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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Wow Ridge is horrible person throwing Deacons cleaning the bar and living there at him like that.   Deacon was the much better person.

How did Hope steal Liam? Steffy was trapping her in gondalas and doing anything to get him. 

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Taylor and Steffy are both liars in ways that would even make Phyllis Summers and the whole DiMera family blush.

The way Taylor was going on about Stephanie made me chuckle...Heifer please...Stephanie didn't like you either!!! 😂 She just hated Brooke more than she hated Taylor, until she didn't, and it drove her crazier than she already was. That's not on Brooke my guy. Lol Stephanie saw you for who you were just the same, you faithless bitch. That's why she forced you to confess what you did to Darla.

And Stephanie was absolutely terrible to Brooke, constantly interfering with her life, even going as far as to have her r*ped by Andy but neither of these selective memory having ass wenches are going to talk about that. Let alone talk about the ways in which they fuck up and the fact they destroyed their own relationships to Ridge/Lame. Without outside help.

Yeah guys, Hope is such a man stealer! Remember the time she tried to seduce Steffy's boyfriend Oliver? No Ollie was Hope's boyfriend. Or that time she went after Bill when he was married to Katie? No that was Steffy after Katie's then husband. Remember that time she trapped Steffy in a gondola and made her watch as she married Lame? Then lied when confronted about it? Oh no wait that was Steffy too. Oh! I know! Remember that time Hope and Bill teamed up to stop Steamless wedding in Italy? And made out with Lame on a bed? No wait that was Steffy as well... Remember how Hope shagged Bill when married to Lame? Nope! Dang it! Steffy strikes again!!! Very interesting pattern here...

Just when I think I can't possibly hate Taylor and her duplicitous daughter more than I already did. 

Edited by Skarzero
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16 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Taylor on the other hand "allowed" herself to be pulled into, and participate in, so many of Stephanie and Ridge's manipulations of Brooke. But she was always given a pass for her actions because she wasn't the ring leader, but was only a bit player.

It reminds me of one particularly standout moment I came across that is Peak Taylor Hamilton-Hayes. It was after the Paris scheme where Stephanie lied about Stephen being sick to get Brooke out of town. It was just before my time watching so I'm not fully clear on the details but from what I gathered, Ridge knew Taylor knew and he was rightfully furious since the issue led to Brooke falling off the Effiel Tower.

But instead of Taylor being upset by how Brooke was physically and mentally hurt by all of this as she yells at Stephanie, she's more angry that Ridge no longer believed in her Tegridy™ and was possibly going to leave her over it. And it's just so illuminating that this is what she values so much--not having any actual compassion for a human being but the illusion that she does.

Now, compare that to Bridget, the closest thing this show has had to a True North actual decent human being, which is nothing short of a miracle when she has half of Eric's DNA: a woman who has been wronged by the people closest to her repeated--not only Brooke, but Katie and her sister Felicia, so say nothing of Eric's gaslighting in both the Deacon and Nick situations pushing her to forgive Brooke. Stephanie tried to weaponize her trauma for her agenda and she never once was having any of it. The one any only time I ever recall her being a raging bit h to someone who didn't deserve it last all of a few weeks and even then, she apologized--not because said Karen Manuever caused the miscarriage of a very much wanted child but because Aggie genuinely had nothing to do with her very justified suspicions about Nick's motives. Show never had to use more brass polish than my Navy ships did for our dog-and-pony Admiral visits to sell her as a good person--the writing did that.

I think the show and the character both would be better off by stopping this nonsense that Taylor Hayes is a good and holy saintly saint who saints around LA. Just write her as a human being with flaws and address those the way Brooke has had hers cast upon her for the last 35 years and fans can judge accordingly. As the long history of redeemed villains in this genre prove, no one has to stay in one box their whole lives and one need one be perfect to be loved. They just have to *try.* I've heard Adam Newman's conscience looks to be sticking this time and he's finly stopped blaming Daddy for everything that's fucked up in his life. If they can redeem that character from the decade of shit he's put people through, there's no reason they can't try to do this with Taylor.

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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

How did Hope steal Liam? Steffy was trapping her in gondalas and doing anything to get him. 

The only thing I ever hear cited was that OH NOES they almost fucked that one time right after Kelly was born and Liam in a moment of understandable weakness of having a new baby daughter considered going back with her before realizing his feelings were stronger for Hope. But this was in June and they'd been legally separated since before Thanksgiving by that point. Any marriage they had at that point was a legal technicality and if that's all you have, then that's a hollow victory at best. But that's all Steam has ever had: surface level Ws that dissapate the moment the trickery is revealed. As awful as Steffy is, I think even she deserves better than to constantly be someone's backup choice, even if she willingly puts herself in these stupid situations.

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I read about the Krista Allen buzz so I ff'd a few days worth of shows.  No dialogue needed, I got it. 

