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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Was Hope's fall today another fantasy scene? And Quinn comes to the rescue and all is forgiven so she can be the grandmother she wants to be? In her fantasy, that is.

Nope. She really fell. So much for Wype's hope for a future.

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Hope:  What are YOU doing here?  I thought I made it clear I don't want you anywhere near me.  Leave now. 

Quinn, walking in past her:  Is it so wrong to want to be a part of my grandchild's life?


Quinn:  Let's go out in the garden to talk.

Hope:  Okay. 

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Hope:  You pushed your way in, demanded to talk to me, wanted to talk in the garden, and now that we're here, you are leaving?

Quinn:  Uh, yeah.  

Hope:  I'm standing here in my high heels, above this long row of stairs, knowing how dangerous you are, and I'm ready to talk. 

Quinn:  What could go wrong?    

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Yeah that was the most idiotic fall in soap history, but whatever..IDGAF....just leave already Hopeless and I pray to soap gods that it's not a full week of Hope crying and Wyatt staring with his mouth open...and Liam lurking and trying to comfort Hope.  No more montages...or Quinn begging for crumbs. RS/Quinn is being wasted propping this bimbo character.   Enough of it all.. I'm tired of Hope and I need her fifteen minutes of pointless air sucking of BB to be OVAH!!!  


There's another female heroine who is way more interesting to me.  *Enter LG looking fierce with her stylish manicure, fantastic hair extensions and luminous face!*   Roll that camera bitches!  


Bring on Caroline/Ridge/Rick/Maya.  I ain't crying over Hopeless or her baby.  

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
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That was a pretty hard fall, down a bunch of concrete/stone steps. Someone as skinny as Hope would be severely injured, if not killed. At the end of her fall, the only thing going through my head was that having her fall was going to be the way to write her out---by killing her. If this wasn't the writers way of getting KM off the show, via her death, why even have that scene?

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At the end of her fall, the only thing going through my head was that having her fall was going to be the way to write her out---by killing her.

I was thinking coma, at least.  Then when she wakes up, she's someone else?

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I was thinking coma, at least. Then when she wakes up, she's someone else?

I'm good with that. Can she be in a coma when Steffy comes back? One more minute of the triangle of doom and I'm throwing myself down some stairs.

Edited by slayer2
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I was thinking coma, at least.  Then when she wakes up, she's someone else?

I totally see this happening.   Hope then can remain on canvass, still affecting the lives of everyone around her as they continue to pine for her and will her daily to "come back to them".  Liam will be unable to let go and focus on Ivy and Wyatt will mope around.   Omg...it's never going to stop.   We will still have to hear about snowflake Hope until the recast arrives or KM decides to come back if nothing pans out in prime time.


Gaaaaah!!!   *shakes an angry fist at soap gods*   

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I had read earlier that Hope fell down some stairs but those stone steps weren't exactly what I was picturing. As she tumbled all I could think of was - don't wealthy people have security cameras on their grounds? I hope so, for Quinn's sake. 


And I have never seen Steffy, so I'm a little curious about her. 

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Lawd have Mercy, y'all. I have got the serious vapors watching that tuck n roll down the fountain staircase over and over and over. Isn't that how she and Wyatt met? She was running around in ill advised heels fell and knocked herself out?

So if they were at Brooke's (get off MY property? Really? Unless the beach shack has an identical star fountain.) maybe Maya was upstairs lounging around in Brooke's yoga sweats and saw the whole thing from an upstairs window.

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As she tumbled all I could think of was - don't wealthy people have security cameras on their grounds?

Don't count on it, these mansions don't even come equipped with locks.


That was a pretty hard fall, down a bunch of concrete/stone steps. Someone as skinny as Hope would be severely injured, if not killed. At the end of her fall, the only thing going through my head was that having her fall was going to be the way to write her out---by killing her. If this wasn't the writers way of getting KM off the show, via her death, why even have that scene?

