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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Back to his Parisian basement or as I call it The Thorne Cave*.

* I like to imagine him fighting crime in his spare time.

Does he have a futuristic Thorne-mobile? :)

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It really bothers me that Rick and Maya treated Aly so badly and havne't paid for it. It is completely unacceptable. I have watched very little the last few months because of the Liam/Steffy/Ivy triangle and because of the abuse. This aspect of the show has not been dealt with and needs to be addressed.

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I don't know who is directing or setting the scenes on this show, but they are doing a terrible job. Steffy and Ivy just left the scene of a fatal accident instead of being made to answer questions? Wouldn't the cops be the ones to inform Thorne that his daughter was killed? Instead Thorne is going to hear the crushing news from the asshole who killed her? Way to tell Thorne what a psycho his baby was before you dropped the bomb, Steffy. And why have any fluffy filler like Zende and Nicole?

Back when Phoebe died nearly seven years ago, they had Rick running into Brooke and Ridge's engagement party covered in blood to deliver the news.

Having typed that, I now realize I don't ever remember a single cop appearing, nor can I recall if Rick came to the house before or after she was taken to the morgue.

I don't get the logic of killing off Thorne's only daughter. I mean with Pheebs, she was one of three siblings and perhaps Brad Bell wanted to clear the air for Hope who was SORASed the following year. But why kill off Aly? It's that same shortsightedness TIIC pulled with Colleen Carlton.

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I had to ff through the scenes with Nicole and Zende. She's awful -- both the character and the actress.


I couldn't get past the Waffles/Steffy scenes because I was so transfixed by JMW's nose. It's so puffy and has like no bridge or something.


I want for Ivy to take that video to the police.

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I had to ff through the scenes with Nicole and Zende. She's awful -- both the character and the actress.

I said  wouldn't be watching, but I did see today's and yesterday's episodes.  I always have CC on in case I missed something, and when Nicole was strutting and "dancing" (whatever you want to call it) on the runway, the captioning said "insects chirping"...I thought that was quite appropriate.


As an aside, I thought JMW with the constant sniffling did an awful job.  I'm not convinced Steffy is upset about Aly, I think she's upset that she might get caught.

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My burning question is...who writes this shit?? Is Bell's the only input?


None of it makes any sense.


There is nothing for the audience...just rage inducing stupidity.


No cops? EMT's that don't even try? Is it even legal for them to pronounce without just a little more effort first?

Steffy can just walk away from the scene?? and Ivy??


Poor Thorne. I wanted to wring the words out of that miserable snotty Steffy. For f*ck's sake. Spare the man guessing games....you just basically offed his daughter.

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No, he sits there with his mouth hanging open while Steffy struggled for words.

And the whole time he was probably thinking, "Darn, I wonder if this means I'm not getting any sex from Steffy tonight?"


Ditto comments upthread, why didn't Steffy and Ivy have to go to the police station to give statements right away? I've watched enough Law & Order to know that people involved in a scene where there's a dead body don't just walk away and go home. At the very least the police would be concerned about Steffy and Ivy conniving to tell a false story of what happened.


Besides everything else that has already been written about today, the part that irked me was when Steffy was struggling to get the words out to tell Thorne that his daughter was dead.

IKR? Of all people why would she be the one to tell him? That entire nonsense was probably contrived to give JWM something to put on her Emmy reel. Ugh, AFAIC, that was some Susan Lucci-level of acting she did today. And I don't mean that in a good way.

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Ditto comments upthread, why didn't Steffy and Ivy have to go to the police station to give statements right away? I've watched enough Law & Order to know that people involved in a scene where there's a dead body don't just walk away and go home. At the very least the police would be concerned about Steffy and Ivy conniving to tell a false story of what happened.


IKR? Of all people why would she be the one to tell him? That entire nonsense was probably contrived to give JWM something to put on her Razzies reel. Ugh, AFAIC, that was some Susan Lucci-level of acting she did today. And I don't mean that in a good way.

There. Fixed that for you.

