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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Looks like I got out Just in time. The storylines you all are describing sounds like a rage blackout to me.

On my way home today I was listening to an oldies station on the radio...when lo and behold, Harper Valley PTA  comes on! No lie, I squealed and started car dancing with my two year old. And I laughed and laughed and laughed. Then I read about what has happened on Show, and I just want to puke. 

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I sincerely apologize if my comment angered you.  Truly.


And I'm glad your friend was able to extricate herself from that horrible situation.  


I suppose my comment was more questioning how Thomas was supposed to know Caroline wasn't fully engaged.  She kissed him*.  He didn't threaten, coerce, force or fraudulently deceive her.  Even looking at that link to the California Penal Code, this wasn't an act of rape.  A strong argument can be made that Thomas took advantage of Caroline and she should never have anything to do with him again, but this, based on what little we saw, wasn't a case of rape.



*Now, of course, a kiss isn't an invitation to sex but that's where the storytelling comes in here.  The scene ended with that kiss and resumed with them naked in bed hours later.  We're supposed to believe intercourse occurred but we don't even know if that happened.  Thomas is just saying it did and, as we know, he's a skeevy creep with an agenda.

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Ugh. Just watched today's episode. Brooke needs to butt out. And stop shopping in Stephanie's wardrobe.

I don't know why they keep acting like Steffy and Wyatt were ever a thing. I just came back to B&B around the same time JMW did, but the writing then seemed to imply that they barely knew each other. They exchanged some mild flirting and a kiss or two. Never even went on a date. It was basically, "hey, we're both single and it's summer, so let's hook up."

So why are we supposed to believe that:

A) Wyatt would be experiencing anything more than slight pique that she chose Liam, and

B) Wyatt would feel any kind of allegiance to Steffy?

Loved Ivy's and Steffy's dresses today, and Wyatt wasn't wearing plaid! They actually looked like they might conceivably work in fashion.

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Reading this show is like reading about something other than B&B. That's something I thought I'd never say. Eric and Brooke are MIA, Ridge is poorly miscast (although a capable actor) and I care nothing about the younger gen of character. My nostalgia for the Rick I got into the show with has been long since killed with Kyle Lauder years ago and has been hauled out on the Shady Marlin and dumped overboard with this new (...uh?) recast between the psychosis over Ridge, his Maya worship and the shady ass way he stepped out on Caroline with Maya and was out-Liaming Liam in telling her way before that. He is as virtuous and faithful as Kim Davis.

Many of the other characters I liked were written off or ruined before being written off, like Nick, Bridget, Felicia and nearly everyone connected to Spectra.

And on top of that shit we get stories inspired by Chuck Pratt, Bob Guza and that Ron bloke that ruined ABC'S lineup with pointless death and sex that,at very best, makes one of the parties come off as a desperate lowlife cretin.

Stick a fork in me. I'm done.

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 I'm a peace loving, non-violent person but when it comes to Steffi Forrester, I'm a murderous thug.  I would not only condone a B&B character to kill her, I would encourage it.  I would never do this in real life. 


Me, either.  I don't even kill bugs.  But when it comes to soap characters, I'm as bloodthirsty as they come.  So I'm joining your gang.  Australian justice demands that Steffi be killed.  Her gross brother can die trying to save her.  The Taytots add nothing to this show.


Where is Bill?  Eric?  Katie?  Donna?  Quinn and Deacon?  Pam and Charlie?  And why does Brooke have nothing else to do but gossip about Ridge and Caroline? 

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eh--I think Thomas knew and then some or chose to believe that he was such a catch (and YOUNG! as opposed to fossil father who isn't) that he just thought it was his lucky day---ugh-ugh-ugh---toad


and I so agree with the Steffi murderers too---and damn if at the end of the day I still come here instead of the Y&R Grampire fest so I guess I am a lifer for now 

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I don't know why they keep acting like Steffy and Wyatt were ever a thing. I just came back to B&B around the same time JMW did, but the writing then seemed to imply that they barely knew each other. They exchanged some mild flirting and a kiss or two. Never even went on a date. It was basically, "hey, we're both single and it's summer, so let's hook up."

Loved Ivy's and Steffy's dresses today, and Wyatt wasn't wearing plaid! They actually looked like they might conceivably work in fashion.


Nobody goes on a date on this show.  The girl just drops in at the guy's house, and then they boink.  Jeez.  I've brought my daughter up better than this.  She knows enough to get a free dinner first.


The dresses today were gorgeous, and such beautiful colors.  Of course, it helped that the actresses have such terrific figures.

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Well, you've got to handle it to Brad Bell. He certainly knows how to stir up controversy. First it was transgender Maya marrying the Forrester heir, and now it's whether or not Thomas raped his father's girlfriend.


To me, it's not as clear-cut as when Ridge raped Brooke who was hopped up on anti-anxiety meds. (The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.) That time, we saw Ridge sneak back into Brooke's home uninvited, sober and clearly able to distinguish that 1. Brooke was under the influence of something and 2. when she said No, more than once. (And yet, the character was able to come back from that and deemed viable as the show's leading man. So Thomas has hope yet.)


