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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Funny thing, when I read that top quote it made me think of something I heard JLo say on some talk show. She basically said, if you're having a problem with someone it's not them it's YOU. YOU have to try harder.

For some reason I can't get that out of my head.

Brooke must have a cast iron stomach.


I take JLo's statement to mean that you are the the captain of your fate and not actually that "you" are the problem or "you" have to try harder. Too many kids think that they are the cause of their parents divorce or a battered wife feels she deserves the beating. It's hard for the Spencers,

Foresters, or Logans to take onus for the actions for their shit don't stink. Not all but most.

Today's show was a waist of time but I have to say don't mess with Quinn. I'm sure Decon and Brooke will have more than a whisk shoved into their oraphises.

Edited by Waldo13
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I'm not really a fan of the moob-ish chest but DD is in fine form for a guy his age. TK and SK should follow his example if they're going to be doing boudoir scenes.


She basically said, if you're having a problem with someone it's not them it's YOU. YOU have to try harder.

This is perhaps getting tangential but I'm not sure it's a good idea to assume automatic responsibility for other people's persistent bad behavior. Sometimes it is them. Should Liam have tried harder with Quinn? Should Ivy and Aly try harder with Rick?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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 touched by the blood of the stupid 



Slayer2, cannot. stop. laughing. But when I do stop, I'm going to start using this in regular conversation.


I'm now even more fully Team Rick because a) I hate Ridge more and more every time I hear his ridiculous accent and/or see orange crags that comprise his face.

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Yeah, SK shouldn't have worn that gray gym shirt. It showed all his girth which isn't a good look. If the woman have to look sexy and hot at age 48 so should he. LOL!!! Now, DD looked awesome today but I'm not into the waxy look. That said, he really works hard to look the way he does at age 52. Hopefully, SK shirtless scenes are hidden behind couches & countertops until he hits the gym. Deacon just isn't allowed to be heavy. LOL!!

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grisgris quote

Brooke looks like such a newbie lush with the way she grimaces each time she takes a sip. Stick with wine or are we now supposed to believe that she is so desperate that she'll drink whatever is on hand?


So far Brooke has not been a particularly discerning self-medicating drinker: Vodka and champers the day of the wedding, scotch and white wine today ... amateur hour.


I hate to see Deacon sucked back into the Golden Cooter Vortex again. Brooke is a sinkhole of desperation and want, nothing good will come of being her disco stick. Deacon and Quinn are a more supportive and realized couple, genuinely involved with each other.

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Yes she did, but the writers of this show have obviously smoke too much pot and have forgotten that little nugget about their own show.


I told you, he won't put down that bong. Brad Bell is that dude that everybody hates who eats the last popsicle and REFUSES to pass the dutchie to the left hand side. I bet all the other writers are sober as hell like "This motherfucker..."



Slayer2, cannot. stop. laughing. But when I do stop, I'm going to start using this in regular conversation.


Be my guest :) We've got to get something out of this fakakta show!



I cringe when I think of what's festering inside of Myra's vajayjay with all of the bathtub sex, not to mention yeast/sugar overgrowth from the champagne


But I thought there was no sex in the champagne rooom. ;)



I'm filing today's show under "Who gives a shit?" and calling it a day.


And I need to borrow your filing cabinet.

Edited by slayer2
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This show has really fallen off the rails.


You have Steffy and her nasty-ass hair trashing up the place and sparring with Ivy over Waffles 2.0 who isn't worth all of this scratching, clawing, and hissing.


You have the retcon nonsense where time has been truly turned back where Katie and Bill are concerned and suddenly she's just the perfect woman again? Give me a break. She's the same bitch she's always been and already in their "honeymoon" scenes, you can just see the wheels spinning and she's right on target with wanting to pick up where she left off with his indoctrination and emasculation protocol.


When I think about what could have been with Brooke/Bill, well, like Tiffany said, it makes me want to cry.


Speaking of Brooke, I love you, KKL, but you cannot act drunk to save your life. It's not even unintentional comedy gold material. It's sadder watching this than if Brooke was a sad drunk. KKL needs to sit her ass down and watch MTS's Drinkki, especially her marvelous scene with KSJ at the dive bar. 


