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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I have to agree with all of the above.  The show is at an all-time low. I would have rather watched more repeats of old shows that were good last year, than to have the writers rush to churn out crap in the name of getting back on with live shows as quickly as possible. 

Why is Liam front and center in TWO major SLs right now? Neither one is compelling. Was that random scene yesterday with Wyatt supposed to be comic relief? It fell flat and I am tired of listening to Bill shout at everybody. The only thing interesting with them is looking at Liam's disheveled hair.

Flo reminds me of a kid who got promoted to the "grown ups'" table at Thanksgiving dinner. Sitting there all demure and weighing on forgiveness. Puh-leeze! Brooke is a hypocrite if she can forgive Flo and not Thomas. Neither one deserves complete forgiveness or redemption -- Stormy, be damned!

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“pull yourself together” is the new “my daughter” as the most spoken words on the show.

Does Flo not know what pants are.

Zende/Paris act like they are in junior high dating.

The darker wig on Zoe looks much better than the lighter ones she wore.

LOL Hope telling Liam about Vinny was amusing.

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@RuntheTable - are you in my head?

Because I was literally just thinking how this is no one on this show worth watching.

At the risk of being redundant, here is my take on the current players:

Hope - so idiotic it defies description; except for her (long-awaited) reaction to the Felony Forgiveness Shitshow, there has been nothing to watch here.

Steffy - To steal your quote: "Easily summed up: Bitch." I'll take it further - "Always Comes Up Smelling Like a Rose No Matter How Much Shit She Bathes In" Heifer-Bitch.

Finn - He'll always be libbety-bibbety to me and the fact that this attractive, if a bit dense, doctor is so hard up for a woman he insta-forgives his not-wife, but girlfriend for cheating on him with her ex. The only thing that could jazz this guy up is if it turns out he set things in motion re Vinny being in a position to be hit by Liam on PCH.

Thomas - His sexy hair and body and the fact that he can actually act, a brain tumor get out of jail free card isn't enough to undo the damage done to this character since MA took over (and Thomas the character had only been somewhat redeemed by PF following Misunderstanding Night due to a big assist from the Sally romance before his departure.)

Liam - As I dubbed him before, he's a sniveling crybaby bitch weasel face and a serial cheater to boot. DIAF already.

Felony - A baby thief and human trafficker who acts like she is the greatest thing to ever occur in the universe. You can join Liam and DIAF. 

Wyatt - I used to like him, especially the fact that he appeared to have the same BDE as his daddy, but nope, he worships at the altar of St. Felony so guess what? He can take a seat in the same ablaze house as his fiancee and brother.

Bill - this one pains me but he's been mostly neutered due to TPTB insistence on retreading the tired, sad, non-starter Batie again and again. He's really lost his way ever since the Sally/SF debacle.

Katie - Gladys Kravitz can take Flo's kidney and her forgiveness campaign for her and stick it where the sun don't shine. 

Donna - Boobs and hair. Could be interesting if she was paired with Carter or back with Eric. Otherwise, I don't care.

Carter - Block of wood. Hot wood. But yeah, he's like Ambien to me.

Zoey - Why Emma died and this bitch is still breathing is beyond me.

Paris - She's cute and feisty but I am not here for being the punching bag for her viper sister.

Zende - The actor is easy on the eyes, but I don't see the need to have him back on campus since there is no "there" there.

Shauna - Gold-digging grifter who gave us Flo. Go back to Vegas you vapid waste of space.

Quinn - Kidnapper, attempted murderer, and rapist. She should have been put behind bars years ago. 

Ridge - TK is not Ridge and never will be. The only way I could be invested in this greasy hobo is if he was replaced by Ronn or someone with a thimbleful of charisma.

Eric - I'll always love Eric as he's one of the two core/day one players still on canvas, a rarity in daytime these days.

Brooke - She's been my girl since she ran for her life into her home in the Valley and the other core/day one player but of late, I could just slap her for her ridiculousness of late. Namely, welcoming her daughter's tormentor and reason her granddaughter was separated from her parents for almost a year into the family fold. Girl, bye.

