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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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3 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I’m sincerely hoping that Douglas is going to drop a big dime on his threatening, hateful, abusive father to his grandpa and Brooke, Hope and Liam, Aunt Donna, Grandpa Eric and Grandma Quinn and everyone else in LALand. And did I really hear Ridge say to Brooke that Tom is getting therapy from HIS MOTHER?! That psycho nut job?! God help that tiny little boy with Tom for a dad and HT for a grandmother. Bless his little heart.

Even if Taylor wasn't a complete quack, no therapist worth their degree would take on a relative like this. Other than the time she took on Kristen's boyfriend Tony before she knew he was dating her, her clientele have been questional at best, beginning with moving onto a newly-widowed Ridge and getting worse from there.

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Didn’t they mention a while back that Taylor was in Africa doing charity work? Are they FaceTiming these “therapy” sessions despite the time difference? There’s just so much wrong with Taylor even remotely trying to help Thomas in a professional capacity, not the least of which is her own inability to practice just a few months ago. 

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Well, it is all going to be OK now, because Taylor is on the case. There is so much wrong with her "treating" her own son that I can't be bothered to parse it out. At least Brooke saw the insanity of it. 

I live in a 1800 sq. foot house, and I am not a millionaire, but I tell you, my humble little abode is locked down tight, with camera's, and camera door bells, and break sensors. And of course I have my two "vicious" PItties. Ain't no one coming into my home without it being known. These rich folks though. 

Of all the forms of abuse, I think emotional/mental is the worst. Physical abuse may be initially more painful, but bruises fade and bones heal. However, the damage done by the constant tearing down of emotional abuse builds up and lasts a lifetime. And poor Douglas is only five. 

Brooke really doesn't have any say in what happens to Douglas. All the same, I am glad he has someone in his corner who see's Thomas for what he really is. 

I bet you dollars to donuts that Ridge doesn't tell Brooke about Thomas's visit. But I bet Douglas will. 

I don't have any problem with Shauna fantasizing about the cheesesteak. It might lead her to do something untoward, like eat all the meat, but remove the onions and hots. Most importantly, it will eventually remove the support trusses from Bridge. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Of all the forms of abuse, I think emotional/mental is the worst. Physical abuse may be initially more painful, but bruises fade and bones heal.

The bruises fade and the bones heal (that is if your abuser doesn't kill you), but there still is the mental anguish involved that does not go away.  Mental/physical are a package deal, and IMO a lot worse.  In any event, poor little Douglas 😞 

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2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

In those "sexy" picture Shauna was mooning over, Sludge looked like a stuffed shirt (literally) and alternately, a thug. I'll take RM in his OTT scarves any day!

I'm enjoying the comic relief...which is sorely needed on Show at this point!...of Shauna's crush on Ridge.  Drooling over the "hottest" designer in Beverly Hills and then we get to see shots of...Sludge.  I couldn't stop laughing!

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IMO, Sally is the "hottest" designer in Beverly Hills.

I am loving the evil eye that Douglas gives to Thomas. That kid has a great future in horror movies!

Even more shallow note ... loved the blouses Brooke and Shauna were wearing yesterday. I don't mind KLL's hair a bit longer; the length right now is great. No longer, though, please. 

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25 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Douglas is a smart little boy and very resilient. Maybe he'll figure out a way to swipe someone's phone and record Thomas ranting at him and trying to undermine his self-esteem. Ugh, it almost makes me sick to watch when Thomas does that.

I really hope that you are right. I cannot stand to watch Thomas abusing Douglas. Now Thomas is using Douglas as a weapon to worm his back into Hope's life and the company. Ugh. I don't mind if Thomas is horrible, but Douglas being victimized is just wrong.

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The show really has gone all in on Thomas being irredeemable. Apparently that blip of his snotting over Douglas when his son told him he was good and his epiphany in trying to say he was sorry to Hope was just that- a blip. He's literally come back full force nuts again, terrorizing and emotionally abusing Douglas, manipulating his father, and getting in Brooke's face like you wouldn't believe. (Maybe poor MA was called into BB's office in the week he had off from Thomas's bedside chat with Ridge and this week and was given his notice?) I really would've loved to see how Ridge and Bill would've reacted to that little show of his.

All that said, damn MA brought the fierce crazy in that scene with KKL. The slow registering of Brooke's slap and turn back to face her and literally straightening to use his height to full advantage to try to cower her? Character vileness aside, those were some damn great scenes and work from both actors. Brooke was done with Thomas but he's showing a darkness and rage that I don't think even she suspected.  I was wondering if they'd actually have him hit her back. I mean he was handsy with his own son and Douglas even reacted to him at various times as if expecting Thomas to hit him.

