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S14.E11: The Runway's In 3D!

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So, Ashley's outfit didn't really qualify as avant garde (which was the point of the challenge), but she gets saved?


Really -- how does a peek-a-boo Betty Draper pant and top + cape with tribal teeth = avant garde? In the insanity of the combination, perhaps?


This used to be one of my  favorite challenges --  when this (link below) is avant garde in the world, polka dot cig pants and flamenco dresses seem like pretty thin broth.



Edited by film noire
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I don't think anybody got what avant garde is.  To me the outfit should be an art piece that you can take elements out of to make into wearable clothes.  Kelly's dress may have looked like a bridge but you could take things from it such as the neckline and side pieces or a slimmed down version of the skirt and make it into a beautiful dress.  Everyone else just made a pretty dress. 


Once again I think Merline had good ideas but could not execute her vision. 


Ashley's 3D bits looked like pasta to me.  When Zac was searching for words to describe her cape, I screamed out "Macaroni!"  Her model looked like a well-tailored super hero.  Once again, inspiration eluded her.

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Was I hallucinating ... or did Nina Garcia actually say that she liked that monstrosity?

Nina is like a woman with multiple personalities. One minute she's snarling in her Anna Wintour wannabe voice, the next she's cooing over a monstrosity. Last night we saw this with her feedback to Candice and Ashley.


I'm embarrassed for the show that the judges admired Ashley's outfit. It was one of the worst designs ever. Frederick's of Hollywood meets church choir robe. She shoulda been aufed.


But I'm liking the lack of scripted drama and "outrageous" personalities. And the two-day challenge.


I miss Swatch's Resting Swatch Face.

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I love this entire comment, but picturing JB in those sheer pants is totally making my evening! Hahahahaha!!


I was just thinking the same about the Foreman and Kaufman references. :) Also thinking that it's sad this is the one thing inspiring me to respond from this whole episode.


Really, what a lackluster group.

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Okay, now I'm obsessed with Swatch and his schedule. Which speaks directly to this group of designers and their "talent," obviously, when all I can think about is a little Boston Terrier who's MIA.


Since we know they close the store for the designers and decoys, maybe now since they're filming in New Jersey or whereev, they're going to Mood at odd hours which directly conflicts with Swatch's bedtime.


Edmond or Kelly FTW, only because they suck the least as humans.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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Are we going to have to see Ashley win this thing? Seriously? To prove what point? That any old crap designs are welcome? That PR is not anti-heavy people? What, exactly? Or that cry babies do come first?

I hope Swatch is ok. He can't be that young anymore?

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IMO they did a poor job with the 3-D printing. They -- especially Merline and Ashley -- didn't know how to incorporate it into their designs. Kelly's was the only one that was avant garde at all. The others were just dresses with crap stuck on them. The bridge inspiration, while very literal in Kelly's design, was evident. Not one other dress, except maybe Edmund's, really had that inspiration. They need more time to make something truly avant garde. They also need to study up on what the term means. I yearn for the day of Christian Siriano's and Chris March's avant garde dress. The designers don't seem to take those kind of risks any more. They certainly don't have the time to.


Kelly or Edmund for the win. I really disliked her at the beginning, but adore her now. I'd love to hang out with Kelly from the Deli.

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"They should have used the printer to make structural elements, like actual bra cups, shoulder spikes, fasteners & zippers. Use the printer to be actually foundational, not just plastic gew-gaws."


Thank you for this comment. I am still confused by the 3-D elements that needed to be added to the designs...they seemed like tacked-on extras, rather than essential pieces. Also, as posters noted above, the previous designer who used them to create collars. That's what I was missing...I couldn't see that these printers could be integral to the design. Like me, the designers were coming to them for the first time, and were a little baffled. If they had a better intro, and some examples of what the printers could really do, it might have set their imaginations running. That's an error for the production team that gamed this episode.

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I found this episode super confusing because going into the runway I assumed Ashley and Merline would be bottom two. Then based on the critiques, it seemed like they praised Ashley more than Candace, and somewhere dinged Candance for being a good look but not avant garde, but seemed also to be saying Ashley's was. So I thought somehow miraculously, I'd read everything wrong. Then cut to the aufing, and I'm not crazy, and of course Ashley and Merline are bottom. And now suddenly they are emphasizing that Ashley's isn't really avant garde, even though it was "dramatic". It was just confusing. The same judges seemed to contradict themselves in both sessions. And apparently nobody, except for Kelly, really embraced the AG aspect, and most of the use of the 3D printing was kind of weak, so I guess they were a little stuck on "didn't meet the challenge" since basically no one did. I mean, I don't disagree with the outcome but it was weird to watch.

