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S06.E13: Meri Catfished


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I was a little baffled by that episode. Because they kept cutting back to Meri's Talking Head, it wasn't clear to me what she was actually saying to the others at that dinner table. Did she even tell them about the catfishing at all, or just tell them she was lost and wanted to maybe go away for a while? What was she really saying?

If Jackie Overton/"Sam"/"Lindsey" is to be believed, Meri told them she was leaving. At that moment in time she believed her rich, good-looking boyfriend was waiting for her in Chicago.
  • Love 5


I was a little baffled by that episode. Because they kept cutting back to Meri's Talking Head, it wasn't clear to me what she was actually saying to the others at that dinner table. Did she even tell them about the catfishing at all, or just tell them she was lost and wanted to maybe go away for a while? What was she really saying?

I didn't get to see the episode; however, I do know that the dinner was during the vacation to Alaska, which occurred in AUGUST -- at that time the catfish story hadn't come out, but she had been in communication with someone she thought was Sam. It wasn't until later, in Sep, that she found out it was all a sham.

Do we know how she even met "Sam" online? You usually don't meet someone unless you're looking for someone to meet.

By pure coincidence "Lindsey"/Jackie was in Vegas catfishing another woman (I wonder how many women waiting for "Sam" got stuck having to entertain "Lindsey") and they were invited to an event at the Brown house for LIV (that MLM scam). "Lindsey" must have given contact information for her bo$$ "Samuel Cooper" and the corespondence began. Long story short, if Kody and Meri didn't try to prey on slack-jawed yokels, they would have never crossed paths with Jackie Overton.

  • Love 9

When did she go to Disneyland? She knew during that trip that Sam was a woman, right? If the dinner table scene was filmed before anyone knew she had been catfished, what exactly did TLC think they were filming? Obviously the cameramen heard the entire thing. Did they know she was planning to leave based on that conversation? 


And about 'protecting the family', I think she means financially. She was probably concerned that if stuff came out it might affect the show. She wasn't just protecting the family, she was protecting her golden egg. 

  • Love 2

Holy wall-of-text, Batman. "He's" doing a point-by-point rebuttal to last night's episode on his blog. All the same stuff as before: they had sex more than 60 times, he met her in person, a really really long/strident defense of Robyn, etc. But I found this nugget shared very sad and likely true. Blegh.


The marriage had been over for years. She told me the last straw for her was when [Kody] took the wedding band that she gave him during their wedding ceremony and melted it down. He told her he didn’t want it to be a contention point with the other wives, so he had it melted down and put into a piece of jewelry for another daughter, not her daughter. She said she is a sentimental person and when he did that, it showed her how much the marriage meant to him, which was nothing. She said it hurt her feelings because he could have given it back to her to hold onto for her daughter’s future husband or at least let her have it for keepsake. That was years ago she told me and she told me how upsetting it was for her. It really hurt.
Edited by taragel
  • Love 3

I'm dying to know what the kids think about all of this now that it's out in the open.   Goodness, wouldn't you just love to be a fly on the wall.   I would think the older kids would be reeling about all of this.   What do they think about Meri?  What do they think of their father?   I'm sure it will not be brought up at all in next week's tell-all. 

  • Love 2

I think the whole bigamy arrangement has had Meri depressed for a long time.  It started to surface when her biological daughter left, making her feel alone compared to the other moms.  The legal divorce made her feel like she was now officially yesterday's news, even if it was only done for practical reasons.  Robyn is a baby factory.  I'm sure Meri is aware of the pattern that after Robyn's child rearing years are done, Kody will probably go looking for a young wife number five to make some more kids, and Meri will be relegated to grandma duty.


Next week will be interesting.  Maybe they can merge this show with Catfish.  Catfish Wives.


  • Love 8

Robyn had the gall to state that with all her heart, sob sob, she would like to see Meri and Kody married.  Hey, here's a thought.  The "adoption" has gone through the courts, Sobbyn's kids are all now legally Browns.  How about SHE divorce Kody and he marry Meri again....after all, it's only the spiritual marriage that counts, right?  So no problem. 

Well, now, to be fair - in Robyn's fragile pregnant state, they probably shouldn't discuss divorcing Kody just yet.  It might make her cry, or dry-heave, or whatever.


But this sure does put forth an interesting question...now that the kids are all Brownies, why not have Kody divorce Robyn and marry Christine?  Or Janelle?  Let them all take turns being the legal wife for a couple of years!  I also wonder if the offer came back on the table for Meri to take back her title as legal wife, would she jump at the chance?  If legal marriages are just so much nonsense and paperwork, it shouldn't matter who the legal wife is...right, ROBYN?!

