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Season 3 Discussion

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Damn, I thought it was 40 when women became washed up. Oh well, I guess I'll go polish off that bucket of ice cream since I'm already over the hill.


The looks the others were giving Mark when he was saying that the people who criticize are overweight and jealous were funny. He really is clueless to how he comes across and does think he is a specimen. When he was talking about how much he would spend on a date and how they were still bad, I wanted someone to point out the common denominator was him. It's like he lives in his own world. 


I live in a rural area of Ohio where the only thing that would turn heads about Devar is his accent. I wonder if there is other prejudices in her area, or if it is just her family. Interracial couples don't get a second glance where I live. Huge age differences, however, still do and probably always will, unless the couple is older, say a 57 year old with a 30 year old, no one cares. 37 with a 19 year old, big ole side-eye.


I'm having stupid debug issues and this will probably post 4 times. 

I live more or less in Melanie's area (close enough that I consider it the same) and Devar would spark NO interest due to race.  The accent maybe, because it is different but not in a prejudiced way....merely interest.  I totally call BS on Melanie's take that they encounter unspoken prejudice.  

I found all of the couples a lot more likable during the tell-all EXCEPT for Mark. He is awful. His contempt for women is palpable. He views women as either children to be controlled, 35+ year old crones with too much independence and baggage, or overweight and alone social media trolls who make his penis sad. My eyes were rolling hard when he was saying that his 100+ first dates over the years with American women have all been disasters. Reminds me of the quote, "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole". I hope Mark's sons didn't inherit his toxic attitude toward women, and I hope Nikki cuts and runs the minute her conditions can be removed on her green card.

your post is hilarious.  Thank you!  

  • Love 5
I can't believe Melanie admitted that she went to Jamaica every 6 weeks.  That is A LOT.  holy moly.   And she basically confirmed she makes a nice amount of money.  Not that you have to make 6 figures to support a husband and a kid half the time but maybe she should have saved up some of that money and moved into a house and get out of that apartment (I still think it's an apartment).



Maybe that's why she's able to travel.  A house can be a money pit, especially if one isn't handy, which is one of the reasons I sold my house and I've never been happier.  Let someone else shovel the snow.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 10

Here is the one thing I don't like about Loren....she doesn't fight a fair fight.  She knows that Alexi is mad at her, and instead of just talking to him about it, she gets her friend Sarah on her side and sends her bitch of a friend to talk to him.  Then she gets her dad, and sways her dad to her side to convince her dad that Alexi is crazy.  So now Alexi has two people telling him that his feelings aren't valid and he should just "get over it."  If thats what Loren wants to say to Alexi, SHE should have the strength to say it, not try to get everyone on her side and say it for her.  I just feel sorry for him because I suspect that will be his life.  He will have a valid concern, get upset, and Loren won't talk to him or engage him....rather she will run to all of her family members and convince them she is right and make them talk to Alexi on her behalf or to make him think that whatever point he has is crazy.

  • Love 3

I don't know about Loren.  At first I thought it was side eye (and I approved!) but later I saw she had a twitch of some sort, invovling eye opening and jaw movement.  Nerves or neurologic - can't tell but more than side eye.



Also, re the Mormons in school, married and pregnant.  I know a Mormon family like this.  Of course, this doesn't mean ALL Mormon families are the same, but my friends seem fairly typical.  All the kids are or were in college and married, some with children.  Don't know how they do it, but Mormons are very strong on having kids so that definitely is the key factor.  

In regards to house Fernando and mom Fernando it probably is his house. I bought my house outright from my parents over 12 years ago (as in, bought it not took over the mortgage or anything like that). They moved into a retirement place for a year or so, and then moved back for medical reasons. My mother is not capable of admitting that she lives with us, continues to refer to it as her house, tells people we live with her, etc. Maybe it's pride, I don't know. But honestly the dynamic between Fernando and mom Fernando was so similar to me and my mom that I totally get his whole avoidance of him stepping up to say anything to her about Carolina. It's just so much easier (and yeah cowardly, but easier) to make simple blanket statements every once in a while - like the "but that's not true" in response to her talking about Columbians and drugs - and keeping out of it the rest of the time.

