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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Personally, I think Luke and Laura should get back together, even if it's only until Geary leaves, although it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Regardless, Luke and Tracy have never been a convincing couple; I mean, I get why Tracy might want to believe that she's the love of Luke's life and the best thing that ever happened to him, but she's deluding herself. Laura is and has always been that for Luke, whether the actors and the writers now want it to be so or not. There isn't another couple on any soap who were as legendary as Luke and Laura, and if Geary is really leaving forever, then his exit story needs to honor that history and make this about Luke and Laura and their kids, not Tracy or Tracy's bitterness over how no one has ever really loved her (and shuttie, Dillon, she's not talking about you; she's talking about men not related to her). Tracy and Luke were together because it was convenient, for each of them as characters, but mainly for TPTB who didn't want to think too hard about what to do with them. "Tony's coming back from Amsterdam, what should we do with him?" "Uhhhh, how about another fake marriage to Tracy?" "Cool! Write it up!" They've been together since the early '00s, but I'd call that more of a long con than true love.

  • Love 19

OMG, did Jane Elliott rock it today.  If that's not her Emmy reel, everyone loses.  I was also very impressed with NuDillon, he hung right with her the whole way.


I steadfastly believe that when Laura said "If we get Lucky", she was totally talking about Lucky.


Other than the Haunted Star scenes, I pretty much blew through the show.  None of the other characters interest me at all.

  • Love 2

One thing I failed to mention earlier is that I love that Genie and Jane still have their real faces. I mean I can't swear that they've had no injectibles (Genie is older than I, but her forehead is damnably smooth), but their faces move, they're getting a little (but not unattractively) jowl-y. They have smile lines. The skin around their eyes move. It's a revelation. And seriously, they both look decades younger than JZ and LC. That might be chronologically true in Genie's case, but not Jane's. Kudos to both women, for not screwing up their faces. The lovely Anna Lee would be proud.

Edited by General Days
  • Love 15

Personally, I don't care about this one because I intentionally clicked on a spoiler a few days ago, but some folks around here avoid even casting rumors and confirmations (and often I am one of those people). I realize now that I don't know the technical rule, and it's probably fine to post it because it's been reported, but I think a lot of us spoiler tag this stuff on the side of caution. Or maybe I'm totally wrong. Guys?

And not trying to call you out, TessH- really just asking because I think it's nice for us all to be on the same page!


Oh I agree, sorry if I wasn't supposed to.  I saw it confirmed on ABC.com so I never thought twice.  You know, I've never read a spoiler in my life I don't think.  I remember even taping (original) Dallas on my VCR if I was out on a Friday night and doing the humming thing if anyone would come near me and tell me what happened on an episode.  My addiction to soaps started with ALL MY Children when I was 9 and there were never coming attractions.  I loved suffering not knowing!  A lived for a Friday cliffhanger and couldn't wait for Monday.  When was the last time this show really had a cliffhanger?

  • Love 1

Then I want Laura and Tracy to go on the adventure and ditch Luke.  THAT would be fun to watch.


I'd pay money to see Laura and Tracy relive the old L&L adventures but with a different/non romantic twist... more like a Thelma and Louise. I think there'd be great chances for both of them to kick ass but also to talk/dissect Luke and their feelings towards each other (enmity, respect, intimidated) which would be (hold on to your hat) good soap opera drama if written right. They'd come out of it more like frenemies and that would be much more interesting to me than leaving Tracy sullen and bitter (again) and Laura fawning over Luke (again). Wake up ladies, Lucas Lorenzo Spencer ain't worth it.


I don't really understand what is going on with the Franco/Nik/Legion of Doom/Rosalie/Dillon ELQ shares so I kind of gloss over when those scenes come on. I know Frons used to direct the show not to write about business because he said that they are boring and I used to chafe because I have seen plenty of interesting business stories over the years (mostly on this show with Edward) .... but with all the stories that Ron has tried to write (from Pickle Lila to this current mess), he's making me a convert to the 'no business stories' model of soap. Funny how Dallas could be a top rated show for a decade focusing solely on business stories.. but this show can't even generate one halfway decent one. Of course this is also a show with the word "Hospital" in the title that struggles to find interesting things to do in ... a hospital (which astounds me... it's the nexus of life and death.. how can you NOT find things to write about in a hospital??).


Shut UP NuDillon - you cannot say those things to Luke and Laura. Only us, their fans can say those things. You Sir are no Michael Quartermaine telling off Sonny and Carly. Who ARE you, again?

