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S17.E07: Patrimonial Burden

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Omg the opening sequence of the virginity pledge just screamed "child bride". *shudder*

Carisi really is the MVP of this season so far. I don't know what I loved more: him ordering the pizzas or him calling Priest Perv a piece of crap.

Even if they were covering initially for their son, I guess I'll give the Bakers credit for genuinely not knowing about the priest raping their daughters and being rightfully disgusted when they found out. I'm glad because the possibility that they knew and were forcing their daughter to marry her rapist made me throw up in my mouth a little. But since that wasn't the case, they're at least one step above the Duggars.

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • Love 13

What the fuck was that.  That was one of the most disjointed, worst written, worst acted episodes I've ever seen.  What a mess.  All the action happened in the last 5 minutes and at that point we're expected to believe:  Mama Bear is going all HAM in on the pastor immediately, the daughter does a 180 on the pastor immediately (who 5 minutes ago she was in love with and wanted to marry), and the father just stands there with the biggest DUH look on his face, literally not reacting, emoting, or saying ANYTHING.  God, I'm pissed


And that new guy hasn't taken Criminology 101?  He literally doesn't know the basic tenet that "Stranger Danger" that people have been talking about for the past century or so is mostly a myth?  That 90% of sexual assaults are by people that the victim already knows?  He doesn't fucking know that?  You expect me to believe this shit?  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 10

Another pretty good episode.  They were pretty spot on with the Duggarisms and I was surprised that they mentioned the Duggars by name.   I knew immediately that it wasn't the cameraman and guessed that the pastor was the father of the baby.  I was a bit surprised that the youngest son was their grandchild.


I like the new guy and I liked the interaction between Rollins and Carisi.  It's a shame that they already did Rollins and Amaro because I thought that Rollins and Carisi could be interesting.  I was somewhat waiting for Rollins to tell the Baker mother that she wasn't married just to see her reaction.  

  • Love 5

The Good:

Good acting from the guest cast.

Carisi keeps being awesome. From fashion to police work to being the voice of common sense he's got it all covered. And he's good with kids too!

The Bad:

Why do they still insist on playing up the pontental conflict with new characters and beating us over the head with one or two character traits? Is this some sort of Dick Wolf edict?

And speaking of Sgt Dodds. If Olivia is still going to be out in the field all the time why not bring in a new CO?

The Amanda pregnancy plot continues to be both boring and overwrought somehow.

The preview for next week? A whole episode focused on Noah? Really? I mean maybe we'll get lucky and he'll be brutally murdered but I doubt it.

Overall it's a solid addition to the SVU renaissance - a well done ripped from the headlines story that doesn't try to do too much and just focuses on executing well.

  • Love 5

I vote YAY on a live chat for episodes.


The mentions of Barba felt like a tease! It's bad enough when he's not on but when they mention he's in touch with the case, it's extra annoying. Is RE filming something else, or does he just have a sweet contract to be in the opening credits but not having to appear. 


It was refreshing the parents weren't actively aware what the Pastor was doing. Letting your daughter marry him at 14 and thinking your son got your daughter pregnant (am I understanding even the parents thought the son got the other daughter pregnant?) is all kinds of wrong, but, at least they weren't giving their kids to him in exchange for fame and stepped up at the end. I guess some writer/producer follows the Duggars enough to know about Bill Gothard? Because no way that guy wasn't suppose to be a version of him.


I'm loving Carisi. He only wore the jacket twice! He must have called his mom to light a candle for Rollins! He's adorable (though, I'd never take a jacket from him.)


Nitpick--- I'm a twice-a-year church going Catholic, and even I'm sick of the constant misuse of "Immaculate Conception" in TV/movies. I cringed when Liv said it. All those years with El and Amaro should have taught her better. Is no one ever, ever allowed to correct a script writer when it's put in like that? 

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 8

A surprisingly good episode. I almost turned it off during the open and that nauseating ceremony but I am glad I stuck it out. I guessed who the father was as soon as they said the girl was pregnant but enjoyed watching the guy trying to deflect blame and get the fauxDuggars out of NYC. I also liked how they had all the detectives working this and that they all helped in figuring out the truth. I laughed every time Amanda had to explain the family dynamics to everyone since she was the only one who actually watched the show. I really like SVU so much better when it's not the Olivia Benson hour and is more of an ensemble show with everyone getting screentime. Carisi continues to be awesome and the best addition to the show since Barba (who was very much missed). I am starting to warm up to Dodds Jr. and think he might turn out to be a good guy after all.

As for next week's show, I am really hoping that preview of Noah was a misdirect and it is something that is resolved quickly and is forgotten for the rest of the show.

  • Love 13

Another pretty good episode.  They were pretty spot on with the Duggarisms and I was surprised that they mentioned the Duggars by name.