I doubt that that Josh and the Russian (ha!) are living on student loans. Mormons are pretty much against taking on debt, even student loan debt. Much more likely to be involved in some type of family business while going to school.

Mark is a piece of shit and even if Nikki were a class A bitch of a gold digger I would root for her to take him for everything and leave his ass. They could edit him to hell and back and never make him out to be anything other than what he obviously is - a misogynist who is looking for supplicant. It could have been been any Filipina. Nikki isn't a person to him any more than his first wife who - in case you never heard, left him with 4 kids in diapers!! did you know? - was.

I didn't notice until last night but WTF with Loren's jaw when she's upset and yelling? It's like it goes sideways or something. It was so weird. But I do give her total points for her facial expressions on every cutaway from Mark. Cause damn! Even as the most self-obsessed person on that set she KNEW he was ass.

  • Love 11
During the reunion special, he said Nikki has "other options" outside of the prenup, like purchasing life insurance on him.


So is she even in his will, or is he leaving everything to his children?  I can picture him dying twenty years from now, and having wasted her youth as his houseslave, never allowed to go outside of the house to work (I'm sure he'd say, hey if you want to apply at mcdonalds, go ahead, but you'll walk there, cause I'm not paying for you to use my car! And since you'll be working now, you can pay for all of your own food, clothes, and rent since you're living in my house!) or go to college, being shown the door by his children.  That comment and everything else about this relationship is so disturbing.  Girl, you need to get out of there asap!  Once you have full citizenship, just divorce him and move on.  This is so sick and abusive, and it's only going to get worse the longer she stays.  And NO, you don't want to bring children into this equation! It will only further entrap you!

Edited by Glade
  • Love 10

So is she even in his will, or is he leaving everything to his children?  I can picture him dying twenty years from now, and having wasted her youth as his houseslave, never allowed to go outside of the house to work (I'm sure he'd say, hey if you want to apply at mcdonalds, go ahead, but you'll walk there, cause I'm not paying for you to use my car! And since you'll be working now, you can pay for all of your own food, clothes, and rent since you're living in my house!) or go to college, being shown the door by his children.  That comment and everything else about this relationship is so disturbing.  Girl, you need to get out of there asap!  Once you have full citizenship, just divorce him and move on.  This is so sick and abusive, and it's only going to get worse the longer she stays.  And NO, you don't want to bring children into this equation! It will only further entrap you!



Nikki had a choice, she chose this, she even had a 90 day trial period and still chose it...Nikki deserves what ever she gets. Nikki is not a good person period.

Edited by jujuebes
  • Love 3

Nikki had a choice, she chose this, she even had a 90 day trial period and still chose it...Nikki deserves what ever she gets.

She may actually love the guy, the one she met at her home. Now she's here and he's not like that guy anymore. But we also don't know what conditions are where she lived. I try to always give people the benefit of the doubt. Otherwise, I'd never have met and become friends with Jason & Cassia, two very nice people who were put into scenes and situations that had nothing to do with their real life during their time on this show.

When Nikki started to cry as she was thinking about her parents, my heart broke a little for her. That was genuine. I'll be waiting to see if Mark keeps his promise to go over there for a month and give her the big wedding she deserves.

  • Love 13
I'm guessing that if they sent out a bunch of invitations, they'd get very few takers. Rather than show the embarrassment of only two or three people show up - and looking horrified - Mark made up the story about how they wanted to have no one at all. Either way, it's awful. 



I'm guessing one of the reasons it was only the two of them is because having several guests usually adds to the cost of the wedding and we all know how cheap Mark is. I mean, he's not going to spring for a reception with a meal or drinks for anyone who joined them in Hawaii. His plan was to have the cheapest wedding possible. I was surprised he even replaced the plastic tie with an engagement ring; I expected him to slip it off at the wedding and just replace it with the wedding band.