Maybe they did go to the police station and give statements and compared notes afterwards. Hence Ivy telling Chicken head what Steffy told the police. That's my version and I'm sticking to it for my sanity. Why the fuck was Waffles still at the Forrester "mansion" after everyone left and Rick/Maya had retired upstairs? (I presume)

Edited by tricknasty
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I don't get the logic of killing off Thorne's only daughter. I mean with Pheebs, she was one of three siblings and perhaps Brad Bell wanted to clear the air for Hope who was SORASed the following year. But why kill off Aly? .

Maybe Hope's paternity will actually come up and she WILL be Thorne's daughter.  THROOKE for the Win!!!!!!  and a new good recast for Hope!

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So, day player/not day player Thorne finds out his daughter is "gone" by Steffy & Liam? Not Eric? Not Ridge? Not Brooke? Not the frickin cops or EMT? That's really awful writing by Brad Bell.

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Apparently the actors who play Eric and Brooke are on extended vacation thanks to the writer. JM tweeted that when Thorne arrived his first words should be "where's Dad?" KKL responded "or where's Brooke?" So it seems the actors who logically should be s part of this won't or if they are it will be minimal. Can't take that attention from the adventures of the Avants or Liam's waffling.

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Yes, exactly.  Where were Eric and Brooke?  Did they retire to the guest house after gushing about the wonderful job no-neck did on the runway?  Perhaps if Eric had been a better grandfather, and Brooke a better aunt, Aly wouldn't have been bullied by those two assholes who made her give up her room for that idiot Nicole, and would have gotten her help for her clearly growing rage problem.  But then, these are the same two people who waved off Rick's shooting up the office as nothing more than his blowing off some steam.  Morons!



I couldn't get past the Waffles/Steffy scenes because I was so transfixed by JMW's nose. It's so puffy and has like no bridge or something.


I think that's it.  She's difficult to look at, just as Hunter Tylo is difficult to look at, and all those reality show women who all end up looking like one another in that bizarre, pod person way are difficult to look at, without feeling sorry for her.  That doesn't stop me from wanting her off the show because of her terrible acting, though!

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Yeah---I hated Steffy before and still hate her and I have not been watching all that long at least regularly but another show---cough*Y&R* cough--- drove me here and I have rapidly liked it better than what else is available and then there is TK my longtime crush---still WTH? this show needs even more help than Y&R---well maybe not given the dreck there but still---what and why does Thorne have to take this for? I was watching back in the Darla day and I hated that story then too---UGH UGH UGH--- this really sucks and yeah it makes Maya and Rick (but mostly Rick) superficial and stoopid and uncaring----is that what they (the writers) were going for????? Seriously???? I thought they were trying to make Maya the bestest shining star ever and now this? My guess is it will not be about Rick and Maya at all and they will be golden---sigh

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That episode was so bizarre and weird. No police station for Ivy or Steffy? No going to the hospital with Ally? No police calling Thorne? Instead Steffy goes home and Ivy goes to work? 

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It's like Brad Bell skipped a whole day after Aly's death. Aly dies and Ivy's first thought is to go to Forrester? Steffy walks into the mansion and is walking like its the desert and she needs water. Horrible acting and directing. Thorne runs out of the mansion to go where? Neither Steffy or stammering & bugged eyed Liam told him any of the particulars like who, what, when, where. It simply was a bizzare "ending" to a death of a legacy character. I really thought the next scene would be everyone in the living room crying their eyes out.

Edit to add & rant: Winsor Harmon didn't have any scenes with Aly in a year or more. Then they kill her the day before he gets back?! WTF?!?!?

Edited by ByaNose
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Up with this shit, I will not put. The only explanation I can come up with is that Aly is NOT most sincerely dead. Ivy and Steffy just THOUGHT she was. The Emt's are imposters or incompetent, so both girls we allowed to go before the cops arrived. Which is some straight bullshit in itself. 

But the alternative is just too awful to contemplate. Poor Thorne, did anyone even tell him where his baby girl was? What hospital? The coroner's? Is she still laid out on the side of the highway? Or are we still supposed to be basking in the glow of Rick and Maya's engagement? 

At least Aly will get what she wanted, vilification of Steffy. Possibly a halt to the DogAwful California Freedom campaign. 


Nicole can dork shuffle off the end of a short runway anytime. Free Zende! 

