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41 minutes ago


Was I the only one who thought that Mark and Nikki would go to Kleinfeld? When reality teevee worlds collide! First it was poor Kyle with his Intervention-bound mother, then wedding dress shopping. I was positive they'd go there!


Me! I was hoping for a Kleinfeld's stop and shop! Or better yet, go to Lori's Bridal in Atlanta--would love to hear Monte's comments about stingy Mark! LOL


As for the comment about them going to Hawaii to get married, I bet Mark changes his mind and they go to the courthouse for a simple Justice of the Peace ceremony. Better yet would be if Nikki comes to her senses and heads for home, leaving behind the ziptie ring!

  • Love 6

I feel badly for Kyle . He's got so much repressed not dealt with feelings about his estrangement with his mom that he can't even put into words to Noon, who I think he trusts or will grow to trust. It's sad. As she sat next to his mom I looked at both of them...polar opposites , literally. Freud would have a field day with this one, Kyle went shopping for someone as safe and as different as possible than his Mom. And different than the booze party girls on Bourbon Street. It's no accident that he is non verbally showing his mom he wants something 180 degrees her. I think they'll make it and I hope they do. Noon ha fled the mom well. I hope Kyle and Noon can perhaps al anon together or get some counseling on the effect his mom has scarred him with it will help their marriage and relationship.

Melanie in curlers is the skinny exercise obsessed Blonde Bev. Mel just got the happier go lucky gene being the baby. I don't get the warm fuzzies from Mel. French tips hair and makeup and four bridesmaids . Mimosas our of white wine glasses says it all! Stay klassy.

Oh also Mel needs to lose the heavy lower lash dark eyeliner. Too Tammy Faye Baker for her fair complexion.

I don't care about Fernandito. Caro is pretty .

Mark and Nikki is a strange business.

Loren. Let's skip the bachelor party fray for a moment. Ok, so Loren has zero girlfriends? Huh? The one girl from Buffalo was rough. I would have to rewatch to put my finger on it but she seemed like she was pushy. Her WHOLE BACHELORETTE WEEKEND was having one friend over??? WHOA on the fight with her mom. I can't figure out if the little sister is 14 or 24 quite honestly. Mom was throwing gas on the fire. They should have gotten out of the cat crap condo (TM Lauri RHOOC) gone to the Olive Garden for unlimited soup salad and breadsticks (I'm looking at you Little sister and Mom of Loren) and let things cool off for a spell and let the happy couple work it out later.

  • Love 4

I can't stand sleazebag Mark but I have to defend him this one time. Who needs to spend $2300 on a wedding dress when it is a barefoot wedding on the beach with nobody there except yourselves. C'mon! That was rediculous. Hell, I had a private beach wedding and spent less than $100 bucks on a really cute beachy wedding dress. It was perfect. I can even wear it again for another occasion if I want to. From Dress Barn.  Of course, a budget and type of dress should have been discussed before the shopping but this is all for TV after all.


I've been watching Say Yes to the Dress far too long that the $2300 number sounds on the cheap side to me (ducking stones).   I don't start doing my bitch please eye rolling until we get past the $6000 mark. Television has ruined me. That saleslady was full of shit though and just trying to make a sale because that dress was not beach dress appropriate if you ask me. Who would want all that train and veil dragging in the sand? Just far too cumbersome and too much dress for the beach. 


Has Nikki ever even mentioned family? 



While I'm sure this is accurate, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank TLC, Josh, Aleksandra and Co. and God for not having nearly as much "we can't wait to engage in some marital bow chicka wow wow" discussions this season as we did with Danny and Amy last season.  So thanks again for cutting down on that, fellows. 

I would also like to offer thanks that they have both kissed in the past. I am forever scarred by that couple from TLC's Virgin Diaries who shared their first kiss on their wedding day and proceeded to eat at each other's mouths like two toothless soul suckers. I'm scarred I tells ya! Scarred for life from that scene! 

  • Love 6



Has Nikki ever even mentioned family? 



She did the very first time this episode.  When she was looking at the cheap wedding dresses online she made a comment that she wished her family could come but they can't.   And that's when Mark said they would just do a ceremony by themselves, none of his family either.  


That is the one and ONLY time her family has been mentioned.

To be honest I don't really like that Mark is getting the bad guy edit because I don't think Nikki is completely innocent in any of this. 

well that's the thing.  In the end, these are just people living lives.  So the editors MAKE them characters in a soap opera.  Mark has been assigned the bad guy character.  There is probably something the editors or producers saw in his situation with Nikki that scored him that, but I think the deliberately try to drive that point home.  

