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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Liz looked so beautiful today. Just stunning. Someone ask BH what her skin care routine is!


Is MB dying his beard? I'm pretty sure he is because when Sonny was in prison (for 2 days) it was grey. MB is so embarrassing imo.


The best thing about this episode was Mac.

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The preview with Jason snarling like some rabid dog at Sam because he decides to unleash his rage at her instead of behaving like an actual adult with common decency that can use his words like a big boy instead of resorting to an act of verbal violence and intimidation...yep, just like the good 'ol days.


I really wish she'd grow a backbone and some self esteem and realize he isn't worth a pot to piddle in and just walk out and leave him with his Dorian Gray bride to be and their tiny minion children to raise.


So...Sonny isn't dead yet therefore I have nothing to celebrate.


Well except for Mac. Mac! He had scenes! As in plural! He has curls!


I am not pleased that they're having Anna put on her detective cap over that useless waste which was (thankfully past tense) Sloane. Why if only there was someone far closer to her, someone she knew on a far more intimate basis...say...like a child she bore from her own womb, that might need help/assistance/rescue...god I hate this show.


Ava needs a heavy dose of Ritalin. Take it down a notch there, cupcake.


Patrick is the biggest dwouche (that would be the combination of dweeb and douche).


Of course he would think three dozen roses would be just the way to show Sam that he really goes "love her", instead of, you know, acting like a supportive and understanding significant other who has been through the exact same trauma and turmoil she is currently handling so he knows to give her some space and time to figure things out. 


Ye gods! This show is a danger to my health, physical and mental. There should a ticker-tape warning of its' harmful effects that scrolls across the bottom when it airs.

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I am so happy that it looks like Mac is finally getting a storyline. I love his work with Anna.

Was he on today?

If so, they should have stated that in my cableguide's write-up instead of "Carly teaches someone a history lesson".

:runs off to find Mac & Anna scenes:

Edited by Tiger
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Liz looked so beautiful today. Just stunning. Someone ask BH what her skin care routine is!

I would pay cold hard cash to know exactly what Becky uses and does.


Is MB dying his beard? I'm pretty sure he is because when Sonny was in prison (for 2 days) it was grey. MB is so embarrassing imo.

I think i remember him dying it right after Sonny got out. Regardless, a bad dye job is the least of Mo's problems.

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Was he on today?

If so, they should have stated that in my cableguide's write-up instead of "Carly teaches someone a history lesson".

:runs off to find Mac & Anna scenes:



Oh indeed he was. He was Anna's sounding board as she "searches for the truth about Sloane, Paul and other such bollocks".


He looks fantastic and only serves as a reminder, for me at least, of when this show was good and decent and entertaining.


Be mindful, though, because their scenes are arranged around those involving Carly and Jason and Sonny and Patrick and then Sonny and Ava. I can't bring up the Sam and Liz scenes for two grown ass women fighting over the lug nut that is Jason Morgan is not at all what I consider "riveting television".

Edited by CPP83
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I think i remember him dying it right after Sonny got out. Regardless, a bad dye job is the least of Mo's problems.


Seriously. I realized today in his scene with Ava that he was portraying caricature of a mobster rather than an actual Big Bad, and it's a bad caricature at that. I'm going to start suffering from second-hand embarrassment soon.

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Aw, Pip and Patrick. I love their friendship. I always have.


LOL at Sam telling Liz that Jason was desperately trying to figure out his past. When was this, exactly? Jason spent about five minutes total wondering about who he was.


"Marc" helped Anna with her case, too. Hee. (Poor JJY. And what's with the dad jeans he's wearing? No bueno.) Sloane's apartment looks like a barely redressed MetroCourt room. They don't even try anymore.


Sonny "threatening" Ava from a wheelchair is hilarious. I can't believe Ava didn't just push him out of the gallery. I like Mo's haircut, if that's what it is. Something looks different, and it's not just his newly black beard. The color of Ava's blouse was really good on her.


When did Carly ever count to 10 before doing something crazy? Restraint was never a strong point of hers.


Roses? Oh, Patrick. That's the most generic thing you could give her. What a dope.