Also listening to his words, it seems more like stuff he's heard his mother or later grandmother rant on about Brooke and it's interesting that he's pivoting from his obsessive love of Hope to an intense hatred of Brooke.

Thomas's train isn't headed to redemption but straight to hell and he's gonna try to take a whole lot of people with him. I'm impressed B&B is going all in on Thomas being this bad.  If Thomas ends up dead, my money is that it'll be a fresh out of prison Deacon coming to check on Hope and his granddaughter Beth that does it with him pulling a Taylor and slipping out of town with no one realizing it OR Brooke knows he did it but because it was to save her (and maybe Douglas or Hope) and because it would send Deacon back to prison for good she keeps her mouth shut.

Thomas may have not died in that fall off the cliff, but Ridge has still lost his son.

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Shut up, Tommy Choo-Choo. You were on an evil trajectory long before you found out about Beth. The "everybody was doing it" excuse won't work for you.

Ruh roh. Thomas' drug dealer buddy is about to give him some blackmail material from that loose-lipped yenta Danny.

You want your life back? Tom, Hope wanted her baby back! AFAIC, you can suffer for at least as long as she did. FOH.

Er, Ridge, maybe you shouldn't be low-key badmouthing your wife to that walking, talking bundle of thirst. Shauna was seconds away from dropping her thong right there in the office.

Thomas. Needs. Killin'. 💀


If Thomas beats and rapes Brooke

If this happens I am done with this show. No daytime soap needs to be using rape as entertainment anymore, IMO. Plus, knowing Bradley, he'd write it so that there'd be a question of whether or not Brooke wanted to be assaulted by Thomas. 😒

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Thomas needs to die in a fire, the slowest most painful fire imaginable.

How the FUCK did kidnapping and human trafficking get turned into the age OLD tale of the Logans vs the Forresters?  Except in this case there are no FORRESTERS involved.  These are all Marones.

Tommy Choo-Choo psycho mother's surgically enhanced hand is all over his rant today.  Taylor, the killer and attempted murderer is just the kind of trash who would refuse to take responsibility for her own actions and blame it all on Brooke and THE LOGANS.  Isn't that how Beth got stolen and SOLD LIKE FURNITURE in the first place?  Because of Taylor's insane, pathetic obsession with THE LOGANS.

This last episode made my stomach turn.  A child is bullied and abused by his father.  A couple of grifters babble like idiots and then Mama Grifter sleazes her way into Ridge's office.  The sleaze factor in the scenes between Ridge and Shauna is off the Richter scale.  No two people deserve each other  more.

There may be people who think child abuse and a hulking killer terrorizing a woman are entertaining but I'm not one of them.  I don't know why Brooke didn't 1) call the police and 2) find the heaviest blunt object she could get her hands on and go upside Thomas' square shaped head. 

I'm not liking this at all.  How dare that piece of shit call Brooke a 'slut'?  Has he forgotten who his MOTHER is?  Who his SISTER is?  Taylor and Hauxdilox both have made Brooke look like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm on her 'sluttiest' day.

When will the abuse of women and children STOP being entertainment?  And when will Bell Jr. re-watch some of the past episodes of his own fucking show.  He'll see that Ridge was a GOOD father and that Brooke NEVER stole Ridge away from his Killer Mommy.  In fact, Brooke helped raise Tommy Choo-Choo and Haudilox.

I'm sick of this fuckery.  

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How dare Ridge betray his wife by talking about her with that grifter?  Brooke is sheltering and protecting his grandson in HER HOUSE.

Am I the only one who remembers that Tommy Choo-Choo ADMITTED to standing by and watching Emma die?  Ridge knows this and he's STILL trying to force Brooke to let that killer in her home?

Putting Brooke and Ridge back together was a huge mistake.  Ridge Forrester died the day that Ronnnnnnnnn Moss left the show.  Eric FORRESTER was right.  This guy is Ridge MARONE.  He's as brutal and as sleazy as his REAL father. 

If Thomas wants to make this about the Logans vs the Forresters then Brooke needs to get her crew together.  Exactly how is Forrester Creations supposed to exist without the woman who has been a mainstay in that place for YEARS?  And Tommy Choo-Choo needs to remember that the Logans have Bill Spencer in their corner.  Bill might find himself forgiving Flo but that doesn't mean that Choo-Choo is off the hook.  And if Bill forgives Tommy Boy, Justin won't.  Justin tossed Ridge in the ocean.  Dealing with his punk ass son won't be a problem at all.

Why is Bikini Bar Brother associating with a drug dealer?  What kind of people are populating the world of B&B?  And what kind of bartender puts a regular customer's business out on the street like that?  Of course, Choo-Choo is going to use the info that his pal gives him to blackmail his sleazy old dad.  There are only a couple of Logans at Forrester.  Is the rest of the company going to welcome a psychopath like Choo-Choo back with open arms?

