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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

My reaction to this post is probably inappropriate, so I’ll just post........ along with Meri’s reply:


Wahhhh! Please spare me the dramatics! If she needs others to make her feel validated than she needs to see a therapist for her self esteem issues. She needs to watch a Stuart Smalley video or something... What a bunch of verbal diarrhea! Honestly, I think she just loves playing the victim. Just my opinion. 

Edited by VegasVixen
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48 minutes ago, VegasVixen said:

Wahhhh! Please spare me the dramatics! If she needs others to make her feel validated than she needs to see a therapist for her self esteem issues. She needs to watch a Stuart Smalley video or something... What a bunch of verbal diarrhea! Honestly, I think she just loves playing the victim. Just my opinion. 

She & Meri should both watch Stuart Smalley videos (but we do not need to see videos of them watching the videos or re-enacting them, thankyou). 

After deciding not to become another plyg sisterwife victim, she took on the queer coffee-swilling smothered-waffle yoga-poseur victim mantle.

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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

Wow, that's like a job description to be a Meri or a Pudge.  Every single word fits!

Every single word fits for a lot of people today.  I wish I could love @Sofa Sloth's post ten thousand time because of that!  Never heard of "Covert Narcissist" before but it is spot on!

I was just reading something the other day about how some psychologists blame social media for helping to encourage what I think is basically this form of Narcissism because it encourages young people to need validation from the social group over validation from family, friends and ultimately themselves.  Plus the fact that social media skews their perception of their value either by making them feel far too important or insignificant than should really be the case is what actually makes them  need to constantly seek an external validation.  It becomes absolutely necessary to get it from the social group because they think that group is the authority and so much better than they are, and hence they never learn how to give themselves validation.  If that "cool" social group is not noticing/fawning over them or heaven forbid someone insults them they can't just be resilient and shrug it off and recover from it without reacting like a victim and getting their social group to tell them it's not true.  Hence their self esteem is completely externally based as opposed to coming from within.  Meri is being co-dependent in responding the way she did in that post above and only perpetuating her daughter's unhealthy syndrome.

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5 hours ago, TurtlePower said:


Mariah’s acting like it’s 50 years ago or something. There are still haters, but it’s very widely accepted now, more than it has ever been. I think it’s pretty amazing, but here’s Mariah the Victim, following right in her mother’s footsteps. 

I know, Mariah and the "woke" crowd often act like it's 50 years ago right now when it comes to progressive social issues.  I was around 50 years ago and it was far more progressive then than they even think today is.  I think there are a lot of voices online that are spreading the victim mentality around and I believe it's contributing to a mass distortion of history and present day reality.  They see huge movements of backwards thinking haters everywhere that don't exist just based on a few nasty posts on their timeline or some other paranoid post they read online.  It's like paranoia en masse.

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I think true self-acceptance would favor a warm, genuine smile, not a prescribed, trending facial pose.  I wonder if Mariah realizes what her frantic search for healing reveals about the dynamics of her upbringing. Her pain seems genuine because she returns to it continually, even in the midst of seeming personal abundance.  It appears her raising was beyond the garden-variety familial dysfunction. She spent her birthday in tears.  Kody (and maybe a couple of the other adults) can’t be thrilled with her open emotional wrestlings on social media, which only spotlight uncomfortable realities.  Maybe Mariah deserves a good many special coffees and avocado toasts. I often consider that were it not for the reality show, she might’ve been the poster child for Mormon polygamy - as one of her sister’s sister wives. Her current situation seems preferable since it at least allows her the distance and the freedom and the funds and the time to search for actual Truth at some point.  I hope/pray she has an actual chance. 

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More insight from your *Sofa psychologist into Mariah/Meri and how poor Auj (and maybe Meri’s sister wives) feel. No wonder Auj is depressed! *disclaimer I am thoroughly unqualified as a psychologist just pure speculating and copying from psychology books 😆 

In a Relationship with a Covert Narcissist? 

Since one of the hallmark traits of narcissistic personality disorder is lack of empathy, the covert narcissist is not going to be emotionally responsive to their partner in a healthy way. They are inept at building and nurturing emotional bonds with others. How could they know how to maintain bonds with others if their energy is always focused on themselves? 