After watching Deacon and NuTaylor, I got a vibe and decided that Deacon and NuTaylor would be a very attractive hot couple and could put ShrekRidge out of his mind.  OriginalRidge was stiff but a romantic character, ShrekRidge is a judgemental beast. The writers can't possibly think this is an appealing character.  If it's gonna be too much of him AGAIN, I have take watching breaks again.




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My one concern with Taylor/Deacon is TIIC putting Brooke in the mix to run interference the way she did with Taylor/Nick and then Deacon/Quinn and that I just truly do not want. But there's no one else close to Taylor's age, Bill is MIA and I dunno if TIIC will revisit that shit with Eric that I wouldn't want even if the last 4 months have made me never want to see Eric's stupid face ever again. Although maybe I could stomach it if Tayloon and Quinnsane drive each other off a cliff mentally and make one another miserable in the process.

Maybe they can throw her into the Carter Sweepstakes like everyone else this year and give Saint Paris a run for her money 🤣

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Do you have a rage blackout, or do you laugh your ass off? 

I'm going to choose the latter, because the other alternative would probably require a time out from Show, and I really want to see where the Deacon SL is headed, so I will just have to laugh off my anger. 

The one thing I must call out though, was Taylor going on about how Stephanie always saw through Brooke and called her out about who she was. Now lookie here Show, you can rewrite the TayTots history, and you can rewrite Taylor's history, but you can't rewrite Stephanie and Brooke coming to terms with each other at the end of Stephanie's life. That feud drove the show for more than two decades and was at the core of the majority of its SLs, so these two making amends, gaining acceptance, and then having Stephanie's dying wish to have Brooke at her side at the end was something pretty important. But listening to that nonsense yesterday it was like that never happened. Taylor also didn't mention how she and Stehpanie were barely on speaking terms anymore due to Taylor's outrageous behavior. The rest of it however? If that is what these two no-accounts have to do to make themselves feel better, then have at it. 

And on the other side of town, we have a truthful conversation happening. Deacon comes clean about working as a janitor and living in a broom closet. And what does Ridge do? He looks at Brooke like he has discovered some important piece of evidence, or like he was saying "see, I have been right about this bum all along." You snob. You elitist bastard. What type of job do you think Deacon is going to get? Outside of a limited skill set, he was just released from prison, so the fact that he is working at all is commendable. But you have to get derisive and insulting, and start going on about how Deacon is working there so when he gets drunk he doesn't have to worry about driving anywhere. I detest people who do this, who throw someone's addiction in their face. Does Ridge ridicule Steffy? Does he claim she married a doctor so she has easy access to pills? Does he ridicule Taylor? Does he asked her if she is drinking again? Of course not, but with Deacon it is free reign. And just look how he shut Brooke down real quick and in a hurry. He can stand there bellowing about how Deacon is the worst person to ever live, but if Brooke so much as attempts to point out that his ex-wife and their spawn are far worse, Ridge immediately goes on the defensive with remarks about "are we really doing this?" And all that barking about how "you don't listen to me anymore?" Brooke doesn't have to listen to you. Brooke is a grown woman with a mind of her own, and who is perfectly equipped to make her own decisions. This isn't the 1920's; women don't have to vet their lives and decisions through their husbands any longer. 

I am sick to death with hearing Ridge say "he hasn't changed." How do you know that exactly? Your lack of self awareness is preventing you from seeing that you are behaving like an idiot, and Deacon is behaving like a man who wants to turn his life around. I can't for the life of me understand why Brooke wants this asshat. After Quinn, the whole Shauna thing would have been enough for me to call it quits, but she forgave this clown for all that, and now he is treating her like a possession that he controls. And Brooke keeps making excuses for him, and keeps trying to work it out, when what she should be doing is kicking his arrogant, bulling, elitist, worthless ass out her front door, and telling him to never darken it again. Let him go "home" to his halo wearing wife and his bitch of a daughter. 

Two other things:

I am wondering if Thomas is going to join in on the new Anti-Logan campaign? I keep remembering how he actually stood up to Mummy and defended Hope, I also noticed how he was absent from their little talk yesterday. Something about Thomas not participating makes me very happy.

I could never, ever, see Ronn Moss performing Ridge this way. I have championed Ridge and hated Ridge over the years, but RM always had a way of redeeming the character with his charm and grace. But TK is like an MMA fighter; he simply bludgeons every scene with his shouting and his anger and his lack of refinement. I am so looking forward to a break from him. 

13 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

My issue is the idea of never letting that go and moving on. Ridge can be the love of Taylor's life but since he is married why can't she move on to someone else? Ridge always has a part of her heart but she can be in love with someone new. This whole bringing her back just to pigeon hole her with Ridge the ogre is disappointing. Although I suppose the pickings are mighty slim in LA. Impossible to find a man other than the usual suspects!

It's just like I know Brooke would say Ridge is the love of her life - she would. But that doesn't mean she cannot love others like Bill or Deacon.

I could not agree more with this. There was a time when Ridge was the "it" guy, but that time has long since past. It would have been so refreshing to have Taylor return as a woman who is standing on her own and isn't pining for the past. 

