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Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore

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I don't think Janelle has turned her back on Christine. I think there is something dead inside Janelle or she is truly just a very solitary soul who likely finds Christine's public pain very very uncomfortable. She isn't equipped emotionally to deal with her own pain let alone Christine's. Sad.

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I agree that Jenelle and Christine have very different expectations for this lifestyle. Jenelle seems very low maintenance. I think she is independent and would probably be annoyed if Kody were around all the time. She has her kids, and I do think she likes the benefits of them having other moms. She may have her issues with Meri, but I think overall she is satisfied. 


Christine just wants more from a partner. That's okay. And I think Kody probably was a lot more invested in her before Robyn. But I also think Christine was probably a lot more easy going before Robyn as well. But along comes a bump in the rode, Christine is going through a rough time because of it - and Kody bails because, damnit, Christine is supposed to be the "fun" one. No feelings allowed!


I would guess that Jenelle is probably there for Christine a lot more off camera. She has always been very uncomfortable showing a lot of emotion while filming. 

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I don't think Janelle has turned her back on Christine. I think there is something dead inside Janelle or she is truly just a very solitary soul who likely finds Christine's public pain very very uncomfortable. She isn't equipped emotionally to deal with her own pain let alone Christine's. Sad.

But "she wanted the family, not just the man" lol.

I honestly think her polygamy DEFINES her.

Polygamy and being a mom. She is not the brightest tool in the shed (afraid of microwave ovens), but I think she has a true passion and love for ALL those kids.

IMHO, she is the only true loving mom in the bunch.

Janelle is bothered by them

Meri resents they arent hers

Robyn doesnt accept them (babysit?? Whaa??)

Of all the wives, I think leaving the cult would destroy Robin the most

Just think, these saps went on tv to show how amazing plural martiage is, so they have their public faces on...TRYING to appear happy and well adjusted.

Just imagine all the plyg familys out there that arent in the the public eye. The wives must literally just cry 24/7! Or drink...I remember a show they did with 5 wives...and when the husband was with someone else..they all sat around and drank..lol

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I don't think it's necessarily Janelle "using" Christine for childcare and then ditching her when it was done... they may just have been more bonded over it, and that bond lessened as the kids grew independent.  Janelle's working enabled Christine to stay home with HER kids, too, and I think she genuinely understood and appreciated it, so I didn't see it as a one way street.  In actuality, Janelle was like a second husband bringing home a paycheck, and probably gave her pretty free rein over raising the younger kids (in a way I imagine Meri NEVER did when it came to Mariah)


I also found it interesting that Christine's copping to drinking wine at night (while snuggling with a young child, no less!)  Trying to remember if she was one of the ones who happily ordered beer in the pub they went to (because when in Rome...)

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Drinking is all Christine has to cope.

One thing I found remarkable: in the wrestling episode Aurora doesn't want to go on the wrestling trip. Christine, a family babysitter for 2 decades, asks Robyn to watch Aurora (who seems like a pretty independent teen and who is BFF with Robyn's Breanna -- so it's not like Robyn has to change diapers or really watch over the girl) so that Christine can go. Robyn had the worst stankface. Guess the kids don't have 4 mothers when one is most likely going to get sexy hotel time alone with Koduche.

  • Love 4
One thing I found remarkable: in the wrestling episode Aurora doesn't want to go on the wrestling trip. Christine, a family babysitter for 2 decades, asks Robyn to watch Aurora (who seems like a pretty independent teen and who is BFF with Robyn's Breanna -- so it's not like Robyn has to change diapers or really watch over the girl) so that Christine can go. Robyn had the worst stankface. Guess the kids don't have 4 mothers when one is most likely going to get sexy hotel time alone with Koduche.


Aurora is Robyn's daughter. I believe it was Gwendolyn or Isybel (pardon me if I both their botched spellings) who didn't want to go. But yes, oh my gosh, Robyn looked SO annoyed to be asked this. Wasn't Robyn the one who moved her sister in to help babysit? So if she doesn't want to help with the other kids, nor have the other wives help with HER kids, what exactly did she want out of this plural marriage thing? Kody's dick? Because, I just can't. 



As for the drinking, didn't a few of them have a beer together when they went on a girl's trip? I'm pretty sure their particular sect allows drinking, but they just don't engage in it much. Well, apparently except for Christine. 

Edited by ghoulina
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One of the reasons I think Janelle doesn't get involved in all the drama of the other wives is because she knows she very capable of supporting herself and her children.    It gives her an inner confidence that Christine doesn't have.    Christine is pretty much unemployable, and dependent on her allowance from Kody.   Meri could support herself, and in reality could move anywhere pretty quickly. 

