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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I never understand why a show insists on close ups of someone crying when they do not manufacture tears. It takes me completely out of the scene. The first time we see Maya driving we hear "boohoohoo!" and KM's attempt at an angsty face but no tears. The next close up shows some liquid splashed around her eyes. I am not convinced,

It wasn't as bad as Summer on Y&R with her tearless wailing and jumping up and down but it was pretty close.

As Maya was getting ready to leave, Prof. Catalogrrr (pretending to be Rick!) said, "don't leave! We only brought one car!" I reminded him that they came in separate cars so he amended it to "don't leave! I'll be eaten by wolves!" After the crash, Prof. Catalogrrr matter-of-factly said, "he'll surely be eaten by wolves now!"

  • Love 10

 I couldn't resist:




I only have two questions regarding Rick's accident:


  1. Does this mean the return of Dr. Holden?
  2. How will Brooke and Eric spin it in order to put the blame on Ridge?
  • Love 7


After the ending of today's episode I hope Rick has amnesia and we can repeat this entire storyline again.

Hahahahaha! I only wish that it had been raining. That would have made everything so much more meaningful. But I do have to wonder if Rick has one of those airbags that's being recalled. Considering how timely the show has been.



It was not clear to me whether Rick was upset that the world knew, or at how R/M were being mocked and ridiculed.

It seemed to me that Rick was only concerned with how it affected Rick.




  1. Does this mean the return of Dr. Holden?

If so, then it was all worth it. 

  • Love 7

Not again. Let me guess. Rick will be in dire circumstances with the family clustered around his hospital bed begging him to pull through and vowing to make things right. Eric will make an impassioned promise to never revoke the CEO-ship and Rick's eyelids will quiver with comprehension before he miraculously wakes up.


Maybe ... but the Forrester's will join forces to protect Forrester Creations from the Spencer Publications gossip machine onslaught, and that includes standing up to support Rick and Maya -- In for a penny, in for a pound as they say. If the Forrester's don't support the "saddest sacks of Sacagawea," everyone can assume that FC is just as scandalized and biased as the lowest common denominator "housewives" $Bill churns out his supermarket rags for.


Katie will start laying into Bill about how all of this is HIS fault, Rick was almost killed, Bill has no morals, ethics, yadda, yadda, yadda.


If Katie was ever serious about stopping $Bill, she should have taken possession of the papers $Bill signed handing over the control Spencer Publications to herself and Karen, instead of pretending she could trust Brooke to not follow her lady parts to ride the Stallion. Katie is well aware of $Bill's long-standing revenge fantasy against the Forrester's, and knows when there is the opportunity to do damage to FC and the Forrester's, $Bill will go with the demons of his worst nature.


There is no moral ambiguity with $Bill. There's $Bill's way. Period.



Was this whole SL just a cleverly spun PSA for GLAAD?


I think BB painted himself in a corner because he has no in-house talent to create a fulfilling SL without repeating the same tired scenarios, or cheaping out emotionally and production-wise. There is also the problem of offending culture warriors from both sides of the transgender issue, so he went with the soft-sell. He still brings up the ratings and ad revenue, and Bn'B is still being talked about no matter how mediocre this is being played out on screen. BB wins, albeit in a third-rate manner with viewers.


Waldo13 quote

Rick's first thought is to blame Ridge for leaking the story but than he was set straight by Eric.


I can understand why ... Carter's first loyalty is to Ridge, not Forrester Creation's. It was natural for Rick to assume once Carter found out about Myron he would go directly to Ridge. For the last decade it has been a constant that there is no love lost between Rick and Ridge, and that their jealousy and animosity is mutual.


 I couldn't resist:




I only have two questions regarding Rick's accident:


  1. Does this mean the return of Dr. Holden?
  2. How will Brooke and Eric spin it in order to put the blame on Ridge?




1. Works for me.

2. I think Brooke and Eric have their targets: $Bill, and to a lesser extent, Nicole. Ridge becomes a target if he turns this situation into a power play, like $Bill.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 5

I know that it won't happen, but I am so hoping that Rick is not found for a couple of days and Maya drives unseen and unheard from for at least a week. These two self-absorbed, emotional vampires are just exhausting. I need a break from both of them.