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Oh Liz....Just.....Die.  Please.  Calling SAM pathetic and jealous?  Saying you will never let ANYONE else have Jason?  I thought he wasn't "property" you smug little bitch.   Ugh, I need this to be over.  I can't stand her smug little satisifed face anymore.   It's going to be even worse tomorrow when Jason yells at Sam and throws her out.


I am not getting where all this animosity Carly has over Liz is coming from.   Sure, she never liked Liason together, but this is a little OOT.   It feels like all a giant plot point so Carly can be all "I told you so" when the truth comes out.  It's not like Liz has barred Jason from seeing Carly.   It's just weird.   The hypocrisy is nothing new though, it's her middle name after all.

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Aw, Pip and Patrick. I love their friendship. I always have.


LOL at Sam telling Liz that Jason was desperately trying to figure out his past. When was this, exactly? Jason spent about five minutes total wondering about who he was.


"Marc" helped Anna with her case, too. Hee. (Poor JJY. And what's with the dad jeans he's wearing? No bueno.) Sloane's apartment looks like a barely redressed MetroCourt room. They don't even try anymore.


Sonny "threatening" Ava from a wheelchair is hilarious. I can't believe Ava didn't just push him out of the gallery. I like Mo's haircut, if that's what it is. Something looks different, and it's not just his newly black beard. The color of Ava's blouse was really good on her.


When did Carly ever count to 10 before doing something crazy? Restraint was never a strong point of hers.


Roses? Oh, Patrick. That's the most generic thing you could give her. What a dope.




Now wait a second, don't you recall that one time Jason whined about not knowing who he really was before he decided shoveling snow was better than getting therapy?


Giving Marcy-Marc a shout out! Hey, can we give Mac a twin named Marc? I'd be all for it. But the jeans...no no, nope. They were hideous.


I actually thought Sloane stayed at the Metro Court but that was Anna's place he kept visiting. I'm so very glad he's dead.


The way Maurice pronounces "Ava" makes me wonder how the hell any of them keep a straight face during scenes. It's so over the top and he puts emphasis where there doesn't need to be any.


Personally I would have loved it if while Sonny's goon was wheeling him out of the gallery his chair got stuck and Sonny got yanked and jerked around as his henchman attempted to free him.


Carly's selective memory is one of her special talents. The reality in her head must be quite nice since she seems to prefer living there instead of the actual world.


Sam made him a sign, Patrick is now getting her an assload of roses, dear god how could we all have missed just how much those crazy kids really, truly, dully love each other so stinkin' much????


He should strip naked and strum his guitar surrounded by rose petals, snake charmer indeed.

Edited by CPP83
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If I were Sam, I'd run. Liz is one carrot away from boiling bunnies. Psycho desperate loser.


Of course Sonny has to ruin my Jerome sibs scenes. I thought he looked gross, like he hadn't showered in about 10 years. I liked that Ava didn't raise her voice once. She was very mild-mannered. And she should wear that color more often.


Glad that you guys enjoy Mac/Marc. He's a total snooze for me, and I was disappointed that Anna wasn't smart enough to not leave clues behind.

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Sam made him a sign, Patrick is now getting her an assload of roses, dear god how could we all have missed just how much those crazy kids really, truly, dully love each other so stinkin' much????

They have to write these OTT gestures because every time Patrick says he loves Sam he looks like he's about to stab himself in the eye.

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I think York has worn pieces since way back. Some have been better than others. 


I watched two '98 shows on YouTube. The show was so good then. This is not bullshit nostalgia, because I thought it was good at the time. Early Liz/Lucky (post-Liz-rape fallout involving the Spencer family and Audrey), Cassadines, Robin, Tony, Quartermaines, Mac/Flea...everyone's material was good. Even when they had a weak actor (like the girl playing Liz's sister), the scenes were good, so it didn't go off the rails These shows were from June of that year. Katherine had just "died" the first time, and her funeral was going on. Carly, Sonny, Jason, Michael, and the mob were there, but they were just one part of the show. They were only two years away from eating it alive. 