  • Love 3

I think if casting news is a direct part of a major story (in this case, Lucky), then I see it as a spoiler.

If it's "Oh, Rosalie is on one day next week", it doesn't seem to be as much of a spoiler somehow because she is, at best, a supporting cameo role on this show. Maybe, since there are spoiler tags and a whole thread devoted to spoilers, for those who would like to remain spoiler-free, casting news could be counted as a spoiler.


On the other hand, if you're a regular viewer and couldn't see from ten miles ahead that some form of Lucky was on his way to the show, then you're just not paying attention.


I'm hoping that any Lucky story will explain why his brother Nik is being such a grade A dickhead since Christmas.

  • Love 3


Michael and Sabrina have a nice easiness. The actors work really well together. If Sabrina really does know how to fold a fitted sheet properly, Michael has a treasure there. I have to watch a video before I do laundry because I always forget what to do after the folding the first corners.


LOL I was thinking the same thing. I wish she'd come over and teach me how to fold one. I can't even be arsed to watch a video. They just get shabbily folded and tucked away.



Drily humorous ME is my favorite ME. "Use your words, buddy. I know you can do it!" Hee.


I cracked up at that line - especially his delivery of it.

  • Love 2

Okay, I've stirred this around a little more and Luke didn't really lie to Tracy about why he was doing what he was doing.  He said he was doing it because of love, he just wasn't honest about who the love was for, Lucky.  I'll be interested to find out why they couldn't just tell Tracy the truth.



It's so odd, because she could have a real place in his life and in his heart but she keeps being written as wanting Laura's place - needing to be the great love of Luke's life.., and that's not happening


I think it fits though.  Tracy's always needed validation be it from Edward, Lila, Alan and being the great love of Luke's life would have given her that as crazy as it sounds.  She's so incredibly insecure when it comes to believing that she can be loved.

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 5
she keeps being written as wanting Laura's place - needing to be the great love of Luke's life.., and that's not happening


It's also not necessary. 


She's so incredibly insecure when it comes to believing that she can be loved.


Given that no has really loved her for herself, it's not surprising. Luke had real feelings for her, but for whatever reason he kept pulling the rug out from under her. It says more about him than her, but Luke and Tracy could have been a real couple. It didn't have to be another Luke and Laura, given that Tracy is not Laura. Ugh. Such a waste of opportunity.

  • Love 4

Morgan:  You kiss just like Ava!


Ava...I mean, Denise:  All twins kiss exactly the same.


Morgan: Oh!


Thank you for this, it made me completely forget about my stressful day at work. Just cracked me up.


I enjoyed this ep. That's 3 in a row, I think. 


ME is killing these scenes lately. Silas works really well as comic relief.


Morgan and Ava, still into it. SO hot. "The only woman I ever loved." NGL I swooned. 


I love Michael and Sabrina. They're so stupidly cute. It's a nice contrast for me from Morgan/Ava's garbage hotness.


I don't know what to say, because I legit enjoyed almost the entire episode (even Silas who I hate, and Nina a little who I abhor). Kate Hall must have done a damn good job, because I really can't complain too much. I don't even know who I am today.


And because I didn't see a lot of the old speeches that Tracy gave (I saw the ones when Ethan was around), this one really resonated for me. Jane was amazing, and made every single word work for me. The stairs dialogue with Dillon was stellar. I guess it was a good thing that there weren't that many people at the party, because that was really rough. Everyone just kind of disappeared though. Lulu/Tracy does work though with Emme. That I can see.


I kind of think that Michael and Sabrina's roles in regards to Rosalie should be reversed. He has had a bunch of red flags thrown in his face about her (it's not just with Ava/Denise), but he still trusts her. Aside from a couple of run-ins, do Sabrina and Rosalie even really know each other? I don't buy her suddenly being all PI Sam about it. One thing she is definitely better at though than Michael is folding. I don't know how he's going to fold a fitted sheet when he can't even fold a baby blanket. His folding skills kind of suck.


"The only woman I've ever loved", damn it Morgan. Why do you go and say things like this and make me feel so squishy inside? Freaking adored it. And Kiki can suck on that. Hah!


Why do I get the feeling that Naxie are going to become my new sleep aid? They will talk about endlessly boring topics (whether Nina will forgive Nathan, was he wrong for listening to Franco) in bed half-dressed, and that's it. Occasionally, Georgie might make an appearance. But they have no substance whatsoever.


