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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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ByTor, on 20 Feb 2015 - 10:31 AM, said:

I watched the Instagram thing St3ph linked to, reminds me why JMW annoys me & why I think she IS Steffy (and vice versa). Look at meeeeee work out, I'm sooo hottttt, and FUNNNNN!!!! I tried to follow her on Twitter but her ego just irked me. While I admit she does look great, she doesn't need to brag about it.


Petunia13 quote

That is annoying actually. I have a friend of a friend (you know the type usually at events or parties so in my orbit) who always talks about that shit incessantly humble bragging about her crazy workouts or some extravagant trip.


I work in radio broadcasting in LA, and JMW looks like every other actress/waitress/singer/sales associate/model/call girl I've had my misfortune to encounter in southern California. They are as numerous and prolific as fleas on a Norwegian rat.

  • Love 3

Today's episode had a lot more gloss and punch to it and only Patrick Mulcahey can polish a turd of this magnitude. Maya vs CarRidge was great fun and all actors were on point with their dialogue delivery and non-verbal acting choices, but that all starts with the words on the paper. Eric being icy directly at CarRidge too was a nice change as well and I liked the way my man Johnny played it coolly, all of his lines cutting like a knife at both Ridge and Caroline, just the way we expect the patriarch to behave in a disapproving situation. Even Scott Clifton was tolerable in Liam's fruitless effort to tell Steffy to kindly fuck off, despite it unraveling just as quickly as it started.


Oh, and the manhug between JMC & TK was good too. Can't go wrong with a good manhug.




I still have some HUGE issues with the content. It's all well and good for Eric to feel responsible for Rick being underhanded in his attempts to earn his father's respect and admiration, but it's another thing completely to reward and validate his disrespectful, spiteful, derogatory behaviour towards not only the objects of his ire (Ridge & Caroline) but towards his family and friends (Ivy, Aly, Wyatt, Pam for God's sake) by praising his minimal achievements in increasing profits which have very little to do with anything that Rick does as CEO and almost everything to do with the designs of Ridge & Caroline who, by the way, Eric paired together after it was revealed that the two of them could not be trusted in each other's company. Eric has basically said "Yes, you were reckless and irresponsible and a danger to people's physical and emotional safety in their homes and in their workplaces, but because you turned a profit for the company, all is forgiven", and that is not only completely stupid of anyone in any situation but it is also out of character for Eric who has always put family first before profits. Which is it, Eric? Are you instilling your faith in your namesake because he is a good businessman or because he is your flesh-and-blood son? You cannot have it be both.


And what was with this nonsense about "Let's not talk to me about bad behaviour until we examine our own"??? Ridge and Caroline's indiscretions pale in comparison to Rick's complete loss of sense while holding a loaded pistol without even mentioning him being a total asshole to everyone regardless of whether or not they support or decry CarRidge. Their adulterous behaviour was never flaunted in front of Rick, they never showboated their personal chemistry either as lovers or as designers and if I recall correctly they tried to distance their work from the collaboration that produced it, reluctant to acknowledge that Ridge working with another designer was so rare it was almost unheard of (forgetting completely that Ridge & Eric worked on each other's designs back in the day). Yes, they were wrong to indulge their desires while Caroline was married and Ridge was in a committed relationship; yes, Caroline was wrong to hold this information from Rick when he was forthright and honest about Maya coming onto him in the steamroom; yes, it was irresponsible of both Ridge and Caroline to continue the collaboration when they knew they couldn't resist one another and should have said to all concerned that they were going to stop it to avoid further hurt. I am not denying Rick's right to be upset. I am angry that Eric has decided that Ridge & Caroline are purposely hurting Rick by being in a relationship when it was Rick's decision to refuse any attempt at reconciliation and is therefore against their union when he himself has pursued a number of relationships that have been hurtful to others - his relationship with Brooke not only hurt Stephanie but also upset Beth Logan, who made no secret of still holding a torch for him and thought him a decent and self-respecting if not imperfect person, only to find her sweetheart and her daughter romantically involved and expecting a child together. His insistence on marrying confirmed psychopath Sheila Carter drew harsh criticism from all corners, but this what he wanted for his life and no one was going to convince him that he did not know his own lover. We heard no end of wailing and disparaging remarks from Felicia and Thorne when Eric and Donna found themselves together, and Eric responded to this outcry with the equivalent of "Grow Up".


"Let's not talk to me about bad behaviour until we examine our own", Eric? Take a good, long look in the mirror and tell me what you see.


I'm so mad I could trash my mother's guesthouse.




(I'm not yet ready to hand in my Eric Forrester Lonely Hearts Club card, though.)


I'm wondering if it was Brooke that kept Eric filled in on the details, while he was away, and promised him some quality "sniff" time to back Rick.


This might.