Edited by Asp Burger
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Sam hit a new low today, invading someone else's HOME and tearing her down mercilessly on her own turf. Sam is not the brightest bulb in the string, having missed many clues to Jakeson's identity as Jason along the way. Now that she has finally figured out the truth about Jason, she's marched into Liez's personal space to abuse her verbally. It's such a weak gesture, and now Liez gets to throw her out in front of Jason's very eyes. Sam's pledges of love to Patrick are all self-serving lies to keep him on the string while trying hard to break up her rival and Jason.


It was so good to see Jason put Carly in her place for trying to tell him how to live his life. Now let's hope he backs up Liez too and orders Sam to get lost. We get it, Show. Jason has moved on with his life with improved motives and values. Let's move on up too.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Carly just wants the Jason back who allows her to barge into his life all the time and will clean up her entirely preventable messes. I think the show really missed an opportunity by not having her life fall apart more when Jason died. One could argue that was Franco's purpose, but she emerged out of that fairly unscathed, considering he's A SERIAL KILLER. 



Or that she uses euphemisms like "danger!" and "excitement!" for him being a killer/mob enforcer. The one thing I did like that Liz said was she was glad that Jason wasn't Sonny's mob enforcer anymore. Yet at the same time, roll my eyes, because whenever she and Jason had a conversation about how Jason was a killer, Liz would jump in and say that no, no, he was a "good man." Blech.

I have to know.  Did they bring back Mac to kill him off?  Because that would suck.  Would that also explain TR's quickie appearance?  Dead bro, and all. 


No. No. I firmly believe it's because Robin is back and to usher Patrick off the show and Tristan himself said on his Twitter (which I don't have) which he also posted on his Face Book page that

He's back and Robert will be spending Christmas with family

.  I firmly believe he and Anna will be, hopefully, part of the team that will free Robin from whatever is holding her hostage now.

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Oh Liz....Just.....Die.  Please.  Calling SAM pathetic and jealous?  Saying you will never let ANYONE else have Jason?  I thought he wasn't "property" you smug little bitch.   Ugh, I need this to be over.  I can't stand her smug little satisifed face anymore.   It's going to be even worse tomorrow when Jason yells at Sam and throws her out.


I am not getting where all this animosity Carly has over Liz is coming from.   Sure, she never liked Liason together, but this is a little OOT.   It feels like all a giant plot point so Carly can be all "I told you so" when the truth comes out.  It's not like Liz has barred Jason from seeing Carly.   It's just weird.   The hypocrisy is nothing new though, it's her middle name after all.


Carly ran and screwed Sonny after she saw what was an innocent dance at Kelly's diner between Liason in 1999.  To this day, Carly blames Liz for losing Jason...RME!... and even discussed the situation with Sonny a few years ago.

Jake Doe loves his Gogurt's way too much to even think about finding out his past life!

Sam can STFU and have several seats, because she has been around Jake Doe all year long and felt no connection that the man was indeed Jason Morgan.


I love the relationships between Liz, Piph and Patrick and will miss JT being on this show.

Carly's ranting about hitman Jason Morgan and his need for danger is why the man ended up shot in the back and dumped off the pier.  

LMAO at Sonny whining about needing Jason's help with his idiot wife looking on at his ungrateful ass.

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I like having JJY back. He has great chemistry with FH. I thought his hair was just overly fluffed and dyed too dark. He looked better when it was gray. Now, was Tristin Rogers supposed to be doing these scenes and TPTB couldn't get him when they needed? So, they used JJY first until Rogers could show up? It just seems sort of random after all this time that York has been gone that he popped up. Either way, I'm glad he's back.

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1. Helena's curse was a waste of fucking time. That old bitch didn't change a thing in Sam's life with that dribble. Sam's life has always been fucked up before she ever said a word. Don't know what the hell they wrote that stupid shit for.


2. I had no problem with Sam barging into Liz's house. Liz has done the same to Sam. She has also threatened to sue Sam over her own husband so there is that.


3. I am sick of Saint Sam too. I wish Mean Bitch Sam was back. I have a list of folks she needs to fuck starting with Liz, Nic, Jason and Laura.

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1. Helena's curse was a waste of fucking time. That old bitch didn't change a thing in Sam's life with that dribble. Sam's life has always been fucked up before she ever said a word. Don't know what the hell they wrote that stupid shit for.