Here Thomas was in Caroline's home on her invitation, he was also drunk, they kissed and - as far as I can tell - she never actually told him no. But I guess that last one has been left purposely ambiguous. Was Thomas having sex with her while she was out cold, or was she actively participating? Maybe Thomas is an utter liar in addition to being a skeevy rapist, but his description of them "making love" suggests there was reciprocity, not an unconscious body lying there while he had his way with her. If he thought the latter was "beautiful" love-making, then he is genuinely a creep.


Another point: We saw the scene unfold through Caroline's eyes so we knew she was extremely intoxicated, but how do we know what Thomas saw and perceived? After all, he was also drunk. Because he's a man, he automatically bears more - if not all - responsibility? If two drunk people have sex, intoxication absolves only the female of all culpability? How does that work, exactly?


FYI, to the reader who said Thomas clearly knew what he was doing if he was able to get it up - this is a myth, and a dangerous one. Men don't have to be conscious or consenting in order to get it up. It's a physiological response that they aren't always in control of. Honestly, rather than recycling the "drugged-up woman gets raped by the oblivious man" story, Bell should have gone with a male rape storyline. Rick and Carter were essentially raped because Maya neglected to inform them that she was born a man. Sure, they got it up, but were they truly capable of consenting when crucial information was withheld from them? At least one of them should have been feeling violated and shown to work through their feelings instead of instantly accepting that they'd been tricked into what was intrisically gay sex.


And - this is absolutely a separate argument - it's ridiculous that Caroline believes Thomas should have known she would never betray her current boyfriend/husband if she was sober. As history proves, she has never displayed any qualms about romancing a relative of her current squeeze. That's how she ended up with Ridge in the first place - while married to his brother. I'm not trying to slut-shame her, but her attempt to claim that particular moral high ground smacked of hypocrisy. Her argument to Thomas should have focused exclusively on "Couldn't you see I was massively intoxicated? That I told you I only saw you as a friend and am still in love with your dad?" Bringing in her alleged standards about sleeping with in-laws had the unfortunate effect of weakening an otherwise strong argument.

Edited by Aymery
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Maybe I am uneducated, or not sophisticated, or maybe I am just plain stupid, but where I come from, nobody drives my car without express and clearly stated permission. Please understand that simply inserting the key and turning her over does not constitute an ok to put her in drive. No, not until you hear her honk her horn, and start to purr can you shift her out of park. And, like all mechanical objects, she requires additives and fluids to make her run properly. Now, on occasion, I mess up and put the wrong stuff in her, and this makes her run rough. She may appear sluggish, may hiccup and backfire, and may give you some trouble when trying to shift gears. That is a clear signal that she is not herself, and doesn't want to be driven. Please, when you see these signs, put her in reverse and bring her home so I can flush the offending fluids out of her lines. She will feel a little weak and confused for awhile, but will soon be back to the fine operating machine I know her to be. However, if you continue to drive her in that condition, it could cause engine and transmission problems, not to mention her brakes will probably need to be replaced from trying to stop you. So, please, if you want to drive my car, come properly prepared with a valid driver's license, proof on insurance, and clear intentions so we can all make an informed decision. Thank you.


Oh, how I love Caroline and Ridge. Nothing would make me happier than to see these two beat the odds; baby or no baby. Even so, I am so mad and upset with Ridge right now. You just can't toy with people's emotions this way. I will say that TK's Ridge comes off as being genuinely concerned for Caroline's happiness and her feeling fulfilled as a woman, but you can't throw the fishing line out into the deep water one day, then fish the shallow pool the next. For fuck's sake though, when Ridge brought out that baby basket, I came undone, mostly because I know where this is heading; Caroline will turn up pregnant by Thomas, and it will be passed off as Ridge's. Now, there is the off chance that Caroline may not know who the daddy is, but all the same, she knows she had sex with Thomas, so the question should still be in her mind. And, at least for today, Ridge has not come clean with her about his operation. How refreshing would it be to hear them both confess? Ridge would no doubt be devastated, but at least we would have one couple with no junk lurking between them and their happiness. As if. 


Liam and Steffy are both so correct in what they are saying, but I still can't stand either of them. I generally try to blank out what they are saying, and hear things like "I am an underdone waffle who deserves to be served plain", or "Flip me over baby, my other side has much deeper pockets for that butter and syrup". With Steffy it is like "I am hot and sexy, and I am !!FUN!!", or "Of course I am entitled! Aren't all Taytots?" Why don't these two just go put out a press release describing their mutual awesomeness and how everyone wants to be them. There really aren't enough seats anywhere that could contain the massive egos these two carry around. 


Wyatt is becoming a bigger mystery everyday, and as much as I like Ivy, I want to grab that phone and stomp it; stomp it so hard that it shatters into oblivion. I know there is other copies, but at least this way I won't have to watch Ivy toting it around like her own personal BOB. That dratted video puts Ivy in a state of near nirvana; if I was Wyatt I would be more than a little concerned about that. 


