ketose November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 I'm thinking about the lock-picking scene and realizing that there would have to be a cameraman in the hallway and a cameraman inside the cabin with Rocky (and Amy?) if this were actually happening "live." More likely, the Rocky stuff was shot first and then the Eddie outside stuff was later and no one was even in that room. Even on reality show, the cast is constantly told to do over something so they can get coverage, like the way they tell them to talk in the present tense in interviews even if it's days later. Ultimately, Bravo is the charter for the season. Their crew also has another boat they stay in to keep out of the way of Eros. The deckhands and the stews are charter guests who work for Bravo. The actual crew are the guys Captain Lee hired to run the engines and maintain the ship. I still like the show, though. I still think Rocky is annoying because she's trying too hard to show off. I like my reality shows realistic. I think Eddie probably is a douche in real life, especially after all that lying, but that he's probably fun to hang out with sometimes. 1 Link to comment
BogoGog24 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 I thought there were cameras inside all of their rooms, not that there's actually cameramen standing in their room filming them. 2 Link to comment
straightshooter November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 On 11/21/2015 at 6:49 PM, uesNY said: I agree with your whole post. My only issue is that Eddie, iirc, gave all indication that his relationship was not only on the rocks; but that his gf had cheated and it seemed over. If he were married and had taken vows, and hit a "rocky" patch (no pun intended) with his wife, then I would hold Rocky as responsible as Eddie. But he cheated on his girlfriend and we don't know what he was saying to Rocky in that in that laundry room. (lol) Either way, he broke into her room, yelled at her and confronted her for "making everything up" and that there was "nothing sexual between them". He's a proven liar. She's not...yet. Who knows what will be unveiled at the reunion...cant wait!! Yep, if they were broken up, my theory is moot. Either way, he's a jerk and I was shocked and disappointed by the lengths to which he went to try to save face (and possibly his relationship). It was flat out embarassing. I wouldn't come back, either! 3 Link to comment
ketose November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 On 11/21/2015 at 5:13 PM, BogoGog24 said: I thought there were cameras inside all of their rooms, not that there's actually cameramen standing in their room filming them. The robot cameras have a limited field of view. I think the majority of shots, even in the cabins, are from live cameras. 3 Link to comment
ryebread November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 On 11/21/2015 at 6:49 PM, uesNY said: My only issue is that Eddie, iirc, gave all indication that his relationship was not only on the rocks; but that his gf had cheated and it seemed over. If he were married and had taken vows, and hit a "rocky" patch (no pun intended) with his wife, then I would hold Rocky as responsible as Eddie. But he cheated on his girlfriend and we don't know what he was saying to Rocky in that in that laundry room. (lol) Either way, he broke into her room, yelled at her and confronted her for "making everything up" and that there was "nothing sexual between them". He's a proven liar. She's not...yet. Who knows what will be unveiled at the reunion...cant wait!! In addition, in the middle of his lying rant in her bunk she asks him, "Do you have a girlfriend?" To which he replies, "Yes, I do. So why are you saying these things about me?" She replies, "Okay." From that exchange and from hearing him say to his girlfriend that he had to take some time and reevaluate, I can totally hear him telling Rocky they were broken up. I hope he's asked at the reunion. But like you said, even if he swears he never said they were broken up, he a proven liar. If he says they never broke up, will he still insist that Rocky was the wanton whore that lured Eduardo into the laundry room against his will? LOL. Guy is such a tool. 7 Link to comment
Passing Strange November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Eddie not only showed every inch of his ass this episode, we found out it's a lot bigger than it looks. Rocky is immature, self-centered, attention seeking and not exactly talented when it comes to combining flavors. While that may make working with her difficult, it doesn't mean it's ok to be a douche to her. Eddie used her, brushed her off, accused her of willful seduction, denied a relationship with her, then broke into her room to accuse her of something she wasn't doing. Rocky may be annoying, but Eddie is a real piece of work. The last scene between Kate and Ben was uncomfortable, for me and Ben, anyway. Kate seemed to find it more amusing than anything and I applaud her for that. I didn't see any signs of a great romance, just two people who had had some good times and knew there was nothing more offered or expected. We didn't see anything that called for that clearing of the air. I don't know if Ben was genuinely trying to look out for Kate or just being sure none of Eddie's assholery had rubbed off on him. 6 Link to comment
luckykat November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 On 11/21/2015 at 7:57 PM, Passing Strange said: The last scene between Kate and Ben was uncomfortable, for me and Ben, anyway. Kate seemed to find it more amusing than anything and I applaud her for that. I didn't see any signs of a great romance, just two people who had had some good times and knew there was nothing more offered or expected. We didn't see anything that called for that clearing of the air. I don't know if Ben was genuinely trying to look out for Kate or just being sure none of Eddie's assholery had rubbed off on him. I thought the same thing. I thought Kate accepted Ben's subtle (or maybe not-so-subtle) brush off with class and grace. Rocky might have taken a page from Kate's playbook and saved herself a lot of heartache, and Eddie still would have come off as the huge douche he is. 2 Link to comment
Liberty November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 On 11/21/2015 at 2:08 PM, pasdetrois said: There's a reality show about rich kids in Beverly Hills, which uses that same text bubble format. I've assumed they are simply recreating text messages for television using a graphics package (or making them up). Totally understand what you are saying about the format for the messages. Do not understand how Bravo acquired the content of the messages, maybe as was suggested, Rocky showed it to them after her silence was not longer important.. 1 Link to comment
DeeplyShallow November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 On 11/21/2015 at 8:30 PM, Liberty said: Totally understand what you are saying about the format for the messages. Do not understand how Bravo acquired the content of the messages, maybe as was suggested, Rocky showed it to them after her silence was not longer important.. Oh, there's no doubt in my mind that Rocky very willingly provided them those texts. 6 Link to comment
