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S20.E01: Week 1


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I thought Shushanna was obnoxious, too. A sentence or two is okay, otherwise, you're just being rude. (And I'm glad to know it was Russian. I recognized a little bit, but thought maybe it was a related language, like, I don't know...Bulgarian? Was her pronunciation typical? I thought it sounded Slavic but just not Russian (easily could be wrong though).


I thought her pronunciation was typical, but the way she talked sounded very rehearsed - not spontaneous at all - so maybe that's why it sounded weird to you.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 1


I've had to wait many years for female fads like odd piercings and tattoos to wane and apparently I'll have to wait a few more for this center-parted hair nonsense to go away.  It does nothing for most girls' appearance and for those with wide/broad/round faces or wide/broad noses it only accentuates these features/dimensions.

I so completely agree. A side part is so much more attractive. 75% of the bio pics have them with their part up the center. It would change their looks considerably for the part to be on the side. I mean can you imagine Princess Diana with a center part? She ALWAYS wore a side part and had lovely hair. Makes me want to reach through the TV and flip their hair to one side.

  • Love 9

Something looks wonky with Jubilee's boobs (not the tattoo), but I'm too lazy to look for a pic.

I think it is the tattoo. I couldn't look past it to see what the rest of her chest was like...although her dress certainly revealed enough if anyone was so inclined to have a look.


I think Ben's small-town values comment is Bachelor-code for religious. If he really wanted a literal small-town lifestyle then he would probably be living in a small town.

  • Love 3

I thought Olivia was stunning when she stepped out of the limo, but later I realized that a lot of that stun was because her face is enormous. Then there was all the humble bragging about being humble, plus "giving back," like she was Katie Couric just because she was on some local news station somewhere. Pfft.

I like Caila.

Lace reminded us of young Sean Young, both in looks and pushiness.

There was one dimly lit scene where Ben appeared to be talking to some woman's boobs. Interesting.

How many times has this show cast one lone redhead who is gone on the first cut? Do they look bad under the street lights or something?

  • Love 16

I think Ben's small-town values comment is Bachelor-code for religious. If he really wanted a literal small-town lifestyle then he would probably be living in a small town.


Great point. Many leads and contestants are quite religious, but are probably discouraged from talking about it. Desiree Hartsock's Instagram bio starts with "Wife, Designer, Jesus Lover," but we didn't see that on TV.


Speaking of religion, I'm sure Ben fought like hell to get rid of Mandi.


Olivia looked good on night one but wait until her roots grow in.


Jennifer seems to be a large B-cup (based on Instagram photos of her on the beach) but the lighting during her sit-down with Ben made her boobs like huge.

Edited by Bugs Meany
  • Love 5


Lace reminded us of young Sean Young, both in looks and pushiness.



Yes!  Thank you, JudyO. I knew she looked like some actress and I could not come up with it.  It was bugging me. 


I agree that Ben's humble, small town guy persona is covering a religious agenda. Wise he is not leading with that.    He doesn't want to kiss much and sees the FS as a place to get to know someone more.  Oh good god, I don't want another Sean.  Damn.  


And we have the producer picks of Mandi and Lace and the Jack Daniels, beer drinking cowgirl.   Why don't the other women know this and settle down when they see an obnoxious drunk woman commanding his attention.   Don't they ever watch this show?  


ETA.  I am glad I didn't know Desiree said Jesus lover in her bio.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

I couldn't get over that. She quit her job to be on the show and said it as if it was something to be admired for. Maybe her job couldn't honor a leave of absence and she had no choice but to quit? But if she wants to use this show to try and launch a famous tv career, good luck. She isn't the first one to do it, at least.


I don't know if I believe she left her job voluntarily... if she did, then she's an idiot... of course, the latter is entirely possible.


Ben is a cute guy but he is so not camera ready. Hopefully he becomes more comfortable throughout the season.


The girls are blah. Not one blew me away. Olivia's big forced smile was had me straining.


Based on "Bachelor Live", he still isn't any more comfortable.


And I was surprised to find out Amber was on the show after doing Bachelor in Paradise last year where she totally embarrassed herself.  I thought doing the low-rent cousin disqualified for the majors?

