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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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As viewers, whether you side with Maya or Caroline, is there anyone who really wants to see Caroline get back together with Rick ?


Rick is a worse prize than Liam was, Hope is still the worst.


For me squares are more enjoyable than triangles.



Ivy, Ally, and especially Carter (who isn't even family so he shouldn't care THIS much) all need to get a life.

Agreed, has anyone actually worked since Eric signed the papers ?



Ashleigh Brewer is gorgeous, I think she rivals (pre-surgery) Hunter Tylo.

  • Love 8

I'm just never going to jump on the Caroline-Ridge bandwagon.  Ridge had the nerve to say, "You just saw who he (Rick) really is..."  WHAT?!?!?  I guess all it took was her pissing on her marriage vows with Rick's brother and not telling the complete truth at any point for the "real" Rick to come out.  On a scale of 0-10, Ridge's self-awareness is at negative infinity.  Who knew it was possible for me to hate this version of Ridge as much as pinball Ridge?  And finally Caroline did what she wanted to do this entire time.  Now we can stop with her crocodile tears and whining about saving the marriage.  The easiest way to save a marriage is to not drive it into the ditch in the first place.


While Ivy, Ally, and Carter need to get their own lives, I would be happy if just one of them would say to Caroline or Ridge, "You really fucked up and now everything is a mess."  Carter's head is so far up Ridge's ass we can't expect that to happen.  The funny thing to me about Ally is does anyone think she would put up with Oliver kissing her family member for one second?  She would be plotting revenge while talking to floating heads.


I truly hope that Rick isn't going to be pining for Caroline.  I don't care if he's with Maya or not, but I don't want to see any moping or longing glances, especially when CaRidge comes through.  If anything, he should feel stronger in his belief that whatever Caroline was saying about the affair being "over" and wanting to fix the marriage was B.S.  However, based on the way this story has been written so far, there's no chance of this happening.  One thing that's stood out to me was Rick saying he was surrounded by assassins.  I wish they would have someone at FC outside of Maya (sorry Othello) being kinda/sorta on his side.  The person doesn't have to agree with all of his actions, but they wouldn't be so scared to criticize Ridge and wouldn't pretend Caroline is an innocent fawn.  I also wish they didn't have Rick say "I love you" to Maya in that way.  Saying "it's too soon, but be patient with me" would've been more acceptable.  Whatever the outcome of the storyline is, I don't think Maya deserves to be completely shit on.

  • Love 7

Well, I won't be deleting that episode for a while.


I am so dissappointed they have turned Ally and Ivy into Rick and Caroline's cheerleaders.


At my job, we are not allowed to lounge around all day talking about the executives love lives; they do require us to put in a few hours of productive work.


I really thought Maya was smarter than this; when you love someone as much, and as deeply as Rick does Caroline, you don't just get over that in a week. But here she is, putting on the pressure for Rick to say the words, and threatening to leave if he doesn't. Maya walked out the first time too, after claiming to love Rick so much, because she, unlike Caroline, wasn't willing to get in the trenches and fight for her man. And now, so happy after you used that 28lb test fishing line to pull Rick's "I love you" out of him.


Three times in two days Maya has listed what she loves: The lifestyle, the big house and Rick. In that order.


That last scene today? Oh, my Dear Lord. When Ridge started getting loud, and Caroline started getting loud, my heart was pounding. Ridge is positvely besotted, and I swear I thought I saw a small little puff of steam coming out of Caroline's mouth. Those two know they have "it", and they are working these scenes for all they are worth. After Liam and Hope, it is so nice to have a sexy, adult, friggin hot ass couple.



Holy Smokes!


Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 7

I think Rick had every right to feel hurt and betrayed and while he had no obligation to forgive Caroline or Ridge their emotional affair, once he took her back to get the CEO job, he lost the moral highground (what little he had, considering he was the one committing adultery with Maya), forfeited any sympathy I might have had and is now just as tainted by the whole mess. He can whine all he wants but he could have really taken Caroline back and worked on their marriage if she had mattered more to him than the enmity he had for Ridge. It was his choice. Which is kind of ironic, since making his marriage with Caroline work would have been the best way to hurt Ridge. (And I do think she honestly wanted to fix their relationship more than she wanted Ridge once Maya outed them, but a person can only take so much...)

  • Love 11

Wait....is this show trying to convince that Ridge really wants Caroline? Because I don't believe that either nor do I believe that I love you that Rick gave Maya today. Either way, I hope some movement to come. I want everyone and their lawyer Carter to stop talking about Rick taking Caroline back, he has done EVERYTHING possible to make it clear he doesn't WANT her back--whether it be using Maya, sticking up portraits, humiliating her and basically telling everyone He.Don't.Want.Her. So yeah...we need to move on from that, hopefully with a divorce. 


Ridge and Caroline and that kiss? Well they were doing that BEFORE Rick started acting like an ass, so this was no different. I can say that Thorsten Kaye is finally playing a character I don't hate with a heat of a thousand suns, but he still irks my world in every which way...whether he's playing Patrick, Ian, Zach or Ridge. 


Honestly, I don't give a fig about Caroline and I do like Maya...but both of them need to walk away from Ridge and Rick because at this point, it all seems to be a game. I guess the true test with Caroline and Ridge will be when Brooke comes sashaying herself back into town. 


I also for the life of me can't figure out how long this thing with Rick and Maya will go on the way it is now..oh wait...it will probably go on until Rick comes clean and Maya leaves and then finds out she's pregnant. 

  • Love 5


All of the constant hand-wringing, play-by-play analysis, rehashing and speculation has killed this storyline for me.


Not me. I'm really okay with it taking some time. Personally, I'm tired of soap romances going at the speed of light. Caroline is married. She messed up that marriage by kissing Ridge. I don't think a few days or even a couple of weeks is all that much time for someone to want to decompress from all that's happened.


Having said that, I loved that last scene! I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy a little push forward!



For me, it seemed painfully obvious when Maya kept asking him the same damn question and he looked like a deer in the headlights and tried to change the subject:

Maya: I NEED to HEAR those three words from you!!!!!!

Rick:.......uh...um...Maya, you know how I feel about you! You're so loyal and supportive! I need you!


Yeah I would have run for the hills. Hell, I would have even after he said those words when he went and answered Caroline's call while in bed! Ummm Maya? That's a perfect example of Rick using you to hurt Caroline. Again, I'm not saying Rick doesn't love Maya but he is doing these things more to hurt Caroline than anything else.



I guess all it took was her pissing on her marriage vows with Rick's brother and not telling the complete truth at any point for the "real" Rick to come out.