  • Love 10

By pure coincidence "Lindsey"/Jackie was in Vegas catfishing another woman (I wonder how many women waiting for "Sam" got stuck having to entertain "Lindsey") and they were invited to an event at the Brown house for LIV (that MLM scam). "Lindsey" must have given contact information for her bo$$ "Samuel Cooper" and the corespondence began. Long story short, if Kody and Meri didn't try to prey on slack-jawed yokels, they would have never crossed paths with Jackie Overton.

I hate to minimize Meri's pain, but that is sort of the strange irony in the whole situation. JO preyed on Meri's vulnerability, but she used Meri's "weaknesses" (or vices) to do so. JO zooms in on her prey's weaknesses fast, it ,seems.

If Meri hadn't held LIV parties trying to scam others into her pyramid scheme for profit, JO wouldn't have had an open door into Meri's life.

If Meri weren't so materialistic ("I like nice things" and crying over a wet bar and French doors), "Sam's" wealth wouldn't have been so appealing.

If Meri hadn't been such a mean girl to her sister wives, they would've been more involved in her life. She wouldn't be so lonely. They would've been more likely to notice the "Sam" issue and point out the red flags, saving Meri from herself.

Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
  • Love 14

I'm dying to know what the kids think about all of this now that it's out in the open.   Goodness, wouldn't you just love to be a fly on the wall.   I would think the older kids would be reeling about all of this.   What do they think about Meri?  What do they think of their father?   I'm sure it will not be brought up at all in next week's tell-all. 

One thing I found somewhat poignant was when Logan, Maddie and their SO's were out together, and Logan asked Michelle and Caleb what they thought of Kody.  Logan seemed to have genuine affection for Kody, calling him "wacky" (I think).  There was no disparaging of Kody from Logan, no eye-rolling, etc.  As the first-born son, clearly he had a larger share of Kody's attention and seems to hold him in more regard than his own younger brothers.  I can't decide if this is honorable or sad coming from a kid as seemingly level-headed as Logan.


Maybe they can merge this show with Catfish.  Catfish Wives.

I would TOTALLY watch that!

  • Love 3

If Meri hadn't been such a mean girl to her sister wives, they would've been more involved in her life. She wouldn't be so lonely. They would've been more likely to notice the "Sam" issue and point out the red flags, saving Meri from herself.


Could anyone else at that table given less of a shit about what she was saying? They were annoyed that their soup was getting cold. They obviously don't care if she stays or goes. Get a clue Meri.


I sympathize with Meri. I really do. Kody's emotional abuse definitely made her vulnerable, but I have issues with people who are ALWAYS the victim.

Yes while she is in a difficult situation, she loves to play the victim a little too much for me to feel bad for her. I don't like Eeyore types and Meri is a total "thanks for noticing me" type of person. That gets old. 

  • Love 8

I'm going to try to provide a possibly different perspective on Kody's (non-)reaction at dinner.


... Kody, and damn it, he just sat there.  He said nothing at the table.  He said absolutely nothing when Meri really needed him to say, "I love you, and you belong with me, and I don't want you to go anywhere.  I want to be here for you."  Way to drive her away even further, Kody. 



Kody didn't speak at all at the table. Meri never said Kody. It was so weird. She was worried about the family, and what to do, but she never showed a bit of concern about her relationship with Kody. At all. She never said it. And his silence spoke volumes. He knows he screwed up. He knows he abandoned her. He knows he failed her as abandoned husband. ...Kody said it best, he didn't say anything because he's afraid if he does, it'll all fall on him.  



I am very angry at Kod-asshole's reaction to Meri.  He just sat there like he's afraid to ask her what's going on more specifically because he's afraid she'll point the finger at him.  Well, asshole, don't you think if you are so concerned with her feelings maybe you should put your freaking huge ego aside for ONCE?  My blood boils thinking about him.  He obviously couldn't care less if Meri up and leaves - It's just one less woman and one less "complication" to interfere with his little kingdom of happiness where everything goes his way.  ...But Kodouche of all people should take her aside and talk to her one on one that way.  But I think he's the one who was over her first and she is reacting to that.  I think that's the main issue here, really.  What's more for him to say?  He's the one who dumped her.  Meri feels lonely because her "husband" dumped her, and not just dumped her, but replaced her position in the family.  Kody's face at the table showed me he knows he's responsible.  And asshole that he is, he doesn't want to take that responsibility.



I also find it odd that all of the other wives but her husband who she gave the divorce to says not a damn thing.



Meri: I may get up someday and just leave. I'm just gonna be gone

Kody talking head with his confused face: I don't know what to think. I'm so confused. It almost sounds like she wants to leave.


He is like a live action Homer Simpson. There was practically steam coming out of his ears from all the thinking and dot connecting he was trying to do.  I really wanted to choke him this episode.  He is a coward. He sat at that table like a deaf mute with his listening face on and said nothing. NOTHING. His silence was deafening. 