While I'm at it, where in the ever loving fuck did all this shit about Eric's father come from? Father Forrester held little Eric in disdain while envying his eldest boy for being flippant and non-committal? And for what - because Eric wanted to be successful? It's his father's fault that Eric messed with Ridge's love life and started this "tangled" father/son relationship? Eric's indulgence of Ridge was to show loyalty to Stephanie? Did it ever cross Eric's dimbulb mind to show loyalty to Stephanie by being loyal to her?


I'm so mad I could punch a phone.

Edited by St3phForrester
  • Love 14

I realize I am alone in this, but I loved today's show.  It's not that I am a Raya fan.  I am not.  But I loathe Ridge.  I am not a longtime viewer, but did see the old Ridge, who was a jerk, and very unappealing.  Nu-Ridge strikes me the same way (and I loved TK on OLTL and AMC).  As soon as nu-Ridge returned, he was an asshole, expecting to be reinstated as CEO etc.  Never mind his desire to immediately marry Brooke, then Katie, and now Caroline, potentially.  He's a complete jerk, especially in the way he speaks to Rick, even before all of this happened.


So yes, Rick has behaved badly but his behaviour is no worse than Ridge's including the lunatic dangerous parts (Ridge flying to Dubai, nabbing Brooke and taking her into a helicopter, and then later almost killing Bill by threatening to dump him out of a chopper over LA.  And speaking of that, people seem fine with Bill, but he did dump Ridge out of a chopper, and I have read here that he either pushed or attempted to push a female (Amber?) off a cliff to her death.


I don't think any of these guys are role models, and they have all been jerks.  Why I love this twist is that it finally puts Ridge in his place.  He has acted so entitled since the day he appeared as nu-Ridge.  His arrogance and lack of humour and charm is nauseating.


So I am happy Eric is backing Rick, and putting Ridge and Caroline in their place.  I think it is a great twist to the story.  What will be interesting to see is if Rick can get his shit together and start to act professional (he was before all this happened) again.

  • Love 7

The writing on this show is so bizarre. This direction from Friday's show is where it seemed things were headed once Rick and Caroline split, and then they did this completely wacky, silly Rick goes crazy for sweeps bit, and now we're back on track with the players lining up to fight for control of Forrester, with everyone bringing it. Except it leaves viewers with whiplash. I'm guessing we're supposed to forget just how out of control Rick was, which... okay. It didn't make any sense anyway, so I'll go back to "everyone's a jackass" in this situation.


I kind of want Ivy to just walk out.  Not without Liam knowing she saw them and all, but I want her to walk out because this shit is Liam in a nutshell.  He doesn't have enough respect for whatever relationship he is in at any given moment to not continue to put himself in this situation and to not stop things in their tracks when they get like this.  It strokes his ego that Steffy is still sitting there professing her love for him.  So even though he says "I'm in love with someone else," he still doesn't put an end to the situation.  Steffy is still sitting there in his living room, still right in his personal space, and still, eventually, getting her surgically enhanced lips all over him.  But, afterwards, he can tell himself "hey, I told her I was in love with someone else."   And Steffy knows that, no matter what he says, he's going to let her kiss him, and flirt with him, and get close to him.  Because this shit is what Waffles does.  


Eric...dude...I mean... 


This times one billion. It's ridiculous. It's all about stroking Liam's ego. 



The character of Ivy was nothing more than a Steffy replacement after Jackie Wood quit the show.  Ivy looked very similar to Steffy - same blue eyes, same hair colour, same hair style.  Notice that now that Steffy is back, Ivy's hair looks a lot different, it's no longer a Steffy imitation.


I had thought that with the return of Steffy, that the actress playing Ivy was sure to be fired.  But of course, everyone woman on this show has to think that scrawny wimpy Liam is the best thing alive, so she will be here until Hope returns or gets recast.  The only thing saving Ivy actress' job is the fact that Kim Matula quit.

She also rolled into town on the "WE HATE LOGANS" train. 


The actress is fine, but yeah, all this does it let them do the same gross storyline of Liam professing his love for one woman while daily dry humping another. 

  • Love 3

Eric - everything was taken away from you and -- and given to ridge. And he could turn his back on all of those things any time he wanted.


Steffy: Probably my father, and I know you won't like that, either, but he was there first.

Liam: Yeah. Yeah, he was. And he walked away.


Eric: What are the two of you doing in this office? Have you been working?

Caroline: Yeah, we -- we were waiting for you.

Eric: Is that how it is now? Wherever one of you is, the other is, too?


Eric: Rick is my son and my namesake. He is welcome to sleep in my bed.

Caroline: Is maya?

Eric: And what sleeping arrangements have the two of you made?

Ridge: Excuse me?

Eric: Your relationship has progressed, clearly.

Ridge: Well, our behavior is not the problem here.

Eric: Not to you, of course.

Caroline: Rick and I are done, eric. He told you that. I told you.

