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S06.E05: Will Power

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I think LisaV and Erica were sizing each other up.  I don't think LisaV was jealous of Erica, but I did get a vibe of Erica not really warming up to LisaV.  I don't think she thinks LisaV is as clever and funny as LisaV thinks herself to be.  I agree with you that Yolanda has already influenced Erica as far as LisaV is concerned.

Not saying Yolanda didn't do it but there is no need for her to try and influence anybody about LVP. Wouldn't 5 years of this show and her spin-off be enough for someone to have, if not an informed at least an opinion?


Anyway, this first encounter between Lisa and Erika was just an older pot meeting a newish kettle. Both showed (and one still does) their boobs in cheap ass venues, both married older men, both look like dolls and talk like little girls. The only differences I saw were 15 years, hair color and a british accent.

  • Love 10

I thought that I heard Yolanda say that we don't know the longterm effects (30 years?) of Botox yet.  (I get Botox and love it because I have a nasty line between my eyes, that gives me a "bitchy resting face" ;-).  I would hate to stop; but I do concern myself with the longterm effects too, because I think it's only been used as a cosmetic procedure for about 20- 25 years?  I don't think Yolanda was implying that it would reduce brain function; but instead that it was and is a known toxin.  She's trying to reduce her toxic overload and thinks injecting a toxin (botulism) is not worth the risk.


(PS. I hear often about drugs that were prescribed and then years later, are found dangerous, detrimental and even deadly...Look at fen-fen (sp). My husband's poor aunt died from fen fen or phen phen. There are numerous ads with attorneys saying, "if you took (insert drug name), please call our offices at 1 800 lawyer because you deserve compensation...yadda yadda yadda... 

This is correct, there have been no "long term" 30 year studies on Botox injections. Of course, that can be said of any drug/medication/Rx on the market. If the FDA required a 30 year long term study on every drug/treatment/Rx, we would have a lot less medication/treatments available to us now and costs would blow up like nothing we have ever seen before. As it is, the FDA is stricter than some governments/countries about new meds coming on the market, not all countries require double blind studies on emerging/new medications, while some countries are faster to pull a dangerous Rx than we do (or at least add stronger warning labels). It takes a long time and a lot of money to bring a new drug to market and many RX companies are pressured to speed that process up....sadly some DO cut corners which can cause loss of life, Fen Phen was an example of cutting corners, hiding adverse effects, lax government officials and a slow response when the problem was noticed in pulling the drug.


As for Yolanda talking about Botox and the unknown....she is being a hypocrite IMO. She fills herself with supplements she gets from across the globe and most of these are untested in any way shape or form. There is NO way to know what is actually in these supplements unless you know the exact ingredients, starting with the main ingredient down to what they use for binders, fillers, ect. Most supplement companies do NOT list all the "inactive" ingredients, in fact some companies do not list anything other than the main ingredient, which can be dangerous. Very few supplements give a list of medications or other supplements that should NOT be taken with that supplement to begin with, again, that is very dangerous.  

  • Love 21

Lisa and Ken knew Mohamed from Europe pre -Yolanda and they reacquainted when the Todds moved back to the US.  Lisa and Ken  moved back to the UK in 1994 or so and returned to the US when Pandora was 18 and attending Pepperdine (around 2002).  So it seems they missed the Yolanda and Mohamed years.  However, I do believe, from the charming Foster account, supplemented by Lisa V, they were acquainted during the divorce years.  I don't think Lisav and Yolanda were ever friends but Mohamed continues to include her in many dinners and events.  I do think  Mohamed used his friendship with Lisav, to get Yolanda on the show and give Gigi a major boost in her modeling career. 

  • Love 5


I thought the same thing as well. Especially when Yolanda was going on in her TH about "needing her mommy"! Sick that she couldn't take the time to be there for her "mommy" when she was battling cancer but then expects her mommy to be there for her when she has silicone removed.


She's just awful - that entire scene was just cringe-worthy and then it led into the will.   I don't doubt that Yolanda is ill, but there is a part of me that thinks she's milking it at least a little.  I'm guessing that when this was filmed, her marriage was pretty much over - because wouldn't you have given the will to your husband, or told him the location?  Or even just quietly give it to your mother or lawyer? Why scare the kids? The whole thing was done for drama,and it's not like she's having open heart surgery anyway.


Then the whole thing about the kids having Lyme didn't make sense to me either because the time line seemed off.  How long have they had Lyme?  She said they had been living in Malibu for 4 years - I don't know - I'm just over Yolanda and trying to make sense out of anything she says or does. 