The danger is in not seeing through the facade of a covert narcissist, because they're more passive. But they can be just as destructive to relationships as the extroverted types. The emotional abuse might be more silent and subtle, but can wear you down and demoralize you. Your needs and pleas for attention will be discounted or ignored. You can get sucked into trying to constantly console and help this manipulative martyr to no avail. There’s no way you can fill their emptiness, fulfil their need for attention or change their victim mentality.

You will likely not receive many compliments from a covert narcissist as they are always focused on staying elevated to maintain their sense of self-importance and to acknowledge someone else’s attributes would undermine that. If you are complimented, it may be a public performance, which serves only as a purpose to fulfil their own ego and status with others - eg ‘how great is this girlfriend of mine?’ The emphasis being you are an mere extension of them, a possession to be envied. Although the covert is more likely to appear emotionally accessible, it tends to be a performance and usually done with intent to exploit or eventually leave the person feeling small through disregard, blaming, or shaming.

Meanwhile, your self-esteem is gradually undermined. The narcissist lacks empathy for you, won’t see you as a separate individual, and will do what’s necessary to maintain power and control. Their pain and needs will always take precedence, so you’re left feeling alone, neglected, low and resentful. 

Giving Back

In general, narcissists are not givers. They find it difficult to put energy into anything that doesn't serve them in some way. A covert narcissist might present themselves in a way that looks like they are giving, but their giving behavior is only demonstrated with the intent of getting something in return.

A simple, everyday example could be something like giving money to a busker on the street. A covert narcissist would be much more likely to put change in the jar when they know the performer or others are looking, in order to help facilitate some kind of interaction that allows them to be praised for giving, they then may cast their net wider and subtly post about the interaction on social media or drop it into future conversation, fishing for further praise and validation from the same experience. Giving anything for a covert narcissist is always more about them and and less about those to whom they are giving.

Edited by Sofa Sloth
Adding my disclaimer 😆
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I wonder if Meri & Mariah feel better or worse about themselves after deleting social media responses about them that they don't like.  If they delete them, they don't exactly go away because someone usually got a screen grab before the deletion and posts it.  If they leave them up, they could garner more sympathy for their victimhood.  But can people without empathy feel/appreciate empathy from others?

Edited by deirdra
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1 hour ago, deirdra said:

I wonder if Meri & Mariah feel better or worse about themselves after deleting social media responses about them that they don't like.  If they delete them, they don't exactly go away because someone usually got a screen grab before the deletion and posts it.  If they leave them up, they could garner more sympathy for their victimhood.  But can people without empathy feel/appreciate empathy from others?

I think they feel better as they can simply pretend there is no critical analysis of them or negative opinions. They can’t take them so they simply erase them instead of allowing them to stand opposing their own stance. Remember that for narcissists like them, the only right opinions and comments are those that mirror their own views and flatter them. If anyone dares question them or provide a different viewpoint then they are deemed haters and bullies and will be deleted, blocked and then Meri/Mariah will play the victim, attacking with a passive aggressive public post to garner sympathy and attention. 

Edited by Sofa Sloth
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Whaaa, cry me a river Mariah, so you got some negative feedback on SM- then stay off it. Being what a social justice major ( I think) why don't you examine your own family of grifters. Apparently, the fled Utah not because they were Plygs, but because of food stamp fraud. Robyn as the ring leader now has led the fambily to the promised land of angels sinkging and worthless land. I think the real reason why Kody married her was yet for another scam, she has the most kids at home under 18 which means more $ at tax time, of course when Janelle puts down her fork to do the taxes.

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5 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Hey, Audge?  Pudge is never going to love you as much as she loves herself, yoga, expensive coffee, herself, avocado toast, whining, self-care, and herself.  You might want to get out now.  And please take the dogs with you.

