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S14.E10: Crew's All In

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Exactly!  I'm a poet, and I've written some of my best poems while driving around town doing errands, or just before I fall asleep at night.  It also works in the shower or on the toilet.  :)


You go right ahead and wear overalls if you want to, whether or not there is ever an official comeback! I recently found a pair of mine that I got in the early '90s in art school (they're Lucky brand, so clearly I mush have scored those pricy bastards at a thrift store because I did NOT have high-end-overalls dough to spend back then), and have started wearing them again.


We had the same system.

Great points. I'm a journalist which means I write for a living. Sometimes during an 8 hour day I have to take surf Internet breaks. One day I did three interviews in a row... Recorded since I was not in the office (I type fast during phones). By the third one I just heard in my voice now tired I was, how much more perfunctory my questions were.

My brain needs downtime. Info sometimes feel guilty for goofing off, as they say, but unlike writing hard news or straight reports im doing features and I need space.

I too don't like TGs behavior. I really want to like him again but hearing this brings back the Helen fiasco.

Using the TGS so on Swapnil would be so cool especially because I was very impressed at how he handled the aug, he wanted to learn from it and didn't make excuses. A redemption arc for him would restore some real interest in the show.

I loved that the unreal stars were judges on the real woman challenge. That was witty.

And I agree that day to night was absurd for the heavy equipment crew members! Unless it was some kind of cool coverall!

Also agree that Ashley totally blew it. That thing was hideous. And proof that peplum sucks.

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I too don't like TGs behavior. I really want to like him again but hearing this brings back the Helen fiasco.


I can picture Helen but cannot remember what the Helen fiasco was.  Can someone tell me what happened?

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Swapnil's model also had a minimal amount of makeover, to my eye. Her hair was styled but didn't look to have been cut much or colored, and her makeup was subdued. She probably resisted any changes there as well.

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I can picture Helen but cannot remember what the Helen fiasco was.  Can someone tell me what happened?


tl;dr: Helen Castillo, or as some people referred to her, Helen of Cry (because she whined constantly) was the first person on her season to speak, and what she said was that she expected that she was going to have a feud with the returning contestant. That was more or less the story with Helen - she whipsawed between whining like a powerdrill stuck in cement and picking crazed fights with people. Tim absolutely loved her, and at the reunion show he sat and smiled like a proud papa while she and another pair of contestants she was friendly with absolutely savaged the contestant who beat her for the final three (the three of them had previously tweeted hysterical abuse at her for days and days after they aired Helen's auffing). 

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She was a terrible bully. Was the girl she bullied Natasha? It was appalling and Tim was on the side of the cool kids. It brought back memories of summer camp and how some counselors went with the cool kids too...

Tim in his treatment of swapnil seems to be still doing th at.

Now, if he saves swapnil to educate him, I'll retract this. I really thought Tim was yelling at swapnil the way ballet masters pick on the good ones.

So disappointed.

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She was a terrible bully. Was the girl she bullied Natasha? 


No, Natasha was on Under the Gunn, and it was Mondo and one of his mentees, Asha, who bullied her while Tim stood by and watched and made excuses. Helen's chew toy was Alexandria.

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Hah chew toy good way to put it.

I wouldn't mind outbursts and yelling as a teaching tool. But it looks like it's not teaching, just indulging emotions, and maybe th show needs new mentoring. I wonder what effect that had on the remaining designers.

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Swapnil's model also had a minimal amount of makeover, to my eye. Her hair was styled but didn't look to have been cut much or colored, and her makeup was subdued. She probably resisted any changes there as well.

That's a good point. The judges seems to react more favorably to a design when the overall makeover is more dramatic (hair is chopped or dyed a totally different color.) Swapnil's model just got some makeup applied and her grays covered.

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That show...sounds amazing.  Is it online somewhere?  I wish they would have added a third -- Anthony maybe.  It could have been a delicious "Too Wong Foo" fashion style show.


They were so funny together! I loved it even though I cared not at all about the clothes or the participants' stories.


I don't think Ashley choked. There was never anything to choke on! She has awful taste. I never understood how she got on the show in the first place. She should be teaching a home economics class or something. I've seen more stylish clothing on etsy.


Again with the "no taste," as if there's only one proper kind that should be observed by everyone. Tastes vary; "right" and "wrong" is not a thing and far from a constructive way for the judges to explain what the problem is. Again, I thought that dress was awful (and very unflattering!) but, unfortunately, you'll find near duplicates of that silhouette in stores everywhere.