Let her and Brooke move on, and that doesn't necessarily mean with a man. I would love to see Deacon and Brooke bond as parents and friends, and if something blossoms from that, then that would be awesome. And Taylor could focus on rebuilding her career, maybe reconnect with James. 

But you know what we are going to get right? Two "50ish" women fighting over an aging playboy, who is too self absorbed to be able to care for anyone else. 

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12 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Tayloon and Quinnsane

QFB (Quoted for Brilliance) Can I use these? I'm gonna use these. XD  

For real I will say the silver lining in this BS is that TIIC have been consistent with Steffy's dislike of Quinnsane. And since Tayloon is now on board I gather we'll be spared from a shoe-horned friendship between the 3 (4 including Shauna) and going after Brooke, her sisters, and her daughter. For now anyways... 

13 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I think the show and the character both would be better off by stopping this nonsense that Taylor Hayes is a good and holy saintly saint who saints around LA. Just write her as a human being with flaws and address those the way Brooke has had hers cast upon her for the last 35 years and fans can judge accordingly. As the long history of redeemed villains in this genre prove, no one has to stay in one box their whole lives and one need one be perfect to be loved. They just have to *try.* I've heard Adam Newman's conscience looks to be sticking this time and he's finly stopped blaming Daddy for everything that's fucked up in his life. If they can redeem that character from the decade of shit he's put people through, there's no reason they can't try to do this with Taylor.

They could redeem Taylor, with KA in the role I might like to see it. But she won't be because according to the narrative (and some fans) Taylor is just fine and doesn't need redeeming. And not for nothing, the fans' harsh conditional judgment is part of the reason why such an assessment has been made. Brooke flaws must be addressed more because Tayloons flaws are addressed enough or that she doesn't have any. With Adam, hardly anyone made excuses for him to begin with and even if Nick was hated Adam was always hated more. Pretty much no one (fandom or writers) revises history to make Adam look good, the way that certain fans have done with Taylor and her children, Steffy especially. There are some people that will call Nick and Victoria out for being frosty to Adam from day one, never giving him a real chance, but that's about where the defense stops. Until recently. No one preforms mental gymnastics, to say how evil Victor, Nick and Victoria are to paint Adam in a better light because 1) If it's true, then It's already been shown therefore no one really has to be told and 2) It's seems to be accepted that the evils of his father and siblings don't excuse his own bad choices. 

Mark Grossman is a great actor, I believe he had a lot to do with winning people over this time. Also, even with Adam being redeemed he still has NotBilly up his ass about his misdeeds, and a whole host of other people questioning him, practically everyday. So even "redeemed" characters still have foils that don't let them live down their past 100%. This created the perfect recipe for a good enough redemption arc for Adam Newman. The seeds were planted years ago. 

I see nothing of the sort for Taylor. Which sucks cos I would rather see that than this BS we're stuck with. 

Again, from what I can tell, the issue is that there have been too many folks that think there's nothing wrong with her to begin with (aside from shooting Bill which is argued to be OOC). We know that it's not everybody but it's enough. They might be the majority or they might just be loud, maybe it's both. When I see people bash Brooke for sleeping with the Forrester men they don't bring up how Tayloon also banged all the Forrester men plus one i.e. Rick. A level Brooke wouldn't even stoop to with Thomass. They certainly leave out how Tayloon rode the cock carousel of another family. They may not know this information or they may do this on purpose to leave the impression that Brooke is the problem (she is a problem but hardly the problem.) for casual, new, and returning after a long hiatus viewers. When Brooke's past is not even 50% of the story it's just over 25%. Brad Bell and other IIC just fan the flames cos they can and they're messy af. 

The issue only magnifies and carries over to her shit daughter vs. Hope. I've seen Hope's "past" compared to a hooker when someone dared correct the misconception of "Hope the unavailable man chaser" by bringing up Steffy's many attempts to screw multiple unavailable dudes. Even if you could get away with Taylor the saint vs. Brooke the skank interpretation. It's been canonically established that Hope is nothing like her mother outside of being a doormat to the male embodiment of moldy waffles, that even the most primitive forms of bacteria would turn down. And it's definitely canon as of writing this that she's fucked less people than Steffy has. Hell, Hope has fucked less people than some of chicks I grew up with in the religious sticks of South Carolina!

Or they try to make her look like a fraud (a strike that also belongs to Tayloon), while still a reach is something an inch more feasible than Hope being the Steamless homewrecker. But then her alleged fraudulent behavior circles back around to "ruining" Steamless so that argument collapses on itself too.     

Edited by Skarzero
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8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

The only thing I ever hear cited was that OH NOES they almost fucked that one time right after Kelly was born and Liam in a moment of understandable weakness of having a new baby daughter considered going back with her before realizing his feelings were stronger for Hope. But this was in June and they'd been legally separated since before Thanksgiving by that point. Any marriage they had at that point was a legal technicality and if that's all you have, then that's a hollow victory at best. But that's all Steam has ever had: surface level Ws that dissapate the moment the trickery is revealed.