Other than that, I enjoyed the episode (oh, except for the waxing).  Erika grew on me a bit, but I'm still not sure how she will fit with the group.


But did anyone else find it odd that Maurico offered to pay for Lisa R to pick out something from Kyle's store as a birthday gift?  Wouldn't a couple just give one gift from both of them? Shouldn't Kyle have been the one to make that offer?   I just thought it was strange. 

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 9

This is correct, there have been no "long term" 30 year studies on Botox injections. Of course, that can be said of any drug/medication/Rx on the market. If the FDA required a 30 year long term study on every drug/treatment/Rx, we would have a lot less medication/treatments available to us now and costs would blow up like nothing we have ever seen before. As it is, the FDA is stricter than some governments/countries about new meds coming on the market, not all countries require double blind studies on emerging/new medications, while some countries are faster to pull a dangerous Rx than we do (or at least add stronger warning labels). It takes a long time and a lot of money to bring a new drug to market and many RX companies are pressured to speed that process up....sadly some DO cut corners which can cause loss of life, Fen Phen was an example of cutting corners, hiding adverse effects, lax government officials and a slow response when the problem was noticed in pulling the drug.


As for Yolanda talking about Botox and the unknown....she is being a hypocrite IMO. She fills herself with supplements she gets from across the globe and most of these are untested in any way shape or form. There is NO way to know what is actually in these supplements unless you know the exact ingredients, starting with the main ingredient down to what they use for binders, fillers, ect. Most supplement companies do NOT list all the "inactive" ingredients, in fact some companies do not list anything other than the main ingredient, which can be dangerous. Very few supplements give a list of medications or other supplements that should NOT be taken with that supplement to begin with, again, that is very dangerous.  

This is why I have issues with Yolanda being the face of any malady.  Not only is she the face of Lyme but now she is taking on the entire beauty industry.  her surgery is "major surgery", hmmm, just like having her port removed was major because it was so close to her heart.  I don't blame David for insisting she have a body scan before any more treatments-nothing was working.


Just a little note about Yolanda and the exaggerations.  Last year around Christmas she was in the hospital for "the side effects of one of her treatments", she managed to fill in for Kim Richards right before the Christmas holiday break.  Although in her blog she claims she was hospitalized until hours before Christmas.  Oh and she had make-up on, and her hair was platinum.  Yolanda just needs to stop making so many assertions that are easily disproved.

  • Love 8

Yolanda, slap on some foundation and blush, for cryin' out loud.  Your motive is transparent.    


I don't know which was more puzzling.  Anwar not knowing how to butter bread or Gigi asking the question.  Who would even think a teen could not do that?  


I just loved the shade LisaV was throwing at Erica!  She is good.  Very funny.  It is sport to her and I enjoy watching her do this immensely. 

  • Love 9


I just loved the shade LisaV was throwing at Erica!  She is good.  Very funny.  It is sport to her and I enjoy watching her do this immensely.


That she is.  I think Lisa, more than any of them, knows she's a fan favorite, and knows her place on the show is secure.  She doesn't need to resort to Brandi-type tatics to keep her place, and she could easily walk away - but I don't she wants to. I think she has fun with it - and you nailed it - it's sport to her.  I also think she was having some fun with Eileen on the set (but not throwing shade, not at Eileen).

  • Love 8

Well Lisa V didn't take to Joyce right away..and eventually they became friends l..so I could see Lisa V and Erika sizing each other out. Both are similar in terms of their tiestuff to the gay community, marrying older men, and having a biting sense of humor.

I read somewhere that Lisa V said Erika waS a good addition, so who knows.

I do think the focus on the animals for Lisa v could be due to the fact that she has a spin off. Her work life can't be featured too much on rhobh since Vanderpool rules is on now. Though I'd love to see Pandora become pregnant...Lisa v as a grandma to be would be entertaining lol

Edited by JAYJAY1979
  • Love 6

Dear Lisa Rinna, 


Less exposing your ass crack waxing sessions to America. More trying on hot leather jackets and letting Mauricio pay for them. 


Thank you, 


Everyone Watching





Now, onto the rest of the episode. My, my, my that Yolanda is exhausting, isn't she?! Again, I don't know enough about Lyme to judge. So I'm not going to say anything about her having good days and bad days. I'm sure with many chronic illnesses there might be days when one can't get out of bed and days where one feels good enough to go walk in the park. I just don't know. I really do think Yo is sick. I think it's quite possible she has Lyme, but maybe there's something else going on to. Maybe all her crazy attempts to get rid of it have made her even more sick? Who knows?


