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S22.E14: The Guy Who Was A Momma's Boy

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Tyra's mom is the photographer for a special photo shoot with the final four models and their moms. The contestants also shoot a mock cover of Nylon magazine and meet supermodel Chrissy Teigen, who gives them tips on making it in the modeling industry.

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Tyra obviously wanted two guys and two girls at the end.

No offense to Mame's mom but their picture was the weakest. Mame should have went home and no way should she have gotten first call out.

I mean seriously, Nyles pics with his Mom was goddamn FIERCE!

Edited by kathy42977
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Tyra obviously wanted two guys and two girls at the end.

No offense to Mame's mom but their picture was the weakest. Mame should have went home and no way should she have gotten first call out.

I mean seriously, Nyles pics with his Mom was goddamn FIERCE!

Tyra is going out with all guns blazing.

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Thank you!

Crap...I was wishing, hoping, and praying for a farewell to Mikey. He is just so...gross.

He had one foot in the grave and the other foot on a banana peel. Edited by BrianJ62
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I knew she wouldn't get rid of anyone. Particularly with Mikey in the bottom. 


Mame cried all episode, Mikey cried through her talking head, nothing from me. Nyle gets a slight tear in his eye and I burst out crying. I can't remember the last time they had someone this likeable and actually does well, on this show. I feared for Lacey because all she had was divorced parents - Mikey's jailed/drugged/non college family, Mame's transatlantic parents. She had no chance in the sob story category. 


Nyle's photos were by far the best, his mom is amazing, and given he had the 10 on the challenge, I call complete bullshit that Mame was called first. Her mom was rocking the 2nd photo but I always feel nothing from her. 


Mikey is still gross, the pope is catholic. 

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I knew she wouldn't get rid of anyone. Particularly with Mikey in the bottom.

Mame cried all episode, Mikey cried through her talking head, nothing from me. Nyle gets a slight tear in his eye and I burst out crying. I can't remember the last time they had someone this likeable and actually does well, on this show. I feared for Lacey because all she had was divorced parents - Mikey's jailed/drugged/non college family, Mame's transatlantic parents. She had no chance in the sob story category.

Nyle's photos were by far the best, his mom is amazing, and given he had the 10 on the challenge, I call complete bullshit that Mame was called first. Her mom was rocking the 2nd photo but I always feel nothing from her.

Mikey is still gross, the pope is catholic.

The Pope is Catholic, im Catholic and I thought the Pope was Jewish

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There is no way Tyra was going to send anyone home for a picture taken with their Mother. And I'm not sure how they even came up with the scores for the top/bottom. When they were picking out magazine covers, it looked like Mikey and Nyle were neck and neck and they both got the same type of feedback on their pictures. So how did Mame end up first photo?


Since all four of the pictures turned out great, and it doesn't seem likely Tyra's mom is that much of an amazing photographer, I have to come to the conclusion that there are lots of really good pictures every week and Tyra and her crew search out the few bad ones so they can eliminate someone.


I like Mikey and hope he has success as a model. Nyle is very handsome, but his pictures kind of look the same and I can't get a read on his personality. Yes, I understand that being deaf doesn't translate well on TV but my husband's aunt was deaf and she was a real firecracker personality. She had everyone talking to her and laughing with her. Again, I know this is a different set-up, but Nyle strikes me as kind of cold.  I really don't dislike any of the final four, they all were raised by single mothers or other relatives, and they all deserve a chance at success.

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I call bullshit on that call out order. Nyle's shots were really striking especially because his mother really played with her angles. Mikey's were really strong too. He was giving tons of face.

I thought both of the girls' photos were pretty weak. Lacey looked great, but disconnected from her mom. And when Mame looked connected to her mom they didn't look that great.

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This was a weird episode to watch, as I just met my birth mother this week and spent a couple of hours with her (very nice, but a little complicated, as we do not share a language!), and here America's Last Top Models had shoots with their Moms! I liked Lacey's pics with her mother. I thought they had an interesting vibe that reminded me of the relationship I see with my best friend's sisters and their mother. Very supportive and loving, but just a tad competitive. I got nothing from Mame and her mother, but I guess that fit with their story. I liked Nyle's pics with his mother, but she is far more expressive than he, IMO. (I am in the minority, I know, on this forum, as Nyle does nothing for me, but to each his own.)