I'd like Nick to disappear too. He really has no lines; all he has done is make a series of obvious statements and generalizations. Nick really isn't a character, he's a walking billboard.

As an aside to this, was there any other name they could have given him? We already had a Nick that was a major player for the better part of nine years as well as a on-canvas Nicole who also shares a name with Nick and Bridget's stillborn daughter. This is driving me nuts.

  • Love 1

I thought it was odd too, for a moment I thought maybe it was the actor's real name, like Othello, but it turns out it isn't the actor's real name at all.  I don't have a problem with it, Nick is a fairly common name, Jack Wagner hasn't been on in years.  Not only has the late little Nicole not been on in years, understandably, her parents haven't been on in years, so that's okay with me too.

As Maya was getting ready to leave, Prof. Catalogrrr (pretending to be Rick!) said, "don't leave! We only brought one car!" I reminded him that they came in separate cars so he amended it to "don't leave! I'll be eaten by wolves!" After the crash, Prof. Catalogrrr matter-of-factly said, "he'll surely be eaten by wolves now!"
I was wondering about the cars too.  But I knew as soon as we were told they were arriving in separate cars that it was going to end in some kind of car crash.  Except that I thought Maya was going to be the one that would crash.


I thought it was odd too, for a moment I thought maybe it was the actor's real name, like Othello, but it turns out it isn't the actor's real name at all.  I don't have a problem with it, Nick is a fairly common name, Jack Wagner hasn't been on in years.  Not only has the late little Nicole not been on in years, understandably, her parents haven't been on in years, so that's okay with me too.
I too thought it was the actor's real name and looked it up.  But I also think it's really weird to have another Nick.  Soap operas almost never repeat names, even common ones.  

Did I hear Rick say that Maya didn't lie to him? Now the greatest CEO of our time gets to pick and choose what is a lie and what is not a lie? Maya didn't lie but Caroline did. WTF Ricky boy, Caroline said that she shared a kiss with Ridge, when confronted by Maya, and didn't try to deny that fact. Yes, maybe Caroline did lie by omission but the same thing holds true for Maya. Also, Ricky boy, Ridge did try to tell you about Maya and you wanted no part of it. Ridge was not toying with you and you know it. In speaking to Eric, Rick opened his mouth many times just to change feet. I actually felt bad for Maya. It was only a second or so, but I did feel bad. Now Ally can get her room and dignity back and Nicole could share that little apartment with Maya. But, Nicole, play your cards right and keep Wyatt than you can have Maya rub your feet and serve you and Wyatt ice cream in bed.

  • Love 9

Oh Brooke, you're so delusional. The only one doing damage is your gun-toting son and Maya's blabber-mouth sister. Ridge has a point about Rick never seeming to be able to get a grip on his emotions but the point's been removed for coming from his wife stealing bastard of a step-dad/brother. If you know that the dude is demented and has been since childhood (no thanks to you) then I'm pretty sure getting kissy face with his wife is decidedly not the answer. Everybody on this show is borderline bananas, it's so entertaining. A breath of fresh air from that dull as tombs Days of Our Lives.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 4

As an aside to this, was there any other name they could have given him? We already had a Nick that was a major player for the better part of nine years as well as a on-canvas Nicole who also shares a name with Nick and Bridget's stillborn daughter. This is driving me nuts.


I kind of like the rare times soaps have repeat names.  It's "real."  I had two different roommates in college who shared my first name.  And Nick is a pretty common name.  It would be weird if another Thorne or Ridge showed up (unless they were younger generation characters named after Thorne or Ridge), but multiple Nick's, Katie's, or Bill's would seem realistic.  


So, is all of the fallout for this story going to be everybody getting mad at everybody but the people they should most be mad at?  

  • Love 3

Really Rick ? Attacking someone ? Rick who was thrown off a building by the scarf wearing version of Ridge. Rick who was defenestrated by Thomas. Rick who was beaten up by Liam...... let that sink in...... LIAM !