And WHAT ABOUT HAUXDILOX?  Ridge is risking alienating his daughter-wife forever.  He's already let Flo off the hook for Choo-Choo's sake.  Is he expecting his daughter to share an office with her beloved brother?

What kind of fuckery is this?  I'm so mad right now.  Child abuse, violence against women, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, drug dealing.  Isn't this show supposed to be about FASHION?


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Thomas has an overinflated view of himself, and he needs to be shot down.  I despise how these writers continue to allow a storyline that mentally abuses a child.

On the other side, Denise Richards really needs to go and get the surgery to combat what’s called “resting bitch face”.  I never knew such a thing existed until I read it in the NY Post. Richards previous bad plastic surgeries has left her with a not so nice looking downturned mouth, which makes her looked pissed off all the time. 

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Lurch, the real reason Flo is not in jail was to keep you out of jail. 

I thought that bartenders tell no tails. They are confidants and have bartender/patron confidentiality.  Now Lurch will have leverage via his friend.  Lurch reminds me of too many bastards I have worked with. 

Lurch, Brooke doesn’t take to threats too well. Especially when Brooke gives you that squint, you better start shitting in your pants.  Speaking of shit, if Brooke tells Ridge, he won’t give one.  Once the Bill/Katie issues are resolved, I’m sure Bill will kick Lurch’s ass.

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Perhaps when Choo choo attempts to blackmail his father, Ridge will realize what a despicable piece of shit his son is. Just kidding. Thomas could push him off a cliff, claim Brooke made him do it, and Ridge would be all “well, maybe...” from his hospital bed. 

I guess Bell is too edgy for the more traditional storytelling paradigms. The important and interesting fallout from this godawful baby switch is not Liam and Hope getting to be happy, Steffy dealing with the loss of Beth and her anger at Thomas, Justin realizing someone killed his niece, or Wyatt realizing what a moron and piss poor judge of character he is. That shit’s too easy for an artiste like Bell. Thankfully he’s focused on the real heart of the Beth saga: What’s the fastest way to redeem poor Flo and get her back in Wyatt’s bed and the Logan family’s good graces? How clever to use Katie to clean up Flo’s sins, because that should neutralize Bill, who logically should be on the fucking warpath. Bravo, Brad Bell, bravo.

But wait! Who wants to be bored to death watching Hope and Liam reunite or Douglas being protected and loved by his family? Bell knows best and challenges us with scenes of Thomas abusing his young son and terrorizing Brooke in misogynistic fashion. If the challenge is to turn the show off in disgust, well, consider it accepted! 

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On 9/27/2019 at 6:52 PM, mightysparrow said:

How dare Ridge betray his wife by talking about her with that grifter?  Brooke is sheltering and protecting his grandson in HER HOUSE.

Am I the only one who remembers that Tommy Choo-Choo ADMITTED to standing by and watching Emma die?  Ridge knows this and he's STILL trying to force Brooke to let that killer in her home?

Putting Brooke and Ridge back together was a huge mistake.  Ridge Forrester died the day that Ronnnnnnnnn Moss left the show.  Eric FORRESTER was right.  This guy is Ridge MARONE.  He's as brutal and as sleazy as his REAL father. 

If Thomas wants to make this about the Logans vs the Forresters then Brooke needs to get her crew together.  Exactly how is Forrester Creations supposed to exist without the woman who has been a mainstay in that place for YEARS?  And Tommy Choo-Choo needs to remember that the Logans have Bill Spencer in their corner.  Bill might find himself forgiving Flo but that doesn't mean that Choo-Choo is off the hook.  And if Bill forgives Tommy Boy, Justin won't.  Justin tossed Ridge in the ocean.  Dealing with his punk ass son won't be a problem at all.

Why is Bikini Bar Brother associating with a drug dealer?  What kind of people are populating the world of B&B?  And what kind of bartender puts a regular customer's business out on the street like that?  Of course, Choo-Choo is going to use the info that his pal gives him to blackmail his sleazy old dad.  There are only a couple of Logans at Forrester.  Is the rest of the company going to welcome a psychopath like Choo-Choo back with open arms?

And WHAT ABOUT HAUXDILOX?  Ridge is risking alienating his daughter-wife forever.  He's already let Flo off the hook for Choo-Choo's sake.  Is he expecting his daughter to share an office with her beloved brother?

What kind of fuckery is this?  I'm so mad right now.  Child abuse, violence against women, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, drug dealing.  Isn't this show supposed to be about FASHION?