I don't get the Etsy comparison; that site offers tons of various clothing categories (including wildly expensive vintage Dior and Pucci and all kinds of crazy shit) so of course there's bound to be something more appealing there than Ashely's one dress. That's akin to seeing, say, an old brown banana in someone's lunch bag and noting that you've seen better fruit at a farmer's market.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I'm not sure of that, but I read it at one point that the only thing the models got was exposure from Project Runway (unless they won the last prize).


I knew you were being snarky about the dress forms...but, seriously, these designers would have problems fitting them.

I hate that they don't pay the models. It is so cheap and obnoxious to suggest they gain exposure. The potential exposure should be a perk, not a form of payment. These ladies are working for free for hours and hours and that's just not okay. Reminds me of the NFL paying next to nothing for the cheerleaders or the NFL (again) not wanting to pay an artist for the half time show at the Super Bowl. If someone is working, you pay them. End of story. Heidi should be ashamed of herself.

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Here's one episode of On the Road with Austin & Santino: https://vimeo.com/40602273


Count me as among those who might be perceived as lazy, or wasting time, when faced with a big project. My school work was done last minute (straight A student) and my best ideas career-wise (I'm a graphic designer) often came after I'd put the project aside, "wasted" a bit of time, and then gotten back to work. (Alternately, in the shower or right before or after sleep.) It's pretty darn common amongst creative types, and if it's truly the reason for Tim's anger -- though I believe there's more we're not being told -- it's ridiculous that he isn't aware of that type of work process. And I'm not sure anyone could have pleased Sleeves McGee.


While I'd like Swapnil to get the TGS and return next week, (I'll spoiler this, though it's already aired)

the previews showed the designers lined up for their next challenge and he wasn't among them, so unless they trot him into the workroom after the challenge has been handed down, it's not happening.

I don't see it happening because of the ugliness of the situation; I'm sure they'd rather employ it for someone who's supposedly sympathetic, like crying Ashley. Speaking of which, she is sooooo not ready to be out there in a cutthroat industry, or in any industry where the quality of your work is strictly a judgement call.

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They were so funny together! I loved it even though I cared not at all about the clothes or the participants' stories.


Again with the "no taste," as if there's only one proper kind that should be observed by everyone. Tastes vary; "right" and "wrong" is not a thing and far from a constructive way for the judges to explain what the problem is. Again, I thought that dress was awful (and very unflattering!) but, unfortunately, you'll find near duplicates of that silhouette in stores everywhere.

I don't see how this differs either from Ashley's outfit offering proof that peplums suck when any number of people posting here have said that the peplum is a great look for them and designers continue to make them obviously. Ashley's double peplum in a hideous color with pockets and placed way too high on her model is not proof that all peplums suck any more than a bad outfit proves a designer has no taste or that there is only one definition of taste. It's all subjective.
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Here's one episode of On the Road with Austin & Santino: https://vimeo.com/40602273


Count me as among those who might be perceived as lazy, or wasting time, when faced with a big project. My school work was done last minute (straight A student) and my best ideas career-wise (I'm a graphic designer) often came after I'd put the project aside, "wasted" a bit of time, and then gotten back to work. (Alternately, in the shower or right before or after sleep.) It's pretty darn common amongst creative types, and if it's truly the reason for Tim's anger -- though I believe there's more we're not being told -- it's ridiculous that he isn't aware of that type of work process. And I'm not sure anyone could have pleased Sleeves McGee.


While I'd like Swapnil to get the TGS and return next week, (I'll spoiler this, though it's already aired)

the previews showed the designers lined up for their next challenge and he wasn't among them, so unless they trot him into the workroom after the challenge has been handed down, it's not happening.

I don't see it happening because of the ugliness of the situation; I'm sure they'd rather employ it for someone who's supposedly sympathetic, like crying Ashley. Speaking of which, she is sooooo not ready to be out there in a cutthroat industry, or in any industry where the quality of your work is strictly a judgement call.

I loved Austin and Santino's show, partly just to see the looks on the faces when they showed up in some of those little towns.  They were great sports, and Austin in particular seemed to win people over. 