Oh, and Pudge?  I sincerely hope that your "cute, queer friends" sit you down and ask you to kindly STFU and stop representing them.  You were babied to within an inch of your princess life at the expense of your 29 other brothers and sisters.  You never wanted for anything growing up, and when you came out to your extended family, no one threw you out of the house or disowned you.  You now live a life that is entirely self-centered at the expense of someone you claim to love, who - in case you missed it - is apparently going through her own struggles.  "Erasure" must've been the word of the day on your woke social justice calendar so you thought you'd craft a story around it.  If your struggle is that you were raised to believe that being gay is wrong within your father's fake church, then let that be your narrative.  Sitting there with your squinty smile, XXS yoga pants and crunchy hair proclaiming that you have it soooooooo hard is just a bunch of word salad blather.  Now unless you want a thorough soaking, there are several hoses pointed directly at you so you might want to get off our lawns ASAP.

Standing ovation 👏🏻 You nailed it.

*cranks up COL hose to full blast in preparation*

She is beyond insufferable with her woe-is-me perceived persecution for attention  (just like her dad). If anyone IS trying to ‘erase’ her, it’s surely certainly not because she’s gay, it’s because she’s an annoying self-absorbed, narcissistic, precious snowflake attention-whore.


#sorrynotsorry #comeatmeMeri #iwillhoseyoutoo

Edited by Sofa Sloth
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22 minutes ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Standing ovation 👏🏻 You nailed it.

*cranks up COL hose to full blast in preparation*

She is beyond insufferable with her woe-is-me perceived persecution for attention  (just like her dad). If anyone IS trying to ‘erase’ her, it’s surely certainly not because she’s gay, it’s because she’s an annoying self-absorbed, narcissistic, precious snowflake attention-whore.


#sorrynotsorry #comeatmeMeri #iwillhoseyoutoo

Even our new friend, Ms Harrietta McHose has better choice in clothing than all the Brown girls together in LLN

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Even our new friend, Ms Harrietta McHose has better choice in clothing than all the Brown girls together in LLN

Right? They’re nice flattering slacks that she obviously took pride in ironing (due to the fact they are made of a quality material that requires a press), her shirt is non-offensive neutral pattern and fits well and doesn’t look like it was worn by a toddler during a finger painting session. My COL ambassador here could definitely teach them a thing or two about classic style. 

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1 hour ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Standing ovation 👏🏻 You nailed it.

*cranks up COL hose to full blast in preparation*

She is beyond insufferable with her woe-is-me perceived persecution for attention  (just like her dad). If anyone IS trying to ‘erase’ her, it’s surely certainly not because she’s gay, it’s because she’s an annoying self-absorbed, narcissistic, precious snowflake attention-whore.


#sorrynotsorry #comeatmeMeri #iwillhoseyoutoo

I always feel bad for Meri in these situations, as that narcissistic daughter of hers will NEVER be able to return the amount of love that Meri has for Mariah.  Whenever I see Meri in "mama bear" mode, I just feel sad for her.  😔

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1 hour ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

I always feel bad for Meri in these situations, as that narcissistic daughter of hers will NEVER be able to return the amount of love that Meri has for Mariah.  Whenever I see Meri in "mama bear" mode, I just feel sad for her.  😔

I get a twinge of sadness, too, that Meri has an even more self-absorbed daughter than she is herself.  Then I remember what an insufferable bitch Meri is, and how she's taken advantage of her fandom by roping X number of delusional people into her downline, working their butts off, and that will possibly never recoup their investments, and I think:  Go suck an egg, Mother Meri.  And take Precious Princess Pudge with you.

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1 hour ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

I always feel bad for Meri in these situations, as that narcissistic daughter of hers will NEVER be able to return the amount of love that Meri has for Mariah. 

Meri is a vicious blood sucking bitch and I have no sympathy for her at all.  You reap what you sow.  She taught her daughter well on how to be what a narcissistic, self-absorbed princess so she shouldn't expect anything different.

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With Meri and Kody genes, it is no wonder that Mariah is the most attention-seeking victim of the kids (so far). 

Mosby appears to be thriving, though I'd prefer to see him secured in the back seat, not on Pudge's lap where he could be killed in an accident or injured by an exploding airbag.  Is Auj now Snowflake's chauffeur?

Edited by deirdra
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2 hours ago, deirdra said:

With Meri and Kody genes, it is no wonder that Mariah is the most attention-seeking victim of the kids (so far). 