  • Love 7

Becca is trying so hard to make an impression on Ben. It really emphasizes how she -wasn't- interested in Chris.

Really, because she kind of seemed like the same Becca to me. I thought her comment to Chris H. that no matter what happens, someone would get a great guy was telling, in that she's aware that Ben may not be interested in her and that would be okay.

It was funny how threatened so many of the women were about her but Amber was a complete, "um, who?" Oh and Chris Soules was interviewed by video on Kimmel after the show and he sounded a little bitter about Becca. Jimmy asked him if he was surprised she was doing the show again and Chris made some comment of, "yeah I guess wasn't good enough for her."

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Useful 1
  • Love 3

I just looked at the website, and I have to say Ben's height doesn't seem like such a turn-on when you see the main photo of him and the bachelorettes. They look like his daughters.


This bit from Lace's bio was perplexing to me, to say the least:


What is your most embarrassing moment? When I had a guy I liked over for drinks and I forgot I pooped before he came over and he used my bathroom and saw it. We couldn't even talk we were laughing so hard!

So she doesn't automatically flush after pooping? And she brought a date up to her apartment with her own crap floating in her toilet bowl?

  • Love 13

Does anyone else follow along with past contestants on twitter while they live blog the show? Because if you don't you should seriously check it out! Tanner (@ttolbert05) & JJ (@jjhlane) are freaking hilarious! 


JP (@JP_Rosenbaum) is also a hoot!! So is Dana Weiss (@Possessionista), who always blogs about the show. Twitter is one of the most entertaining parts of the 2 hours!

  • Love 2

I think the black eye must be an accident.  She would have been removed from the show it it was intentional.  

JP (@JP_Rosenbaum) is also a hoot!! So is Dana Weiss (@Possessionista), who always blogs about the show. Twitter is one of the most entertaining parts of the 2 hours!


Are they posting on their own accounts or on one for The Bachelor? 

Yes!  Thank you, JudyO. I knew she looked like some actress and I could not come up with it.  It was bugging me. 


I agree that Ben's humble, small town guy persona is covering a religious agenda. Wise he is not leading with that.    He doesn't want to kiss much and sees the FS as a place to get to know someone more.  Oh good god, I don't want another Sean.  Damn.  


And we have the producer picks of Mandi and Lace and the Jack Daniels, beer drinking cowgirl.   Why don't the other women know this and settle down when they see an obnoxious drunk woman commanding his attention.   Don't they ever watch this show?  


ETA.  I am glad I didn't know Desiree said Jesus lover in her bio.

Yes I thought the same when I saw Judy's post. Yes she does look a lot like Sean Young.


Although I do have to say that I find Ben refreshing after the last few seasons. I like that he has morals and is not afraid to admit it. He seems genuinely looking for someone serious. And isn't that what this show is about? Or the original premise anyway although it's went way off the rails at this point. I do think he needs to loosen up somewhat though and not be quite as uptight.


Yes you would think anyone who watches this show (and you can bet these girls do) would know there's always a villain planted by the producers. They all were flipping out over the first impression rose like if they didn't get it, it would be the end of the road for them or something. It's a long road to the end and what's so shiny and sparkles at first could dull over time.


I think the poster said Desiree's Instagram bio not the show's bio.

  • Love 3

Becca is trying so hard to make an impression on Ben. It really emphasizes how she -wasn't- interested in Chris. (And why bring back two of the worst bachelors? At least Ben seems far more articulate than Chris was. I liked Ben taking Sean's advice about not kissing the women while others were around--and not starting too early. Hope he continues that way, rather than following Chris's idea of "get it while you can".)


I'm sure it says something that I didn't think anything about the single mother leaving her two children, but after the profile about the chickens, was wondering, "Who's looking after them? Especially Sylvia?"  I didn't find that odd at all to have a pet bird that wasn't a parakeet or parrot but instead was a chicken. That was very sweet and kind of amazing how they had that bond (I've usually just had cats and dogs). I actually was kind of hoping the woman (don't remember her name) wouldn't get a rose because it's hard on an animal to be abandoned when they've developed that kind of attachment. I always like it when people can bring on their dogs (or horses) but maybe the environment would be distressing for a chicken. I hope she's okay with the separation. Unlike the kids--because I assume they have close family, probably live with grandparents--it really bothered me to have left her devoted bird alone for so long. (I guess this is why I liked Ashley Onion so well--she had such a soft spot for animals.)


