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S06.E06: Always Accountable

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Yeah, that scene left me *insert scratching head emoji here*.


What?! exactly.


I think a couple of the burned bodies/reanimated heads actually had helmets on - the one that Daryl crashed near and then came back when the found the rig - but the babysat couple looked they were either covered with a tarp-like thing before were burned (which actually prevented them from being burnt-past-reanimation stage).  It was some sort of plastic, I'm guessing.  Question is; why were they covered in plastic before being set on fire?  Also, were they dead before fire was set, or just incapacitated [thus the weird begging for forgiveness bit]??

It's probably been answered by now, but just in case: The walkers who killed the Diabetic Diva (sorry) were lying in a greenhouse. I took it that the plastic-looking stuff encasing them was the glass from the roof that had melted over them in the fire. When they sit up, you can see the glass over them breaking into shards. 


Please don't ask me exactly who those people were, though. The walkers, I mean. I totally missed that.

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Well, apparently they can't kill without them. At least that's the case for Daryl. A walker's bearing down on him and instead of grabbing a stick or attempting to kick it or something he wastes precious moments by insisting he dig his crossbow out of the duffel bag. Stupid.

The music kept swelling and I kept laughing. No one would ever think Darryl, of all people, would be taken down while trying to get his weapon and just run out of time. That's a death for noobs, AzzHats, and FPP.



They were smart enough to take out a horde of Zombies with a match.  Tina died within hours of meeting a founding member of CDB.  They figured out Daryl would only bring them bad luck, and decided to cut and run while they still could. 

And, as it turns out, that match also killed some people, including some kids the one girl babysat. 

Actually, I think the guy needs to update his "how many people have you killed" numbers, since it's at least two.


Yes. Right there on his fucking belt. I was looking at it swinging while he struggled with his luggage like some dimwit tourist at baggage claim.

He had the holder, but I doubt the knife was there. He literally just got the ropes off of his hands, and I doubt those 3 had left his knife on him.


Why did that door say Dixon? Anyone? This episode left me so confused. That entire Abe and Sasha shenanigans? I looked at my 15 year old and told him I would still be a single mother in he zombie apocalypse because, yeah. Just no to that verbal masturbation that was Abe.

Sasha wrote it so "tracker" Darryl would find them.

Edited by morgankobi
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I didn't find the "business you have to take care of" offensive.

i don't think it had to do with Rosita, either- not entirely anyway.

I think she was alluding to his love of killing things and the need to be constantly venting anger. She kept after him to calm down, sit down, the walker behind the glass is secure, the one walking down the street isn't after you, etc. Just to get him to stop reacting so violently to everything. Taking care of business to me meant getting his head on straight and leaving the PTSD behind.

That's why when he tried to scream walker on a stick to death and it had no affect he just stopped and watched it drop. That yell seemed like some of the last hurt and anger leaving his system.

That's why he had such a cat that ate the canary face when they hit the road again in his spanking new clothes- he knew he was on the road to taking care of his business.

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Being a waifish blond is even more dangerous than being a black man on this Show.


I suddenly got this mental picture of TWD Heaven being full of young blond girls singing "tra la la" and picking flowers and big black dudes admonishing them for killing the flowers because it is wrong to kill.

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It's probably been answered by now, but just in case: The walkers who killed the Diabetic Diva (sorry) were lying in a greenhouse. I took it that the plastic-looking stuff encasing them was the glass from the roof that had melted over them in the fire. When they sit up, you can see the glass over them breaking into shards. 


Please don't ask me exactly who those people were, though. The walkers, I mean. I totally missed that.

Insulin Imp and her sister said that they were neighbors who they'd babysat or babysat for.

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I liked this episode more than last week's, even though it was more filler.  When the writers were planning out this season I wonder if they'd considered the backlash from viewers because of how they've spread out all the characters, limiting episodes to one or two storylines, and left the fate of Glenn up in the air (or under the dumpster as it were) until (probably) the midseason finale.  Didn't they realize fans were going to lose patience?


I'm pretty sure they didn't anticipate that people would be wondering whether Glenn is alive or dead. I think they just thought everyone would accept that as his death, even if he's not dead. And now its really annoyed some people, which is pretty funny.