Everything about this post. 

Might I add Brooke invented BeLief and Brooke’s Bedroom which twice financially saved FC. What has Thomas done? 

It’s absurd a bartender or shift manager would put a customer’s mistakes out there especially to a low life? In what world. 

And insane Ridge is white knighting for Thomas the criminal piece of shit vs his own daughter, wife, and grandchild. 

And the child abuse as entertainment that’s been going on for months. Who asked for this?!?! It’s low key triggering people and especially worse since the actor playing Douglas is so young and so capable. I sure as hell don’t want to watch that shit. Tons of people were clamoring for Thomas to get his comeuppance and what does Bell do? Not only let him skate but continue to abuse his little boy and women.  So we have the choice of this disgusting shit and the snoresville Katie is “dying” story and Wyatt the wannabe polygamist dilemma. 

YES can we get back to fashion which this show is about? 

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I understand wanting to help or protect your child, but there is a point when you cross over into enabling your child to be a sociopath criminal, and Ridge crossed it a while back.

I will also say I am disappointed with what the writers have done with Hope because they make it seem like Hope needs Brooke and Liam to fight her battles for her.  Hope got one scene of getting to tell off Flo, and Thomas off when he was unconscious, and that's it.

Again, the fall out from this SL has been so lame.  What's really annoying is there was no real follow up to Liam telling Flo she didn't just watch him and Hope grieve, and their marriage fall apart, she watched their lives fall apart, and did nothing.  After that, crickets.

Bridget was a nice person, but she was allowed to get angry and defend herself.  I enjoyed the hell out of everything Bridget said to Brooke, but what was even better was Bridget throwing Deacon out and burning his stuff.  I doubt any woman on the show would be allowed to do something like that now.

Edited by TigerLynx
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8 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

And insane Ridge is white knighting for Thomas the criminal piece of shit vs his own daughter, wife, and grandchild. 

Especially against Steffy.

He's long been willing to throw Brooke under the bus and there isn't a male relative Ridge doesn't hate (which will be the case once Douglas grows up), but  Steffy I thought he'd be supporting.

Shit, I almost wish Ridge had done what we all expected him to do and fight to keep Beith with Steffy.

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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

I will also say I am disappointed with what the writers have done with Hope because they make it seem like Hope needs Brooke and Liam to fight her battles for her.  Hope got one scene of getting to tell off Flo, and Thomas off when he was unconscious, and that's it.

Honestly, I'm even more disappointed in how Steffy has been even more of a non-entity in all this. Sure, she's a slag and her reason to adopt was suspect at best, but damn. I think back to the Amber/Becky switch 20 years ago and Becky for a character no one gave two shits about got to drive that story  more that either of the legacy daughters got to for this.

I dunno if JMW has cut back on work after giving birth, but considering she was motivated enough to tape some scenes that would air during her hiatus on Show and worked days until her due date it doesn't seem like that would be the case.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Especially against Steffy.

He's long been willing to throw Brooke under the bus and there isn't a male relative Ridge doesn't hate (which will be the case once Douglas grows up), but  Steffy I thought he'd be supporting.

Shit, I almost wish Ridge had done what we all expected him to do and fight to keep Beith with Steffy.

That would at least be consistent with what Bell and the writers have been trying to sell for the last couple of years, which is Steffy seems to be the only child Ridge cares about, maybe poor dead Phoebe to, but Phoebe is rarely mentioned.

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Damn, why couldn't Sludge have seen Thom-ass go BSC on Brooke instead of flirting with Shauna at FC.  Sludge needs to see how out of control and dangerous his pwecious son who made a mistake really is.  The venom Thom-ass was spewinng at Brooke was pure Cray Tay. I guess we know what kind of "help" he's getting from her

Sludge can protest all he wants that he's still mad at Shauna, but his actions speak so much louder than words.  He's smiling, flirting, talking to her.  He didn't throw her out of the office.  He tells her he hasn't forgiven her and Flo, then he confides in her about his marital troubles.  He looks all "aw shucks' when Shauna calls him cute.  She offers to be his confidant, and he doesn't say "oh hell no."  

Danny is wrong about Drunk Sludge night this time ... but it won't be long before Sludge and Shauna hit the sheets sober.  And just like with Quinn Sludge will lie to Brooke and carry on behind her back. Thom-ass won't have to break up Bridge -- Sludge will do it himself.

Adding --Oh yeah I caught how Thom-ass referred to himself as Brooke's son-in-law, and her daughter's husband.  I think he intends refuse to sign the annulment papers.

Adding again -- I think it's now Tommy Cuckoo, not Tommy Choo-Choo.