Brooke, please, go find yourself a man, or a bottle, or anything, but by all that is holy SHUT UP and BUTT OUT! I love you girl, I really do, but this is becoming so redundant and ridiculous. The Golden Couter hasn't been open for business in a long time; go find someone to give it a proper workout. There is a gorgeous man over at FC's who can't buy himself a romance. Go get him! And start making some beautiful chocolate swirl. 




Ivy and Steffy looked smashing; loved those dresses and the bright colors. Are they hearing us about Steffy's wardrobe? Cause this is the third "austere" outfit she has been in the last two weeks. I like that a lot, because it draws my eye's away from her geometric face and all that frightening hair. 


I was glad to see Brooke out of that horrid red print blouse and ill-fitting man pants. The curls looked nice too.


Is Ridge regressing in his hygiene? He is looking oily and dirty again. I am hoping that is to show the depth of his sorrow over hurting Caroline. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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As for today's episode: if Stephanie was still around, or maybe Taylor, they'd have been the one busybodying it with Thomas about Ridge's breakup with Caroline.  So it falls to Brooke, goofy as it was.

Good point. It's a shame; Taylor is an MD, Brooke is a chemist, they started off really promising but just evolved into busybodies who have nothing else going on in their lives except for who they are sleeping with.
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I have to admit, I got the feels when TK teared up. 


To think I hated this pairing initially. Damn you TK and LG for making me love CaRidge.


It helped take the sting off my anger over the previous day's episode. Watching Thomcreep yesterday, I am wondering if they never had sex but that he made her think they did, including removing Caroline's clothes. How sad is it that I'd rather that be the reality vs what I viewed as rape. 


But it's foolish thinking, really, because we know Badley Bell can't go too long without another who's the daddy storyline. Only in this case, one daddy had a vasectomy. So what, is Caroline going keep the secret that Thomas is the father and Ridge will pretend that he is the father so he keep his snip a secret? And where is Tommy boy, who was back to wearing his girly blouses, I see, going to be during all of this?


I have a few words for Brooke - None of your business!


Did I detect some chemistry with Brooke and Thomas yesterday? 




Let me pull myself back from the brink and focus on the gorgeous dresses Ivy and Steffy were wearing. Also, Steffy, take a look at Ivy's hair - that's ombre done right.


I agree with you, runthetable, re the video - Ivy has exactly five minutes to put up and show the video to the police or I give someone, anyone, license to hulk-smash that phone. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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LoL She should call Ivy, Carter or even Liam instead of Thomas. She unknowingly invite a creeper that opened up can of worms. That's the only mistake I think she did. 


I don't think this has anything to do with moral ground and hypocrisy or her past. It was a woman being taken advantage in her blackout state who has no idea what happened. Her outburst afterward was pretty normal reaction.  Oh btw aren't many B&B characters are far from to be the virtue of morality, behavior and conduct? I can hardly believe Caroline is worse than any of them.  Unless, someone is wearing glass of selective blindness again lol 


You know, I 100% bet if someone's children experienced similar situation, they would completely change their stance.


P.S. here is a lovely quote for someone: "Don't do unto others, what you wouldn't want done unto you."   

Edited by sweetautumn
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I'm rather worried about RJ now, because Ridge has raised two prime, weapons-grade, gold-plated assholes. Hopefully that astounding sense of entitlement is solely passed down through Taylor's line, but I am not optimistic.

Thank you, photo fox, for pointing out that Wyatt and Steffy never had a thing. One kiss and a little light flirting do not count for shit. I'm sure Steffy thinks that one taste of her leaves any man eternally enchanted, but she's the only one laboring under that delusion. If Liam were the last man on earth, a not small number of women would opt for human extinction over reproducing with that blinking bivalve. Steffy and Liam need to stop flattering themselves immediately.

I'm not here to watch Caroline have a baaaayyyybbbbeee with Thomas, who will no doubt assert ownership over her once he realizes he put a hipster bun in her oven. I get queasy imagining how creepy he'll be. I quit Y&R, and I can quit this show too. The ptv boards provide more insight and entertainment than Brad Bell is currently capable of.

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Lots of people get massively drunk after a break-up. Pretty normal reaction. Calling a friend to drink and commiserate with you is also pretty normal as is an ill-advised boink.  Calling Thomas indicates to me Caroline had him firmly in the Friend-zone, no possible boinkage in her mind. Did Caroline even have a clue he was lusting after her? I didn't see anything to indicate she knew that, or she would not have called him. JMO

Myra caught a fair ration of shit for creeping on a drunken Rick, no one blamed Rick for that but as I have no fucks to give for either of them and he kept going back, I didn't much care.

In an act of karma neither of them saw coming, Brooke has become Stephanie albeit without Stephanie's smarts.

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Calling a friend to drink and commiserate with you is also pretty normal as is an ill-advised boink.  Calling Thomas indicates to me Caroline had him firmly in the Friend-zone, no possible boinkage in her mind. Did Caroline even have a clue he was lusting after her? I didn't see anything to indicate she knew that, or she would not have called him. JMO



As I recall it was Thomas who called Caroline? 