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I don't have a problem with another group of villians.  Their dealio is different enough to be interesting, but I didn't like having to sift out the scanty details, considering we were teased with those unfair wolves for a year and a half.


The three people in the woods were hiding because they defected from a group. . . with guns and a superior automotive supply.  That emphasizes having items to trade?  And requires its congregation to kneel?  And there's some angle about not dispatching the walkers with a brain stab, but just incapacitating the chomp option.  And the leader(?) looks remarkably like Rick, in profile, if you squint, not counting the deliberately obscured face.  Do we have a Chekov's Rick II situation? 


If you're going to introduce a whole new population, introduce them, damn it.  I believe you had a couple minutes to spare from the Office Space dialogue.

I'll have to watch again, but I took the "kneeling" complaint to be figurative, as when one is complaining about a dictatorship or such. But, yeah, there is probably some validity to the notion that it isn't probably going to the nicest, most kindhearted people who are going to survive the ZA. The Alexandrians are an example of that, as they need the harder edge of our core group to even barely manage once faced with violence. Maybe it doesn't say much about our species philosophically, but it does reflect our history. When civilization breaks down things will not be pretty.

  And that brings up a question I've had while looking through people's responses: why is everyone assuming that people post-ZA would form monogamous pairs? I can see Glenn/Maggie, as they are both somewhat traditional and seemed to have no problem beginning a family unit, which does in pre-ZA culture call for monogamy, but Abe, Rosita, Sasha, etc. don't necessarily have to adhere to it. Assuming everyone is showering regularly and using birth control, I can see no reason for traditional rules to apply if no one is even sure that they will survive the next day.

  Lastly, I thought the radio call was from the two on Daryl's bike, in order to lure whoever was on the receiving end. I hope, if that's true, that they get more than they bargained for.

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Well, I've always considered Rosita to be too good for Abe.  She's better off without him, though I'm assuming this is all written in order to kill her off.  And please - just because it's the end of the world is NO reason for her to hook up with cry-baby coward Spencer, who lies and hogs food and can't shoot for shite.  She'd be better off with FPP, if she's that desperate.  Sasha is also too good for Abe, but whatever.  I can't wait to see the first time he asks her to shave him "dolphin smooth".  And the first time she catches Eugene during his peep show.


Hmmmmmmmm - if Rosita and Abe were hitting the blankets on the regular for this long, it's a wonder she's not knocked up as well as Maggie.  Wouldn't that put a kink in the triangle?  Heh.


Wasn't a stellar episode.  I probably won't bother to watch it a second time.  Just more filler, except introducing us to the next Big Bad and setting up the next romance.

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For what it's worth, my closed captioning identified Elf Girlfriend as "Honey".  Not sure what Poor Man's Josh Lucas' name is.  Elf Girlfriend kept saying sorry to Elf Girl and "we had to try".  I think they probably stole provisions or something from those guys that were tracking them.  It seemed like they were all part of some commune.  They took some supplies, perhaps they started a fire as a diversion (which killed Carly and Dell, I think those were their names) and took off.


After Daryl lured the one guy into getting bitten by the walker stuck in the crash truck, the one (Wade?) went to amputate the arm of the guy who got bit.  Why didn't Daryl just take them out with his arrows while they were occupied?  I'm not sure how many of those guys there were, but Daryl had gotten chased by them earlier.  I was surprised he didn't try to steal their truck.  It doesn't matter how many of them there were, he's like a silent ninja.  Then the whole incident with losing his crossbow wouldn't have happened.

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I'll have to watch again, but I took the "kneeling" complaint to be figurative, as when one is complaining about a dictatorship or such. But, yeah, there is probably some validity to the notion that it isn't probably going to the nicest, most kindhearted people who are going to survive the ZA. The Alexandrians are an example of that, as they need the harder edge of our core group to even barely manage once faced with violence. Maybe it doesn't say much about our species philosophically, but it does reflect our history. When civilization breaks down things will not be pretty.