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48 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

I have to agree with all of the above.  The show is at an all-time low. I would have rather watched more repeats of old shows that were good last year, than to have the writers rush to churn out crap in the name of getting back on with live shows as quickly as possible. 

Why is Liam front and center in TWO major SLs right now? Neither one is compelling. Was that random scene yesterday with Wyatt supposed to be comic relief? It fell flat and I am tired of listening to Bill shout at everybody. The only thing interesting with them is looking at Liam's disheveled hair.

Flo reminds me of a kid who got promoted to the "grown ups'" table at Thanksgiving dinner. Sitting there all demure and weighing on forgiveness. Puh-leeze! Brooke is a hypocrite if she can forgive Flo and not Thomas. Neither one deserves complete forgiveness or redemption -- Stormy, be damned!

I would rather watch the show from the beginning than watch one more episode of current scenes. I'm thisclose to deleting off my DVR. As it is, I barely watch and catch up here.

Yes, Liam's hair is a much more compelling character. Will it flop in his face today? I hope so, since I'm tired of looking at his sniveling crybaby bitch weasel face.

Fuck you, Felony, and the pink satin monstrosity. Andplusalso, it's Donna's job to fulfill the boob quotient in this show, not you. But at least we were spared from wondering if her whatever is below Fool's Gold Cooter was about to make an appearance.


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Days and days of the same old shit. B&B has become an one trick pony or a one dialog soap opera.  Every time Lurch calls the hit and run driver a heartless bastard all I can see is Emma at the bottom of the ravine.  

News flash Zende, there is no way he and Carter should be shirtless in the same scene.

Lurch is right about a hit and run in Bel Air of all places but not even a thought about what Vinny was doing in Bel Air when he lives quite a few miles from there.  Yes Vinny was no saint and he didn’t deserve to die that way but would Lurch be that dismissive if he knew Vinny was supplying the illegal pain killers to Stuffy?  I’m sure he was happy though when Vinny got Lurch the rohypnol  to put in Liam’s drink. 


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Surprisingly, I liked Zoe's dress today.   She seems to be trying to turn over a new leaf regarding her sister, but she needs to tell Paris and Eric about the mean girl trick she was part of with Quinn.  

Carter was the winner of the shirts off beefcake contest with Zende.   

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Fuck you, Felony, and the pink satin monstrosity. Andplusalso, it's Donna's job to fulfill the boob quotient in this show, not you

That dress is so ugly it didn't even make it to aswornontv.

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How do you know you need to take a break from B&B:  You dream about a scene of current long haired ranty Thomas getting called out and beat up by OG Ridge Ronn Moss (with grey beard and sporting attire more suited to RM's music band persona) at the hospital (in show) with him yelling at Thomas 'You stay away from Hope!' ala the 'Not gonna happen, Rick. Not gonna happen!'  In the dream Ronn Moss had a damn good uppercut, LOL.

This show either needs a time jump ahead a year or we have Liam (maybe he's still on the plane back from Australia after dropping Ivy off), Katie (post Kidney transplant), or Thomas (post fall off the cliffside)  wake up from a coma talking about the most horrible dream they had and we reset the show back a bit from this craziness.

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Did Zoe have a personality transplant from yesterday? She’s been so hateful, selfish and self centered for months now toward Paris and all of a sudden, she knows she’s been a bitch and is undergoing a brain transplant? 

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Looks like Liam has reached the Anger stage of his grief about the accident. 🙄

WTAF? Is Flo deliberately trying to look like a sugar baby who's been rode hard and put up wet? Her legs are not all that great IMO.

How does a relatively thin guy like Zende have moobs? Meanwhile, miss me with Carter's oiled up, overdeveloped freak show of a body. Yeah, I am owning that UO hard. When I see a look like his wonder what the person is overcompenating for. Ugh. 😼

This thing between Quinn and Zoe is almost creeping me out. It feels to me like Quinn is grooming Zoe. But for what?

Are people not allowed to be killed in Bel Air? You're making no sense, Tommy! (Or are we supposed to wonder what Vinny was doing wandering around an exclusive area at night?)

Not sure how Hope arrived at the possibility Vinny was killed on purpose. Is Thomas leading her there so she'll suspect Liam at some point?


