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S08.E07: Miami Spice

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  On 12/22/2015 at 12:55 AM, Watermelon said:

White women had nothing to do with THIS situation, but white people's nervousness(especially white women's) has been part of the cause of a lot of violence towards blacks.  It's not something Phaedra made up, it's just something that she incorrectly applied to crazy ass Glen.


Yeah, I read a story recently about a white bank teller who called the cops on a black kid standing outside the bank at the ATM; the cops wrestled him to the ground. There was another about a cashier in a jewelry store who hid in the office and called the cops when a professional basketball player tried to go in the store to shop. And let's not forget Emmett Till. White fear of blackness, especially white female fear of black maleness, is very, very real and has resulted in black men losing their lives. Phaedra is absolutely right about that, and she is also right about needing to be extra concerned about that fear as the mother of two black sons, who sadly don't have that much time left before people start seeing them as threatening (Tamir Rice was only 12). She was NOT right for applying that to this situation, because it had nothing to do with Glen and Kenya. Glen was acting an ass and a threatening one at that - he was mean mugging out of the gate, as Kandi said. I really can't imagine being a guest and acting a fool like that.

  • Love 21

Kenya was reportedly brought in to take NeNe down a peg or two, then Claudia for the same reason. My friend who works for the show said that Claudia got too demanding, Kenya was actually nice and didn't demand special services or whatever.

NeNe was making outrageous demands, so her role was downplayed last season and then she was not offered a huge contract to come back. We'll see what happens later on.

  • Love 8
  On 12/22/2015 at 1:06 AM, Roxy said:

That guy was making me uncomfortable with the snap comment and when he was getting aggressive with Kandi, it was scary. I don't know what Kenya did that they objected to but I object to most things Kenya. But he did have to go. I guess it was the way she had him leave that they have issue with here.


I seriously dislike Kenya but does anyone else think that she has a target on her back this season? It seems she's being taken down a bit. Maybe she's even being taken out as she's gotten too pompous. Maybe Nene wants back in and she won't come unless they dump Kenya. I don't know but I do see her having fewer allies by the day. Kandi just says what she thinks so she isn't as much defending her but saying what she saw and felt. But I think the others are acting "nice" and then going after her to some extent. I don't mind but it seems that way to me.


I do like Kim telling her what the story is, no matter what Kenya thinks. I like that a lot. I like that she's not entertained or charmed or scared or even interested. I REALLY like that. She's not that interesting in general but I love the way she doesn't deal with Kenya's crap. And Kenya wants her help in getting a real acting career. It's fun to watch her stymied like that. 


I just don't like Kenya. But she was right to have that guy removed. I guess it's just her overall behavior that's coming back to haunt her.

I think that without Nene's nastiness on the show, Kenya's nastiness is more noticeable. Also, IMO, Kenya has yet to get THE bad edit until this season, most HWs get it sooner than she did but I think the editors disliked Nene more and cut Kenya some slack because of it. LOL Kenya has had problems/issues with every single full cast member there and I don't think any of them have forgotten or forgiven/moved past it including Kenya. IMO, Kenya is just a slightly younger, prettier, better educated version of Nene, they are cut from the same cloth.

  • Love 1
  On 12/21/2015 at 11:24 PM, WireWrap said:

ame="psychoticstate" post="1819628" timestamp="1450734534"]It's possible that Kenya thought bringing Security into it would make things worse and Security was a last ditch thing.  I know I would.  If Glen was Tammy's husband, should she have called Security first?  Or wouldn't you ask your friend to get her husband in check?  Nobody appeared to call Security at that pajama party and Brandon ended up with a bruised or broken rib from Apollo. 


I wasn't there but I can buy that Kenya didn't truly feel threatened until Glen shoved Tammy and rushed her.  I think she just didn't like him and was getting bad vibes and probably didn't like how he treated Kandi.   Before Security got called, she may very well have wanted to make sure he did leave.  It's not like Kenya was pulling Season 1 (or Season 2?) Who's-Gonna-Check-Me-,Boo-Sheree and getting all up in his face and screeching "Eat me" like Sheree did.  That still wouldn't warrant any pushing or shoving but from what we were shown, Kenya was being courteous and polite. 


As I've said, I'm no Kenya apologist but I don't see that she did anything wrong here.  At all.[/quo

IMO, she should have allowed Tammy, who she asked in the first place, to get him out of the house but she didn't. If she thought Tammy couldn't do it alone, then ask Security to help her out and stay away from it. AGAIN I do believe that Kenya was right to want him gone, I just think she handled it in the wrong way. AGREE TO DISAGREE


Actually, that house was "home" to both Kenya and Porsha, it was a joint hostess trip. that said, putting yourself and guests in harms way is stupid IMO. If Kenya was THAT alarmed by Glen's aggressive behavior, alarmed enough to want him out of the house she should have had SECURITY escort him out. It isn't as if she hasn't used that threat before with the women but she doesn't actually use it when a guy acts aggressive? RIGHT!!!! That makes no sense to me, none. And going into a different room allowing security to handle it is NOT hiding, it is smart thinking, unless of course you want to risk things getting worse.........and they DID get worse, the fool, Glen, got physical. And ,NO, Kenya did not make him do anything. She just didn't handle the situation well at all on HER end. JMO

Where did you get the idea that I think women shouldn't wear shorts skirts/dresses or allow a man to threaten them? WHERE? Please, don't try and make it seem I said/meant something other than what I said/posted!