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11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I dunno if JMW has cut back on work after giving birth, but considering she was motivated enough to tape some scenes that would air during her hiatus on Show and worked days until her due date it doesn't seem like that would be the case.

OTOH, that's more than likely precisely why she taped 'extra' scenes and worked until her due date...so that she could comfortably enjoy her maternity leave without worrying about her job.

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On 9/27/2019 at 7:27 PM, mightysparrow said:

When will the abuse of women and children STOP being entertainment?  And when will Bell Jr. re-watch some of the past episodes of his own fucking show.  He'll see that Ridge was a GOOD father and that Brooke NEVER stole Ridge away from his Killer Mommy.  In fact, Brooke helped raise Tommy Choo-Choo and Haudilox.

Would that really matter to Taylor? Facts don't matter to irrational people.  If Taylor has fed this Evil Logans narrative to Taylor and Steffy, that's the narrative they're going to rely on to get their way. Thomas doesn't care that Brooke "took" Ridge from Taylor...but he's been fed a diet of "Brooke/Logans take from us" so here you have Brooke denying him Hope and attempting to deny him Douglas ...Mommy's narrative was right, Brooke is taking away the people we love.

This show needs a good villain.  It's something the show hasn't really had since Stephanie died.  We also know that if Thomas is mentally ill, he gets it honestly from his dad's side of the family (Gramma Stephanie, Great Aunt Pam, Aly) and his mom's side of the family (Mommy Taylor).  Not that evildoing and bad behavior = mental illness, of course.

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On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 9:54 AM, CharlizeCat said:

In those "sexy" picture Shauna was mooning over, Sludge looked like a stuffed shirt (literally) and alternately

i misread this as he looked like stuffed shit...  :p

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I think part of my major issue with Ridge defending Thomas at all costs, is that we've never really been shown that Ridge is totally loyal to Thomas. Granted, I've only been a consistent viewer since 2011, so I'm speaking from the last 8 years. Thomas raped Caroline, & Ridge hated him, rightfully so. Then, Ridge kept Thomas from Douglas, knowing that Douglas was his kid, because Thomas had raped Ridge's wife, then been super creepy around her, among other things, & couldn't be trusted. The only reason that Thomas knows about Douglas being his is because Caroline felt guilty, & had what I feel was a form of Stockholm Syndrome. That should've been explored more, but whatever.

Fast-forward a few years, when Thomas stood by & watched a girl die, married his step-sister, knowing that her baby was alive & well without telling her, stood by & let his sister fall more in love with her adopted-daughter every day, knowing that it wasn't going to end well for her, & has repeatedly been verbally abusive to his amazing son. Now, after all of that, Ridge is defending his son, & willing to make huge sacrifices for him. It's totally inconsistent with their relationship that we've been shown so far. Ridge has always favored Steffy, so if he was this steadfast in defending her if the roles were reversed, I wouldn't think anything about it. 

Having said that, the scene of Thomas & Brooke was super good on both of the actors' parts. It was very intense, in a way that I don't often see anymore in daytime. I wish Justin/$Bill would drug Thomas, & when he wakes up, they've tattooed "KILLER" across his forehead, like Y&R back in the golden days of soap. 

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Inconsistency if par for the course on B&B for all the characters and SLs.  It's not just that Bell and the writers expect the fans to forget what happened 10 or 20 years ago, they expect the viewers to forget what happened last week.  If the current narrative contradicts previous SLs, they don't care, and they don't want to hear about it if the fans do care.

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On 9/27/2019 at 6:41 PM, KLovestoShop said:

On the other side, Denise Richards really needs to go and get the surgery to combat what’s called “resting bitch face”.  I never knew such a thing existed until I read it in the NY Post. Richards previous bad plastic surgeries has left her with a not so nice looking downturned mouth, which makes her looked pissed off all the time. 

She's actually always had that mouth.  She seems to have had plenty of surgery, but that mouth has remained consistent.  


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I could get on board with Thomas and Steffy hating Brooke if the writers would stick to what actually happened.  Brooke did chase after Ridge the entire time he was married to Taylor, and Ridge turned her down.  Even when Ridge believed Bridget was his daughter, and Brooke tried to use her FC shares to get Ridge away from Taylor, Ridge turned Brooke down.  If that was the reason, Thomas and Steffy hated Brooke, I would be fine with it.  However, that's not the narrative Bell keeps trying to sale.  Ridge never left Taylor for Brooke.  Taylor died.

I wish Ridge had had sex with Shana because once again this is going to be a SL where it is supposedly someone else's fault Ridge and Brooke breakup when in reality the problem with Ridge and Brooke's relationship has always been Ridge and Brooke.

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Why does Thomas's friend Vinnie have 1995 hair? LOL. He looks like he should be in a 1990's New York indie movie playing a stereotypical Italian boy from like Staten Island.