But what happened with Caroline and Ridge wasn't her trying to maliciously hurt Rick. She wasn't setting up scenario's to cause him pain. Rick is an asshat. If he's so over Caroline, he wouldn't feel compelled to have her come to the house to see Maya's portrait on the wall. And he certainly would not have answered that call while in bed with the new Forrester matriarch (hahahahaha).


Me? I'm saving this episode for a while ...

  • Love 10


But what happened with Caroline and Ridge wasn't her trying to maliciously hurt Rick. She wasn't setting up scenario's to cause him pain

Then that's even worse. What is that old adage about causing unintentional pain? "I didn't mean to hurt him in the worst way possible." Isn't an excuse, falling in love with your spouse's arch-rival 10minutes into the marriage by accident doesn't give you the right to throw your hands up and say "oopsie". She didn't make a mistake she betrayed him. For all the barware throwing Sonny the Gummy Bear Mobster does on GH this would be enough to destroy an IKEA (probably the monkey too). 


Saying she wasn't trying to hurt him is an even bigger affront as it means he was so far back in the corner of her mind that he wasn't even a consideration. "I didn't mean to hurt him." Might have worked if she hadn't conspired with Ridge to lie about Ridge's abilities (which is an affront to her CEO and hubby frankly) then made out with him, then made out with him again in the midst of ever-burgeoning feelings and growing closeness over their "bond".


If she had done ONE of those things with his archrival and come clean about it then taken steps to correct it then perhaps the opportunity to forgive would make a little more sense. But to do all that crap with no intention of telling him or straightening up the plane and flying right? What steps did she take after lying to him and making out with his brother to ensure it didn't happen again? At what point did she go to Rick and say perhaps she would like to work with someone else or work alone? She didn't because Caroline was thinking about the same person she ALWAYS thinks about....CAROLINE. Then after that she was thinking about Ridge and how she needed to keep his secret (from her husband) so that he could be a glorified tailor again and whatever it took to make that happen including clandestine kisses and an increasingly strong bond and a very very distant third was her husband and Caroline even admitted that to Liam.


But that's fine because Ridge can make things happen for Caroline, he's her "idol" her "hero" her "mentor" so whatever it takes to work with him in whatever capacity and everybody just magically "understands" because he's supposedly sex on a stick.  I see a man who fails to bathe who is twice her age and chasing his sister-in-law's skirt in some desperate attempt to relive his glory days with her namesake and simultaneously stick it to Rick. But nobody (but Eric) in the Greek Chorus /venusnv80 mentions that.


In point of fact, aside from a few punches from $Bill (god bless him) that reprobate Ridge has gotten away with everything scott-fucking-free. But we wouldn't want to mess with continuity so carry on wayward son.  One only has to imagine Ronn Moss as Ridge in this scenario and I don't think anyone will be so quick to excuse the nefarious actions of these two people that clearly weren't meant for marriage. I hope today's episode means Caroline will finally leave Rick the hell alone and stop using her Chorus to badger him into fixing their joke of a marriage.


Oh that I might rub my hands together with glee at the thought of a vengeful Brooke come to see what her former lover has wrought upon her son and sister. That she might partake in some delicious corporate punishment and whilst leading that wretched wife to see that that which Ridge gives freely so shall he taketh away. For his legs are ever-open and his favour ever-fleeting and soon she shall cross the field at which he grows his fucks and lay her eyes upon its barren place. /Bubble Bubble toil and trouble...on the Bold and the Beautiful baby! (Gawd I miss Clarence)

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

Saying she wasn't trying to hurt him is an even bigger affront as it means he was so far back in the corner of her mind that he wasn't even a consideration. "I didn't mean to hurt him." Might have worked if she hadn't conspired with Ridge to lie about Ridge's abilities (which is an affront to her CEO and hubby frankly) then made out with him, then made out with him again in the midst of ever-burgeoning feelings and growing closeness over their "bond".




Except for Maya no one else will even acknowledge how truly awful Caroline and Ridge's actions were, and worse Rick isn't allowed to express his pain without everyone accusing him of acting like a petulant little boy. It's infuriating enough to make me side with Rick even though I never really cared for the guy. And how I wish when Ridge was getting in Rick's face daring him to say he didn't love Caroline anymore that Rick turned it around and asked if Ridge and Caroline are in love with each other.

  • Love 4

Yeah, everyone has come away hurting from this except for Ridge. He clearly didn't care about his farce of an engagement, doesn't care about his brother. The only effect this has had on him is not having access to Katie's shower, and we see that he didn't take advantage of that amenity in the first place.

  • Love 7


a vengeful Brooke come to see what her former lover has wrought upon her son and sister.


Considering what Brooke did to said sister, I'm not sure she really has a leg to stand on vengeance wise (at least for Katie). Plus, Katie doesn't seem that sad about the Ridge situation. She knew things were over and she broke up with him.



chasing his sister-in-law's skirt in some desperate attempt to relive his glory days with her namesake and simultaneously stick it to Rick.


I don't see that at all. I don't see Ridge trying to 'stick it' to Rick. There have been no scenes showing Ridge plotting or planning that way.



stop using her Chorus to badger him


I thought the Greek Chorus was singing on their own, I didn't realize Caroline forced or talked them into singing their song.  I'm tired of the chorus for sure and fully believe they ought to have more to do, but still I must have missed something if Caroline has been the one directing them.



since making his marriage with Caroline work would have been the best way to hurt Ridge


Good point. I'm glad that today Caroline finally seemed to get that Rick isn't worth it.



no one else will even acknowledge how truly awful Caroline and Ridge's actions were


I know what they did was terrible. Absolutely. And i think Rick should express his pain. But he isn't expressing pain. He's acting out like a bratty baby. Why can't he express sorrow and still be an adult? The writers put Rick into the position of scheming like a toddler instead of acting like a man. 


And sorry, as far as I'm concerned a few kisses hardly compares to Rick sleeping with Maya every 2 minutes in that stupid bath tub.

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 9

They made Rick's actions so over the top that Caroline and Ridge's kissing, lying and betraying has been put to the back burner (along with Liam, Wyatt and Quinn). It's positively annoying at this point. 


Oh and slayer2...your post is amazing balls!


The Greek Chorus were convening all on their own, but is there a reason why Caroline called them over to the mansion to talk about the portrait instead of just leaving altogether? 

Edited by venusnv80
  • Love 1

Yeah, everyone has come away hurting from this except for Ridge. He clearly didn't care about his farce of an engagement, doesn't care about his brother. The only effect this has had on him is not having access to Katie's shower, and we see that he didn't take advantage of that amenity in the first place.


Heh and Word!

Thanks venusnv80!