I really need a B story here, what's Hope been up to ? ;)

Edited by Gudzilla
  • Love 6

Really Rick ? Attacking someone ? Rick who was thrown off a building by the scarf wearing version of Ridge. Rick who was defenestrated by Thomas. Rick who was beaten up by Liam...... let that sink in...... LIAM !

I really need a B story here, what's Hope been up to ? ;)

Whoa now, I know times are tough my friend but no matter what it's come to, it hasn't come to that.

  • Love 13

Maya earned her place at Forrester? What? Oh right right by sleeping with Rick Forrester CEO (did you know he's the CEO?)!


'Maya didn't lie, I'm clear on that!' Come on! Rick spent the last 6 months (or more) blathering on and on about truth, truth and more truth ... and now he's forgotten how important that is to him? Whatever B&B writers.


What the heck was that last camera shot?!?

  • Love 8

What's a Hope?

Sorry I think that must be from other show and it died so its ok now.

Did y'all here that Kristin Forrester and Tony's African love child Zende is coming back on the scene for Nicole to lust after. Wyatt who?

plus side fresh blood could be hot looking or have an interesting personality. Minus he will be in Nicole's orbit. I hate Nicole. Btw Zende isn't a love child he is adopted and was adopted after they were married I thought.

Bonus is if hot and quirky and they put him with ALLY. Yea! That'd be great. I can dream.

Sooooo its ok if Maya the epitome of ethics honesty justice greatness lied by omission to spare Rick's feelings. But Caroline did the same and deserves to be called trash, publicly humiliated, and shot at? Ok.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 13

What's a Hope?

Sorry I think that must be from other show and it died so its ok now.

plus side fresh blood could be hot looking or have an interesting personality. Minus he will be in Nicole's orbit. I hate Nicole. Btw Zende isn't a love child he is adopted and was adopted after they were married I thought.

Bonus is if hot and quirky and they put him with ALLY. Yea! That'd be great. I can dream.

Sooooo its ok if Maya the epitome of ethics honesty justice greatness lied by omission to spare Rick's feelings. But Caroline did the same and deserves to be called trash, publicly humiliated, and shot at? Ok.

Oh yeah I'd forgotten about that.
  • Love 1

This show is so very tedious.  It's Maya this, Maya that, how does Maya feel, or Rick this, Rick that, Rick isn't going to be happy.  They're the new Hope, but worse since there's two of them.  It's getting easier and easier to let this show go before the living Bratz doll shows up with her crappy attitude. 

  • Love 3

So in what world does it make sense to run upstairs and taunt your ex-stepson/brother about the loss of his girflfriend/almost fiance after he's just come out of a car accident and a really bad day, and then to continue to taunt him about how you'll take the company away from him. Couldn't he wait a decent interval before he got his digs in? Truly the worst.


I'm so glad these people are so stupid or I wouldn't have a show to watch. I've discovered that every character alternates between three archetypes at any given moment: 1. batshit crazy 2. darwinism levels of stupid or 3. profoundly and unequivocally assholic. It may not be nice, subtle or particuarly genius but it sure keeps things entertaining.



It's Maya this, Maya that, how does Maya feel, or Rick this, Rick that, Rick isn't going to be happy.  They're the new Hope, but worse since there's two of them.  It's getting easier and easier to let this show go before the living Bratz doll shows up with her crappy attitude.


See, everything you just typed makes me happy as a clam. I love my Raya and I'm quite fond of the "Bratz doll" (big up Canada). Different strokes I guess but I have earned my happy wading through these murky waters. You'll be pleased too when you get your Carridge back I reckon.



What's a Hope?


Don't you worry about that, love. *pats head

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 6

Whoa now, I know times are tough my friend but no matter what it's come to, it hasn't come to that.

*slow clap*


I don't know Hope that well, but that's some solid, Grade A shade.


So. How long are we going to have to wait before 

Nicole gets Rick and Maya back together. (Based on what I gather from spoilers.)

Two weeks? Three? The reveal of Maya's status moved at a snail's pace. I know I need to be patient, but it's hard. *tries to remember past comments about the show's pacing*

Edited by C76
  • Love 3

*slow clap*


I don't know Hope that well, but that's some solid, Grade A shade.