Surprisingly, I liked Zoe's dress today.   

I did too. Apparently some of those white accents were pearls.


That dress is so ugly it didn't even make it to aswornontv.

Flo and Hope's dresses are bringing the fugly so hard Worn on TV said, "Nah, we'll pass." I actually think Flo's dress was probably altered to make it a whole lot shorter than it was originally designed to be.

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Vinny’s background is perplexing. He played little league and went to school with Thomas so you would think that Vinny also came from money since surely Taylor and Ridge would not have sent their kids to public school. However, we also know from Thomas that Vinny was a drug dealer and had even been arrested at some point. Vinny obviously did not live in a very nice apartment and we do not know what other jobs he had until he somehow got the job at the lab despite the prior legal issues. We also don’t know if he was a trust fund kid as one would imagine a peer of the Forresters would be.  I would have thought that the police and the morgue could have identified him with his prints from his prior police record or perhaps as an employee of the hospital he might have had to be fingerprinted to have a job in the lab. 

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Don Diamont must have lost his voice by the end of thisweek of taping yelling at Scott Clifton. He’s doing an amazing job. I know it might be a lot of yelling for some to take but Bill is really trying to get through to Liam’s thick scull. LOL!!!! 

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15 hours ago, RuntheTable said:


Paris - A character I do like. Nothing bad here for this viewer


Me too.  I hope she just stays (basically) a nice, sweet person.  

Sort of on that point, the story of Paris and Zoe's relationship is so odd.  Zoe keeps referencing how Paris has always "gotten in her way" or some shit, and then suddenly she just drops it and feels bad about everything.  I mean, fine, but the cadence of all this is weird.  The only way it would make sense is if she's still scheming somehow.

FFS Quinn, shut up.  None of your fucking business, never mind to try to encourage someone to hurt people.   She's vile, and not in any sort of fun way.  I agree that the scene had kind of a bizarre, grooming vibe.

I know Thomas doesn't know it's Liam yet, and I really truly hate to defend Liam here, but,,, Thomas has no right to "go after" Liam, ever, after what he did involving Beth.  Even retroactively the last couple of months with Liam ranting about Thomas.   Honestly, the guy has every right to hate him forever.  To be clear, Liam is otherwise terrible.  

Zende, come on.  Carter is like 40 and is just now learning to stop simping and humiliating himself.  Dude needs this lesson, badly.  

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1 hour ago, Angeleyes said:

Vinny’s background is perplexing. He played little league and went to school with Thomas so you would think that Vinny also came from money since surely Taylor and Ridge would not have sent their kids to public school. However, we also know from Thomas that Vinny was a drug dealer and had even been arrested at some point. Vinny obviously did not live in a very nice apartment and we do not know what other jobs he had until he somehow got the job at the lab despite the prior legal issues. We also don’t know if he was a trust fund kid as one would imagine a peer of the Forresters would be.  I would have thought that the police and the morgue could have identified him with his prints from his prior police record or perhaps as an employee of the hospital he might have had to be fingerprinted to have a job in the lab. 

Maybe he was one of the “poor” kids that got a scholarship to the private school.

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Someone needs to educate Flo on proper office attire; pink satin robes are not acceptable. 

I am confused; it seemed like Liam and Bill had just left Brooke's house when Vinny flew in front of the car, but Bill keeps talking about doing his run by the area. Do Bill and Brooke live that close to each other? At first it appeared that Vinny was heading to Brooke's house, but now I am wondering if he was actually heading to Bill's. Since everyone knows Liam is now living at Bill's it makes much more sense that Vinny may have been going there. My bets say he was going there to tell Liam he was really the father of Steffy's baby. My bets also say Finn wasn't having none of that. 

Hope calling Liam to tell him about the man he killed was everything. 

Hope said Liam sounded "off"; have you seen your man's hair lately Hope? 

Bill can be so horrible to Wyatt, but I am ok with that because Wyatt is a nonentity to me now. But still, all the talk about knocking or ringing the doorbell? Bill, remember a few days ago when you went to see Brooke about your kids? Yeah, I am sure Brooke has a doorbell too.