Kody is an idiot. He is only concerned about how this whole mess will reflect on him. His absolute silence at the restaurant was very telling.



Meri's pain is palpable through the television screen.  Kody refuses to react or acknowledge it because that might imply that he is somehow responsible.  If this isn't Meri's wake-up call to GTFO, I don't know what is.



Meanwhile, the Kodster just sits there, saying nothing.  Neither [Robyn] nor Kody gave the impression that they fully understood that THE TWO OF THEM are responsible for Meri feeling the way she does. 


If we are to believe what was shown in this episode -- i.e., that Meri's announcement was a surprise to Kody, Janelle, Christine and Robyn -- then I probably would have reacted in the same way as Kody.  When someone tells me something that they know will anger or upset me or will put me on the defensive, or I am taken by surprise with a difficult discussion, my first instinct is always not to react, except perhaps to get more information about the situation.  Instead, I take some time on my own to process what I've heard and then come back later -- after I've had a chance to think about things and/or cool off -- and respond, ask additional questions, etc.  I've had people remark about how calmly I take criticism, bad news....well, that's why.


So, I didn't take Kody's non-reaction as him not caring.  To me, it seemed like he was so stunned that he still needed to process what he was hearing.  

  • Love 6

If we are to believe what was shown in this episode -- i.e., that Meri's announcement was a surprise to Kody, Janelle, Christine and Robyn -- then I probably would have reacted in the same way as Kody.  When someone tells me something that they know will anger or upset me or will put me on the defensive, or I am taken by surprise with a difficult discussion, my first instinct is always not to react, except perhaps to get more information about the situation.  Instead, I take some time on my own to process what I've heard and then come back later -- after I've had a chance to think about things and/or cool off -- and respond, ask additional questions, etc.  I've had people remark about how calmly I take criticism, bad news....well, that's why.


So, I didn't take Kody's non-reaction as him not caring.  To me, it seemed like he was so stunned that he still needed to process what he was hearing.


I can get that, and I really think that's a great way to handle it, but this is Kody's WIFE.  And he's at the table with his other wives.  One would think if he needed clarification and didn't understand what the heck Meri was talking about that he would say, "Wait a minute.  Explain this for me..."  I'm going to take Kody at his word for this. He said he said nothing because he didn't want to know that he was the problem, and IMO, he didn't want that on tv, because Kody's tale is that their lifestyle is oh so great.  This was a fail.  He just looked like he doesn't give a crap what Meri does, as long as she doesn't rain on Kody's parade. 

  • Love 10

I realize that everything Robyn does irritates me but I am trying to give her some benefit when it comes to her reaction to Maddy and Cole.  She seems to be the only one who seems kinda reserved and not 100% behind it. It isn't like her having questions about the guy and wanting to know more about him aren't valid.


I believe Robyn's intentions are far from altruistic. The Browns have known Caleb and his family for a very long time, and most likely have an insight to his character.  However as far as Robyn is concerned, Caleb is a virtual stranger, because in her world the family's history before her doesn't exist or should be erased.  I have a feeling they are forbidden to talk about their life in Montana, because it doesn't include her family unit.

  • Love 12

I didn't understand the weird shot of Kody announcing that everyone at the table say hello to Solomon. What the hell was that about? Solomon and Truly look alike but they don't look like Kody -weird. As for Meri, when you are lonely and depressed, all of the crafts in the world aren't going to make up for the fact you are sitting home alone on a Saturday night. It's easy to say, volunteer, watch Robyn's kids, but Meri is in need of romantic partnership, not chasing Robyn's kids around.


Sorry, but I see no evidence that Meri has been a terrible "sister wife" to the others and they have all been pure angels to her. Meri and Janelle had their differences and if my sister-in-law chased after my husband I would hate her too. This is all on Kody.

I also have a hard time categorizing what Meri did. She is a divorced woman who had a emotional affair with a pretend man. She is in a spiritual marriage with a man who has real sex with several other woman. Again, hard for me to say she is all wrong. If she is wrong for trying to find fulfillment, than Kody is wrong for not giving her what she needs in the marriage.


I do think it is easier for these Plygs to get catfished because they are generally more sheltered than the rest of us. Obviously the Browns are on TV so they are not as sheltered as those in fundie compounds, but compared to the rest of the world, they are sheltered.


I wish everyone would boycott Jackie Overton's blog and anything else she puts out in the media. She is a terrible person and by driving up her traffic, she feels vindicated to carry out more of her catfishing schemes and make money off of it. I will personally never go on her blog.

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 10


Christine was right, it has been two years since Meri's daughter left and she's still moping around trying to figure out what to do with her life?  I get the feeling she and Janelle are totally frustrated with her. And Robyn..... "you can go, we won't bother you but just let us know you are ok." Sob, sob. LOL!

