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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Geez, Brooke. There are undoubtedly thousands of people who spend Valentine's Day alone, and I bet a not insignificant portion of them are fine with it. Men are people, not oxygen. You can live without them.

Which brings me to Steffy, that pathetic, desperate, grasping little toad. Her connection with Liam was soooo deep and meaningful that a vapid vessel of virtue could turn his head at any time. Whatever. Too bad that Ivy didn't bring her fucks to give to the office that night.

I just have a love/hate relationship with Bill. He's no better than the chuckleheads who demanded Rick and Caroline stay together. Dude, if you want to bang Steffy, own it and stop trying to accomplish it vicariously through Liam. What the hell with all the parents on this show trying to force their kids into relationships they don't want?

Oh yay, the hundreth alcoholism storyline on B&B, and it's over not having a man to boot. It's fresh and modern!

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Brooke hasn't had a conversation pass the Bechdel test in about a decade. B&B needs to get real and wake up to what women want to see. They do studies on this shit, take a quantitative survey and figure that shit out already because no matter whom we ship I think it's safe to say that NONE of us are here for this.

Edited by slayer2
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So watching the Rick/Steffy scenes yesterday, I don't know, I kind of felt some heat there.


The sparring, the twinkle in both of their eyes even as they are supposedly enemies, I thought I saw something there.


They seemed to have more chemistry than Rick/Maya or Rick/Caroline.


Just me?




THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN !!!    Sorry CountryGirl, that setup was irresistible. ;)   They do have good chemistry though.


"The plant" Come on $Bill you can do better than that.


Hasn't this been more episodes of JMW than it was supposed to be ?

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Watching today's episode in low-res, it looked like Steffy's jacket had bird shit all over it.


Actually the whole episode had bird shit on it, so, whatever.


Thanks for posting that. I really enjoyed it. I cried, but I enjoyed it.

You're welcome, SweePea59. The first scenes in that video in particular are some of my favourites ever between SF & JMC - a little uncomfortable to sit through, yeah, but it's an interesting and important conversation to have, and those two played it so well. "You have enough energy to feed the homeless but you leave me here starving for affection" is one of my favourite Eric lines.


I'm surprised they're not bringing Eric back to say, sorry, not interested

Slightly off-tangent, but you know what would just make my day? I only realised this this morning as I was waking up - what if Eric came back from Europe and he had a beard? Like, something he's been cultivating while he's been away and he reckons he looks pretty good with it, and then he comes back to LA and everyone gives him flak for looking like Father Christmas or something.


Anyway. Anything that's not Rick being an asshole to everyone because I'm over that shit. Oh wait! Never mind.



He's coming home on Feb 19th!!! [link]

Edited by St3phForrester
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If I was Deacon I wouldn't be hugging Brooke because than Quinn would only need one sword. Me, for one, is a little upset that the writers decided to put Quinn on Adderall. I would love to see Quinn go ape shit on Brooke but instead we see a tender loving Quinn eating chocolate with her son.

Did anyone notice that Brooke's eyes are less squinty when she's drunk. At first, Steffy seemed more in tune with Liam's and Ivy's relationship than Hope. Steffy seamed willing to accept this until Ivy wanted her to work with Liam. For that to happen, than Steffy said she wants the whole enchilada (or chile pepper).

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Brooke's a boring, weepy drunk. Taylor was much more entertaining with her dancing around and slamming empty wine bottles into the fireplace. She threw up on Nick  and had Beverly Hills liquor store delivery on speed dial. Macy was a nasty venomous drunk, especially to Brooke (who was in full pursuit of Thorne and deserved it!)


I want to see Brooke sloshed, staggering in to FC and walking in on Caroline and Ridge. Go all Sue Ellen on them.


I want to slap, slap, SLAP Steffy! GOD she aggravates me. I'm glad that Ivy stood up to her. Really. Ivy is just supposed to hand Liam over? By the same token, I couldn't believe Bill encouraging Liam to dump Ivy. Is Bill still getting a hard-on over that petulant Bratz doll? Katie's not going to be very happy when all of this shit hits the fan.


From the shallow end: Steffy sounds like she's either taking testosterone shots or smoking 5 packs a day. KKL looks like she's lost a bunch of weight. I noticed it when there was a low side view of her in those jeans. Must have been from the dancing show in Italy.