I lost one of my best friends to a drunk driver; knew her since grade school. It hurt really, really bad; so I can identify with Thomas's pain. However, listening to him say things like "how could someone just leave him there" takes me right out of the scene. Emma. 

What the actual fuck Zoey? I think this is the beginning of some new Quinn SL that will beg forgiveness for Zoey. Quinn will be on a mission to "support" Zoey, and mess with Paris for unknown reasons, but Zoey will be having a change of heart and will be wanting to leave Paris alone now. Well, we all know Quinn, and once she gets the scent of blood there is no stopping her. So she will start forcing Zoey to do mean and evil things and if she doesn't, then Quinn will do something to fuck up Zoey and Carter. There is a reason Carter and Zende are talking again, and there is a reason Zoey is changing her stance about Paris; all to make her and Carter reuniting more palatable. So Zoey will be on cloud nine that she has re-secured her meal ticket, and Quinn will be trying to fuck with her, so Zoey will look like the victim. Keep trying show; I ain't never gonna like Zoey. 

13 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

How do you know you need to take a break from B&B:  You dream about a scene of current long haired ranty Thomas getting called out and beat up by OG Ridge Ronn Moss (with grey beard and sporting attire more suited to RM's music band persona) at the hospital (in show) with him yelling at Thomas 'You stay away from Hope!' ala the 'Not gonna happen, Rick. Not gonna happen!'  In the dream Ronn Moss had a damn good uppercut, LOL.

This show either needs a time jump ahead a year or we have Liam (maybe he's still on the plane back from Australia after dropping Ivy off), Katie (post Kidney transplant), or Thomas (post fall off the cliffside)  wake up from a coma talking about the most horrible dream they had and we reset the show back a bit from this craziness.

Yes, and yes

9 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

I would have thought that the police and the morgue could have identified him with his prints from his prior police record or perhaps as an employee of the hospital he might have had to be fingerprinted to have a job in the lab. 

Well, that just makes too much sense and has too much logic. This is B&B after all. 

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14 hours ago, Runningwild said:

I’m wondering if $Bill needs hearing aids. Maybe that’s why he shouts all his lines. 


I FF him and Liam once the repetitive yelling starts.  Do the actors think this makes it more believable day after day?!

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16 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I was surprised to learn that Vinny had a girlfriend.

Would've been awesome if Vinny's girlfriend had been Donna. Nice added layer of complexity and she gets to be the grieving girlfriend determined to find out who killed her man.

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That's what paved the way for Zoe to initially move in to Thomas' apartment. Vinnie decided to go live with his girlfriend, so Thomas has the place to himself. That was a long time ago, so I don't remember if Thomas actually lived there with Zoe, or if that was during his time with Caroline or he was just squatting with another family member.

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18 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Would've been awesome if Vinny's girlfriend had been Donna. Nice added layer of complexity and she gets to be the grieving girlfriend determined to find out who killed her man.

Nah, I can't imagine Donna would have been interested in Vinny.  She strikes me as wanting someone a little more "refined," lol.


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Liam's hair is the most interesting thing on this show.  I feel sorry for him, but I'd like for Bill to get busted because he thinks he's so damn smart thinking he's fooling the police.  

Now I fear Liam might attempt suicide. 

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I`m confused by the change of clothes for Thomas/Hope. Is it a new day? But everyone else is in the same clothes. Maybe they just wanted to change clothes after being in a morgue. 😕

Hope really has to stop asking Thomas what to do regarding Liam. Its inappropriate on so many levels. She needs a new friend stat.

What is the point of the same Liam/Bill scenes over and over.

Liam a loving and doting husband? Since when. 

Oh, great now Vinny is haunting Liam. 🙄

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Quinn have you really learned your lesson but you just used Zoey as a proxy. 

Carter, as COO, your starting to dress inappropriately as Zoey and Paris. 

Liam is dumber than i though if he tells Hope.  His marriage will be definitely over especially with Lurch being in her ear over and over and over and over again.  

