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Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.

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That would be a  creepy picture under the best of circumstances ( a woman with her best friend, or family members ). Just staring---what do they think is about to happen? But 3 women staring like that at the pregnant belly of a woman that their husband impregnated is just bizarre to me. I know it is a publicity shot and I assume I missed this photo when it was first published years ago.  I wonder how Janelle and Christine felt having to participate in this farce. And it does indeed give the illusion of subjects paying homage to their future king. However,  unbeknownst to them, this royal child would not be the one to rule the roost. It would instead be the child to follow, Her Royal Highness,  Princess Ariella. Or what ever that child's name is. 

Edited by Liddy52
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25 minutes ago, Liddy52 said:

That would be a  creepy picture uner the best of circumstances ( a woman with her best friend, or family members ). Just staring---what do they think is about to happen? But 3 women staring like that at the pregnant belly of a woman that their husband impregnated is just bizarre to me. I know it is a publicity shot and I assume I missed this photo when it was first published years ago.  I wonder how Janelle and Christine felt having to participate in this farce. And it does indeed give the illusion of subjects paying homage to their future king. However,  unbeknownst to them, this royal child would not be the one to rule the roost. It would instead be the child to follow, Her Royal Highness,  Princess Ariella. Or what ever that child's name is. 

King Sol doesn't favor Kootie as much as Aerosol does.  Little Mullet is the real golden child, and she acts just like her dipshit father.  I bet she hears a lot of bitching about the other wives, the ex-wife, and their respective kids.  

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OK, with the combination of old eyes and small cell phone picture I cannot see anything but a blur. Is she giving the poor dog a hard kick or nudging him out of her way with her foot? Because if it's the second one, ok ,but if she kicked one of my animals she would have visible marks on her and I would be in jail for assault. 

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24 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

OK, with the combination of old eyes and small cell phone picture I cannot see anything but a blur. Is she giving the poor dog a hard kick or nudging him out of her way with her foot? Because if it's the second one, ok ,but if she kicked one of my animals she would have visible marks on her and I would be in jail for assault. 

Its in slow-mo, but I think its somewhere between a nudge and hard kick. Maybe a firm push. To me it was impatient and mean spirited. She's an asshole.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Its in slow-mo, but I think its somewhere between a nudge and hard kick. Maybe a firm push. To me it was impatient and mean spirited. She's an asshole.

I watched it several times. It was between a kick and hard push, and the dog cowered afterwards. I’m calling it a kick. 

I don’t have time to look for the episode, but it’s reported she mumbled something under her breath about the dog.

Robyn the Dog Kicker needs to go viral. 

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Robyn is getting roasted on TikTok.  1 for the dog kicking   And then for when she first joined the family and they were setting up for some big meal and meri and kody agreed with each other the tables needed to go one direction and she was angry because they didn’t just cave to the way she wanted 

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10 hours ago, dariafan said:

Robyn is getting roasted on TikTok.  1 for the dog kicking   And then for when she first joined the family and they were setting up for some big meal and meri and kody agreed with each other the tables needed to go one direction and she was angry because they didn’t just cave to the way she wanted 

Okay, I just rewatched the episode--S2 E9. Robyn clearly kicks the dog in the last 5 minutes of the episode.

It appears to be a move to keep the dog from coming up to her or her kids--like she is concerned it will jump up.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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On 10/31/2022 at 3:03 PM, GeeGolly said:

Just going by my one experience with this is ...

My friend's ex was allowed to just basically sign off on custody because her child was going to be adopted. And the courtroom for the adoption(s) (there were others) was very relaxed, everyone was free to take pictures and *videotape if they chose to. 

*obviously, not with a camera crew

That's how it was when my sister's ex gave up his parental rights to their daughter. My sister's now-husband (they weren't married then) immediately adopted her. It was a party occasion with photos, including of each of them holding the judge's gavel, and so on. 

However, as far as I know, it was not scripted, staged, and edited for reality TV. 

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11 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

Okay, I just rewatched the episode--S2 E9. Robyn clearly kicks the dog in the last 5 minutes of the episode.