Hee! I was fine with Christine and Janelle's reactions, because Meri was telling them she had to figure stuff out. I got the impression Janelle and Christine thought she needed a hobby, job, or school to focus on, because Meri was using Mariah as a bit of an excuse. Meri wasn't really telling them the truth. When really "figure things out" meant I am running away to Chicago with a man I never met before, but no worries, I met his best friend Lindsay!


I felt that Meri and the others were not mentioning that the divorce was a bit of a mind fuck for Meri. I was like it isn't Mariah being gone which has Meri feeling depressed (which probably did not help that Mariah was not around as much during this whole thing), but the divorce. I would actually like to see Mariah's reaction to some of this.


Logan seemed to have genuine affection for Kody, calling him "wacky" (I think).  There was no disparaging of Kody from Logan, no eye-rolling, etc.  As the first-born son, clearly he had a larger share of Kody's attention and seems to hold him in more regard than his own younger brothers.  I can't decide if this is honorable or sad coming from a kid as seemingly level-headed as Logan.

I always think Logan is very tactful and thinks about what he says thoughtfully before he actually says it, at least on camera. I do not think that Logan is really the type to disparage his family (even Kody) on camera.


I did not mind Maddie saying that she is sad that her kids will not have different mom's who provide different traits for each of the kids than their actual mom. I do hope she realizes that other family members and friends can provide that. Hell, there will be a lot of aunts and uncles for her kids to go talk to if they needed. I think she name checked Meri and Christine and left Robyn out as well. It makes sense because she grew up with those two as her other mom's, but I bet it pisses Robyn off especially since the should have been together from day one. 

  • Love 6

I can get that, and I really think that's a great way to handle it, but this is Kody's WIFE.  And he's at the table with his other wives.  One would think if he needed clarification and didn't understand what the heck Meri was talking about that he would say, "Wait a minute.  Explain this for me..."  I'm going to take Kody at his word for this. He said he said nothing because he didn't want to know that he was the problem, and IMO, he didn't want that on tv, because Kody's tale is that their lifestyle is oh so great.  This was a fail.  He just looked like he doesn't give a crap what Meri does, as long as she doesn't rain on Kody's parade. 

Well, yes, the key to my "don't react right away, think about things, then respond" approach is you actually have to understand what's going on and have enough information to be able to think about what you've heard in a thoughtful way.  So, you're right about that....at the very least he probably should have asked her to clarify whether she was leaving (he seemed particularly confused about that point).


And, you're right that there seemed to be some avoidance going on there...not wanting to hear what motivated her to make this announcement in case he was the reason....   but it didn't seem to me like he didn't care at all.  He looked stunned, not indifferent, to me at the table.  Although, to be honest, it was hard to read him because often they were showing his profile rather than showing his whole face.  

Edited by MMLEsq
  • Love 4

By pure coincidence "Lindsey"/Jackie was in Vegas catfishing another woman (I wonder how many women waiting for "Sam" got stuck having to entertain "Lindsey") and they were invited to an event at the Brown house for LIV (that MLM scam). "Lindsey" must have given contact information for her bo$$ "Samuel Cooper" and the corespondence began. Long story short, if Kody and Meri didn't try to prey on slack-jawed yokels, they would have never crossed paths with Jackie Overton.

Now Meri is tweeting about stalkers. Meri, you weren't stalked. You invited this woman into your home, hoping to make money off her. Then, you willingly entered into a relationship with "Sam." Good grief.

  • Love 5

I also wonder if Meri's willingness to have an affair with Sam is an indictment of the Brown family counsellors, whom had been treating the Brown's for five years. IMHO, a good counsellor would've addressed Meri's lonliness and encouraged Meri to either work on her marriage or leave and seek happiness as a single woman. Isn't that how counseling works or do I have it all wrong?

  • Love 4

That's how I took it, too. It didn't help that Meri was verbalizing half-thoughts that were very difficult to follow. 

However, Kody's silence on the matter is not doing him any favors, as most of the SW viewing audience knows that when any of his wives are miserable or sad, it's probably just PMS and not his problem to fix.  Plus, he admitted that he kept quiet because he was afraid that it would all fall on him.  So that tells me that he's aware he's not doing enough to keep his wives happy, he just doesn't feel like fixing it.  If Meri is miserable, it's not his fault.


And I thought when he finally did have a talking head, and he said that he thought Meri was saying that she didn't want to be married to him anymore, he seemed rather stunned - like the idea had never even once entered his brain.  This tells me more about Kody than anything.  He really does seem to want all of the fun and none of the hormones.  When things get tough at one house, does he simply bail to the next house, and so on, until he finds a wife who's not in a bad mood?  That's not a marriage, in any sense of the word.