  • Love 8

I'm guessing one of the reasons it was only the two of them is because having several guests usually adds to the cost of the wedding and we all know how cheap Mark is. I mean, he's not going to spring for a reception with a meal or drinks for anyone who joined them in Hawaii. His plan was to have the cheapest wedding possible. I was surprised he even replaced the plastic tie with an engagement ring; I expected him to slip it off at the wedding and just replace it with the wedding band.


Mark wasn't even sure if this was going to happen, so why spend the money?! IT'S NOT LOVE!!!

One of the most telling points for me was when Mark talked about the 100's of dates he'd been on, the ex wife who left with him 4 kids (sans diapers this time) and then Nikki is asked about what she loves about Mark and she says that she can be herself with Mark ... UNLIKE WITH HER OTHER BOYFRIEND.  She's had ONE boyfriend - I'm assuming it's because she met Mark when she was 15? 16?  


That girl has NO life experience, compared to this asshole who knows so much about the world and how we are all fat, lonely, jealous bitches.  


She looked terrified to me. 

  • Love 22

Mark could have salvaged his image, but instead he showed his extremely passive-aggressive self. 


I liked every single person better after watching the tell-all except Mark.  Even Fernando, who I thought was a basically a turd in khakis before the show last night.  But all Mark accomplished during the tell-all was revealing that he is even more disgusting and domineering and delusional than he appeared to be all season.  


It seemed obvious that Fernando has been a victim of editing, made to look like a jerk when he is actually a fairly likable guy with a decent sense of humor.  But Mark, on the other hand ... if anything, editing did him a favor by limiting his chances to show his ass the way he did last night when he was able to express himself at length.


The selfish, crass substance of his answers, his refusal to let Nikki speak for herself, and his obvious anger at being challenged by the host was a little shocking.  And the misogyny ... amazingly, it somehow turned out to be even worse than it appeared on the show.  He's not to blame for a hundred failed first dates. It's the fault of all those disgustingly baggage-burdened independent women who can't appreciate him.  And don't get him started on the fat, lonely jealous women who dare to question his choices via social media.  Because only fat, lonely jealous women ever make negative comments about reality show people on social media.


Man, the delusion is strong with this one.  


The fact that Mark even went on this show in the situation he is in and then gets all offended people don't support him shows he is out of touch with reality. Anyone with a brain in their head would have anticipated viewer reaction.  Did he think he would be able to win people over to his side by having them watch him jam a prenup down Nikki's throat or by demanding she swear off having children at age19, lest he ship her back to the Phillipines?  Or by gritting his teeth and talking to her like she is a naughty five year old?  He actually managed to take an already creepy, crappy premise (old American geezer, Asian child bride) and make it much, much worse than anyone imagined it would be.  ugh. 


And even after watching himself all season, he still doesn't have a clue.  He seemed so intent on changing people's minds about him last night. But he just couldn't stop it with the snide tone, the rolling eyes, the clenched jaw .... and constantly talking over Nikki and trying to speak for her.  Bickering with her about pictures during the show.  He has no ability to censor or control himself at all.  God, what life must be like with him behind closed doors.  


I don't care if Nikki is nothing but a grifter.  I still feel sorry for her for ending up with a guy like Mark.  No one deserves that.  Not even a karaoke girl/former hooker/golddigging green card scamming mail order bride or whatever bad thing anyone wants to call her deserves to be stuck with Mark.  Just ask the hundred women he had first dates with (but never second ones) over the last 20 years.  I bet they feel sorry for Nikki.  I wouldn't be surprised if his ex wife has pity on her, too.  That guy is just the WORST.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 24


Right? He sounded like he had one eye on his watch and wanted to get this thing overwith. My theory is that he was some random homeless guy they gave $20 and a bottle of Southern Comfort. Was that the $10 dress? Nikki looked really pretty.