Mosby appears to be thriving, though I'd prefer to see him secured in the back seat, not on Pudge's lap where he could be killed in an accident or injured by an exploding airbag.  Is Auj now Snowflake's chauffeur?

I can’t help but feel a little bad for Auj. Imagine being in a relationship with Mariah? You could never have your feelings validated or possibly even acknowledged. If it’s true what she’s said about being depressed, she is on that island alone! Mariah is so busy being in love with herself and her victimhood that Auj isn’t event a blip on her radar. 

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7 hours ago, FreemefromTV said:

Mariah is so busy being in love with herself and her victimhood that Auj isn’t event a blip on her radar. 

A great MO for a potential social worker.  She'll probably match and raise every one of her client's issue like it's a poker game.

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13 hours ago, ginger90 said:


"Thriving!" Who is thriving?  Pudge?  The dog?  The dead bugs on the side mirror?  It's so vague!  Yet captivating!  How are you thriving, Pudge?  What is your secret?  Where are you going in your car?  Is that a park?  A forest?  Which forest?  Can I come too so I can also thrive?  Are you going to let your dog out to do some squirrel-chasing so that he, too, may thrive?  Are you getting coffee later?  Is Audge with you?

Stupid vague-booking.  I loathe it with every bone in my COL body.  

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14 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Meri is a vicious blood sucking bitch and I have no sympathy for her at all.  You reap what you sow.  She taught her daughter well on how to be what a narcissistic, self-absorbed princess so she shouldn't expect anything different.

Agreed. 😊

14 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

I get a twinge of sadness, too, that Meri has an even more self-absorbed daughter than she is herself.  Then I remember what an insufferable bitch Meri is, and how she's taken advantage of her fandom by roping X number of delusional people into her downline, working their butts off, and that will possibly never recoup their investments, and I think:  Go suck an egg, Mother Meri.  And take Precious Princess Pudge with you.

Point well-taken, my friend.  😊

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So which is it, Mariah?   Are you struggling with lack of validation or are you thriving?

The woman with the hose is probably wearing Alfred Dunner pants and shirts (I know this because I see them in some of the clothing catalogs that I still get in the mail because I am a COL).    Lulurags makes Alfred Dunner clothing look like haute couture which is quite a remarkable feat.

I have my hose aimed and ready!!

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10 minutes ago, Twopper said:

So which is it, Mariah?   Are you struggling with lack of validation or are you thriving?

The woman with the hose is probably wearing Alfred Dunner pants and shirts (I know this because I see them in some of the clothing catalogs that I still get in the mail because I am a COL).    Lulurags makes Alfred Dunner clothing look like haute couture which is quite a remarkable feat.

I have my hose aimed and ready!!

Aaaahhh, that Mercurial Mariah.  One hour she's up, the next she's down. 

Pity Audge and dogs, who must stay ever alert to her mood swings.

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On 10/2/2019 at 1:22 PM, Sandy W said:

I honestly don't know what she's looking for here.  A March Past with a Salute?  If Mariah feels invalidated, that's on her.  There are many people struggling just to exist that don't seek this mass approval and accolades just for being who they are and are feeling isolated and confronting daily challenges.

The funny thing is, Mariah is so damn prickly, that if there was a groundswell of folx validating her, she would promptly tell them to mind their own business, who she loves should not concern anyone else.

I want to know WHO is making her feel invalidated.  Is this someone in her family?  Poor thing is just so tortured!  FFS, you are an entitled white woman with a family on a reality show who isn't hurting for money, you KNOW where your next meal is coming from, you are not disabled, you aren't homeless, you have Queer White Shoes!, you are loved, you have time to write these self serving posts.  What the fuck is the problem!!!???  Sofa Sloth, hose on aisle 3!

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On 10/3/2019 at 8:48 AM, laurakaye said:

And speaking of "Erasure," I've had the song "A Little Respect" playing on repeat in my head all morning.

(where my 80's girls at?!) 😎

Now it is in MY head!  I will take your A Little Respect and raise you Hey Mickey!  The ultimate earworm.  HA!

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4 hours ago, Sandy W said:

Aaaahhh, that Mercurial Mariah.  One hour she's up, the next she's down. 