I didn't say you thought that about women. That is clear in the post you quoted. I do think, however, that blaming a victim for a perpetrator's act of violence is the same thing that occurs in rape culture. There is no but. He had no reason to run up on Kenya, threatening her and calling her out of her name, just as there was no reason for him to talk about the women in the hot tub as "bitch ass bitches." Was that Phaedra's fault for sitting in the hot tub? Is that why she was a "bitch ass bitch" who better not talk back, according to Glen? 


Him attacking Tammy and attempting to do the same to Kenya has ZERO to do with her. Any attempt to justify that is analogous to people who believe that victims who are attacked are at fault...A.K.A. rape culture apologists. So you may not say that explicitly, but the argument amounts to the same thing, just a different crime. 


If I don't be quiet against some violent weirdo, it's my fault I get attacked? This is why criminals go free. 

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 10

Upon further though I have come up with two things that really bugged me about what Phaedra said about black men.


1) She only named one black man. The next name she said was Sandra Bland. She wasn't crying about black men, she just wanted to get people worked up against Kenya. It would not have been that had to come up with the name of another black man if she had put any effort at all into it.


2) I was very recently reading (I'm sorry I don't have the stats in front of me at the moment) that black women are more likely to be the victims of violent crime, less likely to report the crimes, and less likely to have their reports acted upon than white women. So maybe Phaedra should shed a carefully timed tear for Kenya, who you could see was clearly being threatened and who was still getting blamed for what Glen did and was trying to do.

  • Love 15

The "security" in this case is not on camera security hired to appear on the show. The security team on these shows are usually instructed to stay out of sight unless there is a clear and imminent threat of bodily harm. If Glen hadn't knocked his aunt down and rushed at Kenya, then we would not have seen those guards step into the camera frame. They are not allowed to intervene in any situation where physical violence isn't about to happen. So they would not have helped Tammy get her "nephews" out until Glen actually put hands on her. The producers don't want any juicy action to get preempted...but they do have a responsibility to protect the cast from physically dangerous situations. It's a fine line and things escalate quickly, especially when alcohol is involved. 

  • Love 6
  On 12/22/2015 at 3:58 AM, PetuniaP said:

The "security" in this case is not on camera security hired to appear on the show. The security team on these shows are usually instructed to stay out of sight unless there is a clear and imminent threat of bodily harm. If Glen hadn't knocked his aunt down and rushed at Kenya, then we would not have seen those guards step into the camera frame. They are not allowed to intervene in any situation where physical violence isn't about to happen. So they would not have helped Tammy get her "nephews" out until Glen actually put hands on her. The producers don't want any juicy action to get preempted...but they do have a responsibility to protect the cast from physically dangerous situations. It's a fine line and things escalate quickly, especially when alcohol is involved.

They, security, may wait to see if a physical fight breaks out between the women/cast but I don't think they would hesitate to act before a male, non cast member, got physical with a female/cast member. They could have easily stayed OFF camera while Tammy escorted them out of the house. Of course, given the escalating physical violence already on this HW show, it is always possible that security is all show and little else and if that IS the case shame on production/Bravo. JMO

  • Love 1


The "poke a bear" predicate is indeed analogous to contending that a rape victim shouldn't have incited their attacker by donning sexually revealing clothing or wondering what, exactly, Phaedra was doing with a camera crew in her own garage when Apollo was on the lam because, well, why would she potentially create an environment that would elevate his stress and therefore shorten his proverbial fuse? All transpose accountability for illogical, irrational violence to the object of that violence for nominal "provocations."


I agree.  I wonder if it occurred to dumbass Phaedra that her logic could apply to both Brown and Bland.


I wonder if she is ever concerned about the state of black girls and how the term THOT is used frivolously on her show?

  • Love 16

What is going on with ATL??  I watch all of the shows until physical violence starts so I dropped ATL 2 or 3 seasons ago (The same time I quit MIA after it got physical) as it shouldn't be that uncomfortable to watch one one of these shows.  Full discIosure: I didn't drop OC when wine was thrown in Jeana's face by Tamara but I really should have.      

  • Love 2

ETA again:

Tammy is NOT related to anyone in my family. She should have never used my son like that.