Edited by Granny58

Loren's sister was killing me with the faces she was making throughout this episode.  Most notable was her reaction to Loren's meltdown where she disparages her parents' marriage:




Just proves to me that Loren's drama queen antics was par for the course in this household. I agree with all others wondering whether Loren's adopted. 

  • Love 1

She did the very first time this episode.  When she was looking at the cheap wedding dresses online she made a comment that she wished her family could come but they can't.   And that's when Mark said they would just do a ceremony by themselves, none of his family either.  


That is the one and ONLY time her family has been mentioned.

God forbid Mark offers to pay for her mother and father to fly over to attend the wedding.

  • Love 4

I've been watching Say Yes to the Dress far too long that the $2300 number sounds on the cheap side to me (ducking stones).   I don't start doing my bitch please eye rolling until we get past the $6000 mark. Television has ruined me. That saleslady was full of shit though and just trying to make a sale because that dress was not beach dress appropriate if you ask me. Who would want all that train and veil dragging in the sand? Just far too cumbersome and too much dress for the beach. 


I totally agree!  When they said they were going shopping in New York I was surprised that Mark would have gone for that at all, but compared to some of the dresses they undoubtedly could have found on that trip, $2300 is not that huge of a number.  It's true that it wouldn't have been practical for the beach anyway, but it was up to Mark to set a budget and find a store that would have been within the price range he wanted.  With the exchange rate she was explaining while looking at the $10 dresses, it sounds like any dress would seem expensive in comparison, so it's not like she would know what's considered extravagant.  He was a real dick about the whole thing.

  • Love 6

Mark's M.O. is to dangle then take away. Threaten. Yes, let's go to New York City to shop for a wedding dress. No, you can't have the one you want. We're going home now. Don't complain.

And if you complain...I'll send you back.  And if you're not happy about not getting the wedding dress....I'll send you back.  Smile all the time....or I'll send you back.  Be happy all the time....or I'll send you back.  Now wipe the drool off my chin.....

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 14

I felt so sorry for Kyle's mother. It is clear she was a substance abuser but she is a wreck who trying to a part of all of it. Unfortunately, she just seemed unable to handle all of it. I think I went a little teary as she struggled through it all.


Mark is a POS. Loren is also. Her little sorry party was lame and unnecessary.

Edited by ethalfrida
  • Love 2

I felt so sorry forvKyle's mother. It is clear she was a substance abuser but she is a wreck who tring to a part of all of it. Unfortunately, she just seemed unable to handle all of it. I think I went a little teary as she struggled through it all.


Mark is a POS. Loren is also. Her little sorry party was lame and unnecessary.

I hate that they went there.  Let me watch an episode of Intervention if I want to see that sort of pain.

  • Love 5

I've seen several comments about Nikki going to school..., but how do you do that with no money? Since she's not a resident, she'd be hit with higher tuition than state residents pay (assuming she'd go to a state college/university). Mark wouldn't pay for a real wedding dress, nor has he bought her a ring; I highly doubt he'd pay for her to go to school. I don't think he'll buy her any clothes, shoes, etc so her wardrobe for school or a job is limited by the clothes she brought with her, plus I'm not sure how she can get a job in her current status. Things must really be bad for Nikki in the Philippines for her to put up with this jackass.

If she really wanted to go, I bet she could find a way to get him to pay for it. Or if she had had a *real* lawyer, something like that should have been written into their little contract. I know she's young, but she needs to be looking out for her future. Maybe she is, but it's too boring for them to air when they have fake dress shopping and whatnot instead.

  • Love 1

Mark's M.O. is to dangle then take away. Threaten. Yes, let's go to New York City to shop for a wedding dress. No, you can't have the one you want. We're going home now. Don't complain.

Agreed. the poor girl still has a zip tie engagement ring! Mark is all "I'm so whimsical and quirky!" No, you are a cheap prick who won't even get his fiancee an engagement ring. Nikki is being broken down, isolated, and being trained to expect little, so she'll be all the more grateful for the crumbs of kindness Mark will occasionally bestow. I loathe him. 

  • Love 21

And Grandma expected her to wear that on the 1st night of her honeymoon. Sorry, not sorry but a nightgown that appears to be flame retardant should not be worn for 1st time sexy times. •

Well, when you put it THAT way, perhaps Grandma is, in fact, not the most but the LEAST naive of the women there! Fabric to lessen (? Or JUST slow ?) the flames, indeed!