  And that brings up a question I've had while looking through people's responses: why is everyone assuming that people post-ZA would form monogamous pairs? I can see Glenn/Maggie, as they are both somewhat traditional and seemed to have no problem beginning a family unit, which does in pre-ZA culture call for monogamy, but Abe, Rosita, Sasha, etc. don't necessarily have to adhere to it. Assuming everyone is showering regularly and using birth control, I can see no reason for traditional rules to apply if no one is even sure that they will survive the next day.

  Lastly, I thought the radio call was from the two on Daryl's bike, in order to lure whoever was on the receiving end. I hope, if that's true, that they get more than they bargained for.

After rejecting Daryl - who had actually helped them - I don't think they'd be looking to meet up with and depend on other strangers.

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After rejecting Daryl - who had actually helped them - I don't think they'd be looking to meet up with and depend on other strangers.

By "luring" I did not mean that they had any intention of depending upon strangers. I assume it would be to entrap, especially now that they are armed and have the element of surprise (and no dead weight).

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I really hope those 2 who double crossed Daryl ride up to Alexandria, on his bike with his crossbow and Carol and Rick are the ones who open the gate to greet them.  THAT would be amazing!


I think next week things will get going again, we just have to get our group back together again, and that is where we are headed,  I think  Glenn is being played like a Sofia and we will find out about him no later than the mid season break (sadly, I think our friend Glenn is no more.....  I mean, who could have survived that?!?)

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Well...  Kinda disappointed last night...


Why in the world, show runners, would smart people who have access to EVERY car in the world pick a piece of shit that could break down at any moment as opposed to a new car to lead ten thousand zombies away?  If you need a LOUD car, find a cop car with a siren...  They siren would have probably turned the Alexandria walkers back around too...  




How does a girl who has survived several years in the ZA decide to walk up on two dead bodies and basically lay next to them before checking them for catastrophic head wounds???  Really?  There are probably some pretty clearly followed practices regarding dead bodies one would have ingrained in them if you were able to live that long.  Same with the dude in the woods who was bitten by the stuck walker.  Really, a quick shuffle to the right and he's out of range.  He had to have his ears up from the noise that walker was making...




(as been said before in here)  The only way Darryl knows how to kill a really, really, really, decomposed zombie is his cross bow???  He could have cracked that things head with the bag for gods sake...  I was wondering if I was missing another threat during that scene because it seemed so silly.  So was giving up the pistol.  It's not like he knew those guys (who just cracked his skull and tied him up) for several months.  Dumbass Darryl this episode...  Don't know why the blonde dude didn't just cap him there.

Edited by ChipBach
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I suddenly got this mental picture of TWD Heaven being full of young blond girls singing "tra la la" and picking flowers and big black dudes admonishing them for killing the flowers because it is wrong to kill.

OMG that's exactly what it's like. Tyrese and Bob making daisy chains from non-living matter Noah engineered. T-Dawg watching over but not saying anything.


ETA: outside TWD heaven is a sign "No FPP allowed". 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I have to rely on my closed captioning when I watch. That's the only way I knew Insulin Girl's name was "Tina" and her sister was never called by name aloud but my CC referred to her as "Honey." The guy apparently does not have a name, we can make one up! At the end, it indicated "help" was spoken by a "man's voice" unlike when Rick was identified as shouting to "open the gates" at the end of Morgan's episode. 


A couple of other things, when Wade and the other guy were talking about "he only wants them if they're willing," I thought they were talking about their mysterious leader wanting the sisters for sex which led me to believe the whole "you didn't have to do this for me" was Tina apologizing for not being willing and causing them to flee the group. Maybe the trade was sex for the insulin. 


speaking of sex, I must have missed the whole Abraham/Rosita having a relationship. I thought they were just hookup buddies. 

Edited by magemaud
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I have to rely on my closed captioning when I watch. That's the only way I knew Insulin Girl's name was "Tina" and her sister was never called by name aloud but my CC referred to her as "Honey." The guy apparently does not have a name, we can make one up! At the end, it indicated "help" was spoken by a "man's voice" unlike when Rick was identified as shouting to "open the gates" at the end of Morgan's episode.