Yeah, Mark got a cheap motel, a cheap rent-a-minister, and a cheap beach.  Looked like a public beach, you could see the parking lot and in a couple of the shots there were people sitting on a beach towel not fifty feet away from them, lol.  At least get a decent beach, Oahu is full of them!

  • Love 6

The fact that Mark even went on this show in the situation he is in and then gets all offended people don't support him shows he is out of touch with reality

I heard through the grapevine that Mark did the show because he had it in his head that they were going to show his "love story" with Nikki.

Seriously, I'm not kidding. And when anyone in-the-know tried to tell him otherwise, he got angry and lashed out.

If what we saw last night is his definition of love....God help Nikki.

  • Love 16

I liked every single person better after watching the tell-all except Mark.  Even Fernando, who I thought was a basically a turd in khakis before the show last night.  But all Mark accomplished during the tell-all was revealing that he is even more disgusting and domineering and delusional than he appeared to be all season.  


It seemed obvious that Fernando has been a victim of editing, made to look like a jerk when he is actually a fairly likable guy with a decent sense of humor.  But Mark, on the other hand ... if anything, editing did him a favor by limiting his chances to show his ass the way he did last night when he was able to express himself at length.


The selfish, crass substance of his answers, his refusal to let Nikki speak for herself, and his obvious anger at being challenged by the host was a little shocking.  And the misogyny ... amazingly, it somehow turned out to be even worse than it appeared on the show.  He's not to blame for a hundred failed first dates. It's the fault of all those disgustingly baggage-burdened independent women who can't appreciate him.  And don't get him started on the fat, lonely jealous women who dare to question his choices via social media.  Because only fat, lonely jealous women ever make negative comments about reality show people on social media.


Man, the delusion is strong with this one.  


The fact that Mark even went on this show in the situation he is in and then gets all offended people don't support him shows he is out of touch with reality. Anyone with a brain in their head would have anticipated viewer reaction.  Did he think he would be able to win people over to his side by having them watch him jam a prenup down Nikki's throat or by demanding she swear off having children at age19, lest he ship her back to the Phillipines?  Or by gritting his teeth and talking to her like she is a naughty five year old?  He actually managed to take an already creepy, crappy premise (old American geezer, Asian child bride) and make it much, much worse than anyone imagined it would be.  ugh. 


And even after watching himself all season, he still doesn't have a clue.  He seemed so intent on changing people's minds about him last night. But he just couldn't stop it with the snide tone, the rolling eyes, the clenched jaw .... and constantly talking over Nikki and trying to speak for her.  Bickering with her about pictures during the show.  He has no ability to censor or control himself at all.  God, what life must be like with him behind closed doors.  


I don't care if Nikki is nothing but a grifter.  I still feel sorry for her for ending up with a guy like Mark.  No one deserves that.  Not even a karaoke girl/former hooker/golddigging green card scamming mail order bride or whatever bad thing anyone wants to call her deserves to be stuck with Mark.  Just ask the hundred women he had first dates with (but never second ones) over the last 20 years.  I bet they feel sorry for Nikki.  I wouldn't be surprised if his ex wife has pity on her, too.  That guy is just the WORST.

I love your post.     I also feel very bad for Nikki.   I also strongly do not care if she was an ax murderer before she came to the U.S.    She was happy for a few seconds in the car at the airport and then it stopped.   We never saw her smile ,  laugh or have any genuine happy moments after that.   

       Mark not only wants his way, Nikki is also going to pay for his first wife leaving him too.   You could see it in her eyes.