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Anyway. Anything that's not Rick being an asshole to everyone because I'm over that shit. Oh wait! Never mind.


Guys, I have ceased to see Rick as a character because these writers have just gone way OTT.  Instead, I see JY hamming it up and having a blast and it really makes me laugh.  I came to that realization as I was watching that Next on...clip.  I'm sitting here thinking, "Jacob Young is probably hilarious in real life."  SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE, SHOW!

Edited by kia112
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donovan, on 13 Feb 2015 - 2:24 PM, said:

TIIC have already done the drunk thing with Macy and with Taylor. Yawn.

And if they are trying to make me feel bad for Brooke for being alone (for once in her life), they are barking up the wrong tree. I want her to be alone for a bit, cut her hair, put on a sexy business suit, go to work, and kick some ass.

Just man up (so to speak) Brooke and be a strong single woman rather than this weak, lank haired, kindergarten speaking, drunk who is so very lost without a man.


slayer2 quote

Word! They need to get out of the 1960's and into the new millennium. Brooke's Bedroom and Takeover Storyline was soap gold. Bring back THAT Logan.


Anything that gets us past Brooke's drunken sniveling about being a beautiful loser -- empty house and empty bed and empty vagina.  <Blerg>


The writing was gawd-awful, but (Sorry KKL fans) she stunk at drunk.

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Along with Drunk Brooke we have Decent Deacon.  C'mon, Deacon, you can do better than that--comforting Brooke and then leaving, going back to Quinn, who is kindly sharing chocolates with her moody son.  What's WRONG with everybody? 

Edited by Unwarranted
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Why doesn't Brooke just call Thorne for a booty call? God knows Winsor Harmon could use the work. KKL & WH are friends & Thorne has a daughter in town whom he dumped and left. I always thought the character of Thorne was a have not on B&B whoever played him. Even though Thorne #2 & #3 had major storylines.

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Ya know, Caroline might not want to snap her fingers back at Brooke just yet.  This time last year, Ridge was in the process of marrying Brooke while having FEEELINNNGGSS!!! for Katie.  He then professed his undying love to her because of their "special connection".  And she also needs to remember the reason Ridge couldn't draw anymore, because he chased Brooke half-way around the world to stop her from marrying her Bill.  Does Caroline now think it's all going to be "sunshine and lollypops" and that Bill is going to accept her relationship with Ridge?  Does she think her mothers aren't going to have some concerns, considering one of them is the identical twin of her aunt?  I know folks have made reference to Caroline 1.0 being her aunt but has anyone actually pointed that little fact out?


In the meantime, this is the storyline Brad, the boy genius, has wanted to tell with Brooke for years?  Really?  She gets rejected by Ridge and gets to be a drunk?  Whoopty-flipping-do Brad, get to writing that Emmy acceptance speech </sarcasm>.


How about Eric comes back and says that he's found a loophole in that stupid contract and he appoints Brooke as CEO.  And throws Rick, Maya and the portrait from hell, out of the mansion.  And tells Ridge to STFU about it all.


Brooke can bring Quinn back to FC which will put Ridge's panties in a knot, green-light Aly's shoe line, demotes Maya from lead model, hires Wyatt back, tells Bill to shove his takeover plans and generally tells the rest of them what time it actually is.


She can still go home and drown her sorrows at night for REASONS!!! and the story can be about the balancing act she has to do with her eventually unraveling if necessary.

Edited by LuLu123
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Happy Valentine's Day, friends! I'm posting this Caridge video because yesterday's supposed Valentine's Day show sucked so hard. Although I hope to see an updated Caridge video on youtube soon--there's certainly LOTS of good NEW footage to use of those two! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziKwiwoBYGc



I can't believe how many CaRidge vids there are out there.  And here I am with a big project and a looming deadline.  :-(  :-(   I don't handle delayed gratification very well. 

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Ya know, Caroline might not want to snap her fingers back at Brooke just yet. This time last year, Ridge was in the process of marrying Brooke while having FEEELINNNGGSS!!! for Katie. He then professed his undying love to her because of their "special connection". And she also needs to remember the reason Ridge couldn't draw anymore, because he chased Brooke half-way around the world to stop her from marrying her Bill. Does Caroline now think it's all going to be "sunshine and lollypops" and that Bill is going to accept her relationship with Ridge? Does she think her mothers aren't going to have some concerns, considering one of them is the identical twin of her aunt? I know folks have made reference to Caroline 1.0 being her aunt but has anyone actually pointed that little fact out?