But I do think she is wearing that Lyme like a badge of honor! She won't let you forget for even one second that she is sick. How about when Kyle tried to subtly bring up the idea of depression and how badly it effected her when her mom died? Here's Yolanda's response to that - "You can't compare that to Lyme. You can't compare anything to Lyme. I'm the sickest ever. I win." Yikes. 


And now she's saying Bella and Anwar have Lyme as well? Where did that come from? How is that even possible??? It's not hereditary. It's not contagious. What are the odds that 3 people in the same family all have Lyme? I was just completely blown away when she said that. Did the kids get a cold once and she decided they had Lyme? Are they smoking pot and forgetting to go to class? I mean, that just sounds really far fetched to me. Has this been confirmed anywhere else? 


And it's not enough that she is having surgery, which is always a bit concerning, but she has to make sure to terrify everyone in her family. "Don't forget, I could die!" 



Erika can lose me with her feigned annoyance that the women would be shocked at how old her husband is. I mean, come on. I, personally, don't care. It's her life, no one is being forced here, have at it. But a 32 year age difference is enough to make anyone raise their eyebrows. I'm sure that reaction is not uncommon, so simma down. 


I'm sure Lisa V is thrilled now that her husband isn't the oldest on the show anymore! LOL. The dynamic between her and Erika is interesting. I see a lot of one-upping in their future. "My husband is older". "Yes, but mine wants sex more often". "Yes, but mine bought me a giant panther ring encrusted with diamonds". "Yes, but mine bought me 2 swans and I didn't even have to give a BJ to get them!" And on and on. 


Speaking of Hanky, I'm glad he's doing okay. I wonder how many vets have ever treated a swan? 


I love seeing Lisa with her animals and I also loved seeing the girls at the studio with Eileen. Just silly girls having fun. And totally shades of All About Eve. Classic! So far this season has had a lot of lighter moments and it's been a vast improvement. 

  • Love 21

Man those vets must love to see Ken coming with his swans and black Amex. Cha Ching $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I fell asleep did Yo even acknowledge that her leak could be the answer to her condition? That will business was one thing, borderline ok to discuss, but Yo half fake crying "just take care of my mommy" was all soap opera and abandonment issues. Yo wants someone to take care of HER. hello? mcfly? I hope she sees a shrink incorporated with her medical care.

Boring ep.

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 6

Yolanda's blog gives a link to another blog written by her friend Ellie. I found it very interesting and enlightening.


I am sorry I know plenty of people with chronic illnesses that "don't look sick", but they don't rewrite their history, their present and exaggerate either.  I don't think anyone is basing whether or not Yolanda is sick on her physical appearance.  Words and behavior do it for me.  One can believe someone is ill be it somatic in nature or purely physical and not buy into the story that is Yolanda.  Yolanda places way too much import on her looks.  When Ken said she looked ill, she hammered him for saying such a thing and should have been happy she summoned up the strength to attend a mandatory birthday dinner. You jut can't have it both ways.  Yolanda and her people need to stop labeling those who disagree as ignorant or stupid.

  • Love 10

But did anyone else find it odd that Maurico offered to pay for Lisa R to pick out something from Kyle's store as a birthday gift? Wouldn't a couple just give one gift from both of them? Shouldn't Kyle have been the one to make that offer? I just thought it was strange.

I assume that was at least in part for the show--Mauricio gets to show others *cough cough Kathy* he's generous and well off; and, we get another scene in Kyle's store. And IMO if Kyle did it it'd look cheap (well... "Cheap" being relative): "hey, come pick something out of my inventory." I'm betting the offer was made with her full knowledge, though. It's still generous, especially when given in conjunction with Kyle's gift.

On another topic... That panther ring. Man, that was large. Certainly a statement piece. The statement being LOOK, I HAVE A CARTIER PANTHER RING.

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 19

I also didn't appreciate Yolanda not giving Kyle the same respect she is looking for.  If Kyle does, indeed, have fibromyalgia, then her symptoms are very similar to Lyme disease.  My sister has fibromyalgia and it can be completely debilitating, much like Yolanda is experiencing.  (Although, I don't think that Kyle did have fibromyalgia, because it is a chronic disease that has no cure - it is managed with medication.)

I think even Kyle seemed like she didn't think she had fibromyalgia. I've found that a lot of doctors, especially busy doctors, throw out fibromyalgia when they can't be bothered to actually diagnose women. Don't get me wrong, fibromyalgia exists and people have it but a lot of times, people like Kyle are misdiagnosed, especially when you have a multifaceted illness like depression.