Edited by smartyshorts
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It's like Brad Bell skipped a whole day after Aly's death. Aly dies and Ivy's first thought is to go to Forrester? Steffy walks into the mansion and is walking like its the desert and she needs water. Horrible acting and directing. Thorne runs out of the mansion to go where? Neither Steffy or stammering & bugged eyed Liam told him any of the particulars like who, what, when, where. It simply was a bizzare "ending" to a death of a legacy character. I really thought the next scene would be everyone in the living room crying their eyes out.

Edit to add & rant: Winsor Harmon didn't have any scenes with Aly in a year or more. Then they kill her the day before he gets back?! WTF?!?!?

Where = Pacific Coast Highway. Steffy said Aly was trying to re-enact Darla's accident. Thorne is driving up and down that highway now looking for his dead daughter's body. There was no marker there so how did Steffy and Aly know the exact spot of the original accident?

Shallow Alert - Thorne is looking mighty fit, trim and fine!

Edited by tricknasty
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Where = Pacific Coast Highway. Steffy said Aly was trying to re-enact Darla's accident. Thorne is driving up and down that highway now looking for his dead daughter's body. There was no marker there so how did Steffy and Aly know the exact spot of the original accident?

Shallow Alert - Thorne is looking mighty fit, trim and fine!

Because Steffy and Aly have photographic memories when it comes to mile markers? Sorry, that's all I have :)

WH did some 100 mile bike race with KKL recently, I guess his training paid off!

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 So much bullshit, so little time. Aly's death not being a stand-alone episode? Bullshit. The EMTs not even trying to save Aly? Bullshit. Steffy & Ivy leaving the scene and Ivy not going to the police with crucial evidence? Bullshit. Nicole's making a fool of herself in front of Zende? More bullshit. However, the biggest turds of bullshit of all was Thorne not only not having any scenes with Aly, he learned the news about his only child's death from Ping-Pong & Cha-Cha, the latter of whom is Aly's killer. There should have been shots of every character hearing about Aly's death and reacting in their own ways, ending with Eric, Ridge & Brooke comforting Thorne. I would've suggested an end shot of the camera slowly zooming up to Stephanie's portrait, but Maya's portrait is still there, unfortunately, which is infuriating, to say the least. Maya & Rick had been slowly killing Aly for months, so Aly's hatred of them was completely justified, not "transphobic bigotry," contrary to Brad Bell's opinion. If Rick & Maya had apologized to Aly before her death, that might have changed Aly for the better, so some of Aly's blood is on their hands too, as far as I'm concerned.



Ugh, AFAIC that was some Susan Lucci-level of acting [JMW] did today. And I don't mean that in a good way.


  I respectfully disagree. As her work in Bianca's coming-out storyline proved, Susan Lucci is capable of at least one Emmy-caliber performance; JMW, otoh, can't even manage that much.



Edited by DollEyes
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I hadn't even realized, until you guys mentioned it, that Thorne never got one last scene with his daughter. He comes home, gets told that Aly has regressed, and a few hours later she's dead. At least he'll have Rick's engagement news to console him, and that's what's important in the grand scheme of things.

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At least he'll have Rick's engagement news to console him, and that's what's important in the grand scheme of things.


Seems like because

week of Aug 3 is the wedding already. So Ally's dead and Rick plans a wedding the same week?

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Up with this shit, I will not put. The only explanation I can come up with is that Aly is NOT most sincerely dead. Ivy and Steffy just THOUGHT she was. The Emt's are imposters or incompetent, so both girls we allowed to go before the cops arrived. Which is some straight bullshit in itself. 

But the alternative is just too awful to contemplate. 

I'm secretly holding out hope for something like that. So Aly can really stick it to them all!


And I'm still hoping Macy might return as I believe that Sally whisked her away to some secret special miracle rehab cure place after that chandelier fell on her. (Of course with Darlene Connelly passed the odds of Macy returning are very, very slim.) I'd love to have C.J. back as well. Wasn't he Rick's only friend ever?


Nicole can dork shuffle off the end of a short runway anytime. Free Zende!
#Free Zende!



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Seems like because

week of Aug 3 is the wedding already. So Ally's dead and Rick plans a wedding the same week?