Eric: How do you think it feels for him to be confronted with that particular failure every hour of the day? To find the two of you are lying together in the dark in his office? Let's not talk to me about bad behavior until we examine our own.


And this is all I ask for as a longtime viewer of B&B.  Someone please call Ridge on his hypocrisy and inability to see how his past behaviors have gotten him exactly where he is.  It doesn't matter that this character is now played by a better actor who has chemistry with his younger co-star.  It's about history and about Eric watching Brooke and Ridge over the years both at the office and elsewhere.  Including them having sex on the floor of the lab after the Belief invention which resulted in Bridget's (then believed) conception.  Eric and Brooke were still married then BTW.


It's about Ridge throwing a temper tantrum (just the same as Rick), any time he didn't get his way.  Trying to oust Eric, Brooke and Thorne as CEOs at different times, quitting FC in a huge snit multiple times, running off to Paris to read poetry, etc.


I cannot stand the character of Ridge and TK's performances and the show's amnesia and insistence that Ridge and Caroline v2.0 are the "greatest love that ever loved" isn't going to make me change my mind.  It's just fine and dandy that Katie could remarry Bill, but Brooke couldn't marry him.  It's just fine and dandy that Ridge will team up with Bill to take over FC, when he absolutely hated him for years the last time Bill was in charge (through Katie).


I'm no fan of Rick and Maya (especially the Maya part of the equation) but the show's history gives Rick the foundation to hate Ridge (and yes, for Ridge to hate him right back) but I want somebody to put Ridge in his place once and for all.


Maybe he will finally get his just desserts when the takeover is successful and Bill puts Liam or Katie or even himself in charge...

  • Love 8

WORD to bannana and LuLu123.  I will fully admit that I've always liked Rick better than Ridge (except when KL was in the role; then my allegiances were reversed); he is such a condescending asshole, so any time anyone starts checking him, I'm all for it, even if that other person is in the wrong, too.

  • Love 1

kia112, I see that nobody is in the complete right nor in the complete wrong in this storyline and that needs to be made clear in the writing.  But Brad, the boy genius, has always told stories with a bias and excused someone's actions. 


Right now, I'm rooting for a 9.0 earthquake to swallow up FC, the mansion and most of the folks on this show.  Quinn, Deacon, Donna, Justin, Carter, Wyatt, Aly and Ivy can survive but the rest, ppppfffffttttttt......

  • Love 1

I won't quote it for length, but, BRAVA, St3phForrester, for articulating exactly how I feel far better than I ever could with your brilliantly insightful post. Eric is still favoring one child over the others. Maybe Thorn, Kristin, Felicia, and Mushmouth need to go on a shooting rampage at FC to get a little respect..

That said, I really liked Rick and Maya yesterday. Maya wasn't the Disney Princess she was when at the beginning of their relationship, but she was closer to that person than she has been for a while. The two of them were sincere for the first time since they reunited, and it's now a believable love story that is on par with Ridge's and Caroline's. The dollar signs have vanished from Maya's eyes, and Rick has wanked the last bit of vengeance out of his system.

I only wish they wouldn't take Eric up on his offer...it's Eric's house. They shouldn't have him stay in the guest house.

  • Love 6

Monday's episode...



Whoever does the Photoshop for CBS is now officially my favorite person in the whole world.  Look at 0:20.  OMG, the cheekbones.  Can you imagine the photo-shoot if those things were real.  Now remember, Rick is supposed to be a dominating business man so suck in those cheeks.  Damn it, no flatten that mouth so you look less like a guppy.  He's going to become a Forrester model ala Zolander for the men's wear collection soon.  I can tell.


I still have a hard time hating Steffy.  Its because in every scene Steffy and Liam talk about the history between them as if its from some bizarre world that is the opposite of what I saw.  This entire episode was about how Liam loved Steffy and she broke his heart and now he loves someone else; and I kept thinking 'huh? when did that happen?'  So while I intellectually understand that there is no motivation for Steffy's behavior that isn't deeply annoying, I find the whole thing baffling enough that I redirect my ire towards Liam because he was not the injured party here.  I resent that they pretend he was, because even though Liam is being more forthright than usual for him, I still hate his waffling ass.

Eric is such a fucking disappointment....on the one hand he was telling Rick to suck it up weeks back about Ridge/Caroline that it was just a few kisses, while Rick was bedding that yapping chihuahua right under Caroline's nose, but Rick is the one who is now hurt and having to endure the humiliation?  Oh Eric you foolish old man.   Rick is no victim and I've got no pity for that punk. 


So I guess what I learned..is that it's okay for Rick to trick is wife,  lie to his father in order to get the company,  disrespect his father's home by moving his mistress into his deceased wife's home and bed and remove her portrait to hang his chihuaha's picture and it's quite alright to fire a gun in the vicinity of his brother and wife if he chooses.   Caroline has to watch Rick and Maya all over the work place, take orders and abuse from them, but Ridge and Caroline are the monsters in all of this. Okay then.  