You have a good point, and maybe part of the plan is to keep her in a coma while they look to recast, kill her if they decide not to.  That really was one nasty fall, hitting all those stone steps on the way down, I can't imagine going through that without several bones being broken.  It's a shame the fall scene looked like they were rolling a life size Barbie down the steps.  And I loved when it was over how Hope was lying there looking as pretty as ever as if she were taking a nap.  I would think her face would be torn up after hitting those steps.  I realize this isn't Sons of Anarchy, but I'd settle for the soap cliche of the little trickle of blood from the nostrils, just something to show she was injured.

Edited by ByTor
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I just wanted to shake my fist at the TV yesterday, when this whole Hope/Quinn crap was taking place. I guess the worse part for me was seeing idjit Liam running out of Bills office nearly knocking everyone down,too bad he didn't trip and break his other foot. And then theres ostrich wyatt just standing around fanning that envelope like a doofus with his mouth poised for someone to throw him a piece of fish. Hope and Liam aren't in love, they are in obsession with each other. Obsessed I tell ya!! And yes, please roll that falling down the stairs footage till the cows come home, or in this case, till Brooke comes home.

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I bet you they'll do the classic soap let's put them in a coma, have everyone all yelling and weapy then new Hope appears like a butterfly emerging from it's cocoon. I could've sworn I read on a soap site last week that jmw wasn't coming back.

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That fall.  That fall!  This show does stunts in the most hilariously awesome way.  Helicopter Ridge, the Ridge/Bill fight, and now this.  It's amazing.



And let us not forget:


Caroline's header off of Uncle Bill's balcony

Jackie's header over Stephanie's banister

Rick's fall out of the window 

Brooke's fall from the Eiffel Tower

Brooke's fall in the Forrester pool


So many scenarios are possible here it is hard to speculate where they will go. I truly believe KM's leaving was a surprise and they have had to scramble to come up with something. I guess it depends on what story you believe; is KM having drug/alcohol issues, or is she really going to try to break out in theatrical movies? If it is the first, I say Hope will remain in a coma until KM resolves her issues, if it is the second, I say she will be written out until they can recast. I just don't see Bradley letting Hope disappear after shoving her down our collective throats for the past five years. Somehow, I am not feeling good about any of it. 


No doubt with Deputy Dog on the trail, Quinn is going to pay regardless of her actions. What is up with Liam exactly? What does he imagine Quinn is going to do to the love of her son's life? The mother of her grandchild? His nonsense is so over the top, I find myself actively rooting for Quinn. If anything, the tables have turned and Quinn is being the sensible one, and Liam is now the stalker with an agenda. 


Do they have one special writer just for Bill? He gets the best lines in the whole show. 


Rick being OK with his mistress staying at him mother's house doesn't make it alright in my book. I don't feel any child has the right to move anyone into their parent's home without the parent's knowledge or consent. It is disrespectful. But Maya thinking Rick saying "stay at my mom's house" means "pretend to be my mom" is all on her. 

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And I think we have officially beaten this poor horse to death. lol...)

Not yet!

Nah, Maya should not be wearing Brooke's clothes without Brooke's permission. That's tacky and nasty. I'm surprised Rick is okay with it because his sidepiece wearing his mommy's lingerie seems oddly sort of Oedipal.


Heck, he probably wears his mommy's clothes himself.

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And my point is: If Maya thought it was okay to do it once, what's stopping her from doing it again? I could totally see Brooke coming back home to find Maya propped up in her bed reading magazines, wearing one of her "Brooke's Bedroom" pieces. (And I think we have officially beaten this poor horse to death. lol...)


We're not not saying the same thing.  I just said that she would have to be wearing the clothes at the time that Brooke came back for it to be an issue.  As opposed to the bottles of champagne missing, which would be conspicuous.


Anywhoo, Hope's up and conscious (with Liam talking to her) on the Next on B&B, so unless the coma is delayed, it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

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Y'all are killing me today with the snark!

The pretty pretty princess takes a header down a few hundred stone steps and manages to keep her face untouched. I expected her face to be banged up a bit if TPTB decide to do the coma thing. Face wrapped in bandages for months and then when unwrapped they show a 'new' Hope.

