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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Have you ever been a patient in a hospital? It's truly the worst place to recover, what with alarms going off at all hours; the vitals being taken at 1 a.m., 3 a.m., and 5 a.m.; the interns making rounds at 6 a.m., and five well-meaning but useless hospital employees coming in during the day to make sure housekeeping is doing a good job.


People yelling is the least of the noise.

Yes, last December. And ICAM about all the noise with monitors going off and residents and nurses coming around at all hours to see how you're feeling/whether you're sleeping. I was seriously ready to kill someone by the time I got out, LOL! But still, yelling is generally frowned upon,

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I mean, how can you even begin to comment on today? Just when you think you've hit rock bottom, you keep sliding further and further down into utter tripe, Show.

I'm pretty sure true rock bottom is when Ava admits that Sonny was right to keep her from Avery.  


Pretty much anyone with Corinthos DNA (with the exception of Avery) can jump off the pier, and take TJ with them.

Edited by sacrebleu
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Wow . . . I need a drank after reading the last page and a half . . . Wow . . . Just wow . . .

Can someone please bring some alcohol and beers to The Scorpio Deck? I'll be the one in the 90's viewing room screaming at Sonny to "die, just die!!!"

Edited by Tiger
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I spent the night once down the hall from a woman who just cackled. All.Damn.Night.


I honestly don't know how doctors expect patients to get better in the hospital. I was there recently overnight for observation/to be on the safe side, and I went home more tired than when I was admitted.


I know the show would never go there, but I would forgive any crap writing for at least a year if Michael stood over Sonny's hospital bed gloating "you finally got back what you gave to my father, you piece of shit"


If only.


I love how everyone is saying how Avery has no idea what's going on. Well, yeah, she's barely a year old. She probably can't tell Maxie from Lulu.


It also cracks me up that Sonny being in a wheelchair is the worst thing that could happen to him. Has no one heard of Ironside?


The Julian/Dante stuff was terrible. Same old boring "You did it/No I didn't" nonsense with some really bad overacting. And then there's Olivia being hysterical about Julian and his violence, while Sonny is just some innocent lamb. If the tables were turned, people would be lining up to shake Sonny's hand for shooting Julian. Gah.


I wish Jordan had pushed Molly's reaction to TJ dying harder. That's how to impress upon TJ that he's being an asshole, not talking about Shawn or herself. TR is doing a really good job being a condescending douche who thinks he has all the answers.


Brydog was hilarious today. Talk about overacting. And the writing for Morgan was terrible. This is not the way to show he's supposed to be in a manic mode.


LOL when Sabrina found out that Paul was in the mob. Everyone's got some connection.

Edited by dubbel zout
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...what irked me today was when Sabrina went back to the Q mansion to get a change of clothes for Michael and Tracy told her to tell Michael that the Quartermaines are there for him if he needs anything.


Sabrina didn't say thank you or even answer her; just looked at her with a blase gaze. So now SHE is a Corinthos apologist too.


Good God, shut up Sabrina and take your lullaby-ing with you. 

Edited by SiouxB
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I love how everyone is saying how Avery has no idea what's going on. Well, yeah, she's barely a year old. She probably can't tell Maxie from Lulu.


It also cracks me up that Sonny being in a wheelchair is the worst thing that could happen to him. Has no one heard of Ironside?


The Julian/Dante stuff was terrible. Same old boring "You did it/No I didn't" nonsense with some really bad overacting. And then there's Olivia being hysterical about Julian and his violence, while Sonny is just some innocent lamb. If the tables were turned, people would be lining up to shake Sonny's hand for shooting Julian. Gah.


I wish Jordan had pushed Molly's reaction to TJ dying harder. That's how to impress upon TJ that he's being an asshole, not talking about Shawn or herself. TR is doing a really good job being a condescending douche who thinks he has all the answers.


Brydog was hilarious today. Talk about overacting. And the writing for Morgan was terrible. This is not the way to show he's supposed to be in a manic mode.


LOL when Sabrina found out that Paul was in the mob. Everyone's got some connection.



Hey there, I'm a LOT older than Avery - and many days I can't the difference between Maxie and Lulu!!!!!!!!!!


Overacting much - YES.  Love Dom/Dante, but today he was in the OTT club along with WDV and BC.


I did like the Jordan/TJ scenes - even he is too caught up in the reflected light of Sonny's halo. 

