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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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I can't stand the poses she repeats over & over again, like the coy pidgin toes (which look dumb on anyone over 5) and the 3/4 pose with head turning back to the camera as if to say - oh, I didn't know you were there and you caught me taking a walk in the park in my carefree ensemble (for the 539th time).

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19 minutes ago, deirdra said:

I can't stand the poses she repeats over & over again, like the coy pidgin toes (which look dumb on anyone over 5) and the 3/4 pose with head turning back to the camera as if to say - oh, I didn't know you were there and you caught me taking a walk in the park in my carefree ensemble (for the 539th time).

IIRC she said it was snapped as she ended a "twirl"  😂 

Seriously who twirls for pictures other than a 4 yr old?

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42 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Seriously who twirls for pictures other than a 4 yr old?

And who is taking the pictures?  Is this another Sludge photo shoot in pursuit of a professional fashion photo career? If so, epic fail.  On both parts, the "fashion" and the "shoot".

Stop trying to look adoringly coy, Meri.  It ain't working for you.

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2 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

She always ties her t-shirts into such a tight little knot that it sticks out like a codpiece.. She's rivaling Henry VIII with that thing.

Having seen his suit of armor at the Tower of London,  I know EXACTLY what you mean!

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8 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Having seen his suit of armor at the Tower of London,  I know EXACTLY what you mean!

Did you stand and compare you height to that of Henry the 8th.  I have photos somewhere when my daughter and I went.

But agree about tying the shirt.  That is for teenagers.  Or at least people who are on the slimmer side.

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On 8/23/2019 at 11:17 PM, Sofa Sloth said:

I know it’s bizarre right? I can’t believe it either.  I even feel like I somehow made an error while checking last time, but I feel like that’s a lot of people to get wrong and I double checked so much when writing that last post, but also Janelle and Maddie’s official accounts definitely still don’t follow her so I know I’ve checked it right.  l can only guess they must have someone in the family who somehow saw it and told the rest of them and Kody made sure it was fixed as it’s bad for business? How else would it happen? Again just assumptions though, who knows!  

I didn't doubt you for a second. Thanks for the detective work - and the resulting confirmation that they read here and went into damage control mode as JoanofArgh said! Further confirmed by Meri's defensive post about tooth, footwear etc. I do feel bad now about some of the snark I posted. These are real people with real lives who struggle like the rest of us. But some of them do need a wake-up call about how they come across. 

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36 minutes ago, Teafortwo said:

I do feel bad now about some of the snark I posted. These are real people with real lives who struggle like the rest of us.

When you accept the bucks to bare your soul (and body) to the world you have to accept the fact that there will be feedback on pretty much everything.  They do not have real lives in any sense of the world.  They have TV lives and they knew what they were getting into.  Sell your soul and you get what's coming to you.

What is sad is that they sold their kid's souls as well, at least when they were too young to have a say in the matter.  The older ones do now and, sadly, the elder girls have decided to join the family business of whoring themselves to the public.  The boys, most of the, seem to have pursued a bigger share of independent thoughts and actions and can be considered to be real people with real lives.

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On 8/23/2019 at 7:55 PM, MonicaM said:

If she likes looking fifty pounds heavier than her actual weight, and ten years older than her actual age, then more power to her!!!  If this is her goal, then it's game, set and match.  Meri wins!!!  

Sorry I’m late to this discussion (I moved last week and was offline). but yeah. Good for Meri. She clearly likes looking like an old, overweight, dumpy, mismatched bag lady. 

And I wonder if her weight has caught up to what it “appears” to be. Those LuLaNo clothes are stretchy and vanity-sized: #Denial #NoReallyItsASmall 

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I too felt a flicker of regret for being harsh and lampooning the Browns but then thought about performers and artists that truly put their heart and soul out there and can be ripped to shreds over one bad presentation. 

From that perspective, the Browns have it easy, they are attempting to show the viewing public their idealized version of their lifestyle and at the same time covering their warts and become indignant if anyone should notice.  If they can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen as the old saying goes.  If they feel they are being unfairly criticized or represented, it would be a simple matter to just refuse to renew their contracts and go forth and support their family choices as best they can, away from the probing eyes.

