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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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This show keeps trying to sell Thomas as a highly-desired playboy who's the object of every woman's lustful attention.


Ha.  I don't think so.


Ain't that the truth!  He and Marcus both shirts off working on their "packs" and the girls are all hot after Thomas with not even a side eye to Marcus...um ok?!

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I am still racking my brain trying to figure out why they had those scenes of Ivy and Thomas for the perfect storm and now, Ivy is back to wanting nothing to do with him. There is absolutely zero chemistry between the two of them, particularly when Thomass is giving off the scent of Eau Du Desperate and Rapey. 


Part of me thinks Ivy should just do the deed with Thomas already because (1) the damage to her relationship with Wyatt is already done and (2) it's the surest way to drive Thomas away because once he bags 'em, he's done with 'em. 


Plus, it's only a matter of time before Thomas learns Caroline's baby is his and he'll forget all about Ivy and Caroline for that matter as he'll be out to play Daddy of the year and all to piss off Ridge. 

This show keeps trying to sell Thomas as a highly-desired playboy who's the object of every woman's lustful attention.


Ha.  I don't think so.


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Part of me thinks Ivy should just do the deed with Thomas already because (1) the damage to her relationship with Wyatt is already done and (2) it's the surest way to drive Thomas away because once he bags 'em, he's done with 'em.


CountryGirl, Thomas bagged her the night she stayed at the big house!  He wants more and to get one over Wyatt I guess!

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CountryGirl, Thomas bagged her the night she stayed at the big house!  He wants more and to get one over Wyatt I guess!


I, mercifully, missed it, but I thought they did't actually do the deed, just made out a lot? 

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Ivy needs to slap Bratz into next week even at the risk of injuring her hand on those fillers and Botox. Her relationship with Wyatt is none of that hypocrite's business. Hope all of this blows up in Bratz's face and Liam calls off the engagement.

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Ivy needs to slap Bratz into next week even at the risk of injuring her hand on those fillers and Botox. Her relationship with Wyatt is none of that hypocrite's business. Hope all of this blows up in Bratz's face and Liam calls off the engagement.


Knowing Waffles, both Thomas and Wyatt panting after Ivy is going to make her suddenly so much more attractive to him, along with the eventual reveal that Steffy bet Wyatt about sleeping with Ivy.  

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Knowing Waffles, both Thomas and Wyatt panting after Ivy is going to make her suddenly so much more attractive to him, along with the eventual reveal that Steffy bet Wyatt about sleeping with Ivy.  

To be fair, Steffy did not agree to bet Thomas and told him that he was reprehensible.

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Steffy is such a hypocrite.  She had zero interest in truth and loyalty when she consistently tried to get Liam to cheat on Hope with her.  She constantly used one of Thomas' favorite "no ring, no commitment" lines in defense of her actions, too.  This character has always been a gross predator and I just can't stand anything about her.  Go away, you bobbleheaded Taytot.


The ratings have been down lately and it should be no surprise.  For two months the stories have been nothing but the virgin birth of Rick and Maya's baby via her idiot sister, rapey Thomas, pontificating Steffy, the slow destruction of Ivy and Wyatt, Caroline and Ridge having the same conversation over and over again, and the near complete absence of a real story for Bill, Katie, Quin, Deacon, Brooke and Eric.  And this is after so many other boneheaded decisions like killing off Aly and having Brooke become a two-second alcoholic. 

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the near complete absence of a real story for Bill, Katie, Quin, Deacon, Brooke and Eric.


I think near is being generous.  They make 1 or 2 appearances a month to prop up the youngins and then are sent back to the old man/lady closet.  I guess fans should feel lucky that they get to appear on holiday episodes but I'm to the point now if they aren't getting anything about THEM I have zero interest because I have zero interest in the characters they prop.


I'm glad the ratings are taking a dive because a transgender story where the person is sainted and can do no wrong and what might as well be an incest story is not enticing television. 

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I, mercifully, missed it, but I thought they did't actually do the deed, just made out a lot? 