... But, I actually thought she was being a bit tongue-in-cheek when she said it; just because she doesn't believe wearing less "modest" dress is appropriate doesn't mean she doesn't know it exists. Or that, if required to sort things into a real-life Venn diagram of "strict-Mormon-approved Night Wear, Bathing Suits, and other Countenance-enhancing garments" in one circle and "skanky streetwear, Russian ice dancing costumes, sexy time lingerie and fantasy sexy nurse and school girl* costumes, and What That-Russian/Harlot-O-r Boy-Converte- But-Is-Still-Trying-To-Tame Liked To Wear Before We Introduced Her To Jesus And The Joy Of Littering Names With Extra Consonants and Extra Vowels (cuz, duh, What WOULD Geazuhhs Do?!) in the other (because, it happens? No? No one has ever had some, say, hoola hoops--extra large knees, natch; the pink ones with the white stripe?-- just show up, and they needed to sort things? Well, damn, Iyanla's been slacking off, then. And you KNOW she's got room for two or seven of them in that bottomless Mary Poppins trick bag of hers. But, I digress. And state the obvious. And the meta) that she wouldn't join most people in placing this night gown in the clothing-fit-for-even-a-non-pedophillac-Duggar Hoop, while recognizing and placing what A. would really WANT in the "As Seen [redacted, because even I have the occasional limits, and, yeah, I was starting to hate myself] on by Farrah A's Shy Asshole HOOP. BOO. YAH. YO.

Yeah, Grannie knows. She may not know a Dolphin rechargeable vibe from a remote-controlled butterfly clit-stimulater, but she knows which nighties are approved by the church, and which just lead to shouts out to god. And, how cute and appropriate is Aleks in thanking her, all saying how pretty THE COLOR is. Yeah, that girl is GOOD! ;)

  • Love 4


Loren is a hell beast. Her interaction with her mother was GOLD. In an awful, cringeworthy way, but gold nonetheless. And really? She had NO IDEA that her BFF would take her to a strip club? They've probably been planning each other's bacherlorette nights for years. All she had to say to Alexei was "I'm sorry", but of course Miss Princess couldn't manage that. It was just defensive whining and mememe.

"Its my last night to have fun!" Girl, take a goddamn seat. You are not being banished to the women's quarters, never to see the light of day again after your wedding. Seriously, this woman is exhausting. If I was in a room with her and her BFF for more than 5 minutes I'm quite sure I'd be capable of mayhem.



Under other circumstances I might say Alexi the Dee-Lish-Us was a bit of a tight-ass for griefing Loren about her visit to the strip club.   But Loren has made it painfully clear to Alexi that she gets off on men in an advanced state of undress, so much that she even pressured him to become an underwear model.   He resisted the underwear gig because that's not who he is, which is perfectly fine, but it probably made him feel insecure or inadequate that he couldn't come through in this thing that really turns his girlfriend on.   How's he supposed to feel when he finds out she's hot to go to a strip club?


Also, he was raised in a different culture, perhaps one where engaged women don't do things like go to strip clubs because it would be considered disrespectful to the future spouse or otherwise socially unacceptable.   He probably also feels marginalized as a man because Loren has been calling ALL the shots since he arrived (although it's Alexi's fault that he has let her get away with it), and even the place he lives is on Loren's side of the ledger.   


I think Alexi was just trying to exert a tiny bit of control over a situation that has completely overwhelmed and gotten away from him.   From what we have seen, this was the ONLY thing he's ever asked of Loren -- and she did it anyway.  


Her weepy apology was bullshit.   So was her explanation that she was pushed into it by her friends.   She KNEW what his reaction would be.   She laughed merrily about it on her way into the dance club.   Her remorse (for lack of a less sincere word) only came afterwards when she saw she couldn't steamroll him on this one.


Personally, I was hoping Alexi would make a move on Loren's friend.  

  • Love 9

Agreed. the poor girl still has a zip tie engagement ring! Mark is all "I'm so whimsical and quirky!" No, you are a cheap prick who won't even get his fiancee an engagement ring. Nikki is being broken down, isolated, and being trained to expect little, so she'll be all the more grateful for the crumbs of kindness Mark will occasionally bestow. I loathe him. 


But Nikki is free to walk away at any time.   She's not in love with Mark.   Mark's not in love with her.   I don't think anyone is foolish enough to believe there are actual emotions at play in this sordid pairing.   It's a business transaction -- on both sides.   He wants eye-candy/nurse (as someone said upthread) and she wants an all-expenses-paid relocation to America, with all the trimmings.