It appears to be a move to keep the dog from coming up to her or her kids--like she is concerned it will jump up.

Oh so that is the dog that Meri decided needed to be shot.   Kody dug the grave while the poor thing was walking around enjoying the countryside.  Anything for Robyn.

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It has come up on the show a couple of times that Robyn hates pets, particularly dogs. I can definitely remember Kody saying that he wanted to have a dog but that Robyn wouldn’t have one. Which doesn’t justify kicking an animal of course.

What’s the story about Meri’s dog by the way? I remember the grave digging scene but I thought it had to be put down because of old age?

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24 minutes ago, LilyD said:

What’s the story about Meri’s dog by the way? I remember the grave digging scene but I thought it had to be put down because of old age?

They took Drake back to Utah. They saw a veterinarian. They were told he was suffering and letting him go would be humane. He was put to sleep, not shot. He was 12 years old.

Edited by ginger90
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Robyn kicked a dog. She's mean to animals. That says it all. Anyone who is capable of being mean to animals has something wrong with them. I'm not surprised to learn this about Robyn.

ETA: If Christine ever lets Truley stay at that house, she's out of her mind.

Edited by Libby
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On 11/22/2022 at 8:39 PM, AZChristian said:

Saw an article online this week, where Christine's daughter Gwendlyn confirmed that they all had to pack up and move to Flagstaff because Robyn's eldest (Dayton) was accepted at Northern Arizona University. 

Thanks for sharing! I googled it and loves how someone in the family is finally spilling the beans. The thing I absolutely hated in this article is what Kody said in a People’s interview: (quote) As much as we’ve loved making our home and memories here in Las Vegas, we are excited to embark on a new adventure in Flagstaff, Arizona!” Kody said in a statement.

This! It shows exactly what an egocentric douchebag he is! No kid voluntarily wants to move, definitely not for an adventure. It’s his childish and impulsive behaviour that always puts ME in front (or Robyn)  I (or we) want to move, not the rest….

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On 11/23/2022 at 7:13 PM, Joan of Argh said:


“Oh come let us adore him, oh come let us adore him, oh come let us adore him…. Solomon the King” 🤴


Whoa, I have never seen this travesty before, but you can pretty much read the minds of the Big Three: Meri is all, look what I did!  This bump will someday grow up to be my very bestest friend!  Janelle is like - this sucks, I hate this, I hate everything, just take the damn picture and leave me alone, and Christine is still firmly planted in her "keep sweet" phase.  This picture is all kinds of wrong. 

On 11/27/2022 at 10:21 AM, LilyD said:

It has come up on the show a couple of times that Robyn hates pets, particularly dogs. I can definitely remember Kody saying that he wanted to have a dog but that Robyn wouldn’t have one. Which doesn’t justify kicking an animal of course.

I remember Kody not wanting Christine to get a dog (when she got the dog for Ysabel and Truely was afraid of it) and making some comment about how whoever got another dog would be receiving less visits from him or something like that...so if Robyn hates pets, then it stands to reason that Kody may have once been the biggest dog-lover on the planet but now hates all animals because Robyn said so.

And if Meri still claims to be Robyn's BFF after carefully watching that video then they deserve each other.  There are several ways to shoo away a pet, kicking it is not on that list. 

Edited by laurakaye
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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I remember Kody not wanting Christine to get a dog (when she got the dog for Ysabel and Truely was afraid of it) and making some comment about how whoever got another dog would be receiving less visits from him or something like that

Wow, he would manufacture any excuse not to see the non-Robyns.

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On 11/29/2022 at 2:24 AM, LilyD said:

Thanks for sharing! I googled it and loves how someone in the family is finally spilling the beans. The thing I absolutely hated in this article is what Kody said in a People’s interview: (quote) As much as we’ve loved making our home and memories here in Las Vegas, we are excited to embark on a new adventure in Flagstaff, Arizona!” Kody said in a statement.

