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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I was taking a mental trip down memory lane today during the Ridge/Brooke/Liam scene. I so wanted to see Ronn Moss with his fingers in a steeple position and his chin resting on them and growling, "Looooogan!" when he admonished her about spilling the beans about the vasectomy. Then a re-enactment of "It's not going to happen!" only with Liam instead of Rick. A bonus would have been RM Ridge tossing Liam off the top of the roof of the building.


Otherwise, I got nothing other that Caroline is also working my last nerve.

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Scene: Right after Ridge admonishes Brooke about telling everybody (starting with loading dock guy) about his vasectomy, Liam opens the door.


Liam: "Am I interrupting something?"

Brooke: *Yelling across the room* "Yeah, Ridge is upset because I told you about his vasectomy!"

Ridge: *Grunts* "You're still doing it!"


LMFAO!!! That Brooke...so inappropriate & hilarious!


Ridge coming down hard on Brooke and she laughs at his bluster, then walking away when Ridge get's frustrated with her ... That was a laugh.


Caroline's acting like a blithering idiot about Brooke and Liam talking about Ridge's vasectomy "reversal" and Thomas showing up at the sonogram, but Ridge isn't handling Brooke, Liam or Thomas very well either. Ridge drilling into Liam that HE would decide when and where to discuss his vasectomy "reversal" with Steffy and Thomas, not Liam, was a little more threatening than needed. If that doesn't generate more questions from Liam and cause Steffy to question why Liam's being weird about Ridge and Caroline, I don't know what will.


Thomas is behaving no differently than before he was banished to Paris, and Ridge isn't creating limits and parameters to corral Thomas's worst behaviors. Attacking Spencer influence at Forrester through Wyatt and Liam was entirely out of line for a progress report meeting and should have been shut down immediately by Ridge, but he says nothing to Thomas. Thomas horns into the sonogram appointment and doesn't realize he's out of line until he's in the middle of waxing poetic about his future child; Ridge doesn't take him by the scruff of the neck and walk him out, firmly explaining to Thomas he is intruding on a private medical procedure, and get the fuck out! Thomas continues to get away with offering apologies for lousy social skills and shitty behavior, "asking for forgiveness, not permission," and Ridge, also lacking in social skills and a litany of shitty behavior, does nothing effective to keep his predatory son away from his "beautiful wife."

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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I so wanted to see Ronn Moss with his fingers in a steeple position and his chin resting on them and growling, "Looooogan!" when he admonished her about spilling the beans about the vasectomy.

I would buy tickets to see this!
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I threw up a little in my mouth when Maya said Nicole would be a great "auntie"! Bitch, please.

Auntie my ass, more like mother. He or she will find out, at some point in the future, that Nicole Is the birth mother. I can't see Maya trying to hide that she is transgender but if she does, Brooke and Pam know so that takes care of that. Maya and Rick never considered how the Forester spawn would handle Nicole being Auntiie/Mom and that when he or she finds out, the Forester spawn could bond more with Nicole than Maya. I would love for this to happen but not so much if the same thing happened to Caroline and Ridge. I'm getting too old to wait around for this to happen, so let's fire up the DeLorean and fast forward 16 years.

Edited by Waldo13
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Yeah. I agree with you all. Auntie my behind. Ugh. Unless she's going to lie to that child, he/she will know. Even if they decide to keep it hidden, what's done in the dark will always come into the light. I'm hoping it won't reach that point or even the point of Nicole being pregnant. If the writers want Maya to redeem herself, step one would be letting this IUI fail and not asking Nicole to try again. Thank her for offering but tell her that you can't get in the way of her living her life and being happy. Realise that it was too much to ask and find another way.

Caroline's talking thru closed teeth and with the baby voice makes me want to crawl into the screen. Wtf happened to her? She used to be so different and not whimpering behind a man. She had a mind of her own. Now she's practising being Ridge's ventriloquist dummmy. Make it stop.

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My head, My head! I think it is about to erupt!