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So I just want to make sure this is clear. If you are on the barge, do not, I repeat, DO NOT LEAVE! Remain calm and enjoy your lowered blood pressure. There is absolutely no reason to disembark. Maybe ever. I will be one of the unfortunate souls to take one for the team.


I mean, how can you even begin to comment on today? Just when you think you've hit rock bottom, you keep sliding further and further down into utter tripe, Show.


Morgan is beyond annoying, and Michael is becoming a close runner up. But TJ takes first prize in an absolute landslide. Molly needs to dump his ass. I applaud her for choosing her college orientation over the wedding.


I really liked VA today though. She was great.

To show you how bad I think GH has become, I'm now watching "Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders : Making the Team" and switching over to GH during commercials only (and I don't think I lose much). At least on that show the villains are consistent and everyone knows them (only they don't know when they'll strike!).

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Have you ever been a patient in a hospital? It's truly the worst place to recover, what with alarms going off at all hours; the vitals being taken at 1 a.m., 3 a.m., and 5 a.m.; the interns making rounds at 6 a.m., and five well-meaning but useless hospital employees coming in during the day to make sure housekeeping is doing a good job.

People yelling is the least of the noise.

Oh wow! It's like you were there with me when my mom was in the hospital. The only difference was her room was not right off main receiving where everyone seems to come in and go straight to ER. Most recovery rooms or hospital rooms I saw 6 months ago were a little more removed from all that, unless family needed to yell at doctors because a loved one was NOT RECOVERING FAST ENOUGH!!! Edited by Originalroux
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God that was vomit-inducing.  It's a pretty bad sign that I find myself rooting for fucking Julian.  I originally started watching this show because it was on t.v. in the breakroom at my work.  It was last year's Thanksgiving episode where Michael verbally destroyed Carly.  It caught my interest, so I started watching.  So it was especially gross to watch the character who got me watching the show, Michael Quartermaine, become Michael Corinthos again.  All because of that nasty Murdering Mobster.


Bleh.  I hope the Port Charles Wormhole grows to gargantuan proportions and swallows the whole city.  Anna and Avery can escape on a hot air balloon.

Edited by Lexx
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I am kind of upset that we didn't Tracy's first reaction when she found out that Sonny was shot. Because it wasn't what they showed with Tracy feeling somewhat bad for the Corinthii and offering the Q family if Michael needs them. She would have laughed and said Sonny deserved it for the life he led.


All that male testosterone for all of Sonny's male relatives. Kristina would actually break that tension if she was there.


Yep Sam. Keep trying to convince yourself that you love.........................................................um..............Patrick.

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Sam: I love my purseholder but Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason.

It took me a few minutes to realize this was sarcasm - I was thinking "wait, I missed a scene - when did Patrick have time to give her a present since he's currently working to save Sonny?" You all are too funny. 

"Get some towels, Sonny!!! We need towels!"

"I don't know where the towels are, Olivia!! Robin, show everyone a picture of Stone!"

I get that this is a parody, but I don't know from when.  Did Olivia, Robin, and Sonny have scenes together in his home and I missed it? I remember Patrick having scenes with Olivia in the hospital, but not Robin. 

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Did Olivia, Robin, and Sonny have scenes together in his home and I missed it? I remember Patrick having scenes with Olivia in the hospital, but not Robin.

No, I just threw Robin in there from when she told Dante the story of Stone to make Sonny look good.*

*Kim and DZ needed to share more scenes. They were cute.

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I have a little wish that Skye would show up for one scene at the hospital, to say to Carly, Michael and Morgan, "Oh, Sonny's been shot?  Well, look on the bright side, Carly - at least it wasn't one of the kids. I'm sure AJ - god rest his tortured soul after Sonny murdered him -would be relieved to know his son wasn't in the line of fire this time when someone came after Sonny. Good to see you, Michael. Ta..."

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I have a little wish that Skye would show up for one scene at the hospital, to say to Carly, Michael and Morgan, "Oh, Sonny's been shot?  Well, look on the bright side, Carly - at least it wasn't one of the kids. I'm sure AJ - god rest his tortured soul after Sonny murdered him -would be relieved to know his son wasn't in the line of fire this time when someone came after Sonny. Good to see you, Michael. Ta..."


Yes, yes, all of this!


Or Jax even!  "Hey Carly, looks like Sonny's been shot AGAIN!  No way am I letting my daughter be anywhere near him, or you if you chose to marry that cretin.  C'mom, Skye, let's go make out on my private plane."