AttackTurtle November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Eddie is an ass-hat. I've said this many times & I believe he hooked up with Rocky to humiliate his girlfriend. So he's a spineless dick that couldn't simply break up with his girlfriend when she cheated on him. Rocky; however is a twit. She flaunted about the season as though she was open to hitting it with Emile and then ultimately Eddie. We saw more of Rocky's ass cheeks then we saw her actually work. Nothing that we viewed this season would indicate that the hook-ups went beyond the laundry/bathroom. If things got more serious than that with Eddie then she probably wouldn't have plead such ignorance as to whether he & his girlfriend were still together. She was aware enough of the girlfriend to follow her on Instagram when she was screwing the girl's boyfriend. So both Rocky & Eddie suck. It's a tie for me as to which one sucks more. Personally, I want them both gone, for Connie to be replace Eddie next season and for a hot new deckhand to be introduced for Amy. 10 Link to comment
leighroda November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 It's funny, when they first showed the texts I wondered if this was really spontaneous why would they have the texts, I even almost asked but I was afraid everybody would be like "duh it's producer driven" so I kept my mouth shut (for once). Since then I now believe 100% that Rocky provided them. I now feel a little vindicated that I wasn't the only one unsure about that. I think Rocky is awful, but the Eddie hook-up is actually not a factor in that, I don't think she handled it well... But there are many other things to hate her over. 1 Link to comment
The Mighty Peanut November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 (edited) Edited because I just realized the interview of delusion has already been posted. *slinks away in shame* Edited November 22, 2015 by The Mighty Peanut Link to comment
biakbiak November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 Yeah Rocky explained she was "joking" with her answers but she clearly doesn't know how to do sarcasm in print well. Link to comment
rho November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 On 11/21/2015 at 11:29 PM, AttackTurtle said: So both Rocky & Eddie suck. It's a tie for me as to which one sucks more. Personally, I want them both gone, for Connie to be replace Eddie next season and for a hot new deckhand to be introduced for Amy. I missed Logan this season. He was forgettable but easy to look at and relatively drama free. Link to comment
Eater of Worlds November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 Someone snarked that Andy was convinced not to wear socks for the reunion. That's actually Andy's standard summer outfit, a suit with no socks, and I presume it's his "tropical" wear too. The reunion was filmed in Miami so it makes sense that he's got no socks on. 1 Link to comment
SunshineOnMe November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 Okay, my 2 cents, which is just a repeat of everyone else's thoughts, really. So skip over it- lol. Just fun for me to share. Rocky- She freaked me out so many times that something was really wrong with her. Other times I thought maybe she was just a very immature woman. Every now and then I thought she handled things better than I would have (like when she overheard Eddie bashing her). Over all, she was not a fun person to watch. Eddie- I'm going to be honest. It was just Yuck. I personally would have lost my crap if someone broke into my room after I locked it. That's scary behavior. I agree with everyone who said he should have just told her he was working it out with his GF. I was really disappointed in his handling of it. Still, everyone makes mistakes, and I hope he learns from this one. On the other hand.... how Rocky reacted on the beach when he finally confessed was scary too! Now I'm back to worrying there is something really wrong with her. I love to watch snark, rich lifestyles, some funny stuff and light drama. It makes me squeamish when people are on the screen who have real disorders/problems (Real housewives of Beverly Hills comes to mind). 3 Link to comment
breezy424 November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 I think that what 'really' happened is that Eddie thought that the whole hook up with Rocky was not going to be shown and it was what is was. A hook up. And Rocky agreed to that. But she took it as something more when he dropped her. The thing was that it wasn't. It was a few hook ups toward the end of the season before Rocky went 'nutso'. I also think the text messages were given to producers after the season and they used footage (cam in room) of Eddie on his cell phone or whatever and put that in to show the hook ups and Eddie's talking heads were done after the season. I also think Eddie didn't realize the camera's caught the sounds of him and Rocky that one time in the laundry room. And if Rocky took it for what it was, nothing probably would have come of it. But again, Rocky thought this was some kind of relationship. It wasn't. I don't think Eddie owed Rocky anything as far as 'breaking up'. It never was a relationship on his part to begin with and didn't give Rocky any reason to believe it was. It was consensual sex in the laundry room. Nothing more. A relationship would be Jennice and Kelley in season two. And I don't believe that Rocky didn't know Eddie had a girlfriend or that he broke up with her. And that they didn't have a relationship was why Eddie was denying it. He panicked. Rocky opened her big mouth. They had an agreement. She broke it. As I stated before, I don't have a problem with Eddie opening the door. It was not 'her' private room and more importantly, she didn't answer him. When it all sunk in, he knew he had to cop to it which he did later at the beach party. In the end, I don't think Eddie is a horrible person. He screwed up by cheating on his girlfriend and he screwed up by choosing Rocky to have a few hook ups with. Like Kate said when Rocky told her about the hooks ups, so what? Oh and Rocky asking Amy if she was jealous? Really? Leading Emile on when it suited her? Rocky is in a fantasy world in which she is the center of attention. Jumping off the boat and not coming back for seven hours? The pathetic mermaid performance on the beach? Crying behind the bar? On the phone with her parents? You'd think the woman was in hell. The woman needs therapy and good dose of reality. More than Below Deck gave her for six weeks. 6 Link to comment
DeeplyShallow November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 The Chinese lanterns- so, what happens when the fire burns out? Does it become trash in the ocean? 6 Link to comment
ryebread November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 On 11/22/2015 at 11:25 AM, DeeplyShallow said: The Chinese lanterns- so, what happens when the fire burns out? Does it become trash in the ocean? Before they were really popular my neighbor came home to find a wire rectangle, some ash and a burn on the surface of his kid's trampoline. Couldn't figure out what caused it. Was a mystery for years. Until he lit a lantern at a party and it occurred to him what had ruined his trampoline years before. I would think over the ocean the threat of something catching fire is small. The paper burns away but the wire and little candle cradle winds up in the water. Hmmm. I've never thought about it. But I can see how they could hurt fish or water fowl. I ll have to ask my husband, the Captain, if they could hurt a boat's props. I have to say they are beautiful over the lake. Good question., though. I was so concerned about the Giudices shooting the confetti cannons into the canal. 4 Link to comment