I don't see that at all. I don't see Ridge trying to 'stick it' to Rick. There have been no scenes showing Ridge plotting or planning that way.


Oh you'll see it. Ridge is mercurial at best at worst...pffftt! I keep hearing the theme music to "Wait 'til Your Father Gets Home." in my head, only Ridge's daddy is Brooke.


History teaches us that Ridge doesn't need to exposition any new reasons to stick it to Rick. Hate is a mild word for what's going on between these two.

http://youtu.be/1JEMaycu-70    http://youtu.be/WwsEH4vamdE  Just as an aside I think the commentator actually said: Janky. Oh irony!



but is there a reason why Caroline called them over to the mansion to talk about the portrait instead of just leaving altogether?


Casting call for The Plastics?

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 3


The Greek Chorus were convening all on their own, but is there a reason why Caroline called them over to the mansion to talk about the portrait instead of just leaving altogether? 


Because Caroline needs them to constantly reassure her that she's the innocent victim of Rick's pettiness and Maya's opportunism.

  • Love 3

But what happened with Caroline and Ridge wasn't her trying to maliciously hurt Rick. 

That's the excuse that Brooke always offers up through her lone tear every time she fucked over someone, be it Taylor when she went butting in over Jack, butting into Katie and Bill's marriage or sleeping with either of Bridget's husbands. It has long since cease to be an excuse for her, and it really doesn't work for Caroline. At some point, she had to know that of all the men in LA to cheat with that Ridge was the absolute worst possible choice to hurt Rick the most with.

  • Love 5

But ... Ridge could be Caroline's destiny!!!


I don't think I stated my case very well. I don't want to make excuses for Ridge and Caroline at all because yes kissing = cheating.


I just meant that Rick is going out of his way to continue his 'vengeance' and I'm over that. Caroline hasn't been calling Rick over to see her and Ridge working or whatever. Rick dumped her and has moved in with Maya, he could just file for divorce and leave Caroline alone. Instead, he keeps bating her. His actions make it look like he is using Maya to keep getting at Caroline rather than just wanting to be with Maya. Ya know?


Not sure if that is any clearer!

  • Love 12

That's the excuse that Brooke always offers up through her lone tear every time she fucked over someone, be it Taylor when she went butting in over Jack, butting into Katie and Bill's marriage or sleeping with either of Bridget's husbands. It has long since cease to be an excuse for her, and it really doesn't work for Caroline. At some point, she had to know that of all the men in LA to cheat with that Ridge was the absolute worst possible choice to hurt Rick the most with.


It literally could have been anyone else and it would have caused less pain for Rick!

  • Love 3

That's the excuse that Brooke always offers up through her lone tear every time she fucked over someone, be it Taylor when she went butting in over Jack, butting into Katie and Bill's marriage or sleeping with either of Bridget's husbands. It has long since cease to be an excuse for her, and it really doesn't work for Caroline. At some point, she had to know that of all the men in LA to cheat with that Ridge was the absolute worst possible choice to hurt Rick the most with.


Oh she knew. But her fucks had gone missing! Oh my! Where on earth did she place her fucks? Maybe the maid left them in the laundry?



Rick dumped her and has moved in with Maya, he could just file for divorce and leave Caroline alone. Instead, he keeps bating her.



To be fair, he only bates her when she won't stop fucking stalking him. He hung a damn portrait up of Maya at the mansion and her next action is to wait until the evening and FaceTime him? What part of moving in with Maya and hanging her face on a wall does she not get?. It's not like Rick is following her around shoving pictures of his sexcapades with Maya in her perfectly lipsticked face.


She called him to talk he said "Sure, come to the mansion". It was there he showed her the portrait of Maya then walked out on her when she wouldn't stop badgering him because he was saying the same thing he has said EVERY DAMN TIME they have talked. "I can't trust you, I don't trust you. Anyone but him. Our marriage is over."  They have had the same conversation at least 5 times. The last time she talked to him he literally walked out of his own home to get away from her, whether he still has lingering feelings or not is irrelevant because the dude said what he wanted and she's not respecting it.


After he walks out on her she doesn't text him, no (which would have been far more prudent), or call him no, she freaking FaceTimes him (product or app placement I know but...) Why would you FaceTime your soon to be ex-husband late at night when the last time he saw your "face" he walked out on it?  He doesn't want Face Time with you girl, he doesn't want ANY time with you right now. The dude can barely stand to look at you without seriously cracking up but you're videophoning him? This is not a Beyonce video, what kinda crazy is that? Lack of boundaries and poor judgement, man, the same stupid judgement that had her talking babies when her husband was pulling away. We can barely hold our marriage together due to my wandering eye and your rage issues but let's pop out some kiddies and make this happen. Get your gear off and get in there, times are tough!


People herald Caroline for standing up for her marriage and fighting for "love" or whatever but if the shoe were on the other foot we'd be saying "Stop fucking harassing the woman! Stalker aisle 9." She needs to move on with her life, I don't much care how she does it or with who but she'll get no sympathy from me for Rick's poor manners when he's told her a million times that he doesn't want to see her and that the marriage is over. Suck it up and move on and leave the dude alone. He's not calling her, she 's calling him. She needs to put down the phone and have a seat. I don't buy the put-upon martyr from her, it's a little like Lady MacBeth wringing her hands in sorrow because there's too much blood on them. If you don't want to get eaten by a bear, stop waltzing up to the bear when he's hungry. I do however completely agree that the dude needs to draw up divorce papers stat. As a wise man once said "Gotta keep 'em seperated." (k maybe not so wise a man but somebody said that shit)

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 6

I don't think Caroline really had the right to tell Rick about Ridge's drawing problems.  Did Ridge put her in an awkward position there?  Yes. But she kept getting pushed into the collaboration when she tried to back out.  I don't mean to sound like I approve but sometimes you can't control who you are attracted to. LG did a good job with it - Caroline knew she was a little too close to the fire but both tried to back away and contain it, while still being irresistibly drawn to it.  


What makes this a good story is that you can't put the blame 100% on any one person. I feel for all of them in one way or another.  

  • Love 8

I love that in this tragic tale I waver on who needs to take a seat, who is fresh out of fucks to give, who needs a box of tissues and a bridge to get over it. No one is glaringly in the right or wrong. Everyone's done jacked up shit to each other and everyone's getting some paybacks on someone at any given time. Except Ridge. "Everybody and their lawyer, Carter" need to call it a night and go home already.

But in this story it's so fun to waver, and switch loyalties and hiss and cheer at any of the three main characters reading each other. lo and behold..no endless longing musical montages of Impatience in Paris, Abandon Ship weddings or Staircase Acrobatics(although they should insert that flash back into every episode, just for funsies).