2. I had no problem with Sam barging into Liz's house. Liz has done the same to Sam. She has also threatened to sue Sam over her own husband so there is that.

3. I am sick of Saint Sam too. I wish Mean Bitch Sam was back. I have a list of folks she needs to fuck starting with Liz, Nic, Jason and Laura.

1. Lol!!!

2. Yep

3. Word

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I need both Sam and Monica to get gully on Liez ass. That smug ass, bitchface bitch has got it coming. And didn't Liez just barge into Sam's house the week of Thanksgiving when Jason took off without telling her? I believe she did, so she can have a stadium full of seats. And if one more person says Sam was interrogating Jake, I may actually reach through the screen and pimp slap a few mother fuckers myself. She asked him 2 fucking questions, FFS! I guess I been 'interrogating' children my whole life then. Heh, good for me. Besides which, NotDeadJake looked happier with Sam than I've seen him with his own momma. Maybe that's why Liez fans are mad, he actually perked up in his scenes with Sam, then went home to his lying liar mother who don't give two shits about his dead now alive ass, long as she's getting Jason peen.

And dear God, please let this be the end of the squish face, close lipped kissing Jiz has been doing. If Becky could stand in another room while 'kissing' BM I think she would. Blech, they're romantic scenes always feel inappropriate, and not in a good way like the Jerome sibs. Yeesh.

Edited by Badsamaritan
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I would pay cold hard cash to know exactly what Becky uses and does.


I think i remember him dying it right after Sonny got out. Regardless, a bad dye job is the least of Mo's problems.


She at least uses this. I don't know if she still does ads for them or not, but she was seven or eight years ago:



Liz looked so beautiful today. Just stunning. Someone ask BH what her skin care routine is!


Is MB dying his beard? I'm pretty sure he is because when Sonny was in prison (for 2 days) it was grey. MB is so embarrassing imo.


The best thing about this episode was Mac.


See my response to Tiger above! :)

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Patrick is the biggest dwouche (that would be the combination of dweeb and douche).


This is perfect.


Seriously. I realized today in his scene with Ava that he was portraying caricature of a mobster rather than an actual Big Bad, and it's a bad caricature at that. I'm going to start suffering from second-hand embarrassment soon.


I have been suffering from MB/Sonny induced second-hand embarrassment since the first day I started watching this show. And it just gets worse.

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Didn't even watch and reading the comments, I see I didn't miss much. And this is why I quit watching soap operas regularly for like seven years. The amount of stupidity the writers ask viewers to swallow to sell their hackneyed, stupid, piece of crap storylines is unbelievable. I will always be sad every time another soap opera goes off the air because for better or worse, they were like old friends you always came back to even if you left for a year or two.


But it doesn't surprise me when they keep ending because with all the options for shows and television viewing, ain't nobody got time for shitty ass crap these writers keep putting out. And for the love of all that is good, why does the industry keep rotating the same tired ass writers? Isn't the new writer Passante or whoever, who was helming As The World Turns in its last years when it was cancelled and went to shit?

Edited by truthaboutluv
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It feels like Tracy has always been portrayed this way and it dates back to the days of her relationship with Mitch Williams in 1979-80. She's either a dummy or the person she's with doesn't appreciate her, is in love with someone else, is using her for something, etc, etc. 


That one speech she made to Luke a while ago about deserving to be loved was pretty awesome and long overdue, but then she went right back to being the fool. It stinks because I feel like Tracy Quartermaine should be formidable in every aspect of her life, goddamn it, and if she were a man, she probably would be. It kind of drives me crazy that so many of the women on this show are portrayed as hapless in the romance department, not just Tracy, but that's a rant for another day...


Or is it?