  • Love 10

Bolding mine

She quickly recovered AFTER the silicone was removed. Just last week in in interview, she claimed she had 90% of her health back, she had the silicone cleaned up 5 months ago. There is no doubt that removing the silicone was THE major factor in her recovery.

I'm not so sure.

WebMD and the FDA, and others, have found no such evidence.

I think she for whatever reason got "conveniently" better after their removal. Probably just in time for some filming or something.

I feel only kind of bad for the kids. While it's got to be tiresome dealing with the YoYo she has now given them an "out" for all of their bad behaviors.

DUI? Lyme, of course!

Lather, rinse, repeat.

  • Love 3

Yeah, I'm totally in agreement that Lisa V is not jealous of Erika Jayne. But she is skeptical of her.  And I don't blame her. I'm still side-eyeing her and her over-the-top clothes, hair, jewelry, etc. She definitely seems like she has the propensity to be a Brandi "type" person.  Although with much, much, much more money.  Time will tell!


The Mighty Peanut, on 29 Dec 2015 - 10:02 PM, said:The Mighty Peanut, on 29 Dec 2015 - 10:02 PM, said:

Is Anwar 18? I'll feel better about my inappropriate crush if he's legal.


LOL.  See you around the cell block, Mary Kay!


MyAimIsTrue, on 29 Dec 2015 - 10:07 PM, said:MyAimIsTrue, on 29 Dec 2015 - 10:07 PM, said:

Eileen was absolutely gorgeous in that turquoise dress.  Truly stunning.  I think I have a new girl crush.


IKR!??  Sheer perfection!


Aunt Kiki, on 29 Dec 2015 - 10:56 PM, said:Aunt Kiki, on 29 Dec 2015 - 10:56 PM, said:

Maybe because she and Ken have had such a long standing, close relationship with Mohammed and as she's said several times, with his kids as well.  Maybe it seems a bit odd to Lisa because she's never heard anything of the kind from Mohammed or the kids.  JMO, but maybe Lisa has more scoop about Yolanda's manipulative ways than she is willing to spill out of respect to Mohammed and the kids. 


That was exactly my first thought as well. 


hoosiermom, on 29 Dec 2015 - 11:10 PM, said:hoosiermom, on 29 Dec 2015 - 11:10 PM, said:

No way she breast fed those kids! Too selfish.


LOL.  On one hand, I agree with you. On the other she is European.  I think it's way more commonplace over there to breastfeed. Right?  Or am I completely making that up based on something I read once, somewhere?


njbchlover, on 29 Dec 2015 - 11:21 PM, said:njbchlover, on 29 Dec 2015 - 11:21 PM, said:

I agree that Yolanda looks ill (she also looks "puffy"), but I do think that a lot of her looking ill compared to flashbacks is because she is not wearing any makeup.  I can look ill without makeup, as I would think, a lot of women would.  Not using concealer to hide dark circles, no foundation to even out or brighten skin tone, no mascara or eyeliner to emphasize your eyes, can make you look ill.


Thank you!  If you saw me right now with my pale complexion and thin skin under my eyes (therefore naturally dark under-eye circles) you could very well believe I was ill too!  But, no, I'm perfectly healthy (AFAIK). However if I spent just 5 or 10 minutes putting on some under-eye concealer, powder, blush, mascara and tinted lip gloss? I'd be the picture of health!  So, of course, Yolanda is forgoing the makeup and her regular Botox appointments is going to make her look more "ill" in comparison to previous seasons.  But it doesn't mean that she actually is.



I simply cannot imagine the thought process of a woman who decides to have her most intimate personal grooming televised to the world. I just can't wrap my mind around it. Do they think it's sexy? cute? charming? "Look at me getting my pubic mound waxed!" has to be one of the most narcissistic forms of over-sharing that I can imagine. I don't want to look at that! Cover yourself up this minute!



So much this. In the words of my beloved Valerie Cherish (aka Aunt Sassy),



I like LisaR but I was horrrrrrified by that scene and cringing in embarrassment. WTF Rinna??? STAWWWWP.  Imagine the poor camera person who had to film that scene. OY.

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 13

But did anyone else find it odd that Maurico offered to pay for Lisa R to pick out something from Kyle's store as a birthday gift?  Wouldn't a couple just give one gift from both of them? Shouldn't Kyle have been the one to make that offer?   I just thought it was strange. 


My take on that was Kyle and Mauricio forgot to get Lisa R. a gift, had an 'oh shit' moment, so Mauricio offered the store gift on the spot.  I could be wrong, though, as I don't recall if Kyle gave her something at the party but that's what it seemed like to me.

