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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Listening to Gandalf and Aphrodite gush over there son's non-accomplishments sent me running for my barf bag. And then sealing the deal by giving the little pecker head a trinket? Rick was just blush with gratitude. The whole thing had me squirming in my seat. 


Nicole cleans up real nice and I finally figured out who she reminds me of; a young Vanessa Williams. 


Wyatt needs to clean up too; taking a girl out on a first date, using the private jet, and showing up in a checked hoedown shirt and leisure jacket? 


Maya seemed somewhat nonplussed with Nicole's news. Is she channeling Dayzee, or is she really looking out for her sister? 


Frank and Joe are on the case man, and Frank is making sure that Joe toes the line and keeps his head....the one attached to his shoulders....in the game. 


A Caroline sighting! I felt like a thirsty girl who was guzzling from a canteen. But what was that stuff at the end of the conversation about Caroline telling Liam what is "going on" when she gets back? For some reason that really scared me. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Otherwise, I think there needs to be some melodrama created because adult Wyatt has been encouraging underaged drinking. Doing it in his own home is one thing but having it happen in the SP corporate jet could become another level of problem, especially if she can claim he tried to take advantage of her while she was intoxicated. Plus she knows that he's trying to get dirt to use against Rick in order to depose him as CEO. She could say that Wyatt's been trying to involve her in corporate espionage.

This could be where they are going with this. Whether Wynutt gets the info out of her or not he could be in big trouble for what he's doing with her and that can be used against him or held over his head or thwart any plans to oust Rick.



Ally needs to buy a clue. ... Rick is stringing her along with the shoe line, but has no incentive to expand Forrester over an unknown quantity like Ally's design abilities or business acumen. 

Seems like what Wynutt is doing to Nichole is very similar to what Rick is doing to Aly.


A Caroline sighting! I felt like a thirsty girl who was guzzling from a canteen. But what was that stuff at the end of the conversation about Caroline telling Liam what is "going on" when she gets back? For some reason that really scared me. 

At first I was like, who's this, do I know her from somewhere? Her hair color, the lighting, make-up and lack of camera work all threw me. Yeah, her last line was a real "uh-oh" inducer. It doesn't bode well.

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I think Caroline's "secret" is she's got two temporarily damaged legs from a car accident. At least I hope that's all it is. Her hair is too dark now I think. Either way, it's time for her to get back and let's get this party to expose Myra started.

My guess is that Caroline will be an ally once Maya's secret is revealed.

  • Love 5

The thing with Maya, for me, is that she must have experienced bullying in her past so you would think she would be more sensitive to the bullying of Aly. Makes her an even bigger bitch for me.

As someone else said, Aly needs to quit being a doormat and speak up. She should call Thorne and tell him, at the very least. She has no one to blame Ricky's continued bullying but herself now.

IMO Maya is now enjoying being the abuser instead of the one being abused. Just because you witness you mother being abused or your mother cheating on your father, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will not be doing the same, as your parents, when you grow up. Rick was bullied by Ridge and now he is being the bully. Rick was a miserable child, now he makes everyone miserable. As for Ally, what happened to that in your face bitchy little girl who stood up to Hope? Or caused havock in meetings? Ally your a Forester. Act like one.
  • Love 7

I was bored enough to go looking for next week.  (I didn't see any prohibitions, so please let me know if this is a no spoiler zone.)


Week of April 27:

Deleting most of the text, since I didn't really read the website carefully.  I didn't notice the links only policy.


But this is interesting:


Pam and Charlie's sleuthing leads to them finding out shocking information about Maya.

Pam convinces Charlie not to pursue the matter, as she fears for their jobs.




Edited by tessaray

I'm ready for the secret to come out. I'm interested in the fallout, so I'd like to get to it, but I'm also over everyone talking about it All The Time.

Brooke's voice has always annoyed me, and today I figured out that it's at least in part because she whispers the last word in every sentence. It's weird, and I don't like it.

  • Love 4

I thought the character of Nicole was supposed to be a smart girl, including common-sense smart.  How could Nicole not see what Wyatt is up to?  She & Maya talk about a secret in the workplace...Wyatt works in the same place....every other word out of Wyatt's mouth to Nicole is "secret..." and now he's practically begging her to tell the secret.  I hope it turns out that she's playing him and on Monday's show she completes the "Maya's secret is..." sentence with something stupid like "that she used to work as a rodeo clown."

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 8

Is there some explanation why Nicole needs to bust a move every 10 minutes? She's constantly jazzer-prancing all over the place and dork shuffling her way around to what I find to be just awful popish muzak. Is she gonna get tricked into pole dancing soon? Will she end up in the porn that Maya turned down ages ago and big sis saves her? 

Brooke and Eric need to go sit down somewhere. Does  Rick understand that his parents approval is tied to their profit? Eric tells him in every conversation..." profits are up, so I love you the best right now. " 

Rick hates lies and secrets (I am pretty intuitive about these things. If you didn't pick up on that subtle character motivation, don't feel too bad) but I wonder how he will feel when the dynasty destroying Secret comes out and Eric names Ally as the next irrevocable CEO. Because Eric is a handsome dumbass. 