Mikey is so full of himself that I enjoyed Tyra's torturing him more than I should have. (I used to live in Hollywood Florida and got my modeling start there! I was never that gross, however. BUT Mikey cleans up well, and has great bone structure. I still think he's the only one of the group with an actual industry future.))

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I call complete bullshit that Mame was called first.


Seriously. I got whiplash on that one. Mame is gorgeous and dynamic but her photos lack warmth and emotion. I love Nyle to pieces inside and out (I can stare at him all day long) but he needs more experience so he can develop some range. Mikey also lacks dimension and would be lost without that hair. Lacey's go-to move and haircut make her seem like a one-trick pony but she's got ideas (when they're not edited out to create drama) and could break out big when she's styled outside of Tyraland. I can't remember another season where I thought the top four all deserve careers, but I can see them all making good eventually.

Edited by numbnut
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I thought Mikey and Nyle should have tied at first and Mame and Lacey should have gone home. 


I love Nyle think he's super sexy and gorgeous but yeah i don't really feel I know him. Mikey seems to skeeve a lot of people here but I think that his ridic horniness is really just part of his general high drive and I respect and like that and  I think he could and maybe should win. He has a pretty bad smile when you can see his teeth and his forehead is too narrow but he's really got a passion to him. I got that when he was kissing Haddassah in Tyra's insane makeup video and a light went on like yea ok I get him now. He just goes for it and really knows how to feel things deeply and enjoy things.


Mame is one of the most gorgeous, photogenic people I've ever seen but there's just nothing there for me. Lacey continues to bore me. I guess I wish I never knew about her pledge to be a virgin until marriage that may be part of my bias. 


I thought when Tyra was pretending that Lacey won over Mikey, I saw a homicidal gleam in Mikey's eyes that scared me. As in, he was planning to eat Tyra's liver with some Fava beans and a nice Chianti.


On a similar note Kelly's overwhelming love for Nyle makes me worry for his safety. Girl's got it bunny-boiling bad.


Sorry for the most nauseating post ever.

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LOL>>> I have been saying that Mikey has a future of some sort in modeling...if you google him you can see he has done work in south beach etc...


Tyra herself said that male models do not usually become superstars - they are often the background for the female models...

Mikey makes a great background - beach shots, hair in wind, holding the female...


no one address the fact that male models are usually not hairy , or muscular


Devon also had a male model body - slim - tall but not too tall. 


Both Devon and Mikey could do runway. Designers are not going to rework their stuff for short guys, muscular guys


Yes Nyle could do underwear, muscle, fitness modeling 

I don't see him as fashion - sorry

Photos? a lot the same..and I still am bothered by the cross eye


I do see Lacey as a tv personality - she is very cute and quirky and I think she might have a future in that

Mame could do runway IMHO

Teeth can be fixed (Mikey and Haddassah)...I actually think Haddassah could do commercial modeling, catalog work etc

all in all it is a better group than some other seasons

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I understand that it must have been hard growing up with aunts and uncles instead of your parents, but I thought Mame sounded really ungrateful when talking to her mother. She graduated from college, became Miss Maryland (or whatever beauty pageant title she holds), and got to participate in a TV show that is watched by millions of people worldwide. I'm sure many Ghanaian girls would have killed for those opportunities. And it's not like her mother can turn back the clock, so why try to get her to admit that they should have kept her in Ghana? I also live very far from my family and don't see them often, so when I do get to see them, the last thing I want to do with that precious time is rehash and fight about the past.


I hate hate hated when Tyra tricked Mikey into thinking he was going home. And I hated even more that she made me feel bad for Mikey.


Tyra's mom takes much better pictures than Eric Asla. Why couldn't she have done more of this cycle's photo shoots?

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These photos were actually kinda nice, maybe not in modelling way, but it could be something seen as magazine, like a portrayed of a celebrity/successful person, I think.


I did like their brought their moms, because we got to learn more about them and get the background stories I always enjoyed on ANTM. My big beef with the mixed cycles was that it become 95% romance focused. And c'mon, how long are these romances gonna last? They are just accelarated with the weird environment. Sorta like a volunteering workcamp, only with less altruistic and more dumb people.


And I do enjoy seeing Tyra's mom. She brings something almost humane in Tyra. It makes me wonder what happened to Tyrant that she feels a need to put on this facade of batshit crazy tough bitch.


Also, it seems Tyra's mom is the only photographer of her past who still wants to associate with her lol.