Edited by smartyshorts
  • Love 9

So what I gather is that purposely hurting someone is more noble than doing it unintentionally...gotcha.


Nobility has nothing to do with the position Caroline and Ridge put them all in. Once they began their "accidental" affair it was doomed to tear their friends and family apart (Well, it would have if everyone hadn't taken Caroline's side and let Ridge off the hook) and cause a mess of hurt feelings and resentment. The whole situation was never going to make noble heroes of anyone, especially Rick who has so many issues with Ridge I would have found it OOC if he had reacted to the affair rationally, never mind with nobility.


Noble would be Caroline taking full responsibility for her actions, which I don't think she's come close to doing yet, and not putting pressure on Rick. She needs to stop dictating to Rick how he deals with his pain and how long he should feel hurt. And she should at least make a token effort to tell her pep squad to give Rick space and stop brow beating him every five minutes.


Also, Caroline needs get off her not that high horse and stop slut shaming Maya.

Edited by steelyis
  • Love 5
History teaches us that Ridge doesn't need to exposition any new reasons to stick it to Rick.



Historically yes, but this is NOT the historical Ridge. The show has taken great pains to demonstrate that Ridge is a changed man. From the moment he got back and found out about Brooke and Bill, he has been a different character. RM's Ridge would have been put out, but only because his "Logan" didn't wait for him. He couldn't have been bothered with who Brooke strayed with, and he certainly wouldn't have given a fuck about Katie. Then you discover all these new things Ridge has gotten involved in; poetry reading, getting his pilot license, developing some sort of conscious, and he has been pretty unrecognizable. I think the writers realized that without Stephanie, there can never be a Bridge. What would be the point? Where would the drama come from? Taylor isn't here to rock the boat either. Can you say boring? Tired? I fully believe they have been maneuvering Ridge away from Brooke since his return. 


I have always had issues with the Ridge character, but there have been times I have felt for him. Rick on the other hand, has always been a punk, and a big mama's boy baby. The only time I have been able to tolerate the character is when he was with Caroline. This current SL continues to exhibit a changed Ridge. Old Ridge would have been jumping up and down and telling all who would listen that he had lost his ability to draw. Additionally, he would never have collaborated with Caroline, because he was far too arrogant to admit that he needed help. He has steadfastly tried to deny his feelings, and has made every effort to do what is best for Caroline, not Ridge. He has even tried to talk to a petulant and angry Rick about his errant behavior, and doing the right thing. 


I think it is all great really. The line between good and bad has been clearly drawn in the sand. If Rick had handled his business better, and hadn't hopped in the sack with Maya two seconds after her outburst, and if he hadn't continued his campaign of terror, and if he hadn't tried to fuck over everyone in his family, well, then, I might be able to develop a small crack of sympathy for him. But this is standard Rick behavior, and really, isn't it time to move away from your childhood? Rick want's to lay all the blame at Ridge's feet, as if Brooke was an unwilling participant in the B/R/T mess, and was being forced to take Ridge back time and again just to have her heart broken. So very tired of listening to Rick whining about his mommy. 


And if Maya had handled her business better, I might actually have a little sympathy for her. But you can't stick your nose in other people's business, fucking up two relationships, and interfering in family matters that have nothing to do with you, then go around gloating as if it was your right, to the people you have hurt. It amazes me that this dimwit actually thinks she would ever be accepted as a part of the Forrester family, much less the family Matriarch. The fact that Rick does not love her makes it all the more squicky, because Maya is clearly willing to subjugate herself to get the house on the hill.


If anything, he should feel stronger in his belief that whatever Caroline was saying about the affair being "over" and wanting to fix the marriage was B.S.



Can't agree here either. Caroline has been trying to get her marriage back on track for weeks, and everyone has a breaking point. I can't think of a woman I know who would have stuck it out through what Rick has done. Aside from that, is Caroline not supposed to move on too? Is she supposed to stay single for the rest of her life? No. I think she is entitled to a future just like Rick is, be it with Ridge or another man. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 13

ITA agree Caroline needs to get off her high horse - she has no leg to stand on in this regard - and if I hear about her affair with Ridge being "just a few kisses" one more time, I'm going to tear my hair out.


She didn't just kiss Ridge once, she kissed him multiple times, knows the taste of his mouth, the feel of his arms wrapped around her, the feel of his hair beneath her fingertips, knows his scent (which, probably ew). Not to mention all of the sexually laced scenes of him "coaching" her with drawing. Add in all the weeks of the shared intimacy of their little "secret" and it was a full-blown emotional and physical affair. The fact that they didn't immediately jump in the sack doesn't earn them any prize; rather, it shows how deeply connected they were on an emotional level.


I don't agree with Rick's actions of sleeping with Maya/the loveshack etc while Caroline was still under the assumption that he wanted to work on the marriage as two wrongs certainly don't make a right, but I'm also tired of hearing about how Rick is being a "baby" about all of this. Was Caroline acting like a mature grown-up with her actions with Ridge or even her actions now of stalking Rick to the point of harassment? Hardly. Not to mention, claiming that she wants to "save" her marriage and two seconds later, running to Ridge to boo-hoo and get her wounded little ego stroked once again. How did Miss Thang expect to save her marriage when she is still clearly wrapped up in Ridge? I think she wanted to have her time with Ridge and get her fix working with him and fantasizing about him and having sexy drawing times and then go home to Rick and play house and make a baby (and note how she commented that Ridge didn't want kids at this stage - very telling but I'm sure he'll be happy to share his seed with you, darling). I guess she thought she could have her cake and eat it, too. Too bad Rick decided the bakery was closed and he wasn't going to be the back-up choice.


But back to Rick's actions - as I said, I think he has taken this way too far but then again, he has tried numerous times to tell Caroline it's over and in his mind, it was over the day he found out exactly what his wife had been up to, which was his right. However, to say he's acting like a spoiled brat or a baby...how exactly should Rick have responded to learning that his beloved wife, whom he trusted completely, and adored and was faithful to in EVERY sense of the word had an affair with his mortal enemy?


Apparently, he should have taken the high road and taken her back because it was just a "few kisses." Because I'm sure that we would respond calmly and rationally and nobly if our spouse or significant other did what Caroline did and be able to do so within a couple of weeks of being blindsided and suckerpunched.


All Carowhine seems to care about is Carowhine and conveniently forgets that SHE is the one who started this shitstorm. Her whining about "I made a mistake" and that Rick should just immediately say, "There, there, you just couldn't help yourself, I mean, it is RIDGE after all and of course I'll take you back is ridiculous" and again, she's claiming to want a life with Rick while all the while still slinking around and eye-fucking Ridge. Who is, of course, with nary a consequence. As usual. 