— Glen Rice (@glenrice41) December 21, 2015



No wonder Glenn thought nothing of his "aunt" lying on the floor as a result of his violence.  She's not even really related to him.  And I think Glenn and his friend both got high with Tammy before they got on the boat.  I'm not sure what drugs they were on, but I'm almost positive they were on something.  This is how I think it went down:  Tammy contacts Glenn and his friend for a score.  She tells them she's going to be on a boat with the RHOA.  Glenn and friend decide they want to go too so Tammy comes up with the fake "nephew" scheme to be able to get them aboard.  Once they were aboard, Tammy was already so out of it she could barely talk as a result of whatever Glenn hooked her up with and the alcohol she's always consuming.  The rest is as they say, history.  I wonder how Tammy's husband is going to feel after seeing this episode.  Hell, I wonder how he felt about the "Nazi white" comment.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 13
They, security, may wait to see if a physical fight breaks out between the women/cast but I don't think they would hesitate to act before a male, non cast member, got physical with a female/cast member.


Yes, that is exactly what we saw on the show. But you are saying that somehow, Kenya was at fault for not "involving security sooner", whatever that means, as they were clearly very close to her when she called for them as Glen was heading towards her. So, obviously, production knew the situation was a precarious one and had guards just off camera but they did not send in the security team until there has been a physical action against one women and a threatening move towards another woman. Really not sure what else Kenya should have done, other than express her discomfort, tell the offender he and his friend have to leave and call for help once physical violence had taken place. Production is not going to let Kenya just quietly go to them and say she wants Glen gone and then send in guards to escort him out while Kenya is locked in a bedroom or even standing 10-15 feet away.. That might happen in a real life situation but not on a TV show that is selling drama.  I don't see what Kenya was supposed to have done differently given the circumstances,  It's very likely that she did tell Production she wanted the men kicked out, as conversations between producers and the cast are happening constantly throughout the taping of a scene. It's a producer's job to send Kenya to back in there to "tell them yourself" because they know that's the moment viewers want to see. No way for any of these women to know what behavior to expect from random flotsam and jetsam that other people drag into a scene.  

Edited by PetuniaP
  • Love 6
  On 12/21/2015 at 2:35 PM, bosawks said:

I think the episode was a public service for those of us about to celebrate the holidays at a work function.

See, there are worse things.....


I'm just now getting to the epi on my DVR. I enjoyed the scenes of the girls having fun and Porsha's date seemed to have a sense of humor so they were cute together. The rest was not the least bit enjoyable.

  • Love 4

Watching this altercation it was clear that as Tammy was walking Glen and his friend to the door, Glen pointedly asked Kenya why he was being kicked out. Kenya responded with the truth and honestly more diplomatically than she had been for most of the night. I guess Kenya could have said something different, but Glen looked like anything would set him off. And frankly if all of the women were so comfortable with Glen, why did everyone except Sheree leave Glen chilling in the hot tub with his friend.

Why were these women drinking Sunny D and vodka on the boat?

  • Love 7
  On 12/21/2015 at 9:21 PM, Ubiquitous said:

Unfortunately, from what I have read and heard, men like Glen are common in the NBA.

I think it's partly because of the special juices athletes are injected sadly. The effects of performance enhancing drugs on the mood and level of aggressiveness are well documented. I'm not talking about Glen who seems to have a shitload of other issues on top of that but in general.


As for the episode, justifications of violence are never ok (provoked or not and I don't buy that Kenya did anything to provoke the guy to the point he wanted to smack her and even so, it still wouldn't be justified), and using real life tragedy to do so was so besides the point it was shameful, so I'll put Phaedra and Sheree in the naughty corner for a while. 


What's happening to Cynthia's face during those TH? It's not her usual face and it's more perplexing than Tammy's rat tail. Botox? Around the eyes maybe? I don't know, her face seems off to me.

  • Love 3
NeNe was making outrageous demands, so her role was downplayed last season and then she was not offered a huge contract to come back. We'll see what happens later on.


This season is pretty good to me so far.  I am comfortable with this level of entertainment, unease, and dysfunction.  It is starting to feel like a more ensemble of characters.  Adding Nene at this point is a huge misstep in my opinion.  What could she add other than more of her narcissistic behavior.  

Edited by SpringTulips
  • Love 6
  On 12/22/2015 at 7:09 AM, SpringTulips said:

This season is pretty good to me so far.  I am comfortable with this level of entertainment, unease, and dysfunction.  It is starting to feel like a more ensemble of characters.  Adding Nene at this point is a huge misstep in my opinion.  What could she add other than more of her narcissistic behavior.

Honestly, Nene's absence is why I ended up coming back this season. I missed the first three weeks or so, but I'm good with this season thus far.

  • Love 9
What's happening to Cynthia's face during those TH? It's not her usual face and it's more perplexing than Tammy's rat tail. Botox? Around the eyes maybe? I don't know, her face seems off to me.



I have been trying to figure that out.  She does not look like herself.  I do not know if she had work done or if it is some cutting edge avant-garde version of the smoky eye.