But who is going to hire her as an actress? She isn't that good imo, so I imagine she'll be back on B&B real soon. And her fake laugh makes me want to punch the tv.

I don't think NuRidge has chemistry with Brooke or Taylor. Sweet Caroline (sing it with me) and Ridge however are wonderful together. I can even look past the age difference because it doesn't seem as huge with NuRidge vs Ronnnn. Go back to smelling Caroline's hair NuRidge, and forget about Brooke/Taylor.

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Anywhoo, Hope's up and conscious (with Liam talking to her) on the Next on B&B, so unless the coma is delayed, it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

Seriously? I don't have tv, I watch online & don't see the "next on" stuff.  So I bet she'll be bopping around in no time at all.  I bet she'll have amnesia, where she'll remember Quinn being over but won't remember what led to the fall, so she'll just assume Quinn pushed her.

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And then theres ostrich wyatt just standing around fanning that envelope like a doofus with his mouth poised for someone to throw him a piece of fish.



Oh for God's sake godfreydaniels, it is important that we swallow our morning coffee........


I'm sure they've already written a corny musical piece to accompany it, something like "I Keep Falling For You", perhaps?



I was thinking about something more like "Stairway to Heaven" in a very literal sense. 



Anywhoo, Hope's up and conscious (with Liam talking to her) on the Next on B&B, so unless the coma is delayed, it doesn't look like that's going to happen.



Indeed! I watched that promo too. Really show? Hope tumbles down about thirty concrete steps and doesn't have a mark on her and is conscious? I think that makes it worse. Odds are Hope will tock, and will only remember Quinn being there, but not what really happened. And of course LA will be cloaked in sadness (I hate to be such a callous bitch, but Hope makes it easy), and we will undoubtedly be watching everyone weep and moan about the ICON's great loss, at the same time they are conjuring and conjecturing about what Quinn did to her. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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re LingerieGate, I've watched that episode several times, and Maya wakes up before Rick, and we see her go out the front door wearing (I'm pretty sure) his shirt. I think we're supposed to assume that she stopped by her place to pack a goodie bag *before* going to Rick. I thought the blue robe is hers that she got from her car and changed into before Rick woke up.

Sweet Caroline (sing it with me)

omg yes! I've been having this weird secret Neil Diamond/Ridge/TK groove going on for a while now. I was listening to Neil and realized how well "I Am I Said" applied to TK -- living on one coast and working on the other, neither one can really be home; and to Ridge -- coming home from Europe to find the home he left was gone (duh) and, now as always, torn between (at least) two women. Neil and TK have the sexy voice going on too. Edited by minirth
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Really not seeing the redemption of Quinn here.  Who in their right mind goes to see someone to tell them that you're not going to stalk them again?


Given that Quinn broke into the house to stalk the baby shower, I think Liam has every right to think Q has gone over the edge.   Play that out  -- he's thinking if she'll invade the ultrasound, break into the baby shower, what's to stop her from breaking in down the road and "borrowing" the baby for an afternoon with Grandma?


Given that she tried to kill him (really) and was only prevented by Wyatt, Liam knows the extremes Quinn will go to.  Wyatt "knows" but just won't accept/ believe what is mother is capable of. 


Maybe that's asking too much of him, but he know Quinn doesn't have boundaries and that telling her to stay away is useless.  I think finally getting a restraining order is too little too late


I think Quinn is going to totally freak and run away without helping Hope -- she's supposed to stay away and she promised Deacon so she'll just flip and drive away. Her being there is going to come out later, probably in a conversation with Deacon after Wyatt serves the RO and leaves.


If spoilers are true and Liam finds an awake Hope, maybe the "tragedy" is that Hope leaves Wyatt, goes to Italy and divorces him to protect the baby.