If Caroline truly wanted Rick back, she should have stopped calling it a mistake, kept up with the apologies without any "buts", given Rick the space he needed to process this, let alone even begin to accept it and start to heal, and made it clear that she would do everything in her power to prove to him that she could be loyal and trustworthy again, even if he ultimately decided it was a deal-breaker for him. But all I saw was her saying she made a mistake and that she was really, really sorry and could they just kiss and make up? With Ridge's kiss barely cooled on her lips? 


But now, apparently, she finally gets it and can do what she's been wanting to do for months. Make the most out of these next few days or weeks because honey, it ain't gonna last.


A word to slayer2 - I'd like to marry your posts. ;-)

  • Love 3

Nobility has nothing to do with the position Caroline and Ridge put them all in. Once they began their "accidental" affair it was doomed to tear their friends and family apart


Noble would be Caroline taking full responsibility for her actions, which I don't think she's come close to doing yet, and not putting pressure on Rick.


Also, Caroline needs get off her not that high horse and stop slut shaming Maya.

Steelyis...I cut out certain parts of your post that I quoted for the sake of saving space... 

1) Caroline didn't start her "affair" with Ridge with the purpose of hurting anybody...but I guess that really is a moot point since affairs do end up hurting people.  The difference I see is that we saw Caroline struggle with what was going on and was going to stop playing kissy face with Ridge, unlike Rick, who is flaunting his mistress all over the place. 

2) I agree that Caroline should take responsibility.  I also think it would be noble for Maya to turn down the smug and actually admit that she is a mistress, and mistress does not equal matriarch.

3) Maya is flaunting sleeping with a married man, why should Caroline be shamed and not Maya?

And if Maya had handled her business better, I might actually have a little sympathy for her. But you can't stick your nose in other people's business, fucking up two relationships, and interfering in family matters that have nothing to due with you, then go around gloating as if it was your right, to the people you have hurt. It amazes me that this dimwit actually thinks she would ever be accepted as a part of the Forrester family, much less the family Matriarch. The fact that Rick does not love her makes it all the more squicky, because Maya is clearly willing to subjugate herself to get the house on the hill.

I'm not sure about Rick not loving Maya (I hope one day we get a definite answer for that), but I couldn't agree more with the rest of this!

  • Love 8
If anything, he should feel stronger in his belief that whatever Caroline was saying about the affair being "over" and wanting to fix the marriage was B.S.



Can't agree here either. Caroline has been trying to get her marriage back on track for weeks, and everyone has a breaking point. I can't think of a woman I know who would have stuck it out through what Rick has done.



Caroline was making an effort to work things out, but I don't know how honest she was being with Rick about what she really wants. She claims her affair with Ridge was a mistake, but at the same time acts like she has very strong feelings for him. It's not fair to expect Rick to ignore the real possibility Caroline is in love with another man.


Caroline is the one who chose to have an affair, not Rick, and she deserves a lot of the bitterness and spite he's thrown her way. Is Caroline obligated to take it? No, not really, but I don't think she can reasonably act baffled at how Rick still behaves poorly towards her. It makes her look delusional.



Aside from that, is Caroline not supposed to move on too? Is she supposed to stay single for the rest of her life? No. I think she is entitled to a future just like Rick is, be it with Ridge or another man.



She should move on, more power to her, but she shouldn't act so self-righteous as she does.



1) Caroline didn't start her "affair" with Ridge with the purpose of hurting anybody...but I guess that really is a moot point since affairs do end up hurting people.  The difference I see is that we saw Caroline struggle with what was going on and was going to stop playing kissy face with Ridge, unlike Rick, who is flaunting his mistress all over the place.



Doesn't Rick have the right to struggle with how her affair hurt him? Why does Caroline get to work through her confusion and doubt without interrogation, while Rick gets questioned, criticized, and belittled by his friends and family at every turn? Even Ridge has no compunction when it comes to attacking Rick in defense of Caroline's honor. Caroline has such a huge support system in place, other than Maya, who has Rick's back? I don't see his flaunting as disrespectful; I see it as self-defense against the assaults on his self worth by people who refuse to see his side of things for even a second.


2) I agree that Caroline should take responsibility.  I also think it would be noble for Maya to turn down the smug and actually admit that she is a mistress, and mistress does not equal matriarch.


Again, the affair made the whole situation sleazy and I don't think there's nobility to be had by anyone involved. As for the matriarch nonsense, I'm going to go with what someone up thread wrote: The writers don't know what a matriarch is so neither does Maya.


3) Maya is flaunting sleeping with a married man, why should Caroline be shamed and not Maya?


Caroline should feel ashamed because she broke her vows to her husband. Maya shouldn't be slut shamed because she's sleeping with a man who is all but legally separated from his wife. Actually, no one should ever be slut shamed for any reason.

  • Love 4

So TK's Ridge isn't the Ridge of old? I'm sorry, but I find it laughable that we would just chuck Ridge's history because he's being played by a different actor and written differently. If that's what TPTB are trying to sell, they're failing miserably. I  can't agree that he's one iota different than who he was before he took his ball and went to Paris to sulk over a text message. Not to mention, it's insulting to our intelligence to expect us to just forget Ridge's past because his present face has changed and he's reciting a poem or two and can fly a plane now. Uh, no. It's like slapping on a new coat of paint but underneath, the wall is the same wall.


Since he's been back, he's dumped Brooke because shockingly, she wasn't pulling a Penelope and sitting in her room, weaving and waiting for his return. He then took up with Katie in an ill-fated, saw-it-coming-a-million-miles-away revengemance and lying to Brooke to her face daily, to the point of almost marrying her, just to put the screws on her for having the audacity to move on with her life after he so unceremoniously exited the scene. Sounds like vintage Ridge to me - doesn't get what he wants when he wants it and he'll SHOW YOU!


He arrived back at FC and immediately assumed he'll be in charge and was completely dismissive to Rick, Caroline, and Hope,  and all of their hard work (not to mention Eric's oversight) while he was off at his Parisian table of Pity, Party of One. Sounds like the same egotistical ass of old to me.


I have never felt for Ridge except maybe, maybe when Caroline I died as he felt he really did love her, mama's choice, and all. Or when he thought RJ was Nick's and was doing everything he could to win Brooke back and be with her regardless of the paternity issue. But 98% of the time? Can't stand him. He's had everything handed to him, including Thorne's birthright, from the moment he was born and nothing has changed in that regard. He had a mother who did everything in his power to make him #1 in all things always and there wasn't anything he wanted that he didn't get. 