A good first night, with a likable bachelor and the usual assortment of slightly loony women who already, on night one, believe he's "the One". It's always so weird how that happens so quickly--but it always does.


As far as the 2 worst Bachelors.....yea, Chris, for sure. What an idiot he turned out to be. And though Jason did marry Molly and they are living happily ever after, no one forgets he actually picked Melissa then dumped her on national TV. Who would want advice from him??


As far as the animals, I am happy to see i am not the only one who gets more concerned about them than humans. LOL!!

  • Love 5

On Kimmel he mentioned that he watched the bachette with his family and their church group.   On come on!  Not at your place with some buddies and beer?!   He is coming across as timid and uptight, to me thus far.  Not saying I don't like him, just getting some red flags, that is all.  



Although I do have to say that I find Ben refreshing after the last few seasons. I like that he has morals and is not afraid to admit it. He seems genuinely looking for someone serious. And isn't that what this show is about?


Morals imply religious, to me.  As an atheist I have a strong sense of right and wrong but  I do not use the word morals.  For me this show is about a compelling, confident lead finding love.  JP Rosenbaum (not a lead) is a fabulous man and not caught up in "morals."  He is just a good guy and very witty!  That is what I hope to see.  

  • Love 6

More thoughts on Ben:  I liked that he is trying to be clear in his communications with Lace (omg, what is wrong with her parents to name her that?) It's almost as if, in the back of his mind, he feels as if she is going to sue him at the end.

Did the Bachelor hair cutters let Kaitlyn cut Ben's hair? It looks really dumb. Hopefully it will be grown out by hometowns.


Oh and Chris Soules was interviewed by video on Kimmel after the show and he sounded a little bitter about Becca. Jimmy asked him if he was surprised she was doing the show again and Chris made some comment of, "yeah I guess wasn't good enough for her."



Why yes Chris. That's exactly what it is.


Although I do have to say that I find Ben refreshing after the last few seasons. I like that he has morals and is not afraid to admit it. He seems genuinely looking for someone serious. And isn't that what this show is about?



Yes! And that's why Becca is there for Ben, and not Chris. 


Based on "Bachelor Live", he still isn't any more comfortable.



I think Ben was exhausted.  He's probably a good enough guy in real life, but after being in NY city in the am, getting up at 3 am to appear on GMA, then flying cross country five or six hours to LA, taping Kimmel then doing that STUPID after show, I am surprised he was able to sit upright. I would have been curled up in the fetal position, asleep and drooling.



I've had to wait many years for female fads like odd piercings and tattoos to wane and apparently I'll have to wait a few more for this center-parted hair nonsense to go away.  It does nothing for most girls' appearance and for those with wide/broad/round faces or wide/broad noses it only accentuates these features/dimensions.




I so completely agree. A side part is so much more attractive. 75% of the bio pics have them with their part up the center. It would change their looks considerably for the part to be on the side. I mean can you imagine Princess Diana with a center part? She ALWAYS wore a side part and had lovely hair. Makes me want to reach through the TV and flip their hair to one side.



Thank you both so much for stating what needed to be said!!! I'm not encouraging the return of the short bangs and permed hair of the 80s but please can we get some variety in hair styles today?  I remember reading a Facebook post that said "We wore our hair straight and parted in the middle in the 70s so you wouldn't have to."  And may I add the strapless wedding gown to the list of fads that needs to go away? I've waited out ponchos and lingerie tops. Leggings as a pants substitute will have to be next, IMO. 


  • Love 12

More thoughts on Ben:  I liked that he is trying to be clear in his communications with Lace (omg, what is wrong with her parents to name her that?) It's almost as if, in the back of his mind, he feels as if she is going to sue him at the end.

Did the Bachelor hair cutters let Kaitlyn cut Ben's hair? It looks really dumb. Hopefully it will be grown out by hometowns.



Why yes Chris. That's exactly what it is.



Yes! And that's why Becca is there for Ben, and not Chris.