And now this crap with Deascum...so Count Porkula is now the center of yet another triangle? Please God, no. I will admit that way back when they hooked up, they were a million kinds of hot, but now? I just want to take a shower watching them - the hotter the better so I can be cleansed of the ick I feel watching them. Deacon and Quinn just fit and this business with Brooke is just pathetic and is only designed to kick her yet again when she's already at one of the lowest points of her life.

Edited by CountryGirl
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I got nothing but shallow comments, because when you are given fluff and filler, the best thing to do is bake a really unhealthy desert:


  1. Don Diamont looks absolutely great, although I don't care for the Turtle Wax finish; he clearly works very hard to keep in shape. Thorsten Kaye looks like he has lost a few pounds since joining the cast, and is really my ideal right now, as I don't much go in for the whole muscled up scene, but like my man to have a little paunch. Then we have Sean Kanan, who is undoubtedly pulling up the rear in B&B's middle aged Lotharios category. When Deacon popped up over that counter with the red plastic whisk, and his flabby upper arms, and his puffy eyes and red face, I thought for a minute that he and Quinn had been whipping up a fresh batch of sadomasochistic Puff Puff's, while slugging back shots of Jim Beam. 
  2. I didn't think it possible, but KKL's figure looks better than ever, and it appears that she too has lost weight. And am I mistaken, or have they put in some extensions? I noticed Brooke was sporting those little points of short hair around her face, just like when she and Deacon were first together, and her hair appeared a bit longer. In any event, I thought her hair looked better than it has in.......well forever, without those straggly, over bleached ends showing. 
  3. I thought Katie's purple lingerie was really beautiful, and I thought she looked incredibly beautiful in it. Heather looks like she has lost some weight too, and is looking quite good these days. That was pretty slick with the necklace too; maybe while Katie has been riding her recumbent bike, she has also been reading 100 Ways to Control Your Husband Without Him Knowing It, cause Bill is clueless to what just happened. That necklace has defined Bill's whole adult life. It embodies everything he is and isn't as a person, and by allowing Katie to replace it with her own version essentially says he is turning his life and future over to Katie. He is making her the Gate Keeper. Better get her clued in on the old FC's takeover plan Bill, or she is gonna cause the Mojo to flow into that necklace, and you are not going to be a happy man.
  4. I finally figured out what is bugging me about KKL. She is trying too hard. It is as if she is trying to out act everyone else. I wonder if she was keeping up with things while she was gone and felt threatened by how well the show was going without Brooke? I have not always supported or liked Brooke, but I have always loved KKL, and felt Brooke was an essential character to the show. But they showed us differently, and Brooke's return has killed all the excitement and momentum the show had. Almost all Brooke's scenes have been over the top, and it's like KKL is in overdrive just trying to kill/steal every one of them. And the character has made zero sense since returning. 
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Well said!  KKL likely is in the best shape of her mature life after having danced her heart out for months in Italy.  She always looked good and still does to me.  I have always loved her appearance and hair.  She suits hair that frames her beautiful face not hangs down behind her head or beside it because it is too thin and drags her down.  I don't think she has extensions in at least nothing like Steffie who has gone the extreme route.  


I am not sure they know what to do with KKL since she has been off canvas.  Rick is too busy in the bathtub, Hope is gone and so far RJ has not been brought onto the canvas yet.  TK has slimmed down and with a much needed hair makeover he is at least bearable in scenes with Caroline.  


I posted the same thing about SK and that red face, wow, when he came up for air I thought OMG, has he been shot, I thought it was blood on his face at first then saw the whisk.  He is very soft!  Hopefully with Quinn and Brooke not where it counts!  LOL  Back in the day they were hot in Brooke's bedroom!  


And KKL plays a terrible drunk.  Turning her into an overnight alcoholic?  Having a few binges does not an alcoholic make but I guess this is the soap world and we only have less than 20 minutes to send her there quickly thus the angst and concern of her family and friends! 

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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Brooke's drunken escapades are going to eat the show, aren't they? Just buy an electric toothbrush, name it Paolo the pool boy, and put down the shot glass.


Katie, you dumdum, Brooke haz a sad because you invited her to your wedding to rub it in her face. Okay, that's a small part of the overall bigger picture, where Brooke's empty bed makes her soul feel empty. Seriously, all the characters today talking about how Brooke needs a man was just awful and the pinnacle of pathetic. As a vagina-American, I feel vaguely insulted.