I don't see where Rick is a punk or a mama's boy, unless by mama's boy, you're acknowledging the fact that he was largely raised by Brooke alone as Ridge quickly abandoned Rick and Bridget when Hook, Line, and Sinker came along and Eric was who knows where. He's a product of his raising by an absentee father, a rejecting father figure, and mother who, as much as I love Brooke, kept subjecting him to the emotional fallout of her failed romances. Rick, Bridget, Hope, and RJ were often reduced to collateral damage by all three of these individuals' actions. 


How can Rick move away from a past that has never been fully dealt with? Ridge has never atoned for his actions - in going after Caroline, he's proven he is everything Rick ever said he was and more. Eric has always played favorites and made Rick, along with Thorne, Bridget, Felicia and Kristen, the background to Ridge's foreground. And Brooke, again, she's my girl, but she should have put her kids first and got herself and them off the emotional rollercoaster. 


I actually do feel the slightest bit sorry for Maya because I don't believe for one second that he loves Maya. Carowhine is right - it is about her and his angry and hurt over what she did. I believe he cares for Maya but he's not in love with her. Then again, my sympathy for Maya quickly evaporates as she made her bed, quite literally, and now has to lie in it with a man still in love with his wife. 


And I do feel some slight sympathy for Caroline as well because I think she does love Rick and wants that life, working by his side and raising a family, all of those things that they promised each other on their wedding day. But she is just too caught up in what COULD BE with Ridge (when the only sure thing about him is that he ISN'T a sure thing), and the infatuation and fantasy of maybe, just maybe, her being the special snowflake to capture his heart and be his true wuv forever, that she is being willfully blind to the fact that she should already know how this story will end and not with "and they lived happily ever after." She could have had that with Rick, but she chose to throw it all away and for what?


A chance? A possibility?


And I tend to agree that you can't control being attracted to someone else, but by golly, you sure can control what you chose to do about it. If she had confessed to Rick when she was sensing her crush or whatever you want to call it or even come clean after their FIRST kiss, then I think things would have been very different. But not only did she choose to keep lying and keep kissing Ridge (at least for a while), she would never have told Rick the truth and would have kept working with Ridge right under Rick's nose, those feelings still percolating. And when she was found out, she kept on working with Ridge and keeping the affair fire stoked, all the while, claiming she wanted to save her marriage. Rick certainly put some holes in the sinking ship of their marriage with his actions with Maya but Caroline is the one who started it sinking in the first place and added more holes along the way. 


But it seems the marriage is over and I agree, the cheerleaders need to stay out of it, and of course, Caroline has a right to move on with whomever she chooses. As does Rick.

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 5

Caroline was making an effort to work things out, but I don't know how honest she was being with Rick about what she really wants. She claims her affair with Ridge was a mistake, but at the same time acts like she has very strong feelings for him. It's not fair to expect Rick to ignore the real possibility Caroline is in love with another man.


Caroline is the one who chose to have an affair, not Rick, and she deserves a lot of the bitterness and spite he's thrown her way. Is Caroline obligated to take it? No, not really, but I don't think she can reasonably act baffled at how Rick still behaves poorly towards her. It makes her look delusional.


She should move on, more power to her, but she shouldn't act so self-righteous as she does.



Doesn't Rick have the right to struggle with how her affair hurt him? Why does Caroline get to work through her confusion and doubt without interrogation, while Rick gets questioned, criticized, and belittled by his friends and family at every turn? Even Ridge has no compunction when it comes to attacking Rick in defense of Caroline's honor. Caroline has such a huge support system in place, other than Maya, who has Rick's back? I don't see his flaunting as disrespectful; I see it as self-defense against the assaults on his self worth by people who refuse to see his side of things for even a second.


Thank you - so much word to this post as I'm glad to see acknowledgement that except for Maya, no one has been there to support Rick and it's all, "poor Caroline." And I'm not sure Maya's is the kind of support Rick needs although he did choose it.

  • Love 2
Not to mention, claiming that she wants to "save" her marriage and two seconds later, running to Ridge to boo-hoo and get her wounded little ego stroked once again. How did Miss Thang expect to save her marriage when she is still clearly wrapped up in Ridge?



Personally, I will take boohooing to someone over fucking them any day. And I don't think having feelings for someone else makes you a bad person. Maybe conflicted. Maybe confused. But, at the end of the day, Caroline was the one who told Ridge that their "arrangement" was over. She made it clear that she wanted her marriage. She was doing the right thing, and I can't fault anyone for that, whether they are in denial or not. I have no doubt that she and Rick would have been fine if Maya hadn't spilled the beans, because I maintain that the real damage has occurred since Maya's outburst. Ridge's actions towards Caroline since then have been far more telling than when they were "collaborating"; I felt he was using her at first to get the CEO spot, then I began thinking it was just another sexual conquest for Ridge. Now however, I think he does really care for her. 


However, to say he's acting like a spoiled brat or a baby...how exactly should Rick have responded to learning that his beloved wife, whom he trusted completely, and adored and was faithful to in EVERY sense of the word had an affair with his mortal enemy?




Confused, hurt and angry is how he should have felt, but that doesn't give him the right to start shacking up with his ex-girlfriend that day. Rick should have told Maya to leave, he needed time alone. Instead he caved to his anguish, and got himself in another relationship before he ever gave himself the chance to work through the pain of his shattered marriage. I absolutely felt bad for Rick at first, but he lost me once he started a full blown affair with Maya. That takes it to a whole other level, and I washed my hands of him. Then, to compound things, he started with his campaign to inflict as much hurt on everyone as he could. Yes, that is acting out, and being incredibly juvenile. I mean seriously, answering the phone when you are having sex? Not only gross, but clearly meant to send another hurtful message to Caroline. 

  • Love 13

I disagree that Rick and Caroline would have been "fine" if Maya hadn't outed Caroline/Ridge.


How can a couple be "fine" and a marriage on solid ground, when one part of that couple is clueless about what the other part has been up to?


Caroline gets no points for ending it from me. She shouldn't have started the illicit relationship in the first place. She would have gotten points if she had confessed before she was found out from the FIRST kiss but she didn't and she would never have told the truth. That much is pretty darn clear and she had chance after chance to come clean and she didn't. She wanted to keep Ridge her dirty little secret and not telling was protecting HER and Ridge, not Rick.


Rick deserved to know who he was married to so he could decide for himself if this was something he could forgive. Caroline had no right to take his right to make informed decisions about his own life away from him but that is exactly what she did. 


