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S06.E10: A Judge Decides

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I actually shed a tear watching the family in the courtroom get all choked up.  That said, Dayton still looks confused and pushed into this by the adults.  I don't think he gets why they're all worked up about it but he just wants to please them.  Showing Meri at the keyboard talking about all her "mixed emotions" since the divorce made me think she was chatting up the Catfish right then and there.  She keeps pounding home the point that everything she's done is "all about the kids", like I sense an underlying "What about me?" in there, like she feels like she's been put out on the ice floe.

  • Love 10

Meri seemed to be very careful, but it was obvious what her talking about her emotions and keeping them to herself were really about, and then the editing with the sneaky entering into the door to her computer room and her checking her phone.  That editing is hopefully headed toward the catfishing.  Then again, maybe TLC is gonna drag this along and then not show anything in hopes of bigger ratings.  Who knows?


If I was in charge of the show, I would be sifting through all the footage looking for just the kind of things you described so I could use the hell out of it.  Even if the Browns were refusing the actively participate in making it a story line, I would still have some fun tweaking the audience's noses with it.  


It would be too good to resist.  

  • Love 6

Since I posted in the other thread with the typo that may get deleted, I'll repost what I wrote here:


Aurora is very attached to Kody, and then tonight during the dinner scene Kody calls Aurora Mrs. Brown accidentally.  It just seemed weird.  My Dad and I were close, but he never called me Mrs even as a joke.  Maybe that is what happens when you have so many wives, you just automatically call everyone mrs brown.  You got a car?  Mrs. Brown!!!


Meri seemed to be very careful, but it was obvious what her talking about her emotions and keeping them to herself were really about, and then the editing with the sneaky entering into the door to her computer room and her checking her phone.  That editing is hopefully headed toward the catfishing.  Then again, maybe TLC is gonna drag this along and then not show anything in hopes of bigger ratings.  Who knows?

  • Love 7

My goodness, they beat the adoption horse to a horrible, bloody death tonight.  By the end of the episode, I was halfway rooting for it just to get it the hell over with.  It's difficult for me to focus on very much about this episode besides poor Dayton.  That kid is in so far over his head here . . . and the adults know it.  Kody even said laughingly at one point that he "doesn't know what's going on," or something to that effect.  The fact that Dayton stated multiple times that he was confused and conflicted was laughed off repeatedly.  Dayton seems like a really level-headed kid.  I refuse to ignore the fact that he outright stated that he was unsure of what was going on.  The coercion and rehearsed answers could not be more obvious.  How many times over the last year do you think Robyn has pounded the idea of adoption in those kids' heads? 


I couldn't help but notice that the more miserable Meri is, the better and happier Janelle and Christine look.  Good for them.  It's about time those poor ladies had some peace.  (What I wouldn't give to know who texted Meri in her "office" when she slammed that phone down.  Sam?  Jackie?)


The Aurora Creepymeter was pinging hard when she walked into the courtroom holding Kody's hand with the rest of the family, including Robyn, a few paces behind them.  She is in desperate need of boundaries, but Kody won't create any because her adoration feeds his ego.


I hated the way Kody sauntered out of the bathroom like an asshole after the scripted moment where he taught Dayton to tie his tie.  "Tuck in your shirt!"  Ugh, hatehatehate. 


Funniest moment: When Truely said that parents don't play, they work.  Where the eff did she get that idea with this bunch of grifters?


David Preston Jessop?  Where are you, buddy, and why are you allowing this?

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 22

Dayton is the most thoughtful and intelligent one of the bunch.  Poor kid openly says he is confused, but no one follows up on it.  He's just trying to keep the peace.  Was the judge informed that he is on the autism spectrum?  I would hope that a judge would want to REALLY be convinced that he understood what he was signing.


Anyone know who all those other people in the courtroom were?

  • Love 5

I'm not happy for these weirdos at all. This adoption is unnecessary. If David Jessop were truly terrible they'd be shouting it from the rooftops. It's great that Kody wants to be a committed stepdad, but they have a real, live bio dad. The way the adults are acting about this makes me so uncomfortable. Aurora is a very disturbed child. I can see Dayton and Breanna struggling with it and trying to be excited because the adults are. I feel very bad for them.