Chickenhead, "it's different for a woman." I love you, but shut it. Shut it long and shut it hard. Don't open your beak again until you have something sensible to say. Don't even try to get back into my good graces by reading Deacon for the weasel he is, you smooth-talking piece of poultry.

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Brooke looks so pathetic right now. Is she going to pull this routine on every ex in town -wearing a swimsuit and inviting him into the her pool. I'd call her a thirsty cougar but the men aren't younger and they're in relationships. I guess desperate and horny is the descriptor. Maybe she should get a gigalo or see if Carter is free. He's cute. I think KKL played drunk convincingly today. I didn't expect Quinn to slap her. One of these days she's going to attack the wrong person and lose a few teeth.

Wyatt needs a new toupee. His advice to Mommy Meanest Quinsy. "It's different for a woman. Before Deacon was in your life you gave dad more than a passing thought." RME that sounded so trite.

This episode was a bit boring without CarRidge or Raya.

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Isn't Deacon an alcoholic? Does Brooke know that? Or she does and doesn't care.Just another thing that makes her look pathetic.


Wyatt knows his mother is looney working her up against Brooke is really not the smartest idea.

Edited by Artsda
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Brooke is lucky that Quinn didn't have enough time to fashion a sword with her name on it. But I feel that Quinn punching Brooke is symbolic for what every woman wanted to do to Brooke when she stole their man.

I don't know where Katie got the new sword, but it looks cheap and not as ornate as the one Bill got from Quinn. It couldn't have been from Ivy because the one she gave Liam was as nice as Quinn's.

Edited by Waldo13
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Brooke going alcoholic for the week does occupy her time on screen ... it is Emmy bait ... not that KKL is particularly good at it.

Well it might be Emmy bait for a different kind of actress, an actress that can chew the scenery and still keep us believing she's drunk, like Linda Dano, Kim Zimmer or Jeanne Cooper.  Unfortunately KKL isn't that kind of actress, after seeing her drunk in the restaurant with Deacon yesterday I was reminded of Brooke on the roller coaster with Stephanie, totally over the top, totally unbelievable, totally cringeworthy.  Seriously Brad Bell, she's been on the show for over 25 years and you don't know her acting strengths yet!?  I pray she's in rehab by St Patrick's Day.

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I agree that KKL is looking really good these days but Rena Sofer is just everything to me... those eyes and that hair, I die! She is a beautiful. Character-wise, Brook and Quinn are both damaged, so I am not sure which would be the lesser of 2 evils for Deacon, who isn't a suitable mate for anyone. And yes, he does have to lose some damn weight, because his looks are the main thing he has going for him.


In the contest between Steffy vs Ivy, I am team Ivy, and long as she doesn't go too far with the moral shit. I don't like slut-shaming in general, but don't mind someone calling a ho out over their man. I wanna see some extensions pulled out, if it has to come to that. I sure as hell don't think Liam is worth it, but a little cat fighting is good for a soap.


In the contest between Rick and Maya vs everyone else, no matter how assy these two are I still root for them a little, because if I drink enough and squint my eyes hard enough they bear a passing resemblance to a young Mr. and Mrs P-Fat. Only in the looks department! We never ran a fashion house, and we like to think we are not assholes to everyone around us. No gun play, etc.

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This drunk Brooke storyline is crackers. It's completely bonkers. And not in a good way. I don't know why they decided to go this way. It's not cute. It's certainly not entertaining to watch.

This SL so far has got to be one of the worst I can remember for Brooke, including her first roll in the hay with Deacon. That at least gave me Sexy Deacon, Stephanie's hilarious reveal of the pregnancy, the equally hilarious foot massage Whip gives Brooke and the potential in future stories with Hope (which we know was squandered, but still). Also, the Lone Tear of Sorrow is always good for mild lulz, but we haven't even gotten that.


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Scotch, white wine, more Scotch, then vodka? Even I'm about to simultaneously throw up and pass out just thinking about that combination!


WTH...with Katie going on and on about Brooke during her honeymoon??!!! Is she trying to rub it in to Bill? Guilt him? If she doesn't shut up, he's going to start having second thoughts.