Wyatt seems to have disappeared from this show entirely. I remember whenever I'd tune in and it was constantly the Hope/Liam/Wyatt/Steffy quadrangle. I guess they decided on making Thomas the big bad instead of yet another iteration of it? I'm glad that Thomas can't even manipulate his 6-year old son.

Edited by methodwriter85
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6 hours ago, nkotb said:

I think part of my major issue with Ridge defending Thomas at all costs, is that we've never really been shown that Ridge is totally loyal to Thomas. Granted, I've only been a consistent viewer since 2011, so I'm speaking from the last 8 years. Thomas raped Caroline, & Ridge hated him, rightfully so. Then, Ridge kept Thomas from Douglas, knowing that Douglas was his kid, because Thomas had raped Ridge's wife, then been super creepy around her, among other things, & couldn't be trusted. The only reason that Thomas knows about Douglas being his is because Caroline felt guilty, & had what I feel was a form of Stockholm Syndrome. That should've been explored more, but whatever.

Fast-forward a few years, when Thomas stood by & watched a girl die, married his step-sister, knowing that her baby was alive & well without telling her, stood by & let his sister fall more in love with her adopted-daughter every day, knowing that it wasn't going to end well for her, & has repeatedly been verbally abusive to his amazing son. Now, after all of that, Ridge is defending his son, & willing to make huge sacrifices for him. It's totally inconsistent with their relationship that we've been shown so far. Ridge has always favored Steffy, so if he was this steadfast in defending her if the roles were reversed, I wouldn't think anything about it. 

Having said that, the scene of Thomas & Brooke was super good on both of the actors' parts. It was very intense, in a way that I don't often see anymore in daytime. I wish Justin/$Bill would drug Thomas, & when he wakes up, they've tattooed "KILLER" across his forehead, like Y&R back in the golden days of soap. 

A very plausible explanation could be that Ridge feels a great deal of guilt because of their strained relationship and blaming himself for Thomas becoming such an awful person in part due to his childhood and Ridge's continued (and obvious) favoritism towards Steffy; but now it seems that his reasons are completely plot-driven.

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Once again do we have to remind Lurch he’s not a blood Forester?  Do we have to remind that it’s Brooke’s house and she doesn’t have to drag her ass anywhere?  Do we have to remind Lurch that Bill will have Brooke’s back?  

Does the bartender realize that Lurch actually dissed him with his privileged rant? 

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In my fondest dream, Liam finds Tom lambasting/attacking  Brooke while Hope tries to intervene/gets whacked in the head and Liam grabs a candlestick to break open Tom’s empty skull while Ridge walks into Brooke’s house. Win, win, win. I hate this whole story line especially since that precious child is being so abused by his dad!!

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Thomas does the same squinty-eyed thing Brooke does. Maybe they could have a squint-off, lol. 😑

Shauna is a total loon. I just don't get how she inserts herself into Ridge and Brooke's marriage. And I still don't get Ridge badmouthing Brooke to her.

Douglas apparently has had good home training. He called that Britton guy "Mr. Taylor" instead of by his first name like Will does to Justin. Hmm, maybe Douglas and overly precocious Will could have some playdates. They're cousins, right? 🙄

Gossipy Danny is really stirring up shite that is none of his business. You are throwing in with the wrong side, Dan. If things go sour you better stay off Mulholland late at night.

"Logan bimbos." Wonder where Tommy got that from? O hai, Taylor. 😐


I think it's now Tommy Cuckoo, not Tommy Choo-Choo.

¿Por qué no los dos? 😉

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4 hours ago, drtslim said:

A very plausible explanation could be that Ridge feels a great deal of guilt because of their strained relationship and blaming himself for Thomas becoming such an awful person in part due to his childhood and Ridge's continued (and obvious) favoritism towards Steffy; but now it seems that his reasons are completely plot-driven.

Except Ridge's favoritism towards Steffy is also a rewrite.  Ridge loved Thomas, Steffy, and Phoebe.  Ridge was okay with Thomas blowing up Rick's car because Ridge blamed Rick for Phoebe's death.  Ridge and Thomas not liking each other, Ridge supposedly not being their for Thomas when he was growing up, and Ridge leaving Taylor and his children for Brooke are all retcons.  They never happened.

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3 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

Wyatt seems to have disappeared from this show entirely.

Good riddance, if that were the case. His proposal to Sally means a quickie wedding can't be too far behind and he'll be back to pulling a Liam between a con artist baby napper and the only woman under 30 that Liam didn't fuck first. Yaaaaaawn.