Without the benefit of public exposure, Meri would have been just another drone in the MLM vacuum and would have been long gone by now.  Her minions would gravitate to the few LLR representatives who present the garments in a well co-ordinated manner and may be earnestly attempting to act as fashion consultants.  Meri has her back up over any perceived slights but IMO, it comes with the turf, both in their presentation of their lifestyle or her choice of career.

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I feel zero regret for anything I have posted here. And I have no sympathy for the Browns. The show started while I was living in a plyg town. I wasn't coming into the show wondering what their lifestyle was like. I already knew. And they lied about it, from day one. The show became episode after episode of contrived story lines. But one thing they couldn't cover up was the pain, jealousy, competitiveness and hopelessness of the women. 

One the one hand, Meri is the only wife to actually try to make a better life for herself. Her financial situation is a mystery, but she is away from that "fambly" atmosphere. However, she remains stunted in her emotional growth, stuck at the age of 13, like most plyg women. If she could grow up a bit, she could be tolerable. Get out of the MLM, go to Parawan and work her Inn. Get away from the other LLN lemmings. Maybe get another job to help financially. Until she is away from ALL of the bad influences in her life, she will never have a clear head and a chance to grow up.

Meri was posting about packing up her stuff due to the fire evacuation several weeks ago. But we now know her house was sold out from under her. She went to Parawan right after those postings. I wonder if the shed at the Inn is piled high with antique furniture and boxes of leggings.

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I remember that the particulars of her business loan preclude her from living at the inn. It is not meant to be her primary residence.

I hope she faces every possible consequence and penalty if it turns out that she is not following the rules/obeying the law. 

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Add me to the pile on feeling no remorse for the critical analysis. The posts above have said it perfectly, you put yourself out there in reality form for financial gain, you reap what you sow. All they will get if they read here, is the anti-sycophant fan opinion, on their public persona’s they present.  People WILL analyse you if you choose that route of income, so make sure you have a strong conviction in your choices. 

Her defensive post is a typical Meri wall tantrum to convince herself she’s confident and unbothered by backlash (clearly not the case), it’s dual purpose is to berate those who question her or have a different opinion.  The better defense is actually to have conviction in your choices and ignore the hate you’ll inevitably receive. She is NOT a strong personality who is cut out for public life (as we’ve seen time again by the shows adult tantrums, the catfishing and the inability to live harmoniously with people, or ignore negativity). This is the life she chose, so she needs to suck it up and quietly accept that not everyone will agree with it or your choices, or she’ll never be truly happy.

My main issue with Meri, is the pyramid scheme and her promoting it as a legitimate business, which it’s  not, and the reality is all of her downline and most others will lose their money to help her gain. I’m happy for her with the legit B&B business that’s great, but the Lulahellno is making herself rich at her fans own expense and I don’t tolerate that. The Browns have been involved with these life-ruining ‘businesses’ since day dot, their minor fame only gives them a platform to climb the pyramid and be the 1% that makes money from everyone else. It has always been the plan B to supplement the show income. Be involved quietly - ok your loss, but you bring this crap into the public eye to promote and recruit impressionable fans (and your kids!), you lost all favor with me and deserve to be roasted. 

Edited by Sofa Sloth
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29 minutes ago, Sofa Sloth said:

This is the life she chose, so she needs to suck it up... or she’ll never be truly happy.

Didn’t she basically say this exact thing to Christine only a few seasons ago? 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

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On 8/24/2019 at 10:32 AM, Absolom said:

I'll enter the brown tooth discussion again.  Yes, I'm on the sensitive side of this one.  You can't ever bring the tooth "back to life."  The root is dead.  Meri is lucky that the root filled in and she kept the tooth.  It will always be fragile and I was told they can't be crowned or much of anything done to them.  My daughter fell and killed a tooth and thankfully hers was a baby tooth.  It turned black before it faded to gray.  The rude comments and obnoxious questions were ridiculous.  Many dead teeth become infected and there is no choice but to pull them and do an implant.  The tooth really isn't Meri's choice unless she wants to undergo extraction and an implant to please the TV audience.  I wouldn't do it.  