  • Love 3

These women do nothing to promote equal rights for either African Americans or women. They come off as stupid, materialistic, man-hungry, and selfish. Kenya has no job, and Porsha is desperate to find another man to complete her.


I find it interesting how nasty Kenya gets when Kim calls her out on her crap. Of course, Kenya still sounds like her lines are being fed to her by Andy Cohen, so who really knows?


I wonder if Kandi really wants that baby, or if the baby is supposed to save her marriage. She seems desperate to be over being pregnant and to go back to work.

  • Love 2

I follow Kandi on Facebook, and from what she posts there she and Todd are over the moon with happiness about the baby. This show is in no way indicative of the real life of these women. Also, anyone notice we don't have to put up with Momma Joyce anymore? Because her appearance on the show made her, Kandi, the entire family very unhappy with the way Joyce was made to act. And she WAS made to say and do things she didn't agree with, but the contract was signed.

It's why I cannot say enough to take this show (and all the HW shows) with a big block of salt.

  • Love 7
  On 12/21/2015 at 2:54 PM, SnarkKitty said:

The one part I agree with in the whole thing is she shouldn't have answered him. Even if he was asking, and she had every right to answer truthfully - and actually did so in a reasonable, non-combative way - I would have preferred she had taken the other road and realized she was talking to someone who wasn't going to be reasonable under any circumstances. Girl needs to learn to stand down. I get her, I really do, BT, DT with feeling like I can speak my truth and too bad if you don't like it  - but you learn, or you should, sometimes it's not worth it. Let it go, let it flow.


Since we don't know the timing, we don't know if the threat was made before or after Security was involved. In any event, dude asked her why she wanted him gone, and she answered, probably in a misguided attempt to keep him placated since apparently any normal reaction is the wrong reaction for him. He's like that due on the street catcalling: Ignore him, and he curses you out because you don't answer. Speak, but still get cursed out and threatened if he doesn't like your answer.

The only real fact in this, is Glen and only Glen was dead wrong in this situation.



I agree.  I think he would have been equally as pissed off if she has said nothing and tried to walk away from the conversation.



  On 12/21/2015 at 4:04 PM, Ubiquitous said:

Well, it WAS pretty bad... Did I hear Kim tell her husband that Kenya's roll would have to be recast if they carried it? heh heh heh

Kim's husband was the one who said Kenya would have to be recast, with a big ole heaping of "you might be right, but I ain't saying nothing" side-eye "response" from Kim, LOL!


  On 12/21/2015 at 9:56 PM, cooksdelight said:

Yes, my hair stylist is friends with the oldest's (Ayden?) pre-school teacher. She said he's smart, but a spoiled brat who's hard to keep in line with the other kids. He will toss out "But my momma's on TV!!" whenever being reprimanded.

Say it isn't so!  He's only gonna get worse if that isn't checked now.

  • Love 2
  On 12/22/2015 at 12:55 AM, Watermelon said:

We got the benefit of editing though. We got to see all of Glen's psychosis one after the other. Kim just saw him act up with Kandi, then go away.  She probably thought he was someone who overreacted generally but could be calmed down or ignored so there was no escalation. And to her eyes,  what happened, Glen went over to Kenya and suddenly there's cursing and a kick out.


Kenya wasn't wrong, but I'm not shocked those who only saw parts and pieces thought she was being dramatic.

You shouldn't be. White women had nothing to do with THIS situation, but white people's nervousness(especially white women's) has been part of the cause of a lot of violence towards blacks.  It's not something Phaedra made up, it's just something that she incorrectly applied to crazy ass Glen.

Race had absolutely nothing to do with this situation, so Phaedra can have a seat with her condescending white women remarks.

  • Love 15
  On 12/22/2015 at 3:23 PM, Kellyee said:

I wonder if Kandi really wants that baby, or if the baby is supposed to save her marriage. She seems desperate to be over being pregnant and to go back to work.

Not everyone enjoys being pregnant. I can't stand Kim Kardashian, but I do like how she's open about hating being pregnant because not every woman is on that "it is miraculous, even my hemorrhoids are beautiful because they are a part of pregnancy" tip. I know a number of women who were like, "thank God I got a baby at the end of this because this shit here? Sucks."


Re: working, I think Kandi genuinely loves what she does, and more power to her because that is rare. I could see her taking some time when the baby is born, but some people just like working. I feel like that's another thing women aren't supposed to talk about. I had a coworker who came back to work a couple of weeks early; I know I could not be a permanent SAHM. No shade to them; it's just not for me. Kandi has built a career - several careers, really - that she seems happy with, so it's not surprising to me that she wants to keep that going.

  • Love 12
  On 12/22/2015 at 1:24 AM, cooksdelight said:

Kenya was reportedly brought in to take NeNe down a peg or two, then Claudia for the same reason. My friend who works for the show said that Claudia got too demanding, Kenya was actually nice and didn't demand special services or whatever.