I love the Spencer boys working together, even if it's over something this nonsensical. But I HATE this storyline because it will eventually bring back clown face Steffi. And that is a hate crime. 

  • Love 20

Brooke and Eric need to go sit down somewhere. Does Rick understand that his parents approval is tied to their profit? Eric tells him in every conversation..." profits are up, so I love you the best right now. "

It's funny because it's true. Didn't Eric also say that Rick earned the CEO position? If by "earned" he means he had a lawyer draw up a contract that would essentially trick his dad into giving him irrevocable control, then YES! he earned it. Just like Maya earned her Matriarcal station in life by favoring the horizontal position. Lots of earning going on here.

  • Love 5

Eric is a handsome dumbass.


If you're expecting any more than this from Eric, you'll be sorely disappointed and you'll only have yourself to blame.


John McCook is back, now our St3ph is back...things that make you go "hmmmm" :)


To be honest I only wanted to see the beard - sometimes dreams really do come true!

Edited by St3phForrester
  • Love 9

Nicole may be young, but she should now understand the importance of honesty, and not having any secrets. I can almost feel for the girl; she hears Rick's non-stop commentary about it at work and home, and now she is hearing from a guy she has been on two dates with. I would be running away as fast as my legs could take me if some guy I just met kept at me about all my damn secrets. I may even be propelled to query him back with why he thought I had any to begin with. I really don't care if Nicole tells Wyatt or not, because everyone but Rick will know before it is all over. Even so, I did appreciate Wyatt's surprise as Nicole named Maya as the holder of the secret, because if you really stop and think about it, why would Rick be telling such troubling things to this girl he has only recently met and barely knows. Wyatt and Liam are coming off as a couple of really dull blades here. 


Imagine, Gandolf and Aphrodite giving their son, The CEO, advise about marriage. According to old Gandy, it is crucial for the CEO to be married and settled in order to project the right image. Aphrodite on the other hand, doesn't seem all that much in a hurry for The CEO to get married again. Having them as parents almost makes me feel bad for Rick. 


Don't be a schmuck Carter; Maya is only being nice to you because you know "the secret". So she is going to smile at you, and give you those big innocent doe eye's, and do everything she can to protect your job. She will do whatever it takes to remain on your good side, because that is what users and opportunists do. 

  • Love 6
why would Rick be telling such troubling things to this girl he has only recently met and barely knows. Wyatt and Liam are coming off as a couple of really dull blades here.

Yep, especially given that Liam has jumped to the conclusion that Rick must be cooking the books. How or why would Nicole know that? Is she even an FC employee? I like that the brothers are working together instead of battling over vapid Hope but right now they look like two dummkopfs.

  • Love 4

If I were Myra, I'd be feeling a little bit queasy about how Rick goes on and on about integrity and trust and no secrets even if I didn't have a massive secret. He's way too dependent and baby-like for me. It's kind of gross.


That Charlie is just a fountain of information, isn't he? Is this Forrester Creations job something he does in retirement to keep from being bored?

  • Love 3

Is everyone really going to know Maya's secret except Rick? The entire company is talking about it in shared workspaces. He's going to feel like such a fool by the time the secret is exposed.

Another day. Another ridiculous Nicole outfit.

Nicole really thinks Wyatt is hot. Like a lot. It is nice to have opinions.

Carter is probably the most ripped guy in daytime. If he goes much farther he could star in the remake of Terminator.

Ivy looked so fashionable and fun today. She has great taste. Pam's hair looked stupid but everything else was stylish.

I'm not sure Charlie is correct that the only reason to take estrogen is being transgender. Is he right? What if she was naturally hormonal imbalance or early menopause?

  • Love 6

From webmd:  http://www.webmd.com/menopause/estrogen-replacement-therapy-ert-16198

Women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who experience early menopause after having their ovaries removed (oophorectomy) or because of other medical reasons typically take ET to reduce their risk of early bone loss and osteoporosis.

So no, it doesn't automatically follow that she would be transgender.
  • Love 5

Is this show being sponsored by Secret antiperspirant? Does an angel get their wings every time a B&B character says the word "secret?"

I think Nicole really wants to tap Carter. I can respect that.

I can't believe Little Nixon doesn't lock the door to his CEO lair when he's not in it. Everyone hangs out there for absolutely no reason. I wouldn't want to linger where Rick's douche fumes are permeating the atmosphere.

  • Love 7

Loved Maya's bag and her safari dress.

Oh Pam, a woman's purse is sacrosanct, even it's a woman you don't like. That said, unless Maya needs to take her medication several times a day I don't understand why she's carrying it around with her. Why do soaps always have women carrying around their stuff like BC pills and home pregnancy tests? Has there ever been a male character who's accidentally had a condom or some Viagra tablets fall out of his pockets?

Nicole, Nicole, Nicole. You've had two dates with Wyatt and neither of them has been in a public place. You should be wondering why/whether he's ashamed to be seen with you and not pretending like you've been dropped into an episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.

So, Charlie's a pharmacist in his spare time? GMAFB.