  • Love 6

Yolanda's blog gives a link to another blog written by her friend Ellie. I found it very interesting and enlightening.




Thanks for this link.  I understand what she is saying.  Lisar's Munchhausen comment was beyond ignorant and blatantly stupid.  I get that.  Unfortunately Yolanda has contributed to the doubt that lingers in the minds of the cast.   And this is due to her OTT supplements and procedures all over the world.   Yes, she does have Lymes and silicone in her body.  We all know that, perhaps they do now.  


Putting on make up could make herself feel better and maybe dispel the notion that she is pushing her public image of being sick. And back off the exaggerating (bed ridden for 3 years).  She has good days/weeks and bad days/weeks.  Be honest so everyone will know that when you are able to show up to some things it is part of your condition that sometimes you can, sometimes you cannot.  I really do think she is partly responsible for setting up all of this doubt.  

  • Love 6

Following all of these women in the tabloids definitely spoils whatever drama the show tries to offer.  I thought Yo had her implants removed at the Cleveland Clinic, but yeah, the Feng Clinic definitely looks more like Yo's type of place.  Apparently, her recovery was borderline miraculous because she spent her holidays in Aspen with Mohammed and company skiing.  So much for zero brain function. 


I don't know why Yo pushed her daughters into modeling.  It can be such a sleazy biz.  There are rumors that Yo was a yacht girl back in the day and that's how she met Mohammed.  Anyway, no shock that both girls dropped out of school.  And no Yo, Bella did not have a riding career.  Equestrian sport is a nice hobby for rich people.  There's no income derived from it.  I too thought she said Bella quit her writing career which was perplexing. 


Kim will appear later this season but I read she offered to be on the show for free to fix her image. 


I like Lisa V.  She's an older woman who rocks it.  I think the Lisa vs. Erica drama is fabricated by producers.  Lisa seemed thrilled that someone's husband is older than Ken.


I loved the Gray Gardens reference in the recap.  :-)

  • Love 7

She quickly recovered AFTER the silicone was removed. Just last week in in interview, she claimed she had 90% of her health back, she had the silicone cleaned up 5 months ago. There is no doubt that removing the silicone was THE major factor in her recovery. 

I think she running out of excuses to feel bad and it sound like David turned off the tap when it came to more experimental treatments.  If in her mind the silicone removal did the trick, then let it be the silicone removal.  However, she can't have it both ways that her brain fog and other symptoms were Lyme related and removing the ruptured silicone implant is what cured her.  I am sure there are those that agree with her but there just isn't evidence to back her claim of course the claims change pretty frequently so who knows what she will claim.

  • Love 6

Just an FYI:  A tick with Lyme has to be attached for 24 to 48 hours to transmit the disease.  A single dose of 200mg of doxycycline given within 72 hours of a bite will decrease the odds of developing Lyme by about 90 percent if that tick has Lyme.  So, if you see a tick deer tick attached to you, carefully remove it and go see your doctor or visit a care clinic right away, and bring the tick.  Been there, done that, a number of times.

I am curious and hoping you can answer this question for me because I am genuinely curious. I have read that deer ticks can be so small in size and this is why many people don't know they have been exposed. Like the size of a freckle. Was this your experience? Thanks in advance.

  • Love 1

But wait...there's more. 

When Yolanda first talked about contracting Lyme she said she got it from a horsefly. 
Now she says it was from tick bites from being around the horses all the time. 

Did she or the children ever show evidence of the bulls eye rash?  And if so were they put on antibiotics right away?

She could have Lyme, I don't know.  I am not a doctor.  Her behavior on this show however is doing the Lyme community a great disservice. 

  • Love 4

I have a different take on Yo's will scene. Being a nurse and in my career I have seen many people die without the proper paperwork done. Proper paperwork being having a living will, having a family person with medical power of attorney etc. these are important things to have in place. I can't tell you how many times I have seen comatose people placed on respirators only to have the family agonize about pulling the plug. Most people are not coming back at this point and it creates hardships for the family now put in a position of how to proceed. A living will is important for this reason.

Really all people need to do these things. As a society we are lax to talk about death but it is a fact of life. Maybe I just view it different because of my profession and what I have seen over the years.

Having said that this is where I part from Yo. This is a conversation that needed to be done in private and not before a surgery. That just added to the drama factor. She could have taken her kids aside and eased into a conversation that would have been less traumatic for them. For example starting off with since I have been sick I have been thinking about some things I would like to discuss with you and in no way does this mean I am dying. Lead off like that perhaps. I don't know. Everything with her is so OTT.