A couple of other things, when Wade and the other guy were talking about "he only wants them if they're willing," I thought they were talking about their mysterious leader wanting the sisters for sex which led me to believe the whole "you didn't have to do this for me" was Tina apologizing for not being willing and causing them to flee the group.

speaking of sex, I must have missed the whole Abraham/Rosita relationship. I thought they were just hookup buddies.

I don't think they've been portrayed as the great romance of the ZA or anything, but I think they've been portrayed as an exclusive couple, like I think they arrived to Deanna's party as a couple.
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For what it's worth, my closed captioning identified Elf Girlfriend as "Honey".  


I caught that too (I watch everything with CC) and had it in the recap until very late in the process until I saw on the Walking Dead Wikia that her name was supposed to be Sherry.  That might be comic book speculation leaking in, but it makes a lot of sense if they end up going with the Dwight / Negan storyline down the road.   FWIW, her character is listed as Sherry on the actress IMDB page

Why did that door say Dixon? Anyone? This episode left me so confused. That entire Abe and Sasha shenanigans? I looked at my 15 year old and told him I would still be a single mother in he zombie apocalypse because, yeah. Just no to that verbal masturbation that was Abe.


Also, Dixon is Daryl's last name.

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Oh, and I think it's hilarious that Rick's plan is to wait for Abraham, Sasha and Daryl to get back and lead the herd away while Abraham is confident Rick took care of whatever problem Alexandria is facing.


He did it. No, HE did it. Turns out, no one did it.

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OMG that's exactly what it's like. Tyrese and Bob making daisy chains from non-living matter Noah engineered. T-Dawg watching over but not saying anything.


Don't forget Oscar shaking his head at the girls for needlessly executing those flowers but just looking the other way because he "ain't going to beg!"

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He did it. No, HE did it. Turns out, no one did it.


Gotta love the consistency of CDB's general ineptitude.


Also have to admit I enjoy the comments here more so than the show.  There's a helluvalot I didn't catch last night.  This is a combination of actors mumbling and my not giving as much of a shit nowadays.  I used to go over each episode with a fine-toothed comb, swear to God.  Watched each one multiple times.  Now it's all, "huh,  two more to go until msf and another 3 month wait..."  I think I'm watching out of sheer habit now.  Damn.  Well, TPTB don't care, either way.

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It's probably been answered by now, but just in case: The walkers who killed the Diabetic Diva (sorry) were lying in a greenhouse. I took it that the plastic-looking stuff encasing them was the glass from the roof that had melted over them in the fire. When they sit up, you can see the glass over them breaking into shards. 


Please don't ask me exactly who those people were, though. The walkers, I mean. I totally missed that.

Thank You!  I couldn't figure out what was going on with their faces, I thought they were wrapped up in plastic or something but then there was glass when they sat up

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The things that made sense this episode:


Sasha remembering that Daryl is a tracker and having them stay put rather than roaming around hoping to run into him.  Something many people should have done previously.


The walker who locked himself in the office before he turned.  Thanks random dead guy for thinking of others.  You’re a mensch!


The things that made no sense this episode:


We have yet another group of big bads that has no concerns about shooting as many guns as possible and losing many of their own people in pursuit of three people who left their group.  Just keep firing like crazy and have an exciting chase scene.  These are not things that keep people alive.  


After having lost so many people in this pursuit, they just stop looking after the field amputation (although I did enjoy the guy telling the amputee to “walk it off”). 


When walking Daryl through the forest o’ fiery death, they let him roam behind him at times.  Daryl just hangs out back there.


When tying up Daryl, they do a knot that a toddler could undo in a few seconds.  Clearly our random blond crew were not into bondage prior to the ZA.


Suddenly killing walkers is wrong.   Just leave them be.  Ain’t no reason to worry that they might bite you.  Except of course we see two complete idiots get bitten this episode.   In both cases, the directing was terrible.  When insulin waif lay there screaming, it was as if she was forcing hersekf into the walkers (layers?  Recliners? ) mouths. 


A random note:  somebody wash Daryl’s hair.  Pin him down in the yard and take a hose to him if you must.  Watching him makes me itch.  And we already know Abe’s ass is itching.  I just can’t take anymore more itchiness.