Thank you both so much for stating what needed to be said!!! I'm not encouraging the return of the short bangs and permed hair of the 80s but please can we get some variety in hair styles today?  I remember reading a Facebook post that said "We wore our hair straight and parted in the middle in the 70s so you wouldn't have to."  And may I add the strapless wedding gown to the list of fads that needs to go away? I've waited out ponchos and lingerie tops. Leggings as a pants substitute will have to be next, IMO. 



I think her real name is Lacy and she changed it to Lace as woods said in a post above. 


Yes!  Make the middle part go away along with strapless gowns of all types.  I remember when Sharlene showed up in JPs season with a beautiful and very classy dress that was not strapless or low cut and JP went nuts over it.  

The only comment Ben made on a dress was Jubilee's long sleeved gown.  Interesting.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

JP (@JP_Rosenbaum) is also a hoot!! So is Dana Weiss (@Possessionista), who always blogs about the show. Twitter is one of the most entertaining parts of the 2 hours!


Agree, JP, Dana, JJ and Tanner are totally worth a follow as they were very, very funny last night.  Well Tanner was late as he watched on delay cause of college basketball but I can understand that, him being a KU grad.   And JJ was doing the Good Morning America feed so his snark was toned down just a bit but overall a great night with lots of laugh out loud moments from me.

  • Love 1

I am so glad Miss Gluten Free is gone. That bread looks so so good. I am glad Ben saw that these gluten nazis are fucking nuts. Hey you can't eat gluten, keep it to yourself and have a great life, don't try to convert everyone else. That is one of my huge pet peeves. Her entrance was ridiculous and I love Ben for given her the gluten-free heave ho

  • Love 18

I thought Ben was a really good Bachelor on the first night. He seemed at ease and not wooden. Didn't repeat the same phrase all night. Talked easily with the women and tried to get to know them. I was pretty impressed.

I agree! Plus, he's very handsome and nicely groomed. He seems genuinely nice, too. I can't remember the last time I liked the lead on "The Bachelor" this much. If he stays like this, I think he'll be my all-time favorite. Edited by jordanpond
  • Love 14

I agree! Plus, he's very handsome and nicely groomed. He seems genuinely nice, too. I can't remember the last time I liked the lead on "The Bachelor" this much. If he stays like this, I think he'll be my all-time favorite.


And he seems to be able to string words into coherent sentences! I can't imagine Chris S. trying to explain a choice to not have a follow-up kiss just yet. (Not that Chris would have made that choice).  And I sure can't imagine him coming back to make the statement even more coherently.  Well done, Ben!


If he's able to keep his sense of humor (some of his reactions were pretty funny!) and articulate what's going on in his head, I can see this turning out to be a pretty good season.  Plus, when he laughs, he doesn't titter like a girl. So... already miles ahead of Chris by the fun-to-watch scale.


Though, I do still feel a little weird that he graduated from IU the same year as my son did.  Man, I'm getting old.

Edited by CalamityBoPeep
  • Love 11

He did say "Hey Beautiful" a few times, and also "Bring it in" for a hug more than once.  But I imagine after about the 12th girl, the unique greetings are pretty well used up and they're grasping.


He's pure vanilla, but did fine.  He's a mid-level guy who'll have a mid-level girl and a mid-level life.  He's not there to bring the entertainment, the ladies are.  And aside from a little opening night bad behavior, the fun for me doesn't start til the competition does.   


They all have the same long, spiral curls that the Duggar daughters have been sporting for years.  Way to keep with the style of Fundamental Christian cult members, ladies!  ;-)

  • Love 10

On Kimmel he mentioned that he watched the bachette with his family and their church group.   On come on!  Not at your place with some buddies and beer?!   He is coming across as timid and uptight, to me thus far.  Not saying I don't like him, just getting some red flags, that is all.  


Morals imply religious, to me.  As an atheist I have a strong sense of right and wrong but  I do not use the word morals.  For me this show is about a compelling, confident lead finding love.  JP Rosenbaum (not a lead) is a fabulous man and not caught up in "morals."  He is just a good guy and very witty!  That is what I hope to see.  