DeeplyShallow November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 On 11/22/2015 at 1:00 PM, ryebread said: Before they were really popular my neighbor came home to find a wire rectangle, some ash and a burn on the surface of his kid's trampoline. Couldn't figure out what caused it. Was a mystery for years. Until he lit a lantern at a party and it occurred to him what had ruined his trampoline years before. I would think over the ocean the threat of something catching fire is small. The paper burns away but the wire and little candle cradle winds up in the water. Hmmm. I've never thought about it. But I can see how they could hurt fish or water fowl. I ll have to ask my husband, the Captain, if they could hurt a boat's props. I have to say they are beautiful over the lake. Good question., though. I was so concerned about the Giudices shooting the confetti cannons into the canal. Yeah, that's what I was wondering about- that wire and cradle :( 3 Link to comment
bblancobrnx November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 (edited) On 11/20/2015 at 8:39 PM, Teddybear said: Why is Captain Lee sitting next to Jax?Clearly TPTB have been following this topic and wanted to show us what a real scumbag looked like...not a lightweight scumbag like eddie Edited November 22, 2015 by bblancobrnx Link to comment
Bruinsfan November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 (edited) Everything that doesn't burn away should sink to the ocean floor, so I don't think it would hurt anything at sea. Unless an animal just the right size to get stuck in it attempts to crawl through the loop, I guess. I'm glad posters above pointed out how the room break-in was probably manufactured by cameramen, as that was the one action of Eddie's that really disturbed me. Wanting to sever all contact with a cackling loon after you see her dive overboard in a huff and swim out to sea is perfectly understandable, though I think simply remaining silent would have been a far better course of action than trying to convince others she was lying about the hook-up. Sometimes the best way to deal with Crazy is to disengage. Edited November 22, 2015 by Bruinsfan 2 Link to comment
bblancobrnx November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 (edited) On 11/22/2015 at 11:25 AM, DeeplyShallow said: The Chinese lanterns- so, what happens when the fire burns out? Does it become trash in the ocean? Yes, yes it does. While it is better than lighting it off on land where they have been known to come down and start fires, it is not much better. The debris lands and can kill sea creatures who couldeat it unknowingly or become tangled in the wires and paper. The garbage factor (coupled with the fact that they fly away and are impossible to keep track of to clean up once they land) is why most of the USA has banned their use. Wonderful footage of trashing our ecosystem for rich people's amusement. They should dump some crude oil in the ocean and light it on fire while they are at it. Edited November 22, 2015 by bblancobrnx 9 Link to comment
DeeplyShallow November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 (edited) On 11/22/2015 at 2:42 PM, bblancobrnx said: Yes, yes it does. While it is better than lighting it off on land where they have been known to come down and start fires, it is not much better. The debris lands and can kill sea creatures who couldeat it unknowingly or become tangled in the wires and paper. The garbage factor (coupled with the fact that they fly away and are impossible to keep track of to clean up once they land) is why most of the USA has banned their use. Wonderful footage of trashing our ecosystem for rich people's amusement. They should dump some crude oil in the ocean and light it on fire while they are at it. Sigh. That's what I thought. Thanks for your answer. Edited November 22, 2015 by DeeplyShallow Link to comment
Passing Strange November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 On 11/22/2015 at 5:56 AM, breezy424 said: I think that what 'really' happened is that Eddie thought that the whole hook up with Rocky was not going to be shown and it was what is was. A hook up. And Rocky agreed to that. But she took it as something more when he dropped her. The thing was that it wasn't. It was a few hook ups toward the end of the season before Rocky went 'nutso'. I also think the text messages were given to producers after the season and they used footage (cam in room) of Eddie on his cell phone or whatever and put that in to show the hook ups and Eddie's talking heads were done after the season. I also think Eddie didn't realize the camera's caught the sounds of him and Rocky that one time in the laundry room. And if Rocky took it for what it was, nothing probably would have come of it. But again, Rocky thought this was some kind of relationship. It wasn't. I don't think Eddie owed Rocky anything as far as 'breaking up'. It never was a relationship on his part to begin with and didn't give Rocky any reason to believe it was. It was consensual sex in the laundry room. Nothing more. A relationship would be Jennice and Kelley in season two. And I don't believe that Rocky didn't know Eddie had a girlfriend or that he broke up with her. And that they didn't have a relationship was why Eddie was denying it. He panicked. Rocky opened her big mouth. They had an agreement. She broke it. As I stated before, I don't have a problem with Eddie opening the door. It was not 'her' private room and more importantly, she didn't answer him. When it all sunk in, he knew he had to cop to it which he did later at the beach party. In the end, I don't think Eddie is a horrible person. He screwed up by cheating on his girlfriend and he screwed up by choosing Rocky to have a few hook ups with. Like Kate said when Rocky told her about the hooks ups, so what? Oh and Rocky asking Amy if she was jealous? Really? Leading Emile on when it suited her? Rocky is in a fantasy world in which she is the center of attention. Jumping off the boat and not coming back for seven hours? The pathetic mermaid performance on the beach? Crying behind the bar? On the phone with her parents? You'd think the woman was in hell. The woman needs therapy and good dose of reality. More than Below Deck gave her for six weeks. I think Eddie (or any cast member of any reality show) would be unlikely to think something wouldn't be shown. That's the whole point of shows like these and people know going in that they can't control what's broadcast. Eddie may have asked Rocky to keep things secret from the crew, but he had to have known he couldn't keep it from the producers. My guess is the camera in the room captured Rocky getting a text and hightailing it to the laundry room, so they asked her about it. I don't believe it was a situation of Rocky vengefully going to the producers later. Maybe there will be some clarification at the reunion. Eddie and Rocky may not have had a meaningful or committed relationship, but they had been intimate. Regardless of the fact that it meant nothing to him, the decent thing for Eddie to do was to break it off to her face, not shut her out. She's a human being who deserves to be told that they're done, preferably with some diplomacy and caring. I disagree that Kelley and Jennice had any different kind of relationship. Jennice was a conquest for Kelley and he used her the same way Eddie used Rocky. Kelley was just more subtle about being a shit to Jennice once he'd notched his belt. Eddie didn't just open the door to Rocky's room, he forced it open. It was a room that she shared with someone else, yes, but that someone else wasn't Eddie. He had no right to break into a room that wasn't his. If he was concerned about Rocky, and there was no indication that he was, he needed to bring that to the attention of her boss, who might have been able to get Rocky to open the door, or his boss, who most likely has access to a key. Sure, Rocky has faults, maybe even problems, and her behavior hasn't been exemplary. To me, that doesn't make Eddie's behavior any less appalling. 5 Link to comment