Edited by theatremouse
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::::Sigh:::: I saw little glimmers of what the show used to be, back when it was a design competition and not a speed-sewing game show. Excitement about a new technology and more than one day for the challenge. But Ashley should have been auf'd for that horrendous "High Priestess of a Cartoon Cult" outfit. And really, do we need to put Swatch's face on a milk carton?

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Justin LeBlanc is still using 3D printers to make designs...http://www.jleblancdesign.com/new-gallery-55/but he was an expert in using the technology rather than coming to it for the first time.   I recall there was some controversy about his use of 3D printers at the time since he used the printers at his school.  It blew over pretty fast.  Apparently he is still following Project Runway:  https://twitter.com/JLeBlancDesign -- did they not acknowledge that he was the first to use this technique on Project Runway?  I haven't watched yet. 


Thanks for that link. I like "where are they now" info!


You know - I'm pretty sure they didn't mention Justin at all. I can't swear to it, but if they did mention him, I missed it. I'm sure they didn't show his winning collars.

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Remember when the avant-garde challenge would actually produce some avant-garde looks?


I was hoping Kelly would have a lock on the win because hers was the only outfit that was even remotely avant-garde. Yes, she was maybe a bit too literal in her execution choosing that brick-like faux alligator fabric, but the criss-crosses on the bodice were lovely. Oh, and I think it was wise of Kelly not to use her 3D printed embellishments too much because they looked like mini Twix bars to me. (My husband kept saying they looked like rows of tiny little poops!)


Candace clearly had the best grasp of how to use the 3D printing to embellish her dress with all the different shapes that I thought she used quite well… on a regular gown with a slightly larger than normal mermaid hem. And Ashley was the one clearly furthest out of her depth. She never seemed quite sure of what she was doing with the 3D printing. And it showed when she got to the end and decided at the last minute to just make a cape and glue those white things to the shoulders. Whatever. It was still a cute outfit underneath, but again, not avant-garde. 


Although I remember at the end when Heidi was introducing the runway and describing the challenge again, I could've sworn she said something like the designers having "the option" of using 3D printing in their design. I forget the exact words, but the phrasing made it sound like you could've opted out of it if you didn't like the way yours came out. Although in Ashley's case, I don't know if it would've helped her or hurt her not to use it. Would they ding you more for not using it at all or appreciate that you knew it would've looked weird?


It was Merline's time, honestly. She lasted longer than I expected and did occasionally turn out a good piece, but yeah. Not finale material there. I can't believe Tim's Save is still available for using this late in the season, but I think it says something about the talent this season that not once was he even tempted to use it. Hey, at least Merline still got to show at Fashion Week anyway, even if it won't be part of the show. I've always wondered if that helps their careers anyway...


I'm predicting Kelly, Candace and Edmond in the finale, and I'm pulling for Kelly to win. I think she could have a great final collection with lots of color and crazy prints, which should stand out nicely next to Candace's black goth gowns and Edmonds black sexy gowns… ;)

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I don't even have enough of an opinion about the clothes to really care what happened this week. This was Tim's flaccid splat of a victory lap. Hopefully whatever his point was supposed to be, he feels the glow of believing he made it.


JMO, the reason that Justin's designs were light years ahead of these was that it took weeks with the industrial machines at his school (which he paid for the use of) to make his collars. They had what, an hour with something I could have bought at Maker Fair? 

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There WAS a tiny controversy about Justin and the printer, but it was quickly disspelled.


Several, including me, mentioned how expensive usage of the printers were at the time and I even said if he got free usage, it was unfair to the other designers, BUT he actually did an interview in his local paper talking about how he DID have to pay to use it, but they gave him a school employee discount. It was still pricey for him, though. That was fine with me and everyone else.


Call me crazy, but I loved Justin and I really thought some sort of nod should have made to him regarding the use of the 3D printing. You KNOW there's no way "PR et al" would have come up with that idea on "their" own.