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This was a weird episode to watch, as I just met my birth mother this week and spent a couple of hours with her (very nice, but a little complicated, as we do not share a language!), and here America's Last Top Models had shoots with their Moms! I liked Lacey's pics with her mother. I thought they had an interesting vibe that reminded me of the relationship I see with my best friend's sisters and their mother. Very supportive and loving, but just a tad competitive. I got nothing from Mame and her mother, but I guess that fit with their story. I liked Nyle's pics with his mother, but she is far more expressive than he, IMO. (I am in the minority, I know, on this forum, as Nyle does nothing for me, but to each his own.)

Mikey is so full of himself that I enjoyed Tyra's torturing him more than I should have. (I used to live in Hollywood Florida and got my modeling start there! I was never that gross, however. BUT Mikey cleans up well, and has great bone structure. I still think he's the only one of the group with an actual industry future.))

I hope it went well....what a meeting!


Yes, I love me some Nyle, but hey, he can't model everywhere and it takes all types to make the world go around!

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I understand that it must have been hard growing up with aunts and uncles instead of your parents, but I thought Mame sounded really ungrateful when talking to her mother. She graduated from college, became Miss Maryland (or whatever beauty pageant title she holds), and got to participate in a TV show that is watched by millions of people worldwide. I'm sure many Ghanaian girls would have killed for those opportunities. And it's not like her mother can turn back the clock, so why try to get her to admit that they should have kept her in Ghana? I also live very far from my family and don't see them often, so when I do get to see them, the last thing I want to do with that precious time is rehash and fight about the past.


Mame was def. playing up her reaction to the mom surprise and trying to force a "big moment" for the cameras. She's not a hostage being released to her family after years of captivity, and I'm sure they communicated regularly in the last few years. She can reconnect with her mom after the taping of the show; the situation didn't need to be hashed out and instantly rectified for the episode. Mame using a loved one to create an on-camera moment for the win was a huge turnoff. She seems to be pretending to have human qualities. It's a bit weird.

Edited by numbnut
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I was so happy when Mikey got eliminated. Oh wait. Fuck you, audience. Tyra knows we hate him. She has to. I bet this was edited in just to piss people off. Now he's gonna go ahead and win so that she can have the final laugh. Doesn't matter tho. Nyle is already working and he will be just fine. If Mikey is genuine about wanting to help his family then so be it. I think Mame is the only one I really don't want to win. She just seems so fake. That whole over reaction to her mom being there was as staged as it gets. Even her mom looked like she wanted to slap some of the crazy out of her. And no way should she have gotten first call out. Also, sorry Lacey. You're just trying to show up and do well in a competition and miss pageant keeps upstaging you with less than interesting drama. Nyle looked so famn good in that jacket.

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Tyra's mom as a photographer--whoa!!!  Shove Erik's wrinkly white ass out the door.  i can seriously say that each of these 4 sets were equally good--perhaps Lacey's slightly worse of all.  I want Mikey to win. Him crying in the talking head with a paper towel hankie--come on you hard hearts out there.


I loved everyone's high drama back stories and Lacey's still working the "I was 15 when my parent's divorced" back angle for all it was worth.


I think a medical photographer takes pictures of wounds, lesions, diseases and such for textbooks.  no further comparison with ANTM shall be made here.....

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I think if somebody's mom wasn't available, they would have allowed another family member, and the episode would have been edited with the family focus, rather than the mom focus.   They probably just lucked out with all the mamas, so that gave the extra heartstring-tugs they always look for. 


I also think all 4 can actually have associated careers after this, but definitely Mikey & Mame in fashion & on runways and Nyle and Lacey in more popular media.


And of course while I want my boyfriend Nyle to win, for the first season EVER, I'm actually ok with any of these 4 taking the final prize.   

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Wait...Did Nyle say he is a twin???  If there is an identical (or even fraternal) Nyle walking around that must be too much fineness. 


Tyra's mom seems to be so sane.  What happened to Tyra?  She kills me with her attempts to speak a foreign language for no damn reason.


I'm hoping for a Mame/Nyle final but they're all really strong models.

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Wait...Did Nyle say he is a twin???  If there is an identical (or even fraternal) Nyle walking around that must be too much fineness. 



that's what i got out of this episode. There are two Nyles on this Earth.



and i call BS on the call our order. FCO should have been Nyle or Mikey. Probably Nyle, because he had a higher challenge score. Mame's photos should have been in the bottomest bottom, not "best performance this week"

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Maybe I misunderstood, but did the gal from Nylon say "At first I thought Nyle wasn't right for Nylon, but then...." ?