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Both Centenial Park and the AUB allow drinking. Not sure about any other offshoots.


The Williams family from My Five Wives drank as well, but they were very new at it and a little fearful. Same as these ladies. I don't think alcohol is necessary for a happy life, but I applauded them for showing a little free will.

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The Williams family from My Five Wives drank as well, but they were very new at it and a little fearful. Same as these ladies. I don't think alcohol is necessary for a happy life, but I applauded them for showing a little free will.

Also, this family left the AUB I think around 5 years ago so they really have no official ties to an organized religion. 


On a different matter, I watched My Five Wives and Brady seemed much more in tune with his own emotions and building and working on the individual marriages.  He is much better than Kody but they're all goofy too.  Perhaps he should school Kody on all of this but I doubt he would have any inclination to change. 

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I am not so sure about that.  Brady seems to favor Rhonda and barely tolerates Robyn and Rosemary. 

Oh, I think he favors Rhonda too.  I think they all really like her too as she seems so easy going and truly nice.  They were all genuinely upset about her cancer scare.  Rosemary seems needy and if I recall, she was going through something as I picture her crying all of the time.  I can't get a solid read on Robyn since she's so quiet and I don't think she registers too much with Brady either.


I still stand by my original statement but they are all goofy.    

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I know Christine has been a homemaker all her adult life, and with six kids and her nurturing nature I think that in itself is an admirable job to have had...but I want her to realize she can stand on her own two feet without Kodouche or TLC and I truly think that any job, even if it doesn't pay the bills right from the start, will give her the boost of confidence and exposure she needs to break free. She is charismatic, seems reasonably intelligent (sure she can be a bit flaky but I think she has all her faculties), and I know she could make it. Christine, I hope you are seeing this! 

Edited by purpleflowers
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Christine might benefit from some time away from the compound.  How about looking for work at a daycare center?  She might even be able to bring Truely with her.  She would probably make less money that way, but Christine seems to need at least some of her family around her at all times.  Christine's mom is there to take care of the older kids when they get out of school.  I can't see any of the other 'wives' helping out on a regular basis.  But it's time for Christine to step out of the suffocating cuccoon she's lived in for the past 20+ years and grow.

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Also, this family left the AUB I think around 5 years ago so they really have no official ties to an organized religion.

On a different matter, I watched My Five Wives and Brady seemed much more in tune with his own emotions and building and working on the individual marriages. He is much better than Kody but they're all goofy too. Perhaps he should school Kody on all of this but I doubt he would have any inclination to change.

Maybe..but all the wives are just as miserable and resentful of each other. That was very apparent on the show
  • Love 3

Hated it when Christine said gleefully "See Meri getting your divorce was all worth it!' was that a passive-aggressive dig or what? Maybe she didn't even mean it like that but it just seemed awkward and awful nonetheless.  Immediately followed by couch session where it is super-quick but when Christine is saying "yay" on the couch, Meri is sort of eye-rolling or making some sort of 'quit it with the overwrought cheerleader, the new, cheerful, edgy Christine act', which I have to agree, is annoying and somewhat scary because I believe it is still fake, a better fake than the lunch from hell with latest sisterwife episode but I still don't buy it- as opposed to the wacky and fun Christine when the show first started.


The constant juggling of who is in favor, who is in trouble, who is keeping the peace- it is creepy because it sort of 'sibling-izes' the wives. Making them not only (fake) sisters, but children, which promotes a sense of rivalry and competition,which makes Kody then 'daddy' to all, which is kind of gross- rather than  if it were framed a different way, all get to be adults, all get to be autonomous , all have power in the relationship, and it is not this creepy daddy/children set up.

Edited by BlackWidow
  • Love 9

Oh ok. I thought you were saying it's not a real thing.

Unfortunately for Christine,she's now using PMS to explain why she's so unhappy.

Clearly she has romanticized polygamy to such an extent that this so called marriage she's stuck in can't possibly be the source of her misery, so it's got to be something else. She has decided to look around for something else to blame: it's PMS, it's the people who don't believe in polygamy, it's society, it's law enforcement in Utah ....(trimmed)



 Christine isn't just in it for the family, not just the man thing, I get the feeling for her it is more of a 'cause' as much as a religion. It's hard to let go of beliefs that you have made huge sacrifices for- then you would have to admit, oh crap, what if I were wrong? If I was, man not only what I believed in was stupid but have I ever effed things up. Nope can't have that, have to make it work no matter how much pretend cheerleading and team-player BS you have to do. Like that whole sad episode where Chris said something like, Oh well I saw how he was with the kids, his and the other adoptive kids, and I just realized he wanted me to be like that with accepting my sisterwives...(I'm paraphrasing but that was the gist of it)..So in order for things to be better with kody , she has to play nice with others, and she gets rewarded by him for trying. Blah.