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I thought Ashley's garments were terrible - the cape with denture pieces tacked on, the pedal pushers (which puckered), the little cropped shirt which twisted a bit when the model walked.  All of it awful, none of it making sense, let alone together.  It was like Betty Draper pulling on a cape from a James Brown performance (of course Brown would never have used such a tacky topper).  How could Ashley herself not seem to understand that the garments were overpraised?  I haven't peeked but whether it's a decoy or final collection, I can't imagine anything interesting coming from her now.  It's kind of a shame.


Edmond's gown may not have been truly avant-garde, but it was attractive and well-made, the 3D elements weren't an eyesore, and the blindfold (hey now!) used the same X that he incorporated throughout the design.  I also liked that he layered sheers in different places to different effects. 


Kelly touches my heart in a weird way.  I like her scratchy voice and her honesty (the look on her face when Tim started talking about 18th century panniers) and how thrilled she is to be doing well.  Her design was fine, too, I thought.

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And another thing...what do the designers have against boobs this season.  Almost every week I've seen boobs that look a little saggy or pushed in and not looking sexy at all.


Candace's and Edmonds to be specific this week.


Whatever happened to a sexier looking cleavage?


I agree...I thought the same thing last night!  I know that the models are all stick-thin and small breasted, but Candice's and Edmond's dresses, while interesting in a way, really did nothing to enhance/accentuate that area.  


Another corset-style dress from Candice...not avant-garde at all.  If it was truly avant-garde, I don't think that Mel B would have requested to wear it to an event (and, not for nothing, but I think Candice or someone is going to have to make an entirely new dress for Mel B - her measurements are no where near the model's, and there is no way that EXACT dress will fit Mel B - it looked like the model was sewn into it--she even had some trouble walking in it because it was so tight.)


I thought that Kelly's dress was the best interpretation of the challenge - bridge-inspired and avant-garde.  The dress could also be redesigned to something more wearable - using a soft brown suede, maybe - removing the squared off side panels, keeping the interesting "cable" wiring on the bodice and sides, and finally, using the 3-D printer materials as a belt.  


I loved Kelly's comment about "I don't even have a 2-D printer" - I thought she was saying "tootie" printer!!  LOL


And, I am soooo over Ashley and her crying over EVERY little thing.  She is the most emotional designer I can remember in a long time (except for Helen of Cry, of course)  My hope for Ashley when this is all said and done is that she will watch the show and change her shade of foundation to one more close to her skintone. The tear tracks in her makeup make her look horrible.  (I keep thinking that her makeup kit must be as big as her sewing kit)

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I keep wondering why Ashley made her 3D elements white when she was working with royal blue fabrics? At first, I thought, well maybe they could only do shades of black or white, but then Kelly had her poop brown bricks, so obviously, a colour could have been used.


Woot, I still think Ashley will be in the finale. They're trying to make a point that they don't hate fat people and Ashley is there for that narrative.

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First of all I loved seeing Mel B.  I adore that woman!  I want to be her friend.   I am glad she loved that red dress enough to have Kelly make her one.  I was not all that crazy about it.  


Ashley's outfit was terrible.  I was shocked the judges liked it.  I agreed with Heidi that her 3D work looked like clipper attachments; that was, my first thought when I saw them in the work room. 


I didn't like Kelly's dress but I understand why it won.  


I sense Ashley may be the next one to go.  Merlene just failed a little more than she did this week; she has been going downhill from a stellar start.  

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I keep wondering why Ashley made her 3D elements white when she was working with royal blue fabrics?


The top she initially made was white, if I recall correctly. Then Tim told her the top didn't match the bottoms, so she created that matchy matchy blue crop top.


I am still confused by the 3-D elements that needed to be added to the designs...they seemed like tacked-on extras, rather than essential pieces.

They really should have given the designers some examples of 3D printing to play around with before the sketching, to help them figure out how to incorporate them into a garment. It was obvious that the designers had not worked with the technology before, and had no idea what the finished product would look and feel like, or really what the potential was to do something really cool. So they just desgined these little lego-like doodads that turned out to be completely unnecessary, non-cohesive embellishments.