And about the fall.  I did a similar one years ago (although not as many stairs). Caught my (low) heel, pitched head first down the stairs, skidded across a sidewalk, the grassy strip next to it, and onto the edge of the street.  While I was banged and bruised pretty badly and sprained my ankle, no broken bones, not too much blood except on my knees and my face was unhurt. So I don't think Hope's fall is unrealistic.

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I think it's funnier and more in character to assume that Maya was parading around in Brooke's lingerie. Where I am confused is that I thought Rick and Maya did the deed in that hidden cabin on Brooke's property. All of a sudden, they are back in the main house. Not to keep up with this discussion, but I think I would know if somebody had been wearing my clothes or sleeping in my bed. I suppose you could delve into it deeper and assume that Brooke has a housekeeper who would make and/or change the bed daily and hang up/wash clothes. However, given the number of times that I've seen women on the show (mainly Taylor and Katie) folding laundry, I question whether or not they have domestic help.


Actually, I'd kinda of enjoy an Ivy/Steffy showdown. Wouldn't they be "kinda-sorta" cousins?

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I wish someone would get a restraining order against me so that I don't have to see Hope anymore.


... I just had my 1st baby this summer, and from very early on, I wore flats or a very small heel. Why is she traipsing around in Kardashian-like heels climbing stairs around a (misguided) psycho when she's carrying a child?

I was watching with my mom and the first words out of her mouth after the fall were, "Why was she wearing high heels?!?"

Edited by Snaporaz
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And let us not forget:

Caroline's header off of Uncle Bill's balcony

Jackie's header over Stephanie's banister

Rick's fall out of the window

Brooke's fall from the Eiffel Tower

Brooke's fall in the Forrester pool


As a new viewer, I think I have missed most of these.  But I love the "stunts" I've seen so far, and so to the Youtube I go!!


I don't have tv, I watch online & don't see the "next on" stuff.


I watch on TV, and have never once seen a "next on" - I just assumed they didn't do it.

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I totally see this happening. Hope then can remain on canvass, still affecting the lives of everyone around her as they continue to pine for her and will her daily to "come back to them". Liam will be unable to let go and focus on Ivy and Wyatt will mope around. Omg...it's never going to stop. We will still have to hear about snowflake Hope until the recast arrives or KM decides to come back if nothing pans out in prime time.

Gaaaaah!!! *shakes an angry fist at soap gods*

That's what happened to us with Melanie on DOOL. Damn the soap gods indeed!

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Any casting ideas for nuHope? She's so young they'll probably go with an unknown. I have decided on Cassidy Gifford. Anyone else have any ideas? I had posted a picture but apprently I don't know how to actually do it. LOL!! Anyway, she looks just like KM and I think has acted as well. Unfortunately, she is Kathie Lee's daughter so that might be a strike against her. Kathie Lee might might want to sing with John McCook while he's playing piano at Christmas. LOL!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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I'd rather Hope takes a vacation to Paris instead of a recast. Retool her, like Y&R have had to do with Adam Newman and make her not the center of the frigging show.

That said, if the Steffy spoiler is true, I am curious as to which of the Spencers she'd go for. A big motivation to chase Liam was sticking it to Hope, but if she's no longer around, would she fight her own blood for him? Or move on to a guy with a personality that honestly would be far suited? Either way, Bill gets what he wants.

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Belated congratulations on the birth of your new baby nkotb! :) And wow, La di Diva, sounds like quite a scrape you got into there! :(


I haven't watched any of the show this week other than Eric on Monday and the bonus scenes kia112 has posted here. Next week's promo doesn't particularly inspire me either.


Echoing the love for Donna/JG looking fantastic at the shower; all the Logan sisters look great with their hair up, but JG really works the up do. I think it makes her look more mature and sophisticated as opposed to the straightened face curtains she usually wears.


Interesting I've only noticed 2, but can we get a count on how many self photos $Bill has in his office? ;)

This count is from the bonus scene:


1) One on the far left of screen of Liam, Bll & Wyatt from Thanksgiving 2013;
2) One of Will;
3) One of himself;
4) One of him and the row of blondes;
5) One of him and Liam.