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Maybe I am uneducated, or not sophisticated, or maybe I am just plain stupid, but where I come from, nobody drives my car without express and clearly stated permission. Please understand that simply inserting the key and turning her over does not constitute an ok to put her in drive. No, not until you hear her honk her horn, and start to purr can you shift her out of park. And, like all mechanical objects, she requires additives and fluids to make her run properly. Now, on occasion, I mess up and put the wrong stuff in her, and this makes her run rough. She may appear sluggish, may hiccup and backfire, and may give you some trouble when trying to shift gears. That is a clear signal that she is not herself, and doesn't want to be driven. Please, when you see these signs, put her in reverse and bring her home so I can flush the offending fluids out of her lines. She will feel a little weak and confused for awhile, but will soon be back to the fine operating machine I know her to be. However, if you continue to drive her in that condition, it could cause engine and transmission problems, not to mention her brakes will probably need to be replaced from trying to stop you. So, please, if you want to drive my car, come properly prepared with a valid driver's license, proof on insurance, and clear intentions so we can all make an informed decision. Thank you.


I love your analogy, I really do, but how do we know Caroline was unconscious and unreceptive to Thomas's advances? Or that he wasn't equally drunk? Can't we keep an open mind until we fully establish the facts of the matter? Must we automatically jump to the conclusion that Thomas willfully raped a protesting Caroline? I increasingly notice this pattern in the media - when a woman cries rape, there's no such thing as innocent until proven guilty. I understand that it provokes a visceral response to see your fellow woman in such a state, feeling violated, but there is literally not a moment's introspection here. The story is clearly meant to be a "he said, she said" scenario (otherwise, they would have shown the sex scene) but I don't see anyone giving even a second to the "he said" part.


That's why I said B&B should have done a male rape storyline instead. When the supposed victim is a woman, there is no way a soap writer, even one more talented than Brad Bell, could ever get the predominantly female audience to accept that her accused rapist could be innocent. I pity the men of today - rape accusations can be lobbed at them willy-nilly and they're not likely to be believed if they defend themselves. Whatever defenses - alcohol, drugs, mental breakdown - are reserved only for women.


And of course, if men are ever the victims - forget it! There's no way men can be raped by women. It's only men who rape women. Women have absolutely no culpability when it comes to sex (well, unless they're helping a man cheat on his wife - then it's all on the other woman). Men are doing the penetration so they are the culprits - always and without exception. Even when women take advantage of non-consenting men, it's fine - for penetration to occur, he must have gotten it up so he can't be a victim! SMH.


I remember it was only last year that a prestigious British university (Oxford, I think) had a student body president accused of rape. He was raked over the coals and his reputation left in tatters before he was cleared of the charges. I doubt the boy will ever recover - well, except he's male and their species can't suffer any kind of trauma, right?


I really hope people will take a bit more time before they jump to conclusions. Those few additional seconds of thought are all that stand between an innocent man having the rest of his life ruined by a false accusation that won't ever go away.

Edited by Aymery
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I thought Caroline's vision got blurry and blurry to the point she could barely see Thomas anymore. She repeatedly told him what a great friend he was. Then she passed out and Thomas proceed to kiss her, Caroline barely moved her lips.  She then woke up tomorrow with no memory of what happened. The first thing she come to her mind is Ridge. I think this indicate she either had a blackout or her subconscious mind was telling her she made love with Ridge while she slept. 


I didn't jump to conclusions. I don't think it is a rape but it looks like an unconscious woman was being taken advantage in a helpless and defenseless situation.  And I failed to see how Thomas was innocent.

Edited by sweetautumn
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I could co-sign every word of this, but only if Caroline tells Ridge exactly what happened. And Ridge is just as honest with Caroline. All of this occurred because he wasn't honest with her in the first place, and if she doesn't tell him about Thomas, it will come back to bite her in the buttocks. I think so, anyway. Ridge needs to take responsibility for his stupid actions with regard to Caroline. He needs to know how much he hurt her, and what it led to. Ridge, Thomas and Caroline also need to work this out in whatever way it takes. If Ridge and Caroline can't be honest with each other, then they're just like every other soap couple and might as well break up sooner rather than later. I hate dragged-out story lines, triangles, quads. Come up with some new plots.

Preach! Can you imagine the stories that could come out of Caroline and Ridge being honest about what happened, why it did, dealing with Thomas' nasty shady @$$, and letting the chips fall where they may? So good.

And since wishes are free, Blowfish needs to have a vague conversation with Carter, the all-purpose lawyer, about 'losing' something at the "murdah" scene. He, Charlie, and Pam go all seriously CSI, eventually find the damn rock that Aly had, and put a stop to the madness. Not because I want Blow to be absolved, but it would give a means to have a story about her without seeing her on screen.

Oh, and I want a pony, too. ;)

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I can assure anyone reading that I have long protested the treatment male rape gets on soap operas. It's treated as a joke, and it is not funny.

I can also assure everyone that I have not one measly fuck to spare for the MRA view on rape and consent and will file the purveyors of such under Ignore so as to spare my blood pressure. Feel free to console yourself with the idea I'm a humorless feminist vagina-american on the rag.