I'm not religious either, but I actually prefer someone who wants to watch with his family and friends from church rather than the clichéd "bros and beer". (I actually had a feeling he's comfortable with a "jock crowd" too, but appreciated that he didn't feel the need to establish his identify that way). As long as he's not overbearing and dictatorial about his religion (as I think about Sean Lowe), I don't have a problem with it. 


First impressions, he seemed like a sincere and kind person. The Bachelor will test both of those, so I hope he can stay that way to the end--and, of course, find love. I'm still more a sucker for a "love story" than for the drama. (Although the producers got their first night money's worth from Lace and the weird dentist).  Seems like an improvement over Chris Soules and several others.

  • Love 9

I'm not religious either, but I actually prefer someone who wants to watch with his family and friends from church rather than the clichéd "bros and beer". (I actually had a feeling he's comfortable with a "jock crowd" too, but appreciated that he didn't feel the need to establish his identify that way). As long as he's not overbearing and dictatorial about his religion (as I think about Sean Lowe), I don't have a problem with it. 


First impressions, he seemed like a sincere and kind person. The Bachelor will test both of those, so I hope he can stay that way to the end--and, of course, find love. I'm still more a sucker for a "love story" than for the drama. (Although the producers got their first night money's worth from Lace and the weird dentist).  Seems like an improvement over Chris Soules and several others.



Okay skip the beer.  I did not mean to imply that I wanted a bach who was into beer pong or belly bucking.  I just find him a little dull.  It is early yet but I have that feeling.   He cannot be worse than Sean.   I hope we can see a sense of humor. 

I like Ben a lot. I find him a tad vanilla, but when I compare him to Juan Pablo or Chris and his mumbling....he is so much better. I like him better than Sean, but he has the same sincerity Sean did.

I thought Calia was absolutely gorgeous. She reminds me a little of Sean's Catherine. I thought Olivia was pretty and Lauren B the flight attendant was adorable. Lacy is crazy but very pretty. Definitely the Ashley S edit, though I ended up liking Ashley S a lot on BIP. I think JoJo seems pretty sweet, she reminds me of Becca. Not a Becca fan.....i don't dislike her, just neutral about her. The girl with the rose on the head?? Really?? And she is a professional dentist. Yikes! Do not introduce her to Cupcake, please!! 

Still would have loved to have seen Cupcake as the lead.

  • Love 4

I think Ben has possibly been created in a lab by the Bachelor Producers with the intention of him growing up to be the perfect Bachelor...because he is perfect for this show, exactly what they would want. And because of that he's a bit boring...especially if you're less about the romance & more about the drama of this show (as I am).


Also, I have just posted my thoughts on this first episode on my blog (as part of me "Tuesday Walk of Shame" Bachelor Review Series) if anyone wants to check it out :) Tuesday Walk of Shame: Bachelor Ben's First Impressions

  • LOL 1
  • Love 2

This bit from Lace's bio was perplexing to me, to say the least:


So she doesn't automatically flush after pooping? And she brought a date up to her apartment with her own crap floating in her toilet bowl?

That made me think of this bit from the show "Extras":



That phrase of Ben's, about how he's worried he might be unlovable. What an odd way to put it. I could see "I'm worried I may never find someone" or some such, but for a guy with obviously supportive family, this phrase sticks out. It's all part of my general annoyance with the conversations shown. They never sound like how real people actually talk, even apart from the usual "this is an amazing journey" crap. I guess part of it is being stilted because of the cameras, but overall the impression is that they are robots or aliens trying to sound like humans having a conversation.

Edited by StatMom
  • Love 3

We occasionally get snippets of actual conversation, but the producers don't really want anything of substance coming out of those shots.  Banal, superficial and generic conversations can be sliced & diced to create the story they want to tell.  

Seriously, have we ever heard anything from these folks even remotely politically focused, literature based or sociologically relevant?  Of course not.  They won't ever show those conversations, even when/if they occur later in the season.  Because they can't use them to move forward the narrative they are creating.  Puppets. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 3

Ben is boring, but cute.  But cute in the BORING way.  No edge!  Too perfect looking.  There seems no edge to him at all, but maybe we'll see later.    What amused me so much about Ben is that he took in all of the contestants and crazy with a very cool, sweet, enthusiastic, "go with it" attitude.  It was very endearing, kind of weird to be honest, and funny.  Then after awhile it was like okay Ben.  Maybe you just have really fucked up taste in chicks.  Haha!