Ugh, Carter, put a shirt on. Don't nobody need to see your breasteses. His are bigger than Maya's. That must've been interesting in the boudoir.

  • Love 2

Is there some explanation why Nicole needs to bust a move every 10 minutes? She's constantly jazzer-prancing all over the place and dork shuffling her way around to what I find to be just awful popish muzak. Is she gonna get tricked into pole dancing soon? Will she end up in the porn that Maya turned down ages ago and big sis saves her? 


I'm not sure about Nicole's talent for porn, but there's no danger of her taking up the pole. That girl's got no rhythm and couldn't hit a bass line with a 10lb maul.


Her dance style reminds me of Joanna Rohrback's Prancercize videos, from head to cameltoe.


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I would have thought the automatic conjecture of why a 20ish year old woman is taking estrogen is that something is wrong with her ovaries. As in, you know, a medical issue. The automatic assumption would NOT be "she's a MAN, baby!" At least not mine. I'm wondering if tomorrow Pam will just laugh and say "no, really".

Why would Maya leave her purse lying around knowing full well how many people go in and out of Rick's office? Or why wouldn't the bottle be in a "secret compartment", you know, those zippered pockets in the lining or something?

Carter... Ugh. Can they just get rid of him? Can I take a pin and pop his chest? They don't need to shove it in our faces.

  • Love 5

I would have thought the automatic conjecture of why a 20ish year old woman is taking estrogen is that something is wrong with her ovaries. As in, you know, a medical issue. The automatic assumption would NOT be "she's a MAN, baby!" At least not mine. I'm wondering if tomorrow Pam will just laugh and say "no, really".

That's what I was thinking...then Charlie will break out laughing saying, "I really have no idea what I'm talking about!" Because that statement is the most believable among all of those plot contrivances you mentioned. Edited by nicolin
  • Love 1

As much as I appreciate the movement in the story, I had to go to 4 different websites before I found one that listed gender dysphoria as a condition that used conjugated estrogen.  If I had found her pills and Googled it, I would assume she had cancer or some kind of premature menopausal condition. Unless there is a brand that all the cool transgender kids take?  ETA:  Or maybe the doctor on the prescription gave it away?

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 7

I just have a hard time believing that a man Charlie's age would come up with transgender as the first thing to pop into his head. I was on estrogen back in my 30's to help with both my cycle and with trying to reduce heavy periods. So, there are a lot of reasons why a younger woman takes estrogen.

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I guess Charli's been watching a lot of shock tv journalism. I fully expect Pam to call him out on watching too many sci fi crime dramas or binge watching Netflix dramadies starring Jeffrey Tamblyn. 

But Pam's surprised face was worth it all. 

I think the point where I started really laughing was Rick yelling at Wyatt because he'd left him several voicemails the night before. What Jewelry emergency would need an immediate response overnight? How did Wyatt not tell that little PinPrick that he's not 911? I guess he's desperate to keep the dumb job. So he can spy for Spencer. But he could spy without working there like Liam does all the time. 


Plus, New mystery... who reserved the steam room for the whole afternoon if it wasn't Maya? Dunn dun DUNNNNNNN


ETA: I posted this last night without checking it and I think I may have been out drinking with Brooke or something because that was all a hot mess. 

Edited by smartyshorts
  • Love 5

Did Carter really call Nicole out on her feelings for Wyatt after only two dates, when he proposed to Maya after none?


I always appreciate viewing a shirtless Carter, but continue to be somewhat squicked out that they have the gym equipment right alongside the cafe area. So odd. 


Joe, Frank and Nancy need to go to investigating 101; the first rule of business when discussing proprietary information is to make sure the coast is clear, and that includes checking behind changing screens. 


Oh, for fucks sake, just gag me with a spoon why don't you. Not only did they subject us to yet another Maya lap dance, but we also learned that the hard working CEO, and his Lead Model, will be having sex in the steam room. YEAHA! and BOY HOWDY! I guess we will get our collective corneas scorched with that shit in today's show. 


Ah, Pam and Charlie, so cute; Pam with her retro red sweater and checked skirt, and Charlie, looking all "Rico Suave" with his mussed hair and apparent weight loss.


And such a dynamic duo:


Pam - "Holy criminal handbags Batman, but there is Maya's purse!"

Charlie - "Yes, but we cannot just rifle through it"

Pam - "By all that is holy Batman, you are the security in this building and you can rifle through anything!"

Charlie - "I say Robin, you do have a point there"

Pam - "Oooops! Batman, I accidentally on purpose knocked Maya's purse over. And look at those Estrogen pills"

Charlie - "Of course, that explains everything. If I had only found these sooner I would have realized that Maya is actually a man!"


Sleuthing at it finest I say; who needs The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew when you have these two on the case. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 12

Maya, honey, next time you're at CVS picking up your estrogen prescription, they sell these handy little pill containers you can put in your purse and carry a day or two worth of your prescription in a nice, subtle, unmarked container.  Cuts down on the risk of losing your whole bottle and the risk of nosy coworkers pawing through your purse and discovering what prescriptions you're taking, leading to them speculating as to why you're taking them. 

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