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At this point, I actually hope Glenn is dead and that wasn't him. It's so manipulative and shitty of the writers to drag it out like this. Do they think we're enjoying the suspense? Maybe for the first week, but now it's just pure fuckery.

I hate to say it - because I don't want Glenn to be dead but at this point, I'd rather THAT than knowing we were strung along for a month to get answers. At this point, I'd take that the reason they haven't addressed Glenn's death is because TPTB thought they were being clear in his death and didn't feel the need to address it. 

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And the leader(?) looks remarkably like Rick, in profile, if you squint, not counting the deliberately obscured face.  Do we have a Chekov's Rick II situation?



Are you talking about the blond guy with the plaid shirt (and two women)? He reminded me of Rick, too, especially when he was pointing the gun at Daryl. "Are you saying I made a mistake letting you live?" "Are you saying I should kill you? Is that what you're saying."  Maybe he's Joe Hardy to Rick's older Frank Hardy.

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I was thoroughly bored.  Why did we have to see yet more new characters?  I couldn't care less about Poor Man's Josh Lucas, Pixie Dyed Blonde Elf Girl, and Elf Girlfriend.  I didn't care why they were there, what they did, who was coming after them, and who died in that burned out house.  I cheered when Elf Girl died.  She was so thoroughly stupid in getting so close.  I'd like to think that the "help" was Poor Man's Josh Lucas crying in desperation.  I hope next episode Daryl finds Josh and Elf Girlfriend dead and retrieves his crossbow.


As far as the Inner Reflection of Abraham.  Ehhhh.  Also couldn't care less.


I think it's so funny/weird when people IRL will talk about people you don't know like you know them. Like, if we were in a conversation and I just started name dropping random people you don't know -- that's how I felt when the Forest People were talking. I had no idea what they were talking about or who (I know none of us did). I also truly didn't care. I was kind of interested in how they escaped Wade and the guy who doesn't like his women unwilling but at the same time, I was bored. I agree that this showing one set of people/storyline at a time is getting to be annoying. 

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Really pissed at AMC for holding the preview for next week back until the commercial break in the show that I will not name, or EVER watch now, out of spite. Show a little respect for your audience!

How dare they attempt to attract viewers to their new show, it's almost as if they're trying to run a business!

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How dare they attempt to attract viewers to their new show, it's almost as if they're trying to run a business!

I didn't watch either, partially because I don't want to be told to watch it in order to get something that should have been attached to TWD episode. When you go to a restaurant, they generally don't force you to eat something new on the menu, before bringing you what you really wanted in the first place. 


I ended up not caring about the preview, though, because the last two episodes haven't interested me. 

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Sasha remembering that Daryl is a tracker and having them stay put rather than roaming around hoping to run into him.  Something many people should have done previously.


The walker who locked himself in the office before he turned.  Thanks random dead guy for thinking of others.  You’re a mensch!




A random note:  somebody wash Daryl’s hair.  Pin him down in the yard and take a hose to him if you must.  Watching him makes me itch.  And we already know Abe’s ass is itching.  I just can’t take anymore more itchiness.


But, if Sasha hadn't stayed put and waited for Darryl to find them, we could have had another episode of the two groups wandering around aimlessly.


I figured that Darryl's hair is hiding his forehead so that he can pretend to be a Wolf later on.  Cause it was long and greasy and impenetrable.


So the three in the woods, setters of fire and sufferers from diabetes, when they led Darryl to the chain link enclosure with walkers inside, they were looking for Patty their truck?  The same Patty the truck that they abandoned previously and covered with brush?  That they should have known where it was?

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And that brings up a question I've had while looking through people's responses: why is everyone assuming that people post-ZA would form monogamous pairs? I can see Glenn/Maggie, as they are both somewhat traditional and seemed to have no problem beginning a family unit, which does in pre-ZA culture call for monogamy, but Abe, Rosita, Sasha, etc. don't necessarily have to adhere to it. Assuming everyone is showering regularly and using birth control, I can see no reason for traditional rules to apply if no one is even sure that they will survive the next day.