I'll add SK to the list of men who needs a degreasing and haircut.


Good job, Chickenhead... If he hadn't gone over to Quinn's house to stir up shit and needle Deacon, Quinn probably would have had a more rational reaction.


Let me guess...Brooke is going to get hurt from falling after Quinn slapped her and the "blame Quinn" cycle will reboot.

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Isn't Deacon an alcoholic? Does Brooke know that? Or she does and doesn't care.Just another thing that makes her look pathetic.


Sort of ... I guess it depends on what drives the plot Deacon is placed. If alcohol is an issue for him, it's driven home with a hammer.


On his last trip to Genoa City he was in recovery and going to AA, falling off the wagon with Nicki Newman. Way back when on Bn'B, he was a recovering alcoholic with Macy Alexander. In this recent return Deacon drinks moderately, recognizing Brooke's drinking as out of the norm from their history together.


Wyatt knows his mother is looney working her up against Brooke is really not the smartest idea.


Wyatt has every reason to be suspect of Deacon. He has a terrible reputation, (like himself) a familiar oily charm, insinuates himself with people for his own benefit, one can't easily read if he is being sincere or deceptive, and is the father of his estranged wife. 


Wyatt knows Quinn can turn on a dime, and Quinn was ready to cut loose Brooke after warning her earlier.


We don't know what involvement Brooke had on Hope choosing to divorce Wyatt, but she surely didn't see a downside to Hope divesting herself of the 'wrong' Spencer. Perhaps Wyatt had an ulterior motive in launching his mother at Brooke. 

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Sorry. I make fun of this show, but I would hate to stop watching. It's such a part of my daily routine. But...here we have a woman who acts so full of herself and her FUN! personality, and yet she is so pathetic that she would accept a relationship with a man who would only be with her for shares. Oh sure, Liam had feelings for Steffy and probably still has some, but when you have to dangle shares of Forrester over a man's head to get him in bed, that's gross. Liam should be offended that she's asking him to prostitute himself, but he didn't have that much dignity to begin with. The icing on the desperation cake has to be Daddy trying to strong-arm the guy you want into a relationship. Awful. Insulting on every level. Steffy really is just a sober Brooke.

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I don't understand why I should be invested in this story.  We all know that JMW is not coming back full time, so there's no mystery about who Liam will "choose."  We're just wasting time.


Then we have Ridge pulling a play from his parents playbook by trying to force someone to be in a relationship they don't want for business purposes.  What is this crap?

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Why would you want a guy who is only with you because of a business deal?

Why would you accept an engagement ring that was still warm from the guy's ex-fiancee pulling it off her finger? Steffy has long since proven she has no pride as far as Liam is concerned.

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I love how dismissive Ridge and Steffy are of Ivy and her feelings. By love, I mean they made me queasy. Oh sure, being discarded by your lover because someone dangled share-bait in front of them will hurt, but they'll get over it and YAY, we win! Seriously? This is the best the writers can scrape together for a takeover story?


I know Liam is a wet noodle, but why isn't he telling Steffy that if she actually did love him, she wouldn't ask him to do something underhanded that nudges him toward being a terrible person? Oh that's right; Steffy is the terrible, selfish person and like all terrible people, assumes everyone operates just like them.


I cannot believe how awful drunken Brooke is. I like KKL as an actor, but this is not her finest hour. Brooke seems to be guzzling a tremendous amount of alcohol to the point I wonder when she'll be hospitalized for alcohol poisoning.

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I cannot believe how awful drunken Brooke is. I like KKL as an actor, but this is not her finest hour.

Oh my gosh. KKL was horrendous today, but some of that was the dialogue. "I don't DESIRE Deacon." OK, romance novel heroine…

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I don't understand why I should be invested in this story.  We all know that JMW is not coming back full time, so there's no mystery about who Liam will "choose."  We're just wasting time.


Then we have Ridge pulling a play from his parents playbook by trying to force someone to be in a relationship they don't want for business purposes.  What is this crap?


Shira quote

Yep, exactly. I was just checking in to write how this show is going to make me mute my TV boyfriend, TK (whose mere voice alone is enough to get me a little tipsy with lust) if he's resigned to a shit-awful script that has him leveraging an international company's takeover for his delusional daughter to get back her crappy waffle of an ex-husband who always chose her SECOND after the spoiled little brat he really wanted did some random thing to delay their inevitable reunion. Really, Ridge? This is the guy for your daughter?