Carter walks into the design office and sits behind the desk like it is his own putting one file away and taking one file out.  And there is Lurch not in the design office but in the CEO’s office designing 🙄

Just when you thought it could be anymore stupid, the ghost of Vinny comes a calling 🥶

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Liam is dumber than i though if he tells Hope.  His marriage will be definitely over especially with Lurch being in her ear over and over and over and over again.  

She'll rat him out to Thomas faster than you can say 'Yougotthat?'

2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Just when you thought it could be anymore stupid, the ghost of Vinny comes a calling 🥶

I knew they'd go there! Happy for the actor getting his coin and the character to hang around to bust Liam's chops. Guess this is Liam's Hopequinn. What should we call him Vhost? Ghinny? Good times.

This show is gunning for Emmys in some unique ways, LOL.

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Liam didn't kill Vinny, he was already dead when Liam hit him.   At least that's what I think.  In any event, Liam doesn't deserve all this shit when his worse crime was being unfaithful to Hope and porking Steffy.   

Edited by Crashcourse
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4 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Liam didn't kill Vinny, he was already dead when Liam hit him.   At least that's what I think.  In any event, Liam doesn't deserve all this shit when his worse crime was being unfaithful to Hope and porking Steffy.   

I think Liam deserves all the 💩 he can get!

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I like Scott Clifton, and he always seems to give a good effort no matter the story.  But man he usually has some unintentional (or is it?) comedy in his acting during Very Serious Scenes.  Today it looked like he was doing....something else....alone in the corner after he saw Ghost Vinny 🤨


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What is wrong with Hope? It's like she thinks it's her official duty to spread gossip, especially between Liam and Thomas. Must be those Logan genes. 😏

Did Carter think it was Casual Wednesday? What happened to his COO suit and tie?

Oh shut up, Carter. You barely knew Zoe before you decided you had to absorb her into your fantasy romantic world. Nobody really cares about your hurt fee-fees. Grow up and get some help for your seeming abandonment issues.

Where was Det. Baker's hot dog? Doesn't he practically have a special holster for it?

Meh, I'm having a hard time seeing how your lifelong best friend falsifying your sister's paternity test would make you kill him. Everything got resolved and the baby isn't even born yet. Odd to me that Baker looked at Thomas as a suspect first. 🤔

Ghost Vinny! (Seriously, what if Vinny has a twin and he's messing with Liam? Wheeeee!)

Now if Carter was a different kind of guy--one with balls--the first thing he'd do is ask Quinn if she's lost because she somehow wandered into his personal business uninvited and unwelcomed. Of course, she's the FC owner's wife so he wouldn't do that unless he wanted to get fired. Aw gee, do it, Carter! Do it!🥳

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I would rather watch dead Vinny than just about anyone else on Show. 

OMG, the anvil left a massive cleft in my head. Quinn and Carter? I have heard rumblings there is trouble between Quinn and Eric. Quinn was waxing on to Zoey about Carter's wonderfulness. Quinn won't be able to tag team Paris with Zoey any longer, so she won't be buddy, buddy with her anymore. And Quinn can turn on a dime. Oh, I think we are gearing up for some Quinn/Carter action, with Zoey in the background begging for her man to take her back, and Quinn scheming on how to take Zoey out. 

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

I would rather watch dead Vinny than just about anyone else on Show. 

OMG, the anvil left a massive cleft in my head. Quinn and Carter? I have heard rumblings there is trouble between Quinn and Eric. Quinn was waxing on to Zoey about Carter's wonderfulness. Quinn won't be able to tag team Paris with Zoey any longer, so she won't be buddy, buddy with her anymore. And Quinn can turn on a dime. Oh, I think we are gearing up for some Quinn/Carter action, with Zoey in the background begging for her man to take her back, and Quinn scheming on how to take Zoey out. 

Quinn/Carter hooking up?

Zoey making an enemy of Quinn and Quinn making Zoey's life hell?


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I think we are gearing up for some Quinn/Carter action, with Zoey in the background begging for her man to take her back, and Quinn scheming on how to take Zoey out.

Yes! Quinn--an older woman who's been around a few blocks--could turn Carter out. She could put on her BDSM outfit and do that dominatrix bit she did with Bill. She might be the one to stop Carter from doing his instant "I love you, marry me" nonsense. I want this, Bradley. Gimme.