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I've checked out on BB after the Raya wedding, looks like there's nothing to good to watch. Here's some spoilers from a BB fan Page i follow on facebok.


SOD's Fall Preview by Bradley Bell - "Temperature is heating up as the fight for control of FC continues", says Bradley Bell
Ridge and Caroline find themselves at a crossroads in their relationship and are faced with the dilemma that many couples have, whether or not to have a baby. Ridge has shared his most intimate thoughts and secrets with his ex-wife, Brooke. Things become even more complicated when Ridge announces that Thomas is officially joining the design team at Forrester, where he and Caroline will be working together. Ridge and Caroline's journey this fall is one wrought with a cascade of emotions and twists and turns that you won't want to miss.
Rick and Maya return from their honeymoon in ecstatic wedded bliss and waste no time getting back into the mix of the family business.
As more and more people learn the truth about what really happened that night, will Steffy continue her charade with Ivy, allowing her to pull the strings? Or will Steffy finally come clean to her father and the authorities?
Quinn and Ivy find themselves at odds while working together at FC on the new jewelry line. Ivy's new outlook is a little more than Quinn wants to handle, but who knows if Ivy's ultimate plan may just end up benefiting Quinn in the long run.
Zende and Nicole continue to bond as they learn the ropes together at FC. They may be interns, but this young couple is much observant than anyone gives them credit for.


‪#‎BoldandBeautiful‬ SNS Spoilers For The Week Of Sept 14
Ivy faces a huge setback when Steffy turns the tables and forcefully regains what she believes is rightfully hers.
Ivy's bad luck becomes Quinn's good fortune at Forrester Creations.
Steffy's latest move puts Wyatt on the path to exacting revenge.
Wyatt takes his plan of action straight to Bill, initiating a battle for control between the Spencers and the Forresters.
Steffy is caught off-guard when Bill and Katie pay a surprise visit to her and Liam to discover whether Wyatt's claims are true.
Unnerved by the unexpected drop-in, Steffy becomes fearful of losing Liam's loyalty, and attempts to make sure that he's on her side.
Ridge and Caroline make an important decision about their future together.
Brooke keeps up the pressure on Ridge to share his secret with Caroline.
Steffy fights to make sure she won't lose everything.
COMING: Will Bill stand by Wyatt or Steffy?

Edited by carolinagirl81
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Honestly, rather than recycling the "drugged-up woman gets raped by the oblivious man" story, Bell should have gone with a male rape storyline. 

Didn't they kinda go there a few years ago with Ridge and Taylor? IIRC, he was drunk and Taylor gave him some pills from her office that conked him out or something. And then, she went to Brooke's to brag about it.

I'm rather worried about RJ now, because Ridge has raised two prime, weapons-grade, gold-plated assholes.

Three, if you count Hope. Certainly she's not a possible rapist or murderess, but she was a damn sight more entitled than either of those two brats, as though she had been sired by Sir Ridge,the Entitlement Prince.

The last five years have made me thankful that Phoebe was killed off before she could be ruined like the rest of her family.

Oh, and:

COMING: Will Bill stand by Wyatt or Steffy? --Does this mean he'll finally get to bang Steffy himself? OMG I've been sick of him using Liam's peen to bang her by proxy. It will be the best possible way to break up Steam for good and the bore fest that Baie has become.

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I'm rather worried about RJ now, because Ridge has raised two prime, weapons-grade, gold-plated assholes. Hopefully that astounding sense of entitlement is solely passed down through Taylor's line, but I am not optimistic.



Could you imagine if Caroline is pregnant now and has a boy - he'd have the double whammy of being one of Ridge's asshole progeny and a Spencer male.  He'd be the most waffling, trifling douchebag in all the land. 

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I've checked out on BB after the Raya wedding, looks like there's nothing to good to watch. Here's some spoilers from a BB fan Page i follow on facebok.


SOD's Fall Preview by Bradley Bell - "Temperature is heating up as the fight for control of FC continues", says Bradley Bell




Ridge and Caroline find themselves at a crossroads in their relationship and are faced with the dilemma that many couples have, whether or not to have a baby. Ridge has shared his most intimate thoughts and secrets with his ex-wife, Brooke. Things become even more complicated when Ridge announces that Thomas is officially joining the design team at Forrester, where he and Caroline will be working together. Ridge and Caroline's journey this fall is one wrought with a cascade of emotions and twists and turns that you won't want to miss.


Rick and Maya return from their honeymoon in ecstatic wedded bliss and waste no time getting back into the mix of the family business.


As more and more people learn the truth about what really happened that night, will Steffy continue her charade with Ivy, allowing her to pull the strings? Or will Steffy finally come clean to her father and the authorities?


Quinn and Ivy find themselves at odds while working together at FC on the new jewelry line. Ivy's new outlook is a little more than Quinn wants to handle, but who knows if Ivy's ultimate plan may just end up benefiting Quinn in the long run.


Zende and Nicole continue to bond as they learn the ropes together at FC. They may be interns, but this young couple is much observant than anyone gives them credit for.