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Jordan needs to stop apologizing to that stupid little shit and admit to herself that he is headed towards a life of crime. It is not just his hero worship of Sonny, TJ clearly got an adrenaline rush from this latest experience.


Yeah I was thinking TJ probably had a hard on while he was tied up and in danger in that chair. Spending time as a hostage is so much more exciting than registering for college and studying, or working to pay for college instead of getting a mobster to bankroll it for you. The only way TJ is going to grow up is if Sonny pretends to throw him out (for TJ's own safety). Irks me that everyone kept referring to TJ as a "kid" or a "child".


Oh Dante, I love you... when you're not Sonny's Son. So please get some scissors and cut the hand waving/desk hitting the fuck out, mmm'kay, thanks? I was half expecting him to toss a coffee cup.


There's no barware in a police station, so Dante had to make do with desk hitting.


Am I wrong for wanting Sonny to wind up in a chair for the rest of his life?

I don't just because we'll have to hear about how BRAVE Sonny is and WHAT AN INSPIRATION he is to them all.



I hope Carly still marries Sonny in the hospital, but then discovers he is impotent. When Jakeson is revealed as Jason, Carly will be like a cat in heat, but frustrated.


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Not only did Carly tell Michael that he made his way back, but in the previews, he's shown saying, "I love you, Dad" to Sonny at his bedside.  Ugh.


Well . . . ten months wasn't bad.  Actually, if anything, that's gotta be a new record in terms of someone staying mad at Sonny.  As long as he still maintains a relationship with Tracy, Monica, and possibly Dillon, then at least that'll be something of a silver lining.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Ah, we disagree there. :) I think Sonny was in his life more often than Jason, although obviously Jason was the third parent. (Or 4th, after Leticia).

Eh. I think Michael was brainwashed to worship Sonny and here we are. I don't think it's because Sonny raised him and they were just so uber close.

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"Wah, wah, wah, Jason" - Sam

"And here's where Jason died.  And here's a piece of gum he once chewed.  And I cried when I read his favorite motorcycle oil was on sale at Pep Boys.  It's like the universe is sending out reminders about our special, special love.  Where I would tell him the depth of my feelings, and he would grunt."

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Not watching today. Can't stomach the sight of Michael Q getting kicked out in favor of Michael C. Screw you, writers. Same with Dante going further down the river of douche. TJ is dead to me as well. All the characters I loved are beyond repair, all because of the moobster.

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Not only did Carly tell Michael that he made his way back, but in the previews, he's shown saying, "I love you, Dad" to Sonny at his bedside.  Ugh.

I think it would be unrealistic for Michael not to feel upset about Sonny getting shot. He has considered Sonny his dad for most of his life, so uttering "I love you Dad" when Sonny seems near death after Michael's had to let go of Jason and then AJ doesn't surprise me. In real life, kids suffer terrible abuse from their parents - even nearly die because of their parents - yet still feel love for them. I wonder if Show will explore Michael feeling conflicted/disloyal to AJ's memory because he still loves Sonny and doesn't want him to die, even knowing that Sonny murdered dad AJ.

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I think it would be unrealistic for Michael not to feel upset about Sonny getting shot. He has considered Sonny his dad for most of his life, so uttering "I love you Dad" when Sonny seems near death after Michael's had to let go of Jason and then AJ doesn't surprise me. In real life, kids suffer terrible abuse from their parents - even nearly die because of their parents - yet still feel love for them. I wonder if Show will explore Michael feeling conflicted/disloyal to AJ's memory because he still loves Sonny and doesn't want him to die, even knowing that Sonny murdered dad AJ.

I suppose.  I just hope he doesn't fall right back into full-on ass-kissing mode.  In a perfect world, they'd have a full talk, a full discussion, about the A.J. murder, and then decide how they'll proceed from there.  But since this is heading back to Sonny and Carly being the focal point of the show once more, they probably won't.

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Carly: and you married poor Nina Clay for her money.


Poor Nina Clay.




I can't.


And I can't begin to tell you how much this pissed me off. STOP IT, SHOW. You're beyond pushing it.



I missed the memo and de-barged myself too soon. Because I'm a middle child, I will be there with you, taking one for the team, but mainly because there's a tv in the kitchen and I usually start dinner around 3pm and there's nothing else on.


Is this why we put up with watching this shit? Like it isn't bad enough to be ignored in our families and have our moms declare our older brothers saints and...UGH now I sound like Morgan.



I'm pretty sure true rock bottom is when Ava admits that Sonny was right to keep her from Avery.  