I agree and have said all along that where Rick's responses and choices are concerned in the aftermath, two wrongs don't make a right, but good God, he has told her six ways from Sunday "It's OVER!" and she still won't get a fucking clue and leave him be. So serves her right that he answered the phone and WFT with her Facetiming him??? If seeing Maya living with him at the mansion and her portrait big as day over the fireplace obviously didn't get through to her, he may well have thought seeing him in bed with Maya would make her wake up and stop with her senseless trying to save a marriage it's pretty clear neither of them want anymore. And was she really that delusional that she didn't think they were sleeping together? Come on! 

  • Love 6

In all of this, I have to give Maya kudos.  When she first came onto the show, she was a destitute ex-con who blamed Dayzee for the loss of her daughter and was a constant irritant.  Now she has truly transformed herself, working her way up to Lead Model, getting invited to executive meetings, and now she is banging the Forrester CEO and has her eyes set on becoming the family matriarch.


I'm curious as to what Brooke would think of all this.  I realise that Katherine Kelly Lang is in Italy doing Dancing with the Stars (when is she coming back by the way) but it constantly amazes me that when people aren't on the show that they are never thought about at all.  Bridget for all intents and purposes doesn't exist anymore.  Neither does her child with Owen.  Brooke never thinks about them.  It would be nice if we could see Eric on the phone talking to Brooke.  We all know Brooke would be calling Rick instantly.  Even though we wouldn't see or hear her, it's incomprehensible to me that she wouldn't have been apprised of what's going on and wouldn't put her two cents in.


I am so dissappointed they have turned Ally and Ivy into Rick and Caroline's cheerleaders.
I'm not surprised.  They were Hope's cheerleaders, then Hope quit the show, so they had to find some other role.  It looks like now that Pam has joined them.
  • Love 2
I think it's worse to be a sadist (or in Rick's case, a sado-masochist) than a person who screwed up by legitimately falling for the "wrong" person. Sometimes you think you've found "the one", and then somebody else comes along who is actually "the one." Sad, but that's how life goes sometimes--as Brad/Jennifer/Angelina well know. As Jerry Seinfeld and his wife know (she was happily married to a guy, met Jerry and fell in love, and divorced the first guy). Are these situations "moral"? No, marriage vows were betrayed, but sometimes, life & love shake out that way--the partner you end up with is not the partner you started with.


I don't think one is worse than the other -- they both hurt the same when you're on the other end.  I don't care if Caroline and Ridge get together (and I never liked Rick and Caroline, so no big loss there), but for me, this is different than those situations.  From what I know about Jennifer/Brad/Angelina, they didn't know each other before Brad and Angelina started filming Mr. and Mrs. Smith.  And from your statement, Jerry and his now wife didn't know each other prior to their affair either.  It sucks, but that happens sometimes.


Caroline and Ridge, though?  It's just so so sloppy -- her former uncle (though she wasn't alive at the time), father to her ex-boyfriend, her current brother-in-law, engaged to her former aunt, questionable intent on his end.  And if this happened when Caroline first came on or even when Ridge came back, it would be a little better to stomach than this.  If that's who she falls for, though, then that's who she falls for, but like steelyis said, it really is delusional for her to think that she could do anything to patch her relationship with Rick after she was exposed.


As for Rick divorcing Caroline,

I think he's getting divorce papers drawn up next week, so there's that.

  • Love 4

The funny thing about this Caroline and old Ridge is when the former first came on the show and some on TWoP commented how some of scenes looked like Ridge was becoming attracted to her. I kinda wonder how this all would or could have played out if Ronnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Moss were still in the role.

I agree with those that are driven crazy by the lack of history and acknowledgement of characters once they're gone. FFS, we had a line not too long ago letting folks know that Hope and Wyatt are together in Paris working on their marriage, but we can get one line about Donna calling Brooke about Rick's N. Sane behavior? Brooke frigging Logan, for whom the world as revolved around on this show for nearly 30 years. We still have yet to get an explanation for Ridge's absence when the love of his life lay dying, or when his daughter miscarried. And after all the struggles Bridget goes through for a child, she and Owen leave without a word.

  • Love 5

So TK's Ridge isn't the Ridge of old? I'm sorry, but I find it laughable that we would just chuck Ridge's history because he's being played by a different actor and written differently. If that's what TPTB are trying to sell, they're failing miserably. I  can't agree that he's one iota different than who he was before he took his ball and went to Paris to sulk over a text message. Not to mention, it's insulting to our intelligence to expect us to just forget Ridge's past because his present face has changed and he's reciting a poem or two and can fly a plane now. Uh, no. It's like slapping on a new coat of paint but underneath, the wall is the same wall.


Since he's been back, he's dumped Brooke because shockingly, she wasn't pulling a Penelope and sitting in her room, weaving and waiting for his return. He then took up with Katie in an ill-fated, saw-it-coming-a-million-miles-away revengemance and lying to Brooke to her face daily, to the point of almost marrying her, just to put the screws on her for having the audacity to move on with her life after he so unceremoniously exited the scene. Sounds like vintage Ridge to me - doesn't get what he wants when he wants it and he'll SHOW YOU!


He arrived back at FC and immediately assumed he'll be in charge and was completely dismissive to Rick, Caroline, and Hope,  and all of their hard work (not to mention Eric's oversight) while he was off at his Parisian table of Pity, Party of One. Sounds like the same egotistical ass of old to me.


I have never felt for Ridge except maybe, maybe when Caroline I died as he felt he really did love her, mama's choice, and all. Or when he thought RJ was Nick's and was doing everything he could to win Brooke back and be with her regardless of the paternity issue. But 98% of the time? Can't stand him. He's had everything handed to him, including Thorne's birthright, from the moment he was born and nothing has changed in that regard. He had a mother who did everything in his power to make him #1 in all things always and there wasn't anything he wanted that he didn't get. 


I don't see where Rick is a punk or a mama's boy, unless by mama's boy, you're acknowledging the fact that he was largely raised by Brooke alone as Ridge quickly abandoned Rick and Bridget when Hook, Line, and Sinker came along and Eric was who knows where. He's a product of his raising by an absentee father, a rejecting father figure, and mother who, as much as I love Brooke, kept subjecting him to the emotional fallout of her failed romances. Rick, Bridget, Hope, and RJ were often reduced to collateral damage by all three of these individuals' actions. 


How can Rick move away from a past that has never been fully dealt with? Ridge has never atoned for his actions - in going after Caroline, he's proven he is everything Rick ever said he was and more. Eric has always played favorites and made Rick, along with Thorne, Bridget, Felicia and Kristen, the background to Ridge's foreground. And Brooke, again, she's my girl, but she should have put her kids first and got herself and them off the emotional rollercoaster. 