  • Love 10

I figured that vague talking head about Meri having a lot of conflicted feelings was going to be the most they'd refer to the whole catfishing thing, but then i saw the "calm before the storm" promo. Heh. I'm sure they're going to incredibly downplay it and talk about only how Meri was emotionally preyed on and nothing about her wanting to actually physically cheat on Kody, but I'm still looking forward to his inevitable butthurt about being cuckolded. I would be incredibly interested in seeing if they interview any of the older kids about it, though I don't know that they would. 

  • Love 1

"We've been working towards this for a year of our lives."  Then the ass-hats couldn't even be on time?!  Kody had already listed being on time as one of the things he hoped would happen on the big day.  HOPED!  I have never been in a courtroom, through tickets, a divorce, observing for a class, etc., where the judge was seated before the respondents / petitioners entered.  I guess having an over-sized family means that the world operates on your (Brown or Duggar) time.  Kody and Robyn were astonished that they were sworn in while the entourage was still filing in.  The judge was waiting for you!  I'm just glad it is done.  I grew as tired of hearing about adopting Day'unauroranbrienna as I did of hearing about the end all be all of getting into "The Houses."  This is the show I love to hate! 

  • Love 10

Meri can claim til the cows come home that the divorce was for the sake of adopting the kids, but why so miserable? Noticed how they panned to her sourpuss face when the lawyer was talking about people who divorce and then get back together. Why would that statement have anything to do with Meri the Martyr who only divorced "for the kids!", and whose professed religious beliefs dictate that the legal marriage is less important than the spiritual marriage? When they first showed the scene in front of the computer, I assumed they'd show it was the divorce decree she was moping over, but then I realized it was probably to foreshadow the catfishing.

Aurora continues to annoy. But I do have to say that I enjoyed Maddie and her parents' excitement over her relationship. However, Kody saying he was excited when he thought he was going to be a grandfather was creepy. I mean, what father wants their college freshman (right?), whom he at the time didn't even know was in a relationship, to announce a pregnancy?

Edited by Katydid
  • Love 3

I figured that vague talking head about Meri having a lot of conflicted feelings was going to be the most they'd refer to the whole catfishing thing, but then i saw the "calm before the storm" promo. Heh. I'm sure they're going to incredibly downplay it and talk about only how Meri was emotionally preyed on and nothing about her wanting to actually physically cheat on Kody, but I'm still looking forward to his inevitable butthurt about being cuckolded. I would be incredibly interested in seeing if they interview any of the older kids about it, though I don't know that they would. 


That's my take on it too - I also think they might go so far as to claim that a lot of what the scam artist claimed happened was a lie or at the very least revisionist history with the aim of making Meri look like she was cheating when that wasn't her intention.  I can see Meri saying that she thought she was "making a friend" nothing more, or that she didn't realize what she was being led into because of "all her conflicting emotions at the time after the divorce", blah, blah, blah, yeah, right sure....Snore...zzzzzzzz

  • Love 2

The "Mrs. Brown" slip was weird. I also noticed for the first time that Aurora is taller than her mom, and she can't be older than 13. 


I thought it was lovely that Madison wanted to tell Christine with Janelle and Kody. Man, that must have stung Robin. 


Truely is great. She doesn't have time for these adults being silly. 

  • Love 12

When Kody and all the wives were doing their TH on the couch, there was obviously someone out of camera range with a gun pointed at Meri.  Poor girl looked like she wanted to be anyplace else.  I'd love to know who called or texted her when she was at the computer.  


I've been staying my dad's house lately. I was in a back room and heard him on the living room TV watching a special about Warren Jeffs. Of course I had to come and fill him in on everything, he's probably wondering why I know so much about polygamy. So last week I was watching Sister Wives in this back bedroom (spare room) and remembered I had told him the Sister Wives gang wasn't part of this FLDS. So I call him over to come see how these plygs look normal compared to the ones at the Crick. It's a couch session and he stops and says, "except for that man woman at the end. Why is she so orange and her eyes all shifty?"  You got me, dad.

I was extremely disturbed by seeing Aurora holding Kody's hand while going into the Courtroom. It just didn't feel right, and I can't put my finger on it. It's giving me a Mildred Pierce vibe.


Nothing he and Aurora do feels right. 2 weeks ago when they went to California, they were standing in line at the fair. He comes and puts his arm on the fence right over/above her and got thisclose to her face and she was startled. It creeped me the fuck right out.