NeNe was making outrageous demands, so her role was downplayed last season and then she was not offered a huge contract to come back. We'll see what happens later on.

I'd love to know your friend's role in the show. I'm so nosy.

I don't think Kim was being overly dramatic in saying she felt safer not staying in the house overnight. The guy who was asked to leave seemed to clearly be spoiling for a fight, even if it was against a bunch of women. If he's nuts enough to pick a fight with a pregnant woman in front of TV cameras, who knows where his boundaries might be, if they exist at all? I also don't think Kim is "obsessed" with her family. I think she's miscast on this show because she's a woman who has her priorities in order and doesn't feel like rearranging them for the sake of a TV show. I'm sure she had some very solid reason for coming on the show -- perhaps something to promote? -- but I'm glad she feels happier and more comfortable spending time with her husband and being involved in her children's lives every day than she does watching women without jobs shake their asses in people's faces and pick fights for more camera time.

  • Love 9

I think she's miscast on this show because she's a woman who has her priorities in order and doesn't feel like rearranging them for the sake of a TV show. I'm sure she had some very solid reason for coming on the show -- perhaps something to promote?

Agreed. She's in debt for back taxes not paid, she needed money. Fast money. This show is the perfect outlet for that.

  • Love 6


Yes, my hair stylist is friends with the oldest's (Ayden?) pre-school teacher. She said he's smart, but a spoiled brat who's hard to keep in line with the other kids. He will toss out "But my momma's on TV!!" whenever being reprimanded.

Say it isn't so!  He's only gonna get worse if that isn't checked now.



Everyone who is not even a little bit surprised by this, raise your hand. The child had 12 birthday cakes at his first birthday party. All the kids on this show come off as spoiled and entitled. When you start out calling your kid "Mr. President", its only going to go downhill from there. It doesn't help that Daddy's up the river.

  • Love 15
  On 12/22/2015 at 3:34 PM, cooksdelight said:

I follow Kandi on Facebook, and from what she posts there she and Todd are over the moon with happiness about the baby. This show is in no way indicative of the real life of these women. Also, anyone notice we don't have to put up with Momma Joyce anymore? Because her appearance on the show made her, Kandi, the entire family very unhappy with the way Joyce was made to act. And she WAS made to say and do things she didn't agree with, but the contract was signed.

It's why I cannot say enough to take this show (and all the HW shows) with a big block of salt.


Knowing this tempered my annoyance with Phaedra over her BLM comments.  I decided to be pissed at Andy instead as well as whomever thought adding social commentary to this show was a good idea.  This show is not serious so bringing serious matters to the show's subject matter diminishes the serious matters.


Apollo's incarceration was a serious matter, but it was treated as a campy, silly matter.  BLM should be nowhere near this show.

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 4
  On 12/22/2015 at 4:52 PM, ToukieSmith said:

Knowing this tempered my annoyance with Phaedra over her BLM comments.  I decided to be pissed at Andy instead as well as whomever thought adding social commentary to this show was a good idea.  This show is not serious so bringing serious matters to the show's subject matter diminishes the serious matters.


Apollo's incarceration was a serious matter, but it was treated as a campy, silly matter.  BLM should be nowhere near this show.


It really shouldn't have. It's been a couple days, and I'm still bothered that Phaedra even dared to make the comparison. That coupled with knowing that there will be no justice for Sandra Bland's death just puts into sharp relief how appalling it was for Phaedra to make that reach. 

  • Love 13

I don't think it's the responsibility of any of the characters on this show to uplift & fight for the rights of blacks and women.  That's not why anyone should be watching this show.


Whether Tammy is related to Glen Rice Jr. or not, Glen Rice Sr. needs to come collect his son.  He's more upset about Tammy claiming to be his aunt than his son being aggressive to, charging at and flinging down women.


If Phaedra doesn't come collect her son, he WILL be another Black Lives Matter statistic.  Being a bad brat in school ain't cute.


I believe Claudia being bossy & demanding is why she got the boot from the Rickey Smiley Show.


Something funky IS going on with Cynthia's face and I never ever want to hear her tell Peter she's gonna give him some. Ew.

  • Love 8

This was the first episode I've watched for a few years.  The last time I watched, Nene was still on and Kim Z. had just left, so it's been awhile.  I was leery about seeing more of the delusional seven-figures, fashion-show-without-fashions Sheree, but I kinda liked her.  She wasn't loud and screechy, and thankfully I missed the golden shower comment.  Guess she's given up on "classy" Sheree.


The mini-hummers looked like fun and I wanted more of that, but it did look dangerous, the way they were driving, so the producers probably cut that part short.  Because the other "fun" they said they were having didn't look like fun.  It looked like a bunch of women talking loudly about how much fun they were having, when all they were doing was posing and talking over each other, trying to be outrageous and what they think passes for sexy.