I actually do feel the slightest bit sorry for Maya because I don't believe for one second that he loves Maya. Carowhine is right - it is about her and his angry and hurt over what she did. I believe he cares for Maya but he's not in love with her. Then again, my sympathy for Maya quickly evaporates as she made her bed, quite literally, and now has to lie in it with a man still in love with his wife. 


And I do feel some slight sympathy for Caroline as well because I think she does love Rick and wants that life, working by his side and raising a family, all of those things that they promised each other on their wedding day. But she is just too caught up in what COULD BE with Ridge (when the only sure thing about him is that he ISN'T a sure thing), and the infatuation and fantasy of maybe, just maybe, her being the special snowflake to capture his heart and be his true wuv forever, that she is being willfully blind to the fact that she should already know how this story will end and not with "and they lived happily ever after." She could have had that with Rick, but she chose to throw it all away and for what?


A chance? A possibility?


And I tend to agree that you can't control being attracted to someone else, but by golly, you sure can control what you chose to do about it. If she had confessed to Rick when she was sensing her crush or whatever you want to call it or even come clean after their FIRST kiss, then I think things would have been very different. But not only did she choose to keep lying and keep kissing Ridge (at least for a while), she would never have told Rick the truth and would have kept working with Ridge right under Rick's nose, those feelings still percolating. And when she was found out, she kept on working with Ridge and keeping the affair fire stoked, all the while, claiming she wanted to save her marriage. Rick certainly put some holes in the sinking ship of their marriage with his actions with Maya but Caroline is the one who started it sinking in the first place and added more holes along the way. 


But it seems the marriage is over and I agree, the cheerleaders need to stay out of it, and of course, Caroline has a right to move on with whomever she chooses. As does Rick.



A word to slayer2 - I'd like to marry your posts. ;-)


Then come with it! No prenup! Ultimate word, word McWordy to all your posts as well! :)



Don't care for Caroline much?


I'm made zero bones about that, in fact I take all opportunity to call out her elitist assholic, Steffy-lite behaviour 'cuz....Ch-yeah! The only difference between her and Steffy is that Steffy doesn't act like she's anything other than the self-centred, conniving little monster that everyone knows her to be. I sure can appreciate that. Refreshing.



I actually do feel the slightest bit sorry for Maya because I don't believe for one second that he loves Maya. Carowhine is right - it is about her and his angry and hurt over what she did. I believe he cares for Maya but he's not in love with her. Then again, my sympathy for Maya quickly evaporates as she made her bed, quite literally, and now has to lie in it with a man still in love with his wife.


I hope you're wrong, (Raya shipper here) but I certainly agree that she put herself in this situation so whatever the outcome she better keep on those big girl panties and don't get to whining about it like Caroline has been. It's been my experience that ill-advised choices are best followed by scorched earth (on soap operas, just soap operas). Hopefully if Rick is too stupid to see how valuable loyalty is Maya will get to scheming and sort out some sort of situation for herself that involves the suffering of all concerned.


I kinda feel like a consolation roll in the hay with Wyatt would be in order. These two have a lot in common. Both underdogs, in love with indecisive Logans and basically shafted by most people, and the ones they do have in their lives are mercurial or basically crazy. This would also get Wyatt out of Liam and Ivy's orbit since two brothers fighting over yet another girl that clearly loves Liam more is shit of the very large bull.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 2
I don't think it would have played out at all if Ron was still there or even the Ridge/Katie.



Just the thought of it is enough to raise my hackles. RM would, under no circumstances, be able to pull this current SL off. When TK is calling Rick out, it is believable, and the man wasn't even around during all that drama. And TK knows how to work a romantic scene. RM fluctuated between pacing the room with wide flung arms as he growled out his words, and being a 2x4. 

  • Love 7

What was today? Why? Sorry, my brain is all flustered at the idea of sexing anyone up in my dad's bed, especially a bed I used to crawl into with my parents when I was a kid. 


I don't understand why the show is wasting so much time on Ally's and Ivy's discomfort at sharing a huge mansion with two other people. Am I really supposed to believe this grand manor was constructed in such a way as to allow people to detect upstairs sexing? Really, Ivy, calling up to Rick and acting the fool when you know damn well what he's doing and with whom he's doing it? I like Ivy and hate seeing she and Ally act this way. They should grab Oliver and Liam for a double date and get a life.


I hated Ridge as portrayed by Ron Moss. The acting was bottom of the barrel and the mullets were lower than that. I never saw any depth or layers to the character; there was only the mama's boy studmuffin (yuck) on the surface. Ridge lacked all nuance and subtlety. I do have a hell of a hard time squaring old Ridge with the new incarnation. New Ridge displays actual emotions; I can see actual feelings flitting across his face and moods being conveyed by his voice. I know logically that TK's Ridge obviously has all the old baggage, but now Ridge seems like an actual human being and harder to outright loathe. Perhaps Ridge can finally mature and work on being a better person now that a capable actor is in the role.


So, what's the deal with Rick and the gun?

Edited by NinjaPenguins
  • Love 9

What in the hell was that gun about?!  How random.


Ridge and Caroline looked gross at the end.  Like a father cuddling with his daughter.  But I'm glad those two finally admitted what they wanted, along with Caroline saying that she didn't want to feel like a failure with regard to her marriage.


The Russian playwright Anton Chekhov wrote: If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired.

The gun was a surprise, but it won't be one when it goes off.


Ah yes, the old Chekov rule! So I wonder who's getting shot. Hasn't Ridge already been shot by one brother? I guess we're going 2 for 2 eh?



I like Ivy and hate seeing she and Ally act this way. They should grab Oliver and Liam for a double date and get a life.


Yeah, Steffy can't come soon enough because they really need to get busy with something. Even at "work" they're just working on gossip. If they don't watch it they're gonna turn out like this....



And then Maya can come at them like this.... http://youtu.be/kYKI8tAELXY



I guess she thought she could have her cake and eat it, too. Too bad Rick decided the bakery was closed

Line of the day! The kitchen is CLOSED!!

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 3

Really, Ivy, calling up to Rick and acting the fool when you know damn well what he's doing and with whom he's doing it?


When Rick called her out on that, I really laughed.  I thought that JY was spot on today -- all of his actions and and the way he delivered his dialogue were so genuine.  Rick seemed more relaxed and at peace than we've seen him in months.


I saw what I hear is one of TK's signature moves with Caroline today: pushing all up on her and in her face, but backing away before the kiss?  Weaksauce.  It's not that I hate TK, but everything that seems to get everyone else hot and bothered about him leaves me cold.

  • Love 2

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