  • Love 12

I've been staying my dad's house lately. I was in a back room and heard him on the living room TV watching a special about Warren Jeffs. Of course I had to come and fill him in on everything, he's probably wondering why I know so much about polygamy. So last week I was watching Sister Wives in this back bedroom (spare room) and remembered I had told him the Sister Wives gang wasn't part of this FLDS. So I call him over to come see how these plygs look normal compared to the ones at the Crick. It's a couch session and he stops and says, "except for that man woman at the end. Why is she so orange and her eyes all shifty?"  You got me, dad.


Nothing he and Aurora do feels right. 2 weeks ago when they went to California, they were standing in line at the fair. He comes and puts his arm on the fence right over/above her and got thisclose to her face and she was startled. It creeped me the fuck right out.

Oh my, I think I love your dad. :)

  • Love 6

Can someone clarify something for me? Was there ever really a chance the judge wouldn't rule for the adoption? To me it just seemed more like a technicality, and unless someone involved legitimately objected it would be fine. I know how they like to play up the persecution, but I just want to be sure that's the case before I snark too hard about it.

And why do I get the feeling that changing Daytons name was more of an effort to erase Preston from their lives, than wanting his legal name to be Dayton... Funny how they kept David which he doesn't use, but Preston had to go.

I'm surprised Robyn even let them run late, she was not wasting any time, I laughed when they listed the possible dates and without even a thought she said the first day possible was the best date.

Maybe Truly should use those dolls to teach Christine what adults do... Like work.

  • Love 2

Dayton is the most thoughtful and intelligent one of the bunch. Poor kid openly says he is confused, but no one follows up on it. He's just trying to keep the peace. Was the judge informed that he is on the autism spectrum? I would hope that a judge would want to REALLY be convinced that he understood what he was signing.

Anyone know who all those other people in the courtroom were?

Looks like it was Sobbyn's family, her parents, her sister, and the sisters SO? It was an elderly couple that we hadn't seen before...they were in the family photo + , a guy with crop short dark hair, plus a brunette with longer hair (she wasn't in the family photo at the end).

I think this whole thing was just a formality. Did Jessop terminate his parental rights? I skipped the last few episodes and may have missed it. If Jessop didn't terminate his parental rights, then the 'adoption' just gives Kody legal rights to have a say in the kids' lives, in the event of Robyn being incapacitated, plus, the name change. Or maybe it's only a legal name change and they are calling it an adoption. Either way, It's not this big hoopla that they are making it out to be. The person benefitting most from the adoption deal is Robyn, cos now she has 3 more kids legally bound to Kody, once she pops out this new kid, she will be up there with 5 kids..equal footing with Janelle & Christine. Plus the whole legal marriage gives her a leg up on the other spiritual wives, no matter how they try to downplay it for us. It gives her stability, she can ask for child support and spousal support in the event of her deciding to ditch the tribe. She's entitled to his 401K, and his Social Security once she's been married to him for 10 years.

I still think This is part of the reason why Meri is so upset. She feels used and manipulated, but can't express it because, 'it's for the kids'.

Sobbyn's still ruling the roost. Well played shovel face. Well played.

---edited to add-----

Laughing at Kody who just referred to the court case as a 'landmark case'. As if he has once again paved the golden path for all polygamists to do "-----xyz----" insert appropriate verb of the week in there.

Now polygamists can live their truth freely. Now polygamists can have a compound. Now polygamists can have their own Joory business. Now polygamists can have a family motto. Now polygamists can have another wedding...and another...and another honeymoon. And another vacation. Now polygamists can not have jobs.

Edited by Spiderella2
  • Love 13

I don't know why, but I loved the judge starting the proceedings as the entire clan was still pouring in. He wasn't waiting fir anyone or anything. I guess he wasn't aware that this is a family that holds family meetings for big announcements like Meri made caramels, or Kody's wearing his hair in a pony tail today. Everything has to be BIG! TLC played this up for weeks, and tonight's episode was filled with high drama such as picking out outfits for the judge's chambers, and all the interviews of everyone saying how excited they were (right Meri?). But the judge wasn't playing. In and out in less than 5 minutes.

On another note, Maddie's always been my favorite, and tonight she didn't disappoint (although I'm a little concerned about this guy being considerably older. And how long has she known him for?). But I loved how she singled out Christine for the role she played in her upbringing. That was a kind and classy and mature thing to do.

One last note - man, Meri is so checked out. She can't even fake it anymore. It's a weird thing to watch.

  • Love 11

Christine's TH outfit last night was great!  Salmon ensemble, black blazer and boots.  Rocking it.  I don't know why she is not Dork's favorite wife.  She is cheerful, homey, the prettiest, loves him and is 100% in for polygamy.  Did you see her beautiful cascade of hair when she was waking up Truely?  I would love to have hair like that.  