Sorry to hear Kim F. is on the show for the money.  I'd like for a HW on this franchise to actually have something going for her and not need the job.  It might make for some honesty, being real, as Nene used to say.  Kandi's the only one in that category, I think. 

  • Love 1
  On 12/21/2015 at 11:46 AM, Aging Goth said:

My take on this episode...

It was just a very bad idea to bring these two guys back with them. I also think Tammy was on something as were her nephews so that was a red flag right there.


nephews {{airquotes}}.  Ok, some of ya'll got to it before I could post.  swankie? {{fistintheairgirl}}.  So we just not gone talk about the fact that she keeps disappearing and then once we remember to look for her (lol, we shady as hell) her eyes are dragon fire red and she's barely coherent?  My rewatches are running together so I don't know who she was talking to but ya'll? she was slurring (pre-fall).   Tammy at the door is one of the funniest things I've ever seen on television. 


  On 12/21/2015 at 2:41 PM, Rottiemommie said:

Phaedra is saying that she feels bad because her and Sheree have sons and any one of them could end up like Michael Brown. So does that mean Miss Parks, as a sworn officer of the court, is going to raise her boys to rob a store, say to a police officer "The fuck you say to me?" and attempt to take a cop's gun? Then by all means they should end up like Mr. Brown. Shut up Phaedra. 


And I feel like a loser asking this but where did the term Thot come from? I've never heard it before but I'm guessing it means slut or something similar?


Apologies in advance for the quibble.  This is an unsupported and never substantiated claim made only by former Officer Wilson.  Eyewitness accounts and Michael Brown's blood dna evidence recovered at the scene counters his claims by having been found on the outside of the patrol car.  There is also no record of Michael Brown ever having said any words to former Officer Wilson, let alone an exchange of hostility.  Although I think Phaedra was way the hell off base for using Glen's actions as a demonstration of the BLM movement, I also think that in terms of the overall discussion, we owe it to these kids not to allow opinions to become facts.


  On 12/21/2015 at 6:33 PM, Thick McRunFast said:

I watched the Glen scene again and upon second viewing I noticed that Tammy didn't even hit the ground that hard. I don't think she was really knocked out. She was pretty drunk and it looked like once she was down she just sort of fell asleep. A head injury that knocks you out cold is pretty serious and I would think would warrant a longer hospital visit than the one she had. If she was able to come back to the house later that night still looking out of it and drunk I bet she just blacked out from drinking too much. (None of this excuses Glen who is pretty clearly not a good guy. No matter how drunk Tammy was he knocked her over and didn't look back because he was trying to get to another woman and do god knows what to her.)


SnarkKitty and I are waiting outside in the huff (to hell) come along and step spritely girl.   You are dead ass for this, I'm still giggling lol!


  On 12/21/2015 at 6:54 PM, Neurochick said:

No, Phaedra has a point, it just wan't true in THIS case.  I mean if you look it up, there are studies of how black boys AND girls are suspended from school for the SAME infractions white children commit.  


Thank you, that's my entire problem with her application.  It's perfectly valid, but THIS dude is not the one whose picture to stick on the back of the church fan. 


  On 12/21/2015 at 9:30 PM, laprin said:

Whether Glen is related to Tammi or not, I think he's her dealer. His whole vibe was weird and Tammi seemed more high than drunk. I've been wondering why her "nephew" would happen to be in Miami, but it makes sense if he was also conducting "business." It is telling how much disrespect some women find acceptable. The moment Glen started throwing around bitches and hoes, they should have been united about his needing to leave.

A link to a story about Glen being shot at a restaurant just a couple of months ago. Sounds like a drug deal beef to me.



Hellurrrrr?? Rudolph nostrils and dilated pupils.  Who needs to leave the table, room, boat for a 1/2 hour at a time? 


  On 12/22/2015 at 1:49 AM, PetuniaP said:

First of all, I really didn't appreciate Glen's attitude from jump. Was it not nice of Kenya to snap at him and refer to him as "young buck"...yes. She could have gotten his attention in a better way. But he immediately got testy with a woman who was clearly his senior. Where I come from, you give respect to people who are older than you are, even if only by the slightest of margins. And Kenya clearly has 20 years on that dude. Right there, I would have been on guard. His snapping at Kandi was enough to get him kicked out in my view. His reckless talk in the pool was enough to have him kicked out unceremoniously. He was itching to for a fight since he rolled in...and with a bunch of women, no less. Bye. I couldn't care less if Kenya instigates every second of her waking life, I stand behind every single thing she said in this episode 100%. Too many women are stupid and misogynistic and it's scary to see the ignorance. 


LOL!!!!  Read mother, read!  Lol!!  Aaaah, shit lol, she would not appreciate this compliment at all.   

ITA with the rest. 


He sat up in there with all of them talking about "bitch ass bitches."


islandgal.  Your Honor, I contend that if you're bothered by the way "bitch ass bitches" are speaking to you, does this not make you yourself rife with bitchassery?