People almost drove me insane over that bullshit in the dressing room. I can probably find a video on YT back from when Phyllis was having her moment of catharsis against Nick for cheating with Sharon and getting her pregnant with Faith. You can see the comments saying how silly/pathetic/hypocritical Phyllis is for crying & being upset that Sharon did to her what she did to Sharon first. I don't mean a few comments. I'm talking damn near 50 or more which is fine. But how do we go from that to OMG Hope is an opportunistic slut!1! Poor Steffy!1! Muh Kween!1! I cannot wrap my head around that. Even if Hope did fuck a very married Lame if he's married to Steffy no one should really give a shit. Since Steffy stole Lame first, second, and tenth. Aspen anyone? Italy anyone? She would've had that boomerang coming. And would've been 10 years late anyway smh   

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Ugh. NuTaylor correcting Steffy with "stole" (their men). /eyeroll. Some things never change. But with the expression on her face, she looked like she was joking. 

I sure don't miss HTy, but this new actress needs to gain some edge. She is too girlish and sweet. I can't take anything she says seriously. She looks like a little girl playing dress up in her mother's wig.

I know it takes some time for a new actor/actress to walk into an established role, so maybe things will improve once Taylor faces Brooke and Sheila. 

Also, the writers can stop beating us over the edge about Taylor's very important work. We. Get. It.


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They could redeem Taylor, with KA in the role I might like to see it. But she won't be because according to the narrative (and some fans) Taylor is just fine and doesn't need redeeming.

Personally I think the narrative is that way because the writers of this show are just plain lazy. There is no other way to explain the same repeated lines day after day, the same ToD narratives over and over and over again. Hells bells we seem to be well on our way to:


But you know what we are going to get right? Two "50ish" women fighting over an aging playboy, who is too self absorbed to be able to care for anyone else. 

And that Brooke/Taylor feud has been beaten to death. Almost as badly as Bridge. I just do not have any interest in this so called feud ... I don't care. But that's exactly what the writers will do because they are lazy.

I mean how hard would it have been to have Taylor say 'I had a lot of anger towards Brooke over the years but I realized it's time to let it go. Steffy I'm not going to tell you how to feel about Brooke or the Logan's but I will say this - the negativity will eat you up. Just let it go. You and Hope have hurt each other enough. Now you both are where you need to be.'

Boom. The writers could be free to redeem Taylor or if they don't like the term redeem, how about refocus Taylor on her grandchildren and her work. Perhaps having a real talk with Brooke and with Bill about the last several years.

But nope we need to revisit the feud. Sigh.


After watching Deacon and NuTaylor, I got a vibe and decided that Deacon and NuTaylor would be a very attractive hot couple and could put ShrekRidge out of his mind. 

If Bridge is absolutely end game and I believe it is despite TK and KKL's anti-chemistry, then sure Taylor and Deacon might be interesting. But the problem is, it would inevitably involve Brooke and no I don't want that either. But I guess no matter who they might put Taylor with, it will eventually involve Brooke because this show is too incestuous. I suppose Carter or Justin would be the only way to avoid a direct Brooke connection.


I could never, ever, see Ronn Moss performing Ridge this way. I have championed Ridge and hated Ridge over the years, but RM always had a way of redeeming the character with his charm and grace. But TK is like an MMA fighter; he simply bludgeons every scene with his shouting and his anger and his lack of refinement. I am so looking forward to a break from him. 

Agreed 100%! Although it's quite funny to me that I miss RM so much considering I always thought he wasn't much of an actor. This recast has ruined Ridge and has been a debacle from the moment TK took over. I just do not understand why tptb either can't see it or don't care. There have to be many male daytime actors who are available and could bring that charm and grace back to Ridge.

Edited by hypnotoad
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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Do you have a rage blackout, or do you laugh your ass off? 

Yes. 🙃

3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

But you have to get derisive and insulting, and start going on about how Deacon is working there so when he gets drunk he doesn't have to worry about driving anywhere.

Putting aside the elitism and snobbery, has Ridge forgotten that his blackout drunk rage leads HIM to getting married without his knowledge? He has no room to throw this particular stone, even if he's never had a formal diagnosis of addiction as Taylor and Steffy have.

3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I am wondering if Thomas is going to join in on the new Anti-Logan campaign? I keep remembering how he actually stood up to Mummy and defended Hope, I also noticed how he was absent from their little talk yesterday. Something about Thomas not participating makes me very happy.

That's the bare minimum Thomas owes Hope, to be honest, but this isn't entirely without precedent. Back when Thomas was being played by Ken Doll impersonator Adam Gregory (by far, the prettiest of all the Thomases, even if his acting wasn't the best), he was standing up for Brooke, albeit for his weird crush on Stepmommy that TIIC never should've gone there with. But he was open about initiating that dumb kiss for the men's line publicity and was the one who came clean about the boinkberries at the cost of the stock Stephanie offered to him. 