In the meantime, this is the storyline Brad, the boy genius, has wanted to tell with Brooke for years? Really? She gets rejected by Ridge and gets to be a drunk? Whoopty-flipping-do Brad, get to writing that Emmy acceptance speech </sarcasm>.

How about Eric comes back and says that he's found a loophole in that stupid contract and he appoints Brooke as CEO. And throws Rick, Maya and the portrait from hell, out of the mansion. And tells Ridge to STFU about it all.

Brooke can bring Quinn back to FC which will put Ridge's panties in a knot, green-light Aly's shoe line, demotes Maya from lead model, hires Wyatt back, tells Bill to shove his takeover plans and generally tells the rest of them what time it actually is.

She can still go home and drown her sorrows at night for REASONS!!! and the story can be about the balancing act she has to do with her eventually unraveling if necessary.

THIS!! This post is a thing of beauty. I agree with ALL of it!! Bravo!

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Brooke can bring Quinn back to FC which will put Ridge's panties in a knot, green-light Aly's shoe line, demotes Maya from lead model, hires Wyatt back, tells Bill to shove his takeover plans and generally tells the rest of them what time it actually is.


Why would Ridge care about Quinn? 

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Brooke can bring Quinn back to FC which will put Ridge's panties in a knot, green-light Aly's shoe line, demotes Maya from lead model, hires Wyatt back, tells Bill to shove his takeover plans and generally tells the rest of them what time it actually is.

Why would she demote Maya who as far as she knows was the only one on her son's side during all this mess?

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Why would she demote Maya who as far as she knows was the only one on her son's side during all this mess?

Because Maya should never have been or should be 'lead model' at any fashion house. She shouldn't be even A model for couture. And anything to keep her from proclaiming it in every other sentence of every conversation. I bet she gives that as her name when she gives her Starbucks order. I bet they write it as Lid Model.

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Why would she demote Maya who as far as she knows was the only one on her son's side during all this mess?

Because Maya should never have been or should be 'lead model' at any fashion house. She shouldn't be even A model for couture. And anything to keep her from proclaiming it in every other sentence of every conversation. I bet she gives that as her name when she gives her Starbucks order. I bet they write it as Lid Model.

I don't agree with this statement even remotely and there are tons of shows (ATM) and fashion houses and labels to dispute this.

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Because Maya should never have been or should be 'lead model' at any fashion house. She shouldn't be even A model for couture.


I don't think that Karla Mosley has a typical model's body, but I also don't think that Linsey Godfrey can design clothes.  It's one of those things that I think is weird to critique because KM is a beautiful woman with a great body and I think it's strange to pick her body apart because the writers put her character in that role.  If I can suspend belief for designing, I can do it for modeling.

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I don't think that Karla Mosley has a typical model's body, but I also don't think that Linsey Godfrey can design clothes.  It's one of those things that I think is weird to critique because KM is a beautiful woman with a great body and I think it's strange to pick her body apart because the writers put her character in that role.  If I can suspend belief for designing, I can do it for modeling.


 Being a designer is not based on LG's appearance unlike a lid model.

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Brooke needs to check into the Nikki Newman School of Entertaining Drunkeness. Katie's sticking it to her, isn't she?


I'm not sure I can keep watching Rick and Maya act the way they do. I'd rather watch Steffy montages. I literally get hives watching Rick act like a juvenile tyrant; I only wish that his behavior was exaggerated and cartoonish and had no counterpart in the real world. His crack about the stupid tree was absolutely vile, and both Ivy and Aly should walk. Liam should give up his dumb ass plan and set Wyatt free. Let FC drown in a pool of Rick's hubris. I know that the show is setting up Rick and Maya for some epic fall, but I don't need a build-up that has me reaching for a barf bag.


I would, however, watch a sitcom revolving around the Spencer brothers. Chicken and Waffles would be gold, Jerry, gold.

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 Being a designer is not based on LG's appearance unlike a lid model.


I understand that.  I also don't think that KM went to the writers and said, "You know what?  I have a banging body and you should make my character a model because I can pull it off without a hitch."  So why should I dissect every single thing about the actor's appearance as if she's some wildebeest, especially since, even though her character references her occupation daily, we rarely see her doing it?  I just think there's a difference between saying someone needs to cut their hair to make it more flattering and maligning a person because you don't think that they can physically embody something that their character is never seen doing anyway.  In B&B world, all you need to be a lead model is to be pretty and to have the backing of a doting/tyrannical boyfriend.