Somewhere in NY, Heather is saying "And THAT'S what the fuck I'm talking about!"

There's my huff, time for me to leave in it.



SnarkKitty.  I cannot decide as to whether or not I love you very much or hate you for life.  LMAO!!  I just got back from vacation so I'm clean in *don't start none* mode, but this right here?!!  BRAGHAAAAAAA!! Come get your tithe envelope please! 


I just knew ya'll were gonna be on some: but why the fiddle dee dee fake pearl clutch when nothing really happened.  Carry on. 


{{outstretchedknucklecrack}} random things I learned this episode, by ZaldamoWilder:


Shamea bothers me for no good damn reason.  It could be because I think of her as the "young buck" standing slightly off camera practice posing with her apricot, but I'm not sure.  Either way, it's not gonna be you mimi, you gotta work for that fruit.   p.s. God is my witness and word is born, p_ _ _ _ poppin handstands will not be considered "effort".


Cynthia needs to learn the difference between empathy and aggression.  Kenya was on your side ya big ass dummy.


I heard Sheryl Underwood say this during her Unsung special, with regard to rape and imho, it applies to whatever situation you feel uncomfortable in.  You don't have to know why, no means no, whenever you say it. 


It's possible to show a man your labia one evening and successfully act coquettish with him about a first date kiss the next.  I never knew that.  And though it will never come in handy in my life, it is useful to have the information.


I would like a mini hummer.   ba dum bum.  Lol, no really, that looked hella fun.

  • Love 24

Am I the only one who can't stand it when Kim constantly talks about getting their "Grown women on?" The way she says it always makes me think of creepy sexual innuendo. Like, please, I don't want to think about Porsha and Cynthia "getting their grown women on" together! "I don't wanna see that!"

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 3
  On 12/22/2015 at 5:32 PM, drivethroo said:

I don't think it's the responsibility of any of the characters on this show to uplift & fight for the rights of blacks and women. That's not why anyone should be watching this show.

Whether Tammy is related to Glen Rice Jr. or not, Glen Rice Sr. needs to come collect his son. He's more upset about Tammy claiming to be his aunt than his son being aggressive to, charging at and flinging down women.

If Phaedra doesn't come collect her son, he WILL be another Black Lives Matter statistic. Being a bad brat in school ain't cute.

I believe Claudia being bossy & demanding is why she got the boot from the Rickey Smiley Show.

Something funky IS going on with Cynthia's face and I never ever want to hear her tell Peter she's gonna give him some. Ew.

Do we even know if it's true? Ayden might be a brat but it was posted on this forum as a something someone heard from someone who knows someone. He's just a little boy, I don't feel comfortable calling him out on behavior we didn't see. Just because someone claims to "know" someone, doesn't make it true. Edited by imjagain
  • Love 15
  On 12/21/2015 at 2:51 AM, SnarkKitty said:

Okay, FUCK YOU Phaedra. You are 100% wrong and I'm so sick of your fake, fucked up ass. You want to sit there pretending like KANDI didn't feel afraid too? Like she didn't tell you he came at HER aggressively? You didn't see that man knock his own fucking AUNT down? And still, you want to cry some bullshit crocodile tears and take it to labeling black boys? Having a son doesn't mean you get to blame other people for everything that goes wrong. YOUR huzzzbin has done more to fuck with your sons life, making them statistics before the age of 5...but you want to stay pressed on Kenya just because she had the good fucking sense to say "we're uncomfortable."

Aside from all the rest, I'm so fucking PISSED with Phaedra and Sheree using Kenya as a bullshit scapegoat to conflate the actual, real shit that happens to innocent black boys and men, and the actual, real shit that Glen was doing that justifiably warranted those actions taken against him. It's nobody's fault but Glen's, and fuck you for trying to give that mean, scary, aggressive THUG an out. But then, that's just business as usual for you, right Esquire?

And as long as I'm here, FUCK YOU TOO, Kim "my shit don't stink" Fields. Nobody had to shake that hornet's nest; apparently just walking by and creating a breeze could irritate that fucking nest. Better way of handling it? NO. Even his aunt couldn't nicely ask him to leave. 'Cause if Tammy could've handled it "another way," they'd have left. Seeing as her nephew couldn't even accept Kandi's "Uh, thanks," early in the evening, no way was he accepting Kenya's "We're uncomfortable and want you to leave" gracefully once it was clear that drunk Tammy was getting nowhere. The ONLY acceptable response was "fine, you don't want us here, we're gone." Not, "I'm not playing with you, little bitch." EXCUSE ME??

The only right way at that point was straight up saying "Please leave," which Kenya did. And then calling for assistance when he charged her. If you know so much, then YOU should have handled it, not just sat in judgment Monday morning quarterbacking.