I just assumed I guess because they were both half naked on a bed and necking passionately when the scene ended leaving us to wonder!? I didn't wonder because they were both into it and why would they have stopped?  No reason for guilt and drama afterwards if is was just harmless necking.  They are not virgins after all!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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Oh Puffles has the nerve to threaten to expose somebody? Girl why are you all up in Wivy's business? Not too long ago you were trying to get it in with a married man. Cut the self-righteous, holier than though act.

No kidding. I guess she forgot the part where the main reason she's with Liam now is because she stepped in between him and his girlfriend, the very Ivy. I hope Ivy gets to remind her of that. Steffy doesn't give two craps about Wyatt.

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I'm not quite following what the pay-off is for Steffy in outing Ivy and Thomas to Wyatt. It really is none of her business. And who can take her moral high horse posture seriously anyway when she's prancing around like an extra from the set of "Barbarella."


Speaking of costumes, that particular Elizabeth Taylor-esque look on Ivy doesn't really work. What's next -- the caftan era?


That was really sensitive of Liam to stand there and gush on about how Steffy is the woman he's always been supposed to be with, etc., etc., (gag...) while Ivy was standing there.


It always bugs me when the writers throw in some random scene that really doesn't have anything to do with the SL of the day. As was the case with Katie and Bill today. I know that la Bell's propping of characters is never subtle, but that kitchen scene was out of left field.

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Steffy: Wyatt deserves better than a girlfriend who makes out with the first guy that flirts with her.

Yeah, this coming from someone who accepted an engagement ring from Liam that was still warm from Hope's finger.

Edited by ByTor
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Steffy: Wyatt deserves better than a girlfriend who makes out with the first guy that flirts with her.

Yeah, this coming from someone who accepted an engagement ring from Liam that was still warm from Hope's finger.

Hypocrisy at its finest.


I was initially cheering Steffy on with her Down with Thomas the Scumbag campaign but then I slapped my own self when I remembered how Steffy thought nothing of cha-cha-cha cheating with Liam when he was "committed" to Hope because it was destiny and true love and whatever other schlock she came up with to justify that she was just as much an interloper in the Lope relationship as Thomas is with Wivy. 


Andplusalso, since when does Steffy give two shits about Wyatt? I guess she cares in case she needs him as a back up boyfriend.

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I can see it now. Steffy tells Wyatt, prompting him to dump Ivy. Liam dumps Steffy for squealing after he pleaded with her not to. Steffy and Wyatt get together...Ivy and Liam get back together...Hope returns...my head explodes.

I understand writing for couples who are happy and stay together is dull, but IMO the constant breaking couples up stuff is worse, in that it's not only dull, but also frustrating.

Edited by ByTor
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On a totally unrelated note, I just saw Ashley Jones guesting on a show on The Cooking Channel (made this year.) She looked great. Her hair is darkish blonde high/low lights (much more natural looking) and cut in one of those beachy wave lobs that's so popular right now.


I miss Bridget.

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"It was just a few kisses!"

Haven't watched today's show yet but I hope this nonsense doesn't fall out of someone's mouth again. There's a huge difference, IMO, between this situation and what happened with Caroline and Ridge. No one in the Wyatt/Ivy/Thomas triangle is married. Yeah, cheating is bad but it's not as if anyone's breaking their marriage vows here. I hope when he finds out, Wyatt is man enough not to react in the dangerous way Rick did (and which I still can't believe the show just handwaved away as "keeping it inside the family"). Wyatt should know he's a better man than predator Thomas any day of the week and Ivy is not the last woman on Earth.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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It seems to me that the biggest flurry of dropping anvils happens when Katie and $Bill purr at each other about how happy and contented they are with their marriage and family. Those pronouncements about how great things are never presage a serene and untroubled future.

Edited by tantrumette
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Wasn't Steffy getting all bent out of shape when Ivy was blackmailing her?  But now, Miss Self Righteous is getting all indignant over a make out session with her pukey brother and now she's doing the blackmailing?  Pot calling Kettle.  Steffy is acting like she's the last Vestial Virgin out of Pompei.  

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It seems to me that the biggest flurry of dropping anvils happens when Katie and $Bill purr at each other about how happy and contented they are with their marriage and family. Those pronouncements about how great things are never presage a serene and untroubled future.