I think they do that so that they can't be sued for using the Duggar's story. (And the Duggars need some money right about now, probably, so I'd bet they'd sue.) They did that with the Chris Brown/Rihanna ep too - I think it was Munch who mentioned Chris & Rihanna by name. That way they can't claim that their likenesses were used without their permission, because technically these were two different people.


Purity balls are so fucking creepy, I'm sorry. [shudder]


All of Carisi's moments were good ones, but I also loved the cop pulling him & Finn over and handing over the kid's records. That was a little fist-pump moment.

  • Love 17

I think they do that so that they can't be sued for using the Duggar's story. (And the Duggars need some money right about now, probably, so I'd bet they'd sue.) They did that with the Chris Brown/Rihanna ep too - I think it was Munch who mentioned Chris & Rihanna by name. That way they can't claim that their likenesses were used without their permission, because technically these were two different people.

They also mentioned Casey Anthony in that episode with Hilary Duff, even though it took a very different path. I assume it's a legal thing too. Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 2

Is Carisi always this awesome? I admit I had to tap out of the series during the Amaro era (that actor really gets on my nerves), so this is my first brand-new episode in a while, and I was pretty impressed with it. Well, with Carisi, who somehow manages to be outraged about the cases without being the slightest bit self-righteous. It's a good balance, and I liked it. I also, obviously, continue to be a fan of Fin, because: come on.


Carisi, weirdly, also reminded me strongly of Dr. Dave from ER, but from the brief stretch of episodes where he was portrayed as an actual competent doctor. That actor had a short arc on SVU ages ago, and I thought it was a shame they didn't make him a regular part of the rotation because he fit in really well. I know it's super unlikely, but it would be great if they brought him in to work on a case while Rollins is on leave (particuarly because I think his original appearance was due to Mariska Hargitay's maternity leave.)


Olivia's hair looks unbelievably terrible. I'd read that in the recaps, but I didn't believe how serious it was until I saw it with my own two eyes. It's almost tragic. You're a lovely woman, Mariska, and a producer on the show! Get yourself better than this.


I did laugh when they decided it was the priest because of his appearance in 1 episode of the show-within-the-show. I mean, I get that it was 9:44 and they already had 2 wrong suspects, but shouldn't it require slightly more police work than watching YouTube (or MeScreen or whatever the SVU-equivalent is) to get a warrant for someone's DNA?

  • Love 4

Another very solid episode in a surprisingly solid season.


I called that the pastor had done it, if only because the father and the brother were obvious red herrings (that creepy marriage-like ceremony, the creepy video of the brother and the piano teacher). And then it could only be Chris Elliot or the unnecessarily young and attractive pastor, and I seriously doubt the little girl would be all "but this creepy old guy loves me!". Still, the episode had a lot of twists and turns until the reveal, and I think it was well done.


Good acting by everyone involved. And I agree, I liked that the parents were not total monsters, even if they were totally willing to protect their son when they thought he was the rapist. That's realistic for these types of families, and it was smart writing that they had the pastor try to take advantage of that to save his ass. And the marriage to the little girl was also a good idea writing-wise, plus it made sense that the pastor would come up with it because he's a lawyer. Seriously, this episode was well done.


In the end, when the pastor was all "you can't say no to your husband"? That was chilling, on multiple levels; especially considering the fact he was about to become the husband of that little girl. "In name only" my ass. Carisi held back, and I almost wish he hadn't.


Speaking of Carisi, he is officially the best character, no? I just joked about it, but the fact he was seething but he didn't get violent is refreshing. I continue to wish they don't turn him into Stabler 3.0, and I'm glad they managed to hold off on the violent streak even as they made him a hardcore(-ish) Catholic. Not that Carisi can really be hardcore. His version of Stabler-esque Catholicism is, like, "Respect people's beliefs, you guys! Also, there are some good priests out there. Oh and my mom is praying for ya!". He's so cute.


And that scene with him and Rollins? I mean. Carisi was there for her, all supportive and nice and "there's nothing you can't handle", saying everything she needed to hear. I'm so glad she opened up to him. They have such a great dynamic and Carisi is such a sweet character, it makes sense that she'd feel comfortable around him. Such a nice moment. I still don't see a romantic vibe between them, on either side (and you'd think Carisi would be totally obvious if he had a crush, no?), but I could be convinced. Like, this could be a Look Who's Talking situation. Carisi babysitting, scaring off Amanda's dates. I can see that.


Also, Carisi and kids? Babysitting a whole gaggle of them? Letting his niece drool all over him? Aw.


No but seriously, Carisi is officially the best character.

Edited by Princess Lucky
  • Love 21
All the action happened in the last 5 minutes

Except for the part at the beginning where the oily pastor/lawyer showed up with pretty much a flashing neon "Perp" sign on his forehead. That's what disappointed me the most, that the culprit was so obvious right away.