The thing is, I don't think she's either.  She's too busy loving herself to have mood swings, it's clearly a full time job

I'd wager her "filllings" postings are just to punk her followers and elicit squeals of joy or tears of despair for Princess.

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23 hours ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

I always feel bad for Meri in these situations, as that narcissistic daughter of hers will NEVER be able to return the amount of love that Meri has for Mariah.  Whenever I see Meri in "mama bear" mode, I just feel sad for her.  😔

21 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

I get a twinge of sadness, too, that Meri has an even more self-absorbed daughter than she is herself. 

To use a modern term, as Truely is to Christine, I believe Mariah has always been Meri's ""emotional support daughter"".  Her attachment to Mariah has always been for her emotional needs so much more than raising a future adult, tax paying person.

On the subject of Covert Narcissism. It's nasty.  I am a survivor of a Covert Narcissistic mother. Sadly it is way to easy to just slip into a lifelong training instead of fighting against it.  Knowing Kody's over the top hyper personality and Mariah's family dynamic (including the cult training that is the Fundie Mormon's belief structure), it isn't surprising to see Mariah follow in the footsteps of both her parents.  She has only converted the blind zeal that she had for her former religious beliefs and transferred it to her newly found wokeness.  Her Instagram is nothing more than a new modern way of her proselytizing to the masses. A technique the LDS church uses by sending young people on missions to cement their beliefs firmly in their head. To use the Browns most favorite word...validation.

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1 hour ago, Roslyn said:

it isn't surprising to see Mariah follow in the footsteps of both her parents.  She has only converted the blind zeal that she had for her former religious beliefs and transferred it to her newly found wokeness.  Her Instagram is nothing more than a new modern way of her proselytizing to the masses. A technique the LDS church uses by sending young people on missions to cement their beliefs firmly in their head. To use the Browns most favorite word...validation.

So much THIS!

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On 9/27/2019 at 5:54 PM, lookeyloo said:

Restorative Justice is really a thing.  I used to be involved somewhat before I retired.  I would love to read her paper.

How hard do you think she finds it not to use “I” or “mememe” in her school papers? 😂 because you know it’s damn sure not really about anyone else than how she feels about it. 

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6 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I want to know WHO is making her feel invalidated.  Is this someone in her family?  Poor thing is just so tortured!  FFS, you are an entitled white woman with a family on a reality show who isn't hurting for money, you KNOW where your next meal is coming from, you are not disabled, you aren't homeless, you have Queer White Shoes!, you are loved, you have time to write these self serving posts.  What the fuck is the problem!!!???  Sofa Sloth, hose on aisle 3!

Queer White Shoes is now my imaginary band’s name.

Why is she looking for validation from others anyway. I thought she was strong and independent. Instead random opinions on the internet are too much for her fragile ego. It must be exhausting to be her.

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14 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

A great MO for a potential social worker.  She'll probably match and raise every one of her client's issue like it's a poker game.

I just hope to God she does not go into that field for real. She would cause much more harm than good to her clients. Everything has to be about her and social work is definitely not that!

Edited by Gramto6
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On 10/2/2019 at 12:58 PM, ginger90 said:

My reaction to this post is probably inappropriate, so I’ll just post........ along with Meri’s reply:


@ginger90, my first thought was “I’ve never had a problem with Erasure... I fucking love that band!!”

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Pancakes, maple syrup, and whipped cream.  Ordinarily I'd say that was a very fattening breakfast, but it looks like there's no cream in the coffee so I guess it's diet friendly.  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Pudge is what's passing for "educated" these days.  How sad.

Box pancakes, what a gal.  Are SludgePudge going to start contributing their recipes to Janelle's Strive (Strife) posts?  Why not?  They're about the same level.

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I thought I counted five pannycakes! Either way, with syrup AND whipped cream, far too many for someone who preaches healthy this, healthy that, my body is a temple on the daily

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2 hours ago, suomi said:

I thought I counted five pannycakes! Either way, with syrup AND whipped cream, far too many for someone who preaches healthy this, healthy that, my body is a temple on the daily

It's a new think called mindful eating.  Eating what your body wants.  😝🤣

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