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The only avant garde outfit was Kelly's (and ONLY because of the extended hips) so I am glad that she won.  I really liked the "cable" mesh on the bodice and I disagree with Nina (?) that she should have continued that on the back.  I thought it was the perfect amount.  She has really grown as a designer.  PS:  I saw a version of her "cookie monster" jacket on Renee Zelwegger while she was shooting that Bridget Jones movie so I guess she is on trend, LOL.


Merline - I liked her dress and I don't think she should have been cut.  Nice color and shape.  Still not avant grade though.


Edmond - Really liked his dress as well which says something because I hate cut outs.  Solid showing.


Candace - Nice dress too.  Not avant grade at all though.  Nina was spot on with the Spanish influence.  It resembled a vintage Balenciaga dress I saw.


Ashley - OY!!!!  That was horrible.  She should have been cut for having terrible outfits in a row (although I thought that she should have been cut last episode with that horrid peplum of doom).  That "cape" looked like a choir robe with fake vampire teeth taken on on the shoulders.  The addition of sheer fabric on the pants were not cool at all.  Who wants to look like she has royal blue sores all on her legs?  I really cannot imagine what wanting to see an entire show of her work.


So, the 3D printing thing.  Sorry, but I have not seen anything worthwhile fashion-wise using a 3D printer.  When Zac was all excited about the plastic doo dads being "printed" right onto the mesh and not glued, I rolled my eyes.  What difference does that make?  Heat the back of some plastic and press it into the mesh.  Same effect.  3D printers can make intricate mechanisms like guns and manufacturing equipment so collars, decorative embellishments and the like are just not all that impressive.  Also, I would prefer real embellishment like crystals, sequins and the like than plastic that looks like it came from a cast mold.  Not all that interesting.  

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Did someone from the 3d world tell the designers that the 3d fabric would come out in 5x5 inches?

Also, did Merline say she had an associate's degree in architecture? What is that?

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I totally forgot to add this.  I can't believe Ashley told that 3D printer guy that she liked the "curveness" of the bridge.  Huh?  Even if she couldn't think of the word "curvature", she could have at least just said that she liked the curves rather than making up words.  It really makes me question the actual skill and experience of this group of designers.  When Siriano was on this show, he had already done internships at Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen.  Have any of these people actually worked at a design house before?

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At first glance, Ashley's outfit reminded me of the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders' uniforms. I think it was the colors she used, mostly, but it's all I could think of every time it was on the screen.

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I guess by default Kelly wins it.  But damn it looked like a couch

I agree Kelly was the clear winner, but I really hated the fabric. To me it looked like the model went on a trip and didn't understand that she was supposed to wear the clothes INSIDE the suitcase and wore the suitcase instead!

I would have to say that the 3D printing was an epic fail this challenge. I want to partially blame the technician who was helping them use the machine because if she was hand-picked to film this segment she should have given them a little more creative guidance on what was possible, other than just rubber-looking patches. Maybe it was just a little "toy" 3D printer and they were limited as to its use, as opposed to the upgraded equipment Justin used.

Edited by suzeecat
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I'm so glad one of the judges (Heidi?) brought up the Merline/Kini comparison! That was on my mind all episode, and especially the fact that Kini's construction would have blown Merline out of the water. It would have vaporized the hypothetical water. 


Not surprised the Save wasn't used on Swapnil, though I held out hope - I seem to remember there was a delay in bringing Char back last year, so I thought maybe at the beginning of the episode when they just started right in, that they might be faking us out and bring Swapnil in halfway through, but no. I'm pleased that the Save wasn't used on Merline. I like that she's creative and quirky, but haven't appreciated the final product she's presented all season. That said, she still may come back (a la Char)


I have the most massive woman crush on Kelly and have since day one, when I hated her clothes, and now I really appreciate her growth as a designer! I know her hair and skin look ridiculously oily (except next to Ashley) and her huge earrings and weird 80's aesthetic are off-trend but.... I'm just really diggin her vibe, man!! /gushing


I have liked Edmond for a while, though I thought his Hallmark dress was extremely overrated. I even like that dumbass safety pin trucker hat. I think I only like it because of Edmond's quiet confidence - on another personality type, I would find it dated and obnoxious.