  • Love 22

It really stood out for me how Mark complained about all the bells and whistles he'd constructed past dates around, roses, five star meals (sure, sure......)  blah, blah, blah. It was all about putting on a show, nothing about getting to know someone, find common values or interests and certainly nothing about having fun or finding someone with a shared sense of humour.  Even if I will myself to be blind about just how creepy Mark is in his proprietary attitude towards Nikki and women generally, he's distasteful because he's no damn fun. Holy crap, he's sour! Everything is a complaint and when he says something positive it's about how he got something over on someone he thought might be trying the same. He just wants someone to follow instructions, spread her legs and smile at him. He strikes me as being acutely aware that the marriage was a transaction,  which is the only kind of romantic relationship he understands, but wanting to get as many rebates as possible because he's so damn cheap. He seems to dislike Nikki for being exactly what he wanted.

  • Love 13

One of the most telling points for me was when Mark talked about the 100's of dates he'd been on, the ex wife who left with him 4 kids (sans diapers this time) and then Nikki is asked about what she loves about Mark and she says that she can be herself with Mark ... UNLIKE WITH HER OTHER BOYFRIEND.  She's had ONE boyfriend - I'm assuming it's because she met Mark when she was 15? 16?  


That girl has NO life experience, compared to this asshole who knows so much about the world and how we are all fat, lonely, jealous bitches.  


She looked terrified to me. 

Yes she has no life experiences and she was not even born for 40 years of Mark's life!  It is not her fault she just has not lived yet. They have nothing in common, nothing to talk about in any kind of deeper way. He would have much, much more in common with a 62 year old woman! My pet peeve is these assholes on dating sites who think they are so good looking that they "deserve" girlfriends 30-40 years younger than they are. These guys have huge egos and small dicks. I'll tell you right now when I was in my late 40s on dating sites if I ever saw a guy's profile who would date his own age and up to 5 years older than his age, I thought this guy is probably a decent person and doesn't have a giant ego. 

  • Love 8

It really stood out for me how Mark complained about all the bells and whistles he'd constructed past dates around, roses, five star meals (sure, sure......)  blah, blah, blah. It was all about putting on a show, nothing about getting to know someone, find common values or interests and certainly nothing about having fun or finding someone with a shared sense of humour.  Even if I will myself to be blind about just how creepy Mark is in his proprietary attitude towards Nikki and women generally, he's distasteful because he's no damn fun. Holy crap, he's sour! Everything is a complaint and when he says something positive it's about how he got something over on someone he thought might be trying the same. He just wants someone to follow instructions, spread her legs and smile at him. He strikes me as being acutely aware that the marriage was a transaction,  which is the only kind of romantic relationship he understands, but wanting to get as many rebates as possible because he's so damn cheap. He seems to dislike Nikki for being exactly what he wanted.

I can honestly say, if a guy showed up for our first date with two dozen red roses and took me to a 5 star restaurant, I would probably be weirded out.  That's a lot of pressure and expectation for a first date.  Especially if he started to act like a weirdo....which is exactly what I suspect Mark does on dates....and sends silent signals that the girl better order from the left side of the menu and not get anything more pricey than a water.


A first date should be about getting to know someone.  Two dozen red roses and dinner at a place that is probably out of your price range seems like its skipping the "getting to know you" part.

  • Love 13

I did too, and perfect for a beach wedding! I had her pegged for a sparkly, mermaid style, not the very classy, understated flowy number she wore. She looked great.


I totally expected Lauren to go for a sparkly mermaid dress, too.  I was so stunned when I saw her choice, it actually made me think she might not be the girl they had made her out to be on the show all along.  It was that starkly different from what I expected of her.  


Then they played those clips of her during the tell-all, and I realized that she is still a giant pain in the ass, she just happens to have really good taste in wedding dresses.

  • Love 7

Kyle's mom was wearing a Marine Corps veteran hat.  My mind immediately went here: https://maketheconnection.net/conditions/military-sexual-trauma

I'm a Marine Corps vet too. I'm 45 , so  i'm not sure how close I am in age to Kyle's mom. Yes, the above is possible, but it's also possible her drug problems started in the Marines. There was A LOT of drug usage when I was in.