  • Love 13

I am so over Lisa Rinna's talking heads where she says something and then cackles like it's hysterical. So annoying and so fake. 

THIS x 1,000.  Who is she laughing with?  The cameraman?  I doubt he finds her funny.  Does she think we're sitting on our couches laughing along with her?  It's so weird.


Oh, Yo.  She is sick, no doubt.  But I feel like once her women friends start to accept her illness, she has to one-up herself for some reason - in order to keep them asking questions?  Worrying about her?  I don't know.  But once they all seemed to accept the Lyme disease diagnosis, Yo starts discussing the 457 treatments she's doing.  Once that shock wore off a little bit, Yo announces that her children also have Lyme.  Yo keeps pushing and pushing, and feeding the others more tidbits of information...is this Yo's way of making sure the other wives don't forget about her?  I have no idea but it sure seems bizarre that after all this time, she only now mentions that her children also have the disease.  Yo might end up being the little girl who cried "wolf" pretty soon.

  • Love 11
I think even Kyle seemed like she didn't think she had fibromyalgia. I've found that a lot of doctors, especially busy doctors, throw out fibromyalgia when they can't be bothered to actually diagnose women. Don't get me wrong, fibromyalgia exists and people have it but a lot of times, people like Kyle are misdiagnosed, especially when you have a multifaceted illness like depression.


I got that impression as well. Kyle's tone made it seem like the docs just brushed it off as fibromyalgia, but she was trying to make the point that it was more likely her depression over her mom. Still, I thought Yo's dismissal of her was very rude. Depression can be serious too. People can become so critically depressed that they cannot even function. They can kill themselves. Postpartum depression can evolve into postpartum pyschosis. Women have killed because of this. I'm sorry for her Lyme, but I just hate when people compare. Yolanda definitely gives off the impression that her illness is the most grave thing anyone has ever been through, and oh what a warrior she is. Hmph. 


Regarding LisaR and the waxing- Didn't Lisa say last season that Harry LOVES her hairy bush?

The hairier the better?


She did. But she was about to be donning a bikini for several days, so I think she probably put his preferences on the back burner. Maybe she grows it longer in the off season. Okay, wow. I have now given way too much thought to a reality star's pubic hair. 

  • Love 17

Lord help me, I dreamed I found a tick on my arm last night! 


I think even Kyle seemed like she didn't think she had fibromyalgia. I've found that a lot of doctors, especially busy doctors, throw out fibromyalgia when they can't be bothered to actually diagnose women. Don't get me wrong, fibromyalgia exists and people have it but a lot of times, people like Kyle are misdiagnosed, especially when you have a multifaceted illness like depression.


I think Kyle actually said something about how it was a misdiagnosis and she later learned/realized it was depression and grief. I give her a lot of credit for having this insight or getting the therapy that helped her to have it, and now trying to pass it on as useful information. I have said for many years to those who have recently experienced a loss and maybe are not familiar with the mourning process, "Grief can affect you physically. If you start experiencing strange symptoms consider that it may be unexpressed grief rather than an actual illness. Try to give yourself time to heal from the loss." 

  • Love 20

And no Yo, Bella did not have a riding career.  Equestrian sport is a nice hobby for rich people.  There's no income derived from it. 


That's simply not true.  If she quit because she was sick or not, I do not know.  But I do know you can make a career and money from riding.


As far as modeling being a sleazy business, I absolutely agree it can be.  IF you're starting at the bottom.  And especially if you have no real potential and the unscrupulous people in the biz recognize you have no potential.  "Oh suuuure, I can get you some work.  But first I need you to take your jeans down so I can get your hip measurement for your card..."


Gigi shot right to the top from the get go.  And Bella is right behind her.  They got to skip all the nonsense.  And the unscrupulous aren't going to mess with them because there are a million other little girls with big dreams but without the connections and cash. 

  • Love 6

Yolanda is a complete asshole, for doing that on camera to her children and her poor mother. I can't stand her!

She is so damn manipulative.

Gigi says regarding how hard modeling is; "you have to be nice and look good" lol!

Yeah, Yolanda doesn't even try to hide that she favors Gigi. She actually made Anwar move so she could sit next to Gigi.

Eta: I was wrong, it was Anwar not Bella Yo asked to move so she could sit by Gigi.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6
I have a different take on Yo's will scene. Being a nurse and in my career I have seen many people die without the proper paperwork done. Proper paperwork being having a living will, having a family person with medical power of attorney etc. these are important things to have in place. I can't tell you how many times I have seen comatose people placed on respirators only to have the family agonize about pulling the plug. Most people are not coming back at this point and it creates hardships for the family now put in a position of how to proceed. A living will is important for this reason.