Frankly, someone in the Forrester-Marone-Hamilton-Hayes clan has to have some sense of awareness to unfuck their lives. Thomas has proven himself capable once before of this, which made his slide into Paul Ryan territory all the worse. But if TIIC are truly committed to him improving himself and trying to bring his shitty famy along with him, all the better 

3 hours ago, Skarzero said:

No one preforms mental gymnastics, to say how evil Victor, Nick and Victoria are to paint Adam in a better light

Not since Michael Muhney was sacked, at least. That's all I gonna say on that here.

Buti fully agree with the point here.  I may think Nick is a hypocritical brat whose chest banging had as much to do with losing Sharon as losing month with his child....but that doesn't make Adam a hero. And peoe still distrust him for this and every other crap thing he's done since faking the diary.

Likewise, Taylor sweeping her mess under the rug doesn't make her better than Brooke at all. It's kinda like...

...I didn't wanna use this example, but I think you're familiar enough with Tumblr fandom to get this: you know how when anti-shippers bash a rival ship to make shit up about it being problematic, but then twist themselves into knots to justify how another, similar pairing is totally *not* problematic? Or how many believe some people deserve to be bullied for shit they do in secret, like read smutty fanfic? That's Taylor.

Taylor is a fucking anti.

3 hours ago, Skarzero said:

the cock carousel

LMAO 🤣 now THIS I'm stealing.

I don't even care that she slept through two whole families since everyone was big boys who could consent (save for that time with Ridge and the pills which....UHHHH) but sheesh, just STFU about what other people do.

32 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

Although it's quite funny to me that I miss RM so much considering I always thought he wasn't much of an actor.

This recast was the very epitome of being careful what you wish for. I know those familiar with TK's work on ABC have vouched for his talent, and I'm sure that he was for his other roles. But as an existing character with existing traits, it just didn't land well at all.

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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

This recast was the very epitome of being careful what you wish for. I know those familiar with TK's work on ABC have vouched for his talent, and I'm sure that he was for his other roles. But as an existing character with existing traits, it just didn't land well at all.

I feel like I should apologize on behalf of all ABC soap fans.

I started watching B&B because of TK and stuck around because of some of the other former ABC talent (Heather, Rena, Sean and Scott). Oh, and CaRidge. 🙂 But I agree with everyone that this Bridge is freaking awful. 

Eta: most of that is TK's fault. And tptb for enabling him. 

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And the only chemistry he has is with Eric and Bill. On a different show...

Honestly I've seen him do much better work on ABC soaps. But here the only time I've really enjoyed him is in the few quiet father/son scenes he has done with John McCook. During those times I think you can see he can act.

The only pairing I've really thought he had chemistry with was Caroline II. But yes this Ridge and Bill are smoking. Too bad that will never, ever happen!

Edited by hypnotoad
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5 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Yes. 🙃

Putting aside the elitism and snobbery, has Ridge forgotten that his blackout drunk rage leads HIM to getting married without his knowledge? He has no room to throw this particular stone, even if he's never had a formal diagnosis of addiction as Taylor and Steffy have.


Let’s also remember the time he passed out at the same bar and had to sleep upstairs at the bartender’s apartment while Shauna took care of him. Plus, Ridge’s career was handed to him and for 95% of his life he lived at home with his parents. He has zero room for judgement here. 

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3 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

The only pairing I've really thought he had chemistry with was Caroline II. But yes this Ridge and Bill are smoking. Too bad that will never, ever happen!

Side tangent but of all the ridiculous things this show expects me to suspend my disbelief over, the fact that queer people don't exist in Bell's LA is right near the top of the list, tied only with the idea that Hope and Steffy would still be giving Lame the time of day with so many better fish in the sea..

Like, seriously. :\

ETA: remember that dumb shit story they had of Bill "exposing" Ridge when TK was first introduced of him possibly being gay because he was photographed with a gay friend or some stupid nonsense? Like, on what planet would that be any kind of scandal within this industry? It's more strange that Ridge *didn't* have as many male lover as women ones IMO! :p

Edited by Anna Yolei
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ETA: remember that dumb shit story they had of Bill "exposing" Ridge when TK was first introduced of him possibly being gay because he was photographed with a gay friend or some stupid nonsense? Like, on what planet would that be any kind of scandal within this industry? It's more strange that Ridge *didn't* have as many male lover as women ones IMO!

Holy crap! Apparently I managed to wipe that from my brain and now you brought it back! I mean wtf was that even supposed to be? It was sooooo dumb. Ridge would be far more interesting if he was bisexual!


the fact that queer people don't exist in Bell's LA is right near the top of the list, tied only with the idea that Hope and Steffy would still be giving Lame the time of day with so many better fish in the sea..

Both scenario's are ridiculous. At least Caroline II's mom's existed briefly.

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On 12/18/2021 at 12:58 PM, Anna Yolei said:

I don't even care that she slept through two whole families since everyone was big boys who could consent (save for that time with Ridge and the pills which....UHHHH) but sheesh, just STFU about what other people do.