I can't take anything serious with Eric anymore.   I never expected Caroline and Ridge to be the victors in all of this, because it's clear that Rick will always have his mommy and daddy making excuses for his spoiled bratty unhinged tantrums and again I was proven right.    The only good thin in all of this is that Rick and Maya stay together, since I can't stand either of them.   The last thing I ever want is for Caroline to be with Rick again.    


WTF with Liam and Steffy?  I wished so bad that Ivy would have pulled a boomerang from her purse and sent it sailing to the top of Steffy's head to fetch part of her tacky weave.   Steffy needs to have her ass set.   I hope Liam loses Ivy, I never got what anyone ever saw in this punk.  He's no Bill Spencer.   I don't get the fascination with Steffy either...she looks like she could bench press his ass, all she does is emasculate him.  


Brooke was all sorts of pathetic and annoying this week.  So she doesn't have a man between her legs and heaven forbid that any of those men move on and focus on other things besides her tired used up ass.   I mean really....how pathetic is this woman?  Where was all this talk about how she had changed and grown up while away?  It's only okay in her world if all the men are torn up over her, wanting her and in limbo for her.    


Steffy and Brooke both worked my nerves this week.  Both bisches can leave .  I've had enough.   Ugh!!!

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
  • Love 16

Every character is flawed in one way or another just like most of us but Rick has no reason to take his fustrations out on Ivy and Ally. Rick and Maya treated them like scullery maids. Maya should be mindful of how she was treated when she was down on her luck and Daisey was nice to her when she didn't have too. Rick should also be mindful that he wasn't living in the basement nor a dungeon when Ridge was "getting everything". Rick is one of those who can't be grateful for what he has but covets what other people have. This is where I blame Brooke more than Eric for Rick's flaws. I belive Ridge and Rick have both done more than their share to subvert each other and learn how to at least coexist for the benefit of ending a horrible storyline. Let the writers go back to what they do best and that is the love triangles.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 6

Every character is flawed in one way or another just like most of us but Rick has no reason to take his fustrations out on Ivy and Ally. Rick and Maya treated them like scullery maids. Maya should be mindful of how she was treated when she was down on her luck and Daisey was nice to her when she didn't have too. Rick should also be mindful that he wasn't living in the basement nor a dungeon when Ridge was "getting everything". Rick is one of those who can't be grateful for what he has but covets what other people have. This is where I blame Brooke more than Eric for Rick's flaws. I belive Ridge and Rick have both done more than their share to subvert each other and learn how to at least coexist.


I'm waiting to see Eric have a scene with Ivy and Ally where they tell him how things have been.  How is he going to justify Rick's shit to them the same way he was with Ridge and Caroline?  Is he really going to be cool with Rick and Maya treating his granddaughter and niece like crap just because they could?  

  • Love 7

If any son was ever ignored or abused it's Thorne.  Rick can have a seat with his constant bitching and whine.  Suck a tit Rick.   


Where is Maya's self respect?  This isn't her being strong, this is her being a good girl and going along with what Rick says.  As soon as she grows a mind of her own and dares to disagree or challenge Rick on anything, she'll be out the door.  She'd be wise to mind her manners and who she mistreats.  Rick can change dance partners fast and right in the middle of the song.  

  • Love 12

So, I guess the takeover will go on even though I still understand the math of it. Granted, I don't like Rick now but Ridge is so pompous that I almost want Rick to win. I'm glad Eric is back but I would have liked him to have shown a little more anger with Rick and kicked him out of his bedroom. Hopefully, Aly & Ivy will tell him how they have been treated but I think it will be swept under the rug.

  • Love 1

And this is all I ask for as a longtime viewer of B&B.  Someone please call Ridge on his hypocrisy and inability to see how his past behaviors have gotten him exactly where he is.  It doesn't matter that this character is now played by a better actor who has chemistry with his younger co-star.  It's about history and about Eric watching Brooke and Ridge over the years both at the office and elsewhere.  Including them having sex on the floor of the lab after the Belief invention which resulted in Bridget's (then believed) conception.  Eric and Brooke were still married then BTW.

All of this. Rick N. Sane's behavior, including the same shit he pulled as KL!Rick, is a drop in the bucket compared to the three DECADES of entitlement outta Ridge.At least Rick's idea of a prank isn't to fuck his brother's wife while she's drunk.

  • Love 4

So, the morale's of the stories are:


  1. When faced with your lack of parenting skills it is always best to blame your parents. 
  2. When facing the child you have always favored, but are now rejecting, it is always best to blame the child for your parenting choices. 


It is so much easier and cleaner this way; no unsightly can of worms will be opened, nor any ugly Pandora's Boxes. 