When my channel guide's description the other day listed "Bill and Katie kiss" in the show's description, I figured something had to be coming up for them.  If a married couple kissing is important enough to make the episode's description, their marriage is almost surely about to be tested. 

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But what can be done that hasn't already been thrown at them? Katie has stayed with him despite the name calling of her sisters, him almost falling for Steffy's sorry excuse for seduction ,and most importantly him banging Brooke barely two minutes after she accused them of having feelings for one another. Bill is the only man in existence that has EVER fully and completely moved on from Brooke. Who's left for him to chase after, Maya?

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Does Steffy have attention deficit disorder or something? Or did the botox seep through to her brain???

Katie and Bill mentioned Hope...anvil?

Two things I am happy about: 1) Ivy took off that horrendously ugly top, 2) Ivy took the doorknob (or was that supposed to be a bun?) off the top of her head.

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Shouldn't Liam care a little more for his brother and be wanting him to know his girlfriend is cheating instead of telling Steffy to let it go?

Well, Liam was cheating on Hope with Steffy and kissing Steffy when he was still with Ivy, so he is no one to talk. It's none of his business anyway.

I wonder if Bill and Katie have couples waxing sessions? :-p

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Is it possible that dead animal on Steffy's head is to keep her brain from exploding when she snootily pontificates about cheating?


Also, was that a suit-romper??????


Why did I start watching this mess again?

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The highlight of the week has been Bill and Katie. (Heather's body is nice. Rock it, lady!) I'm just happy to have a reprieve from the talking thru clenched teeth and greatest sacrifice evahhhh. This won't last long. The new girl is arriving on the 14th/15th. Instead of her causing strife between boring Zende and Nicole, pair her with Thomas. From the spoilers, she knows the Avants and somebody won't be too pleased to see her. And I'm sure when we see Caroline, she'll be close to crowning or at least sporting the third trimester faux bump.

They've mentioned Hope quite a few times. Quinn mentioned her. Eric mentioned her tradition. And then yesterday her name was dropped several times. Unless she has matured and become less obnoxious, she can stay where she is. They can however pull some people out of the basement.

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The new girl is arriving on the 14th/15th. Instead of her causing strife between boring Zende and Nicole, pair her with Thomas. From the spoilers, she knows the Avants and somebody won't be too pleased to see her. 

So will the new girl have a child with her? Myron's child???

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Ok so, let's recast Hope, and have the new and improved "real" Hope Logan come home!  I am talking Brook Logan and Deacon Sharp's Hope come home, Blonde Bombshell, Vixen and just Shake this thing up!  No Destiny this time (or not as much)  I want to see Daddy's girl tearing it up!   At leave give us a Bad Girl we can cheer for!

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I cannot get on board with Batie 2.0 at all and it sticks in my craw that they ruined Brill and backburned KKL/Brooke so that sexy $ Bill can be wasted on that dishrag Katie.


I had to LOL when Bill cooed to her about how she accepted him for who he is. No, you dumbass, that was Brooke who accepted you just as you were. Katie wanted an emasculated lapdog. Clearly, his pussification is complete. 


I think the trouble with Batie and yes, please let there be trouble, when Liam and Steffy blow up over Ivy/Thomas/Wyatt and Steffy is suddenly available again. 

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Steffy needed to STFU about giving Ivy a chance to tell Wyatt about Thomas. Witch didn't even wait 24 hours to start flapping her puffed up lips and spoiling someone else's happiness.The move she pulled today is something only a haterade-drinking, buttinsky bitch that doesn't know how to stay in her lane, would do. It would serve her right if Liam drop kicks her to the curb, but I'm sure we won't be that lucky.

Ok so, let's recast Hope, and have the new and improved "real" Hope Logan come home! I am talking Brook Logan and Deacon Sharp's Hope come home, Blonde Bombshell, Vixen and just Shake this thing up! No Destiny this time (or not as much) I want to see Daddy's girl tearing it up! At leave give us a Bad Girl we can cheer for!

I'm all for this as long as she's bad to the bone, otherwise she'll be useless. Something needs to happen to crack Steffy's face hard and, unfortunately, Hope's the only one that can do it. Edited by bittersweet4149
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