Um because accepting the *kids* of someone you are in a relationship with is exactly like accepting the other person someone is in a relationship with. ~sarcasm. Oh wait, it's even more 'special and awesome' because it's not exactly like that at all, right? 


One gets the feeling there is so much constant spin-doctoring with this crew they could power a wind turbine......

  • Love 2

I was just thinking the other day -- Christine's mother is still young and attractive -- what would happen if she started dating? Would Lord Kody kick her out of the cul de sac before Christine or any of his wives saw what it would be like to date a monogamous man? It would almost be like rubbing salt into an open wound for Christine especially (we've already seen how Meri reacts to potential new suitors, I don't think Janelle would really care and Robyn is secure in her position as favorite wife) to see a guy show up to pick up her mother, take her out to dinner, spend time with her, etc. And she wouldn't have to compete with other women for his attention and affection because he'd be monogamous.

I think Christine is forcing herself to make it work so that her whole life doesn't crumble around her.

Yes. She saw her mother broke and homeless after leaving polygamy. No education, no assets, no skills, no savings. Nothing for years of being the dutiful polygamist wife. Christine has a comfortable life as long as she doesn't rock the boat.
  • Love 1

Yes. She saw her mother broke and homeless after leaving polygamy. No education, no assets, no skills, no savings. Nothing for years of being the dutiful polygamist wife. Christine has a comfortable life as long as she doesn't rock the boat.


I suspect Christine has long thought her mom's suffering was symptom of leaving polygamy rather than the result of living that lifestyle and then escaping. Now she's unhappy in the polygamist lifestyle she thought was the answer and knows from her mother that leaving polygamy is a horror fest.  

  • Love 2

For the moment.  Pretty soon it's back to bankruptcies and food stamps.  And no attention from His Lordship.


      As terrible as this sounds, she may look back at that period of her life and see that as 'the good old days' compared to the addition of the latest wife, moving, public scrutiny, all the 'they're chasing us down, The Man is coming for us' BS, and so on. She may not have as much invested in the new lifestyle as we think.


I suspect Christine has long thought her mom's suffering was symptom of leaving polygamy rather than the result of living that lifestyle and then escaping. Now she's unhappy in the polygamist lifestyle she thought was the answer and knows from her mother that leaving polygamy is a horror fest.  


Again, she may see the current status of things as a horror-fest and may have seen it as this for some time although she is apparently trying to make the best of it for some reason. If it is not the material stuff, that means she is still hung up on kody, which may be a more unfortunate reason. Or maybe she might see leaving or emotionally dis-investing a la Janelle- as letting robin 'win '.It's really hard to believe the new persona she has going, it's supposed to be real but something feels  'off'. It hurts to see her try so hard for so little payoff.


Yes. She saw her mother broke and homeless after leaving polygamy. No education, no assets, no skills, no savings. Nothing for years of being the dutiful polygamist wife. Christine has a comfortable life as long as she doesn't rock the boat.


She seemed to be quite comfortable before in the triplex when they were all poor and on EBT or whatever. Maybe she should change her tagline to 'I wanted the family and the man, not just the TLC money'...I doubt she sees any of the TLC swag as anything permanent or guaranteed, and possibly would even go back to the Utah lifestyle if she could erase all this.


I think Christine is forcing herself to make it work so that her whole life doesn't crumble around her.

Ha, how do we know she doesn't feel that all that has happened has already made her life crumble. Castles in the sand and all that. Nevada is a desert after all, so somewhat literally. She may not see living a different way as the end of the world. Giving up on kody seems like it would be the hardest thing, and giving up on being a defender of plyg life, although she may still believe in the concept, she might believe kody has been doing it wrong.


She has plenty of 'faaaahhhm-ly' outside of this crew, I doubt she would be on the street or living out of her van. Then there is always talk show circuit, book, her own (not SW closet) cookbook/aprons/ect, maybe cable show and would probably be much better at promoting anything than the others, she proved that in her little speech to the fake-investors.