Still better than

Paul and Cricket's last wedding at Katherine Chancellor's memorial service.

But not by much.

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Still better than

Paul and Cricket's last wedding at Katherine Chancellor's memorial service.

But not by much.

Maybe Rick and St. Maya will get married in front of Aly's coffin since it really is all about THEM.

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I just had a horrible thought...what if Brad decides to revisit Thorne and Taylor again???

Is Hunter Tylo still on contract? If there were any story she were needed in this past year, helping her daughter (for what that's worth, being a quack and all) would be it.

But then,even Brooke is a non-entity these days....

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I just had a horrible thought...what if Brad decides to revisit Thorne and Taylor again???

Are we even sure we'll see Thorne again? This story's so stupid that this could have been all we'll be seeing of him.

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I definitely think we wouldn't be seeing Ridge at all if it wasn't for Caroline. It seems BB can't be bothered with the over 40 actors. The last time I saw a character disappear for months was on GH when Sean Kanan's character disappeared until they were ready to do his exit story. Has a soap ever benched a chunk of their cast like this?

Edited by ch1
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I definitely think we wouldn't be seeing Ridge at all if it wasn't for Caroline. It seems BB can't be bothered with the over 40 actors. The last time I saw a character disappear for months was on GH when Sean Kanan's character disappeared until they were ready to do his exit story. Has a soap ever benched a chunk of their cast like this?

This is actually the first time in B&B's history that I can ever remember this many vet characters being benched like this. Until five years ago, the show had its older characters as front burner, in some cases to the detriment of the grossly underdeveloped youth set. You had Ridge's other half-brother Nick in relationships with Bridget who was half his age and Katie who was de-SORASed to be only slightly older than Bridget. There was the never ending tedium of Brooke and Ridge and Stephanie running interference. Then there was Taylor deciding to have a baby with Nick at 40-something years old when her other three kids were of college age.

Strangely, unlike when other soaps do this, I'm not so upset with the lack of Brooke and Eric. Mostly because they've been portrayed as doddering morons for so long that I appriciate the break from their brand of stupid (which is to do the same stupid shit they always do and learn nothing from it).

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Well, Brad Bell did say Maya was the star, future, matriarch, lead actress of B&B. I'm not exactly sure which one but he did say something interview recently. After, the debacle of KKL drunk storyline she's been MIA. It's funny because Bell had said the drunk storyline for Brooke was something he had always wanted to do. Unfortunate, it bombed and didn't last very long. KKL is considered one of the old vets now and she had her 25 plus years in the sun. It ain't fair but it's pretty much the younger set now. It happens on all the soaps but on B&B it's more jarring because the only two actors who were "old" were Flannery & McCook. She's gone and he's basically gone. So, that left KKL as the de facto old person. Getting old sucks. LOL!!!

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For me I'm just having a severe case of déjà vu. I started watching when Sean Kanan came on from GH and I feel like I'm watching the same thing all over again. They brought on an old character, gave him airtime for a year and then he disappeared. Watching this play out again is making me feel like Charlie Brown and the football.

Although at least this time he has company.

And this singular focus on Maya is just going to breed contempt. How many hate Brooke and Hope because they ate the show? Balance is a novel concept.

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Well, Brad Bell did say Maya was the star, future, matriarch, lead actress of B&B. I'm not exactly sure which one but he did say something interview recently. 

Didn't he also say that "Aly" was going from contract to recurring?

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And this singular focus on Maya is just going to breed contempt. How many hate Brooke and Hope because they ate the show? Balance is a novel concept.

Welcome to B&B. Before Hope we had Nick N. Sane hamming it up for screen and Bell bending over backwards to keep him around (hence Darla's death and the actress's sacking that's been long rumoured to be done to feed Jack Wagner's salary). Before that, it was All About Amber. In both instance it was the constant nonstop propping and exposure that got on everyone's nerves, including their fans (and I was a fan of both characters).

The only upside to Bell being in charge is that the current hacks that killed the genre never will be. None of Passanante, or LML nor Jill Farren "Get Rid of Women Over Fifty, oh hi thar Anna Lee" Phelps and her butt boy Steve Burton whose inevitable propping would make even Hope looked underutilized in comparison.