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And Ashley is still here, how?  I missed all but the runway and forgot to record the show so I don't know what happened in the workshop to produce this horrid design. Or am I the only one to really hate it?  The 3-D white things to me resembled corrugated plastic or styrofoam and the cape made me wonder if she had used strips from a blue plastic shower curtain liner.  And what was underneath. Ugh.  Maybe it looked better in person to the judges, but to me, lying in bed, it looked awful, but I guess it was constructed better than Merline's which I have seen before and better done.  And despite not caring for brown, I liked what Kelly did-especially the top of it even if it was maybe too literal. The brown just reminded me of an alligator purse my mom had from the 40's or 50's that she kept in my dress up box. The model looked uncomfortable as I guess she wasn't sure whether her arms should be in front or behind the pannier. And I disliked Candice's mermaid--for some reason, I kept thinking of Miss Scarlet in Clue and wished she had made a candle stick in 3-D to use as an accessory. And I  thought Edmund did an okay job. Would have given Kelly the win and sent Ashley packing.

I was disappointed in the use of the 3-D; one of my friends has one in her business, and I am fascinated by its capabilities. They should have allowed the designers more time to experiment with the machine.                  

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At first glance, Ashley's outfit reminded me of the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders' uniforms. I think it was the colors she used, mostly, but it's all I could think of every time it was on the screen.


I actually thought of the challenge several seasons ago when the designers had to create outfits for the women professional wrestlers!!  I think it was the cape that made me think of that.  

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I don't even have enough of an opinion about the clothes to really care what happened this week. This was Tim's flaccid splat of a victory lap. Hopefully whatever his point was supposed to be, he feels the glow of believing he made it.

And the judges all jumped on board, overpraising everything.  They were even gushing about garments they themselves said were not AG.  Or remotely related to bridges.  The best runway show of the season was one where everyone except one designer failed the challenge?


Did you notice that Zac made a point to tell Edmond he was glad he kept his dress all black?  That sounded really odd, as why would he say that?  Well, to validate Tim's advice about ditching the illusion mesh.  Not that I didn't agree, because I hate that nude illusion stuff, but to me it was clear Zac knew about Tim's advice and brought it up. 

Edited by backgroundnoise
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned that Kelly could be Boy George's twin sister.


Thank you! I was wondering who 1980s-era Joan Cusack would've slept with to result in Kelly. :) (Then again... Boy George? Nothing would've happened.)

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I thought Ashley's garments were terrible - the cape with denture pieces tacked on, the pedal pushers (which puckered), the little cropped shirt which twisted a bit when the model walked.  All of it awful, none of it making sense, let alone together.  It was like Betty Draper pulling on a cape from a James Brown performance (of course Brown would never have used such a tacky topper).  How could Ashley herself not seem to understand that the garments were overpraised?  I haven't peeked but whether it's a decoy or final collection, I can't imagine anything interesting coming from her now.  It's kind of a shame.


Edmond's gown may not have been truly avant-garde, but it was attractive and well-made, the 3D elements weren't an eyesore, and the blindfold (hey now!) used the same X that he incorporated throughout the design.  I also liked that he layered sheers in different places to different effects. 


Kelly touches my heart in a weird way.  I like her scratchy voice and her honesty (the look on her face when Tim started talking about 18th century panniers) and how thrilled she is to be doing well.  Her design was fine, too, I thought.

The look on Kelly's face!! Thank you for reminding me. That was too funny and too cute.

I love the personalities and attitudes of Kelly and Edmond. Really charismatic individuals.

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At least now Kelly can make her own buckles and accessories for her overalls with her 3D printer!  Though I imagine the supplies for that sucker are expensive, and if it has to run all night to produce something, her electric bill could be HUGE!


Nice gesture, and I ADORE Kelly, but I think it's like giving a Harley to a toddler.  *LOL*

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Is that how you pronounce panniers?


Not sure I've ever heard the word aloud, but that would be the French pronunciation.


Instead of being more integrated into the design, they were more like little ornaments.


It would have been interesting to see textured fabric rather than plastic doodads, but 3D printing does take a lot of time to produce.  I think it has been an underrated technology that really should be getting more attention, because people are doing some fantastic things with it.


One of her skirt flourishes had pulled free and was flapping in the wind.


I noticed that, and right when she was talking about her improved construction.  This really hasn't been the right venue for her.  That might be a justification for a save, that will more time, she could finally accomplish her vision.  But it's not like they really give them much time to come up with a collection.


Did someone from the 3d world tell the designers that the 3d fabric would come out in 5x5 inches?