Ok, for professional standards, still inept, but a lot better at it than the other Browns. She could do some of those things and probably make her payments, or simply move back to the old Utah digs or get a smaller place nearby that with the TLC money I hope she is saving, or combine with Janelle who likely could also go back to her old field of work in Utah or could help her with business stuff or buy property near SLC and collect rent from that as a long-term investment, maybe Janelle could help with real estate stuff.. CJ Enterprises? She's not desperate and I doubt she has the same mentality of someone escaping a compound or likening her situation to her mother's. She wouldn't have to actually even leave to start to save and/or invest in her own gig. And she would be getting child support from kody based on his TLC income for whatever underage kids she has now. So she is not scared and desperate by a long-shot.

When the family was saying how their church (the AUB) was nothing like the FLDS led by Warren Jeffs, Christine said that she didn't know that men could be such bastards. I have been reading the Principle (F-LDS) website. The AUB has plenty of child bride marriages too. Christine's mother's brother, Floren LeBaron Jr., married a 15 year old. It's funny that Christine didn't know that this could even happen, when her own uncle married a minor.


I have tried several times to reply to auntyl's post, here's hoping this time's the charm.


Since the polygamous family is so large, it might be that Christine didn't know about one of her many uncles marrying a teen, or she might have convinced herself that the teen in question was so holy and mature that marriage was not a problem at that point.

Christine strikes me as being one of those people who make a judgement and then ignore everything else that doesn't fit with what they believe. 


(Please note that in this post I use 'judgement' for a more black and white position on an issue, and I use 'opinion' to mean a person realizes that what they belive might not be true for all people in all situations.)


The biggest problem is that Christine seems to have made most of these judgements at a young age.  Most of us remember making a decision about something when we were 12 and over the course of time have realized that we didn't have enough information to make an informed opinion.  Young people tend to have very black and white judgements about things, and sometimes those judgements change according to who we're hanging out with at the time.  Eventually, if we have enough real world experience or are able to learn from other people's experiences, we start to form our own unique opinions. 


Christine decided on her belief platform at an early age, using her childhood experiences and what she was told by people she believed in.  She seemed to gather enough filtered information to believe that the third wife was the best position for her.  She didn't want to be the head wife, she didn't want to be the second wife who had to fight for standing with the first wife.  For Christine, being the third (and youngest) wife was the sweet spot.  The first two were fighting it out, and she'd come in and be the one who completed Kody's quest for his own planet.  She'd be the salve to smooth over the issues between the Meri and Janelle, and she'd cheerfully be the crunchy earth mother who helped raise all the other children in addition to her own.  Meri might have to deal with the legal aspects of being Kody's wife, Janelle might have to deal with Meri and work to provide for the family, but Christine would stay at home and be the loving 50's style wife that was helpful to all.  She could raise kids, welcome Kody as the wife with no issues, and work towards the legalization of polygamy so they'd never be persecuted by the law.


Now all of Christines expectations are being turned on their head, and she's flailing.  She's worked her whole life to fit into the polygamous world she was born into, and she's not quite ready to throw it all away to find another belief system.

  • Love 8
Christine decided on her belief platform at an early age, using her childhood experiences and what she was told by people she believed in.  She seemed to gather enough filtered information to believe that the third wife was the best position for her.  She didn't want to be the head wife, she didn't want to be the second wife who had to fight for standing with the first wife.  For Christine, being the third (and youngest) wife was the sweet spot.  The first two were fighting it out, and she'd come in and be the one who completed Kody's quest for his own planet.  She'd be the salve to smooth over the issues between the Meri and Janelle, and she'd cheerfully be the crunchy earth mother who helped raise all the other children in addition to her own.  Meri might have to deal with the legal aspects of being Kody's wife, Janelle might have to deal with Meri and work to provide for the family, but Christine would stay at home and be the loving 50's style wife that was helpful to all.  She could raise kids, welcome Kody as the wife with no issues, and work towards the legalization of polygamy so they'd never be persecuted by the law.


Now all of Christines expectations are being turned on their head, and she's flailing.  She's worked her whole life to fit into the polygamous world she was born into, and she's not quite ready to throw it all away to find another belief system.

And you know, her thinking on that--for someone with her background--is actually pretty logical, and for a long time worked out the way she intended. Even at the outset of the show, as they were just starting the process of integrating the new and future Mrs. Brown into the group, Christine's entire id presented so differently than it does now. Even though she knew a fresh...ahem...face was coming into Kody's life, that shift hadn't yet entirely upended Christine's apple cart. She was fun, bubbly, devoted, and ditzy. I think she was a completely invested SAHM to all the kids, and it was clear that the kids adored her.