  • Love 6

Meri loved receiving the attention from somebody else, it didn't matter who.   She has seen Kody give absolutely all his attention to Robyn, and despite all the signs that something was wrong, Kody apparently never bothered to either notice or care.  It's no wonder why she was such an easy target.   Christine and Janelle don't have empty houses, so the loneliness  Meri felt each day and night must have been overwhelming.   To me there is a big difference in going over to one of the other wives house to chat or see the kids, but it's a difference from actually having somebody in your life that really cares.   Robyn, despite her crying,  has pretty much kicked her to the curb - and Kody has blindly gone along with it.    How hard it must be to see the man you loved, that you've shared so much of your life with, completely disconnect from everyone except his new wife.  He hangs on Robyn's every word, is in tune to her moods, is very physical with her - and you just don't see that with the other wives.   I think Christine is fighting the same battle as Meri  - wanting what they all had.     What's unfortunate is that none of these women, with the possible exception of Janelle, are educated, independent, have any type of job skills, so their choices are so limited - and financially they are limited to what they receive from TLC.    I  don't think for a minute Kody would care one bit if Meri left, in fact I think he'd welcome it.   


From a personal viewpoint, when my daughter left for college, even though my husband was very supportive, I went into such a depression.   I would count the days until she'd be home for the holidays or summer break.   My days were so long and when I'd talk to her I never wanted my sadness to ruin her new experiences, so it was only after I hung up that the tears would start.   After college, when she moved across the country, my heart broke.   In the several years that have gone by I've adjusted, started what amounts to a new life, and new way of life, but not a day goes by that I don't feel that twinge in my heart that wishes she were closer.


And, when I think of Meri, she doesn't have a partner to lean on.  She and her daughter were a team.  So she was getting over that team splitting up, and then the divorce from Kody.  I suspect she viewed that as a breakup of her only other team.    She needs to regroup, and get out.   She wouldn't be any unhappier if she left.   

  • Love 11

I'm going to try to provide a possibly different perspective on Kody's (non-)reaction at dinner.

















If we are to believe what was shown in this episode -- i.e., that Meri's announcement was a surprise to Kody, Janelle, Christine and Robyn -- then I probably would have reacted in the same way as Kody.  When someone tells me something that they know will anger or upset me or will put me on the defensive, or I am taken by surprise with a difficult discussion, my first instinct is always not to react, except perhaps to get more information about the situation.  Instead, I take some time on my own to process what I've heard and then come back later -- after I've had a chance to think about things and/or cool off -- and respond, ask additional questions, etc.  I've had people remark about how calmly I take criticism, bad news....well, that's why.


So, I didn't take Kody's non-reaction as him not caring.  To me, it seemed like he was so stunned that he still needed to process what he was hearing.  


I get this too and maybe that is what was happening here but I don't think so. I really don't think Kody has that kind of depth of thought. If he was thinking anything at all he was wondering when she'd shut up or wondering what she had to be upset about. Remember, this is the guy who didn't see anything out of sync with being married to four women but thinking it would be completely disgusting and horrifying if a woman was married to more than one man. He just doesn't get emotions at all.

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 9

I did not mind Maddie saying that she is sad that her kids will not have different mom's who provide different traits for each of the kids than their actual mom. I do hope she realizes that other family members and friends can provide that. Hell, there will be a lot of aunts and uncles for her kids to go talk to if they needed. I think she name checked Meri and Christine and left Robyn out as well. It makes sense because she grew up with those two as her other mom's, but I bet it pisses Robyn off especially since the should have been together from day one.


Not only will Maddie's kids have lots of aunts and uncles, hopefully she will have close friends who will also act as role models for her children. I was lucky enough to grow up with wonderful 'aunts' and 'uncles' - close friends of my parents - who were very important to me and still are. Unfortunately the Brown family does not appear to have any outside friends of any consequence.


I find it interesting that neither Maddie or her boyfriend have brought up the fact that he was raised, and still is Catholic. If I hadn't read that online (and also that Maddie was not welcomed into the Mormon church due to her family) I would assume he was Mormon. The fact that he is Catholic makes the whole talk of whether he and Maddie would become polys even sillier.


I am surprised that when Robyn had the portrait of Kody and her kids commissioned that she did not also have one painted inserting herself into the Brown family before her kids were born and when the first Brown kids were small.

  • Love 5

I think everyone's reactions at the dinner in Alaska were subdued at least partly because the news wasn't new to them.  They all go to therapy, right?  They knew Meri was unhappy.  I wouldn't even be surprised if the therapist suggested that she take a "break" from the family.  If they really were caught off guard, then their reactions were all terrible.  If a member of my family suddenly said that we may get up one day and find her gone, I would freak out.  I just don't think this was news to them.