I have to root for Caila (?) because I usually pull for minorities and she looks vaguely Asian.  Or maybe Latina.  She's a little annoying but so far so good "50 shades of crazy!"


The one I put all my money to win it was the single mother with the baby voice.  The sad music really got to me.  But then I forgot that Ben has weird taste probably and I don't know if she'll go far after this episode.


I love Jubilee obviously.  She's so pretty. I don't think she'll make it to the end -- although the previews did surprise me -- but how could I not like her .  She's so beautiful and seems a combo of tough but shy.  Thank you to whoever said they want her as next Bachelorette.


Lace looks like Sarah Silverman, whom I hate.  I thought Lace was going to be hilarious and bring all the good drama but then it got way too scary at the end.


There was Crazy (Lace) after Crazy (Dentist) after Crazy (Russian) being given a rose and I kept freaking out to my friend and she said that they're producer plants.  And she didn't even watch Unreal, like I did!   Is this all true?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 6


Still would have loved to have seen Cupcake as the lead.

I was rooting for Cupcake as well. Unfortunately the last enduring image we had of him was the crying scene on the cliff but there were some outtakes of him with Kaitlyn where he was very witty and charming. He was intelligent, professional and I loved how in that last scene when even though he knew Kaitlyn was dumping him he was still concerned about how she was feeling. The fact that he was easy on the eyes was just icing on the cake. I would have loved to see how it would have played out with him as the bachelor.


Which brings up something I've questioned for awhile. Why does each season's bachelor/bachelorette have to be the second or third chose from the previous season? Why do the producers think just because the lead liked them that much that the viewing audience would? Ben just happened to be well liked by the audience as well as the producers. It would be nice if ABC would have a viewer poll on their website to let people vote on who they would like to see and weigh the results when making a decision on the next lead. Or something along those lines. I've seen many contestants not chosen in say the last ten guys who IMO would have made a better lead than ones they have chosen. 


Not to say I don't like Ben. I like him a lot. But I think there were others in that top 5-6 who would have been good as well. Kaitlyn for the most part had a great group of guys and she chose Shawn?? Goes to show "beauty's in the eye of the beholder".

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 3

the whole "I'm unlovable" thing is really grinding my gears. It's completely unrealistic that anyone would say that without looking for pity, let alone a gorgeous guy with everything going for him. He said it last season to try to get Kaitlyn to feel bad for him and keep him around longer, and now the producers just wont let that go. 


There are far too many crazies this season so far. Hopefully some of them mellow out as the season goes on. Lace is a goner as soon as her drama runs out and the producers let her go. The most normal one seems to be the one with the 2 kids, but her voice is horrible so not sure if that'll turn him off. I actually like becca. I don't think she'll win but i do like her and think shes normal. Amber will be off soon

  • Love 3

Which brings up something I've questioned for awhile. Why does each season's bachelor/bachelorette have to be the second or third chose from the previous season? 

By the time the final 5 comes around, all the guys have a fan base of sorts and the watching audience has gotten to "know" them.  More guys than that and it's too fragmented for the producers to really keep track of.  Fans will rally around their favorites and post on social media in support.  They can nail down family info for hometown dates and get in touch with friends and other relatives for a small group.  They can't do that for guy #9, #10, #11 down the line.  It's too expensive to set all that up for more than just a few finalists. 


That small group has basically been vetted by the show and America, so taking the next lead from that group makes the most sense.  And makes them money.  Because THAT is truly the point of the show.  Money.  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 3
Lace reminded us of young Sean Young, both in looks and pushiness.



OMG, thank you for posting that! There's a name I haven't heard in years, but that is who I think I was trying to come up with in my mind. And yes, the personality is quite a match as well. 


There was one dimly lit scene where Ben appeared to be talking to some woman's boobs. Interesting.


We were dying at that scene, you could see him restraining himself from looking at them too much but slipping over and over. Whose boobs were those anyway, I didn't notice anyone with such huge boobs in the intro scene.