What has become of me that I am supporting bigots (Papa A) and blabbermouths (Brooke)? Outside of the fact that both of them have been absolutely on point; I got nothing. I know Brooke shouldn't have told Liam, but it wasn't as if she had him over for tea and crumpets to discuss Ridge's cojones and his swimmers. Maybe Liam shouldn't have asked? And what self serving computer nerd actually looks at the cookies being deleted? The fact remains however, that Brooke has been right from the beginning; Ridge not wanting to hear her, or listen to her, is beside the point. If he had listened to her, none of this nonsense would be happening. He wouldn't have broken Caroline's heart by kicking her to curb over children, causing her to check into the Fuck My Inebriated Ass Hotel, which has placed us firmly in Wonderland, where nobody has a clue what is going on. A place where we pass our grandchildren off as our own, and never confront the villain, choosing instead to cover up the deed, and carry on as if nothing ever happened. All the while, sending scorching looks of disgust, being angry all the time, and smothering Caroline as if she were a possession. I don't believe in karma, because karma smacks of revenge, and revenge solves nothing. It doesn't change what happened, it only exacerbates it, and usually results in two wrongs, which never make a right. All the same, I am glad that Ridge is getting a taste of the pain he dealt to Brooke, Nick, Caroline 1.0 and Thorne. It is a shame that Ridge's own son had to teach him that there are consequences for heinous actions, but there you have it. 


Then there is part of me that is saying, "Ah, the hell! Fuck that shit, cause those scenes with Brooke, Ridge and Liam were damn funny!" I positively howled when Brooke said "he is mad that I told you about his vasectomy", and Ridge barked "you are doing it again!". And Liam looking like the little boy who has just raided his dad's girlie magazine collection "Oh, Ridge! That is your and Caroline's secret." And because a guilty little boy can never be too sure "does Steffy know?" BWAHHH! 


Does Caroline believe that non-stop rubbing of the non-existent baby bump will put the Ridge mojo on the child? Cause that shit is seriously causing me some confusion. Now, I am guilty of rubbing my body after working out, particularly after doing lunges and squats. I have a tendency to rub my ass, but I can assure you there is plenty there to rub, and I don't have to go around it circles to search for it. 


Why did Maya have to interject? Let the kids have their fun woman! Oh, wait.........I forgot, Maya has a stake in Nicole's reproductive organs, and who, or what gets there first. Poor Zende, the boy is going to have a raging case of blue balls before he slides into home plate. 


When did Liam change from his standard grey crotch crunching suit into the blue one? Everyone else is still in the same clothes??????


Karla Mosley looks stunning in yellow. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Ridge needs to STFU with respect to his whining to Brooke.


He's the dumbass who chose to confide in her vs the supposed (new) love of his life. He of all people should have known she couldn't keep a secret if her life depended on it.

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Ridge needs to STFU with respect to his whining to Brooke.


He's the dumbass who chose to confide in her vs the supposed (new) love of his life. He of all people should have known she couldn't keep a secret if her life depended on it.


AGREED!!  He is the one who couldn't keep the secret in the first place.  

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I glanced on Twitter, and the new character that's probably going to cause issues between Nicole and Zende has started filming and will be on screen in December. She was in the behind the scenes Christmas episodes pictures. The actress is Felisha Cooper. Her character is Sasha, and she will be on screen starting 15 December. This show is always secretive about what roles people will play, but I'm partial to a troublemaker. Blue Balls--err Zende may be loyal now, but it's no secret that he wants to be part of a normal couple. Not one where his girlfriend is having his cousin.

Zende will have Blue Balls. Maya is already controlling what she drinks, eats, and now she's probably aiming to control the company she keeps. Pretty soon they'll ask her to leave work and limit what she does in her free time. Lifetime movie anyone?

Waffles isn't dumb as I thought. By golly he's piecing it together. If I took a shot every time I heard sacrifice, gift, brave, strong, Maya and/or Rick's baby, our baby, etc., I'd be drunk M-F. Caridge...no need to keep reminding each other that it's your baby. I think Caro is feeling guilty. Clearly Waffles sees that she's not okay. Ridge needs to do something because his anger has given it away.

Glad to see the Avants back briefly. Somebody has enough sense to realise that this will end badly. Rick and Nicole holding hands and wearing matching shirts? We see where it's heading. If this baby survives, you can bet your last dollar that he's going to fall for her and care a great deal about the mother of his first bio child who has lived and wasn't stillborn. I feel like the writers are doing an unofficial chem test and dipping in those waters.