  • Love 6

I didn't understand the weird shot of Kody announcing that everyone at the table say hello to Solomon. What the hell was that about? Solomon and Truly look alike but they don't look like Kody -weird. As for Meri, when you are lonely and depressed, all of the crafts in the world aren't going to make up for the fact you are sitting home alone on a Saturday night. It's easy to say, volunteer, watch Robyn's kids, but Meri is in need of romantic partnership, not chasing Robyn's kids around.


Sorry, but I see no evidence that Meri has been a terrible "sister wife" to the others and they have all been pure angels to her. Meri and Janelle had their differences and if my sister-in-law chased after my husband I would hate her too. This is all on Kody.

I also have a hard time categorizing what Meri did. She is a divorced woman who had a emotional affair with a pretend man. She is in a spiritual marriage with a man who has real sex with several other woman. Again, hard for me to say she is all wrong. If she is wrong for trying to find fulfillment, than Kody is wrong for not giving her what she needs in the marriage.


I do think it is easier for these Plygs to get catfished because they are generally more sheltered than the rest of us. Obviously the Browns are on TV so they are not as sheltered as those in fundie compounds, but compared to the rest of the world, they are sheltered.


I wish everyone would boycott Jackie Overton's blog and anything else she puts out in the media. She is a terrible person and by driving up her traffic, she feels vindicated to carry out more of her catfishing schemes and make money off of it. I will personally never go on her blog.

I think Truely and Sol do look like Kody.  Otherwise, I completely agree with everything. 

Meri loved receiving the attention from somebody else, it didn't matter who.   She has seen Kody give absolutely all his attention to Robyn, and despite all the signs that something was wrong, Kody apparently never bothered to either notice or care.  It's no wonder why she was such an easy target.   Christine and Janelle don't have empty houses, so the loneliness  Meri felt each day and night must have been overwhelming.   To me there is a big difference in going over to one of the other wives house to chat or see the kids, but it's a difference from actually having somebody in your life that really cares.   Robyn, despite her crying,  has pretty much kicked her to the curb - and Kody has blindly gone along with it.    How hard it must be to see the man you loved, that you've shared so much of your life with, completely disconnect from everyone except his new wife.  He hangs on Robyn's every word, is in tune to her moods, is very physical with her - and you just don't see that with the other wives.   I think Christine is fighting the same battle as Meri  - wanting what they all had.     What's unfortunate is that none of these women, with the possible exception of Janelle, are educated, independent, have any type of job skills, so their choices are so limited - and financially they are limited to what they receive from TLC.    I  don't think for a minute Kody would care one bit if Meri left, in fact I think he'd welcome it.   


From a personal viewpoint, when my daughter left for college, even though my husband was very supportive, I went into such a depression.   I would count the days until she'd be home for the holidays or summer break.   My days were so long and when I'd talk to her I never wanted my sadness to ruin her new experiences, so it was only after I hung up that the tears would start.   After college, when she moved across the country, my heart broke.   In the several years that have gone by I've adjusted, started what amounts to a new life, and new way of life, but not a day goes by that I don't feel that twinge in my heart that wishes she were closer.


And, when I think of Meri, she doesn't have a partner to lean on.  She and her daughter were a team.  So she was getting over that team splitting up, and then the divorce from Kody.  I suspect she viewed that as a breakup of her only other team.    She needs to regroup, and get out.   She wouldn't be any unhappier if she left.   

Your remarks about talking to you daughter reminded me of Janelle tearing up about Hunter on the phone, and she simply didn't know why she reacts that way.  Duh.  WE KNOW WHY.  Frankly, they are all going to go through this once their kids are grown....even stoic Janelle.  Meri's just came first....and packaged wtih a divorce. 

  • Love 5

I think everyone's reactions at the dinner in Alaska were subdued at least partly because the news wasn't new to them.  They all go to therapy, right?  They knew Meri was unhappy.  I wouldn't even be surprised if the therapist suggested that she take a "break" from the family.  If they really were caught off guard, then their reactions were all terrible.  If a member of my family suddenly said that we may get up one day and find her gone, I would freak out.  I just don't think this was news to them.


I tend to agree with you because they did not seem surprised at the news.  Plus I found it telling that she chose to tell the entire group together.  I would think that she would have taken Kody aside first if he had no clue about her intentions.  It's no secret even to us that Kody has not interacted with her on camera whatsoever in a long time, so this may have been the culmination of a lot of stuff happening in therapy behind the scenes.  His acting "surprised" may have actually occurred much earlier and re-enacted just for the camera.

  • Useful 1


Your remarks about talking to you daughter reminded me of Janelle tearing up about Hunter on the phone, and she simply didn't know why she reacts that way.  Duh.  WE KNOW WHY.  Frankly, they are all going to go through this once their kids are grown....even stoic Janelle.  Meri's just came first....and packaged wtih a divorce. 