So. How long are we going to have to wait before 

Nicole gets Rick and Maya back together. (Based on what I gather from spoilers.)

Two weeks? Three? The reveal of Maya's status moved at a snail's pace. I know I need to be patient, but it's hard. *tries to remember past comments about the show's pacing*


Why thank you very much!! And yes I, myself am very excited for the reunion but the longer the better for me. I like it when characters look forlorn into the distance and sigh heavily, I'm certain I would have discarded this nasty soap opera habit years ago if I wasn't such a sucker for it. Besides I think Raya will be taking a backseat for a week or two while the Carridge ship sails. I'm an equal opportunity shipper so I can wait my turn, I have a lot of experience in shipping usually the ones that don't work out (exhibit A: Brenda and Jagger. exhibit B: Original Recipe Brooke and Ridge exhibit C: Brooke and Thorne) so patience is a strong suit I've cultivated, patience and an ability to devour huge quantities of red wine. Both I've found essential when shipping and watching this (and any other soap opera).

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 4

I kind of had to laugh at how this very unconventional story is getting moved along by one of the biggest soap cliches in the world: the car wreck after an argument. All that was missing was the rain to make the road slippery.


Hold on now, you're forgetting the biggest soap cliche in the world, falling down the stairs while pregnant. I'm sure that's yet to come, again.


P.S It was raining in my heart.


Oh the irony of Brooke, the girl from the wrong side of the tracks being the biggest bigot in this storyline. *le sigh. She really has made the full transformation into Stephanie. Never thought I'd see the day.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 6

See, everything you just typed makes me happy as a clam. I love my Raya and I'm quite fond of the "Bratz doll" (big up Canada). Different strokes I guess but I have earned my happy wading through these murky waters. You'll be pleased too when you get your Carridge back I reckon.


Your reckoning is incorrect.  I also don't take pleasure in my fellow soap fans being unhappy and bored.  But as you say, different strokes and all that.

  • Love 1

Your reckoning is incorrect.  I also don't take pleasure in my fellow soap fans being unhappy and bored.  But as you say, different strokes and all that.


My bad, I was under the (clearly erroneous) assumption that you had a horse in this race. I always find soaps more tolerable when I have a ship to sail.


On another note, I'm glad Katie's reaming Bill a new one, glad she finally remembers she's related to Rick and if Bill doesn't like it then he shouldn't have married her. What Bill has said from the start is that Katie makes him a better man, and that she is the only one who stands up to him and expects more of him and holds him accountable and that is why he loves her. So, she's holding him accountable because his actions were disgusting and frankly as the brother of a lesbian and the uncle of someone with two mothers he should have known and done better. Caroline won't be thanking him for this, not if it's written correctly.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 6

Sooooo its ok if Maya the epitome of ethics honesty justice greatness lied by omission to spare Rick's feelings. But Caroline did the same and deserves to be called trash, publicly humiliated, and shot at? Ok.

Yeah, it's okay because Caroline is a female born in a female's body and is thus held to a higher standard, I guess. She doesn't have an acronymed group backing her up.

  • Love 4

No. I just thought the final scene was lacking that classic comeuppance (in this case.)


Ohhh,  funnily enough I find that NuRidge has had quite a few Ronn Moss-like line readings over his tenure (since I've been watching him). I've been trying to figure out if he's doing it on purpose. Now would probably be a good time to bring in Joe Mascolo since they killed off all his family on DOOL and are recasting Thomas (which I am uber-bitter about).

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 1

So, Rick has decided to continue wearing his Maya blinders, or maybe it is more about selective reasoning. If he wants to call Maya’s lie of omission a “non-lie”, so be it. But don’t you dare try to convince me that telling you she birthed a child, and that Jessie was her “boyfriend”, and that those Estrogen pills were to regulate her, weren’t blatant, in your face lies. And let’s examine this whole “lie by omission” thing. Maya did it because she didn’t know how you would react, at least that is the story she is spinning and I guess it is plausible considering the issue. Caroline also did it, but not because she was afraid of how you would react, but out of guilt. But at the end of the day, they are the same thing, and for whatever reason, you have decided to give Maya a pass, when you chose to drag Caroline through the mud. It shouldn’t take an Einstein to figure out why either. You are a needy little boy man Rick; that wants someone who knows how to stroke your ego, fight your battles, and who has an endless supply of compassion for your tragic childhood, and the injustices you suffered. Just like in a retirement account, Rick assigns percentages to the different “funds” that comprise his Ideal Woman account:


Looks – 5%
Sense of Humor – 5%
Intelligence – 10%
Can she “spin the facts?” – 10%
Enabling Factor – 25%
Ability to flip Bitch switch – 15%
Good (i.e. sympathetic) listener – 20%

Penchant for bubble baths (cleanliness is next to Godliness after all) – 10%


It was nice to see Eric step up and speak positively about the son he has forgotten, but it didn’t go unnoticed that Brooke stayed silent. No doubt she wants Rick to continue to think that Ridge was trying to undermine him with his knowledge about Maya, and was being sarcastic. Funny thing is though; sarcastic or not, Ridge was right, cause Rick really didn’t know Maya. I am going to be so bitter if this turns out to be a bash Ridge all to hell thing. Ridge had nothing to do with Rick’s accident, yet he is being drug into the discussion because someone told him Maya’s secret. Shouldn’t Little Prick be more concerned with how Ridge knew before him? For that matter, shouldn’t he be questioning how everyone but the pizza delivery guy knew before him? But noooooooooo, it is much more pressing that Rick appear one upped by Ridge again, and to have his doddering, hand wringing parents telling him how wonderful he is.


Do the Forrester’s have the police and medical people on speed dial?


Yeah, Ridge was being a punk, and he was being sarcastic, but he was only speaking the truth as we know it. He was only expressing the actions everyone, including Rick’s molly coddling parents, expected from Rick. And what are they basing this on? Rick’s history of explosive rage and dislike of all things not grounded in integrity. How the heck was Ridge to know that Rick would be ok with finding out the woman he has been in a relationship with for over a year was born a man? Geez, give a bro a break……….

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 12
Yeah, Ridge was being a punk, and he was being sarcastic, but he was only speaking the truth as we know it. He was only expressing the actions everyone, including Rick’s molly coddling parents, expected from Rick.



I must've misunderstood the scene, I thought Ridge was egging Rick on to get him out of bed and start dealing with the fallout.


I know it's an unpopular opinion on this board, but I'm going to express it anyway, I've watched every episode since Maya's status was revealed, that hasn't happened since that great week that Hope left the show.  Is this the B&B at its best?  No way, but it is compelling in its own singular way.  I was dreading the scenes in Big Bear because I thought they would end just like every trans story I've seen so far, with anger and/or violence, I was shocked when they didn't end up that way.  Was it unbelievable given the characters' previous history?  Absolutely!  But I still watched and listened and tuned in the next day.


I liked the scenes with $Bill and his tasteless headlines transposed with Nick's conversation with Ridge, it was entertaining and informative.  Sure, it was clunky, but it was way better than Stephanie carrying a homeless baby through downtown LA.  B&B doesn't do the "afterschool special" thing very well, never has and probably never will, it isn't that kind of show.  But once in a while it comes close.


I'm only bringing this up because no one else has, did anyone notice that when Rick called $Bill, the name that flashed on $Bill's phone was "Napoleon"?  Now that's comedy!

  • Love 19

I liked the scenes with $Bill and his tasteless headlines transposed with Nick's conversation with Ridge, it was entertaining and informative.  Sure, it was clunky, but it was way better than Stephanie carrying a homeless baby through downtown LA.  B&B doesn't do the "afterschool special" thing very well, never has and probably never will, it isn't that kind of show.  But once in a while it comes close.

Those headlines were so ridiculously funny, in an irreverent way (which is my sense of humor to a t). I couldn't agree more about the "after school special" stories. I thought the lung cancer one was particularly bad.


I'm only bringing this up because no one else has, did anyone notice that when Rick called $Bill, the name that flashed on $Bill's phone was "Napoleon"?  Now that's comedy!

That little tidbit actually made me snort!


By the way, were we supposed to laugh at Rick charging out of bed holding his side as he went after Ridge?  Because if we were, mission accomplished!