Edited by AussieBabe
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I'm sorry but I am incredibly offended by Brooke's behavior and Liam's, too. A man's penis is very, very, very private and they have no right talking about it. And if they insist on being so tacky and inappropriate, they should keep it to themselves. The way she said to Liam, "he's mad i told you about the vasectomy," all petulant like she has a right to be sharing someone else's business made me want to fucking slap the bitch. And neither of them has any idea how invasive and rude they're being.

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Hold on to your hats, people! Inspector Waffles is on the case! *groan* Can't he go over to Spencer Publications for a while and check on how things are going under his presidency? (Is that what his title is over there? I've forgotten his VIP title because he's always over at FC, smooching with Steffy and gossiping about vasectomies. I know he has some big-shot title at SP but I just don't get how he's holding down the fort at two "major" companies at once. Maddeningly stupid.


I'm sorry but I am incredibly offended by Brooke's behavior and Liam's, too. A man's penis is very, very, very private and they have no right talking about it. And if they insist on being so tacky and inappropriate, they should keep it to themselves. The way she said to Liam, "he's mad i told you about the vasectomy," all petulant like she has a right to be sharing someone else's business made me want to fucking slap the bitch. And neither of them has any idea how invasive and rude they're being.


Don't be sorry, I'm right there along with you. Sure, Ridge told Brooke, and that was a major (!!!) F-up on his part, but she keeps going on and on to him about how she cares about him and how they're friends, so at the very least, she should be acting like a friend and not like Pam-in-Training. (I swear, those two put TMZ to shame, because if there's a story to be hidden, they've leaked it.) I loved when Ridge asked her "couldn't you have told him you were searching for one of your boyfriends?" because my god, it's so OBVIOUS that Brooke has no boyfriends and therefore nothing to do but turn into the giggly office gossip. She doesn't have to lie for Ridge, but it would've been the truth to say "I was searching for somebody I care about" and leave it at that. (Or maybe add: "Liam, you're being wildly inappropriate, unprofessional, and embarrassing, going over my personal browsing history" and stopped him in his assenine tracks.) She didn't have to name every name and go into the Who, What, Where, and When like Lois Lane on crack.

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I think that when you're on a work computer using a work online connection, the company does have a right to search a browsing history. But unless you've downloaded porn, engaged in some illegal activity, or downloaded a document that caused a virus, while they may see your browsing history it's unlikely they'll ask abut it. All Brooke had to say is that it's private, end of story.

Edited by ByTor
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How stupid can Thomas be. Please don't answer it's a rhetorical question. He wants piece with his father but he can't be anymore obnoxious and combative in meetings and than has to throw a barb at his father. He's like Brooke and Pam in not knowing how to keep his pie hole shut. I'm not saying he reacted well to the article but that was a big blind side in the same ilk as the article on Maya. Is there going to be an article on Rick and Maya having a baby via her sister? And speaking of Rick and Maya, I could imagine Ally having to wait on Nicole, hand and foot, if she was still alive.

Ridge had it correct 100% when he talked about the chils being at the most risk for ridicule if they find out Thomas is the father. Once again I say that Rick and Maya never even gave a millisecond of thought to how the union could effect the child. Therefore, I would be absolutely shocked if Nicole does not get pregnant.

The writer are getting paid for what? The daily scripts are exactly the same so not much writing is going on. The writers much being either just working out on the FC rooftop or copulating in the steam room and the FC offices.

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Since today was more of the same old same old, I noticed some little things:

As well as looking good in yellow, KM looks great in royal blue.

Was there some kind of subliminal message going on with Rick and Nicole wearing the same shirt?

Why is LG always sitting on top of a desk/table hunched over when chairs are right there?

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I've discovered another reason why I hate this surrogacy SL as it has been written. If Rick and Maya are this high profile couple, how are they going to explain this to the public? It's not like they can keep the girl hidden away and pop up with a baby. Maya has been outed as TG. Chicken and Waffle Boy know, so how are the writers going to keep Bill in the dark? These people are VPs of Lurking, Eavesdropping, Tea Spilling, Spying, and Butting In. What's to say that Bill won't overhear a conversation about Nicole having a baby? The employees at FC know about the surrogacy, too. That poor child's identity will be all jacked up. It's like the writers didn't think any of that out. What kind of stress would Nicole be under if the identity of their "surrogate" came to light? In celeb culture, paps have unmasked and harassed the appointed surrogates of celeb spawns-- even after the child(ren) are born. I don't see how this would be any different because they're part of a high profile, internationally known family. Oh what could possibly go wrong, writers?