Enter not just Robyn (which was a gut-punch that Christine didn't see coming, and try as she might she has never adjusted), but enter also the glorious teevee pseudo-fame of TLC. Kody achieves the personal attention he's always felt entitled to, there is finally money for all the impulsive crap they want to do and have, they hightail it out of Utah for the outskirts of Sin City, they no longer have a contiguously connected household, her older daughters/mom-helpers fly from the nest, and wow....everything in Christine's world, pretty much everything that she was raised to value, and the family dynamic that had been the standard for SIXTEEN YEARS, falls down around her. That would leave anyone reeling, and to ice the cake of pain, she's expected to suck it up in silence. Smile and keep sweet. Pretend, for the sake of the family, that you are happy and unruffled. Don't expect to feel special to your man EVER AGAIN.


It's a nightmare lifestyle for women. We keep saying it, but this show has had the absolute opposite effect than that which they intended: it's shown me that polygamy creates unbalanced, hurtful, and lonely lives for the women.

  • Love 5

I really can't figure Christine out. She really seems to have these stories that she clings too. They are persecuted and

the rest of the world is out to get them, polygamy is great and her family was so happy, and everything is great.


Except her family was never persecuted. The government was never after her husband and the story she loves

to tell of how her grandfather was killed, he was murdered by someone in their own polygamist world. Her

mother was miserable living as a polygamist and left.


She wanted to be third wife and the one who stays at home with the kids. She clearly has zero interested in

working and she got to be the favorite for a long time. For her life was good. But she didn't understand how

other wives could be so upset with her marrying into the family until it was her turn to experience it. But for being

a stay at home mom she sure needs to have a lot of help with her kids. First with her daughters and now her mom. 

 For what? Except for Truley, all of her kids are in school and she didn't even noticed her daughter was seriously

ill. What does she do all day to need so much help?

Edited by andromeda331
  • Love 3

Christine is Nikki from Big Love. Polyg royalty, 'newest' wife for a long time, later finds out her husband really didn't want to marry her, can't stand the new favorite wife, has zero financial understanding/responsibility and a whole lot of debt, always parnoid about being persecuted, wants all the trappings of the outside world (big houses, separate from wives, trips, etc.) but wants to keep all the old polygamist traditions, too.

  • Love 4

I noticed that at the end of the adoption hearing, Kody grabbed Christine and kissed her.  I think that was his way of thanking her for being so supportive. Christine seems to be the sweetest, nicest and kindest of all the wives. 

I think she knows how to appear to be the sweetest, etc. I'd tie her with Janelle for nicest, but Christine has a really passive aggressive side to her. Pretty funny when she digs at Meri and Robyn (haven't really seen her dig at Janelle). 

It was awfully nice for a change to see Maddie ask to have Christine in with her parents when she dropped her news about Caleb.(although i call bs on no-one of them knowing. Much too close a family for none of them to know. )

Usually it's Bobbyn and Meri knowing everything with J and C left to get the scraps.

I'm really happy that Janelles kids acknowledge Christine's importance in their lives and it seems genuine. That is the only kind of recognition Christine will ever get in her life as she has no career. Shaping the future of the children must give her some good validation of her importance and that makes me glad.

Sorry if i shouldn't be discussing tonight's show in here but there isn't an episode specific thread up yet.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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I noticed that at the end of the adoption hearing, Kody grabbed Christine and kissed her.  I think that was his way of thanking her for being so supportive. Christine seems to be the sweetest, nicest and kindest of all the wives.

That was Robyn he was kissing. With the bleached hair and pregnancy, she does look a bit like Christine from behind.

Hated it when Christine said gleefully "See Meri getting your divorce was all worth it!' was that a passive-aggressive dig or what? Maybe she didn't even mean it like that but it just seemed awkward and awful nonetheless.  Immediately followed by couch session where it is super-quick but when Christine is saying "yay" on the couch, Meri is sort of eye-rolling or making some sort of 'quit it with the overwrought cheerleader, the new, cheerful, edgy Christine act', which I have to agree, is annoying and somewhat scary because I believe it is still fake


She was making me stabby last night with the forced-excitement over the adoption. From the "yay" on the couch, to the over the top, cloying explanation of the adoption to Truley (who appeared to not understand OR give a shit, and must now think that her mother is certifiably Looney Tunes), and the "I want to see you all in your Sunday best," demands. My reaction was that I think that the therapist has written Christine a prescription for some pretty little pharmaceutical candies that she's been popping to dull the pain of being married to a douchebag that looks are her like she repulses him. 


Who else thinks that Queen Robyn's pregnancy announcement was staged at Meri's more as a "fuck you. Internets" moment, than to throw anyone off the scent? See, I need the big house and the wet bar. See? I DO entertain!


Other than that, Meri has checked out. Janelle and Meri are over it. Christine is desperately clinging to something she's never going to have. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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