I can't help but compare Nikki and Noon.   Poor Noon was brought home to a roach-infested apartment.   Her reaction: "I must clean."   Nikki was brought home to a house on the water and given a brand new convertible -- and she laid in bed and pouted.   Noon's attitude was great throughout the whole trial period, now she's married and she seems genuinely happy.   Meanwhile, Nikki is still petulant and brooding, playing the victim because she can't buy a $2300 wedding dress.


You may think Mark is reprehensible for his remarks about the wedding dress being worn for only 15 minutes and being just for her, but he's not saying anything that hasn't crossed the mind of almost every groom when he hears the price of a bridal gown.   Thing is, when you love the girl, you brush the thought aside because you know it's what she's been dreaming of all her life and will remember it for the rest of her days.   In that light, $2300 is just money.    But Mark doesn't love Nikki. 


I actually admire Mark for having a clear concept of what he wants/expects from this transaction and for managing it in a way that protects his interests, because I firmly suspect Nikki will take him for everything she can at the first possible opportunity.   Does anyone here truly believe she would stay with him any longer than it would take to get her citizenship?


Nikki's frustration seems to come from being unable to break Mark down.    If she were older, and had more experience with men, she might be able to charm her way past his defenses.   But Nikki is sadly lacking in charm, or any other personality trait that I can see.   Pouting and brooding won't do it.   That only feeds Mark's self-image as the stern disciplinarian.

Edited by millennium
  • Love 6

Kyle's mom was wearing a Marine Corps veteran hat. My mind immediately went here: https://maketheconnection.net/conditions/military-sexual-trauma

I don't remember it being a veteran's hat- just a plain old USMC cover.

Seemed like she stopped off for a military hat and American flag t-shirt on her way to meet Noon. I guess Target was all out of "GO HOME, FOREIGNER" hoodies?

Note to the fellas going dress shopping (wedding or otherwise) with their beloveds: If you say the words "How much is this going to set me back?" be prepared to pay the amount they tell you. "How much is this going to set me back?" equals "Yes." Especially if you brought your beloved to this store from several states away.

  • Love 11


I wonder if Aleks and Josh will have a temple wedding? I'm guessing they did that ceremony for her parents since they wouldn't be able to enter a temple.

They totally went to the temple earlier in the day. What we saw was a ring ceremony, not a wedding. This is a bone that some Mormon families will throw nonmember relatives; it's a ritual everyone can attend. Since the temple sealing does not include the exchange of rings, this type of afterparty has developed.


Color me surprised that TLC didn't make any hay out of the temple brouhaha. Josh and co. must have put a foot down about that. Aleks's parents would have been expected to get all dressed up for pictures outside the temple and then sit in a waiting room during the actual ceremony. Sticking a camera in someone's face while they're missing their child's wedding would be great for TV.


When Kyle was putting the ring on Noon, we had to roll the DVR back; he came to his wedding with his fingernails all dirty! And he's touching people's drinks! Yuck. I wish I'd only looked at Noon radiating in her beautiful dress.


I'm over Loren and her fucking drama.

  • Love 8

I just had a random thought about Melanie and Devar....when realizing that Devar shows more emotion and tenderness to Hunter than he does to Melanie. He seems to be very concerned about his wellbeing. Could Devar's sister actually be his wife in Jamaica? He was very animated and sweet when talking to the kids via skype. Could this by why his initial plan was to send 90 percent of his income back home?  Oh well, time will tell.

  • Love 4

I just had a random thought about Melanie and Devar....when realizing that Devar shows more emotion and tenderness to Hunter than he does to Melanie. He seems to be very concerned about his wellbeing. Could Devar's sister actually be his wife in Jamaica? He was very animated and sweet when talking to the kids via skype. Could this by why his initial plan was to send 90 percent of his income back home? Oh well, time will tell.

Daaaaayyyyum, that is one hell of a conspiracy theory, but one that has some depth. I'm going to say it's a very small chance, but not entirely impossible.

  • Love 4

I loved the wedding dress on Nikki, I thought it suited her figure well. I wonder why Mark is being such a cheap ass about the dress but is willing to go all the way to Hawaii to get married. Maybe TLC is footing the bill? And did anyone notice he wears a toupe? When he and Nikki were talking about the prenup they showed the back of his head. He has brown hair on top, then a visible line, then gray hair.