I had the same experience as your daughter--childhood roughhousing killed my tooth and made it grow black. It was a baby tooth, all is well. I do have a slightly crooked front tooth that is not really that noticeable except in certain circumstances, but otherwise perfectly straight healthy teeth. No one really comments on it. But if I were in the public eye, I'd either have to decide if I'm okay with the comments, or if I'm willing to undergo cosmetic dentistry. I'm no celebrity but I'm in a few YouTube videos (filmmaker friends, etc.,) that have a very small following, and got some comments on the size of my nose and a few other things. It's a weird experience to have a stranger comment negatively on your appearance, but even with my relative lack of experience in the public eye it was not that hard to brush off. I'd have a much harder time if I made a gaffe professionally or did something otherwise stupid and got a bunch of comments on it.

Meri needs to thicken her skin if this is getting to her. People don't have to like her outfits, and she doesn't have to care. If you're going to put your business out there, you have to be prepared for comments on it. You would think after HOW many seasons of this show and all the criticism she has on her family style that this would roll right off her. I'm really surprised she decided to make such a bitter post.

Edited by monagatuna
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1 hour ago, suomi said:

I remember that the particulars of her business loan preclude her from living at the inn. It is not meant to be her primary residence.

I hope she faces every possible consequence and penalty if it turns out that she is not following the rules/obeying the law. 

Actually it's the opposite. She's got a Second Home Rider that supposedly prohibits her from renting it out, if I'm reading it correctly.


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I'm not at all surprised she made such a bitter post.  Meri has been a seething mass of resentment and hostility since she "voluntarily" (was coerced) into giving up her position as HBIC.  Everything was hunky-dory for her when she could lord it over Christine and Janelle and she no doubt felt that despite the fact that Robyn was younger and more attractive physically, she came with baggage, ie:-3 kids, debt and no virtue to surrender to King Kody. 

When Meri's sense of self-worth was swept away with the divorce, her ego sought out affirmation, manifesting itself in a tawdry online romance and the fallout from that.  She then channeled her energies into LLHellNo and the acquisition of her "ancestral home".  Meri must be #1 at all costs and if she can't have that in her marriage, she will be driven to find it in financial superiority.

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1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

I'm not at all surprised she made such a bitter post.  Meri has been a seething mass of resentment and hostility since she "voluntarily" (was coerced) into giving up her position as HBIC.  Everything was hunky-dory for her when she could lord it over Christine and Janelle and she no doubt felt that despite the fact that Robyn was younger and more attractive physically, she came with baggage, ie:-3 kids, debt and no virtue to surrender to King Kody. 

When Meri's sense of self-worth was swept away with the divorce, her ego sought out affirmation, manifesting itself in a tawdry online romance and the fallout from that.  She then channeled her energies into LLHellNo and the acquisition of her "ancestral home".  Meri must be #1 at all costs and if she can't have that in her marriage, she will be driven to find it in financial superiority.

Very well said!

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1 hour ago, RubySoho said:

Didn’t she basically say this exact thing to Christine only a few seasons ago? 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

She did too! obviously she applies it to her own ‘marriage’ and continues to ‘suck it up’ and stay in a loveless fourway for the TLC money (and doubtfully for celestial afterlife or whatever they supposedly believe in), she needs to take her own on advice on how to deal with criticism also. 

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1 hour ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Add me to the pile on feeling no remorse for the critical analysis. The posts above have said it perfectly, you put yourself out there in reality form for financial gain, you reap what you sow. 

Her defensive post is a typical Meri wall tantrum to convince herself she’s confident and unbothered by backlash (clearly not the case), it’s dual purpose is to berate those who question her or have a different opinion. 

This is the life she chose, so she needs to suck it up and quietly accept that not everyone will agree with it or your choices, you bring this crap into the public eye to promote and recruit impressionable fans (and your kids!) you lost all favor with me and deserve to be roasted. 

Meri can fuck right off with her snotty posts.  She has absolutely no sense of humor about herself and laughing at yourself will go along in this world.  That outfit that started it all this was an epic fail no matter how you slice it.  She could have said something like hmmm, back to the drawing board.  Instead she just lashes out.  I had a similar shirt to one she was wearing in junior high.  It was a fail then. 