Damn, could Nik be more of a total and complete asshole? I hope Laura reems his ass but good. The first thing she should bitch him out for was leaving children unattended at a party with candles.


Previews: Ugh, Jiz is back on my screen.

  • Love 6

As usual, Jane Elliott delivered a GREAT FOAD speech to Luke.  It was well-written, wonderfully said, and - by Jane Elliott, well acted.  She puts more into her scenes sometimes than they deserve.

I often don't like Tracy, often don't sympathize in the least with her, but that's never stopped me from enjoying JE's work.  And as much as I liked today's performance, haven't we seen this just once too often?  It's pathetic that Luke is the best Tracy is allowed to shoot for (if ONLY she'd shoot him), and for her to be dumped by this piece of trash AGAIN, well, lets just say it's lost it's punch.  


This might belong in the Unpopular Opinions thread, but I like NuDillon so far.  I think he's an okay actor, from what we've seen so far - at least no worse and in some cases better than a lot of the cast.  And I don't mind that he doesn't resemble Scott Clifton's Dillon.  It helps that I didn't much care for that Dillon and care even less for Scott Clifton.  I liked how he told off Luke and I liked even more how he comforted his mother.

I'm not looking forward to any fling he and Lulu might have, but that's more about Lulu these days than it would be about him.  Lulu has been veering into Stepford Wife territory for some time now - too sweet, too dense, too.....Maxie-like, in a way.  Valerie isn't the answer, but Dante must be getting bored as hell with her.  


I'm all for Morgan and "Denise" breaking Kiki's little heart and brain into a million pieces.  They can show her breakdown in excrutiating detail as far as I'm concerned.  I'm all in favor of any storyline that causes Kiki the maximum amount of pain.  Makes me smile....


Somebody just shoot Franco in the head and end our pain.  Any affection I had for Roger Howarth has disappeared completely.  I can't stand to see him strut into a scene anymore, mug it up and then flounce out.  It's unbearable.  So unbearable that he's worse than The Nina.  Now how the HELL did anything become worse than that??


Count Dickolas - don't care. 

  • Love 9

Michael and Sabrina have a nice easiness. The actors work really well together. If Sabrina really does know how to fold a fitted sheet properly, Michael has a treasure there. I have to watch a video before I do laundry because I always forget what to do after the folding the first corners.


LOL I was thinking the same thing. I wish she'd come over and teach me how to fold one. I can't even be arsed to watch a video. They just get shabbily folded and tucked away.



My favorite grandmother's trick to folding a fitted sheet was to put the corners together, roll it into a ball and shove it in the back of the linen closet where company will not see it. She was one of 19 kids.(insert your Duggar joke here)  However, my other grandmother, an only child, used to iron all her sheets, perfectly folded them and had them on display in the linen closet in case company looked.  Guess which grandma I take after...hint: I don't even own an iron. 

Edited by movingtargetgal
  • Love 8

Good episode, minus the snooze fest of Nathan and Maxie, and Nik being an ass while Rosalie is so smug. I hope she gets caught in her lie and the Cassadines go down.

JE killed it. I know she's always been a screechy person, but I really felt her heart break. I know something else is going on but Luke could have broken up with her after the engagement party in private. NuDillon really impressed, especially when he was alone with his mom.

Nina wasn't so fidgety today- big plus. Plus, Silas's smart assed remarks were hilarious.

Damn you writers for teasing Ava/Morgan. At least I got my Michael/Sabrina fix for the week. Looks like the nastiness of Jiz will be on tomorrow so my FF button will be in use again.

  • Love 3

How does a so-so boring couple like Micahel & Sabrina work while Michael & Starr/Kiki don't? I thought for sure when they put Sabrina in Michael's orbit it was a mercy pairing for the two actors but it actually works. It's sort of nice to see two semi smart characters like Michael & Sabrina discuss things and use their brains & work together. I guess I have to give RC credit for that, right? Wait! Did I just say that?!

  • Love 13

See, for me, because I believe Tracy believes it when she says she is the best thing in Luke's life-I get her devotion. It's why I don't see her as pathetic. She believed Luke loved her. She believed she was now first in his heart. A woman who believes that, and forgives and tries to make it work, she's not pathetic. It's the woman who knows none of those things are true, and stays anyway, that makes that woman pathetic. As far as Tracy getting in Laura's face, what woman wouldn't get in the face of her husband to be's ex wife who showed up uninvited to their engagement party? Oh please. As if any woman on this show would have behaved much differently. As far as anyone acting like Tracy is something great-I didn't see that. I saw people rightly outraged at what they believe is basically a woman getting dumped in a rude unfeeling and tactless way. What would be weird is if the crowd had no reaction or they were cheering Laura and Luke on. The crowd thinks it is all as it appears to be. What I find most telling is that no one questioned this behavior. That tells me the whole town is used to LnL being these self serving douche bags. They are a prime example of why I hate so called super couples. Trampling over others just because they can. Ridiculous tools, both of them.