I think it was closer to 7x7 inches, but they were told.

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Kelly deserved the win. Her dress was the most avant garde, you could see the bridge inspiration, it was well-made, and it was still cool and sexy. All of the designs were good this week (except for that poncho) but not necessarily avant garde or bridge inspired. Glad to see that Tim Gunn was in a better mood.

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Did you notice that Zac made a point to tell Edmond he was glad he kept his dress all black?  That sounded really odd, as why would he say that?  Well, to validate Tim's advice about ditching the illusion mesh.  Not that I didn't agree, because I hate that nude illusion stuff, but to me it was clear Zac knew about Tim's advice and brought it up. 

This is just another example of why I'm convinced that the judges are either shown footage from the workroom or are given reports prior to the runway.  The only way Zac would've said that is if he knew that Edmond was going to use the other mesh.


I'm pretty sure that Edmond and Candace will go to the finale and then the final spot will be between Kelly and Ashley with...SURPRISE!...the judges won't be able to choose which one should move forward, so they'll send them both (despite the fact that Ashley is not deserving). 

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I agree. I think they have an extra week to fill since Jake took himself out of the competition.



 I think Tim is saving his save for Ashley, I don't know why I think that, I just do.



This must be rigged! This is not the first time that Ashley has made a monstrosity, but I think the last time, she had immunity ...



"There was a very visible nipple showing on Ashley's top, but those pants were fitted beautifully. It still didn't stop me from hating them." Are they blind? This is SO rigged!



Ashley's 3D bits looked like pasta to me.  When Zac was searching for words to describe her cape, I screamed out "Macaroni!"  Her model looked like a well-tailored super hero.  Once again, inspiration eluded her.



Are we going to have to see Ashley win this thing? Seriously? To prove what point? That any old crap designs are welcome? That PR is not anti-heavy people? What, exactly? Or that cry babies do come first?


I'm betting that next week, either Ashley will turn out something amazing or she will do another craptastic outfit and get auf'ed so Tim can save her. Either way, someone far more deserving of being final 3 will ultimately get sent to pack up their stuff.


They seem determined to have Ashley in the finale. I think they had a script of "Heavy girl wins by designing for non-traditional models closer to real women (and incidentally our tv viewership)" and they are jumping through hoops and over sharks to complete the story as they had expected it to play out. Think of the boost to the PR reputation, fan base, and press that would come from that! Now they are getting press but it's the wrong kind.


"Show jumps shark by eliminating contestants for behaving nowhere near as badly as some have in the past, while heavy girl dashes hopes and expectations by flaming out spectacularly and still gets to the finale (and please god, doesn't win!)"


I don't watch any reality tv other than this show (and the 2 dance contests) but has there EVER been a tv contest this obviously set-up from the start?

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Really -- how does a peek-a-boo Betty Draper pant and top + cape with tribal teeth = avant garde? In the insanity of the combination, perhaps?


This used to be one of my  favorite challenges --  when this (link below) is avant garde in the world, polka dot cig pants and flamenco dresses seem like pretty thin broth.




I wish someone had forwarded the contestants that link.

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At least now Kelly can make her own buckles and accessories for her overalls with her 3D printer!  Though I imagine the supplies for that sucker are expensive, and if it has to run all night to produce something, her electric bill could be HUGE!


Nice gesture, and I ADORE Kelly, but I think it's like giving a Harley to a toddler.  *LOL*

It is my understanding that the printer itself is what is really expensive while the plastic compound she would need is relatively cheap so maybe she will get to make some cool stuff with it.
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I was hoping Kelly would have a lock on the win because hers was the only outfit that was even remotely avant-garde. Yes, she was maybe a bit too literal in her execution choosing that brick-like faux alligator fabric, but the criss-crosses on the bodice were lovely. Oh, and I think it was wise of Kelly not to use her 3D printed embellishments too much because they looked like mini Twix bars to me. (My husband kept saying they looked like rows of tiny little poops!)


Kelly took a big risk in going that literal and I'm so glad it paid off. Not to mention how risky it was to use that dated fabric. I loved her comment that no one had bought any of that in decades (or whatever she said in Mood). Mood should have paid HER to take it off their hands. It's been sitting there since 1978.