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I think Finn was the one supplying drugs to Vinny and killed him to prevent that from coming out.  Not sure how he set Liam up though but think he wanted him out of the way so he had motive to set him up.  Revenge for Liam...?

Carter and Hope are morons!  Carter acting dismissive of Quinn at the office and at his apartment then suddenly is interested in her second chance comment referencing Eric which he should already have been aware of.  Ridge is his so called best friend so should be aware of what role Quinn played in splitting Ridge and Brooke up for Shauna.  Hope is hopeless for giving Thomas the time of day.

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Eric, you old fool, why are you surprised that Quinn was talking to Carter?  Quinn is in the Design Office where she belongs. It’s not the COO office.  Carter is another one that works half days. A COO is not a 9 to 5 job. 

Question number one, from Chief Hot Dog, should have been what Vinny could have been doing in Bel Air?  Of course Chief Hot Dog seems to dismiss Vinny as a drug dealer and turn towards him changing the paternity test. 


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On 4/15/2021 at 5:59 AM, CountryGirl said:

Quinn/Carter hooking up?

Zoey making an enemy of Quinn and Quinn making Zoey's life hell?


At least it'll be something new and two characters a hate will be torturing each other. I'm here for it 🙂

On 4/15/2021 at 1:41 PM, BoffoDaWonderSheep said:

They’ll probably eventually make it look like Finn did it, then in a “dramatic” reveal, we find out it was done by some heretofore unknown drug connection of Vinny’s. I hate when soaps have big murder mysteries and then they fizzle at the end. 

B&B for as rarely as they do these had one of the better ones with Stephanie's attempted murder. They gave everyone on show a motive and did a good job of showing how Storm was able to avoid suspicion. 2nd place would be the one on ATWT for Rose where the four people closest to her had motives but turned out to be Will, a child who was taking his mother Barbara's vile, petty jealousy to heart and only intended to make her sick. she had to confront her meddlesome behavior for a while 5 minutes before remembering none of it the next time her children got in a relationship she didn't like.

On the other extreme is also ATWT, where Rey from Nowhere got murdered and the four suspects included three principle characters and her day player boyfriend who was not thrilled that she was pregnant the first time she adopted out a child. GEE I WONDER WHO DID IT 🙄

B&B won't be as bad as THAT, I hope.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Forget prison, Liam's headed to the nuthouse. Bill, your tactics with Liam are not working. Maybe it's time to start looking into 5150ing him. That could help establish a temporary insanity plea later, lol.

Nah, it doesn't pass the smell test, Det. Baker, to be lowkey accusing Thomas of killing Vinny. At least not based on what you currently know.

Well at least Carter told Quinn to jump all the way back off his jock. He must feel pretty secure in his job. Meanwhile, why is Eric stiff-arming Quinn? Is it still about the Ridge and Shauna thing?

So basically, Det. Baker is encouraging a possible murder culprit to point the finger at someone else. As a night school graduate of the University of Law & Order, I think he is not good at his job.

Dang, Quinn's kinda pushy showing up at Carter's place like that. I ain't mad at her though. You go girl, get you some! Carter won't know what hit him. 🙄

I can't with Hope. Now she's using Vinny's death as an excuse to make overtures to Liam. Bet she's eventually going to be the reason Liam gets arrested for murder.

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I just can't ship Quinn and Carter. He has zero chemistry with everybody. I can't see lusty, naughty, fiery Quinn trying to make it sizzle with that glum, boring, needy dweeb and even "opposites attract" won't ignite that pairing. Also, Rena Sofer can act rings around that guy, so I am just not feeling it. At least with Zoe, they were pretty evenly matched as far as dismal acting ability goes, nonexistent chemistry aside. In other words, the bar is set pretty low. 

I don't know why Quinn got the cold shoulder from Eric. She hinted to Shauna a few weeks ago that things weren't going so well in the boudoir with the old man. Maybe the magic gastric elixir is doing a number on more than Eric's stomach. Or ... she is trying to slowly poison him to inherit his wealth.