‪#‎BoldandBeautiful‬ SNS Spoilers For The Week Of Sept 14




Ivy faces a huge setback when Steffy turns the tables and forcefully regains what she believes is rightfully hers.

Ivy's bad luck becomes Quinn's good fortune at Forrester Creations.

Steffy's latest move puts Wyatt on the path to exacting revenge.

Wyatt takes his plan of action straight to Bill, initiating a battle for control between the Spencers and the Forresters.

Steffy is caught off-guard when Bill and Katie pay a surprise visit to her and Liam to discover whether Wyatt's claims are true.

Unnerved by the unexpected drop-in, Steffy becomes fearful of losing Liam's loyalty, and attempts to make sure that he's on her side.

Ridge and Caroline make an important decision about their future together.

Brooke keeps up the pressure on Ridge to share his secret with Caroline.

Steffy fights to make sure she won't lose everything.

COMING: Will Bill stand by Wyatt or Steffy?



Who do I have to pay to get Deacon a story?  I'm tired of him being an

appendage to Quinn (who is just an appendage to Wyatt).  He's not even

named in the paragraph titled "Quinn/Deacon."

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I love your analogy, I really do, but how do we know Caroline was unconscious and unreceptive to Thomas's advances? Or that he wasn't equally drunk? Can't we keep an open mind until we fully establish the facts of the matter? Must we automatically jump to the conclusion that Thomas willfully raped a protesting Caroline?

The way I interpreted the scene, Caroline was awake (she may have looked passed out because the room was so dark, but I saw her blinking), she kissed Thomas back, she didn't resist, she didn't say no, and Thomas was impaired as well.  Also, Thomas' horrified reaction to Caroline having taken pills tells me that he had no idea he was violating her. 

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That's the thing: the show's obviously tried to have/show Thomas realizing that he made a colossal oops in judgment, and Linsey Godfrey is singlehandedly carrying that aspect on her shoulders.  But Pierson Fode just isn't making it all the way there, for whatever reason(s), and that hurts the whole thing even more than the blatantly wink-wink double entendres Ridge was spouting in today's episode.


As for the ongoing tale of THE VIDIYO (curse you, Ashleigh Brewer's delectable accent, for ruining this word for me)...the bit at the end of today's episode with Steffy and Ivy staged on either side of Wyatt--devil and angel on his shoulders--was a nice bit of imagery.  It didn't really help the endless-cycle aspect one damn bit, but it was still some Pretty.  And I suppose for a hot thirty seconds Steffy really did sound like her namesake trying to coax somebody into doing something.  But this story still isn't helping anybody involved, which is kind of a running theme of sorts...

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the bit at the end of today's episode with Steffy and Ivy staged on either side of Wyatt--devil and angel on his shoulders--was a nice bit of imagery.



Here is the imagery I like; a return of the Creepy Floating Darla Head of Wisdom, with Ally in toe, encased in her own glowing bubble. I would like to see one on Steffy's left shoulder and the other on her right:


Ally head - "You slutty little !!MURRRDAHHHRAR! You hit me with a tire iron, and got away with it just like you always do!"

Steffy self - "No, no Ally, it was self defense. You know you had that rock in your hand"

Darla head - "Oh, shut up Steffy! You were always such a little entitled brat! I always told Thorne you would grow up to be trouble. Now you have whacked my kid and she is up here with me."

Steffy self - "I am so sorry Darla! I didn't mean to hurt Ally, but she was outta control!

Darla head - "Yeah, tell it all to Lt. Baker. I have already paid him a visit and bribed him with a case of Ball Park Franks. And not those weeny little ones either, nope, I got the big Angus Beef ones that plump when you cook um" So you better go get your Weber, or you are gonna be wearing orange for a long time!"


Nothing but the sound of loud cackling and crickets.

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Here is the imagery I like; a return of the Creepy Floating Darla Head of Wisdom, with Ally in toe, encased in her own glowing bubble. I would like to see one on Steffy's left shoulder and the other on her right:


Ally head - "You slutty little !!MURRRDAHHHRAR! You hit me with a tire iron, and got away with it just like you always do!"

Steffy self - "No, no Ally, it was self defense. You know you had that rock in your hand"

Darla head - "Oh, shut up Steffy! You were always such a little entitled brat! I always told Thorne you would grow up to be trouble. Now you have whacked my kid and she is up here with me."

Steffy self - "I am so sorry Darla! I didn't mean to hurt Ally, but she was outta control!

Darla head - "Yeah, tell it all to Lt. Baker. I have already paid him a visit and bribed him with a case of Ball Park Franks. And not those weeny little ones either, nope, I got the big Angus Beef ones that plump when you cook um" So you better go get your Weber, or you are gonna be wearing orange for a long time!"


Nothing but the sound of loud cackling and crickets.


I'll gladly meet you halfway: can we get Steffy being visited by Ghost/Conscience!Aly, just so we can get a proper and gentle scene where she actually expresses some genuine remorse for being involved in the whole situation without it immediately devolving into yet another circular conversation about the video?  We desperately need that.  Hell, even let her indeed be a little floating head and let Steffy have a mental breakdown to drive the point home!