Just as I thought; Rick wasn't crazy, he was just having a temper tantrum and was acting out. Rick needed to come out the victor over Ridge at all costs, and he has done that. He also needed to be validated by Mommy and Daddy, and to know they thought his choices were ok and that he didn't cross any lines in achieving his goal. Now that Rick has Eric's seal of approval, he will revert to "Nice Rick", and will apologize for having his hissy fit, and for making FC's seem more like a war zone than a place of business. He will once again be Ally's uncle and Ivy's cousin. It is going to all be about FC's and how they are a team, down in the trenches together. Except NOT. Eric not only accepting, but condoning, Rick's behavior, is going to send a very clear message to everyone concerned. Whenever Little Prick feels threatened, or like his authority is being challenged, well, he can just stamp his feet, and start raising a ruckus, and firing guns around the office, because these people need to learn who is "IN CHARGE". 


Ridge should just cut his losses and go. What child wants to be held accountable for his father's choices? Eric is upset with Ridge because Ridge is the person Eric has made him? How pathetic. Additionally, it seems that Eric has more of Rick in him than we knew, because his comments had Rick all over them, "what have you two been doing?" Last time I checked they were busy designing a line that Rick was rejecting out of hand, that is, whenever he can tear himself from Maya's arms. And this little pearl of wisdom "how is Rick supposed to react when all you two do is make out in this building?" (or something to that effect). Wow, I guess only CEO's get to fornicate at their place of employment? 


Of course, this is all setting up the "take over"; Eric's actions will no doubt make Ridge consider throwing in with the Spencer's. And of course, we are supposed to be horrified that he would even consider it, especially now that Rick and Maya are all sweetness and light. PFFFT! I would rather Ridge and Caroline go off on their own, and start their own venture. I see good SL potential there, but if this is what I am going to get, then I say fuck um hard Ridge! 

  • Love 17

My problem with Eric taking Ridge to task is that it feels like he's blaming Ridge for his own bad parenting, which is a profoundly shitty thing for a father to do. Eric should own his mistakes. Now if he wants to ream Ridge for the douchebaggery he's engaged in over the years, including the grotesque mullet experiment, well hell, let it fly.

  • Love 12
but if this is what I am going to get, then I say fuck um hard Ridge!



And I say "Die in a car fire Ridge!"  He's a contemptible piece of garbage who doesn't seem to have learned any lessons from his grotesque behavior.  In today's ep, Caroline, who I also cannot stand, is at least willing to accept some modicum of responsibility for her behavior and what transpired after that.  That's fucking growth.  Old ass Ridge and growth?  All we get is waistline and facial hair growth from him.  The more I watch this the more I'm convinced that his behavior towards Rick has almost nothing to do with Rick's actions... it's all about the fact he's not in charge.  That's all Ridge appears to care about.  Caroline doesn't need him to defend her anymore.  At no point does it appear to sink into him that he might have done something wrong that somehow led everyone down this path.  It's the same thing with the helicopter fall.  Brooke didn't ask, nor did she need him to fly halfway across the globe to stop her wedding or drag her to the helicopter like a child.  His actions, in part, led to the fall that temporarily disrupted his drawing ability.  Did he ever for one second think, "Gee, maybe I shouldn't have done that?"  Of course not.  It was as if he had 15 fingers so he could point them in every direction except at himself.  He even managed to blame Brooke for a second.


Don't take this as a defense of Rick or Maya's actions... it really isn't.  It seems as if every character on the show is capable of looking in the mirror and admitting they screwed up (even if for one second) except for one.  Ridge is trash.  He wants what he wants when he wants until he doesn't want it anymore.  But he reserves the right to want it again. 

Edited by nasir jones
  • Love 9

Liam needs to realize that someone with Steffy's lack of boundaries and supermassive sense of entitlement will only understand blunt language. He needs to tell her to get bent. To fuck off. To relocate to another planet. I get that being a passive inanimate object is sort of Liam's thing, but she's not going to get bored and leave him alone. It's embarassing as hell to watch Steffy ooze all over Liam despite his gentle rebuffs.


I am not sure what happened with the rest of the show, as I experienced a rage blackout when Steffy whispered "cha cha cha" while gnawing on Liam's ear. Did she turn out to be a zombie and was trying to chew her way to his gray matter? Jokes on her then.

  • Love 13

Ridge hasn't realized that he needs to change his game plan and I found it interesting that most people couldn't speak in that meeting until he told them to. Whatever, someone should drop him out of a plane/helicopter again. 


I don't get Eric staying in the guest house though, that's dumb. 


Oh and Maya's sister was on for what? One day? That was a waste. 