It's no wonder no one in her family want her around.  Her sense of entitlement and self -importance are exhausting. Because it's worth repeating, fuck off Meri and take your twit daughter with you.

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And we wonder why Janelle mentally checked out eons ago, and can't lose weight on a bet?

No, we don't wonder.  We know.  A four letter word:  MERI

The real puzzle is why Janelle went back, after leaving that toxic "marriage."  

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29 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

And we wonder why Janelle mentally checked out eons ago, and can't lose weight on a bet?

No, we don't wonder.  We know.  A four letter word:  MERI

The real puzzle is why Janelle went back, after leaving that toxic "marriage."  

I think she was pregnant.

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47 minutes ago, toodles said:

Meri can fuck right off with her snotty posts.  She has absolutely no sense of humor about herself and laughing at yourself will go along in this world (...) It's no wonder no one in her family want her around.  Her sense of entitlement and self -importance are exhausting. Because it's worth repeating, fuck off Meri and take your twit daughter with you.

Exactly. Her and Mariah (along with Kody) are the most insufferable, selfish, self-important, arrogant and unlikable personalities in this whole family. I can actually tolerate Janelle’s laughable cluelessness and Christine’s ditziness and even Robyn’s stealth back-stabby tendencies, but I cannot stomach those two and their ‘me-me-me’ attitudes. They have always been happy taking their lions share of the family pot in the past, when Janelle brought the majority pay-check but I’d guarantee Meri contributes F.A earnings back to the family budget and the mothering of the younger kids now. As long as Mariah (and her 8 spirit babies) got their (no morning sun) McMansion bedrooms, she couldn’t give a fat rat’s about the other kids or family members needs.  

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1 hour ago, Sofa Sloth said:

She did too! obviously she applies it to her own ‘marriage’ and continues to ‘suck it up’ and stay in a loveless fourway for the TLC money (and doubtfully for celestial afterlife or whatever they supposedly believe in), she needs to take her own on advice on how to deal with criticism also. 

That’s precisely what I thought. I hope that whenever she reads this she takes a true moment to reflect about the image she is not only putting out on TLC, but on social media as well. You can’t be mean & hateful & grumpy, only to sum it up as being rill & #livingyourbestwhy. That ain’t rill. And it definitely ain’t best. It’s deflection in every sense of the word. And I didn’t even have to Google it to see/know that.  

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15 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

Actually it's the opposite. She's got a Second Home Rider that supposedly prohibits her from renting it out, if I'm reading it correctly.


Can someone translate this - is the Borrower Meri or Bonnie?  If it's Meri, isn't this stating that the B&B is, in fact, her second home and should be available for her "enjoyment at all times?"  If it's Bonnie - the B&B is her only residence now, correct?  I'm not understanding how a B&B which derives its income from renting out rooms can also be a second home for Meri, thus taking one of the rooms for herself "at all times."

16 hours ago, RubySoho said:

Didn’t she basically say this exact thing to Christine only a few seasons ago? 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

Yes, Meri did say that, but you have to remember that at that time Meri was still legal wifey and second from the top of Kody's Preferred Wifey Totem Pole (Stealth-Mode Robyn having moved into permanent first position), whereas Christine was then firmly on the bottom.  When you're up that high, you can say whatever you want to the peasants clamboring for more Kody time because it surely never occured to Meri that she herself would someday be the wife on the very bottom.  In non-plyg circles, I believe this is called "karma."  

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17 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

Actually it's the opposite. She's got a Second Home Rider that supposedly prohibits her from renting it out, if I'm reading it correctly.


Did the plot just thicken? I read that paragraph several times, and it seems that the the Parawan house is to be used as Meri's second home - so how can she run a B&B there? No legal beagle here!

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1 minute ago, B in Lee said:

Is that one of the babies' bibs she's sporting?

That's her "statement necklace", hoping it distracts the eye from the knot she has to tie to prevent the hemline of the top drooping down to the region of her thunder thighs encased in s-t-r-e-t-c-h-y denim. 