I agree 100% If she would just humble herself & shut up about the Logans my hatred for her would decrease some. But that doesn't look like that's ever going to happen thanks to these hack writers. I don't care about anyone's body count either, but given that all Taylor & Steffy can do is have selective memory and complain about what man stealing wh*res Brooke/Hope supposedly are, then the playing field should be leveled. Since there is no character on screen allowed to do this. As of yet anyway.  

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On 12/16/2021 at 8:46 PM, Anna Yolei said:

I remember her reaction in their scenes from Taylor's last appearance were far more measured and calm that this.

Uhhh, I'mma leave this here LOL  Brooke absolutely lost her )(*& when faced with Taylor upon one of her returns (unless this is a Brooke nightmare fantasy, LOL). HTy's acting here is getting me as Taylor as she's so earnest and happy like 'No, Brooke! It's okay! It's me! I'm alive!' while Brooke is trashing the place.

On 12/18/2021 at 12:23 PM, hypnotoad said:

I mean how hard would it have been to have Taylor say 'I had a lot of anger towards Brooke over the years but I realized it's time to let it go. Steffy I'm not going to tell you how to feel about Brooke or the Logan's but I will say this - the negativity will eat you up. Just let it go. You and Hope have hurt each other enough. Now you both are where you need to be.'

Boom. The writers could be free to redeem Taylor or if they don't like the term redeem, how about refocus Taylor on her grandchildren and her work. Perhaps having a real talk with Brooke and with Bill about the last several years.

Thank you! Can I send you a ticket to take you to LA so you can head the writing team? In 5 sentences you released us all from the triangles of doom 1.0 and 2.0 in dialogue that is in character for Taylor or at least the version of Taylor that she should be.

A custody battle for Douglas actually makes some sense as if Thomas is aokay to raise his son, then he should have shared physical custody. Hope was so adamant in giving him another chance and that Thomas is a good man. Will she still be singing that tune once he wants his son back?  But in opening this can of worms, I can see how Bill would become involved since Douglas is also a Spencer and once he hears it was Taylor's idea? I can see him throwing down. Taylor can tsk that Bill ain't even a year out of jail for accessory to the cover up of Vinnie's death, but Bill can always play the trump card - YOU SHOT ME IN THE BACK!  It'll be interesting to see KA's Taylor up against Bill.  

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Lurch/Stuffy ask Bill what kind of positive effect Taylor had on him when Taylor shot him.  

Ridge has actually made me feel sorry for Brooke and that to me is unforgivable. 

Deacon it’s not really because of you that Ridge and Brooke are having troubles in their marriage. It happens as assuredly as death and taxes.  I would say that Ridge is the main antagonist in their marriage. No Taylor, is Ridge who gives Brooke the high highs and low lows because he’s a pig headed buffoon.  


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On 12/18/2021 at 6:33 AM, Skarzero said:

Again, from what I can tell, the issue is that there have been too many folks that think there's nothing wrong with her to begin with (aside from shooting Bill which is argued to be OOC). We know that it's not everybody but it's enough. They might be the majority or they might just be loud, maybe it's both. When I see people bash Brooke for sleeping with the Forrester men they don't bring up how Tayloon also banged all the Forrester men plus one i.e. Rick. A level Brooke wouldn't even stoop to with Thomass. They certainly leave out how Tayloon rode the cock carousel of another family. They may not know this information or they may do this on purpose to leave the impression that Brooke is the problem (she is a problem but hardly the problem.) for casual, new, and returning after a long hiatus viewers. When Brooke's past is not even 50% of the story it's just over 25%. Brad Bell and other IIC just fan the flames cos they can and they're messy af. 


I've still been so busy I haven't watched lately but am keeping up with the show via this forum. Are the writers so stupid they don't think receipts  (YouTube or people's personal recording of the show) exist?  What's with all the historical revisionism?!  

Hey B&B, don't pee on our leg but tell us it's raining. We saw what we saw and know what we know based on watching the show.  (Or maybe their intent is to fool new viewers while giving the finger to us old-timers)

On 12/18/2021 at 9:58 AM, Anna Yolei said:

That's the bare minimum Thomas owes Hope, to be honest, but this isn't entirely without precedent. Back when Thomas was being played by Ken Doll impersonator Adam Gregory (by far, the prettiest of all the Thomases, even if his acting wasn't the best), he was standing up for Brooke, albeit for his weird crush on Stepmommy that TIIC never should've gone there with. But he was open about initiating that dumb kiss for the men's line publicity and was the one who came clean about the boinkberries at the cost of the stock Stephanie offered to him. 


If anyone cares, AG is in one of the millions of holiday movies.  His is on Lifetime  (I can't recall the title).

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Also, I cannot roll my eyes hard enough at it being “sweet” that Steffy, who looked like she was having a legit orgasm watching her parents hug through the window, wants her parents to reunite yet Hope is “childish” for wanting her father in her life and some semblance of a family. 