As for Swapnil getting the TGS, I'm really seesawing back and forth on whether it's likely to happen.  One reason I think it will is just because of the nastiness of the departure scene.  Something about it rang false to me, or unresolved, or just puzzling.  If it was part of a plan to slap Swapnil back to being engaged instead of checked out, everything makes so much more sense to me.  Fingers crossed.


People have commented a number of times on Ashley's youth and relative inexperience being a drawback for her.  She does not seem ready to work in an industry as competitive as fashion.  Maybe in a few years she'll toughen up enough to be able to hold back the tears when she receives criticism.  Not ready yet. 

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Again with the "no taste," as if there's only one proper kind that should be observed by everyone. Tastes vary; "right" and "wrong" is not a thing and far from a constructive way for the judges to explain what the problem is. Again, I thought that dress was awful (and very unflattering!) but, unfortunately, you'll find near duplicates of that silhouette in stores everywhere.

Ok.. how about "she has no sense of proportion"?


Cause as much as I love a 40's style peplum, the one on that dress was really bad in so many ways. It actually wasn't a peplum at all; it was just a poorly placed RUFFLE. Not at all the same thing as a true peplum. I feel that way about many of the "peplums" I see in the current styles, although sometimes they at least lay a little flatter than that one.


I think people use the "no taste" in relation to the idea of "tasteful" having a connotation of classic and somewhat subdued.

Edited by slothgirl
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No, Natasha was on Under the Gunn, and it was Mondo and one of his mentees, Asha, who bullied her while Tim stood by and watched and made excuses. Helen's chew toy was Alexandria.

Chew toy... I can't stop laughing!!

I was going to re-watch the video, but I'm too cheap to spring for the buck 99. Anyway, I saw it when it was first aired and should probably continue my post in the TG thread.

Edited by Minicatfall
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Ok.. how about "she has no sense of proportion"?

Cause as much as I love a 40's style peplum, the one on that dress was really bad in so many ways. It actually wasn't a peplum at all; it was just a poorly placed RUFFLE. Not at all the same thing as a true peplum. I feel that way about many of the "peplums" I see in the current styles, although sometimes they at least lay a little flatter than that one.

I think people use the "no taste" in relation to the idea of "tasteful" having a connotation of classic and somewhat subdued.


I can get behind all of this, though I figure she's probably not all-around awful at proportion in general. This example was a mess, but I suspect it had a lot to do with starting over; I wonder if she didn't buy enough fabric to make a better revamp, and just went straight to a plus-size cliche, and one usually reserved for an older demographic (or a fan of '80s women's workplace wear).

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Of course they had to get rid of Swapnil...do you really think this low budget (Sally and Mary Kay anyone?) is going to put out the big bucks to fly Tim to INDIA for a look at his runway collection. HA..When pigs fly.

Please auf the easter egg.....any more tears and that workroom is going to have a indoor pool....and really I can handle the hair but PURPLE lipstick? That girl dresses herself horribly and unflatteringly (is that a word?) She had on a T shirt, a gathered(!!!!) skirt and a jeans jacket. If that's her design outlook I'll pass.

Do not like Kelly from the delis clothes either. The 80's have come and gone . Thank the Lord. I do not want to see fanny packs or ratty hair or neon jackets. Ugh

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. This example was a mess, but I suspect it had a lot to do with starting over.  I wonder if she didn't buy enough fabric to make a better revamp, and just went straight to a plus-size cliche 

I think as with Swapnil the starting over messed her up, and that meant by definition she had less fitting time with the client, so there's that. I  think she did the peplum because her client really wanted a full skirt, and she was afraid to do a design she'd done a couple of times already - so the peplum was intended to have the same effect.  But damn, how could she not have known that it would not?

 Also her fabric choice was horrible no matter how much of it she had.  That print looked like something you'd use to line the kitchen shelves in the 80's.

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I'm not upset at Tim losing it. Sometimes a mentor has to kick ass and take names. There is so so so so much we don't see. I watched a lot of Tim Gunn interviews on you tube and he even admits he's fought with the judges, doesn't like EVERY contestant and ,like with Kenly, there is ton we don't know or see. And why is everyone surprised a gay man who's been in fashion for over 30 years can be bitchy? Seriously?????

He's also said he does not always agree with the judges and referred to them "smoking crack" over some decisions. LOL

Why are there no Bravo years available

to stream? I don't want to buy a dam DVD!