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32 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

That's her "statement necklace", hoping it distracts the eye from the knot she has to tie to prevent the hemline of the top drooping down to the region of her thunder thighs encased in s-t-r-e-t-c-h-y denim. 

The sad thing is, this is one of her "better" outfits.  I'm not saying it fits well or is flattering on her, but at least it consists of pieces normal people would put together (plain jeans with a t-shirt.)  This would not be hideous if she was wearing a pair of jeans with a little extra room in them and she probably should not go with the skinny jean silhouette.

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Can someone translate this - is the Borrower Meri or Bonnie?  If it's Meri, isn't this stating that the B&B is, in fact, her second home and should be available for her "enjoyment at all times?"  If it's Bonnie - the B&B is her only residence now, correct?  I'm not understanding how a B&B which derives its income from renting out rooms can also be a second home for Meri, thus taking one of the rooms for herself "at all times."

Yes, Meri did say that, but you have to remember that at that time Meri was still legal wifey and second from the top of Kody's Preferred Wifey Totem Pole (Stealth-Mode Robyn having moved into permanent first position), whereas Christine was then firmly on the bottom.  When you're up that high, you can say whatever you want to the peasants clamboring for more Kody time because it surely never occured to Meri that she herself would someday be the wife on the very bottom.  In non-plyg circles, I believe this is called "karma."  

The borrower is Meri, Bonnie is not on the paperwork at all.

You can go to the Iron County website and pull the property records there. Just do a name search for BROWN MERI. 

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2 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Meri offered up her legal HBIC status when she believed she was going to split with Sam.  What a backfire on poor widdle always-the-victim Meri.  

Divorce was first, then Sam came along a few months later.

Those jeans are unbelievable. Having recently gained 20 pounds due to medication, I am very aware of how things cling to me. I'm smart enough to know that skinny jeans are a no-no. Meri is all hip-and-thigh in those jeans.

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3 hours ago, B in Lee said:

Did the plot just thicken? I read that paragraph several times, and it seems that the the Parawan house is to be used as Meri's second home - so how can she run a B&B there? No legal beagle here!

I know, right?  This is very confusing.  I can understand that paragraph written with Bonnie in mind, because she lives there and runs it, but as @DakotaJustice pointed out, that legalese pertains to Meri, who - I guess - can also claim it as a second home?  So if Meri is renting out Lizzie's Ghost Room for herself, and assuming that the B&B is doing moderately well, isn't Bonnie taking a hit on renting a room?  Then again, should we be surprised that none of this makes much sense?  I get the filling that Meri's cousin (who I believe drew up this legal document) wrote it in such a way that Lizzie's could indeed become Meri's second home for if/when she bails on her beloved Sister Wives - after TLC pulls the money plug, that is.

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Does Meri just wander around all day in her LuLaRags, looking for a place to set up the timer on her phone to snap SM pics of her latest daily creation?  I mean, does she wake up, crimp her hair, spend 75 minutes applying her eye makeup, close her eyes and dress herself, then drive around looking for the next #FlagstaffFasion inspiration?  I wonder if LLN consultants are expected to post a certain number of selfies on SM, and if they fall short, their next shipped order contains Irma dresses sewn with the sleeves down where the hips should be?

Edited by laurakaye
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3 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Does Meri just wander around all day in her LuLaRags, looking for a place to set up the timer on her phone to snap SM pics of her latest daily creation?  I mean, does she wake up, crimp her hair, spend 75 minutes applying her eye makeup, close her eyes and dress herself, then drive around looking for the next #FlagstaffFasion inspiration?

Well, sure.  That's why she declares herself so busy at her work.  All that driving around takes time. 

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The live-in residence clause may be to require Meri (or a fambly member) to live in and run it as opposed to an AirBnB or short-term rental type thing where strangers are coming and going with nobody accountable 24/7, possibly destroying the property and its value to the Lender who owns most of it. 