Once again, the African American women don't seem destined to last very long. I felt a little bad for Amber--whom I think is prettier and seems more interesting than Becca--came back with Becca whom everyone recognized. (I don't think Ben knew her name until Becca told him. Not really surprising, but awkward.)



I can't remember the other African American woman's name, but she seems to go deep in the show based on the previews, but I don't think Jubilee is going to last. 


I'm not really sure why they brought Amber back, she didn't have much success on either Chris' season or Bachelor in Paradise. And yes, it appeared that neither Ben nor most of the contestants really knew who she was. All of the soundbites about unfairness seemed squarely focused on Becca. 


Jimmy Kimmel asked Chris S. if he remembered who on earth she was and he said "vaguely." He was joking, I think, but yeah...not the most memorable. 


I couldn't get over that. She quit her job to be on the show and said it as if it was something to be admired for. Maybe her job couldn't honor a leave of absence and she had no choice but to quit? But if she wants to use this show to try and launch a famous tv career, good luck. She isn't the first one to do it, at least.


Did she say where she was an anchor? Maybe it was some tiny local cable station in the middle of nowhere and she thought this was a better springboard to fame and fortune? 


If she quit a big, well-paying network gig in favor of this, then yes, she's an idiot. 


I'm guessing that no network would really want one of their anchors on the Bachelor anyway, it's not the greatest showcase. 


More thoughts on Ben:  I liked that he is trying to be clear in his communications with Lace (omg, what is wrong with her parents to name her that?) It's almost as if, in the back of his mind, he feels as if she is going to sue him at the end.


I found Ben pretty refreshing too, though most of his scenes with Lace indicate that he's maybe a bit TOO nice for his own good. Taking the time to explain and apologize after they were interrupted (without being a jerk to the interrupter) was a nice gesture, but he would have been perfectly in the right to be a little angry about the post-rose outburst. 


Lace reminded me of a thin attractive brunette who became sort of stalkerish on a season past...maybe Jesse Palmer's season? Someone here will know who I'm thinking of. I think Ben really wanted to let her go when she criticized him about not making eye contact, but she surely is a producer's pick.


I knew she was staying because the villains always make it a few rounds, but that confrontation actually seemed real (unlike a lot of other bits of the show). Clearly the irrational, paranoid sort of drunk who will twist anything around to create trouble where it doesn't actually exist. 

  • Love 3

That small group has basically been vetted by the show and America, so taking the next lead from that group makes the most sense.  And makes them money.  Because THAT is truly the point of the show.  Money.  


That's so true.  Plus Fleiss loves that the next lead comes with a "fan base" already in place.  and yes, even DeAnna had fans.  Well she had just one but it was a big one, Ellen.


I think Fleiss would only deviate from the plan if the higher ups at ABC came up with a D-lister within the ABC/ESPN family ala Tim Tebow. 

  • Love 2

the whole "I'm unlovable" thing is really grinding my gears. It's completely unrealistic that anyone would say that without looking for pity, let alone a gorgeous guy with everything going for him. He said it last season to try to get Kaitlyn to feel bad for him and keep him around longer, and now the producers just wont let that go. 

I saw that "I worry I'm unlovable" thing differently--not looking for pity, but as being painfully honest. That is such an insecure, self-deprecating thing to say. I think many young men who reach a certain age without ever having their feelings for someone returned, or who never had a serious relationship (or who thought they were in one but were abruptly dumped) feel that way--but hardly anyone would say it.  No man wants to attract pity over no one wanting him and Ben doesn't seem to use it to manipulate others.


I liked him for having the humility to say it, because I think he's really wondered about that. I thought it was refreshing to be that vulnerable, rather than just go with the way others want to see him on the show--handsome, nice, everyone's dream guy. Instead, he's apparently not cocky at all, but is actually insecure. (But I think most of them will find that even more attractive--if they notice who he -really- is. It was funny to see how many are already looking at him as some kind of "perfect" 21st century Prince Charming. Strange how that always happens on TB, but so much less so on TB-ette.) 


I'm glad Chris Harrison seems to like him after going through the season. When he doesn't (as with Juan Pablo and Kaitlyn) he's usually been right about them, but its also turned out to be a bad season. This may not be "the most dramatic" ever, but I have a feeling it may be "one of the nicest".