Also, Taylor, Ridge whining about Brooke to you and telling you how you’re the only one who understands him hardly makes you special. If you think otherwise, Shauna has a beer she’d like you to hold  


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2 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Hey B&B, don't pee on our leg but tell us it's raining. We saw what we saw and know what we know based on watching the show.  (Or maybe their intent is to fool new viewers while giving the finger to us old-timers)

Wouldn't be the first time. TIIC were well onto the revision of history when I got into the show in 1999 and because I didn't have access to the previous 12 seasons, I took that whole Brooke was just a homewrecking tramp thing at face value. Hell, even the Brooke/Thorne/Macy thing, the beginning of which I missed by a few months, started because they were on a Ross-and-Rachel-esque break and THAT break begin from Thorne getting involve with some lady named Claudia that he saved from deportation. And I won't lie, the writing for Brooke for the next ten years after that was dogshit so it worked like a charm until the early episodes started making their way online.

2 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Also, Taylor, Ridge whining about Brooke to you and telling you how you’re the only one who understands him hardly makes you special. If you think otherwise, Shauna has a beer she’d like you to hold  

Or not...Taylor's still on the wagon. For now, at least.

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On 12/19/2021 at 4:32 PM, Skarzero said:

I agree 100% If she would just humble herself & shut up about the Logans my hatred for her would decrease some. But that doesn't look like that's ever going to happen thanks to these hack writers. I don't care about anyone's body count either, but given that all Taylor & Steffy can do is have selective memory and complain about what man stealing wh*res Brooke/Hope supposedly are, then the playing field should be leveled. Since there is no character on screen allowed to do this. As of yet anyway.  

I already have the perfect scene written in my head where RJ comes back for the holidays, all post undergrad, sophisticated, polite, and kind...until he hears the trash talk, when he then unleashes a truth tornado which includes telling his half siblings to take several seats. He then tells PsychoDoc that she needs to move on from trashing Brooke, though not with a car, as that can lead to the death of others. He also will back out of the room, telling Taylor that he hears that it's not wise to turn one's back on her. I have several monologues prepared.

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Of all the directions they could have taken, with all the potential to mine new SLs, and we get this? Brooke and Taylor fighting over Ridge? AGAIN? I just don't know if I am up for it. 

Here we have Taylor returning from traveling the world doing good deeds, helping those less fortunate, meeting lots of new people (including men I would assume). Isn't that kind of stuff supposed to help a person? Redeem them, and make them more self aware and less mean spirited? Yet Taylor has come home the exact same person she was when she left; no personal growth at all. She has been here for all of two days and has done nothing but bash Brooke and her family and blame them for all of her ills. Worse still, is she continues to be mired in the past; pining for a lost life and marriage. 

As bad as Taylor looks, Brooke looks 1000 times worse. She forgave Ridge for Quinn, she forgave Ridge for Shauna, and now he is beating his chest and bellowing orders and trying to run her and her daughter's lives. Deacon absolutely nailed it too; this isn't about him at all, its about Ridge not getting his way. And Brooke continues to defend him. It is nauseating. She knows that Ridge is running to Taylor and using her to vent his anger and frustration. She further knows that Taylor will be lapping that up like the thirsty girl she is and will be using it to her advantage. But she still won't say a bad thing about a bitch, still holding out for one big happy family. Brooke isn't the bad one in all of this, but she sure as hell is the clueless one. The stupid one. 

There are no words for Ridge. He is beyond redemption. He rails about Deacon being in his daughter's life, as he hugs Taylor and gives her daily tongue baths, while he listens to her trash his wife. I have absolutely no use for him. 

If Show doesn't balance the scales a bit, and allow someone, anyone, to check and bring the Marone's to heel; I just don't think I will be able to continue on. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Wouldn't be the first time. TIIC were well onto the revision of history when I got into the show in 1999 and because I didn't have access to the previous 12 seasons, I took that whole Brooke was just a homewrecking tramp thing at face value. Hell, even the Brooke/Thorne/Macy thing, the beginning of which I missed by a few months, started because they were on a Ross-and-Rachel-esque break and THAT break begin from Thorne getting involve with some lady named Claudia that he saved from deportation. And I won't lie, the writing for Brooke for the next ten years after that was dogshit so it worked like a charm until the early episodes started making their way online.

As a newish comer(2010-2011ish) I figured this was the case. This is why I can somewhat, sorta kinda forgive the Brooke bashing(to a point). I came in hating Brooke too, and I kept hating her as Possie Boink and Brill 1.0 were the first Brooke SL I witnessed in real time. While I'm still not overly fond of her, facts are facts, I let some stuff go and warmed up to her. And if I really had to choose, I'd rather stan Brooke than Taylor or her bitch daughter. Or any Forrester/Marone for that matter. The audience couldn't help that they were, essentially being lied to/gaslit. But when there is evidence that proves the contrary it's supposed to be accepted, not ignored or twisted. 