This! It shows exactly what an egocentric douchebag he is! No kid voluntarily wants to move, definitely not for an adventure. It’s his childish and impulsive behaviour that always puts ME in front (or Robyn)  I (or we) want to move, not the rest….

Yes, he's an egocentric douche, but I loved moving as a kid (military life). I still have the wanderlust.

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This season Robyn bothers me more than ever.

It was always clear that she knows how to manipulate men, in particular Kody, into believing that they are the center of the universe and can do no wrong.

Over time I have begun to think that Robyn has lost her sense of individual identity. She sees herself as less than men and she gets her sense of value primarily by being Kody's favorite wife and having spawned 5 children.

  • This explains why Robyn is comfortable foisting her parenting responsibilities on nannies (or sister wives, if they would do it)--she needs to keep her attention laser focused on Kody rather than her kids or housekeeping. The kids are represent her successful relationship with Kody and are tools she can use to keep him focused on her
    • And this could explain why Dayton stays in his room, Aurora and Briana have anxiety disorders, Sol is withdrawn and Ari is a hellion--they aren't living in a healthy home with parental partners
  • Since Robyn perceives her value being determined by Kody, there was no need for her to build relationships with the other wives. As long as Kody viewed her as most important, her place in the family is cemented
    • Further, it allows her to play the victim that wanted relationships, but she was held at arms lengths by the other sister wives. She has even managed to influence Kody to go on the attack while she sits back and and tearfully reacts to the way she is treated.
    • She is comfortable with Kody being estranged from his other wives, and even his children, because it keeps Kody focused on her and their children.
  • Robyn works to keep focus on herself, because she believes if Kody is allowed to get the scent of other women (current wives or potential wives) she might 'lose'. So in the beginning it was about young, pretty helpless Robyn. She called early and often for Kody to help her when he was with the other wives. Now it is about Covid requiring them to be exclusively together.
  • Robyn's challenge is balancing the 'Kody you have been wronged by Christine and we are victims' with the fact that she gets him 24/7 and she has no time to recover. She is always on and it is tiring.
  • It might also explain why she was comfortable with her stepfather watching her give birth. She belongs to Kody and he was comfortable with it. In a way, she was keeping sweet.

I think she is both despicable and damaged by polygamy. She is a younger, smarter and prettier version of Meri.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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I watched the episode. For a supposedly happy family, Robin's house seems filled with a ton of anxiety. Aurora and Brianna were far more emotional than the situation warranted, and I'm really curious who convinced them that mom might really die when the odds of her surviving were super high. Robyn never even landed on oxygen and the girls were still in tears during an interview clearly filmed after Robyn got better. I felt bad for them because someone clearly has them all worked up.

Taken from Christine’s thread: Robyn seems to be the one expressing this anxious behaviour all the time. It only makes sense this is projected on the kids and you can expect them to copy it too. Robyn’s anxiety seems to be getting worse though.
Not sure why, though it wouldn’t surprise me if Kody’s constant frantic presence is to blame, as well as the family issues and the general stress surrounding the pandemic. She likes to be in control and she’s not.

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13 minutes ago, LilyD said:

Taken from Christine’s thread: Robyn seems to be the one expressing this anxious behaviour all the time. It only makes sense this is projected on the kids and you can expect them to copy it too. Robyn’s anxiety seems to be getting worse though.
Not sure why, though it wouldn’t surprise me if Kody’s constant frantic presence is to blame, as well as the family issues and the general stress surrounding the pandemic. She likes to be in control and she’s not.

She may be realizing that the other wives leave the show and their income go, plus she then has to deal with her five kids and Kody prob in a smaller house with no help. She’s on the cusp of too told to rein him in with another baby. Prob afraid if he seeks another wife she’ll be stuck in a tiny rental being treated the way she did the previous wives. Although I wouldn’t wish Kody and this mess on anyone, I’d almost pay to see a manipulative 20 year old, it would have to be a mail order bride type, come after her throne and take it.