Late to reply to this as I just haven't been bothering with anything GH wise. I look at it like this: Tracy does repeat patterns, as do most if not all of the characters. But I think the answer is simple: most people have a set personality by a certain age, and distinct personality traits. Some of the good traits can get stronger or weaker, and the bad traits, vice versa. Overall, however, I think we all are who we are, and at our cores, our way of looking at life and our basic make up rarely changes. Same with these people. Tracy is desperate to have someone love her. So desperate, she'll ignore the obvious.(shows what kind of really crappy parents Edward and Lila were, but I digress). And that's how she's always been, and probably will always be. And part of it is because she is just selfish enough to have tunnel vision. And yeah I care about her character and want her to find happiness, but I kind of feel that so much of her purpose is to find that love and/or acceptance, and once she finds it, her main reason for being relevant will be over. I personally can't understand why she'd fall for Paul again-no matter how desperate she might be. I'm not thoroughly convinced she's fooled by him, though. But if she is, seeing her fall for him and then fall apart when learning the truth, is part of the reason JE is so beloved. Playing Tracy as devastated and picking herself up from the ashes is one reason why the character and actress are loved. So, I might tune in for that.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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Sam can STFU and have several seats, because she has been around Jake Doe all year long and felt no connection that the man was indeed Jason Morgan.


Was she supposed to? He's been "dead" for 3 years.

I mean, I know we joke about it - but even in PC that's not a reasonable assumption. Her family was worried when she refused to accept he was dead 3 years ago. Despite having a 'very particular set of skills' he's not really much like Jason.

I don't think I ever truly appreciated what an impressive job OLTL and TSJ did with the Todd recast until watching this awful Jason mess

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Viewer who have strong feelings about Sam yea or nay can weigh in on whether it makes sense to hang so much of this Jason Returns! fiasco on KeMo's tiny shoulders. I'm stuck at "why make this all about Sam and then not have Sam actually do anything?" I'm actually starting to miss that stupid statue because at least Sam was allowed to hide the statue and caress it.


This story is so awful I'm starting to miss Fluke. That's right. I said it. 

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Sam was barely part of the story. Sam and Jason went weeks/months without any interaction for most of the time Jason has been back in town


I think the real problem is doing a recast with amnesia. If there's a new face and a completely new (or completely absent, in this case) personality - what's the point of the recast?


Y&R's Adam and OLTL's Todd were hiding their identities while trying to get their lives back - there's tension and drama in that. I don't know what the stakes are supposed to be in this story. 

Edited by Oracle42
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I need both Sam and Monica to get gully on Liez ass.


You know, I want Monica to be able to confront Liz about this, but for me, I think it'd work better as a quieter, more emotional exchange.  More along the lines of, "You're a mother who lost her child, you know the pain I was in, how could you stand by and say nothing?".


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This story is so awful I'm starting to miss Fluke. That's right. I said it.



At least Fluke made people talk, and most of the time, he was entertaining. It was a trainwreck, but like most trainwrecks, most people watched.


Have they tried to explain how and why Carlos is alive? Are they really just not going to address it? It kind of makes me wonder if the whole *commercial break*    "and that's what happened" Jake stuff wasn't RC at all, but rather, the new writers. Because it sounds like they are repeating themselves with this Carlos thing.

Yeah, let's just have Carlos, who impregnated Sabrina offscreen, turn up alive. Even though we saw him get shot in the heart onscreen. M'kay.

Now, if they wanted to say Anna had a psychotic break, and the audience "saw" what she thought she did-shooting Carlos-meh, okay. It's still stupid, but not as stupid as some other things this show has done.

And to the show's credit, bringing back a guy shot point blank in the heart-that's gutsy. It reminds me of Whoopi Goldberg in Soapdish, when she's told she has to bring back a character who previously had his head shrunken(or was beheaded, I can't remember). Ah, only in soaps. And comic book movies.

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Sam can STFU and have several seats, because she has been around Jake Doe all year long and felt no connection that the man was indeed Jason Morgan.


Neither did stalker nurse Liez, who spent more time with him than Sam. Carly, Sonny, Monica and Michael also didn't realize Jake was Jason. No one who cared about Jason did. 

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Yeah, let's just have Carlos, who impregnated Sabrina offscreen, turn up alive. Even though we saw him get shot in the heart onscreen. M'kay.

Now, if they wanted to say Anna had a psychotic break, and the audience "saw" what she thought she did-shooting Carlos-meh, okay. 



I think psychotic break/hallucination is the only thing that works. 