Lastly (and then I'll shut up) on original recipe PR that Merline (and her stupid hat) would have been aufed long ago. The FIRST thing I saw on the runway was that the lining of the vest was hanging out! Zach even mentioned "Despite the lining being tacked in" Man she would have been toast on the first (good) 5 seasons.

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Maybe they should have a "Project Runway: Do-overs" season. Each week, the designers with the highest scores get another day and another trip to mood to fry to fix their creations and get the win. Or maybe a "Project Runway: Big Bucks" season where all the challenge budgets are doubled so that everyone afford twice as much fabric, to be used for the inevitable second (or third!) garment.

Edited by sleepyjean
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I'm not upset at Tim losing it. Sometimes a mentor has to kick ass and take names. There is so so so so much we don't see. I watched a lot of Tim Gunn interviews on you tube and he even admits he's fought with the judges, doesn't like EVERY contestant and ,like with Kenly, there is ton we don't know or see. And why is everyone surprised a gay man who's been in fashion for over 30 years can be bitchy? Seriously?????

He's also said he does not always agree with the judges and referred to them "smoking crack" over some decisions. LOL

Why are there no Bravo years available

to stream? I don't want to buy a dam DVD!


Lastly (and then I'll shut up) on original recipe PR that Merline (and her stupid hat) would have been aufed long ago. The FIRST thing I saw on the runway was that the lining of the vest was hanging out! Zach even mentioned "Despite the lining being tacked in" Man she would have been toast on the first (good) 5 seasons.

There is no reason for Tim to fight with the judges because Tim is not a judge.  If Tim would like to be a judge, he should ask to become a judge.


The only thing that should determine whether or not a designer should go home is what the judges think of their designs down the runway.  Tim's personal pettiness and vindictiveness and agenda should not play any role in the judging whatsoever.


Swapnil spent the first 3-4 weeks producing top looks by doing things his own way.  Tim pushed, and pushed and pushed and he finally changed his entire work process to suit Tim and he dropped to the middle, and then to the bottom.  What a wonderful mentor Tim is!  He mentored someone from the top to the bottom.  A mentor is supposed to help the designers, not give them advice that puts them in the bottom.  Swapnil worked best when he did things his way, which Tim would have recognized if he was focused on mentoring and not berating someone on national TV.

Edited by RCharter
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We've been having the same discussion on the Ink Master thread about having such a low bar set for the "winner".  I compared it to 2 winners of "American Idol",  Taylor Hicks and Carrie Underwood.  Different seasons, but the same competition overall.  Same exposure on TV, the same prize and same opportunities for such polar opposites in talent.  Not really fair in many ways, but completely fair in others.


Personally, I don't think Carrie Underwood is more talented than other American Idol winners!  As a music teacher, I found those first 4 or 5 seasons of AI to be full of talented individuals and Taylor Hicks is a talented musician as well.  I personally hate country music and prefer Taylor's jazz/blues style to Carrie's country singing. She is certainly more successful than Taylor because whether I like it or not, country music is the most popular type of music in America.  End rant!


I said last week and I will repeat it again, if it took Edmond so many years of auditioning to make it on to this show, what does that say about the talent level this season that he looks like the obvious winner at this point?  Merline is not a good seamstress, but at least she tries to create new and interesting shapes and looks.  Kelly winning this week was a joke IMO.  It's not a make over for someone if you make them the same thing they were already wearing in a different material and color.  They need to end this show after this season as they are doing with American Idol.  Not even Nina, Tim or Heidi seem to enjoy doing anymore as they are all getting so mean spirited and grumpy.  


I love the show Unreal, and I thought that Shiri and Constance's comments were on point and not "mean".  That was a terrible runway show, and they were probably looking forward to judging and were so disappointed.  I also agree that it wasn't a coincidence that they used the two main characters in a Lifetime show about the "unreality" of "reality" television to judge this season where producer manipulation is so heavy handed.


Ashley and Candice both need to go home next as they both are clearly unable to design anything different or suitable for a client that isn't a size 0.  I've not been a fan of Ashley since the first couple of weeks as she seemed to be unable to make anything but crop tops and circle skirts with pockets.  This week she finally made something a little different, and wow was it bad!   I hope Edmond or Merline wins the whole thing and then the show just goes away for a few years.

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Of course they had to get rid of Swapnil...do you really think this low budget (Sally and Mary Kay anyone?) is going to put out the big bucks to fly Tim to INDIA for a look at his runway collection.