  • Love 1

See, for me, because I believe Tracy believes it when she says she is the best thing in Luke's life-I get her devotion. It's why I don't see her as pathetic. She believed Luke loved her. She believed she was now first in his heart. A woman who believes that, and forgives and tries to make it work, she's not pathetic.


But I don't think Tracy has any reason to believe that given their history together. Even if you'd never seen Luke and Laura together, how do you look at the way Luke has treated Tracy for years without thinking she's pathetic and foolish for believing she first in his heart - based on what?


And if you have seen Luke and Laura - hell, Luke and Holly - you know how Luke behaves when he loves someone. This ain't it

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 12

When was the last time a party went well on the Haunted Star?


Not much to say about the last couple of eps:


Can't stand Tracy, but JE has killed it the last couple days.


Shaddup, Lulu.  Tracy is not more important than your mother.


How faithless is Morgan?  [/rhetoricalness]  But, yeah, how faithless is Morgan?


Another rockin' ensemble on Rosalie.  She should give tips to Kiki.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 3

Let's add up some of the clues:


Jake Doe turns up in the hospital around the same time as the clinic explosion.


Danny is "drawn" to Jake.  Sam feels some connection.


He has had multiple brain surgeries in the past.


Jake knows how to use a gun, and has violent tendencies.  He was being controlled by Helena who was also at the clinic with Jason.


He is around the same height, build etc as Jason (according to Nikolas)


He has memories of having sex with Sam, wearing wedding rings, riding on a motorcycle, kissing her, etc.,


Hayden told him she knows who he is AND it has to do with Sam as well.





He fixes the cable?

  • Love 5


Shaddup, Lulu.  Tracy is not more important than your mother.


I don't think Lulu feels that Tracy is more important than her mother.  As soon as Laura walked in, Lulu showed concern and wanted to make sure she was okay.  Once that had been established, I don't think it was out of line for Lulu to be concerned for Tracy in that moment.  She knows that Luke has repeatedly hurt Tracy.  She also knows what Tracy has been through with Fluke and that she put everything on the line to save Luke this past year.  She gave up her family's company for him.  I think Lulu would be heartless not to sympathize and feel for Tracy. 

  • Love 3

What ocean is Michael planning on taking AJ to, as far as I know it would be at least an 9 hour drive to one. A lake is not an ocean.


The Qs always used to summer in the Hamptons, so perhaps he's going to their vacation estate there. And distance is no problem when you've got access to the Port Chuck wormhole.

Edited by rur
  • Love 1

I think Tracy is foolish for believing Luke and Laura so easily. When was the last time Luke showed any romantic interest in Laura? IIRC didn't Laura want to get back with him in 2013 but he turned her down? I don't understand how Laura can suddenly show up and after a 10 minute conversation she and Luke decide to get back together and Tracy just believes them without being even a little suspicious. 

  • Love 2

I don't think Lulu feels that Tracy is more important than her mother.  As soon as Laura walked in, Lulu showed concern and wanted to make sure she was okay.  Once that had been established, I don't think it was out of line for Lulu to be concerned for Tracy in that moment.  She knows that Luke has repeatedly hurt Tracy.  She also knows what Tracy has been through with Fluke and that she put everything on the line to save Luke this past year.  She gave up her family's company for him.  I think Lulu would be heartless not to sympathize and feel for Tracy. 


I do not disagree with this general perspective regarding Lulu's relationship with Tracy, but in this specific situation, without knowing why Laura was there or what she needed from Luke, yeah, I think she was putting Tracy first.  Of course, it's Tracy's 30 days' pre-engagement party and her feelings are important, but I would hope Lulu would know her mother better than she appears to.  How can anybody not know there's more going on here? There's always more going on with Luke and Laura.   How did Laura even know about the party or the engagement, if she even did, for that matter?


Of course, I started watching GH during Luke and Laura's heyday.  I'll always see her as his great love, and I'll always despise Tracy, so that colors my perspective.  So, grain of salt and all that.

