot white people.  Tonight, though, I saw a lot of older Latinos.  I know that show's about her other restaurant, but I still wonder- where were the kids?  Missed crossover opportunity, for sure.


Hey- remember all that crap that went down in 1994 with OJ?  Me neither!  Was this covered on Andy's special remixes of VH-1's I Love The 90s?  It's all so confusing, and not at all the lure I think they were hoping for.  Least not for me, especially if it involved Faye Resnick (I can never remember what her involvement was beyond writing some book, though I've read summaries a lot on boards like this one).  If you need to bring out the supporting players to drive your drama, you ain't editing right.  Or you didn't cast correctly.


Word to whoever said this episode was disjointed.  As is my post about it.  I take my cues from them.  Maybe I shouldn't watch without wine?  Though I will say...Eileen's disclosure makes more sense when I think more about OJ.  If that were accidental...weird.


I'll admit, I like knowing that they talk about Brandi, it's fun continuity that makes them more like real people to me.  That said, I have zero interest in hearing about or seeing Brandi herself (I saw the previews, I'm prepared to accept it).  Same goes for Kim.  I get that she's a topic, I don't care, though, because we'll never get at the reality of it.  It's been 100 years, until Rinna's talking head I don't think they've ever mentioned that she pops pills in addition to drinking.  The story is done, in this format.  When the kids start writing books...we can revisit.


Speaking of Rinna- she needs to own her role.  This whole "I want no part in it" weepy bullshit that she does every so often is totally at odds with her talking heads and on-air shenanigans.  Just be the villain.  Have fun with it.  It can't be worse than a Depends commercial.


Last thought: Vanderpump.  I want to be her when I grow up.  I want a butler following me at all times, taking care of my pet while I film, shutting up when I command.  I want to pretend like it's somehow inoffensive to bring up someone's affair, to say they have bigger claws than the lobster because they meekly (and irritatingly) try to drum up some drama.  Or state their feelings, whatever.  I want to tell people to ask me anything and then give nothing.  I want to overpronounce my r's, because it's a cool sound.  Hell, I want a cool accent in general so everything I say has less of an edge than if I were from, say, Jersey.  And the big ass house- that too.  Want it all.  Love how she hovers above them.

Edited by phoenix780
  • Love 10

Yolanda is so needy and deep down it is always about her. With every one.

I doubt she'd do half as much for Erika or hell even listens to her problems. Even wench she did nice things like bring My Love his lunch at work it was to build herself up, not because he wanted it or needed it, but because it was on camera and she wanted his attention too.

LOL to the bolded part. I know it was a typo, but it fits YoFo perfectly. Don't edit this!


Again with the Kim talk? Damnit Kyle. It is not fine for LisaV or anyone else to mention Kim, but it is fine to discuss it with Beth and Faye. Ok. Got it now. It is on your terms when you choose to discuss Kim and with whom. You are tiring me out with this shit. 



Also that sweaty, discolored, wrinkled Pump shirt they kept showing of the wait staff.

Was it sweaty and discolored? Oh wow. I thought it was some kind of bizarre design pattern on the shirt. 


YoFo and her comments about what constitutes a great friend. The kind who takes out their private jet to pick up her raggedy ass. Is this why she was such a bitch to Joyce and gave her the view of her backside at the reunion?  Well YoFo, it goes to show how much your husband really loves you. He couldn't bother to send out a rented private jet to get you back here to So. California. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 10

Lisa VDP's problem is that she's an asshole and she's cold.  As she has zero story line this season except making others feel uncomfortable, I actually am starting to wish the producers would have picked Brandi over her.  Once again, another of her "events" was totally lame and everyone bailed early.


I was worried this would be another Bethenny-centric episode but she wasn't on for long, thank god. 

  • Love 11

I've never understood Lisa V's continual use of sexual language about Giggy.  She often calls him a sex monster and then kisses him on the lips, and tonight she commented on how sexy he looks in his pink pajamas.  Has she not seen these moments on camera and realized how odd it sounds?  She's definitely veered into "eccentric" territory with that pup.

  • Love 23

I usually like Lisa V but I'm really not feeling her this season and this episode did her no favors with me. She just annoys. Also, enough with the freaking PINK. Honestly, the camera kept panning on pink everywhere and it was so freaking annoying. And was this a commercial for PUMP and Vanderpump Sangria? How many times did the camera focus on them? I've been to PUMP. Meh. It was ok.

The Eileen revelation did seem out of place and strange. Random.

Bethenny. Beyond over you. Go back to infecting RHONY, thanks.

Kyle- for someone who doesn't want to talk about Kim, you sure do talk a lot about her. Also- that conversation with her supposed beloved aunt could have occurred off camera ON THE PHONE or at the aunt's house. How convenient, let's talk about the supposed ultra private, super sensitive family issue with the miked up aunt we've never seen or heard about. Ok then.