luleetuni November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 Rocky is a lazy attenion starved spoiled whiny brat. Anything she did or didn't do with Eddie is just one more way for her to avoid her doing her job. Honestly what annoys me more about Eddie isn't his cheating and subsequent lying, but that he saw rocky slacking on her job at night time and still defended her and bashed Kate until rocky literally jumped ship. To clear up the who is a bigger dick Eddie v. Ben, Ben said on wwhl after show last season that his girlfriend and him had broken up 5 days prior to charter. I still wonder if that stain was actually from him and Kat. They dropped the teased Kate/Kat/Ben story last season after the super teaser aired which made ben/Kat shippers upset and made people prehate kate. That's Don next to capt lee 2 Link to comment
JacksonOrange November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 I don't think that the lanterns are a problem. I think that they climb, until they go out. I know that they make them biodegradable now. Here's one example of what's being sold: Quote The garbage factor (coupled with the fact that they fly away and are impossible to keep track of to clean up once they land) is why most of the USA has banned their use. I was reading about them on wikipedia, and the page there says that they are banned in Kittias County Wa, Riverside County Ca, and also D.C.. I know that in my state (WA), they are banned due to fire concerns. I don't think that they are the best idea, but it's not like anybody is dumping crude oil into the ocean. 1 Link to comment
eurekagirl mOo November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 WOW...When have there ever been 5 pages on Below Deck? I read somewhere...and sorry I have no idea where..that the interweb can put all kinds all labels on reality stars behavior..pathological,bi-polar,paranoid, etc. but the fact is some people are just assholes. Hello Rocky and Eddie. Assholes...both of them. The difference between Ben and Kate and Eddie and Rocky is that Kate is a grown WOMAN whol knows how to handle herself while Rocky is a CHILD who pouts and stamps her feet. I still think those lanterns are bad for the sea. The paper may burn away but wire does not disintegrate and sea creatures can and do swim into them and get hurt. 1 Link to comment
bblancobrnx November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 (edited) On 11/22/2015 at 5:13 PM, JacksonOrange said: I was reading about them on wikipedia, and the page there says that they are banned in Kittias County Wa, Riverside County Ca, and also D.C.. I know that in my state (WA), they are banned due to fire concerns. I don't think that they are the best idea, but it's not like anybody is dumping crude oil into the ocean.They are banned A LOT more places than that. I know for a fact they are banned in my state (CT) and I am pretty sure they are banned in NY as well. The problem is that they violate the fire laws in almost every state. They are an unattended fire. There is no guarantee that they will just float until they burn out. Also, I have yet to ever see one of them made that is fully biodegradable in any short amount of time. Maybe they will degrade in a couple hundred years, but what does that mean? So will a lot of stuff. Biodegradable doesn't mean that they "degrade" quickly necessarily. ..just eventually. That doesn't make them any less dangerous or make them not litterETA - to be clear, I think they are legal in a lot of places only if tethered. So I shouldn't say they are illegal completely. They are just illegal to use in most places the way the crew used them (to light them and send them on their way with no way to retrieve them all) Edited November 22, 2015 by bblancobrnx 3 Link to comment
Eater of Worlds November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 On 11/22/2015 at 5:13 PM, JacksonOrange said: On 11/22/2015 at 6:25 PM, bblancobrnx said: They are banned A LOT more places than that. I know for a fact they are banned in my state (CT) and I am pretty sure they are banned in NY as well. The problem is that they violate the fire laws in almost every state. They are an unattended fire. There is no guarantee that they will just float until they burn out. Also, I have yet to ever see one of them made that is fully biodegradable in any short amount of time. Maybe they will degrade in a couple hundred years, but what does that mean? So will a lot of stuff. Biodegradable doesn't mean that they "degrade" quickly necessarily. ..just eventually. That doesn't make them any less dangerous or make them not litter ETA - to be clear, I think they are legal in a lot of places only if tethered. So I shouldn't say they are illegal completely. They are just illegal to use in most places the way the crew used them (to light them and send them on their way with no way to retrieve them all) I came just to say this. They are even banned in a city in China that is considered the "home" of the sky lantern. They actually shut down flights because they get sucked into the engines and that always causes a risk even if it's very unlikely. Not only do this not dissolve over a couple days, they often get chopped up into animal feed because the hay is being gathered, they don't see the lantern and it gets sucked up into the machinery. Livestock eat both the paper and the metal bits which cause death. They've started acres of wildfires and started fires in cell phone towers. Birds get stuck in the lanterns and die because they aren't like biodegradable packing peanuts, they don't hit water and dissolve instantly. 4 Link to comment
yourmomiseasy November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 I saw this in a comment on a post on Facebook and immediately thought of this thread. It is in response to someone posting about their daughter locking the bathroom door with no one inside. "My sister used to do this. We replaced the doorknobs with the straight locks that can be pressed open with scissors." I guess you can open a locked door with scissors. 2 Link to comment
Belowdeckchatter November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 I think you all should cut eddie some slack. He didn't dump rocky until her dive of the boat and her tantrum in the galley. I think that was a firm ground to end a "booty call relationship." How old is rocky anyway? She is acting like a 16 year old brat!! Hope they don't use her next season. 2 Link to comment