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I understand that.  I also don't think that KM went to the writers and said, "You know what?  I have a banging body and you should make my character a model because I can pull it off without a hitch."  So why should I dissect every single thing about the actor's appearance as if she's some wildebeest, especially since, even though her character references her occupation daily, we rarely see her doing it?  I just think there's a difference between saying someone needs to cut their hair to make it more flattering and maligning a person because you don't think that they can physically embody something that their character is never seen doing anyway.  In B&B world, all you need to be a lead model is to be pretty and to have the backing of a doting/tyrannical boyfriend.

Preach it kia

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I understand that.  I also don't think that KM went to the writers and said, "You know what?  I have a banging body and you should make my character a model because I can pull it off without a hitch."  So why should I dissect every single thing about the actor's appearance as if she's some wildebeest, especially since, even though her character references her occupation daily, we rarely see her doing it?  I just think there's a difference between saying someone needs to cut their hair to make it more flattering and maligning a person because you don't think that they can physically embody something that their character is never seen doing anyway.  In B&B world, all you need to be a lead model is to be pretty and to have the backing of a doting/tyrannical boyfriend.


  That went a completely different direction than I intended.  Sorry if I misunderstood.  I thought you were comparing a suspension of disbelief on their capabilities. I agree, LG is probably not a designer IRL but I would believe that more easily than KM as a  model.

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Dear lazy ass writers:


The hamfisted way you are trying to turn Rick and Maya into mean girls is unnecessary.  We get it. They are the villains. You want us to hate them. And you can't even do that right, cause I still like them.



A viewer with a working brain

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Did Maya call Ivy a fish? Maya: "(You) Fish need to step it up a little; a little bit of effort goes a long way." Ivy: (In her mind) "Yeah, tell me about it Maya." Rick and Maya acting like they were invited to the wedding is laughable. By who and when and why would they want him and his mistress. Once again Rick thinks Caroline should be branded with a scarlet letter when it's him who is committing adultery. Why would Bill and Katy get married during the week? It's just another thing for Rick to get pissed about by three of his employees going to the wedding. But than, even if it is the weekend, Rick will get pissed because he thinks everyone should be on call 24/7. Also, Aly won't be around to serve him is ice cream on bed.

Rick and Maya are no longer Boris and Natasha. They have become Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb or better yet Lloyd and Harry.

Edited by Waldo13
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  That went a completely different direction than I intended.  Sorry if I misunderstood.  I thought you were comparing a suspension of disbelief on their capabilities. I agree, LG is probably not a designer IRL but I would believe that more easily than KM as a  model.


Yeah, I think I may have taken it in a different direction.  Sorry. :)  My response wasn't even necessarily to what you were saying, but a reaction things I read on the board a bit ago and I never got around to responding then.

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I agree, LG is probably not a designer IRL but I would believe that more easily than KM as a  model.


Most of the people they've had as Lead Models on this show (currently and in the past) don't look at all like models in real life do. Heck I remember when Erica Kane on AMC was a model and she was like 5 feet nothing! Hilarious. But that was the storyline so I rolled with it. I don't think KM looks like the traditional model type, but hey if the show says that's what Maya is ... then that's what she is!

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Uh oh, I think my wife just cheated on me with my kind of brother, because I was cackling right along with Rick today. They're trying so hard to make him hateful, that he's come all the way around to delightful for me. I know, I know, evil terrible shameful. But I don't care.


I keep giggling when I remember Aly's heel breaking. Girl, get yourself over to the Kinky Boots factory. They'll hook you up. I think it's because I find Aly and Ivy both tiresome that I enjoy watching them be tortured. 


Brooke the saddest booze-hound update: still don't care. Take your bottle of vodka as your date to the wedding.

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Dear lazy ass writers:


The hamfisted way you are trying to turn Rick and Maya into mean girls is unnecessary.  We get it. They are the villains. You want us to hate them. And you can't even do that right, cause I still like them.



A viewer with a working brain

At this point, I don't even get the point of it all. Where do they go from here? Rick is crazy...so that will be his 'get out of jail free card'...what about Maya? Will she get knocked up and have a change of heart? I think this is all for naught. What was wrong with them having a romance JUST LIKE the OTHER Cheaters get to have? 