What I heard in my mind was "I though Nyle wasn't right, but then I saw all the women who snatched up the magazine with Nyle on the cover, and I saw dollar signs, and I knew Nyle was totally right for Nylon!"


From the little I could see of Nyle's cover, it was kind of awful. But whatever.

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All those Nylon covers sucked. They were so cheesy. But I agree that the photo's Mama Tyra took were the best of the season. Both Nyle's shots were amazing, Lacey's mother did a great job though Lacey did her usual look. I like her, but getting tired of it. Mikey's were really good too and he did grow on me a bit this ep. I liked seeing him with his mom, kind of humanized the man-whore a bit. Mame's were terrible. I mean, if it was just Mame they were good, if they were just her mom they were okay, but the two had no connection AT ALL!


I would have gone:







based on the photos. I like Lacey better than Mame, but I guess Mame is the better model? so I would have sent Lacey home I guess. I'm kind of bummed about the male/female final two because at this point I think Nyle and (I can't believe I'm saying this) Mikey should be final two.


Nyle really does have amazing, penetrating eyes. I wonder if being deaf and having to use his eyes so much in communication (he has to look either at mouth or hands to "hear" what someone is saying) has given him stronger eye contact than most.


Anyway, that picture of him staring into the camera with his mom in profile is now my favorite ANTM picture ever!

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I think Mame's mother WAY outshined her! Their pictures are great, but it's almost entirely because of the unbridled joy and playfulness her mom is bringing - Mame looks like a marble statue next to her. It's cur-azy they would give her best photo, unless it's on the strength of her mom's smile alone.

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Maybe I misunderstood, but did the gal from Nylon say "At first I thought Nyle wasn't right for Nylon, but then...." ?


What I heard in my mind was "I though Nyle wasn't right, but then I saw all the women who snatched up the magazine with Nyle on the cover, and I saw dollar signs, and I knew Nyle was totally right for Nylon!"


From the little I could see of Nyle's cover, it was kind of awful. But whatever.

there's something about Nyle. He doesn't take the best pictures, but he is hot damn gorgeous and sexy, and at least through the edit he is getting seems like a really nice human being. It is true that people forgive him for many things they would hang Mikey for, myself included. Part of it is looks, sure, but I guess what sold me was that, even though he clearly knows he is very good looking and women just swoon and fall, and those who are stronger - throw themselves at him, he (again based on edit) doesn't let it define him or get to his head and walk like god among men.


That man has true power. I hope he uses it for good lol



ETA: his reaction to the shot with mom was the only one that got me crying...

Edited by vavera4ka
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Is Nyle deaf? There was one sentence were he didn't refer to his deafness and I almost forgot….not. I'm sure it is the editing but it gets old. He is a gorgeous man and I'm sure he can do some modeling work. He will be limited by size and they have to get his eyes just right so he doesn't look cross eyed. But when captured correctly he is gorgeous. I think Mikey is the best model based on size and looks. I wonder if he really relies on his hair for comfort/security or if that is editing. I think he can get over it if it is real and not just editing. Mame is gorgeous and I can see her being a model but her photos haven't wowed me as much as the others. Lacey is also gorgeous but she seems to have the same expressions however that may just be the editing. I'm not sure about her body/size and the longevity she would have as a model.

I think a lot of the personality we see is editing or done for drama. Obviously Mikey is charismatic and the girls and guys seem to like him even when he is being outrageous. He's probably a decent person but a bit of a player (who cares). Nyle is proud of being deaf but I doubt that is all he talks about in real life. I think the editing is going overboard in focusing on that one aspect of Nyle. At least it may get people to see stuff from another perspective. Sometimes he looks goofy and other times he is drop dead gorgeous. Mame should have gone home if anyone was going home. I like all of them but I think Mikey is the best model.

Edited by Vicky8675309
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  • Such a tease. Thought Mikey was gone.

However, before the T(y)ease, I was actually thinking Lacey was toast. As much as I dislike Mikey's personality, he and Nyle are probably both more useful/suited for the modeling industry than either Lacey or Mame.

Bullshit on the call-out order. Mame should have been last; Nyle should have been first by a ton, especially given his top challenge score.