So tired of the new sargeant saying, "My dad always says..." What a daddy's boy! Just when we were starting to forget how you got the job (well, not really), you throw in some folksy piece of wisdom from dear old dad.

I'm just waiting to find out what the real dirt is on him that he and daddy are trying to hide by stashing him in SVU.


Olivia's hair looks unbelievably terrible. I'd read that in the recaps, but I didn't believe how serious it was until I saw it with my own two eyes.

And this week is a MAJOR MAJOR improvement, too.


I liked the episode a lot. It had a sense of humor about itself, for once. Then it had to go and ruin it with a preview for a Noah-sode. Y'all: NO ONE CARES. Even Noah's like, "Guys, I'm trying to play with blocks, can we not?"

  • Love 13

Is Carisi always this awesome? I admit I had to tap out of the series during the Amaro era (that actor really gets on my nerves), so this is my first brand-new episode in a while, and I was pretty impressed with it. Well, with Carisi, who somehow manages to be outraged about the cases without being the slightest bit self-righteous. It's a good balance, and I liked it. I also, obviously, continue to be a fan of Fin, because: come on.

Carisi was fine enough last season. But every episode so far this season he just seems to be getting better and better, so yeah he's pretty awesome steadily. Though last season with Amaro still around and all I kept having this feeling he was gonna turn bad or leave or something so that could be a factor in why I didn't enjoy him as much last season and am fully on the Carisi train now. Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 1

Is Carisi always this awesome? I admit I had to tap out of the series during the Amaro era (that actor really gets on my nerves), so this is my first brand-new episode in a while, and I was pretty impressed with it. Well, with Carisi, who somehow manages to be outraged about the cases without being the slightest bit self-righteous. It's a good balance, and I liked it. I also, obviously, continue to be a fan of Fin, because: come on.

Last season he had some pretty great episodes too, but he was still a little uneven (he was the new guy so he was always the one who would say something dumb for the others to correct). This season it's like the writers are paying attention. If you liked him last night, you should totally watch all the episodes of S17 (which are all Amaro-free); Carisi has been consistently awesome. And there are some great S16 Amaro-free episodes with Carisi too, though I'd have to look them up. Amaro was almost a non-entity last season though, so you could probably still enjoy it because Carisi had a surprising amount of screentime.


Disclaimer: I actually liked Amaro and I love Danny Pino, but I ended up disliking the character after all the drama (at least he was redeemed right before he left). That said, Carisi is what got me back into SVU on a weekly basis, as opposed to binge-watching, like, 6 episodes every 3 months.

  • Love 2

I liked the episode a lot. It had a sense of humor about itself, for once. Then it had to go and ruin it with a preview for a Noah-sode. Y'all: NO ONE CARES. Even Noah's like, "Guys, I'm trying to play with blocks, can we not?"

I said, out loud: "Oh, Jesus" when I saw the previews for next week. I hope whoever kidnaps him gets him a haircut.

  • Love 6
Except for the part at the beginning where the oily pastor/lawyer showed up with pretty much a flashing neon "Perp" sign on his forehead. That's what disappointed me the most, that the culprit was so obvious right away.


Seriously. I checked out of this show when Meloni left, but I tuned in last night when I heard they were going to be riffing on the Duggars, because heh. I too called the pastor on being the perp the instant he appeared - dude had "perv" written all over his smarmy-expressioned face - and was also somewhat annoyed that he did in fact end up being the rapist. When they finally put it together I actually yelled at my TV, "I told you that 45 minutes ago!!!" I guess after being on the air for 16 years (!) this show can't help but fully embrace its paint-by-numbers predictability. Oh well, at least they surprised me a little with the youngest 13aker actually being the other daughter's child with Father Freak.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 2

I'd like a live thread while the episode airs, if you are stilling listening to opinions.


Really good episode. The cold entry creeped me out like I haven't been creeped out in a while. Which I guess wasn't the point of the episode but God. Carisi continues to be a delight from the suits to the babybsitting to the Rollins-sitting to his Catholic indignation to his general awesomness. Loving him, I hope they keep writing him like this, even if I know the angst is inevitable.


I like Rollins. I like that she is freaking out and just know realising the decision she made. I want to hug her and give her cookies.


No Barba! Just mentions of him and that's just mean. It breaks my heart when he's not there. Can we have some episodes that are about Carisi and Barba? Maybe a spin off? Law & Order: Sexy Waistcoats Unit?

  • Love 12



In the end, when the pastor was all "you can't say no to your husband"? That was chilling, on multiple levels; especially considering the fact he was about to become the husband of that little girl. "In name only" my ass. Carisi held back, and I almost wish he hadn't.


Speaking of Carisi, he is officially the best character, no?