breezy424 November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 On 11/22/2015 at 4:28 PM, Passing Strange said: I think Eddie (or any cast member of any reality show) would be unlikely to think something wouldn't be shown. That's the whole point of shows like these and people know going in that they can't control what's broadcast. Eddie may have asked Rocky to keep things secret from the crew, but he had to have known he couldn't keep it from the producers. My guess is the camera in the room captured Rocky getting a text and hightailing it to the laundry room, so they asked her about it. I don't believe it was a situation of Rocky vengefully going to the producers later. Maybe there will be some clarification at the reunion. Eddie and Rocky may not have had a meaningful or committed relationship, but they had been intimate. Regardless of the fact that it meant nothing to him, the decent thing for Eddie to do was to break it off to her face, not shut her out. She's a human being who deserves to be told that they're done, preferably with some diplomacy and caring. I disagree that Kelley and Jennice had any different kind of relationship. Jennice was a conquest for Kelley and he used her the same way Eddie used Rocky. Kelley was just more subtle about being a shit to Jennice once he'd notched his belt. Eddie didn't just open the door to Rocky's room, he forced it open. It was a room that she shared with someone else, yes, but that someone else wasn't Eddie. He had no right to break into a room that wasn't his. If he was concerned about Rocky, and there was no indication that he was, he needed to bring that to the attention of her boss, who might have been able to get Rocky to open the door, or his boss, who most likely has access to a key. Sure, Rocky has faults, maybe even problems, and her behavior hasn't been exemplary. To me, that doesn't make Eddie's behavior any less appalling. Production doesn't necessarily have to know 'everything' that goes on. A camera crew is not on the boat 24/7. So once they've finished filming for the day and mics are removed, they have no idea....unless someone does something in front of the stationary cameras. I could be wrong but there didn't seem to be one of those cameras in the laundry room. Kelley was an asshole to Jennice but it was a relationship. He pursued her. They didn't just meet somewhere and screw. Big difference. There was intimacy between Eddie and Rocky in the strict sense in that they had sex but they weren't in an intimate relationship. She held up her dress to show him she had nothing on underneath. She freely had sex with him without any concern. They didn't date. They hooked up in the laundry room. But she deserves to be told he's not interested anymore with care and concern? If Rocky had such high standards for what she felt she deserved, she wouldn't just hook up with a guy. No one forced her to do that. It was what it was. If a man is interested in having a relationship with a woman, he's not going to invite her to the laundry room for a hook up. And I don't believe for a minute she doesn't know that. But her ego is so big, she thought she would hook him by virtue of having sex with him. It's really sad. (I'm not saying it's wrong to hook up with someone. If someone wants to do that, that's their choice. But a hook up is a hook up. Nothing more). Should Eddie have opened the door? Probably not. But if he was concerned and the fact that nutso Rocky would not respond, he could justifiably opened the door as the ship's bosun. Eddie made a mistake with Rocky. Rocky's behavior all season was pretty appalling.... from her treatment of Emile, her lack of any work ethic, jumping off the yacht and disappearing, her breakdowns, her declarations that Kate is a drunk on duty, her poor me in hell attitude, her asking Amy if she was jealous.... I could go on. I hope Andy asks her what was so fascinating on the ceiling. Hm. Interesting that she can't seem to make eye contact in her TH's. 1 Link to comment
RedHawk November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 (edited) Eddie looked so tired and rough during the last charter. I couldn't figure out if it was because he wasn't getting enough sleep due to being on watch or other duties or if he was upset and sleepless over his relationship back home. He looked bad before everything came out about him and Rocky and maybe his sleep-deprived state contributed to his poor choice to call her a liar and deny anything happened.He seemed miserable at the beach party and then he went completely off by announcing to the world, "Yes, we fucked!" which for me was his lowest point. I think he knew he'd ruined his rep with many people and likely was going to lose his girlfriend as well. Edited November 23, 2015 by RedHawk 3 Link to comment
DeeplyShallow November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 Eddie did seem really off this season. During their talk, I was wondering if the Captain was just talking about the Rocky thing or if he was also talking about Eddie's performance this season. I get the feeling he made more mistakes that weren't shown. 5 Link to comment
TheHappinessHotel November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 On 11/21/2015 at 3:00 PM, ketose said: I'm thinking about the lock-picking scene and realizing that there would have to be a cameraman in the hallway and a cameraman inside the cabin with Rocky (and Amy?) if this were actually happening "live." More likely, the Rocky stuff was shot first and then the Eddie outside stuff was later and no one was even in that room. Even on reality show, the cast is constantly told to do over something so they can get coverage, like the way they tell them to talk in the present tense in interviews even if it's days later. Ultimately, Bravo is the charter for the season. Their crew also has another boat they stay in to keep out of the way of Eros. The deckhands and the stews are charter guests who work for Bravo. The actual crew are the guys Captain Lee hired to run the engines and maintain the ship. This is what I actually have been wondering. Do the people that are filmed actually do legitimate yacht work (stew, etc). Link to comment
Yours Truly November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 (edited) There's no one universal way to handle a booty call. It depends on the people involved and how everyone contributes to the chaos and bad decisions. I feel Rocky contributed to the bad direction it went in. Can't expect Eddie to not be mad, act "properly" do the "right" thing when dealing with someone who isn't doing the same. There was a lot of negative involved in how that information was shared and made the whole ordeal between them worse. My point is that I'm not surprised that things got messy considering that Rocky was messy and so was Eddie. To act like there's some point system to who is more at fault or who is more of an ass I think is a bit excessive. Messy people engaging in messy behavior and handling it messy. It Happens. I just don't think anyone did anything worth crucifixion is all. Live and learn and all that jazz. Also, I don't think Eddie went on this big conspiracy and was treating Rocky extremely poorly due to him hooking up with her. They were interacting fine until the whole thing with Leon went down. After that Eddie was just as disappointed in Rocky as the rest of the crew. Him fucking