Edited by Bill C.
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I am really really tired of hearing Ivy say the words video and murderer in that accent!!

THIS 100%

but I will say when she told Waffles, "when will you get it, It's NOT all about YOU Liam"  I cheered a bit!


and I just had a great idea about this whole baby thing,  since Carolyn needs a baby so bad, and Nick N Sane needed a baby so bad, Bring him back!!!!!   Let him and Carolyn have a baby!

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Steffy almost looked like she had a wig on today. Her hairline looked very odd.

No "almost" partner... that was a horrible wig.  At one point, I thought, "She needs to go to jail for killing whatever that thing on her head is".


Liam and Steffy can't take the "moral high ground" with Ivy if they're unwilling to go to the police and tell the truth.  Heck, they haven't even told Thorne or Ridge the truth at this point.  Wyatt is really a piece of garbage.  It's not his right or responsibility to delete the video.  If he felt that it should be deleted or that Ivy should stop using it for leverage, then tell her that LIKE AN ADULT.  If she refuses and he feels that strongly about it, tell her they can't be together anymore.  This idea that he's going to go on her computer and use her password to delete the video is insane (oh, Steffy thought of it).  I'm fairly certain "Spencer Bros." is a synonym for immature, waffling pissant.

Edited by nasir jones
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All I can say is...Caroline...MORNING AFTER PILL!! Quick...

Problem of any possible WTD story neatly nipped in the bud so to speak.


And yeah, I'm so sick of Steffy & Liam...wah wah blah blah....now adding Wyatt to that list...and Ivy dear...you're just about there too. (Except my Steffy/Liam hate surpasses the others at this point.)

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and I just had a great idea about this whole baby thing,  since Carolyn needs a baby so bad, and Nick N Sane needed a baby so bad, Bring him back!!!!!   Let him and Carolyn have a baby!


Nick has his kid with Brooke that nobody remembers (Jack?), though bringing him back for the trifecta of Banging Women Ridge Banged First has a certain perverse charm to it...

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Sorry but I think it's a horrid idea for people to have kids if they don't want them. Why put that burden in an innocent child just to try to hang onto somebody? And how would that kid feel if they ever found out?


I don't understand why it's up to Wyatt to delete Ivy's blackmail video. Steffy could've hired some hacker kid from a local high school to do it. And why would Wyatt have Ivy's "master password" if they've barely been together a week or two? If she has one password which unlocks her entire electronic world then she deserves to be hacked.


So, I wonder how many small birds are nesting in Steffy's hair?


Ivy, hon, I'm not sure how the justice system works in Australia but here in the U.S., people can't decide to make themselves the judge and jury of another person. Get all the way over yourself.


BTW, didn't Thomas try to get Hope drunk so he could seduce her? The guy's got a definite M.O. and I'm not seeing anything innocent about him.


am wondering if they never had sex but that he made her think they did

Unless Thomas is really, really tiny, wouldn't Caroline have known? Especially if he didn't use a condom?


blinking bivalve

<golf claps>


when she told Waffles, "when will you get it, It's NOT all about YOU Liam"  I cheered a bit!

I wanted to cheer too but the thing is, it is all about Liam. IMO, Ivy probably wouldn't be doing this if Liam hadn't left her for Steffy.

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Nick has his kid with Brooke that nobody remembers (Jack?), though bringing him back for the trifecta of Banging Women Ridge Banged First has a certain perverse charm to it...

Jack was a plot point that was supposed to reunite Bricky after the beating the pair took between his treatment of Bridget and the whiplash of Brooke using the thinnest of excuses to leave Ridge when Nick was no longer avalible. KKL said no to another go around with Nick, so now Jack doesn't exist.

Which was a waste. Instead of having these two fight for Ridge, why couldn't the two of them have a Kay and Jill setup over Jack? They already use their daughters as proxies over worthless ass Eggos McPingpong, so seeing them compete for a teenaged Jack's attention would've been a new angle....even more so for Taylor who, yanno, has lost the one child that was an actual decent human being.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Why would Wyatt even be the slightest bit tempted to do Steffy's bidding? She's not going to have sex with the idiot, because being with Liam proves Steffy has no interest in orgasms. She'll have sex with his father before she deigns to bonk Wyatt. Steffy sure as hell won't be grateful, as she's certain she's owed Wyatt's cooperation. Get a clue, Wyatt, or roll yourself in Shake n' Bake and fuck right off.

Man, did I ever dislike the baby Jack story. It was a very special story in that it could insult the viewer on a number of levels from every angle imaginable.

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Why would Wyatt even be the slightest bit tempted to do Steffy's bidding? She's not going to have sex with the idiot, because being with Liam proves Steffy has no interest in orgasms. She'll have sex with his father before she deigns to bonk Wyatt. Steffy sure as hell won't be grateful, as she's certain she's owed Wyatt's cooperation. Get a clue, Wyatt, or roll yourself in Shake n' Bake and fuck right off.