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Bikini Bar blabber mouth Danny is a true weirdo. I’m a server and seen my share of customers (some higher profile) embarrass themselves and literally didn’t give a fck. All we care about is our tips, sidework, and are running around like chickens when at the restaurant. He’s out here behaving like the Town Crier. Also he’s talking about Ridge being drunk beyond comprehension or walking like it’s scandalous when HE was the one who overserved him which is extremely illegal and blasting how it’s sketchy Ridge went to a strange apartment with a random woman in that state, uh dude you let him in there and allowed her up there alone w him. She could have robbed or molested him. 

Shauna also is outlandish with her thirst. Showing up at his workplace uninvited, saying she’d never forget that night, and she’d do anything for him 😉, and a lifetime of nights with him. 

Douglas needs to speak his truth that his dad has literally threatened to abandon him more than once (a young child who just lost his mother to an untimely death mind you!) and been screaming in his face and waving his arms and fists. I think Douglas young mind can’t comprehend or face the reality of how terrible his father’s been so simply says “he’s mad at me”. Maybe he sees it as a betrayal especially since Thomas also rants his not a loyal or appreciative son. Sick shit.

I correct my earlier post how random Bikini would have that dinky studio apartment vacant above. Never heard of this shit and don’t think it’s common but a friend who worked at a bistro had a one room with a futon and full bath in the back for the owner who was an alcoholic to shower and change in when he’d spend binges inside all night. It came up in convo because the last high end restaurant I worked at had an tiny employee bathroom off the kitchen (customers don’t wanna see their servers or cooks in the bathroom) and my current one has one behind the dishwasher room that is really sketchy that I never knew about until a waiter was peeing and was busted in by another macho douche waiter, then they started screaming at each other because he thought it was intentional. So she told me how nice that one was. 

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12 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Ridge was okay with Thomas blowing up Rick's car because Ridge blamed Rick for Phoebe's death. 

I wouldn't go that far to say he was okay per se, so much as there were extenuating circumstances...that time. I'll be quite honest, I wasore pissed at the time that Thomas blew up a classic Mustang in the process, because Rick was borderline and revenge-driven too.

Yet even in that instance, Ridge still got him a therapist, for all the good it's done.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Good riddance, if that were the case. His proposal to Sally means a quickie wedding can't be too far behind and he'll be back to pulling a Liam between a con artist baby napper and the only woman under 30 that Liam didn't fuck first. Yaaaaaawn.

I'm not consistent viewer at all but I feel like this show was for a time 90 percent Hope/Liam/Steffy/Wyatt/Wyatt's mom scheming in her baby boy's lovelife, and 10 percent "Maya the Transgender Wonder." Played by a non-trans actor, and a pretty obvious retcon because Maya came to town with a daughter she lost custody of. Also seemed like a really cynical way to add LGBT representation without adding in gay men, which for a show revolving around the fashion industry seems absolutely ludicrous.

Lurch? Oh, that's mean. (But not that far off.)


And did I really hear Ridge say to Brooke that Tom is getting therapy from HIS MOTHER?! That psycho nut job?! God help that tiny little boy with Tom for a dad and HT for a grandmother. Bless his little heart.

He should be okay. Hopefully they decide to send him off to boarding school, and in 3 years he'll be a 16-year old military cadet with a straight head on his shoulders.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Who does BB believe is tuning into his show? Historically, Soaps have been good with intrigue and family drama, because they pull on the history of the show, and the history of the characters. They inflame you, and make you cuss, and maybe throw things at the tv, but it is all in good fun. None of that applies here. This feels like a bad Lifetime Movie, except with those, you can expect some sort of satisfying ending. 

First we have the dreadful Beth napping and selling. Then months of watching Hope's anguish, while the perpetrators enjoy happy, fulfilling lives. The master plan went further right of field when Thomas entered the fray and started dictating the ground rules, and ultimately killing Emma. When the bottom falls out, do the fans get anything? Nope. Two interns, one only peripherally involved, lost there jobs. One of the two main conspirators has been yelled at and slapped, and spent a few days in jail before being given immunity. Her mom, another one in on the secret, is sashaying all over Bell LA like the Queen of the Ball. She has endured a few verbal smackdowns, but has still found a way into Ridge Forrester's pants. In all honesty, I think Shauna has already endured the worst possible punishment by sharing a bed with that greasy cheesesteak. The main perp has not been mentioned in any legal capacity for weeks. The last we heard, he had been apprehended. The one who started this cluster fuck has jumped ship as well, and is apparently out there "treating" poor, unaware sick people. 