Mame's comment about being raised over the phone rubbed me the wrong way. Sure, I don't know the intricacies of her family dynamics, but she was not 'raised' over the phone by her parents. She was raised by her aunt and uncle - where's the love for them? You'd think she'd be closer to them than her parents, why not bring the mom AND the aunt for the photos? Or something. I don't know. The narrative on Mame's family was just odd, at least to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Mame and Lacey were driving me nuts with their pathetic attempts to be the one with the biggest sad sack story. They couldn't even manage to make any of it sound that bad, frankly. Mikey was genuinely in a puddle of tears during most of the episode so I really got that there's all sorts of stuff he's not saying but it's clearly emotional and same with Nyle who totally lost it during panel. 


ETA: the dress they put on Mame for the Nylon cover was ridiculously wrong. Harsh equal spaced black and white with a white background? Seriously? 


I really do want to know how the panel photos are selected. IIRC someone upthread said that Tyra probably picks the worst one and I'm on board with that theory. Also her Mom not only took the best pics this season and had a nice warm quality to her but I also think she had a really good influence on Yu Tsai. He didn't seem to do his usual douchy tantrums and disrespectful haranguing in front of any of the moms yet could still be helpful and critical when needed.


Having Assy Asla do even one ep's worth of pics would have been disgraceful but more than once? He's really awful.

Edited by DiabLOL
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I was all set to make a joke about how low-budget ANTM has become because Tyra had to hire her mom. Shows how much *I* know...I agree that those pics were among the best we've seen all season. And thanks to Wikipedia I now know a little more about her mom's original profession. Sounds like it'd pay well...nice way to make a living if you've got the stomach for it...


I was also thinking we'd say bye to Mikey (because that's how Tyra et al. set it up). Psych! 


Am I the only one who wasn't feeling the mom makeovers? Mame's mom's was the only one that wasn't completely over the top. The cornrow/mohawk on Lacey's mom looked ridiculous IMO, as did the thick flowing hair on Mikey's and Nyle's moms. Not that I'm a believer in short hair after 40 but it didn't do either of them any favors. Also, I found myself wondering how old Mikey's mom was. She looked pretty much like what I imagined, based on Mikey's description of his upbringing.


Co-signing on the callout order...Nyle should have been first by a mile.


So we now know it's coming down to one boy and one girl. This takes away some of the suspense for me. That said, I don't think any of these models will have problems finding work so although I'm really rooting for Nyle (!) I'm fine with any of them winning.


Finally, I know I'm on record as saying that Justin and Mame make a cute couple but god-DAMN, Tyra...I truly could not care less about their romance right now.

Edited by ExMathMajor
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Finally, I know I'm on record as saying that Justin and Mame make a cute couple but god-DAMN, Tyra...I truly could not care less about their romance right now.


Based off the next episode's preview, Justin is one of the returnees and seems upset with Mame.

Edited by Surrealist
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 As I said in the "end of ANTM" thread Tyra could carry on with just her, Mom and Eric LOL


I will try to find article local on Mikey...he has worked since age 12 at a bowling alley here where everyone seems to love him, 

he also has modeled....you can google him...


 I just think male models need to fit show clothes...need to be slim...not hairy...not too muscular

many of  Ty guys are hot but not models....last year the runner up was way too tall 6'6? 

lots are too short and beefcake muscular


I really don't care who wins - I too would prefer NOT Mame...I would be happy with Mkey  tho

 but...I think Mikey has gotten the horndog edit..which he may deserve...but what peeps here do not seem to admit

is that most of the cast seem to like him. I also notice he has not hit on the resident virgin 

in the article it says he is friends w season 21 Rennee who encouraged him to apply



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Mikey is definitely a horndog and is inappropriate but the girls on this show seem to be encouraging it too. I thought Hadassah, in particular, practically threw herself at him. I've thought for most of the season that Mikey is the best model among them (not necessarily the most good looking) and damn it, he made me feel a bit for him with his honest reaction at the non-elimination. He looked like he was going to have a heart attack.


Ironic that we had trash after trash for the past few seasons and when the show is finally going to be cancelled, we have a final four who can truly pass off as models. I would be fine with anyone of them winning but Mame would be my least preference. I did not appreciate her trying to start on-screen drama with her mother when she could see her mother clearly wasn't comfortable with it. The producers probably talked her into it, but still...


ETA: Nyle's mother is gorgeous and is a better model than him. Yeah, I said it.

Edited by waving feather
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