her isn't going to change his reaction to her unprofessional behavior. She really went over the deep end with the Leon situation cause even in her talking head she confirms that Eddie not taking her position on matters made her "feel a certain kinda way" and I think Eddie realized that. It's like "Woah, we are hooking up but during work hours Imma call it like I see it. No way am I going to condone or agree with you're flaky crap and how unprofessional you are". I think that's when Eddie realized she was expecting their intimate time to affect his opinion and voice about what goes on professionally during work hours and he was all "fuck that" gonna back off the crazy train now. I think he was prepared to just let the fling fade away by not engaging in it anymore not realizing that apparently he need to "officially break it off". Most men, I find usually skip this part but I don't know maybe my 40 years of experience is lacking. But yeah, Eddie's behavior seemed so text book to me and its funny to watch how confused and blindsided men are when it comes to this tricky dance. Eddie was naive on the other side of this coin in not realizing being "nonchalant" about a hook up is just as dangerous as a women "catching feelings" with a hook up. The men have the pit fall of a women NOT fading away without a peep and a woman's pit fall is embarrassing herself over a man that was expecting her to fade away without a peep. Catch 22 and extremely hysterical. "Casual" sex it ain't! LOL. The way a lot of booty calls work is like this. Text or call that suggests hooking up. The other party either agrees or doesn't agree to get together that time. The offers keep happening by one or both parties for a while UNTIL it's evident that one or both aren't taking up on the offers being made anymore. Then it's time to give up. Of course until 5 months later when someone decides to "see what their up to." wink wink (kinda sounds like Kate and Ben have mastered this actually and even THEY are a bit awkward). I'm just saying Eddie not making some specific declaration that states I would now like to withdrawal my booty call status from our interactions... doesn't seem all that unusual. I also think that him talking about Rocky wasn't so sinister either. He was talking about her like a co worker. I know it seems like he shouldn't be talking smack about her cause he's doing her in the laundry room at night and all that but having sex with her doesn't change how her behavior has been during the season and granted he was gossiping but that's all it was. I don't think he was doing it to pit anyone against her he was just catching Dave up on who is on board. PLUS, the rest of the crew didn't know he was banging her, we did, so him just discussing the antics of another crew member didn't seem all that serious to me. I feel like we just saw Eddie catching up with Dave and him telling Dave all the stuff that's transpired that even required Dave and Ben to show up. I don't think he sat there and was only talking about Rocky just giving Dave a heads up of the personalities of the one's he didn't know and what tensions are already up and running and what to watch out for. To me it seemed pretty standard with a little bit of gossiping thrown in. Now, when he was denying it, yeah, he turned on the trapped rat, panic, survival, deny deny deny asshole pants on but to me that was the only instance where he really showed his ass and we know how that scenario came about in the first place so there's that. I'm far from a prude but it goes to show. People want to act like casual sex is casual but it isn't and there are a lot of pit falls that people don't like to think about. Everyone thinks they are gonna be all easy breezy about the whole thing until the deed is done and emotions and feelings start to fly. If you aren't sure that you can keep a handle on your feelings NO MATTER which of the many outcomes may occur (Kate/Ben or Eddie/Rocky) then its probably safe to think twice before hooking up so randomly and matter of factly. Also kudos to those who found the holy grail of hooks ups that were able to end it with a hand shake, peck on the cheek and an honorable "lets stay in touch", christmas card every year type of way (Looking at you Ben and Kate). But between me and those I've known over the years I've seen more Rocky, Eddie versions than not so it really isn't that simple. The ambiguousness of it all is whats really the downfall of it. On the surface it's cut and dry but as we all know the "in theory" vs. practical application varies tremendously and is VERY tricky. Most people don't realize it til it's carried out and the fireworks begin. Good, bad, ugly. Edited November 23, 2015 by Yours Truly 2 Link to comment
Passing Strange November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 On 11/23/2015 at 3:55 AM, breezy424 said: Production doesn't necessarily have to know 'everything' that goes on. A camera crew is not on the boat 24/7. So once they've finished filming for the day and mics are removed, they have no idea....unless someone does something in front of the stationary cameras. I could be wrong but there didn't seem to be one of those cameras in the laundry room. Kelley was an asshole to Jennice but it was a relationship. He pursued her. They didn't just meet somewhere and screw. Big difference. There was intimacy between Eddie and Rocky in the strict sense in that they had sex but they weren't in an intimate relationship. She held up her dress to show him she had nothing on underneath. She freely had sex with him without any concern. They didn't date. They hooked up in the laundry room. But she deserves to be told he's not interested anymore with care and concern? If Rocky had such high standards for what she felt she deserved, she wouldn't just hook up with a guy. No one forced her to do that. It was what it was. If a man is interested in having a relationship with a woman, he's not going to invite her to the laundry room for a hook up. And I don't believe for a minute she doesn't know that. But her ego is so big, she thought she would hook him by virtue of having sex with him. It's really sad. (I'm not saying it's wrong to hook up with someone. If someone wants to do that, that's their choice. But a hook up is a hook up. Nothing more). Should Eddie have opened the door? Probably not. But if he was concerned and the fact that nutso Rocky would not respond, he could justifiably opened the door as the ship's bosun. Eddie made a mistake with Rocky. Rocky's behavior all season was pretty appalling.... from her treatment of Emile, her lack of any work ethic, jumping off the yacht and disappearing, her breakdowns, her declarations that Kate is a drunk on duty, her poor me in hell attitude, her asking Amy if she was jealous.... I could go on. I hope Andy asks her what was so fascinating on the ceiling. Hm. Interesting that she can't seem to make eye contact in her TH's. Yes, a stationary camera is exactly what I was thinking. Throughout the season we saw numerous shots of the crew members in their bunks at angles that indicated a mounted camera. Since the initial incident happened in the late evening, it makes sense to me that production found out when they reviewed the footage from those cams. I would say Rocky and Eddie had no relationship if they'd been strangers who spied each other in a bar and hooked up after a drink and some conversation. After that they could go their separate ways if they wanted, with neither one owing the other anything. Rocky and Eddie had a relationship as co-workers before the laundry room. It doesn't matter that there was no romance or mutual emotional connection, it was still a type of relationship. Since Eddie wanted to end things it was his responsibility to say so. It's not Rocky's standards we're talking about here, it's Eddie's. Eddie knew this, he just couldn't be arsed to give a shit about anybody but himself until circumstances forced him to actually talk to Rocky. Eddie didn't indicate any worry about Rocky's welfare when he was standing outside her door with the scissors. The bosun is in charge of the outside of the boat and the deck crew. If the situation had actually seemed serious, before breaking in he needed to check with Kate, who was nearby. I guess I just can't get too down on Rocky because, for me, she's still far preferable to season one's Sam. 1 Link to comment