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To: Bradley Bell -- Bell-Phillip Television Productions Inc.

Re: Killing Off Legacy Characters and Their Progeny



Cupid Stunt

It's not even so much the killing off of characters but why. What did we get from Phoebe'Phoebe's death? More Ridge/Rick angst as Rick and Steffy banged for six months just to fizzle out offscreen? The only time Steffy mentioned Phoebe in the past five years is to throw it in Hope's face that she only ever had one sister...one she loved so much that Steffy swapped spit with her ex before her body went cold. Okay.

Contrast that with Cassie Newman, whose death was also puzzling, but TIIC built some good story off of it. Her two younger sisters wouldn't exist if she lived. While her death has been milked dry years ago, it's an event that still affects characters on the show. No one will even mention Aly after Steffy's story gets wrapped up.

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Contrast that with Cassie Newman, whose death was also puzzling, but TIIC built some good story off of it. Her two younger sisters wouldn't exist if she lived. While her death has been milked dry years ago, it's an event that still affects characters on the show. No one will even mention Aly after Steffy's story gets wrapped up.

VERY, very, very good point. As horrifying as it was when Cassie died, it created some of the best stories to come out of Y&R in a very long time, and they lasted for a long time as well. It created Daniel & Lily on the run, which lead to them coupling, it started the slow burn that was Phick, which was the best affair story ever at the beginning (it fizzled when Dummer came to fruition, but it was HOT at first), and I hadn't thought about it, but you're correct, neither sister would've existed if not for her death. However, a world without Dummer is a world I could definitely live in! At least Camryn Grimes is back on the show. On this show, stories are over by the time the commercial break is over.


Back to B&B, I highly doubt that Aly will ever be mentioned again, once big, bad, mean Ivy is finished blackmailing poor, innocent Steffy for "killing" Aly. I'm assuming those stories will happen, but I'm not sure. It still just makes me sick-to-my-stomach that the show portrayed a mentally-ill girl the way they did, then killed her off in a horrible way, without even attempting to rehab her character or get her some help. But, hey, at least fun!, cha cha cha Steffy and must-be-nice-because-she's-transgendered Maya are all cool and won't continue to be blamed for contributing to Aly's problems! ;-) Poor Thorne, what's the over/under on us ever seeing his face again after Aly's funeral, which will undoubtedly feature speeches by a distraught Steffy & Maya?


Why couldn't Aly just evaporate like Hope if they wanted to get rid of her?!?!

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For me I'm just having a severe case of déjà vu. I started watching when Sean Kanan came on from GH and I feel like I'm watching the same thing all over again. They brought on an old character, gave him airtime for a year and then he disappeared. Watching this play out again is making me feel like Charlie Brown and the football.



I wouldn't agree with this only because the murder of AJ Quartermaine at the hands of Sonny was the singular most disturbing soap moment of my life. It caused me to finally quit that fakakta show after 20 years and it lead me back here (because I followed Sean Kanan). But I see what you're saying about wasting Thorne, and there is definitely a parallel in that everyone was waiting for Sean Kanan's return on GH and waiting for Winsor Harmon's return on B&B. I just want that dude around, I'd trade Liam and Wyatt, well frankly the whole Spencer family for some Thorne.


I loathe Aly but GH has given me a permanent aversion to watching characters be killed off for any storyline. I don't care how much I hate them (Sonny Corinthos is the one exception to this rule), there's a million more stories to tell and to mine if you let someone walk away. In these violent times, a miscarriage and a coma is the most violence we should have to endure on a soap opera IMO. People turned on the tv to escape their problems not to be traumatized by more of them.

Edited by slayer2
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I can see it now: Rick and Maya dedicate a shoe line at Forrester in Aly's memory. 'The Alexandria Collection' The ultimate insult to injury.


Or even worse, they name their adopted/surrogate child after her.


But yeah, her death really doesn't move anything along. It won't break up her parents (one is already dead and the other off camera), doesn't affect any siblings, won't push her significant other into anything (Oliver was already recurring and in the basement) and her death doesn't upend the company in any way or cause any bad information to be revealed ala blackmail information held in trust unless something happens to her. No one onscreen is pregnant for the kid to be named after her in memorial.