Note to Swapnil (and others who have done complicated strap'age this season) THIS is how you do it. She knew it had to be immaculate because the strap material had no stretch, and she made it perfectly. I wonder if she would have put some on the back if she'd had more time, but it took her longer than she expected to do the front because of how difficult it was.


Tim's flaccid splat of a victory lap.


JMO, the reason that Justin's designs were light years ahead of these was that it took weeks with the industrial machines at his school (which he paid for the use of) to make his collars. They had what, an hour with something I could have bought at Maker Fair? 

"Flaccid splat of victory lap" ... As far as I'm concerned, you win the thread!


Justin used pretty high end LARGE machines for his work. I'm pretty sure the designers had severe size limits for both the area and height that their 3D machines could produce. It smacked of product placement advertising, except I have no idea what brand or model of 3D printer I'm supposed to want to rush out and buy from that gimmicky addition to the challenge.


 (Kelly's)  I saw a version of her "cookie monster" jacket on Renee Zelwegger while she was shooting that Bridget Jones movie so I guess she is on trend, LOL.

I was in Marshalls and Target recently and the early to mid 70's are very much on trend. Much of Kelly's aesthetic seems more "80's workout video" to me, but that fuzzy jacket was definitely a throwback to an earlier time.


This is just another example of why I'm convinced that the judges are either shown footage from the workroom or are given reports prior to the runway.  The only way Zac would've said that is if he knew that Edmond was going to use the other mesh.

The runway shooting takes far longer than what we see. The critiques are longer and the contestants' explanations and back-&-forths with the judges are longer. Edmond could have mentioned it himself and it got edited out.

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I saw an interview where Heidi Klum said this was the first finale that had a collection for Plus Size.  Ashley made the finals - undeserving as she is.


Ashley would show at Fashion Week regardless of whether she made the finals on PR, as one of the "decoy" designers.  Now, if she designs actual plus sized clothes and uses plus sized models to show them, THAT would be a first.  But supposed plus size collection using the regular skinny models doesn't really make me take notice.

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I saw an interview where Heidi Klum said this was the first finale that had a collection for Plus Size. Ashley made the finals - undeserving as she is.


I hope that's not a real spoiler, escape! I don't like to know ahead of time who makes it to the finals. 

Edited by sinkwriter
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I'm betting that next week, either Ashley will turn out something amazing or she will do another craptastic outfit and get auf'ed so Tim can save her. Either way, someone far more deserving of being final 3 will ultimately get sent to pack up their stuff.


They seem determined to have Ashley in the finale. I think they had a script of "Heavy girl wins by designing for non-traditional models closer to real women (and incidentally our tv viewership)" and they are jumping through hoops and over sharks to complete the story as they had expected it to play out. Think of the boost to the PR reputation, fan base, and press that would come from that! Now they are getting press but it's the wrong kind.


"Show jumps shark by eliminating contestants for behaving nowhere near as badly as some have in the past, while heavy girl dashes hopes and expectations by flaming out spectacularly and still gets to the finale (and please god, doesn't win!)"


I don't watch any reality tv other than this show (and the 2 dance contests) but has there EVER been a tv contest this obviously set-up from the start?


I don't think Ashley will win, and unless Kelly really, really screws up next week (Red carpet challenge!!!!  Christian Siriano as guest judge - YAY!!!!), I can see her either being eliminated, or said previously, the judges just "can't make a deicision who should be auf'ed".


As I was watching last night, and I was seeing many commercials for AARP, I was thinking that an "AARP" challenge would have been a better choice for the "real women" challenge than using the production crew.  First of all, I wondered why they were using the crew in the first place - is it because they couldn't find anyone off the street who were willing to be humiliated on television?


Anyway, I would have loved to see something like that, and see how the judges would get around critiquing without using words like "mumsy", "old-lady-ish", etc.  

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As I was watching last night, and I was seeing many commercials for AARP, I was thinking that an "AARP" challenge would have been a better choice for the "real women" challenge than using the production crew.  First of all, I wondered why they were using the crew in the first place - is it because they couldn't find anyone off the street who were willing to be humiliated on television?


Anyway, I would have loved to see something like that, and see how the judges would get around critiquing without using words like "mumsy", "old-lady-ish", etc.

They have done that at least twice and it didn't stop them from saying matronly or that an outfit "aged" one of the women.
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