Ridge going to Liam, openly pimping out Steffy (granted, she's more than willing) for control of Forester Creations was revolting.

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Ivy's Pretty Woman hooker dress is so not flattering to her figure.


Yeah. Ivy's been looking frumpy lately. Her hair's been a mess. I guess she (or TPTB) decided they didn't like the fringe, so she's growing them back out. Her wardrobe hasn't been doing her any favors either. I thought she looked good over the summer when she was in the bright colors and prints in more of a gypsy/bohemian style. Made her look more like an artiste!


PLEASE ship Brooke off to rehab and get her off the screen! KKL's acting has been really terrible. I mean Hunter Tylo set the bar fairly low for playing drunk, but this.... Not even in the same ballpark.


I find it fighting over Deacon pathetic -- even moreso than Waffles. Speaking of, now that Taylor is gone, Steffy is having Daddy do her bidding for her. Really? What an immature, spoiled and titled little bitch! I really can't believe that Ridge went along with it. Now I couldn't picture RM's Ridge going there. It seemed like he pretty much stayed out of Steffy's and Hope's relationships. Or if he did, it was so insignificant that I've forgotten it. But then, during RM's time, the girls had their mommy's to fight their battles for them.


I so want for Deacon and Quinn to get married just so that Quinn is both Hope's MIL and stepmother!

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As a self-professed 3-beer wuss, it always makes me more than a little queasy to see how much booze the characters without drinking problems consume on this show. (Actually, it's the same on Y&R.) Brooke may have been drinking vodka out of a water glass, but Eric, Bill, and others drink what looks to be 8 ounces of Scotch like it's nothing. And then they pour another! How is nobody puking?

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Nobody's puking? I don't like correcting you in public, snaporaz, but I suffer from dry heaves and minute amounts of vomit in my mouth as I watch Brooke and Steffy demean themselves over men.

'Sup with Liam's hair? Is that an actual style? I was thinking perhaps some deranged soul seeded his scalp with corn and dunked his head in a barrel of chickens.

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As a self-professed 3-beer wuss, it always makes me more than a little queasy to see how much booze the characters without drinking problems consume on this show. (Actually, it's the same on Y&R.) Brooke may have been drinking vodka out of a water glass, but Eric, Bill, and others drink what looks to be 8 ounces of Scotch like it's nothing. And then they pour another! How is nobody puking?

Even in the five years of being in the Navy, I've never seen someone take a full 8 ounces of hard liquor straight up in one sitting. Although, I've heard the stories of guys that were such alcoholics that they'd fill up water bottles of vodka and drink that throughout the day.

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I just kicked over my OWN trashcan in my own home after  reading that. My poor two year old took it as a cue to get rock star destructive, but I just didn't care. Why Dog, Whyyyyyy???? Meanwhile back wherever FC is supposed to be, I see Liam is still standing around with his dumb mouth hanging open waiting for someone to tell him how to feel. This takeover story has moved firmly into gross territory. Can Brooke please fall down a flight of stairs already. I am sick of her swanning around in a swimsuit and sarong.

I love your crazy ass Quinn, but lay off the physical violence for a while, or just use it on Deaks. He's into your whole Fifty Shades thing. 


Edited by smartyshorts
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Thankfully the article says it's 

a short term return

So was JMW's, and yet Steffy is still around, a month after her supposed two-day appearance. So assuming both of them will appear on screen together, are we gonna get Hope, Steffy AND Ivy trying to get Liam's attention? I don't think even Ridge Forrester ever pulled off three women at once onscreen!

Edited by Anna Yolei
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So was JMW's, and yet Steffy is still around, a month after her supposed two-day appearance. So assuming both of them will appear on screen together, are we gonna get Hope, Steffy AND Ivy trying to get Liam's attention? I don't think even Ridge Forrester ever pulled off three women at once onscreen!

I guess that's what happens when

you're one of at most 5 single males in Los Angeles!

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I haven't missed KM. Between her jazzy hands & voice inflections it's been nice without her. Unfortunately, Wyatt and hips lips, teeth & arched eye brows are still there. He is beyond annoying. IMO!!

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