While no, traditional rules don't have to apply, we're talking about a lifetime of assumptions and cultural mores that are hard to shake off.  Carl's generation, if enough of them make it, will be the first to be free from that.  The current adults can get there, but it hasn't even been two years since the ZA started.  While so much is different and crazy, I imagine that there is some comfort in clinging to the familiar forms.  Also... why NOT play fair and be polite, as far as Abraham/Rosita/Sasha?  I think it's less that *we* think they should play by the old rules are we're seeing *characters* who are still playing by the old rules.  I don't think we're limiting what can happen between people, I think we're commenting more on what we're seeing play out. 

Well, that was almost coherent.  I've had a good run.




I really hope those 2 who double crossed Daryl ride up to Alexandria, on his bike with his crossbow and Carol and Rick are the ones who open the gate to greet them.  THAT would be amazing!


I think next week things will get going again, we just have to get our group back together again, and that is where we are headed,  I think  Glenn is being played like a Sofia and we will find out about him no later than the mid season break (sadly, I think our friend Glenn is no more.....  I mean, who could have survived that?!?)

While it would echo seeing Our Heroes' possessions upon going into Terminus, that would still be a thing of beauty.  Crossbow?  You *haven't* killed anyone?  Time to look at the flowers, chums.

I think your Glenn theory is how is SHOULD play out and would be more honest storytelling.  I just don't think that's the direction they're going on.  

At this point, if Glenn is dead, then we've all been played. And I'd give them props for that.  


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Maybe it was because I had a couple of drinks to celebrate by birthday before watching, but I was confused by a lot of things this episode. First, I had no idea what Abraham was talking about most of the time. I didn't understand the comment about not killing walkers because it would leave breadcrumbs, since people who were after them would have no way of knowing how long the walkers were laying there or who killed them.


I didn't understand the blond guy and his friends, what they were up to or what they planned on for "Patty". I also thought the diabetic girl was basically asking to be bit by crawling next to walkers (even wrapped up ones) for no reason, and making no effort to try to get away when they started moving. Then I don't understand why we were not shown the super secret faces of the newest crazy cult leaders; would we recognize the faces somehow?


Part of the thing that is bothering me this season is the need for the writers to make the show more comic book like which doesn't work in a show about real people trying to survive a ZA. In comic books you often have heroes who then encounter an endless number of villains. This just doesn't make sense in this show. In the real world you would have some evil people, some selfish people, and a whole lot of people like CDB who are just trying to survive. You would not have numerous cult leaders with bizarre rules, especially in the same geographical area. 


And I can't stand how Daryl looks now. He has graduated into looking like a greasy animal, you can't even see his face. I don't know if they are trying to disguise the fact that the actor has a hot body but an old, puffy eyed looking face but come on. Sasha may have to choose Abraham because he at least looks clean. Oddly, I'm not bothered by the two of them together. I have long thought that people will want to hook up and have sex and they can no longer be bothered to search for things in common, race, even physical appearance beyond a basic desire to have someone not disgusting looking.


At this point I have to think Glenn is somehow alive because how could they ever justify all the little teases. To me it sounded like Glenn saying help on the walkie-talkie, he wasn't on TD, his name was removed from the credits, cryptic comments from TPTB won't confirm/deny. If they just say now, he was dead all along we were just messing with you, people will be pissed. 

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i don't think it had to do with Rosita, either- not entirely anyway.

I think she was alluding to his love of killing things and the need to be constantly venting anger. She kept after him to calm down, sit down, the walker behind the glass is secure, the one walking down the street isn't after you, etc. Just to get him to stop reacting so violently to everything. Taking care of business to me meant getting his head on straight and leaving the PTSD behind.

That's why when he tried to scream walker on a stick to death and it had no affect he just stopped and watched it drop. That yell seemed like some of the last hurt and anger leaving his system.

That's why he had such a cat that ate the canary face when they hit the road again in his spanking new clothes- he knew he was on the road to taking care of his business.

That makes very little sense to me.

Which means, based on how little sense anything in that scene made to me, that you're probably exactly right.