Ridge is worried about a scandal with Caroline possibly having his son's child. I think it's just as much or more of a scandal that Rick is having a baby with his SIL and his wife is planning on passing him/her off as her child while real mummy gets to be the doting auntie. Not only passing off a child but her first child. Should she have more children, they'll be that child's half-siblings and cousins. Weird weird weird.

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ATWT did this year's ago when Emily Stewart donated the egg that created Allison. I forget if Emily carried her to term, but I remember when Allison was first SORASed she....didn't take it well when she learned the truth.

As for the weirdness if Nicole has more kids....well, I remember a scene when Rick and Phoebe were watching young RJ and someone at TWoP pointed out that RJ is a brother to both of them. The weird ship has not only sail but has deployed multiple times before being decommissioned and sunk 90 miles off the coast of Australia as part of a RIMPAC excersize.

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I remember that story. Allison didn't take it well at all. Susan underwent invitro with Emily's egg and her husband's sperm. So Emily carried on as Allison's sister but she was really her natural mum. Those scenes were phenomenal. Unfortunately the writers for this show miss the mark, so even when they SORAS the kid, it will fall flat.

What made me think of celeb surrogates was when I saw Sarah Jessica Parker. I remember paps snapping pics of their surrogate while she was pregnant and how they were concerned for her safety. I remember reading articles about her that were far too invasive for a private citizen who didn't ask to be thrust into the spotlight. They talked about her children, her divorce or marital issues, her sexuality, and all kinds of stuff that had nothing to do with her helping them bring life into the world. Nothing stopped the media from attacking her character.

Weird ship sailed a long time ago. This crazy SL just might take weird to a new level because the web doesn't just affect them.

Edited by AussieBabe
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Uh oh, as soon as I saw Liam not wearing his standard grey/blue suit I knew something was afoot; that dark charcoal suit, which looked very nice on the Waffle, said our little Liam meant serious business. Then when we were treated to that close up of his beady little eyes shifting back and forth, and watched him processing his various conversations and interactions; I found myself mentally queing up the Pink Panther music, cause I realized Inspector Detector Spencer was now on the case. Yes, it appears that Liam, like so many others, will now be all up in Caroline’s uterus and her reproductive organs business. Will he blaze the trail by himself? Or will he garner the help and support of his ally Brooke, who is also preoccupied with the reproductive business of others? Will this spell the end of his relationship with the Black Widow?


Here is an idea; why don’t Maya and Rick get matching tee shirts made up, one with the saying “You are making this amazing sacrifice”, and the other saying, “But you are giving us the greatest gift”. That way they can stop paying lip service to it, and just keep Nicole off balance all the time.


I have been working for over 40 years, and have attended untold meetings during that time, but I have never had one as eventful and fun filled as those at FC’s. The personal sniping and inappropriate dialogs not withstanding; I would kill to experience one meeting like theirs. I know without a doubt I wouldn’t be falling asleep. Did Thomas really say something about his dad “knowing how to pump out babies?” Oh my, there’s some conference room fodder for ya. And are we to understand that Liam is still writing for SPs? And doing so about the Forresters without their knowledge? How the hell does that work? For some reason I smell a conflict of interest, or maybe a lack of consideration for one of his employers.


Ridge needs to learn some anger management. If he continues to lash out at anyone who mentions “the kid”, and Caroline continues to look like she has seen a ghost when someone mentions the little papoose; they will be the ones to give it all away. And Ridge, bucko, my big angry booby, don’t let me ever hear you talk to Caroline in such a dismissive manner again. And don’t let me hear that, and then you storm out of the room as if she did something to you. Hiding the baby’s possible beginnings was your idea. You are the one who keeps reminding Caroline that this is “our kid”. The only good thing to come out of your mouth was concern for the child’s future if the truth came out. I suppose you are using your first hand experience with Hope, even though her parentage was not her fault, so I will give you props for that. Otherwise, I found your behavior yesterday less than stellar. In fact, I found you quite cloddish, and a bit of a Neanderthal.