Yolanda. I don't care.

  • Love 17

I've never understood Lisa V's continual use of sexual language about Giggy.  She often calls him a sex monster and then kisses him on the lips, and tonight she commented on how sexy he looks in his pink pajamas.  Has she not seen these moments on camera and realized how odd it sounds?  She's definitely veered into "eccentric" territory with that pup.


I'm thinking Giggy may be short for Gigolo.  That's the only thing I can come up with.  Of course, she called the damn swan sexy too so.....

  • Love 4

Yes, Kyle is so discomfited about summarizing her bestie's past tell-all cash-in exploits because the OJ affair (oops, I wrote 'affair'; where's Eileen and the diction police?) was "creepy" but she can't wait to breathlessly speculate about whether or not Kathryn knows Faye not five minutes after Kathryn materialized.

THIS. Kyle is such a tenth-grade shit-stirrer with the fake friends and the fake crying. You have no connection with Kathryn, Kyle. One of your awesome besties wrote a book exploiting another friend's murder in which Kathryn received a tangential mention so as to make the author's viewpoint seem more credible. Also, a summer pop-up store in the Hamptons is NOTHING like a leased location in NYC. Take Bethenny and your Beach Birkin and your BS over to your new show so I don't have to watch you on RH.


And I agree with LilaFowler regarding LVP's coldness. I truly believe she puts her head on her pillow and sleeps like a baby. I don't think she has too many worries because she spends her days demanding what she wants and that leaves little time for self-reflection. Although she still manages to throw her less favorite child Max under the bus ONE MORE TIME.


Gah - I just could not stand Kyle, LVP or Lisar this week. I've already made my feelings about Yolanda known, but all I could think when she was on Erika's plane was how incredibly shitty I always felt after any surgery and I have a chronic illness. Maybe my constitution is too delicate, maybe Yo has tremendous resolve, or maybe she's just a big ol' bullshitter. Why else would she be trying to sell David Foster as the most fabulous (non-present) caregiver ever?


Yikes I'm cranky at 3am, so I'll say something nice. Camille looked freaking fabulous on WWHL. Losing the over bleached hair, the rotisserie chicken tan and Kelsey Grammer really works for her. 

  • Love 12

How does the production for these shows work? This episode seemed to have been put together after a sudden realization that the previous episodes in the season sucked. Erika seemed a little uncomfortable meeting the new "new housewife", as though she felt Kathryn was signed on because Erika didn't quite deliver.

Great to see Yolanda's screen time limited to like 2 minutes.

  • Love 2

Goad. Yolanda asked, "what is to goad."

What are they lying about and for the record-what a dumbass poll question.

It really was a ridiculous question. Is Kyle lying that she loves her husband, that she has a troubled sister, has issues with her oldest sister? I think she has been pretty upfront about all that.

I didn't see Kyle "lose her cool", I saw her laughing and ask what am I lying about? Exactly my thought.

If I were Yo, I'd be upset that Andy just had to point out that she came in second. I saw the question as very shady towards Yo, with all chatter of Yo's health, I think Andy thought Yo would win the liar contest.

Why did I need see those skinny girl bottles again?

I felt horrible for Eileen.

So the ladies have been talking about Brandi? Bravo just hasn't focused on it, lol.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 11

Kyle - the only reason she is on this show is "Kim". Despite Kyle's claims of being a child actress, no one would have known who she was without having Kim by her side. Now, she wants to forbid everyone from bringing up Kim's name. Given everything Kim did, and the fact it was all so public, it's perfectly natural for it to be discussed.

LisaR - Is her favorite food waffles? That's all she does on any topic, waffle. Pick a side and stick with it instead of trying to play all angles. Someone is going to disagree with her no matter what so she needs to put on her big girl panties and own it. BORING this season!

Eileen - speaking of BORING... I really liked her last season but between action "holier than thou" because someone asked about her relationship with her husband (SHE was the one who fooled around with a married man!) and trying to garner sympathy (Anyone else feel the timing of her shared secret was odd?) I've lost interest.

Erika - I've totally done a turn around. I love her. Breath of fresh air.

Lisa VP - eh. She looks better in the talking heads. In the show she seems mumsy in both looks and behavior.mmaybe Ken is rubbing of on her. It's like 2 different people between BH and VP Rules.

Yolanda - what a TOPPER! Has to be " the best, worst, sickest, most loving, etc.) than anyone else in the world. There isn't a superlative this woman doesn't love! Yawn! Didn't need to be in the show at all. BORING!

Faye- yuck!

Kathryn - time will tell

  • Love 7

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