Pretty much anyone with Corinthos DNA (with the exception of Avery) can jump off the pier, and take TJ with them.


LALALALALALALALA, CAN'T HEAR YOU! Please, for the sake of my sanity, do NOT put that out into the universe.



To show you how bad I think GH has become, I'm now watching "Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders : Making the Team" and switching over to GH during commercials only (and I don't think I lose much). At least on that show the villains are consistent and everyone knows them (only they don't know when they'll strike!).


:small voice: I like that show. It appeals to my dance background, and it's just addicting. When I was 6 years old, I wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader because my mom was from Dallas. Thank god I sidestepped that land mine. But seriously, the cheerleading that everyone is doing for Sonny rivals any of the DCC's.



Everything else was garbage today, but I don't care... I loved the Jake/Sam stuff at the pier.  Sue me.


The former Jasam fan in me really liked it. The person that despised Jason and was thrilled beyond belief that he was kicked into the harbor hated it. So basically, I'm fighting with myself. Maybe I have multiple personalities. Oh god, first I'm Morgan, now I'm Connie?!?! I suck beyond belief.

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If Michael decides to step into Sonny's shoes and run the gummy bear mafia, I will be so done with this show.

What are they supposed to be doing criminal now, anyway? I know they whitewashed from drugs to coffee at one point, but then I blur out unless Sonny is screwing on a grave or smashing glasses.

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Jesus with the eye make-up on Lulu. They need to stop that.


Yeah....that's a lot of blue eyelid......


I'm ready for TJ to be shot in the head…or chest. I'm not picky.


I'm struggling; the kid is a great actor ( he'll move on to greener pastures I'm certain) but good lord, I want to smack the taste out of the character's mouth like it is my job. 

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Anyone who is not named Ric can STFU at that hospital oh and Patrick too but you know he's just doing his job. Carly and her snarling, Morgan and his over-acting even Michael pissed me off because once again deep in the clutches of Carson hell he has become.


I didn't mind Sabrina and her singing to Avery it was sweet and yeah it was done on purpose because OMG Sonny is shot PC will crumble in to little pieces now for all who knew him! 


Subtle goes a long way show.


Where's Liz? I am tired of Sam/Jake bonding already

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I hope this tedious Jason/Sam bonding will lead to the reveal being sooner rather than later.  They both seem to be trying to generate chemistry, but I don't see it.  But BM seems to be a chemistry void of suck.  I need Liz out of St. Jasus hell and then I can FF both those boring losers.  

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If Michael decides to step into Sonny's shoes and run the gummy bear mafia, I will be so done with this show.


If Michael were to do this would this be considered character assassination?  To have him go from renouncing Sonny to filling his shoes not even a year later...To me that would make Michael look weak and pathetic.  His words will have no meaning because what he believes and says will change as often as he changes his underwear.

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I hope this tedious Jason/Sam bonding will lead to the reveal being sooner rather than later.  They both seem to be trying to generate chemistry, but I don't see it.  But BM seems to be a chemistry void of suck.  I need Liz out of St. Jasus hell and then I can FF both those boring losers.  


I like BM but I'm right there with you on the lack of Jason/Sam chemistry. It's not even showing up in HD. Shot me in the head and call me Carly but I liked Jake with Liz before the "let's hide his true identity" bs. Anything that has the potential to re-Q Jason is good with me.


If we're in for Sonny Goes to Heaven in a very special episode I will go Fluke on someone.

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I wonder if Show will explore Michael feeling conflicted/disloyal to AJ's memory because he still loves Sonny and doesn't want him to die, even knowing that Sonny murdered dad AJ.


Ron wouldn't give us these layers, but hopefully the new HWs will give us this, because otherwise the entire story will be a gigantic waste of time. Michael should be conflicted. You can't just erase 20+ years of feelings, but Sonny betrayed Michael in the worst possible way. I don't get why Carly isn't still on his shit list for her part in the lie, but on the other hand, it's exhausting to deal with her in any capacity, so maybe Michael decided to bygones her behavior for the sake of his own sanity.


I know they whitewashed from drugs to coffee at one point


The coffee importing is Sonny's legit business. We've never known what his mob stuff is once they decided he was too "noble" to sell drugs.


I hope this tedious Jason/Sam bonding will lead to the reveal being sooner rather than later.  They both seem to be trying to generate chemistry, but I don't see it.