rainsmom November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 On 11/21/2015 at 3:00 PM, ketose said: The deckhands and the stews are charter guests who work for Bravo. The actual crew are the guys Captain Lee hired to run the engines and maintain the ship. On 11/23/2015 at 3:00 PM, TheHappinessHotel said: This is what I actually have been wondering. Do the people that are filmed actually do legitimate yacht work (stew, etc). Yes, they do. They hire people with YACHT EXPERIENCE, and when they're not here, they work on other yachts. Yes, Bravo casts the show. They will hire someone of the type they want who has less experience over someone who isn't what they want with great experience. But they're not hiring random people off the street, and the people they hire DO work on the boat. They are THE stews and THE deckhands, and most of them have actually been qualified for the job. Is there additional crew on the boat? Why, yes, there is. There is a First Mate (and probably a Second Mate), and there are people who aren't part of the show who keep the boat running -- boats break CONSTANTLY. But their existence doesn't mean that the crew who was hired by Bravo for the show isn't a legit crew. Luxury yachts have lots of employees, and they're all "real" crew. 2 Link to comment
ryebread November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 (edited) On 11/23/2015 at 1:08 AM, yourmomiseasy said: "My sister used to do this. We replaced the doorknobs with the straight locks that can be pressed open with scissors." I guess you can open a locked door with scissors. In my childhood home we could open locked bathroom doors with the little knife/file that folds out of a nail clipper. Doesn't matter to me what Eddie was using. There were 3+ other people who were right outside her door that didn't seem concerned about any immediate danger. He wanted in her room and he was going in if he had to break the door down. He was desperate to talk to her before anyone else could. Little too late, son. Heh. It doesn't matter if it was Amy breaking into a room to falsely accuse, berate and insult someone like that - especially if it was SHE who was doing the blatant and cheap lying. Just not acceptable. Also not acceptable: Rocky diving off the boat and her overall laziness. It's unacceptable behavior towards one's coworkers and employer. Just like Eddie's treatment of her was unacceptable behavior towards another human being. Eddie's crappy behavior trumps hers, though, imo. I disagree that casual sex between 2 consenting adults can't be safe and drama free. But it helps if one or both of the participants aren't immature assholes. Edited November 23, 2015 by ryebread 4 Link to comment
ryebread November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 On 11/23/2015 at 3:52 PM, Passing Strange said: I guess I just can't get too down on Rocky because, for me, she's still far preferable to season one's Sam. Sam. The very definition of insufferable. I think it would be good if Bravo limited each bosun, stew, deckhand to two seasons, max. One was good for me with Sam and CJ. With the exception of the Captain. He can stay because he pretty much stays out of the fray and lends some continuity. He also has mad docking skills. This isn't like the Housewives, where we see their homes and families and their interactions with the other wives in varied locations. There's just not enough to keep even half of the same staff on the boat to keep things interesting. 1 Link to comment
candall November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 On 11/22/2015 at 11:25 AM, DeeplyShallow said: The Chinese lanterns- so, what happens when the fire burns out? Does it become trash in the ocean? I started a shitstorm on IMDb when a movie ended with the touching scene of a family releasing 100 white helium balloons over the ocean to honor their deceased loved one. I said, "Please don't release helium balloons. The balloons partially deflate, float on top of the water and cause horrible strangulation death to sea animals who mistake them for a food source--jellyfish or Portuguese Man O'Wars." Very surprising, how many people didn't see the irony that dead animals don't really do the best job of honoring dead humans. Who cares? It was a beautiful gesture that made them feel better. Only one person said: Okay, you backed up your post with facts and Google agrees, so I'll stop. (Balanced out by: Jellyfish are awful and will sting you. I'm GLAD the balloons kill them!) I thought the danger from floating lanterns was probably less than all those zillions of wedding/birthday/funeral/celebration/memorial balloons being released, but I see they're just as bad. Adding them to my list. 4 Link to comment
Passing Strange November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 (edited) On 11/23/2015 at 5:32 PM, ryebread said: Sam. The very definition of insufferable. I think it would be good if Bravo limited each bosun, stew, deckhand to two seasons, max. One was good for me with Sam and CJ. With the exception of the Captain. He can stay because he pretty much stays out of the fray and lends some continuity. He also has mad docking skills. This isn't like the Housewives, where we see their homes and families and their interactions with the other wives in varied locations. There's just not enough to keep even half of the same staff on the boat to keep things interesting. I'm one of those people who is set in her ways and likes seeing the same people over and over, so it's probably good for me when Bravo does switch these folks out. It seems like Bravo is recycling types, though. We had the privileged, whiny, petulant brat who couldn't get along with her boss in Sam and now we have that again in Rocky. We had the cocky, insubordinate deckhand/engineer who preferred to be an engineer and couldn't get along with his boss in CJ and now we have it again in Don. We had the love'em and leave'em dirtbag in Kelley and now we have it again in Eddie. Can't wait to see what Below Deck characters Bravo gives us next season! Edited November 24, 2015 by Passing Strange Link to comment