Kyle's mom was wearing a Marine Corps veteran hat.  My mind immediately went here: https://maketheconnection.net/conditions/military-sexual-trauma

I'm a Marine Corps vet too. I'm 45 , so  i'm not sure how close I am in age to Kyle's mom. Yes, the above is possible, but it's also possible her drug problems started in the Marines. There was A LOT of drug usage when I was in.

Kyle's mom was wearing a Marine Corps veteran hat.  My mind immediately went here: https://maketheconnection.net/conditions/military-sexual-trauma

I'm a Marine Corps vet too. I'm 45 , so  i'm not sure how close I am in age to Kyle's mom. Yes, the above is possible, but it's also possible her drug problems started in the Marines. There was A LOT of drug usage when I was in.

I did date one man who was 20+ years older that I was. He was brilliant, funny, took me everywhere, knew good food and wine, was a millionaire but I never would marry him. 20 years older is still 20 years older. I can't imagine 40 years older. 

Brilliant, funny, rich and likes it when I eat might make me consider a 20 year age difference :)


But honestly, funny and smart make up for so many other things a man may be lacking.  Its what men like Mark don't appreciate.  If you're an asshat, it doesn't matter that you show up with 24 red roses and you take me to the finest restaurant (and I wouldn't be surprised to later find out that these "5 star restaurants" later turn out to be Red Lobster and Macaroni Grill) but you're just not fun to be around, it doesn't make the date any more fun just because I got some good food.  I can make good food, or in a pinch, I can buy it for myself.

  • Love 10

He seems to dislike Nikki for being exactly what he wanted.

Oh, good point. Excellent point.


A first date should be about getting to know someone.  Two dozen red roses and dinner at a place that is probably out of your price range seems like its skipping the "getting to know you" part.

No kidding. That's a guy who's trying to buy someone and is going to expect a return on his investment that same evening. It's not a man who's honestly trying to get acquainted.

  • Love 8

Brilliant, funny, rich and likes it when I eat might make me consider a 20 year age difference :)


But honestly, funny and smart make up for so many other things a man may be lacking.  Its what men like Mark don't appreciate.  If you're an asshat, it doesn't matter that you show up with 24 red roses and you take me to the finest restaurant (and I wouldn't be surprised to later find out that these "5 star restaurants" later turn out to be Red Lobster and Macaroni Grill) but you're just not fun to be around, it doesn't make the date any more fun just because I got some good food.  I can make good food, or in a pinch, I can buy it for myself.

Whatever happened to going out for a nice cup of coffee at a decent cafe and chatting it up? Sheesh.

In regards to Mark and Nikki they both are getting what they want. Sure she could have negotiated for more but as someone pointed out in another thread we don't know the actual details of the prenup. 

Melanie and Devar again they are getting a mutual benefit relationship.  They both love working out, probably enjoy each other's company in the sack.  Maybe may last a few years after he gets his green card. Unless a pretty thing comes along to sway his attention. What really bothered me was that she was able to afford going down so often to visit him yet was complaining about how she is strapped for cash and then puts on a wedding with bridesmaids no less instead of going to the courthouse.

Aleksandra and Josh I see staying in for the long haul unless she gets fed up with the religion aspect.

Alexi and Loren the wedding should have been Loren marrying Loren as that is who all Loren cares about. The hot pink yarmulke and the cake topper says it all.

Fernando and Carolina probably will make it if Mama Fernando decides to ease up a bit. Best line was her asking Carolina if she wants to borrow her Victoria Secret panties.

Noon and Kyle. In it for the long run. No doubts.

Edited by greekmom
  • Love 5

Ok, I watched the shows.  Nothing special about the finale, except that pouty Nikki lit up like someone stuck a firecracker up her ass when he gave her a diamond.  Guess we know how to get her to behave.


Regarding the Tell All:  Mark is the most loathesome person on Reality TV.  However, he did say she would be provided for in the event of his "untimely demise" and that she could get further life insurance if she wanted.  So I think she is provided for somewhat in the case of his death, which will make it even more suspicious when she kills him. 