Wyatt has never had any qualms about commercializing a personal relationship for professional gain. Steffy said she wanted to do a deal with Wyatt to delete all copies of THE VIDEO and she would promote Wyatt to Ridge and get him a more prestigious position at Forrester Creations. Wyatt had all but agreed, when Steffy started turning the screw a half turn too tight and he started to have second thoughts, then Ivy walked in to catch him betraying her a second time -- Ivy may as well go to the cops, because her fuck buddy is a lying, duplicitous sack of Spencer shit.


Wyatt has no reason to trust Steffy will keep her word about a better position at Forrester Creations without THE VIDEO.

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Sayla Vee, on 03 Sept 2015 - 5:07 PM, said:

I could co-sign every word of this, but only if Caroline tells Ridge exactly what happened. And Ridge is just as honest with Caroline. All of this occurred because he wasn't honest with her in the first place, and if she doesn't tell him about Thomas, it will come back to bite her in the buttocks. I think so, anyway. Ridge needs to take responsibility for his stupid actions with regard to Caroline. He needs to know how much he hurt her, and what it led to. Ridge, Thomas and Caroline also need to work this out in whatever way it takes. If Ridge and Caroline can't be honest with each other, then they're just like every other soap couple and might as well break up sooner rather than later. I hate dragged-out story lines, triangles, quads. Come up with some new plots.


bittersweet4149 quote

Preach! Can you imagine the stories that could come out of Caroline and Ridge being honest about what happened, why it did, dealing with Thomas' nasty shady @$$, and letting the chips fall where they may? So good.


Considering Ridge and Caroline's relationship isn't based on frankness, honesty or scrupulous ethical principles, there's no reason for them to discuss Ridge's vas deferens needing reattachment (an iffy operation, even under the best of circumstances) or mince around the subject that Thomas raped drugged/drunk Caroline while The Super Couple were on a break. 



And since wishes are free, Blowfish needs to have a vague conversation with Carter, the all-purpose lawyer, about 'losing' something at the "murdah" scene. He, Charlie, and Pam go all seriously CSI, eventually find the damn rock that Aly had, and put a stop to the madness. Not because I want Blow to be absolved, but it would give a means to have a story about her without seeing her on screen.






Oh, and I want a pony, too. ;)


You're watching Bn'B ... Thank your lucky stars if you receive coal in your stocking.

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Unless Thomas is really, really tiny, wouldn't Caroline have known? Especially if he didn't use a condom?



This has been perplexing me as well, and to continue with my automotive analogy:


Could it be possible that Thomas's engine was in hyper overdrive with his excitement and maybe he blew his casket before actually entering Caroline's drive shaft? Leaving her engine dirty and sticky, but not actually lubricating her working parts? 

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I wanted to cheer too but the thing is, it is all about Liam. IMO, Ivy probably wouldn't be doing this if Liam hadn't left her for Steffy.

When Ivy told Liam that not everything's about him, I actually said out loud "except it is." If it weren't, why did she include "stealing Liam" as one of Steffy's many sins. Liam saying it's all about him should have been answered with "No, it's all about Aly; it's not Steffy's fault that you're a human waffle." I don't like Steffy not respecting other people's relationships, but of course no man can resist her cha cha cha.
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When Ivy told Liam that not everything's about him, I actually said out loud "except it is." If it weren't, why did she include "stealing Liam" as one of Steffy's many sins. Liam saying it's all about him should have been answered with "No, it's all about Aly; it's not Steffy's fault that you're a human waffle." I don't like Steffy not respecting other people's relationships, but of course no man can resist her cha cha cha.

Well, except for Owen, Oliver and $Bill, or course :p
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This has been perplexing me as well, and to continue with my automotive analogy:


Could it be possible that Thomas's engine was in hyper overdrive with his excitement and maybe he blew his casket before actually entering Caroline's drive shaft? Leaving her engine dirty and sticky, but not actually lubricating her working parts? 

Some have speculated that no sex actually occurred and creepy Thomas undressed Caroline and pretended the next day that they'd done the deed (in an attempt to close the door on her relationship with his dad). But it seems highly unlikely to me that Caroline would believe him telling her they'd had sex if she couldn't, um, feel/gauge the effects herself, unless she simply went on the basis that they were naked in bed together. (Admittedly, it's quite a strong basis but two drunk people could conceivably undress and pass out in bed without actually doing anything sexual.)


Of course, for this version to be true, Thomas would be established as a total creep - as would the version where he rapes Caroline while she was passed out. I'd like to believe the show won't go in either direction because that would completely ruin Thomas's viability* as a romantic lead for the next generation, but given how summarily they killed off Aly - Thorne and Darla's only child and Eric's only granddaughter - I can't really put it past them.


* That is, assuming it's not already ruined because Thomas seems to have been convicted in the court of public opinion before the full facts are established. Frankly, after reading the posts on here, I'm hard-pressed to see how the show could acquit him in the eyes of those who've already found him guilty. Would it even suffice to play flashbacks of the sexual encounter with Caroline clearly reciprocating in what Thomas termed "beautiful love-making"? He really is a monster if that's what he calls raping an unconscious, unreceptive woman!

Edited by Aymery
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