Perhaps the wives are all so programmed to not show their emotions, it surprises them when they realize they do, indeed, have feelings?  I would imagine watching your husband flounce off to another woman's bed on a regular basis may require some serious suppressing of emotions.

  • Love 6

Not only will Maddie's kids have lots of aunts and uncles, hopefully she will have close friends who will also act as role models for her children. I was lucky enough to grow up with wonderful 'aunts' and 'uncles' - close friends of my parents - who were very important to me and still are. Unfortunately the Brown family does not appear to have any outside friends of any consequence.


I find it interesting that neither Maddie or her boyfriend have brought up the fact that he was raised, and still is Catholic. If I hadn't read that online (and also that Maddie was not welcomed into the Mormon church due to her family) I would assume he was Mormon. The fact that he is Catholic makes the whole talk of whether he and Maddie would become polys even sillier.


I am surprised that when Robyn had the portrait of Kody and her kids commissioned that she did not also have one painted inserting herself into the Brown family before her kids were born and when the first Brown kids were small.

Caleb is Catholic????  I find that very interesting!!  I thought he was a very non-active LDS or at least a generation away from being AUB- affiliated. 


How is he known to them again??  His ______ was married to Curtis (RIP) and they were Monos?   

  • Love 1

I don't understand why this conversation happened at a restaurant, I wouldn't want to be that waitress, how awkward to approach that table. It's a non point, I'm sure tlc arranged it, there's no way they would have been ok with the Browns discussing something this big in public where it could have been overheard. I know out everything going on that's not really a huge issue, but I just found it odd.

I really don't know what to say/think about all of this. There are so many good points being brought up here.

I think Kody's lack of reaction is bs, I am also somone who tends not to react right away, but Kody is not, we've seen time and time again him fly off the handle like when Meri asked how he would feel if she had another husband. As much as Kody loves announcements and surprises, he does not like them when he is not in the know.

I can understand the empty nest syndrome being harder for Meri, they have all had children go to college, but they all also have younger children, Janelle won't be in that boat for another 10-ish years, but if anyone she would handle it best. Christine is totally going to lose it.

I still don't understand how Sam and Meri had sex allegedly. Sam has been such a fame who're about all of this, talking every chance he gets, does he really think we think he exists? I'm sure he would have already been on camera if he did... I wouldn't put it past Jackie to hire an actor at this point, I here Brooks from real housewives of the OC is free.

  • Love 3

It's kind of lost in all the catfishing stuff. 


But, no matter how hard he tried to avoid saying it, Kody is letting his daughter marry his brother-in-law.  If it's "his brother's" brother-in-law, its his brother-in-law too!  And that's fucking creepy.

I'm not following the logic here.  A man's ("M") brothers-in-law would be (1) his wife's ("W") brothers, (2) the husbands of W's sisters, and (3) the husbands of M's sisters.  Caleb is none of those things.  Am I missing something?

  • Love 9

Wow did they rewrite history with Meri's interviews. It seemed to me that Meri was actually breaking up with the family to run off with Sam during the restaurant scene and then had to back pedal like crazy when Sam turned out to be a crazy ladee! I do wish Nev and Max were there to give Meri support and and to gently point out that if she's thinking about leaving over a fake guy, maybe she should leave even though there is no guy. That there doesn't need to be guy in order to live your life like you want to. I don't always love Catfish but they are good at doing a little improvised therapy for the catfished person. Meri needs her own therapist and some girlfriends. She sounds like an insecure woman who is all alone. I actually felt bad for her. But it is up to her to change her life. I did lol at Robin's reaction, " Well, let us know you're safe". She doesn't give two hoots and shit about Meri. She got what she wanted.

  • Love 15

I think that Kody did the right thing at the table and kept his mouth shut. He does that very rarely, but in this case....well....it was wise. I mean, what could he say in a public place.  Are we sure that was even filmed in Alaska or after they got back and really found out about the catfishing.  Certainly, the matter had been run by the producers, TLC crew and the adult Browns by the time they would have sat down at that table, right?  Although, Meri kept saying in the individual scenes on camera that the others did NOT know what she had done. So, perhaps, she just told TLC, she wanted to get away, but she was hiding the affair stuff. 


I thought that Kody saying he needed to go into prayer and get guidance was good.  For all his faults, I do think he is spiritual and I respect that. 


I did notice how much salt Robin was putting on her soup.  OMG.  Most soups in restaurants are very salty to start with.  Man......

  • Love 5

I'm not following the logic here.  A man's ("M") brothers-in-law would be (1) his wife's ("W") brothers, (2) the husbands of W's sisters, and (3) the husbands of M's sisters.  Caleb is none of those things.  Am I missing something?

from my experience, if your brother marries someone, she becomes your sister-in-law, obviously. But her siblings also become your brothers-/sisters-law as well.