My Papa A love grew yesterday. When he said he didn’t have a problem with surrogacys in general, but was only worried about Nicole? That showed me some growth. And it also appears that he is more accepting of Maya. Outside of that, I find him very attractive in a distinguished, older man kinda way; I also love his voice. The character is pretty awesome too. Not cookie cutter perfect; opinionated, argumentative, outspoken, somewhat bigoted, but also very real. Of course, having a very good actor portraying the part helps a lot; Obba Babatunde brings layers, and nuances to Julius, that a less competent actor would struggle with. I hope he stays around for a good long time.

Edited by RuntheTable
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My Papa A love grew yesterday.

Speaking of Papa A, hearing him talk yesterday made me realize how bad the writing is for his character. For someone who's supposed to be such a narrow minded bigot, he always says "Maya" and "she". I wasn't watching when the parents were first introduced; did he call her "Myron", "he", or "him" in the beginning?

I noticed Steffy is now referring to Caroline's baby as the "the kid". I'm starting to wonder if this is some kind of homage to Purple Rain.

Edited by ByTor
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I apologize if this has been said before but with Rick's basically unlimited resources, why didn't he and Maya hire an unrelated surrogate and use Nicole's eggs if they insist on having Avant genes?  Seems pretty selfish of Maya to ask her sister, who is very young and never had a child before, to carry, give birth to, and give up, her own biological child.

Edited by stefinny
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why did he and Maya not hire an unrelated surrogate and use Nicole's eggs if they insist on having Avant genes?


They didn't do that or even consider it because Maya and Rick are selfish, horrible characters. Period.

Edited by hypnotoad
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I wasn't watching when the parents were first introduced; did he call her "Myron", "he", or "him" in the beginning?



They were letting him lay it on pretty thick in the beginning. He didn't call Maya "Myron", but kept referring to the son he lost, and commenting on how unnatural Maya was and stuff like that. 


I noticed Steffy is now referring to Caroline's baby as the "the kid". I'm starting to wonder if this is some kind of homage to Purple Rain.



HA! They could only hope the baby looks like "The Kid"! Or has his talent.


They didn't do that or even consider it because Maya and Rick are selfish, horrible characters. Period.



And there you have it........

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And she's pregnant. SORAS this pregnancy and get to the point of her not signing the legal documents (prebirth order) terminating her rights. "How can they be negative about something that will bring us closer as a family?" Because you bugger, when she decides to keep her baby, you'll have to take her to court and have an attorney essentially prove that she's unfit when the psych professionals cleared her. And money can't sway a judge. If they have any ethics, they'll do what's in the best interests of that child. I can't see a judge in the world willing to expose a child to the psychological pitfalls that this cockamamie plan has. They did hammer the no pressure home and told her she could back out at anytime. Will that apply later in the pregnancy?

ETA: Did you all hear when Rick said something to Nicole, and he said something along the lines of if you're carrying MY baby...blah blah blah? Not our--as in his and Maya's. The only silver lining is this stupid SL might spell the beginning of the implosion of Raya. It's only a matter of time before he falls for her. I'm betting it happens around the first time they hear the heartbeat. In soap time, that will be...next week or next month, right?

Edited by AussieBabe
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And did I see Nicole's hand go to her belly already....let the constant belly rubbing begin!  And I also heard Rick say MY baby to Nicole, we sure know where this is going.  And Rick giving Nicole the side eye over Maya's shoulder with tears...verklempt.  LOL  Oh dear God how much more do we have to listen to constant cumbaya thank yous from Maya to Nicole, STFU!  We get it.  The writers are lazy.  Yay Thomas now must know the baby is his, eavesdropping 101 paid off!

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Full confession: I'm a total psychology nerd, but did anyone else notice that Nicole & Rick were wearing somewhat matching checkered blue & red/pink shirts? Hmmmm, wonder if that was forewarning about who the "team" is?


I continue to love Julius and his brand of honesty. Brooke, however, annoys me. I'm sure if the situation was reversed, and Raya asked Hope to give up her first born to them, she'd have a completely different outlook on the entire thing.