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38 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

She may be realizing that the other wives leave the show and their income go, plus she then has to deal with her five kids and Kody prob in a smaller house with no help. She’s on the cusp of too told to rein him in with another baby. Prob afraid if he seeks another wife she’ll be stuck in a tiny rental being treated the way she did the previous wives. Although I wouldn’t wish Kody and this mess on anyone, I’d almost pay to see a manipulative 20 year old, it would have to be a mail order bride type, come after her throne and take it.

And ideally, said nubile young woman would start as a spiritual wife, until she convinces Kody to marry her. Once they are married, she'll dump his ass and insist that he sells Kody Pass and any other assets with his name on it so she can get her half.

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15 minutes ago, Ms.Lulu said:

And ideally, said nubile young woman would start as a spiritual wife, until she convinces Kody to marry her. Once they are married, she'll dump his ass and insist that he sells Kody Pass and any other assets with his name on it so she can get her half.

He has to legally marry her or her potential kids will be deported. Now this manipulation is what I would pay to watch. 

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4 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

She may be realizing that the other wives leave the show and their income go, plus she then has to deal with her five kids and Kody prob in a smaller house with no help. She’s on the cusp of too told to rein him in with another baby. Prob afraid if he seeks another wife she’ll be stuck in a tiny rental being treated the way she did the previous wives. Although I wouldn’t wish Kody and this mess on anyone, I’d almost pay to see a manipulative 20 year old, it would have to be a mail order bride type, come after her throne and take it.

I think the last thing Kody wants is more children with either Robyn —almost too old—-or another wife, but I wouldn’t put it past him to bring in #5 if he thought it would keep the TLC $$ coming in. 

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3 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

She may be realizing that the other wives leave the show and their income go, plus she then has to deal with her five kids and Kody prob in a smaller house with no help. She’s on the cusp of too told to rein him in with another baby. Prob afraid if he seeks another wife she’ll be stuck in a tiny rental being treated the way she did the previous wives. Although I wouldn’t wish Kody and this mess on anyone, I’d almost pay to see a manipulative 20 year old, it would have to be a mail order bride type, come after her throne and take it.

The one good thing I can see with this potential scenario: 
At least it would force the eldest three to spread their wings and fly since there’s no room in Janelle’s Robyn’s RV to house 7 people…. It would be good for them to get away from their mom’s toxic and suffocating hold. And yes, Dayton may (or may not) need some assistance finding his feet but I am 100% convinced he’s up to way more, if only his mom let him. 

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4 hours ago, dariafan said:

Robyn is going to end up hurting herself with the fake tears   She’s gonna pop something in her face     My face hurts just watching it   ( but i do have a broken orbital bone  )

I cannot believe she is too stupid to buy a menthol tear stick and rub it on a hankie. If she is too cheap, she could use onion juice. Then lightly dab under eye and let the tears roll. 😢😭

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On 12/9/2022 at 4:38 PM, Twopper said:

I cannot believe she is too stupid to buy a menthol tear stick and rub it on a hankie. If she is too cheap, she could use onion juice. Then lightly dab under eye and let the tears roll. 😢😭

Or capsicum. Robyn’s fake “dry crying” has been irritating me for years. She could at least TRY to make it look genuine. i don’t think I’ve ever seen her wipe a real tear. 

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8 hours ago, xls said:

I can tell you i totally hate her what an insufferable bit-ch! 💩

Her lies are becoming more and more bold. I wonder if she might actually believe them.

I hope Robyn and Kody fade into unremarkable nobodies. She’s destroyed the family by rotting it from the inside outwards. They both deserve to be forgotten and forced to get regular, full time jobs to pay for that mansion of theirs (or even better, move out of flag into some dusty trailer park that they have to haul their own water to). Robyn’s pretty face will show more signs of stress than it already does and her hair will suffer because she can’t afford a stylist. There they’ll sit, outside their trailer trying to come up with schemes to make money as Christine and Janelle flourish alongside their families. 

Yep, that’s what they deserve. 