If enough fans hadn't dug their heels in, and been willing to change their minds when confronted with evidence that contradicted their belief of saint!Taylor and victim!Steffy things might be more balanced. Just about any B&B video, vintage or not, you can find on YouTube will have Brooke/Logan family hate on it. It doesn't matter if the scenes/episodes clearly shows Stephanie, Taylor and Steffy as the ones being instigators, manipulative, general pains in the ass and/or "man stealers". Deflection will ensue and it will be made about the evil "Ho"gans. If they drew the line at Hope, I could take Brooke hate slightly more serious, even if I don't agree. Hope being Steffy's verbal punching bag and at Steffy's (and Bill's) mercy each & every time she went after Lame is all over the damn internet. It has been just about this whole time, and people will still choose to piss and moan about her & Brooke bad. And "DuH LoGaNs WiN eVeRyThInG aLl ThE tImE"  Like Huh???????????????? 

14 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Are the writers so stupid they don't think receipts  (YouTube or people's personal recording of the show) exist?  What's with all the historical revisionism?!  

Hey B&B, don't pee on our leg but tell us it's raining. We saw what we saw and know what we know based on watching the show.

Great post! You hit the nail on the head! Plus, you would think more people would see things for what they are but there are people who are indeed day one watchers or like @Anna Yolei started watching in the late 90's or like me started watching in early 2010's and still cling to the evil man stealing Logans, that win everything and don't face any consequences rhetoric. The writers are trash but the people that pick up what they put down don't help. Oh well...

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God I cant stand Brooke. Why does she just walk into Steffys house without knocking. She cant stand that Taylor is back. 

And her saying that someone has to respect her marriage is laughable. Considering all the marriages she didn't respect. Including her own daughter Bridget. 

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1 hour ago, Skarzero said:

And "DuH LoGaNs WiN eVeRyThInG aLl ThE tImE"  Like Huh???????????????? 

There was definitely a time when I would've said Brooke got a bit too much face time in the 2000s and I am going to die mad about the characters and relationships that were sacrificed to keep Bridge afloat, sure. 

But on the whole, there's realistically only so much a character can be "punished" and stay viable, especially on a show with this small of a cast. Which is why I find it ridiculous that people say "Brooke never pays" because literally no one does, outside of contract disputes when an actor leaves.

Even apart of that, Brooke's are 1) never forgotten and 2) not legal crimes such as attempted murder and rape. So judgemental shrew as she's become this past year, it's a pretty easy choice for me as to which is the lesser of many, many evils.

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4 hours ago, backhometome said:

God I cant stand Brooke. Why does she just walk into Steffys house without knocking. She cant stand that Taylor is back. 

And her saying that someone has to respect her marriage is laughable. Considering all the marriages she didn't respect. Including her own daughter Bridget. 

No one on these shows knocks. Just like there are never locked doors (except perhaps Brooke’s the night Stephanie gave Andy a key so he could let himself into her home and rape her). And there aren’t security guards/gates either. 

Brooke is married to Ridge and has been for several years, whether Taylor likes it or not, and her past doesn’t give anyone, the fake saint included, a license to interfere with that. If another’s past is the litmus test for lowering one’s own moral code so that tit for tat can be exchanged, then by all means, someone should come along to fuck up the Sinn marriage, given how much Steffy respect has shown the Lope relationship. 🙄

And by respect, I mean interference. 

Interference which is continuing to this day with Steffy being all too willing to counsel her ex where his FIL is concerned when she is neither qualified nor impartial. 

Interference which Taylor encouraged just like she egged Thomas on where a very married Hope was considered. 

I’m not here for Taylor’s double standards and hypocrisy. Nor that of her heiferous daughter. 

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32 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

Taylor: “I don’t need a man to define me.” - said 5 minutes after throwing herself at Ridge for the 50millionth time just to stroke his ego. 

She has played that lie since day one when she set her eyes on recently widowed Ridge so much so that she changed her field of medicine so she could counsel him.

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I can’t give 💩💩 about what Ridge, Stuffy, Lurch, and Taylor think.  They are as useless as _____ (fill in the blank). 

Oh how I would love to see a Krystal/ Alexis type fight between Brooke and Taylor. Why isn’t there a pond around when you need one?  

Taylor, you lie. Taylor doesn’t need a man to define her?  I guess Taylor doesn’t consider Ridge a man. 

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It’s hard to believe in 2021 that these writers think we’ll be on board for these two advanced aged women to be fighting over this slob of a man. I’m older than these women are supposed to be but I can tell you, there’s not one man worth this kind of angst, especially Ridge.

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Oh how I would love to see a Krystal/ Alexis type fight between Brooke and Taylor. Why isn’t there a pond around when you need one?  

There sort of was one a few years ago.  It was a wedding cake fight between Brooke & Taylor at somebody's wedding (I can't recall who got married since people get married/divorced so often on this show). 

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11 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

There sort of was one a few years ago.  It was a wedding cake fight between Brooke & Taylor at somebody's wedding (I can't recall who got married since people get married/divorced so often on this show). 

It was Hope and Liam’s wedding. Taylor was pissed that it was happening and she and Brooke got into it in the kitchen. Hope and Steffy were embarrassed by their mothers’ behavior when they walked in to see Taylor and Brooke covered in cake. 

ETA: Here’s the episode if anyone wants to watch


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