And then you have Thomas; a mean streaked, nasty assed Chameleon. So, I have to say that this guy playing Thomas has found his stride, and is really doing a bang up job at making me detest the character. The last character I felt this strongly about was Sheila, during her golden years; just so good at playing the villain. Although Thomas can't be held accountable for the baby scam, there is much he is accountable for regarding Emma's death. I don't agree with the concept that if he didn't actually hit her car he is innocent. Thomas had just verbally threatened, and had an altercation with Emma. She was disgusted and scared. She was running from Thomas when she got in her car. He chased her and menaced her with his car. She lost control and ran off the road and Thomas stood on that cliff and watched her die. I think that is leaving the scene? And just because, how about reckless driving? Isn't there laws about not seeking help? For me though, it isn't so much about the legal laws broken, as it is about the laws of human decency and right and wrong. Thomas has now graduated, and now has his Master's in Dark Demented Delusional Detachment. He has certainly checked off all the major requirements:

  1. Manipulation
  2. Lying
  3. Rape
  4. Blackmail
  5. Murder
  6. Child Abuse
  7. Domestic Abuse
  8. Being a soulless, black hearted bastard

Anyone who reads my posts knows I am a die hard Brooke fan/supporter. Even so, I don't care what female was in those scenes with Thomas. That shit was scary, and it was wrong. This is why you don't hand over a crazy ass son, to be treated by his equally crazy assed mother. Taylor will use any situation to bring in her hatred of all things Logan. Even in this instance, when they where the victims, she will manage to somehow shift the focus, and make it about what Brooke has done. 

And who is going to pay the ultimate price? An innocent five year old boy who did the right thing. I know it was just acting, but that mind fucking Thomas gave Douglas had my insides churning. That little boy does such a good job of displaying his confusion, and it is so endearing how he keeps to the facts that lying is wrong, and that now everyone is happy. Well, everyone except his horrible, menacing dad. And when he cut his play date short because his tummy hurt? Oh man. I was undone. He doesn't understand the difference of a tummy ache and a heartache. 

Only Pussy Assed Bitch's would hurt a child or an animal. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Historically, Soaps have been good with intrigue and family drama, because they pull on the history of the show, and the history of the characters. They inflame you, and make you cuss, and maybe throw things at the tv, but it is all in good fun. None of that applies here.

I think that's part of why I never purposely tuned out of Show for any real length of time, minus my deployments, no mattered how much Nick was ruined or how often Brooke picked inappropriate men to date or even when the ToD ate up the show. It was at worst repetitive and uninspired but ultimately they were all adults who could walk away from being shitty or putting up with shit.

What's being done to Douglas is awful. He's a child who had the conviction to do the right thing for no other reason than because it was right and he's the only one of the seven people who knew getting punished. He can't walk away from ThomAss. He doesn't even know or understand  why his father has turned towards hating him for something that's made everyone else happy.

I don't expect B&B to be good brain food, but it had the niche of being the most escapist fun of the daytime lineup. What's happened to that? We haven't had a fashion show since well before Maya left the show.

9 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

I'm not consistent viewer at all but I feel like this show was for a time 90 percent Hope/Liam/Steffy/Wyatt/Wyatt's mom scheming in her baby boy's lovelife, and 10 percent "Maya the Transgender Wonder." Played by a non-trans actor, and a pretty obvious retcon because Maya came to town with a daughter she lost custody of. Also seemed like a really cynical way to add LGBT representation without adding in gay men, which for a show revolving around the fashion industry seems absolutely ludicrous.

90 percent would be a conservative estimate, to be frank.

As for Maya, well...yeah. It definitely smacks of cheap pandering when she and Rick all but stopped getting story and became the only happy couple in the show after she came out and she got no story beyond being Rick's mouthpiece. Even for all the godawful tropes that ATWT employed with Luke and Noah with predatory gay men, beard green card weddings and no-bullshit  Bury Your Gays when Luke's other boyfriend was offed to save Katie Peretti's newest future ex-husband...their story was still about them.

But women, whether trans or cis, gay or straight, aren't ever allowed their own agency.

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Welcome back, Bill.  You were missed, and damn you look good.  All men should have to age as fine as DD has.

Ridge, Shana, Liam, and Brooke, you weren't missed at all, and I've seen this SL before.  It was done so much better in the past.

I can see where this is going to.  Brooke will dump Ridge and fuck Bill.  Ridge will hook up with Shana.  Ridge and Brooke will reunite, and blame Thomas.  However, then all those phone calls Thomas was having with Taylor will come into play, and it will be Taylor's fault.

At least when Stephanie was scheming, she was on screen.  She rarely paid for anything.  Yeah, Eric would dump her, but he did that every other week anyway so no great loss there, but she was on the show.

Why doesn't Bell just acknowledge reality?  There is always another woman in Ridge's life because he wants it that way, and Brooke is stupid enough to put up with it.

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