Do you think that Wyatt and Quinn are both headed towards the exit when Hope departs? I don't really see any storyline for them once she's gone.

Darin Brooks is now filming the Blue Mountain State movie, so I'd say Wyatt is off the canvas for a little while at least.


Nothing's stopping you from getting a job, Katie!

I still want my "Katie becomes a romance writer slash private investigator a la Hart to Hart" storyline to come to fruition. Maybe I could jump on this B&B novella bandwagon and write it myself.


Brooke's fall in the Forrester pool

Wasn't that Hope? Or have they both done it? Also, let's not forget Stephanie - sorry, stuntman in a wig - getting shot by Storm Logan, Donna being attacked by a bear, Sheila shooting Brooke & Taylor, any time Deacon fought any of the Forrester men when he was first on, Sally falling into Lake Como, Eric getting hit by a falling bookcase (didn't this also happen to Bridget?), etc., etc.


I guess it depends on what story you believe; is KM having drug/alcohol issues, or is she really going to try to break out in theatrical movies?

I think the drugs & alcohol story came from someone suggesting Bell & Co. fired her for doing weed in Amsterdam; one time =/= struggle with substance abuse. SK did a piece in Soap Opera Digest or one of those magazines saying it's pilot season in the US & that she's got an opportunity to do that kind of thing so why not, which makes more sense.


Actually, I'd kinda of enjoy an Ivy/Steffy showdown. Wouldn't they be "kinda-sorta" cousins?

I think they're legally first cousins once removed with their common ancestors being Eric & John's parents (Ivy's grandparents and Steffy's legal great-grandparents). I tried to work it out using the Wikipedia guide but my brain exploded. They're obviously not related biologically.


(not sure if St3ph Forrester has heard about the Ferguson protests in Oz)

Yes we have, and more recently about the man who was strangled (Eric Garner?). It's mostly been footage of the riots though. We actually get a fair bit of American news - even stuff about Obama dancing. I doubt it's the same going back the other way.


But this is a soap opera.

I see what you're saying, kia112, but I think even "lowbrow" art still has a communicative value to it. Stories can be socio-political (race, sexuality) and still be trashy and incredulous. I'm surprised in some ways how conservative B&B is and yet the relationships are always so scandalous (babies born out of wedlock, May/December romances). I guess that's the inherent nature of drama; things that shock inevitably create conflict, which is what fuels this kind of Scheherezadesque storytelling.
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I think they're legally first cousins once removed with their common ancestors being Eric & John's parents (Ivy's grandparents and Steffy's legal great-grandparents). I tried to work it out using the Wikipedia guide but my brain exploded. They're obviously not related biologically.

They may not be blood, but they are family... the kind of family you see on the Jerry Springer show.

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The Jerry Springer comment reminded me of this....a while ago back on TWOP someone said there should just be a Forrester commune where they can more easily swap partners as the mood hits them.

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Wasn't that Hope? Or have they both done it?



Both; Brooke's tumble was many years ago, she had come to the Forrester Manse to see Ridge who was out by the pool, and if I remember correctly, Ridge playfully shoved her and she fell and hit her head on the side of the pool. I don't think anyone saw Hope fall in, all I can remember is Nick finding her, and him being blamed by all involved. 


I think the drugs & alcohol story came from someone suggesting Bell & Co. fired her for doing weed in Amsterdam; one time =/= struggle with substance abuse. SK did a piece in Soap Opera Digest or one of those magazines saying it's pilot season in the US & that she's got an opportunity to do that kind of thing so why not, which makes more sense.



I agree, she has already made one full length film which I have seen. She is a naughty girl in some spots, but I have to say I think she was better than she has ever been on B&B. She plays an angst filled young woman who has daddy issues. The funny thing is, I found it far more jarring hearing fuck come out of KM's mouth, than I did her fully nude sex scene which took place over the kitchen sink. 


Great to see you back St3phForrester, I have missed your Aussie snark!