Certainly it's not blood, and there's nothing technically illegal about it. But this is someone whom she should rightly be calling "uncle" (even if it's "in-law"). Instead she's marrying him.

And, of course, throwing vibes at a guy during his brother's funeral, which is what I think Janelle's other kids strongly suggested happened, is also strange.

  • Love 1

from my experience, if your brother marries someone, she becomes your sister-in-law, obviously. But her siblings also become your brothers-/sisters-law as well.

Certainly it's not blood, and there's nothing technically illegal about it. But this is someone whom she should rightly be calling "uncle" (even if it's "in-law"). Instead she's marrying him.

And, of course, throwing vibes at a guy during his brother's funeral, which is what I think Janelle's other kids strongly suggested happened, is also strange.

Maybe it's a cultural or regional thing.  My experience is that the "in-law" designation stops with the spouses of your siblings (or the spouses of your spouse's siblings).  So, my husband's sister's husband's brother wouldn't be a brother-in-law--instead, I would refer to that person's as my brother-in-law's brother.  The dictionary definition seems to support this:


noun, plural brothers-in-law.

1.  the brother of one's husband or wife.

2.  the husband of one's sister.

3.  the husband of one's wife's or husband's sister.




But, again, some cultures or regions might take a more expansive view.

Can't disagree with you though on the massive inappropriateness of Maddie flirting with him at the funeral....or Caleb picking up on those vibes...especially considering she was (IIRC) 17 years old at the time and he was 27.  (Egad!)

  • Love 8

I've never considered the relatives of any of my parents' siblings' spouses as any relation to me whatsoever.  And I don't find it weird that you meet somebody at a family funeral -- people end up sitting in small groups and chatting and you don't have to be flirting inappropriately to have a discussion that you would be interested in carrying forward.  Of course my aunt reconnected with her high school boyfriend at her own father's funeral, so maybe I'm biased.


I did laugh when Robyn said that Alaskan guy takes better care of his bitches.  There are times I kind of enjoy her when she lets her bitch flag fly about Kody.  I mostly smile at the thought of Kody being alone and unable to shake her for the next 40 years, while Christine and Janelle quietly take up residence in one of their many children’s happy monogamous households. 


Another telling non-catfish moment.  Kody, talking about how fabulous Caleb is, described him with two words that supposedly summed up how much of a Brown Caleb is.  One was hardworking and I forget the other one, but it was equally ridiculously non-applicable to Kody.  Anybody remember? 


It has only just now occurred to me that the whole episode was about fishing – halibut, salmon... then cat.

Edited by kassa
  • Love 5

I think she's making it up. If there are "threats" it's things like 'I'm going to tell them what we talked about' etc. If she physically threatened the Browns they would be able to have her arrested and I think TLC would make sure it was reported to authorities. The fact that she's tweeting vague comments about threats just makes it sound like an attempt to up the sympathy factor 


I have no problem believing "Sam" was threatening.   The catfish lady seems to be a bit of a sociopath, and veiled threats mean nothing if you call the police.  I have to admit, I won't feel badly about Meri if she's lying or exaggerating about the threats.  This catfish seems to have no problem attempting to destroy people, and she needs to be stopped.  She seems the type to become a hardcore stalker, and I think Meri should get a restraining order.


I believe Kody really didn't have a clue then what she was blathering about--but it was weird that no one seemed all that alarmed at her saying she might just up and be gone one day.


If I didn't know what was happening behind the scenes, I would have been seriously concerned about possible suicidal thoughts with Meri.  I hope that they talked a little more off camera.


One thing that Christine said in her TH I thought was odd. She said Meri had been pulling away from the family for the last six months, barely attended any family functions and was distant (can't remember her exact word) when they were at work. WTH are they working at? The SWC seems to be dead and gone so what pray tell was Christine talking about?


They spend days filming the couch segments, and I bet that's considered work.  Meri was clearly withdrawn and disconnected in all the couch segments this season, except this one.  Last night Meri was very engaged and back to her old self.  It seems like all is forgiven - with the wives at least.


But, no matter how hard he tried to avoid saying it, Kody is letting his daughter marry his brother-in-law.  If it's "his brother's" brother-in-law, its his brother-in-law too!  And that's fucking creepy.


I don't think so.  Caleb's sister is Kody's sister-in-law, but her brother is not Kody's brother-in-law.  When I think of my spouse, his siblings and their spouses are my in-laws.  The spouses siblings are not.


I like that Maddy is happy and Caleb seems like a good guy.  I hope all the Brown kids go off and live happy, monogamous lives.  Aurora, of course, will live with Kody and Robyn forever.

  • Love 6

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