Why does't he just save up some of that nice loud yelling? Next time, they can give the cars a rest and let him lead the parade on a unicycle.

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When you go to a restaurant, they generally don't force you to eat something new on the menu, before bringing you what you really wanted in the first place.


There was no forcing happening, just hoping (and, in a restaurant, you don't even have to eat the bread before you get your real order). I don't harbor any delusions that the creators of a show are beholden to do what I want when I want it; it's their story to tell, and it's 2015--I can see what I missed at any moment, basically. 

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And that brings up a question I've had while looking through people's responses: why is everyone assuming that people post-ZA would form monogamous pairs? I can see Glenn/Maggie, as they are both somewhat traditional and seemed to have no problem beginning a family unit, which does in pre-ZA culture call for monogamy, but Abe, Rosita, Sasha, etc. don't necessarily have to adhere to it. 

Eugene: "You three go on to bed. I'll stand watch. heh heh heh..."

Edited by CletusMusashi
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My gosh, that was boring.  Again.  I don't are about them finding all these other people.


As to the sepia thing, I think it was done to remind us this is going back in time again and not in the current timeline meaning it was a flashback essentially.


How dare they attempt to attract viewers to their new show, it's almost as if they're trying to run a business!


Actually, yes, it is how dare they!  It's holding a portion of the audience hostage who might not otherwise give a shit about that show. It makes me resent AMC and the show they want to me tune in more than makes me stick around to see a preview of TWD next episode.

Edited by catrox14
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Actually, yes, it is how dare they!  It's holding a portion of the audience hostage who might not otherwise give a shit about that show. It makes me resent AMC and the show they want to me tune in more than makes me stick around to see a preview of TWD next episode.

Watch it on Youtube the next day/hour/minute, nobody is holding a gun to your head. AMC is a business, they want viewers for their new show, they will do what they think is best to attract viewers. I suspect the amount of viewers who complained about having to wait to see the previews is not a significant portion of the audience.

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That was kind of the perfect episode for me since I only care about Daryl and Carol. I love Carol when she´s single handed ly taking down a militia, and I love Darryl every time he does anything. A whole episode with mostly just him and he was not even whining or crying about anything, it was a dream come true.

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Although coddling the audience by spelling everything out 14 different ways can be annoying, this episode swings too far the other way. I can accept that we'll overhear a conversation starting in the middle of it, and we have to figure out what they are talking about based on what we know of characters, or the world they inhabit, etc. This just left me annoyed at wondering whether I was supposed to know who these people were or not. Was I to surmise that the bad bad guys were Wolves? Or was there some sign that they were definitely a different group?


I feel dumb, I guess is what I'm saying. Me no like that, show!

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Watch it on Youtube the next day/hour/minute, nobody is holding a gun to your head. AMC is a business, they want viewers for their new show, they will do what they think is best to attract viewers. I suspect the amount of viewers who complained about having to wait to see the previews is not a significant portion of the audience.



Yes people COULD wait to watch on youtube or whatever but that's not really the point of my comment at all. My point is that it's NOT a good way to attract new viewers to a show. AMC has done it with other shows and it remains annoying, in my opinion...which seems to not be such an outrageous opinion, even without that gun to my head.

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How dare they attempt to attract viewers to their new show, it's almost as if they're trying to run a business!

IMO, the way they did it was counterproductive. It completely put me off the new show tney were trying to promote.

They have been doing numerous promos for the new show during TWD, which is fine and caused all interested TWD viewers to be well aware of the new show.

What made it worse is that instead of a commercial break 5 minutes or so into the new show, following the cold open and credits, they held the first commercial break and TWD preview until over 20 minutes into the show. When the preview finally appeared it offered no clue about what might be happening next week.

I just paused the DVR and fast forwarded through.

I don't think loyal TWD viewers appreciated the attempt to trick them into watching the first third of the new show l.

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Yes people COULD wait to watch on youtube or whatever but that's not really the point of my comment at all. My point is that it's NOT a good way to attract new viewers to a show. AMC has done it with other shows and it remains annoying, in my opinion...which seems to not be such an outrageous opinion, even without that gun to my head.