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On 4/29/2019 at 3:05 PM, xwordfanatik said:


Crescent shape!?, Makes me think of the Moon. Robin's damn face is square as f***. She ages like hell she looks like s*** her face is a square box. Anyone noticed that her mouth literally is in a frown 90% of the last two seasons and the tell alls she rolls her eyes every time Christine is the highlight and mumbles," let's just get this over with, " . She has always put on the show for the show only thing she wanted out of Cody and the family was Fame . She never supported the wives and was annoyed every time she had to be a part of the other wives lives. She acts like she cared only when the cameras...

  During covid she even stated that she did not want Cody 100% of the time and she wanted to be a plural wife and that this is not what she signed up for... clearly she wanted somebody to raise her kids and just live without having to fuck her husband regularly. Her first husband was same religion, and she left because he didnt add more wives.  Now she's stuck with this, and that is what she deserves.  she ruined this family..

   I always thought Cody was it trash, a joke, flighty, irresponsible and out of his f****** mind and he couldn't make a good decision to save his life; obviously!

when he decided to leave Vegas, that was the biggest mistake ever. That mother f***** would have been a multi millionaire if they would have waited just a couple more years. After covid those houses would have sold for 2.5 million each!  If not more because they're out in Centennial, which is the best area in Las Vegas to live... hands down facts... my point is that woman did not want anything to do with a monogamous marriage she wanted living housekeepers, maids and nannies (aka sisterwives)  her jewelry line was a flop.... and the closet organizing remodeling whatever it is they do sisters closet or some s*** that wasn't hers that was theirs before she was even in the picture like I said she's nothing more than a leach. 

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I just read the woman's post above mine she made my point much better except for the fact that she didn't want to be the only wife she wanted to be a plural wife from the beginning and did not want a man 100% of the time. She said it somewhere during the covid tell us or something and if she was so great at communicating she would be the first one to state that Cody needs to man up and repair his relationship with his sons and his sons do not need to be the one to come to him he needs to go to them and fix that problem. But clearly she is not trying to fix anything

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If Kody's thread title ever needs changing, I suggest "Kody Brown - IQ 99.8."

Loved your entire post, @Celia Rubenstein.  Robyn fascinates me in a truly unhealthy way, because you can see her working her dark magic from Day One.  Normal women don't erase their children's father and pencil in their new pretend daddy (using a picture where he was originally sitting with another wife and her kids).  Normal women don't Dry-Cry™ as often as Robyn.  A woman who sincerely wants to build relationships with her sister wives doesn't sneak off to buy a wedding dress with their community husband, nor does she take an 11-day honeymoon when she knows the other wives got bupkis.  Also, during her sermon about how her cookie got dropped, she essentially told her own children that she should've never had them because their father was a monster.

So now, I wonder if Kody and Robyn bump into each other occasionally during their trips down the spiral staircase in the east wing of the mansion, and they wonder where one brain begins and the other ends.  They are both so completely twisted up in each other's webs of lies, I don't know if they can function without constantly working on devious ways to oust the OG 3, or without working on the next one-act play they plan to present to the others.  Without that, I hope they both lay awake at night, staring at the ceiling, wondering how to extricate themselves from the other's mess.

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2 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

The endless fake tears have always been the most obvious sign of her willingness to weaponize her emotions to control other people. 

Great post Celia Rubenstein. I've always wondered why Kody isn't tired of the tears. To most men that gets so old, so fast, but it probably strokes his ego and most of the time I am sure it is to puff up his ego or empathize with him, but still.  At some of those dreadful backyard meetings, you can see him staring at her in rapt attention while she begins her Dry Cry routine. 

I think he is unfamiliar with her brand of manipulation, which probably just looks like 'keep sweet' to him. Meri was more vindictive/mean. Christine was the true 'keep sweet' and then she woke up.  Janelle was his best bud. There is part of me that wonders, at one point if the scales will fall from Kody's eyes. Both Kody and Robyn are triangulators. What happens when there is no 3rd party to play up against?

1 hour ago, Binx said:

Makes me think of the Moon. Robin's damn face is square as f***. She ages like hell she looks like s*** her face is a square box. Anyone noticed that her mouth literally is in a frown

Someone on another site said Robyn is starting to look like the old man from UP and I lost it. 


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