I was begging for ANYONE to punch that guy, or ram his face into a column, or anything. Carisi. Liv.  The mom. Fin. The dad. The secretly awesome state trooper. The creepy judge. Literally anyone, and I wouldn't have cared if they did it for the right reasons, or because that was the only way to get him to shut the hell up and stop making things even worse for himself (if you're on someone's side, you do not let them keep sneering the three phrases they learned at Bubba Joe Bob's Unaccredited Christian Online Law School at the effing cops), or even because oops, my fist slipped. That face needed some breaking.


And yes. Yes he is.  

  • Love 5


Liv's hair has figured its shit out.


You think so? I thought it looked lank and sad. I want her to go back either to the short cut with the long bangs from seasons 4-5, or to the season 15 look.


And then of course there's Noah, who's baaaaaaack ... [ack being the operative syllable]



Nitpick--- I'm a twice-a-year church going Catholic, and even I'm sick of the constant misuse of "Immaculate Conception" in TV/movies. I cringed when Liv said it. All those years with El and Amaro should have taught her better. Is no one ever, ever allowed to correct a script writer when it's put in like that?


I'm LUTHERAN and it drives me around the bend. As to correcting scriptwriters, no one anywhere in the English-speaking world uses editors or proofreaders anymore, so I just throw up my hands [and throw up] in despair.

  • Love 3

I wanted to like Dodds, but his behavior this episode was a 180 from the last one. In the last ep, he seemed incredibly competent and was putting in the work, but this ep, he's all "Meh, this seems too hard. Let's just forget about it." Plus his comment at the end - "I thought we were taking rapists off the streets, not out of churches." So... you want to keep rapists in churches? I hope they hammer out what his character is supposed to be, because I'm not feeling it right now. 


The not-Duggar Mom also bugged me - you were fine when you thought your own son got your 13 year old daughter pregnant, but the priest was too far?

  • Love 6

I had already decided not to like this episode cause well the Duggars. But it was good. They proved me wrong so good for you show. No Barba is obviously a crime. Continue not to be a fan of Dodds Jr tho, I don't want him to become a regular but I have a feeling it will be Warren's send off gift from hell to me. Amanda breaking down at the hospital was awesome. Carisi is a doll but part of me still wished it could've been Fin by her side. Kelli/Peter play off each other very well though. I love continuity so following up on Amandas weird TV obsessions was a small gesture I appreciated.


As for the preview I'm pretty sure it's the promo/preview monkeys trying to lure in the Benoah fans. The ep is supposed to be about a kidnapped teenage girl & Dodds Jr inner turmoil (yeah sounds about as thrilling as any Benoah drama) so I'm sure the ltl rascal is just hiding under a slide or something.


Oh and belated happy b-day to Jessa Duggar Seewald. The irony of your b-day & this ep airing on the same day. But then again they have so many kids the chance is rather high the date would collide with one of them kids' b-day.


He must have called his mom to light a candle for Rollins!



And that scene with him and Rollins? I mean. Carisi was there for her, all supportive and nice and "there's nothing you can't handle", saying everything she needed to hear. I'm so glad she opened up to him. They have such a great dynamic and Carisi is such a sweet character, it makes sense that she'd feel comfortable around him. Such a nice moment. I still don't see a romantic vibe between them,

Yeah, that was a short but sweet moment in a solid but really icky episode (in terms of the topic at hand. Incest and priests having sex with minors. You could have that in two separate episodes but SVU doubled down on it in one). I also like how Rollins finally broke down and doubted if she can even do the whole single mom thing at all. IMO, it's a good callback to the previous episode of her mom abandoning her because she refused to help her sister. Hey, maybe now that Rollins knows she needs help, Declan will finally put an end to this undercover sex trafficking ring and come back to town!

  • Love 4

What the fuck was that.  That was one of the most disjointed, worst written, worst acted episodes I've ever seen.  What a mess.  All the action happened in the last 5 minutes and at that point we're expected to believe:  Mama Bear is going all HAM in on the pastor immediately, the daughter does a 180 on the pastor immediately (who 5 minutes ago she was in love with and wanted to marry), and the father just stands there with the biggest DUH look on his face, literally not reacting, emoting, or saying ANYTHING.  God, I'm pissed


And that new guy hasn't taken Criminology 101?  He literally doesn't know the basic tenet that "Stranger Danger" that people have been talking about for the past century or so is mostly a myth?  That 90% of sexual assaults are by people that the victim already knows?  He doesn't fucking know that?  You expect me to believe this shit?  

Seriously that was awful. I think the writers completely forgot the father existed. The poor actor had to stand around being an accessory to a scene that he should have had greater prominence. He was ready to beat down the camera guy but couldn't do more but hold his wife's shoulders in this scene. But I did hit floor laughing when Olivia uttered the phrase about his wife cheating on him, and the actor nearly did a sista neck roll with a "say what" and glared at Olivia. He looked so much like Barba with that look

Edited by Iguessnot
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