I thought the wedding with Noon and Kyle was beautiful. Of all the couples they are the most genuine to me. They do love each other. Kyle's mother probably has a substance problem, she shouldn't have been exploited that way. And it was for the best she didn't attend the wedding.

Aleksandra and Josh I think will be ok. They looked so, so young though. It was like looking a two kids going to prom instead of a wedding.

  • Love 3

Aleksandra and Josh I think will be ok. They looked so, so young though. It was like looking a two kids going to prom instead of a wedding.


It made me sad.   Her youth and vitality snuffed out by dogma.   It sickens me that Josh would seek out someone from outside the faith and indoctrinate her into that repressive lifestyle.   It's funny, everybody sees Mark as controlling, but you don't see him telling Nikki no drinking, no dancing, cover up your girl parts, etc.   Oh right, that's not Josh telling Aleksandra to do that, it's the religion.  How convenient.  

Edited by millennium
  • Love 10

It's funny, everybody sees Mark as controlling, but you don't see him telling Nikki no drinking, no dancing, cover up your girl parts, etc.   Oh right, that's not Josh telling Aleksandra to do that, it's the religion.  How convenient.  

It's the religion and lifestyle that she voluntarily converted to. Nobody had a gun to her head and said "Covert or die". Can we avoid posts of religious persecution please?

Edited by locomoco
  • Love 15

All I can say about this episode (at the moment, anyway) is that Noon is a gracious, naturally elegant lady, totally unlike the other she-beasts on this show. (I'll give Aleksandra a pass--she seems like a sweet girl, but her personality is completely unformed at this point.  We'll see which way she goes.  She does have a little bit of the passive-aggressive devil in her, which is probably good for Josh.)


Best wishes to Noon and welcome to America!

  • Love 8

Since Nikki doesn't love Mark, I don't understand why she stays. The only thing I can think of is that she is being pressured by her family to make it work, so that she can become a citizen and eventually bring them over. But there is no excuse for Marks piss poor behavior. If you aren't willing to lay down the cash for a dress, then don't take your fiance to NYC to shop. And IMO the reason Mark isn't willing to buy a dress but is willing to go to Hawaii is because a trip to Hawaii benefits Mark (vacation). It's all about Mar, 24/7.


Kyle and Noon were sweet. The scenes with his mom were so sad. I wish the best for Kyle and Noon. 


AlexSandra and Josh are sweet, but oh so young. I wish they weren't tucked away in repressive Rexford, I think Alexsandra would be much happier in another part of the country. I was LOL over the granny nightie for her wedding night. Poor Vlad, he was all WTF over the pizza and video games bachelor party. My guess is Vlad and Svetlana were hoisting a few upon their exit from Mormon town. 


Fernando's mom giving Carolina a cleaning test was such effing BS. Fernando has to know that his mom is being a total bitch to Carolina. Is his responsibility to tell his mom to back the fuck off. Once Carolina learns the language and gets out more, I hope she starts putting her foot down with moob man, 


Boob tattoo on Bev was gross. 


I noticed that they are leaving the train weddings for the finale. Well played TLC 

  • Love 4

After watching the show last night, I was really pissed. The only thing Alexi asked her not to do was to go to a strip club. Her response was that she didn't plan it so she doesn't know what her friends planned. I'm pretty sure she had an idea of what was going to happen. She had that attuitude that she was entitled to this bachelorette party. Her best friend ranks right up there too.

Did any of catch her comment just before going into the strip club..... I may not be getting married after this, but at least I have my wand. She CHOSE to go in, she allowed herself to be brought up on stage, but she chose to grope the stripper in front of her. After the texts with uAlexi while in the club, she freaks out. Her friend taking the phone and talking Alexi just made things worse. Afterwards, when she can't get a hold of Alexi, and now she gets worried. What a privileged bitch!

Loren's attuitude towards Alexi is very disrespectful. He gave up everything, and has no one but her and her parents. I really felt bad for him, and don't blame him for going dark. How she acted, and not owning up to any of her actions, says a lot of her character. Her excuse that it wasn't her fault since she didn't plan it. So under that logic, if her friends took her to a hotel and set her up with a male escort for the night wouldn't be her fault too. Shit privileged logic!

Edited by RealityN3rd
  • Love 16

I changed my mind about so many things watching this episode.


Josh's mom, I warmed to her. She seemed sweeter and friendlier. Maybe it was meeting Aleksandra's parents ... suddenly now you see a family who are probably comfortably off, and who are treating this as a wedding, so it makes it more of a "real" marriage over a greencard/wanting to come to America marriage fear. Maybe she is also a little more used to the camera's. But they seem to care about her, which is good.