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Most of the people they've had as Lead Models on this show (currently and in the past) don't look at all like models in real life do. Heck I remember when Erica Kane on AMC was a model and she was like 5 feet nothing! Hilarious. But that was the storyline so I rolled with it. I don't think KM looks like the traditional model type, but hey if the show says that's what Maya is ... then that's what she is!

I'm not sure about how actors are hired for soap operas but I could imagine it's a lot different for movies and prime time TV. Soap operas are mostly unbelievable any way so it must all about the drama. There has been quite a few soap opera stars that have made it to the "big time" but IMO Liam, Wyatt, and Rick are not leading men material nor Hope, Steffy, and Brooke leading ladies. So Maya can be a spokes model and I would not dismiss her as being one if that's what the writers want us to believe. But, in primetime TV, Could you believe Brooke instead of Viola Davis or Rick instead of James Spader. It would be unwatchable as Jon Cryer as Rocky instead of Stalone. There are people in broadcasting that quip that they have a face for radio and I think that can be extended to soap operas. Let Maya be a spokes model, Caroline a designer, and Liam have beautiful woman desire him. At the end of the day it doesn't matter.

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Dumb question but is Rick acting like a jerk just becasue or is he so drunk with power that he doesn't realize it? I thought it was weird how he was making fun of Aly like he was a teenager. And, when the heck is John McCook coming back? This storyline doesn't make sense if Eric isn't around. I'd be curious to see if Rick would still act like this with Eric around or still not care.

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Rick and Maya's behavior doesn't make any sense to me, other than to have them be cartoon villains. I'm over it. Being mean to Aly today was just over the top, why don't they just kick puppies tomorrow?  Why would casual viewers like them? I think the playing field is so slanted against them that its almost ridiculous to me. 


Eric will be back 

this week or next week, I believe and he will make a choice AGAIN on who to support. I hope its Ridge, because I'm sick of this storyline.


And what the heck was Brooke talking about today? Brother in law...son in law...that never stopped her before. 

Edited by venusnv80
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Dumb question but is Rick acting like a jerk just becasue or is he so drunk with power that he doesn't realize it? I thought it was weird how he was making fun of Aly like he was a teenager.


Not a dumb question as this whole thing makes zero sense.

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And what the heck was Brooke talking about today? Brother in law...son in law...that never stopped her before.


I absolutely laughed out loud at that. Yeah Brooke, like you care if the guy is a family member!!


I've always thought Rick was an asshat so this stuff with him really doesn't bother me all that much. Though that thing about cheaters going to a wedding was stupid especially on this show. Practically everyone has been committed adultery at some point! Rick acts like he's the only person who has ever been cheated on like ever in the history of the world. Plus, Rick is an adulterer himself. Good lawd. Just because Caroline kissed Ridge first, doesn't make sleeping with Maya okay. He's still cheating! (or was until Caroline signed the divorce papers)


Maya's 'tude is absolutely tiresome. 'I don't think Rick needs to be reminded about how he's related to Katie.' Shut up Maya, just shut up. I cannot stand this character in general, but this crap is getting on my last nerve.

Edited by hypnotoad
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Brooke as the matron of honour is unbelievably stupid.

No kidding. Maybe she should take a page from Katie's playbook and fake a heart attack during the ceremony. It's really something the way these supposedly loving sisters use their weddings to stick knives in each other. Why does Katie need a matron of honor anyway?

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If Rick wants to go scorched earth on people, be my guest. I just thought he might get his revenge or sling zingers above an eighth grade level. What's next? Shooting spitballs at Ridge or leaving flaming dog poo on Wyatt's step? Maybe he and Maya could head to the local mall and point and laugh at the peons. Why have Rick regress like this? I don't care how annoying Ivy and Aly are; no one deserves to be treated like that. I guess instead of a nuanced look at Rick's anger and mining that history, we're going to get Mean Girls 2: Forrester Fuckery.

Terrible, bizarre writing.

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And what the heck was Brooke talking about today? Brother in law...son in law...that never stopped her before.


Perhaps all that vodka she was guzzling gave her a temporary case of The Scruples? In any case, she neglected to change her clothes or threaten her mop with a comb.


And Katie, you are still a vicious bitch. Fingers crossed that there's a monsoon on your wedding day.

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