Edited by deirdra
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43 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I know, right?  This is very confusing.  I can understand that paragraph written with Bonnie in mind, because she lives there and runs it, but as @DakotaJustice pointed out, that legalese pertains to Meri, who - I guess - can also claim it as a second home?  So if Meri is renting out Lizzie's Ghost Room for herself, and assuming that the B&B is doing moderately well, isn't Bonnie taking a hit on renting a room?  Then again, should we be surprised that none of this makes much sense?  I get the filling that Meri's cousin (who I believe drew up this legal document) wrote it in such a way that Lizzie's could indeed become Meri's second home for if/when she bails on her beloved Sister Wives - after TLC pulls the money plug, that is.

I don't think her cousin wrote up the mortgage per se. It looks like they used standard forms. I was taken aback about the lender being Stearns which is what's left of Bear Stearns of 2008 housing bubble infamy (see The Big Short).

Also, to me, it clearly reads that you are buying the property for your own personal use, not to use as a business.  But I'm not an attorney.  Clearly the lienholder was just after the business and could care less about the rider. Stearns...

Edited by DakotaJustice
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1 hour ago, Galloway Cave said:

Divorce was first, then Sam came along a few months later.

Those jeans are unbelievable. Having recently gained 20 pounds due to medication, I am very aware of how things cling to me. I'm smart enough to know that skinny jeans are a no-no. Meri is all hip-and-thigh in those jeans.

Ah, after I posted, I wondered if that was the case.  Thanks for the correction.  I tend to shade Meri at every turn because she irritates me!

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On 8/23/2019 at 6:02 PM, Galloway Cave said:

Fortunately Reddit's Sister Wives sub saved the post. Complete and total disaster.


There are almost no words for this outfit.  I am beginning to wonder if there is something wrong with her.  I am telling you the owners of this company are at the double dog dare ya stage of design.

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7 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I am one to make fun of her wonky tooth. #becauseIcan. Here is my dill with her. Years ago when I was looking for something to watch while Mr Frauds was watching football, I stumbled upon this hot mess. At first, I did fill for Meri, being the outcast it seemed to me, the barren one. My attitude changed after this whole catfishing thing. I don't have a problem with chatting online and having cyber friends, however she took it to another level with Sam. I thinkg the real reason why she gave Kody the divorce was to free herself to run off with what she thought was this successful handsome man. She claimed victim in all of this and to this day still does, even though we saw the types of photos she was sending him (her).  She ran running playing the victim again when the clan would not be able to fund Lizzies.  Some of you have seen her live sale-offs and say she is a bitch and rude to people online. The fact that she made light of a serious fire in her area and toted a "fire sale" to rid herself of inventory.  I am all about strong, independent womxn, but she is a poser just like her special snowflake daughter   


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On 8/26/2019 at 2:13 PM, Natalie68 said:

There are almost no words for this outfit.  I am beginning to wonder if there is something wrong with her.  I am telling you the owners of this company are at the double dog dare ya stage of design.

It's actually hard to find a good photo of anyone in LLR. Each one I see seems to be more hideous than the last.

How about these unflattering shirts? Evidently LLR thinks it's a good thing for consultants to wear and market the idea of buying all the sizes. Here's Meri in sizes L through 3X! I wear an 8/10 and/or medium in most clothing and no way in hell would I ever buy a 3X. Do the clothes come with the Kool-AId? How is everyone so delusional?

EDIT: Yes, the white shirt does indeed say "Just Be Nice". You can't make this stuff up.

Image 8-27-19 at 4.47 PM.jpeg

Edited by Sociology101
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2 hours ago, Sociology101 said:

It's actually hard to find a good photo of anyone in LLR. Each one I see seems to be more hideous than the last.

How about these unflattering shirts? Evidently LLR thinks it's a good thing for consultants to wear and market the idea of buying all the sizes. Here's Meri in sizes L through 3X! I wear an 8/10 and/or medium in most clothing and no way in hell would I ever buy a 3X. Do the clothes come with the Kool-AId? How is everyone so delusional?

EDIT: Yes, the white shirt does indeed say "Just Be Nice". You can't make this stuff up.

Image 8-27-19 at 4.47 PM.jpeg

The little knot thing...honestly so ridiculous. What is the point? Why not just buy (or model) the correct friggen size T-shirt, so you don’t have to look like you’re sporting a tiny little strap-on penis?

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