This quad is a giant vat of meh. I don't get any real feelings from anyone. Liz is cray, Jakeson is just going along with it because he doesn't know better, Sam is still pining for Jason, and Patrick needs a mommy for Emma. Sam and Jakeson's feelings for each other are pretty tepid, too, so big whoop about the reveal. There's not any conflict.


If Michael decides to step into Sonny's shoes and run the gummy bear mafia, I will be so done with this show.


Morgan should be the one to take it over. He can be the hothead who drives the bidness into the ground because he's so blinded with rage and frustration. Also, he's dumb enough to think he can handle it.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I think at this point it will seriously be more interesting when Liz is outed and Jake/Sam/Patrick figure out how they all feel about each other.  Because this holding pattern is just dull.  Hopefully it was turn into a Jake/Sam/Patrick triangle and Liz can do off into another story (preferably not another triangle with Nik).  

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There's no point in doing a triangle because RC's "romances" were plot point based. There's no "there" there.

Guza wrote some crap stories for women but I think RC is several degrees worse and I think it's not so much misogyny on his part as arrogance and a decision to ignore all criticism.

Edited by Oracle42
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Carly: Get out of here, Ric! You're behind all this because Julian!


Ric: I don't know anything about this, but I am his brother....


Michael: I AM HIS SON! The last year or so are retconned!


Minion DuJour: Duhhhhh.... Boss' Son don't like you. Me manhandle....


Ric: Um, I am the DA, and this is a criminal investigation....


Minion DuJour: Me get rough and toss you out! Boss is the Boss!




Okay, I'm watching 9/11 footage over Sonny.

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I like BM but I'm right there with you on the lack of Jason/Sam chemistry. It's not even showing up in HD. Shot me in the head and call me Carly but I liked Jake with Liz before the "let's hide his true identity" bs. Anything that has the potential to re-Q Jason is good with me.


If we're in for Sonny Goes to Heaven in a very special episode I will go Fluke on someone.


You are killing me here!!!


Where I would tell him the depth of my feelings, and he would grunt."


I can't lie, hot tea just shot out of m nose!

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I think at this point it will seriously be more interesting when Liz is outed and Jake/Sam/Patrick figure out how they all feel about each other.  Because this holding pattern is just dull.  Hopefully it was turn into a Jake/Sam/Patrick triangle and Liz can do off into another story (preferably not another triangle with Nik).  

I don't know how to buy a Jason/Sam/Patrick triangle when Sam could barely choke out yesterday that she loves Patrick.  Samtrick is written just like Patrina and it is clear that Sam is just not that into it.  Just reunite JaSam and allow everyone else out of their vortex.  Maybe Patrick can go find his personality 

Edited by aw86
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Yeah, no matter what Sam says, I still don't see her being "truly" torn between Patrick and Jason.  I think the real question is IF Jake remembers being Jason, does it mean his feelings for Sam are still there?  I think that MIGHT be more interesting than Sam choosing between Pat and Jason.....Mostly because of how poorly SamTrick was handled.  I just don't see Sam in any universe picking ANYONE over Jason.   IF anything, I think she'll have a harder time letting down Emma.


I don't really care what happens to Liz, I just want her to get whats coming to her.  I can see a return of Niz those 2 deserve each other.

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If Michael were to do this would this be considered character assassination?  To have him go from renouncing Sonny to filling his shoes not even a year later...To me that would make Michael look weak and pathetic.  His words will have no meaning because what he believes and says will change as often as he changes his underwear.


It would be cool if he took over and then later pulled a Jason, refused to relinquish power, and used it to destroy Sonny and Carly (and Nikolas). But that wouldn't happen in this brilliant "let's fix plummeting ratings by putting on a band aid and ignore everything Sonny and Carly have done" world.

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*sighs* Michael at Sonny's bedside saying he is his father had me changing the channel so fast.


Will TJ ever shut the fuck up about it being his fault and what a good guy Sonny is.


Lol at Julian wondering if Dante inherited his fathers cheating.


Does Patrick know Sam at all. She is always running to danger its what she does.


Morgan continues to be the worst along with BC.

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Michael (referring to Sonny being shot): This shouldn't have happened.


Me: ...why?  Getting shot is what happens when you're a FUCKING MOBSTER!


I just...I was resigned to Michael not wanting Sonny to die or this event making him decide he wants to find a way to have some kind of relationship.  But no qualifiers, just pretty much apologizing for rightfully hating Sonny for what he did to AJ and wiping the slate completely clean and declaring over and over again that Sonny is his father and Michael is his son so the Sonny stans can squee their brains out?


It's the worst.

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