DeeplyShallow November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 On 11/23/2015 at 6:45 PM, candall said: I started a shitstorm on IMDb when a movie ended with the touching scene of a family releasing 100 white helium balloons over the ocean to honor their deceased loved one. I said, "Please don't release helium balloons. The balloons partially deflate, float on top of the water and cause horrible strangulation death to sea animals who mistake them for a food source--jellyfish or Portuguese Man O'Wars." Very surprising, how many people didn't see the irony that dead animals don't really do the best job of honoring dead humans. Who cares? It was a beautiful gesture that made them feel better. Only one person said: Okay, you backed up your post with facts and Google agrees, so I'll stop. (Balanced out by: Jellyfish are awful and will sting you. I'm GLAD the balloons kill them!) I thought the danger from floating lanterns was probably less than all those zillions of wedding/birthday/funeral/celebration/memorial balloons being released, but I see they're just as bad. Adding them to my list. That is so depressing. And not surprising, given the incredible damage humans have done to the Earth. Not just out of ignorance, but also due to greed and selfishness :( I live in California, where concern for the environment is drilled into you. My daughter's school is "green"- we are discouraged from sending them with ziploc baggies and should use reusable containers. The kids compost partially eaten fruits and veggies or bring them home. My recycle containers are as big as the trash bin. Compared that to the tiny recycle bin my parents have at their house in NY and have to pay for, it's amazing the differences among us. 2 Link to comment
candall November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 (edited) On 11/23/2015 at 7:14 PM, DeeplyShallow said: That is so depressing. And not surprising, given the incredible damage humans have done to the Earth. Not just out of ignorance, but also due to greed and selfishness :( I live in California, where concern for the environment is drilled into you. My daughter's school is "green"- we are discouraged from sending them with ziploc baggies and should use reusable containers. The kids compost partially eaten fruits and veggies or bring them home. My recycle containers are as big as the trash bin. Compared that to the tiny recycle bin my parents have at their house in NY and have to pay for, it's amazing the differences among us. I don't really hold the "natural ethical threshold" of people in very high regard, but getting the word out is KEY. So don't be depressed--IMDb's a pretty big pond; that rock might still be rippling. I live in the number one puppymill state. "Commercial breeding" is a huge, enormously lucrative industry and (surprise!) the state pols have crushed every attempt to require even the slightest improvement to the unspeakably horrible conditions that exist across the board. (They even overturned the popular/majority vote and passed a mandate that the issue can't appear on any future ballots. How is that possible?) BUT, ten years ago, very few people had even heard the term "puppymill," so. . .progress. (I think Beverly Hills is the first place to take note and step back on behalf of the mothers those darling little pet store puppies leave behind, so you should be proud.) And btw, your gigantic recycle bins pique my interest in California much more than those ads with the movie stars being all cutesy about how they're just regular folks doing regular California stuff. You might mention that to someone on the tourism board. : ) ETA: I know, SO far off topic, but I'm bored out of my gourd with Eddie and Rocky. I'll quit posting now and think about whether to watch the reunion beatdown. Edited November 23, 2015 by candall 2 Link to comment
freeradical November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 (edited) A debate over the environmental impact of Chinese lanterns should include the fact that in these times of eco friendly products they are biodegradable. The frame is bamboo or biodegradable wire (like for stitches) the flame is the only danger and the phone or computer used to debate this topic damages the environment and people at least 1000 times more than one lantern. At the VERY least. AND cell phone towers kill between 5 and 50 million birds per year according to US fish and wildlife service. The lanterns are virtually inconsequential compared to almost everything else we consume. Edited November 23, 2015 by freeradical 1 Link to comment
JacksonOrange November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 (edited) Quote I know, SO far off topic, but I'm bored out of my gourd with Eddie and Rocky. Not off topic at all, I don't think. I'm wishing somebody could come up with something else to discuss than whether or not chinese lanterns are legal or even ethical. I mean it's a compelling subject, but it's not really Below Deck fun. I really enjoy how insightful the people on this board can be, but this seems to have been a pretty two-dimensional season. -edit. I realize that I'm really hoping to see Donnie's delusional self on the reunion! He was the second most important person on the boat, if I recall. Edited November 23, 2015 by JacksonOrange Link to comment
ryebread November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 On 11/23/2015 at 9:34 PM, freeradical said: A debate over the environmental impact of Chinese lanterns should include the fact that in these times of eco friendly products they are biodegradable. Biodegradable after about 20 years. All those lanterns gotta land somewhere. Like Connie said about Emile: They're pretty and they're stupid. Pretty stupid. Graphic wildlife picture, in link below, because awareness is good. The bamboo apparently didn't disintegrate fast enough. Thanks to Amy and Kate for bringing the subject up. Some usable knowledge from this show. Who would've thunk.!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_630/image.jpg 3 Link to comment
freeradical November 23, 2015 Share November 23, 2015 (edited) On 11/23/2015 at 10:19 PM, ryebread said: Biodegradable after about 20 years. All those lanterns gotta land somewhere. Like Connie said about Emile: They're pretty and they're stupid. Pretty stupid. Graphic wildlife picture, in link below, because awareness is good. The bamboo apparently didn't disintegrate fast enough. Thanks to Amy and Kate for bringing the subject up. Some usable knowledge from this show. Who would've thunk.!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_630/image.jpg I'm not saying they're great, I've never used one. I volunteer at a local beach to pick up incalculable pounds of fireworks garbage (and we can't pick up the chemicals left behind) but if I were to pick a cause to debate and inform people of it would be one of much larger impact than Chinese lanterns. For example when the Eros fuels up to entertain us on the show we are supposed to be discussing it takes 16,000 gallons of diesel. Also some useable knowledge from the show. I doubt I'll stop watching though.I'll skip adding a link to what oil, diesel and gasoline spills do to animals though. Edited November 23, 2015 by freeradical 2 Link to comment
missy jo November 24, 2015 Share November 24, 2015 Eddie really messed up by replying "I've nothing to say" when Rocky texted him that she wanted to talk. (Also, what a pretentious way to word it.) If he'd gone and talked to her, I think a lot of the fallout would have been avoided. When you blow someone off like that and are so dismissive, all bets are off. 6 Link to comment
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