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We won't have to listen to the hand holding, gushing much longer. Countdown until Ricky falls for his new baby mumma. Haha. I want to see if Maya will snap like a Lifetime movie when she realises that she set up her beloved husband and brave sister. Judging by the way he was looking at her with tears in his eyes, the heavens have opened and the transference of feelings has started.

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I wasn't watching when the parents were first introduced; did he call her "Myron", "he", or "him" in the beginning?

And he says "her brother" today, I spoke too soon haha.


I'm betting it happens around the first time they hear the heartbeat. In soap time, that will be...next week or next month, right?

Knowing this show, tomorrow :)
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Wow Wee, Nicole is pregnant. Who would have thought? Beside the talk about our baby your baby, which I can't give a crap about, did you hear Rick say that he was going to surround Nicole in bubble wrap? Nicole, did you hear the Fat Lady singing, because your life is OVER. I find it quite amusing how Nicole is pregnant when she hasn't missed her period and Caroline is pregnant even after she has her period. It would be a major party foul if a story, in Eye on Fashion, doesn't come to fruition.

I really wished that Caroline would have told Liam that he was stressing her out and not Ridge. Steffy almost made sence today with talking about Caroline's hormones but was a hypothetical bitch talking to Ridge about forgiving Thomas because of "family" when Ivy is still in the shitter. Thomas, you are the biggest f...ing idiot ease dropping on Caroline and Ridge but that is par for the course in B&B. Are you now going to confront Ridge and Caroline? Do you thing that this would ingratiate you more with your father? I wouldn't give a crap about being my son, I would bring him up on charges. Caroline would be humiliated anyway so an investigation or a trial would add to her humiliation.

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I am so bored with this show, I want to scream. I am only watching because I want to still come here to chat with you fine people who are 1000% more interesting and fun than this show can ever hope to be. 


For me, the only bright spots are Mom & Pop Avant who I adore (actors/characters) and I still love TK. I hate his storyline but I still love him. The rest...yikes.....between the simpering doe-eyed Maya, her now-neutered hubby, her sister with only one expression and dull Zende....I have no words. Then there's Waffles/Ivy/Liam/Steffy/Thomas -- no fire there and so stupid.  And finally, we have the Yenta sisters Brooke and Pam who I loathe. 


And oh yeah, having to watch Caroline's clenched teeth is no bargain either !

Edited by SiouxB
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What crawled up Liam's heinie and why is he trying to climb up Caroline's? Geez, even if she is his cousin she has a right not to tell him everything about her marriage, her pregnancy, or whatever. Brooke sure knew what she was doing when she sicced Liam on Caroline.


Ugh, there's only one soap character I've ever loathed more than Maya and that's Victor Newman. At least Victor doesn't pretend to be grateful or charitable when he's wrecking people's lives for his own selfish benefit. Maya is utterly unfathomable to me.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Liam's only known that he's a Spencer for a few years now and has been around "Cousin Caroline" even less. So how can he go on and on about "I know you, Caroline." No he doesn't. I think Ridge needs to take Liam up to the FC rooftop and bend him back pretty far over the edge to get his MYOB point across.


Who knew that Liam had such a "nose" for investigative journalism? /eyeroll. Why would a fashion magazine's subscribers care about the private lives of the designers? I don't read that many, but usually they are so full of ads that there is very little room left for content and that is usually reserved for the celebs that wear the clothes (or model them.) Who would give an f about Ridge having another kid with yet another woman? It also sounds like Liam (or somebody) wrote the article on the sly and didn't even consult Caroline and Ridge. Huh? WTH kind of reporting is that?


Brooke/KKL must have been reading our complaints about her hair. It looks like she's had extensions added in and not very good ones at that. Those beachy waves just made her like she was desperately trying to look younger. Brooke's hair looked so much better back in pre-boinkberry days when it was shorter. I also didn't care for her outfit.

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Brooke/KKL must have been reading our complaints about her hair. It looks like she's had extensions added in and not very good ones at that.

Wonder why she doesn't go to whoever does HT's hair? I'm reasonably confident Heather has extensions and hers look very natural, IMO.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Get ready to pass the puke buckets around. Bell won't SORAS this pregnancy unless he wants it to be born on Good Friday/Easter and coincide with that or as an anniversary present for Raya. We're in for the long haul. I mean glucose tests, amnios, vag exams (in graphic detail like the IUI injection of his swimmers being injected *gag*), morning sickness, swelling, and the works. Only a full term on screen pregnancy will suffice for the Virgin Birth of the Speshul (intentionally spelled like this) One. We have to have Maya gushing and buying baby clothes for little bubsy.