Edited by ByTor
  • Love 15


Oh the irony of Brooke, the girl from the wrong side of the tracks being the biggest bigot in this storyline. *le sigh. She really has made the full transformation into Stephanie. Never thought I'd see the day.


Maya took the long way to trusting the feeble qualifications Rick bestowed on her, and chose to wait for a significant threshold to be reached -- namely a marriage proposal -- before she was honest with him. The TIIC insist on writing the lie that the past is not prologue to the present; that Maya's 'truth' is that her being born male is not a profound part of her history and insignificant to "the woman (she's) become."  


It's not bigotry for Brooke to not trust Maya's reasons to delay telling Rick about her gender transition until her arbitrary line had been crossed. This is a basic chapter in Maya's personal history that inadvertently showed up at her doorstep to blackmail, connive and broadcast her history to deliberately damage Rick, the Forrester's and Forrester Creations.


Maya has lied to herself (I assume) to shore up a fragile personal ideal history and identity .. the idea that Myron didn't exist once she completed transition. Recreated as Maya she walked through the world living as Maya, built from the bones, flesh, memories, history and experiences of Myron. She is Maya now, but Myron is ever-present and still a part of her.


Brooke has her reasons for dismissing Maya. She's lumped Maya in with all the other women in Rick's life that have failed her neurotic son. Brooke neglects to include herself as the first to fail Rick, but that's because she's more prone to cast blame on others before she ever circles around to her own culpability.  

  • Love 14

I hope Ridge knocks the little twerp back. The fact that Rick reacted so uncharacteristically to Myra's news, given how adamant he's been about truth and integrity, should give his shit for brains parents a clue that their son's mental health is not good. It is not healthy to be so emotionally dependent on another person to the exclusion of others and to the extent that you treat others like crap. 


Also, I don't need to see or hear from Nick again. He is too judgey. Dude knows Maya was wrong to wait so long.


Thank goodness for $Bill. I hope Caroline is at least a bit snarky because of the way Maya treated her after she and Rick broke up.


What a let-down this storyline has become. When is Caroline coming back?

  • Love 9

Sooooo its ok if Maya the epitome of ethics honesty justice greatness lied by omission to spare Rick's feelings. But Caroline did the same and deserves to be called trash, publicly humiliated, and shot at? Ok.


I thought Caroline and Maya and everyone involved have been wrong to remain silent or to directly deceive Rick.


I also thought it was wrong of Rick to deceive Caroline and Eric to hang on the leadership of FC while schtupping Maya at Jackie Morone's former bathtub condo.


There are very few characters involved in this poorly produced sl that can walk away with clean hands. There are only the cliques arguing that one side is less fucked up/more desirable/more deserving than the other.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 4


Just like in a retirement account, Rick assigns percentages to the different “funds” that comprise his Ideal Woman account:

I thought his statement might read like this:


Provides maximum narcissistic supply - 100%


What makes me scratch my head is that everyone was looking for an angle on Rick so they could oust him as CEO because he's a bullying douche. Fine. How does the Maya reveal solve the goddamn problem? The head of a California fashion house is dating a transgender model? Whoop-dee-fucking-diddly-do. Sure, readers of Bill's technicolor toilet paper might get a few giggles out of his crude headlines, but how does anyone leverage that into dumping Rick? Are buyers going to stop purchasing Ridge's and Caroline's designs? Probably not. Is Rick going to transform into a humanitarian and cuddly boss? Probably not. I suppose the anti-Rick brigade is pinning its hopes on Rick having a nervous breakdown, and as much as I want to see Rick get his face cracked, watching anyone get pushed into a downward mental spiral takes a little joy out of the proceedings.


The outside world within the soap hasn't been subjected to weeks of Rick proclaiming Maya's virtues (lucky bastards), so what context would they have for why Rick looks like such a clown now? I think if the public knew Rick shot up the office and he had actually been arrested for it, well, that's more self-evidently bad and harder to spin.


I dunno. Tying the transgender reveal to the Forrester takeover story isn't working for me. The two narratives aren't meshing. I could see the two stories running parallel and eventually merging in some fashion, but it feels like the writing is asking me to believe that the reveal necessarily leads to the takeover, if that makes sense.