Edited by venusnv80
  • Love 4

Liam needs to realize that someone with Steffy's lack of boundaries and supermassive sense of entitlement will only understand blunt language. He needs to tell her to get bent. To fuck off. To relocate to another planet. I get that being a passive inanimate object is sort of Liam's thing, but she's not going to get bored and leave him alone. It's embarassing as hell to watch Steffy ooze all over Liam despite his gentle rebuffs.


I am not sure what happened with the rest of the show, as I experienced a rage blackout when Steffy whispered "cha cha cha" while gnawing on Liam's ear. Did she turn out to be a zombie and was trying to chew her way to his gray matter? Jokes on her then.


But he won't do that because he loves it. This is the real Liam. As soon as a second woman willing to humiliate herself for his bland affections shows up, he's all about it. And I'm willing to bet that if Ivy even bothers to mention it to him, he'll crow about how he told Steffy he loved Ivy and is therefore the bestest boyfriend ever, even though Steffy made it clear why she was there and they spent the day frolicking in the ocean and smooching in the living room. Maybe he'll throw in something about not wanting to hurt Steffy's feelings to show that he's a good guy. But he isn't. He's a scumbag. 


I will not speak of the whispered horror. 


Oh, and I love that Rick knew exactly how to play the rest of the spoiled Forrester brats. "Aly, you've worked on something for five minutes. Here's a few million to blow. That's how we work around here."

Edited by jenrising
  • Love 9

Liam needs to realize that someone with Steffy's lack of boundaries and supermassive sense of entitlement will only understand blunt language. He needs to tell her to get bent. To fuck off. To relocate to another planet. I get that being a passive inanimate object is sort of Liam's thing, but she's not going to get bored and leave him alone. It's embarassing as hell to watch Steffy ooze all over Liam despite his gentle rebuffs.

I am not sure what happened with the rest of the show, as I experienced a rage blackout when Steffy whispered "cha cha cha" while gnawing on Liam's ear. Did she turn out to be a zombie and was trying to chew her way to his gray matter? Jokes on her then.

Lol at the last sentence!

Steffy sucks, but this week is a reminder of why I rooted for Hope and Wyatt in the beginning. He doesn't have the excuse of Ivy being an immature, self centered ice princess to make him even remotely sympathetic. He's just classic 80s Ridge minus sex appeal and assertiveness.

  • Love 3

Ridge would just be a tyrant and treat Caroline and Aly like crap too. The only reason why he is being even a minuscule nice to Aly is because Rick isn't. If anything, the ladies should get together and run their own company without any of the men.

Women surviving on their own without a man? Impossible!

....I like this idea better than mine. ;)

  • Love 5

I am really torn when it comes to Liam. There's a part of me that thinks he's eating up this Steffy shit with a spoon and thinking it tastes like chocolate. There's another part of me that thinks Liam doesn't enjoy Steffy's relentless advances but completely lacks the will to stop it. Either way, what a drip.

Oh yes, Rick also put on a magnificent show. Like someone else said, Ridge needs to change his game, because his blustering isn't going to make a dent in Eric's titanium skull. Damn, I can see Aly being naive enough to buy Rick's phoney baloney, but Eric should be a little more worldly. I did enjoy JY as Rick killing everyone with newfound kindness, so bravo.

Seriously, though, why is Steffy still around?

  • Love 10

I think JMW has entered "I work out so much that I look as stringy as Madonna" territory. Ivy looked better in every way to me.



Now, Ridge running around like a lunatic and acting like a sore loser...well...he won't win Eric over with that.

It worked for Rick.  ;) 


I'll cut the waffle a little slack because he still needs Steffy's shares, so being forceful* with her might be counterproductive.


I think I was wrong Rick is not bipolar, the writers are. I'm so confused I don't know who to hate or cheer for.


I'll just go with hating all of them..... Except Thorne.


*Not that he would be forceful.

  • Love 8

Ivy:  How dare you come on to my boy friend!





Ivy, Ivy, Ivy ... Aggressive sexual conduct for Liam/$Bill/Ridge/Oliver/Rick's attention is Steffy's stock-in-trade; It's a Forester family tradition. It is a big mistake to make empty threats, making Liam more desirable to Steffy. Seducing him out of spite will become a greater challenge for her, and she generally wins that contest.

  • Love 4

Liam needs to realize that someone with Steffy's lack of boundaries and supermassive sense of entitlement will only understand blunt language. He needs to tell her to get bent. To fuck off. To relocate to another planet. I get that being a passive inanimate object is sort of Liam's thing, but she's not going to get bored and leave him alone. It's embarassing as hell to watch Steffy ooze all over Liam despite his gentle rebuffs.


I am not sure what happened with the rest of the show, as I experienced a rage blackout when Steffy whispered "cha cha cha" while gnawing on Liam's ear. Did she turn out to be a zombie and was trying to chew her way to his gray matter? Jokes on her then.