And keeping her wrapped in bubble wrap? I guarantee they'll ask her to quit working before she starts showing. She'll take a maternity leave that will extend longer than the Duchess of Cambridge's maternity leave. To hell with a doctor's restrictions. No driving, working, eating what you want, or getting it in with your boyfriend. She's already at their beck and call. When Maya calls or texts, she leaves her boyfriend and runs to them like a good little lap dog. Oh cupcake. They own you, and it won't be for just a year. Next you'll be asked to be the nanny/hired help/milk nurse. Only breast milk will be good enough for the speshul one, and hey "Auntie-Real Mumma Nicole won't mind exclusive breastfeeding for the first year or even doing extended breastfeeding. After all, she's truly and utterly grateful for Maya and her being totally awesomesauce. *eye roll*

Where's the puke bucket?

Edited by AussieBabe
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Why wait? I expect significant showing by both Caroline and Nicole at the Thanksgiving dinner and a Christmas birth. I predict that Caroline is going to develop some stress-induced complications and go into labor early. The preemie is going to need some type of blood product and will outright reject Ridge's or Caroline's and Thomas will save the little tyke's life.


Or, easier still. Thomas finds out he's the daddy next week and the stress will cause Caroline to tock. We can't have two SLs with the baby daddy falling in love with the mother. (I foresee that coming our way with Rick and Nicole.)  I really don't see things going that way with Thomas, though. Otherwise, why this sudden forced interest Thomas has in Ivy? The only excitement to come out of that would be for Quinn to go off the rails and stalk/torture Thomas for messing around with Wyatt's lady.


I would all kinds of love for Nicole to unwittingly steal Rick away from Maya.


You know, at this point, I'd welcome watching hijinx with Liam/Steffy/Katie/Bill over this other drivel. We really don't need to see another father/son competition for a woman, but Steffy and Katie have a good rivalry. Katie throws the bitchiness right back and she already despises Steffy.


How about Brooke and Eric rekindling a romance during the holidays?

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I read the spoilers on Soaps She Knows. I read something about Ivy getting an unexpected kiss and a storm leading to romance and betrayal. It didn't say who would be involved in this betrayal, but I'm hoping this week is better than the past few weeks.

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Liam's only known that he's a Spencer for a few years now and has been around "Cousin Caroline" even less. So how can he go on and on about "I know you, Caroline." No he doesn't. I think Ridge needs to take Liam up to the FC rooftop and bend him back pretty far over the edge to get his MYOB point across.

Speeches like this work much better when the characters are allowed to integrate.

You're right....Liam hardly knows Caroline. He's spent all but maybe the first week of his tedious fives on the show* grating years being up the ass of one woman or another while Caroline as changed personalities more often than Japanese girl groups cycle through band members. The last time these two were in the room with one another was when Hope had married Wyatt--last year, I just realize. Holy shit, we've been free of THAT pest for this long?

...anyway, this is what happens when shows can't be assed to write beyond whatever stupid triangle that is being pushed that week. On a show where most of the cast is related to one another, that's particularly baffling.

* I just realized Liam has been on the show for more than half of Nick Marone's tenure and roughly the same amount of time as Amber and yet hasn't managed to make any kind of impression whatsoever. Well, irritation from his wafgleness, but it's a pale imitation of Ridge FFS, minus the romance and talents in the bedroom.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Only a full term on screen pregnancy will suffice for the Virgin Birth of the Speshul (intentionally spelled like this) One. We have to have Maya gushing and buying baby clothes for little bubsy.



Maybe they'll borrow a page out of OLTL's book and go for a nice full year pregnancy, so we can really marinate in it. 

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I just talked to my best friend, and they're a bit behind in Melbs. They've just gotten to the point of the fashion house idea being suggested to Bill. I wanted to tell her about the stupid surrogacy SL, but I shall wait for the wee hour call and the scream of horror on the other end of the line.

Grisgris, Thomas should be assigned that task. I'm tired of Ridge being passive aggressive. I'm ready for sweeps to come to an end. Ugh.

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