Why wouldn't it be a good idea? You take the viewers of your largest show, a veritable ratings juggernaut, and give them an incentive to watch your new show and then you cross your fingers and hope the people who like zombies also like kung fu and are willing to stick around. it's not that intricate a scheme.

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That makes very little sense to me.

Which means, based on how little sense anything in that scene made to me, that you're probably exactly right.

Why does't he just save up some of that nice loud yelling? Next time, they can give the cars a rest and let him lead the parade on a unicycle.


Yes please!  That is a priceless image. 

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Why wouldn't it be a good idea? You take the viewers of your largest show, a veritable ratings juggernaut, and give them an incentive to watch your new show and then you cross your fingers and hope the people who like zombies also like kung fu and are willing to stick around. it's not that intricate a scheme.


Read Bryce Lynch's comment. That's the better explanation of why it's a problem, IMO

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I actually think it's all a scam.

"Fear the Walking Dead" was created to make the actual "Walking Dead" look better by comparison.

And then "Into the Badlands" was created to do the same thing for "Fear."

God only knows what they'll add next. "Comic Book Men in Thongs" perhaps?

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Oh, and I think it's hilarious that Rick's plan is to wait for Abraham, Sasha and Daryl to get back and lead the herd away while Abraham is confident Rick took care of whatever problem Alexandria is facing.


Yup. When Abe said he was sure they had a handle on things, I was all - "Nope. No. They're making out and baking cookies."


I feel dumb, I guess is what I'm saying. Me no like that, show!


There is a way to introduce new info, characters, a bit of their back story, etc. without being either heavy-handed or ridiculously elusive. You are not dumb! This forum is filled with posters that I find very intelligent and insightful and most of us left the episode asking, "WTF just happened here?"

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I actually think it's all a scam. "Fear the Walking Dead" was created to make the actual "Walking Dead" look better by comparison.

And then "Into the Badlands" was created to do the same thing for "Fear."


LOL this is an interesting theory. Hmmm you may be onto something.  The "It Could Always Be Worse" method of marketing?

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I definitely appreciate the entertainment value of the drama of the way characters interact. I do enjoy seeing characters growing, working out relationships, the day-to-day.

But I've said it before. I prefer this show when they are moving. Because then the danger is at its highest, the anxious anticipation of "what's gonna hit them next?"

When they pick a place and stay there for an extended period of time, it gets a little humdrum and boring. The farm. The prison. And now Alexandria.


I enjoyed this episode more than the last few because it was outside the Alexandria walls where there was more danger, particularly for Daryl. But it's BETTER when more of the main characters are facing danger together.

I haven't read the comics. I keep myself as spoiler-free as possible. I have no idea what's in store for CDB+. But I know one thing. They can't spend the next season safe and cozy in Alexandria. They just can't.

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Well, I think Abe and Sasha must've bonded when they were cruising around in the Zombie Distractor at 5 mph for yonks.  


Also, the third group running around shows to me pretty clearly that TWD has about reached the jump the shark point where they have to start having someone working on a cure, identifying, classifying, law-and-ordering something.  They need some new story blood.  The storylines seem repetitive because they ARE repetitive. There's only so many seasons you can have people "rebuilding society from the ground up" yet not getting anywhere, because oh wait!  we have to tear it back down again, to give our gihugic audience a reason to keep hanging on.  Soon its audience starts to wish the ride would end.

I agree. Here's another group that Rick and the gang have to fight. We haven't wrapped up the Wolves storyline yet. Can't the group just sit down for a few days and just figure a few things out? I know everyone likes watching the fights and the zombies getting killed, but all the bad guys are the same. They just have different names. And we get it -- in the Zombie Apocalypse -- the surviving humans are more dangerous than the zombies. How many more ways do we have to be told this? I think we are ready to learn a new lesson and the writers need to build suspense and gain our interest some other way.

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I know it's probably scary to have a gun pointed at you. But Darryl knew the guy wasn't going to shoot him. He said he'd never killed anyone and didn't want to kill anyone. I thought for sure when Darryl was facing down that gun for the second time this episode-- he would have called him on it. The girl he passed the gun to seemed even less likely to shoot him.

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