Considering how little time they get for their collections now, I fully expect that Swapnil would have had to stay in NY somewhere just to avoid losing time. Also, they probably wouldn't be willing to ship his collection from India either, so...

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"I love the show Unreal, and I thought that Shiri and Constance's comments were on point and not "mean".  That was a terrible runway show, and they were probably looking forward to judging and were so disappointed."


Girlfriend, I so agree. Caught Unreal this summer, and could not believe how cynical, snarky and truly twisted it was. Totally loved it, and the leads, who were the judges this week, absolutely nail it. Should have been a great payoff, but no, a terrible runway collection killed it.   Watch a few episodes of Unreal and it is impossible to not see the manipulation in Project Runway, especially now in its downmarket iteration. 


Reading the comments, many of us are more interested in the contestants, than the designs, which are largely a washout. And many of us remember when really talented folks were on the show, with skills, and the judges had some enthusiasm and some interesting critiques on design and fabric choices. It may be time to put this show quietly to bed.

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Sure, tastes vary, but I would suggest that a certain, specific level of "taste" is expected from PR designers, at least on the part of the judges. They want to see modern/forward/fresh/current styles. So when they trot out their "I question his/her taste" critique, they mean the person is forever giving them garments they consider -- rightly or not -- to be tired/ugly/mumsy/downmarket. They don't want to see something you can buy in the Women's Department at Sears (unless Sears is sponsoring!). They do kind of whiplash back and forth on whether hey want editorial vs commercial, but I don't think that's so much taste level as target consumer.

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Personally, I don't think Carrie Underwood is more talented than other American Idol winners!  As a music teacher, I found those first 4 or 5 seasons of AI to be full of talented individuals and Taylor Hicks is a talented musician as well.  I personally hate country music and prefer Taylor's jazz/blues style to Carrie's country singing. She is certainly more successful than Taylor because whether I like it or not, country music is the most popular type of music in America.  End rant!


I said last week and I will repeat it again, if it took Edmond so many years of auditioning to make it on to this show, what does that say about the talent level this season that he looks like the obvious winner at this point?  Merline is not a good seamstress, but at least she tries to create new and interesting shapes and looks.  Kelly winning this week was a joke IMO.  It's not a make over for someone if you make them the same thing they were already wearing in a different material and color.  They need to end this show after this season as they are doing with American Idol.  Not even Nina, Tim or Heidi seem to enjoy doing anymore as they are all getting so mean spirited and grumpy.  


I love the show Unreal, and I thought that Shiri and Constance's comments were on point and not "mean".  That was a terrible runway show, and they were probably looking forward to judging and were so disappointed.  I also agree that it wasn't a coincidence that they used the two main characters in a Lifetime show about the "unreality" of "reality" television to judge this season where producer manipulation is so heavy handed.


Ashley and Candice both need to go home next as they both are clearly unable to design anything different or suitable for a client that isn't a size 0.  I've not been a fan of Ashley since the first couple of weeks as she seemed to be unable to make anything but crop tops and circle skirts with pockets.  This week she finally made something a little different, and wow was it bad!   I hope Edmond or Merline wins the whole thing and then the show just goes away for a few years.

OT...I hate country music, but no way is anyone more popular than Taylor Swift...not CU for sure. Jmo

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I agree lordonia.  'Taste' has wound up as a critique applied to designers as varied as Angela, season 3 (covered things with rosettes) and season 5's punkier Keith Bryce and Suede (who had arguably the worst decoy collection ever shown for PR's NY fashion week; bloggers Tom and Lorenzo reported that there was a 'holy shit!' kind of reaction to what Suede sent down the runway) - so even during the salad days at Bravo, the judges consistently made taste objections, and they don't want to see fusty, overly 'junior'/cheap-reading (this is how Kors saw Mondo, right or wrong) or just plain cheap design.


I wonder if Candace's ears are on fire?  Or if maybe that AVN cocktail hour-appropriate 'real woman' garment finally self-immolated out of shame or because the pleather off-gassed and the whole thing went up in flames.  Well, better that than it being worn.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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OT...I hate country music, but no way is anyone more popular than Taylor Swift...not CU for sure. Jmo

I don't think anyone is more popular right now than Taylor Swift, but I believe the AI comparison the original poster was talking about is Taylor Hicks.