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 14

I was extremely disturbed by seeing Aurora holding Kody's hand while going into the Courtroom. It just didn't feel right, and I can't put my finger on it. It's giving me a Mildred Pierce vibe.

You can't put your finger on it?? You've got to be kidding! Aurora's getting in line to be wife #5

Of course it's creepy and disgusting. But when you're a pugs must, it's what you do.

About Meris Orange complexion and mop hair. Maybe she goes to the sMe salon as Bob Massi.

I saw him on FOX news the other day and thought what a mess, orange skin and wild hair. Maybe it's Vegas.

  • Love 3

Blah, blah, blah, they're all Browns now. Who freaking cares? I'm more interested in analyzing Meri's faces during the couch sessions. Also, she seems to be on the computer A LOT lately. Just saying. 


Actually, I'm really glad the judge said "yes" to the adoption. Because if he had denied it, it would just give Kody another log in his persecution fire. It's 2015, no one cares that you're polygamists. Get over yourself. 


But did they really need to drag every damn one of them into the courtroom? Damn. Good thing the judge had nothing else going on that morning. Also, Mariah again? Surely that girl is not still attending college out of state. Unless this was all filmed during the summer? 


I'm with Truly - it's all incredibly, incredibly silly. 


I hope Maddie is happy with her guy. I know she's young, but it's not unusual for serious Christians to marry young. I know Mormons may not exactly be considered "Christian" (don't really want to get into that whole debate), but I just mean for those who have strict views about no sex before marriage, it's not unheard of for them to marry young. I just hope the guy is nice and she's truly happy. And I love that she told Christine first! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Sobyn and Sceri!

  • Love 3

Two things that stuck out for me from last night's episode.  


(1) I never knew that bending forward from the waist and flipping your thinning hair back was part of tying a necktie.  


(2) Kody and Robyn misrepresented their relationship to the judge.  Their lawyer asked them, "How long have you been their stepfather?"  Kody said it was at least 5 years.  Then the lawyer asked if they were legally married.  They responded that they were, but never said that they were only married for a few weeks/months.  They implied that they had been married for at least 5 years.  And, folks, a stepfather is defined as someone who is MARRIED to the mother.  (It's an important issue with me, because I found out as an adult that the man who lived with my mother and molested me for my entire childhood had never actually married her.  When I found that out, I never referred to him as my stepfather again.)


Oh, I almost forgot:


(3) If Robyn is due in January and this "hearing" was in June, why does she look about 6 months+ pregnant?  It looks like those couch sessions were filmed last week.

  • Love 9

Gawd, I hate the way Kody pronounces the word lawyer as loyer. Gah!


Yes, Kody. The Brown family is to plyg adoption what Roe vs Wade is to abortion and Loving vs Virginia is to interracial marriage. Thank you. Please take your seat at the front of the bus Rosa ... um I mean Kody! 


The Browns are terrible at marketing their Sister Wives' closet crappola but they sure did sell the hell out of this adoption mess. The  number #1  talking point was of course:




I also noticed something very interesting. They were very careful never or rarely to say that they needed the children's natural father to terminate his paternal rights. They always packaged it as him 'consenting to the adoption.' 


The only good thing about this was to see the genuine excitement in the faces of some of the rest of the family. 


I also got the impression that the adoption was pretty much decided on the paperwork submitted and since there was no one contesting that the hearing was all just a formality. 


I feel like I actually saw the hamster on the wheel in Robyn's head when the lawyer said the judge might actual want to speak to the kids, particularly Dayton, in chambers. You know there was some serious drill sgt like coaching going on for prep which no doubt contributed to his nervousness. 


It was Meri that made it all possible but she really barely got acknowledged this episode. Also notice that it was Robyn Kody was kissing in the court room so passionately at the end of it all. 


I don't even know what to say about Aurora; not to mention Aurora + Kody. That slip calling her Mrs. Brown? That was indeed creepy but if anyone deserves the Mildred Pierce treatment, it couldn't happen to a better person than Robyn but I hope it isn't too late for Aurora. This is what comes of Robyn's constant coaching. From day 1 she encouraged those kids to call him dad and she has been steering this whole narrative to this conclusion. Jeez, it is almost too bad she used her powers of manipulation to tie herself to an anchor with 3 other wives like Kody. It is like watching a skilled golddigger use all her A+ skills on an empty tapped out mine. What's the point?