And ugh, that ill-fitting snakeskin jumpsuit with ruffles was doing Quinn no favors. If you are going to dress like a badass, don't try to soften the look with ruffles, lace and other ridiculous frills.  Go all in or don't bother.

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Wow, is there actually something wrong with Quinn and Eric? Eric not busting out the tiger thong anymore?  

If this screws over Zoe, and Quinn doesn't get to be the faux matriarch of the family, I can live with it.    Sorry Carter, she's on you (probably literally, soon).  

Liam raising his hands like he was under arrest had me ugly laughing out loud, in absolute fits.  I'm wondering if Bill inevitably screwed something up, so Det. Baker does in fact already have an idea, but focused on Bill not Liam.  

Edited by JNavarro
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Lt. Baker must not have had his daily quota of Oscar Mayer's, because he was asking some pretty dumb questions. Who would have a motive? I don't know Lt., maybe the people Vinnie fucked over, like, you know, Steffy, Finn, and Liam. Vinny's actions didn't directly effect Thomas, so I see little motive there. Also, as Thomas told you, Vinny has some not so nice "other" friends. Yeah, so maybe they don't live in Bel Air, but those kind of friends don't play, and maybe were setting things up to look like something else. 

Bill, have you looked at you son? I don't think Liam is going to be able to "pull it together" anytime soon, especially if the Po Po are going to be calling. No, Liam is on the verge of a nervous B, and you better start thinking outside the box on how to fix the mess you created. 

Hope, why would Liam be shook up over Vinny's death? I fear she will start remembering Liam's words to her about hating Vinny and wanting him dead. I can see Lt. Baker using Hope as pickles and onions for one of his footlongs. 

So my guess is this is all going to fall into Bill's lap. It was Bill's car, and out of Bill and Liam, Bill is certainly the one who would leave the accident scene and attempt a cover up. Liam simply doesn't have the cojones for that. I guess if the good Lt. were to talk to Brooke and discover that Bill had been drinking, he might be able to piece it together, but that would take some serious deducing and rationalizing, and I think that falls outside of Lt. Baker's parameters. Maybe he should go get Dt. Sanchez for backup. He could prove to be a real fly in the ointment. 

Damn, but Carter was borderline rude to Quinn, "There's a very short list of people I talk to about my love life, and you're not on it". BURN! I don't think I have ever seen Carter be snarky to anyone, not even Maya after she ripped his heart out, and he was even kind to Zoey. And that exchange with Eric left no doubt that there is trouble between Mr. & Mrs. Forrester. Maybe Eric wasn't as ready to forgive as he thought? Maybe his patience and understanding have run there course, and no matter how much he loves his wife, he knows she is simply a bad seed? Whatever the reason, I couldn't be happier. And that is sad in a way, because I was all about Eric and Quinn in the beginning, but just like with all good pairings; Show had to ruin them. What I found strange is Eric almost acted jealous of Quinn talking to Carter, so is he suspect of his wife's loyalty? They certainly haven't shown us that. But I don't care because I am done with Quinn. And just look at her following Carter home. That was bold for sure. Yeah, there is going to be some action there, and I am not sure how I feel about it. I wanted Carter to hook up with Donna. 

I think it would be killer if Dead Vinny went and retrieved HopeQuinn out of storage and they tag teamed Liam. 


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What the hell was that with the Keystone Kop Charlie?  He sure has balls treating Liam the way he did. Is he on some kind of stupid power trip?  If I were Liam, I would have cold-cocked that silly mother-f’er into the Pacific. 

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I can’t take it anymore with Lurch lamenting that he can’t believe that someone ran him down and left him there at the side of the road. Lurch go fuck yourself. You left Emma at the bottom of the ravine.  At least Vinny was dead, Emma was still alive. 

Question:  wasn’t Lurch living in Vinny’s apartment and Vinny was living with his girlfriend?  Didn’t Vinny once say that it was further away from everything but he would deal with it?  Wouldn’t that make it more suspicious what Vinny was doing in Bel Air?  Why to this point is that ignored?  

Two very random things today. Zoey going to Eric’s and Charlie’s ramblings. Why is Zoey pleading her case to Eric and Ridge?  Since when is a badge needed to get into FC?  





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