  • Love 7

Which brings up something I've questioned for awhile. Why does each season's bachelor/bachelorette have to be the second or third chose from the previous season? Why do the producers think just because the lead liked them that much that the viewing audience would? Ben just happened to be well liked by the audience as well as the producers. It would be nice if ABC would have a viewer poll on their website to let people vote on who they would like to see and weigh the results when making a decision on the next lead. Or something along those lines. I've seen many contestants not chosen in say the last ten guys who IMO would have made a better lead than ones they have chosen.

Not to say I don't like Ben. I like him a lot. But I think there were others in that top 5-6 who would have been good as well. Kaitlyn for the most part had a great group of guys and she chose Shawn?? Goes to show "beauty's in the eye of the beholder".

Because the one and only time they let Bachelor Nation decide and we also chose someone we barely knew because he looked good in the background was Juan Pablo. And that was a DISASTER for production. Yes, Ben is another polite, bland guy in a very long list of polite, bland guys. But production has been doing this for 20 seasons. They know they need a polite, bland guy that they can mold to just stand quietly in the background and let the crazy broads do their thing. Also, these polite, bland guys are "nice" and unoffending to Bachelor Nation, so even if he didn't get your motors running like some other wild mustang, you'll at least say, oh, he's a nice boy, I hope he finds a nice girl. And they will have a handful of nice girls--one for him to choose and one or two to be contenders for the spin-off. But, again, the nice love story is just the backdrop to showcase the crazy. It was definitely apparent by the look on Ben's face that the producers "made him" keep the crazy girls at the end. He looked visibly pained when Lace confronted him about not looking at her. Anyone with a stronger personality, such as Juan Pablo, probably would have kicked her out the door. But malleable, nice guy Ben is going to follow the rules because producer X said he had to keep her.

  • Love 9

I thought part of the reason Lacey was calling herself Lace was because she wore that sheer lace dress (cough, lingerie, cough). There's that scene where she modeling in front of the other bachelorettes and she's like, "See, laaaace!" I hope she doesn't try to wear something lace every episode cause LAME.

I think Olivia doing the Bachelor is probably in her best interests, even if she was in a larger market. Let's face it, nobody knew who she was. Now everybody knows her as that fake desperate twit from TV. How's that so different from Nancy Odell.

I have a conspiracy theory that they tried to "disguise" most of the minority contestants so that they could say they had lots of minorities on the show that stuck around for a while. Several of these ladies look vaguely black or vaguely Asia. Did Amber have blonde hair on BIP? Hmmm...

  • Love 2

I missed the first 40 minutes, so I didn't get to see the bulk of the entrances. I did arrive just in time for the twins to show up. I was prepared to dislike them, but so far they seemed alright.


Besides the twins, only Mandi, Lace and Olivia stood out. I would add Amber and Becca, but they only stood out because they were returning contestants. But of all the people they could have brought back, they could not have found a duller pair than these two. If they hadn't made a point of setting their arrival apart, I would not have remembered them from last season. Because again, a blander duo you could not find. I am pretty sure Becca's skull is hollow. Amber is just a drip. Either way, I would much rather watch Chris Harrison watch Chris Soules watching paint dry.


Mandi is looking to get the Ashley S edit, but unlike Ashley S, her "quirkiness" has little charm. Looks wise, she reminded of a 20-something Heather Graham a bit. But a 20-something Heather Graham whose teenaged good looks quickly took a turn as she grew to womanhood. I want to say her nose is bigger than Heather Graham's, and it may be, but it isn't huge. It just doesn't do her face any favors.


Lace looks like Sarah Silverman, if Sarah Silverman were as attractive as people like to say she is. For longtime viewers, I also saw a bit of Trish Schneider, whom you may remember from all the way back from Jesse Palmer's season. And to top it off, I also saw a splash, just a splash, of Paige Turco. Definitely a good looking woman, if no doubt a massive pain in the ass that Ben should have gotten rid of post haste.


Right now my favorite is Olivia. Phony as hell, but gorgeous. Though I admit, her Two-Face schtick may extend beyond her personality. I am thinking that the wrong lighting will make her look like hell.

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