I agree-but I doubt any of that applies to Yolanda. I mean, she's got a husband and the kids have a father. They are presumably the people who would get anything like an advance directive at this point in her life. Plus she said she was just giving them her will, as if there was any reason for any of the kids to worry about being taken care of financially if something happened to their mother. This is hilarious given that their father, as was stated above, is a kajillionaire who's probably the one mostly taking care of them now. Telling them there was a will in the safe (which would have been known about anyway) was just making for a dramatic scene.

  • Love 8

Gigi says regarding how hard modeling is; "you have to be nice and look good" lol!

Yeah, Yolanda doesn't even try to hide that she favors Gigi. She actually made Bella move so she could sit next to Gigi.


I haven't seen the epi yet, but if Gigi said that, although simplistic, it's absolutely true for her.  She's keeping in shape, looking good and obviously people in the business like her because she is nailing it.  I looked at her Twitter yesterday and In addition to all the other contracts she has, she's collaborated with Tommy Hilfiger for a clothing line with her name on it.  I can't think of ANY other model that has rocketed into the business like she has.  Granted, unlike Cindy and Christy and Naomi, Gigi had $$, connections and social media on her side but none of them rose as quickly as she did.


If it weren't for Yolanda's illness in body and mind, I'd love to see a spin off in NYC of those girls and their lifestyle. 

  • Love 3

During Lisa R's talking heads, I can't listen to her laugh at her own non-jokes anymore, so I find myself thinking how perfect she would be dressed up as Olaf from Frozen in the Disneyworld parade.  Her arms look just like tiny brown sticks, and she could wave them around all she wants to the delight of thousands of cheering children!


A few episodes in and I still don't mind Erica one bit.  So happy she is here instead of Brandi.


I agree that Anwar is very good looking, as is required if you are an offspring of Yolanda (I suppose if she had ended up with any unattractive children, she could blame the saline exposure during breastfeeding for that, too).  The thing with him is that the haircut he sports makes him look, to me and probably me alone, like a very pretty, young lesbian.  A couple of girls I went to school with who had beautiful, fresh faces like that and were more into athletics than anything else (wearing that same haircut because it was easier to deal with during sports) turned out to be gay, and looked SO much like Anwar does now.  This is not a dig or an insult, just an observation.  As he gets older, his facial features are starting to sharpen and look more masculine, but right now it's like going back in time and seeing my friend who wore soccer shoes under her prom dress.

  • Love 6

She's just awful - that entire scene was just cringe-worthy and then it led into the will.   I don't doubt that Yolanda is ill, but there is a part of me that thinks she's milking it at least a little.  I'm guessing that when this was filmed, her marriage was pretty much over - because wouldn't you have given the will to your husband, or told him the location?  Or even just quietly give it to your mother or lawyer? Why scare the kids? The whole thing was done for drama,and it's not like she's having open heart surgery anyway.


Then the whole thing about the kids having Lyme didn't make sense to me either because the time line seemed off.  How long have they had Lyme?  She said they had been living in Malibu for 4 years - I don't know - I'm just over Yolanda and trying to make sense out of anything she says or does. 


Other than that, I enjoyed the episode (oh, except for the waxing).  Erika grew on me a bit, but I'm still not sure how she will fit with the group.


But did anyone else find it odd that Maurico offered to pay for Lisa R to pick out something from Kyle's store as a birthday gift?  Wouldn't a couple just give one gift from both of them? Shouldn't Kyle have been the one to make that offer?   I just thought it was strange. 

I figured it was a set-up for the dress store scene. 

  • Love 4

The only thing I took away from this episode was how bad I feel for the Hadid kids. They seem like relatively normal kids (although Bella seems a little neurotic in interviews, in ways that are awfully similar to her mother) and I'm shocked that Yo produced them. Between the almond and vitamin supplement breakfasts and the exploiting their concern for her for ratings, Yolanda seems like a terrible parent. Gigi looked so shocked and Bella looked devastated when Yo started going on about her will. It was inappropriate, full stop. And I find it incredibly difficult to believe that Mohammed would not have mentioned to Lisa that two of his kids were suffering with Lyme Disease. It would come up in every day conversation between friends.


Am I a fan of seeing Lisa Rinna's lady business waxed? No but I enjoyed that a hell of a lot more than watching Yolanda make her kids and cancer stricken mother cry on national TV.