When did Meri get a dog?


Fun. Another excuse for a party next week!!!

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 7

Yes, the adoption hearing is more of a formality.  They don't schedule you until everything is lined up.  I'm still shocked the court allowed it to be filmed for TV. 


Aurora worries me.  She needs help that Robyn will never see and given Robyn's history it sounds like Aurora is a copy of her. 



She's entitled to his 401K, and his Social Security once she's been married to him for 10 years.

Unless things have changed very recently, Robyn is entitled to those now if Kody died today.  The 10 years is if they got a divorce. 

  • Love 5

As usual I appreciate all of the comments and information from this board since I can't stomach watching these nuts. I am curious about something. Does anyone know if Jessop had an attorney in all of this? I wonder if he didn't really understand that he had a choice in this. We know Robin and Kody push their agenda, lie, and intimidate. If Jessop didn't have knowledgable counsel he may have assumed whatever lie he was told was true. Just reading this board you can see all of the ways a lawyer could easily show that Robin and Kody have not be truthful in this adoption. Dayton is told he has a choice while Kody glares at him. Dayton says he's confused but no one pays attention. Kody laughs and says Dayton doesn't know what's going on. This is huge. The legal system requires that those involved understand what is going on. Robyn and Kody lie in court about their relationship. 


These are pretty major things. This isn't a reality show. It's a courtroom. You can't just make things up. 

  • Love 4

  Has anyone looked up any info on the judge?  Was he a real judge or some TLC method actor where they filmed the "proceedings" off hours in some rented municipal chambers?  I cannot fathom any city allowing a real filming of something as tacky as this "reality" show.


If this was real, then no wonder our judicial system has gone to hell.

  • Love 10



I usually am pretty ambivalent about this show, but last night I was infuriated. When they were on the couch and Kody said that it was "real sweet" that Dayton wanted him as his dad, but he (Dayton) did not really get the big picture of how important this all was...I wanted to scream.  He was so dismissive of the kid sitting right next to him. Kody takes every opportunity to turn this around and make it about him. While eating dinner at Robyn's house he was condescending and rude to those children. Arghhhhhhhhh! So annoyed. 


Meri looked miserable at all times. She is not even trying to hide it! 

  • Love 11


I grew as tired of hearing about adopting Day'unauroranbrienna as I did of hearing about the end all be all of getting into "The Houses."


The "Day'unaurorabrienna" bugs me so much.  You can't even understand Kody when he says their names.



Unless things have changed very recently, Robyn is entitled to those now if Kody died today.  The 10 years is if they got a divorce.


Actually, Meri is entitled to those things now, too.


I wonder if Kody ever has dinner with anyone except Robyn's family.

  • Love 2

"Also notice that it was Robyn Kody was kissing in the court room so passionately at the end of it all."  Yeah, I noticed this too.  If it was just a "legal divorce" and "nothing has changed" Meri should have been hugged to death with appreciation, since after all it was ALL ABOUT THE KIDS.  Plus, he is never seen at anybody else's house.  

  • Love 8

I haven't been watching this shitshow for a while and somehow am getting sucked in again this season. I really wish something else would catch my attention during this time slot . . .

I don't want to bring out any spoilers, but this is the first I've heard of something to do with Meri being catfished. Can someone point me to a place where I can read to catch up on this story line?

WRT Maddie's announcement, does this mean that she has chosen the polygamist lifestyle? Had she been leaning that way before? I thought the only one who openly expressed their interest was Meri's daughter. I thought it seemed a little fishy that no one even knew they were a couple until Maddie announces their engagement!

  • Love 2

That conversation with Maddie was really odd. She looked happy and giggly, with "big news" like she was engaged, but then didn't actually say she was engaged, just that she was serious about a guy. Maybe it's an flds thing, that they can't actually be engaged until Kody gives his blessing or something? I didn't understand what they were dancing around there. If it essentially was her announcing her engagement (without saying the word) it was doubly weird to me that none of her parents had any idea she was even dating/talking to the guy. Normally when someone announces their engagement to their parents, the parents don't have to say, "Who is it?"

  • Love 13

I don't want to bring out any spoilers, but this is the first I've heard of something to do with Meri being catfished. Can someone point me to a place where I can read to catch up on this story line?


You can read all the sordid details right here in the Meri thread.  I think there's some in the media thread too.  It broke sometime late September and has been discussed extensively so you'll have to go back a some pages but there's a ton of info and links to other sources.

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