I still don't feel sorry for her.  She has a family who worries about her and loves her and again, she claimed to be a college student, so she's not some poor little beggar girl off the street who has to prostitute herself to an American to support her family.  She has choices.  She made a very bad choice.  I'm sure she'll come out fine.  Children are pretty resilient. 


Loved Loren's faces when Mark was talking!  I was kind of pissed that Fernando (is that his name?) kept taking the heat off Mark.  Maybe Mark paid him off with a cheeseburger?

  • Love 5

I think he's obsessed with roses--thinks they're the Holy Grail of romance.  He bought Nikki two dozen, I think, when he met her at the airport, and I believe he had a long-stemmed red rose lying on her birthday party table (I may be imagining this, but am not willing to go back to look).  I've known guys like this.  They think women adore red roses above all else and would not think of greeting a woman they had designs on without them.  One of exes kept buying them for me even after I told him more than once that I thought they were generic and showed a total lack of imagination and thoughtfulness. 


He does seem to like food, so maybe he took them out for dinner.  However, his four and five star ratings are probably taken from Yelp.  Here's a delicous-looking four-star restaurant right in his home town:  http://www.yelp.com/biz/little-china-chinese-restaurant-middle-river

Edited by WhoAmIReally
  • Love 8

I thought it was cute during the "pop quiz" when Josh's answer as to who was in charge was "The Russian"  ;-)

I'm glad he said the Alexandra helped him be less judgmental because he grew up with pretty judgmental parents.

Josh has got to stop letting his mom cut his hair. He needs a grownup hair style so people stop getting him confused with a middle schooler. He is adorable.

  • Love 8

Mark wanted the girl he was in love with and going to marry to wear a $10 wedding dress, for crying out loud. Do I think he'd spring for a dozen (or two) roses and a five star dinner on someone he just met? Or on the 100 different women he was taking out for the first time? Hell no! He's so full of shit!

As I said, I suspect these 5 star restaurants are The Olive Garden and Cheesecake Factory.  Maybe PF Changs if he really wants to impress the lady.  Maybe I'm jaded but I would be totally freaked out by a guy showing up to a first date with roses.  I don't even know you!  But I also suspect these were the Kroger special roses.

  • Love 10

I don't know about Loren.  At first I thought it was side eye (and I approved!) but later I saw she had a twitch of some sort, invovling eye opening and jaw movement.  Nerves or neurologic - can't tell but more than side eye

She does sometimes have a twitch but it was definitely a "look". She also looked at Alex with a look like "he's crazy."

I don't know why people don't like Loren, I always thought she was alright. She reminds me of a ton of girls from the northeast, nothing objectionable stood out with her.

  • Love 6

I admit I was having trouble having sympathy for Nikki before the reunion but now I'm straight up afraid for her safety. Mark is a scary guy who obviously has a lot of build up rage towards women. He looked like he wanted to stab the host for asking some basic questions. I'm 38 though so I'm probably just jealous that I can't have a specimen like Mark for myself.

Anyway, I feel old now. Josh and Aleksandra look like babies to me. I'm sure they'll be great parents but I don't get the rush to have babies. I think Noon and Kyle have the right idea. Have fun, travel, get to know each other before adding the stress of kids into the mix.

My heart breaks for Kyle regarding his family situation. At least he has the most awesome wife in the world now. Noon is adorable and so good for him. I hope these two make it.

Edited by grumpypanda
  • Love 16

I admit I was having trouble having sympathy for Nikki before the reunion but now I'm straight up afraid for her safety. Mark is a scary guy who obviously has a lot of build up rage towards women. He looked like he wanted to stab the host for asking some basic questions. I'm 38 though so I'm probably just jealous that I can't have a specimen like Mark for myself.


Clearly we're all just bitter jellus fatties with the vile stink of fierce independence.

Edited by WhoAmIReally
  • Love 21

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