All it does is lop off a viable and relevant legacy family member for manufactured angst for a couple that already has had it's share (Leffy) and tear down a character for using this poor girl's death as a weapon (Ivy). It's just weird.

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(Oliver was already recurring and in the basement)

So it seems that people involved with Aly eventually end up in the basement, or other odd places. Oliver's in the basement, Thorne is in the basement (although to be fair he's always been there), Taylor ends up apparently walking to Paris in her pajamas. After the Ivy's blackmailing is done, I wonder if she'll end up in the basement...or if she'll walk back to Australia in odd attire.

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The turn of events with Steffy/Aly/Ivy is so disheartening that I couldn't even be bothered to watch after reading all of the comments here since last week. I started to watch the Thursday episode and ended up just deleting Thursday and Friday from my DVR. The way they've handled it is shockingly and stinkingly stupid and fucking lazy and inconsiderate to the characters and the actors. What was the point of killing off Aly? They could have put her on ice in a coma and then off to Paris for therapy so she could be resurrected down the line. Why kill off Thorne's only child? That sucks and makes me question whether I can watch any episode that doesn't involve Caroline and Ridge. Everything else sucks balls.



And now Thomas wants to come back and get in between his father and a woman who's already rejected his sorry ass? No thanks.

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You'd think Thomas didn't live in a city with thousands of pretty women roaming around. Seriously, folks, try dating someone not already romancing your relative.

I should feel sorry for Steffy, as she was the one being terrorized before striking the fatal blow, yet I feel something more akin to contempt and disgust. I swear I'm not an evil person.

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Geeze, they sure did this whole "Aly Dies" thing so quickly.  No lead up to the funeral, just everyone coming back to the mansion in their black clothes. I can't imagine why the powers that be felt the need to dump this character so quickly.  It really removes the possibility of good story lines with a character from a legacy family.  Sounds to me like they want to reduce the Forrester family to just a few.  Sorry, but I just cannot agree with this whole scenario.  B&B needs more characters, not less, so that they don't have to focus on Steffy/Liam/Wyatt and the very few others.  

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The turn of events with Steffy/Aly/Ivy is so disheartening that I couldn't even be bothered to watch after reading all of the comments here since last week. I started to watch the Thursday episode and ended up just deleting Thursday and Friday from my DVR. The way they've handled it is shockingly and stinkingly stupid and fucking lazy and inconsiderate to the characters and the actors. What was the point of killing off Aly? They could have put her on ice in a coma and then off to Paris for therapy so she could be resurrected down the line. Why kill off Thorne's only child? That sucks and makes me question whether I can watch any episode that doesn't involve Caroline and Ridge. Everything else sucks balls.



And now Thomas wants to come back and get in between his father and a woman who's already rejected his sorry ass? No thanks.


I haven't watched Friday's episode yet either.  And I have no desire to watch CaRidge in a triangle - it's too early in their relationship for me to care one way or the other.  And if Caroline cheats on Ridge, other than the karma factor, it will completely ruin her character for me.  Since they are clearly on their way to ruining Ivy, it doesn't leave much to root for.


Also, the spoilers keep saying that

Liam makes his choice.  Which dumb, because the first time he kissed Steffy he made his choice - he's just taking his own sweet time to break Ivy's heart.  I think he's just hoping she dumps him so he won't have to. 


Why did they bother giving Ivy the "dignity" scene?  Just to rub salt in the wound?

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Didn't he also say that "Aly" was going from contract to recurring?


I'm okay with talking head Aly haunting Steffy.

I should feel sorry for Steffy, as she was the one being terrorized before striking the fatal blow, yet I feel something more akin to contempt and disgust. I swear I'm not an evil person.


If she had just dropped the tire iron in horror instead of throwing it, it would have changed the whole dynamic of the scene.  Killing a family member in self-defense (if they HAD to go there) could be a riveting story.  And a good way to evolve a party girl character and give her some depth.  There could be lasting consequences.  There should be lasting consequences.  (Maybe there will be but I'm too much of a cynic with soaps anymore.)  

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