Geez La di Diva, your story makes me feel like a total klutz! A few years ago I was leaving for work and forgot that we have five steps on our front porch. Instead of stepping down, I stepped out into thin air and fell forward with a little pitch to the right. In doing so, I caught my right heel under the top steps overhang and just messed that foot all to hell. Fractured ankle, sprained toes, upper ankle sprain on both sides, and a sprained knee.... I was out of work for six weeks! 

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C'mon show. How contrived was it to have Hope follow Quinn out to the garden so she could roll down that flight of stairs. Just have Hope say 'if you won't leave through the front then I'll leave through the back' and she trips going down the stairs that way.

As it stands, Hope thought she was dangerous already; why follow the loon to another location when you are literally free and clear to escape out the front door. They really had to make Hope stupid to have her fall.

If they really wanted to be dark, why not have it be that as Hope is speeding away from the house with Quinn running her out, Liam is speeding in and he inadvertently is part of the accident that causes Hope to lose her baby. Then you have Liam feeling so guilty that he can never be with Hope for causing her to lose her baby and a legit wedge to their relationship, Wyatt has a legit beef with Liam over the loss of his child (as does Quinn) and we have some real heat to the bro v bro saga. And it really would be an accident but none of the players involved would see it that way.

Bill is the male Stephanie. Telling it like it is, poking fun at everyone, and delivering impatient eye rolls and ain't afraid to deliver a slap/punch when it's warranted.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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So, I guess Hope will be in a long coma & everyone will think Quinn pushed her. That could take months or years for the truth to come out. LOL!! I remember when Robin Wright was put in a coma on Santa Barbara and she woke up a horrible recast. Hopefully, B&B will have better luck.

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I just read these rumors on Soap Central, I'm spoiler tagging just in case:

Rumors are spreading that Hope will decide to join her mother in Milan for a while to get away from her meddling mother in- law,Quinn.Other rumors are saying that Hope couldn't deal with the fact that Liam has moved on, and she turned to pills again to deal with the pain.

Edited by ByTor
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I don't think anyone saw Hope fall in, all I can remember is Nick finding her, and him being blamed by all involved

He and Dante were having a pissing contest over Bridget while watching toddler Hope swim....her hair got caught on something below the water while they were fighting.

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I think the drugs & alcohol story came from someone suggesting Bell & Co. fired her for doing weed in Amsterdam; one time =/= struggle with substance abuse. SK did a piece in Soap Opera Digest or one of those magazines saying it's pilot season in the US & that she's got an opportunity to do that kind of thing so why not, which makes more sense.

This "story" comes from one particular website whose bloggers and members absolutely hate KKL and KM.  They say the most vile things about each actress and their personal lives.  The site already had their asses handed to them by ABC executives for printing something which was demonstrably false and shut down the "spoiler" column for several months.  But I guess they figure as long as it's couched as "rumor" or "opinion", they are covered.

Edited by LuLu123
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TobinA, I thought Speedy Waffles was gonna hit a distraught Hope running out of the house pulling away from Quinn. That would've made sense though. The roving argument was so contrived, they might as well have had Hope ride off on Steffy's old motorcycle.

So we are looking at at least another two weeks of this until the grown ups are allowed to come back out to play?

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I just read these rumors on Soap Central, I'm spoiler tagging just in case:

Rumors are spreading that Hope will decide to join her mother in Milan for a while to get away from her meddling mother in- law,Quinn.Other rumors are saying that Hope couldn't deal with the fact that Liam has moved on, and she turned to pills again to deal with the pain.

I hope it's not that last one; that was tedious to watch the first time.

TobinA, I thought Speedy Waffles was gonna hit a distraught Hope running out of the house pulling away from Quinn. That would've made sense though. The roving argument was so contrived, they might as well have had Hope ride off on Steffy's old motorcycle.

So we are looking at at least another two weeks of this until the grown ups are allowed to come back out to play?

Hey, I'm thankful that stories are being rotated these days, instead of having two months straight of As the World Turns around Hope Logan. It also leaves folks wanting more of the good stuff and not burning though Caribe too fast.

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