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Ashley's dress looked like it was made for a ten year old.  Someone upthread said Swapnil was tired of being the bridesmaid.  I think he was too.  His model was a pill.  He should and could have listened more though.  They kept showing his cigarettes as if THEY were his demise. LOL  Nothing special walked down that runway.  Nina being overly nice to Ashley was creepy.  It was as if Nina thought she may crumble if she didn't word everything just right.  Since when has Nina cared about any of them?  I don't know who the celebrity judges were, but the younger, long haired one can get off my tv anytime.  She came off real bitchy, imo.  

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She went from no sleeves to cap sleeves. Nope. You don't get very far in fashion before you learn that wrap dresses are everyone's friend. If she wanted to choose one of her patterned fabrics, it would have gone MUCH better on a wrap top dress.


I have to chuckle about this statement and all the others that said Ashley should have made a wrap dress for her full-figured client. I have a very large bosom and I cannot stand myself in wrap dresses. I would love to wear one - they look so cute! But I think I look terrible in wrap dresses. To me, in a wrap dress or top I look like "Hi, these are my breasts; you cannot help but notice them in a highly obnoxious way!" LOL. 

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lark37 said:


I said last week and I will repeat it again, if it took Edmond so many years of auditioning to make it on to this show, what does that say about the talent level this season that he looks like the obvious winner at this point?



I don't think this is a logical jump to make. Experience can make a person better at his / her craft.  Your statement pre-supposes that Edmond never improved in all the years he kept trying or that he presented exactly the same thing / style every time he auditioned.  I just don't think that's possible.  Even if he kept the same vision / POV throughout all  his try-outs, just the fact that he kept sewing would have at least made him better at that.


That said, I agree that we don´t see as many beautiful designs as we used to in the earlier seasons.  I'm not sure it's the quality of the designers, as some of their portafolios seem good enough and have potential.  I think part of the reason is the apparently dwindling budget and preponderance of one day challenges.


In that spirit I created a petition last year to ask PR to have longer challenges, but I didn't get many signatures.  Maybe this is the year I do, so, for all of you who think the show should have longer challenges, you're welcome to sign it here: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/project-runway-bring-back-2-and-3-day


There's also a thread on this board discussing what we can do with it here: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/14346-online-petition-asking-pr-to-bring-back-23-day-challenges/#entry357805


One thing about this episode that worried me was the lack of Swatch.  This is the second time they go to Mood and we don't see the little fellow!!  What's wrong?

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I am ashamed to admit that I have watched the clip of Swapnil leaving the designers' lounge more than a few times, and it is possible that an interaction of some sort did happen between Tim and Swapnil and was edited out. I am going to ridiculous lengths to avoid seeing Tim as a complete dick.

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Ashley's dress looked like it was made for a ten year old.  Someone upthread said Swapnil was tired of being the bridesmaid.  I think he was too.  His model was a pill.  He should and could have listened more though.  They kept showing his cigarettes as if THEY were his demise. LOL  Nothing special walked down that runway.  Nina being overly nice to Ashley was creepy.  It was as if Nina thought she may crumble if she didn't word everything just right.  Since when has Nina cared about any of them?  I don't know who the celebrity judges were, but the younger, long haired one can get off my tv anytime.  She came off real bitchy, imo.

Seemed like cigarettes = bad person who must be kicked off, cannot win. It was kind of obnoxious.

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I am ashamed to admit that I have watched the clip of Swapnil leaving the designers' lounge more than a few times, and it is possible that an interaction of some sort did happen between Tim and Swapnil and was edited out. I am going to ridiculous lengths to avoid seeing Tim as a complete dick.

Me, too - just can't completely abandon my long-standing love for Tim, despite all the happenings since UTG.  I'm clinging to a tiny hope that he will use his save on Swapnil, that this was an elaborate plan to kick him back into gear, and all will be better in my PR universe. 

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I was so pleased when Zac snapped "Nonsense" at Swapnil when he said he was doubting his talent.  That was a play for sympathy and Zac saw right through it.


It was very disconcerting to watch bearded Swapnil/cleanshaven Swapnil in rapid succession.


Swapnil SO DESPERATELY wanted someone to comment on his having shaved ... I was hoping no one would, but the "Auftake" or whatever the hell they call the commercial-break thing had him mansplaining to Edmond why he had gone clean. Not that Edmond seemed to care.