ETA: I thought it was interesting that everyone made it seem like LVP had no acting experience. Wasn't she some sort of once-in-a-while C list actress before she became a restauranteur? I know for a fact that she was in one of my all time favorite movies, A Touch of Class but she only had 1 or 2 lines.

Edited by Jules2307
  • Love 6

I am curious and hoping you can answer this question for me because I am genuinely curious. I have read that deer ticks can be so small in size and this is why many people don't know they have been exposed. Like the size of a freckle. Was this your experience? Thanks in advance.

Yes, they can be extremely small and can be confused for a freckle.  As a matter of fact, I found one on my daughter's face when she was about four years old.  She has a few tiny dark freckles on her face and it looked like one.  It was on the side up by her hairline.  Thank God I noticed it. 


It's actually unusual to find one that exposed.  They like the back of knee and crevices.  That's why you may not notice them.

  • Love 4

I have a different take on Yo's will scene. Being a nurse and in my career I have seen many people die without the proper paperwork done. Proper paperwork being having a living will, having a family person with medical power of attorney etc. these are important things to have in place. I can't tell you how many times I have seen comatose people placed on respirators only to have the family agonize about pulling the plug. Most people are not coming back at this point and it creates hardships for the family now put in a position of how to proceed. A living will is important for this reason.

Really all people need to do these things. As a society we are lax to talk about death but it is a fact of life. Maybe I just view it different because of my profession and what I have seen over the years.

Having said that this is where I part from Yo. This is a conversation that needed to be done in private and not before a surgery. That just added to the drama factor. She could have taken her kids aside and eased into a conversation that would have been less traumatic for them. For example starting off with since I have been sick I have been thinking about some things I would like to discuss with you and in no way does this mean I am dying. Lead off like that perhaps. I don't know. Everything with her is so OTT.



I agree but will add that all of this drama is because there is a 1% chance she will die during surgery.  It was not about her Lyme Disease.   This was not the time to even pull them aside!  An adult should have her living will in hand, that is all that is needed at this point.  I am sure her portfolio is in a trust for her kids.  

  • Love 3

I don't know if it's jealousy (I don't think it is), but I was definitely reading something not-so-friendly from Lisa V. toward Erika. I always get the sense that Lisa sees this show like a game of Survivor or something, where she has to be Queen Bee, so anyone who looks like competition in that regard gets Lisa's questioning looks. The looks were ridiculous, too, considering that Ken is in his 70s as well, and he's 20 years Lisa's senior. I would think once you pass the first decade of age difference, you couldn't give side eyes over 20+ years or 30+ years in differences of age.


The show is also shady. How many times did they need to show Yolanda talking about how Erika is a disco singer, or Lisa or Kyle wondering why they'd never heard of her? I mean, granted. I've never heard of this woman, either, but I also don't run in those circles, so... However, there's some hilarity in the fact that Erika is somehow an unknown disco singer who none of these women have heard even a peep about in their highfalutin, insulated worlds.

Why would these women hear of her? Her music is for the club scene. Also, that music isn't really followed religiously like music on the radio. Not knocking it but I could care less whose mixed tape is jamming at the club just as long as the DJ knows what he's doing and what works for the dance floor I'm happy. That's the crowd thats rating her so of course these women aren't going to know about her. According to those doing the judging Erica Jane is hitting the numbers. 

  • Love 6

And her music is closely tied to her "dancing" in clubs for gentlemen. I am not implying stripping; no way could she slide out of that costume we saw her wear..  I am sure campy gay men adore her but I am not sure they would flock to see her perform unless she was one act among other gay entertainment, ie drag.   My guess is that she plays mostly in places that these woman would never go.  I also doubt her music is played on the radio.   Did you hear her sing?  Not good!  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 7

Gigi says regarding how hard modeling is; "you have to be nice and look good" lol!

Yeah, Yolanda doesn't even try to hide that she favors Gigi. She actually made Bella move so she could sit next to Gigi.

Heh. I LOL'd when Gigi said that.   I bet being nice is the difficult part for Gigi; seeing as she's a product of extreme wealth and she's Momma's favorite.

I don't think Anwar was joking when he didn't know how to butter bread.   That one still has me floored.    And I'm still laughing at cutting and calling sandwiches "dippers".   These kids aren't exactly at the genius level.   Good thing they are pretty for God's sake.


I really enjoyed watching Lisa/Ken and Hanky.  I burst out laughing a few times.   Sick swans = rich people problems.  LOL !  LisaV was very entertaining "playing" with Erica too.     


LisaR looks are starting to annoy me.  She's so skinny and odd looking.


LOLA sighting !  Made me happy.  :)

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