Things I am not here for:

- Y'all felt nervous about him right off the bat. Yet the next day you're acting like Kenya was making things up, even though you sat there with Kandi acknowledging that a single simple conversation was going sideways. And no, you were NOT there for everything, you were not in the Jacuzzi when he got extra threatening behind a fairly neutral comment about "Oh, here comes your auntie, checking on the conversation."

- Exaggerating why Kenya asked for people to be removed. Even if she was being extra with the asking, you're being extra with your reasoning "Oh, what if I'm next, and she'll wake me up at 2 am and say you have to go for no reason." Girl stop.

- Continually trolling for points for leaving your fucking house for 80 damned hours.

- Um, yeah Kim that's EXACTLY what it was "Uhh... wah, I wanna go home, I miss my husband." You might not need a reason, but you sure as shit didn't let an excuse to "bounce" without saying I'm bouncing go by.

Somewhere in NY, Heather is saying "And THAT'S what the fuck I'm talking about!"

There's my huff, time for me to leave in it.

Word! Who's Heather?

  • Love 4

I have no idea what kind of a kid Aiden is when he's at school, but I don't think there's a preschooler alive who hasn't done SOMETHING that somebody could point to as evidence that their parents obviously have raised them wrong.  On the other hand, we've seen him with our own eyes interacting adorably and politely with his mom and relatives.  He's very verbal, but we haven't seen bratty, have we?  Verbal and thoughtful and clever, but not with any kind of energy I personally associate with kids who are bad news (to the extent that preschoolers can be bad news).  The kids I've known who were actual brats tended to be brats across the board, not situationally.


But yes, Phadera? Michael Brown, BLM and Glen Rice? No comparison. Sorry, but you're reaching there, girlfriend,



I think the only thing she was reaching for was future clients.  The only thing missing from her pitch (referencing the fact that she "sat with" a victim's mother, she worries about her own children) was a chyron stating "Brought to you by the Law Offices of Phaedra Parks, Esq 1-800-SET-LMNT."


Mind you, I do assume she is appropriately and reasonably worried about the culture her sons are destined to live in, as is Sheree. But that was pure product placement that fell into her lap.  

  • Love 8
  On 12/21/2015 at 3:05 AM, Sheenieb said:

Oh, thanks for mentioning that. It's funny how Kim and Kenya are both at opposite ends of the same doing the most spectrum.

Cynthia can get out of here, too, with feeling responsible because she brought Tammy around. What? Tammy didn't do anything! Even if she did, Tammy would be responsible for her own actions, just like Glen is.

The Atlanta franchise is the most infuriating when it comes on to attitudes towards women. I'm annoyed that THOT is thrown around so frequently and Porsha seems to be okay with it.

Nope, I didn't get what Cynthia was on about, either.

However, last year Porsha proclaimed herself "Queen of THOT“ or something like that. She definitely used THOT.

  • Love 1
  On 12/22/2015 at 7:53 PM, Bronzedog said:

ZaldamoWilder - Every post you make is like a Christmas gift from Baby Jesus himself.


Lol.  I curtsey deeply lovie.  Thank you.   And, to all, a good night.   :P



  On 12/22/2015 at 7:59 PM, ridethemaverick said:

Some of these comments are suspect as fuck.


LMAO!!! This jiggled my whole soul.   Tell us why you made boobah. 

  • Love 3
  On 12/22/2015 at 6:55 PM, imjagain said:

Do we even know if it's true? Ayden might be a brat but it was posted on this forum as a something someone heard from someone who knows someone. He's just a little boy, I don't feel comfortable calling him out on behavior we didn't see. Just because someone claims to "know" someone, doesn't make it true.


Thank you.


Considering the source is a friend of a friend by an avowed Kenya lover/Phaedra hater, well....


I saw a preview of Ayden and his bow tie going to school next week. 

  • Love 7
  On 12/22/2015 at 9:25 PM, charming said:

Thank you.


Considering the source is a friend of a friend by an avowed Kenya lover/Phaedra hater, well....


I saw a preview of Ayden and his bow tie going to school next week.

I don't hate anyone on this show. Nor love anyone. It's a TV show. TV. Fake. Fakeity Fake. These women get along well when the camera's not on. They are paid to create drama, interest, angst.

As for Phaedra's kids, she put them on this show. They are discussed across the various social media outlets. Bravo does it, along with video clips not seen on the show.

  • Love 4
  On 12/22/2015 at 9:38 PM, cooksdelight said:

I don't hate anyone on this show. Nor love anyone. It's a TV show. TV. Fake. Fakeity Fake. These women get along well when the camera's not on. They are paid to create drama, interest, angst.

As for Phaedra's kids, she put them on this show. They are discussed across the various social media outlets. Bravo does it, along with video clips not seen on the show.


Ah yes.  Always the best defense for making unfounded accusations about children under the age of 5.  "Well they're on TV!!!!"


I'm firmly seated at the "we will refrain from detrimental comments about youngins who are just starting out in the world until they give us reason to believe otherwise" table.

  • Love 12

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