What he needs to say, if he genuinely wants her to stop, is "even if I wasn't with Ivy, things are over with us."  Because protesting that he's with Ivy is not, in Steffy's mind, a rejection, it's a challenge.  How long has he known her?  He knows that "I'm involved with someone else" is basically an aphrodisiac for Steffy, not a stop sign. 


I liked, during the "everyone but Rick" meeting with Eric, as Eric was trying to find ways to rebuff everyone's complaints about Ric's behavior, when Caroline, clearly in disbelief that they even had to debate whether Ric had lost his mind, said "oh, and there was the time he fired a gun in here!" 

  • Love 10

I still need my nappy changed from last week so I was in no mood for more of the same today, although I had to laugh when Eric said "I'd be glad to listen to anyone who has anything to say" because to me it came out like "Idushmusfsfufdsjbddfkjhdssey."  Nice line delivery, John.


The only other bright spark is the possibility of Ridge versus Eric when up until now it has been Team Eridge - anything that keeps putting JMC & TK in scenes together.


Steffy/Liam/Ivzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Though I want to ask, what is Ivy going to do to Steffy if she doesn't let up on Liam? "Get lost or else"? Or else what, Ivy? Sic a dropbear on her?


I won't quote it for length, but, BRAVA, St3phForrester, for articulating exactly how I feel far better than I ever could with your brilliantly insightful post.

Well thank you, Snaporaz; I will be honest and admit that reading it back now I realise hardly any of it makes any sense (so blind was my rage apparently), but I'm glad someone enjoyed it. :)


Thanks for posting that classic. Always a treat.

No worries SweePea59; it wasn't as dramatic as I remembered it though. This one was my next choice - the guy can get pretty animated when he wants to be!


Oh and Maya's sister was on for what? One day? That was a waste.

Yeah, what's with that? Hopefully something happens with Nicole soon, she was cool.


If anything, the ladies should get together and run their own company without any of the men.

Thanks for putting The Eurythmics in my head, venusnv80. ;)
  • Love 9

So, it appears whoever was working Eric over while he was away with John just skipped the stupid stick all together and leveled up to the Bonehead Branch. Either that, or the real Eric has been replaced by the Body Snatchers or this is an Eric doppelganger. I know Eric has never been a real smart guy, but he has always been about family, and the shit he is condoning just doesn't compute. If I am understanding correctly, it is ok to act out your anger, disrespecting your friends and family, threatening their livelyhoods, treating them like servants, calling them childish names and making fun of them, sabotaging the company entrusted to you by over pricing lines, and belittling and insulting your staff, demeaning them and their work, shooting weapons in occupied offices; if at the end of the day you have made profit for the company, and of course if you are sorry. Now, if Ridge's head had been two inches higher, or maybe, two inches further to the left, he would have had three bullets in it, so I am sure that RJ, Steffy and Thomas would all understand how "sorry" Rick is that he had to kill their dad, but "the guy was kissing his wife!" 


You are not doing Rick any favors here Eric; validating and condoning his juvenile, criminal, and very dangerous actions will only make his next meltdown worse. Considering the bulk of the blame for this situation can be laid at your feet, I am very upset with you, and would really just like to smack the taste right out of your mouth. You set this up by pitting Ridge and Rick against each other for most of Ridge's adult life, and for almost all of Rick's. You have waved that friggin CEO position in their faces, like a canteen of water to a thirsty man, with the underlying message that whoever gets it will be "the one", for years. You have fanned the flames of dislike between your sons by continually telling Rick that even though Ridge has no Forrester blood in his veins, he will always be your son; while Rick has had to scratch and claw for any morsel of attention and appreciation you have ever shown him. You watched Rick and Bridget being raised by a dysfunctional mother, and saw the warning signs of trouble early on with Rick when he shot Grant Chambers, but you were too busy sexing up Sheila to notice your troubled son. Now as adults, you are basing their jobs on their personal lives, telling Ridge the CEO job is his if he agrees to reconcile with Brooke, and Rick it's his if he agrees to reconcile with Caroline. Outside of the fact that this tells me you are too stupid to live, it also tells me that you view women as chattel, bargaining chips in the game of life. 


And now, after years of messing up their lives by favoring Ridge, you are going to turn on him, and blame him for your choices. I don't have enough fucks to give about Ridge's indiscretions over the years, of which there have been many, that has nothing to do with a father/son relationship. And I know Ridge has done things to Eric and FC's, I know he had sex with an intoxicated Caroline, and a drugged out Brooke. But that is not what this is about. Ridge is nothing more than a product of his upbringing; a doting, obsessed mother, and a pussfied father who marched to the beat of his wife's drum. Eric might as well be carving out Ridge's heart and serving it to him on a silver platter. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 18

Ivy is talking a big game that I'm not sure she can back up.