  • Love 12
Maya has lied to herself (I assume) to shore up a fragile personal ideal history and identity .. the idea that Myron didn't exist once she completed transition. Recreated as Maya she walked through the world living as Maya, built from the bones, flesh, memories, history and experiences of Myron. She is Maya now, but Myron is ever-present and still a part of her.



I guess this is an agree to disagree situation, because Maya believes she was never male, she may have been born in a male body but she has always been a female.  So she may have been named Myron, and was legally Myron Avant, but she never felt so.  I do believe her past experiences, memories and experiences are present and do shape her opinions, feelings and actions, but they are Maya's and not Myron's.


By the way, were we supposed to laugh at Rick charging out of bed holding his side as he went after Ridge?  Because if we were, mission accomplished!



One of the many things I hate about this show is the staging and blocking.  After watching the scene where Rick jumps out of bed to pursue Ridge I was reminded of a scene from the old movie All About Eve.  Addison DeWitt, a theater critic is having a fight with Eve Harrington, an actress.  She storms to her hotel door, opens it and yells "Get out!"  Addison DeWitt, ever the critic says "Stop it, you're too short for that gesture."  Addison DeWitt knew staging and blocking.  The directors/producers of BB don't.  When the characters who play brothers are such disparate heights don't have the Napoleon jump out of bed after the tall one, it looks like a son chasing his father.

Edited by sugarbaker design
  • Love 5
Tying the transgender reveal to the Forrester takeover story isn't working for me. The two narratives aren't meshing. I could see the two stories running parallel and eventually merging in some fashion, but it feels like the writing is asking me to believe that the reveal necessarily leads to the takeover, if that makes sense.

Makes sense to me.


I think I know what B&B may have been going for with this storyline. Rumor has it that former LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling's girlfriend (the one who recorded him making racist remarks) is transgender. I imagine someone in the know tried to blackmail him with that information but the allegations don't appear to have caught on with the mainstream media. So, supposedly he was ousted for being an unmitigated racist when most of his employees are Black, versus for having a relationship with a transgender woman. The former may have been a viable and legally defensible business reason; the latter, not so much.


Similarly, $Bill likely isn't going to oust Rick because of the manufactured "scandal" of Maya being transgender. If it happens it'll be because  Rick the CEO won't be able to contain any economic damage to FC because he's too distracted, immature, and coddled by Eric and Brooke. Hopefully the writers are going to be making that distinction more clear as this storyline progresses. (Yeah, no, it's probably just going to be a big sympathy-fest for poor wee Rick and matriarch-wannabe Maya, and poo on all the big meanies who don't bow down to their twu luv.)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 6

I guess this is an agree to disagree situation, because Maya believes she was never male, she may have been born in a male body but she has always been a female. So she may have been named Myron, and was legally Myron Avant, but she never felt so. I do believe her past experiences, memories and experiences are present and do shape her opinions, feelings and actions, but they are Maya's and not Myron's.

One of the many things I hate about this show is the staging and blocking. After watching the scene where Rick jumps out of bed to pursue Ridge I was reminded of a scene from the old movie All About Eve. Addison DeWitt, a theater critic is having a fight with Eve Harrington, an actress. She storms to her hotel door, opens it and yells "Get out!" Addison DeWitt, ever the critic says "Stop it, you're too short for that gesture." Addison DeWitt knew staging and blocking. The directors/producers of BB don't. When the characters who play brothers are such disparate heights don't have the Napoleon jump out of bed after the tall one, it looks like a son chasing his father.

I just feel like adding required nodding to all your posts. True and true.

The Napoleon thing is an epic find that I missed. Awesome. Reminds me of how Tej in FastSix has Hobbs listed as Samoan Hulk haha!

Edited by slayer2
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It's not bigotry for Brooke to not trust Maya's reasons to delay telling Rick about her gender transition until her arbitrary line had been crossed. This is a basic chapter in Maya's personal history that inadvertently showed up at her doorstep to blackmail, connive and broadcast her history to deliberately damage Rick, the Forrester's and Forrester Creations.

I wish I could give this 100 likes.

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