Edited by Oracle42
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I did like that they had Sam reference the chapel scene. I think it was an important and kind of pivotal point in the storyline. And Sam said that she got it wrong, that she misunderstood what Liz was saying. It's not all about Sam (obviously some of it is), but the "I can't believe you could be so cruel" is about Danny and the time that Jason missed out on being around his son and maybe to a lesser extent (in Sam's mind) Monica. I would love to think that she doesn't give a flying fuck about Sonny and Carly, but I'm not that naive.

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In my day, "Fluke" was the couple name for the generally unpopular pairing of Felicia/Luke. Is it something else more recent here that is being missed?


And for the love of all that is good, why does the industry keep rotating the same tired ass writers?


That's a good question, and I've posed it before too when people like Megan McTavish kept getting hired despite horrible track records.


My theory, if I step back and try to be objective, is that it's neither an easy job nor a prestigious one in the entertainment business. Soaps shoot so much, so even though there are staff writers to help shoulder the load, the head writer has to come up with a ton of material for five days a week year 'round, even if a devoted viewer sees the material as vamping and wheel-spinning. I don't think exciting young talent is going into writing soaps now, with the grim prognosis hanging over the industry. I don't believe that even 10, 15 years ago, there were young men and women thinking they really wanted to break into writing for soaps, to now be in position to inherit the head writer mantles. Talented young actors, sure, have still ended up there. That will keep going on as long as there are any soaps to be on, because soaps are part of the auditioning process like commercials and anything else, and their agents send them. But a lot of these soap writers are lifers. They might not be great, or maybe they once were better but the inspiration and love for the genre has burned out, but at least they have a track record at keeping the line moving. They're "safe." They've shown they can do their part so the cast and crew can get product out.


I know, it sounds depressing, like an assembly line. And it really is. When daytime drama meant something, it wasn't this way.  


It happens in sports too, though. Managers with losing records get hired again...sometimes repeatedly. "Maybe it was the fault of the players he had."  "Maybe he was fighting with ownership."  "Maybe he just needs a fresh start."  People hope for the best, and it usually comes down to "At least he's done the job before and will be competent." 

Edited by Asp Burger
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It's interesting (to me) that soap writing isn't the a similar training ground like acting is. Maybe the grind is just too much, though it doesn't sound as if writers' rooms for other shows are that much less time-consuming. But perhaps the chance for advancement just isn't there in soaps. And head writers can only put so much of their own stamp on a show, though Guza did a thorough job of totally changing what GH was.


I do think there is a chemistry issue with soaps. Writers have to have the right sensibility for the right soap. Just because someone did great at one soap doesn't mean it will transfer to another. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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This story is so awful I'm starting to miss Fluke. That's right. I said it.


Ptui! Ptui! Ptui! Must distribute magical antidote or at least Febreze a powerful roomspray to those words that have been released into the Universe! The screeching, the mixed bag of indiscriminate accents, the baseball bat, the Q-tip head of sparse white hair and spotty beard, bleary Geary eyes, OTT emoting-- so much trainwreck and dreck. 


We have been delivered; let's not go there again into that dark night.


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In my day, "Fluke" was the couple name for the generally unpopular pairing of Felicia/Luke. Is it something else more recent here that is being missed?



That's a good question, and I've posed it before too when people like Megan McTavish kept getting hired despite horrible track records.


My theory, if I step back and try to be objective, is that it's neither an easy job nor a prestigious one in the entertainment business. Soaps shoot so much, so even though there are staff writers to help shoulder the load, the head writer has to come up with a ton of material for five days a week year 'round, even if a devoted viewer sees the material as vamping and wheel-spinning. I don't think exciting young talent is going into writing soaps now, with the grim prognosis hanging over the industry. I don't believe that even 10, 15 years ago, there were young men and women thinking they really wanted to break into writing for soaps, to now be in position to inherit the head writer mantles. Talented young actors, sure, have still ended up there. That will keep going on as long as there are any soaps to be on, because soaps are part of the auditioning process like commercials and anything else, and their agents send them. But a lot of these soap writers are lifers. They might not be great, or maybe they once were better but the inspiration and love for the genre has burned out, but at least they have a track record at keeping the line moving. They're "safe." They've shown they can do their part so the cast and crew can get product out.