Aly was swayed to the other side pretty easily. Which, to be honest, I was amused by, since she was all too happy to tattle about the ice cream incident. Don't get me wrong, even as a Raya supporter I thought they were gross and dead ass wrong for it, I also agreed with Eric that she could have said no. Rick sounded full of shit from the giddyup, but just mention those ugly ass shoes and she brings it up to them, and on a tray, no less. She chose to stand there like an idjit while they giggle and spoonfeed each other.

I instantly discard any mention of things I haven't seen. Perhaps I missed it; was there a scene actually shown of Rick ordering Oliver to take pics of Maya on his free time?

Why does Liam keep including Steffy as he tries to woo Ridge over to his side when he knows what Steffy's demands are? I just can't with him, he gets on my nerves. I really don't want him to succeed in this nonsense.

  • Love 3

What's up with Maya giving Nicole the bum's rush? Does Nicole know things about Maya that she doesn't want Rick to know? I'm not surprised that Rick was onboard for Nicole staying because he would think that Maya would want her to stay.

Also, when did Ivy grow a backbone? I guess we got the answer from Ivy herself when she told Steffy that they slept together. Ivy was less confrontational with Hope because Ivy was just testing the waters with Liam at that time. But it looks like Ivy took a page out of Hope's playbook and got all possessive of Liam. I'm not sure if confronting Steffy was a good idea because Steffy can be one real vindictive bit**. Especially when Ivy overheard Liam turn Steffy advances down.

Liam came up with a lot of really good arguments in his talk with Ridge but unlike Rick, Ridge didn't want to betray his father. Well at least not yet. Time will tell. Is Hope not apart of CF anymore? Is Hope for the Future dead? It sounded like Hope was excluded when Liam talked about TWO of the most important woman in his life Caroline and Ivy.

  • Love 3

RunTheTable I want to marry you and your post (or would you prefer a bullet of love Sonny C style?)



If I am understanding correctly, it is ok to act out your anger, disrespecting your friends and family, threatening their livelyhoods, treating them like servants, calling them childish names and making fun of them, sabotaging the company entrusted to you by over pricing lines, and belittling and insulting your staff, demeaning them and their work, shooting weapons in occupied offices; if at the end of the day you have made profit for the company, and of course if you are sorry.


This junk with Eric is beyond stupid. Just as some folks were saying that no matter how biased the writing was they couldn't get behind the Ridge/Caroline thing? Well I feel the same about this current round of nonsense. No matter how hard the writers push it, I will never think Rick's actions were right or acceptable. Be mad at Caroline? Sure, that's earned. Treat Aly like a servant? Shut up Rick and Maya.


I realize it's all to push Ridge to the Spencer plot, but there are a lot of more subtle ways to do it. This is so heavy handed.


Also? Why does Maya continue to say things like 'we will remember your loyalty' or whatever it was to the guy telling Rick about the meeting the staff was having with Eric. Maya you aren't in charge of anything! I seriously want her smug to be taken down a lot of pegs. So so so tired of her.


Rick's fake nice guy routine annoyed me too.


When is Steffy out of here? I used to prefer her to Hope, but have to admit Ivy has kind of grown on me.



Whoever said upthread that it's unfair Rick & Maya have had numerous bed scenes and we've gotten only ONE of Ridge & Caroline...I feel your pain.


Me too - it's really unfair. If I have to watch chemistry free (in my opinion) Rick and Maya rolling around, at least give me some Ridge and Caroline scenes!

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 8

Fuck yeah Ridge tell Short Stuff you're coming for him.

"I grew up in LA -so get in your car get your GPS and learn your way around"- Steffy to Ivy as to why she's better for Liam. Um what the fuck? That makes no damn sense and is irrelevant to the matter they are discussing, Steff waving her puss in Liam's face trying to get him to cheat. Steff also said some stupid shit to Caroline about her being from NY when she was bashing the CarRidge ship. Does this lady have some hatred of anyone who hasn't lived their entire life in BelAir or what? Snob city.

Ridge's response to Liam mentioning Myrna. "Don't even say that name! She's despicable." LOL!

Maya's chipmunk voice is peculiar. Why does she hate her sister Nicole? Nicole must know some dirt about her. All I can think is Snoresville because that means story about shit that happened off screen with characters I don't give a damn about.

Jacque McI/Steffies hair was a hot mess today. Totally scraggly, bone dry, crispy, tangled, uneven. Looked like member of Mötley Crüe or a severely neglected Golden Doodle before dematting.

  • Love 12

It was funny to me that Steffy was doing the "we've had obstacles/we wuz robbed" speech because the way I remember it was Steffy was the obstacle


Steffy's only advantage over Hope was that her bajingo was open for business and Hope's was not. She doesn't have that advantage with Ivy.


It's only been a couple of weeks she's been back but I already prefer Hope to Steffy again.


I'm interested in what's going on with Maya and her sister, but I've had enough of the Rick and Maya tell each other how great they are scenes.

  • Love 9

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