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  1. The entire Brown family are in my thoughts and prayers. I hurt for the Brown family. I have watched this show since the beginning. This is just so sad. I’m praying for Janelle.
  2. Kathy is my favorite. I am enjoying the interaction between Kyle and Kathy. She makes Kyle laugh. Kathy says things like, “ sometimes in life you have to show your cards” or something like that and Kyle says, “shut up Kathy” while laughing. She is funny with a who gives a #%*\ attitude. Oh and I loved whe at the Paris party she said “ this is how I walk around Paris during the day - jeans and a blazer. Everyone else was in dresses. Love Kathy!
  3. If you watch when Solomon is sitting on Robyn, before Aurora has her “panic attack”, he is deep breathing. It seems like he knows what is about to happen. I think Robyn wanted to gain viewer sympathy. Robyn saw how everyone was concerned about Ysabel. She had to make her daughter seem needy/sickly. I’m not buying it - Kody and Robyn are trying to act this season and it’s not working for me.
  4. Yes, Robyn should divorce Kody. Why does anyone of them need the legal marriage. Kody and Robyn are trying to hard “trying to act”to make us believe that Robyn doesn’t want to buy. Robyn always gets her way. I’m not enjoying this season. I feel bad for Christine. I think Janelle is ok with how much time she gets with Kody. Why did Janelle get that awful rental? That isn’t faire for her kids to live in that house while Robyn’s kids live in the $890,000 house. I couldn’t be Robyns sisterwife.
  5. I don’t want to see Anna on any episode. I feel bad for Anna. I just don’t think she should be on TV. She chooses to stay married to Josh. She chose to marry him. I was ok with the show when Anna wasn’t on it. I’m ok with Jim Bob and Michelle being on the show. Josh is profiting by Anna being on the show.
  6. Corey saying he would “whip her ass” is one of my favorite scenes from this show. He was saying what he felt. Scott and Kourtney were shocked he said it. Kris looked old at that table. Corey was saying what a lot of people say in the South. I don’t think Corey meant any harm to P. I love how he kept repeating himself!
  7. This season of Teen Mom is kind of boring. I don’t like the new girls/women. The OG are not as interesting this season. I never really liked Maci’s segments. She drags out her words. I like Jen and Larry. Tired of Catelynn, but I like Tyler and his messed up family. Amber is something else. I enjoyed watching pretentious Amber and Matt 1. She changes a bit to go with whatever guy she is with at the time. New Matt is too big and too boring. I’m not as impressed with Kristina as most people seem to be. Her own daughter doesn’t live with her. I especially didn’t like when Kristina was trying to get Leah to chose a mani or pedi over parasailing.
  8. Gina and her Casita is so sad. I hope I never have to live in something like that Casita. I think she should stay in the house and her ex should find an apartment. The kids are so young. They probably don’t understand why mommy leaves them. I would stay in the house and let my kids know that mommy will always be here when they get back from being at daddy’s house.
  9. I just wanted to thank everyone for making BB19 entertaining. I have enjoyed reading here. I'm happy Josh won! I would say to Paul "you played yourself." Josh using the goodbye message to explain his move was the best! They weren't listening to him in the house.
  10. I wish Anna would not be on the show. I don't like seeing her. Is she continuing to film because she knows that she was the one that made it possible for them to have a show in the first place. I see her and wonder how and why are you still filming. Jinger has become a new person. She looks and acts happier. She was so animated in the scene with the grandmaw. She looks like she wants to participate in activities like rowing. She used to act like she was over it. Now she is showing some personality. Is it all fake to win over Babe? It's so weird with these Duggars. They start courtingand a new person emerges. Is this the real Jinge? Derick looks ill. His looks have changed. In the episode when he proposed to Jill, he looked like a nice clean cut guy. Now- he looks ill and unkept. This look isn't working for him. It is interesting to watch the Duggars. As one who majored in Sociology, I'm fascinated by the characters on TV. They are playing a part, keeping secrets, trying to keep their skeletons in the closet. I think Anna's appearance are reminders to the audience of what happened with Josh. I wonder if Anna is at the point where she thinks that this show would have never happened without her. She will write a tell all and I can't wait to read it. They must be trying their hardest to keep Anna happy.
  11. The portrait is ridiculous. Ysabel was standing next to Kody the whole time and the expression on her face was so sad. I feel sad for Kody's children. Kody is so smitten with Robyn and her kids. I'm tired of Robyn. I'm ready for Meri's story. And can Christine please stop sucking up to Kody and Robyn. Christine and the cement guy looked like they could have fun together. I think Janelle is just happy to be in the family. Things changed, but her needs are being met. She can witness Meri's sufferable time. My favorite Kody line is "I'm only married to the brisket." Ha ha
  12. I don't like when they do a pile up. Meghan is boring. She looks like a guy-her body build. Shannon seems to be doing a lot of acting in her talking heads. And why did she get so offended with Brooks? Heather sucks up to Tamara all the time. I want to see Tamara go after Heather. Heather stirs stuff too. Vicki is crazy, but for some reason I like her delivery. I don't get how the whole season has been about Brooks. It was so ridiculous. Why does anyone care if he lied about cancer. If they were concerned about Vicki, they went about it the wrong way. All in all I didn't enjoy this season
  13. This is so funny! Just what I was thinking.
  14. I think court scene was reenactment. That's why the judge was seated in court prior to everyone else. They didn't introduce Judge so and so.
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