I know, it sounds depressing, like an assembly line. And it really is. When daytime drama meant something, it wasn't this way.  


It happens in sports too, though. Managers with losing records get hired again...sometimes repeatedly. "Maybe it was the fault of the players he had."  "Maybe he was fighting with ownership."  "Maybe he just needs a fresh start."  People hope for the best, and it usually comes down to "At least he's done the job before and will be competent." 


Fluke was the name used last year for a Luke imposter (Fake Luke). I always wanted it changed to avoid confusion with Felicia and Luke, but whatever.

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Jason and Carly arguing about how Carly knows what's best for Jason's life -- swoon.  My Jarly heart was truly happy.  I was waiting when Carly threw out the "wait ten seconds before you do anything you can't take back."  Yes!!!!


Could Liez have been more squirmy during that confrontation?  The line about "everything I did" being a really long list was a really serious tell.  I enjoyed that entire fight from beginning to end and I have no doubt at all that poor little Liez is going to be the big loser in the end.  Can't freaking wait.  

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Oh for fuck's sake, Lulu... don't even waste your time with this 'I want Val out of town' crap. Just climb on top of Johnny and get that done. Your loving husband doesn't want anything but a good time with 'no pressure' with Val... who is eating that shit up with a spoon. Have yourself some serious orgasms, Lulu, and stop worrying about that thing that calls himself your husband and his piece. Everyone else is worrying about Valerie... how about you just continue to be the one person that DOESN'T.

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Was Johnny always such a jabroni? To me he's coming off as a character playing a character right now, quite hollow and disingenuous.


I get Lulu's anger but honestly Dante is her husband, he wasn't drugged and forced to have sex with Val. He made a choice free and clear of any manipulation, and he is still making a choice deciding to keep bending her cousin over instead of fixing his marriage.


Slinging around words of hate about Val and wanting to take revenge against her doesn't change the very obvious fact that the person she married is to blame for his actions solely and she needs to come to gripes with that.


And speaking of those two "love birds", Dante looks pained just being around Val and I do believe that is 100% Dom just trying to get through those scenes. He seems checked out to me, and I honestly don't blame him. This total 180 degree turn of his character into Sonny Jr. has to hurt.


And just what fuckary was going on between Val and Bobbie? That's why they bring Bobbie back? To encourage Val and support her in being the most clueless, brainless, cruel, selfish, ridiculous, hurtful, and unrepentant cousin in PC? ...I've no words.


Nice to see that Jason is still capable of turning into the worst kind of monster and yet continues to get his precious ass kissed and caressed by all those around him. At least Sam didn't break down and start sobbing at his tantrum. She kept her chin up so that was a plus.


But seriously, Sam goes from being verbally berated by that ass, Jason, to dealing with Patrick who decides to pull a Sonny and starts breaking shit in anger? What the ever loving fuckary? Sam went from wincing being yelled at to flinching as things are thrown while another prick raises his voice to her?


I am beyond disgusted by the vileness. And of course she's always the one saying "sorry"...oh how I hate this show.


How the hell can Nathan be such a bore that he can turn French, the language famously known to be "the language of love", into what sounds as exciting and romantic as a recitation of Calculus text.


Ye gods! I don't find him nearly attractive enough to make up for the utter ineptness that is Nathan.


So in the previews Jason has come to see Sam, supposedly calmed down and apologetic, and asks her for the "truth", which she tells him and once again he decides to pit a fit and leave because it isn't what he wants to hear, no no no, he cannot bear to entertain such hatefulness about his precious Elizabeth, who he didn't even bother to try and get the actual truth out of because he already can tell she wasn't going to give up a thing that might go against her.


Now I wonder who supposedly has the amnesia because Sam is getting a full dose of the man she considers her perfect soul mate who also just so happens to treat her like shit whenever he feels like it...god I hate this show.


Patrick needs to dropped headfirst off a parapet, I am done with him. His behaviour is gross and inexcusable. I want him kicked in the teeth, then the ballsack, then the teeth again, and then dropped off a parapet headfirst.

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