Noon. I like her a lot. She pushed, but at the same time, there was a scene when Kyle's mom was blabbering about something, and you can see on her face where she suddenly understood and her heart broke for Kyle. And that moment, it was definitely a sign it was love. I think she is going to be make him a better, stronger, happier person. And I think he really loves her. He is growing on me, and I like the two of them together.


I wish both these couples the best. 

  • Love 9

I wish it was only a "bad edit" for Mark. He just has too many comments that are so rude that it can't be chalked up to the edit. Such bad form to deny her a dress. He is a control freak. He should have gone inside with her and told the saleswoman the budget and the style. The dress she had on was not going to work for a beach wedding, but there were, surely, a lot more options. I agree with others re: the price not being so bad. I thought she'd said $23,000 at first (hey, it could happen)...so $2,300 seemed somewhat reasonable. He had no intention of buying her ANYTHING and it was painful to go along with them for this charade.

Last week when the No Kids Issue came up, Mr. Eme just turned to me and said "She can have all the kids she wants with her second husband." I am thinking her life must have been quite hard back home and she sees this as her Ticket Out. No shame in that game. She will have to put up with her Landlord for some time and then get out of dodge. Feel like she is very isolated and we haven't seen any effort to get her acclimated by having her meet any other Philippinas. She's a kid and Mark's making life harder for the both of them by controlling her so much. I don't think anyone "deserves" Mark -- that is just Too Mean.

Noon is adorbs. Seemed like seeing his Mom as a Hot Mess made Kyle Man-Up a bit. Whoever said that the Mom at the wedding would have caused untold drama is right...that's all I could think about when he was crying about her not being there. Hopeful for their future.

Alexi also appears to be isolated. I blamed his strong reaction to her actions because he has no where to go. No one to hang with. Another person who was brought over and left on a shelf until playtime. Major Effort is needed. but Loren is too self-absorbed to put out such effort. I think she looks a lot like her Mom. No adoption. She was so rude when she yelled at her Mom. I thought the Mom was pretty chill, overall.

Alexandra and Josh -- Hard to tell too much with them because we never really saw them "alone." Very revealing when she reminded her Mom that the idea of getting an American boyfriend and moving to America is cooler than the reality. There is THAT. Hope she gets some support from his family so that she becomes happier.

Carolina and Gordito -- I see no love there from him to her. Nothing. He seems so distant when he talks to her. She seems to be very guarded when talking to his Mom, so I am guessing that a lot of their conversations off screen deal with how to 'handle her.' Gordito's Mom is insecure and rude...a bad combo. Her refusal to speak Spanish is insulting...mostly because her English is so bad. Still, Overall...Run Carolina!

Does Melanie ever smile? She has this B-face that is hard to look at. Her sister seems to think that Mel is a huge prize...which is Sweet, but yeah..not so much. Bev is determined to be the voice of reason, but Mel is having none of that. Dewar's speech patterns would drive me nuts, but hey, her vocal fry would do it too. Hunter is too cute.

Edited by Drogo
I got 99 problems but an ellipsis ain't one.;)
  • Love 9

Well since it is ok to think up excuses for Nikki...is it also ok to think up other scenarios?


I see a very lazy selfish gold digger looking for a "way out". I have seen nothing to say her family had anything to do with it.

I see a girl who joined a dating site at 16...who settled for 1st or 2nd older guy

 pinterest has a pic of her with a ? nerdy guy maybe 40?

Too lazy to do anything....no ambition....she thought she had it made then she learned how cheap and "weird" Mark is

Still she sticks it out...for the little money, potential money......I read where TLC only pays them if they marry

Both she and Mo (last season) played a game and got caught when their sugar parents turned out to be creepy jerks

still doesn't change "what" either of them really are....I can even respect a good golddigger I guess..but,,,she is way too sluggish

Oh....and once you do some google for Karaoke Bar - Karaoke Bar Girls...Karaoke Bar Cena etc you have a nice big old hippo

sitting in the middle of the room to climb over LOL

  • Love 2

Any Russian speakers here? I could have sworn that when Vladimir was dissing the video-games-and-pizza bachelor party, he used the word "telefutbol." And if that's the word for video games in Russian, that's awesome.

It's not; it's "video igry." I assume they were playing a soccer or football video game. 


The subtitles seemed a little off to me in places. Like when Svetlana said she thought the dress would be ugly, she was actually saying it was better than she expected it would be. 

  • Love 8

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