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I have to chuckle about this statement and all the others that said Ashley should have made a wrap dress for her full-figured client. I have a very large bosom and I cannot stand myself in wrap dresses. I would love to wear one - they look so cute! But I think I look terrible in wrap dresses. To me, in a wrap dress or top I look like "Hi, these are my breasts; you cannot help but notice them in a highly obnoxious way!" LOL. 

LOL - ok, fair enough.


A properly fitting wrap dress looks good on everyone. I am on the constant search for the perfect wrap dress.  I just purchased one of macys.com which isn't awesome, cleavage issues. I'm well endowed and after a child they didn't shrink.


I found one at goodwill, a Target brand, that fits FANTASTIC and makes me look like a million bucks.  I also had one back in the 00's that was a perfect fit.


ps: The one from macy's looks better on my husband. Alas, he would not allow me to take a picture for demonstration purposes.

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In the hair consultations two things stood out. First, I thought the Sally Beauty guy did a good job interacting with the models - he always started by asking them what they were willing to do. He didn't jump right in with his own perceptions of what they needed. This was a problem with how Swapnil handled his model - he seemed to have too many ideas of his own about her rather than listening to her ideas about herself. Not that I think it would have helped in the long run. The second thing I noticed is that in Desiree's (Edmond's model) hair consult, the Sally guy complemented her hair texture - a texture that was then completely removed for the runway hairstyle they gave her.

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A properly fitting wrap dress looks good on everyone.


I strenuously disagree, and I cite myself as the counterexample. I am an sort of an apple shape, and no matter how slender I am, I have what I call a jelly roll -- a relatively thick and firm pad of fat that sits over my stomach from under my breasts to my navel. I've been a size 8 and a size 22 and the roll remains - it stays proportional to my figure. Wrap dresses, wrap tops, wrap whatever literally take this roll and highlight it. Also, my hips (i.e. the area below my waist) are largest a few inches below my navel. My measurements around my hip bones, where most women are widest, are much smaller.  Wrap dresses, without exception, look terrible on me because they hug this upper hip area and then fall straight down from there, giving me a very strange silhouette. I think they are often great for hourglass shapes and for pear shapes because they highlight the right places for those women, and since many women are these shapes, they work for many many women. But to say that they look good on everyone is simply not true. I always hear it, which is why I have wasted far too much time trying them on.

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I strenuously disagree, and I cite myself as the counterexample. I am an sort of an apple shape, and no matter how slender I am, I have what I call a jelly roll -- a relatively thick and firm pad of fat that sits over my stomach from under my breasts to my navel. I've been a size 8 and a size 22 and the roll remains - it stays proportional to my figure. Wrap dresses, wrap tops, wrap whatever literally take this roll and highlight it. Also, my hips (i.e. the area below my waist) are largest a few inches below my navel. My measurements around my hip bones, where most women are widest, are much smaller.  Wrap dresses, without exception, look terrible on me because they hug this upper hip area and then fall straight down from there, giving me a very strange silhouette. I think they are often great for hourglass shapes and for pear shapes because they highlight the right places for those women, and since many women are these shapes, they work for many many women. But to say that they look good on everyone is simply not true. I always hear it, which is why I have wasted far too much time trying them on.

Aw, I'm sorry to hear that! And that you wasted so much time!


Point taken, from here on out, I will no longer state it looks good on "everyone."



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"I love the show Unreal, and I thought that Shiri and Constance's comments were on point and not "mean".  That was a terrible runway show, and they were probably looking forward to judging and were so disappointed."


Girlfriend, I so agree. Caught Unreal this summer, and could not believe how cynical, snarky and truly twisted it was. Totally loved it, and the leads, who were the judges this week, absolutely nail it. Should have been a great payoff, but no, a terrible runway collection killed it.   Watch a few episodes of Unreal and it is impossible to not see the manipulation in Project Runway, especially now in its downmarket iteration. 


Reading the comments, many of us are more interested in the contestants, than the designs, which are largely a washout. And many of us remember when really talented folks were on the show, with skills, and the judges had some enthusiasm and some interesting critiques on design and fabric choices. It may be time to put this show quietly to bed.

100% agree. When I see a new season's started, I feel more tired than excited because I'm watching more for old times' sake loyalty than anything.


Also, thanks everyone for the UnREAL recommendations--the best thing to come out of this sad episode. Mid-binge and it's good! Have always liked Constance Zimmer so great to see her again in a good role.

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