  • Love 6

Well, there's also the fact that the Luke of today isn't the same person he was with Laura or Holly. So I don't know that how he acted with them thirty years ago proves much. At any rate, I never said Tracy's belief was rational. Or that I as a viewer believe it. The only thing I know is that I believe Tracy believes it.

How about the difference in the way he treated Skye ten years ago?

I absolutely believe that TG adores and respects JE. I always see that on their scenes together but there's never been a story that showed Luje loving Tracy. I understood that with Pruza - because ugh but I really thought they'd get something decent with RC.

I was actually pretty pleased with Joe because they had chem and he showed more care and willingness to sacrifice for Tracy than Luke has ever shown.

Of course, he was then turned into a rapist - while Kate's success and determination were rewritten as the result of decades of severe mental illness - and Tracy got shoved into the Fluke story where she spent nearly two years either waiting for Luke to come back, looking for MIA!Luke, stridently defending his shitty behavior and aggressively attacking the young woman he kept sexually assaulting.

Tracy/Luke could have been and should have been a love story in its own right but I don't think Pruza or RC ever bothered to write it

  • Love 1

Now that Jake knows he's not married to Hayden is he going to talk to Sam about the odd memories he has of her?


Not until either Liz or Carly tells him to. 


Who will they recast her with for a day if she gets it?


Florencia Lozano if Ron had his way? 


When was the last time a party went well on the Haunted Star?


Or any party in Port Charles.  Why do these people still keep showing up to big parties?  Although I guess, at least this time, nobody was in actual mortal danger at the party. So..success? 

  • Love 4

She puts more into her scenes sometimes than they deserve.

I often don't like Tracy, often don't sympathize in the least with her, but that's never stopped me from enjoying JE's work.


I've never cared about Tracy (or any of the Qs for that matter), but I agree that Jane Elliot is such a good actress. She relies a little too heavily on the glowering stare, but when she has to do hurt, she knocks it out of the park every time. At the first GH Christmas party after Lila died, someone was making a speech paying tribute to her, and Tracy was standing off to the side with the most amazing broken-hearted look on her face. She can outact many of her castmates by just standing there.


I've been meaning to mention this and this thread moves so fast that I don't read it every day so this might already have been talked about, but I get a huge kick out of the framed photo of Duke that keeps being shown since he died. Under what circumstances would Duke have recently sat for a portrait? Corinthos Mob Family Yearbook? I picture him heading down to the Sears Portrait Studio and deliberating over backgrounds. "Beach? No. Clouds? No. Plain white? THAT'S THE ONE."

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 8

What ocean is Michael planning on taking AJ to, as far as I know it would be at least an 9 hour drive to one. A lake is not an ocean.


Ooh, is this the new "a brain is not a foot"? Still my favorite line of soap dialogue ever.


Looking forward to Molly's face/reaction from the previews. If there was ever a time for Molly to be a brat, now would definitely be it.

  • Love 3

Michael and Sabrina have a nice easiness. The actors work really well together. If Sabrina really does know how to fold a fitted sheet properly, Michael has a treasure there.


I agree that they have a really pleasant easiness and that the actors just click together. I would watch and genuinely adore a scene of Sabrina showing Michael how to fold fitted sheets. LOL but it's true. I hope they do it.


Nina, Silas, and Franco amused me, especially Nina and Silas. The actress seems to playing Nina differently, and I find myself enjoying some of it. I can't describe it, but it's working. And her ridiculousness combined with sardonic Silas is the most I've ever liked either of them!


I so agree with this. Yesterday was the first time in months that MSt didn't make me uncomfortable. Her and ME actually really work great together. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

In 2013, during the anniversary celebration (a term I'm using loosely for March-May of that year) they had a conversation in which Luke said, essentially, that their relationship was worn out (like an old sweater). But I don't think it was because Laura wanted to get back with him as much as it was a "Where do we go from here?" talk. But it's been a while, so parts of my memory may be fuzzy. I do remember some discussion -- and outrage -- about the sweater comment, though.

Edited by rur
  • Love 1

Ooh, is this the new "a brain is not a foot"? Still my favorite line of soap dialogue ever.

Looking forward to Molly's face/reaction from the previews. If there was ever a time for Molly to be a brat, now would definitely be it.

Why is Nina saying "Call me Mom" or whatever anyway? Molly HAS a mother, ya know, the one who raised her. Why does Nina think this a good thing to say to her new almost-grown step-daughter?
When was the last time a party went well on the Haunted Star?

Or any party in Port Charles.  Why do these people still keep showing up to big parties?  Although I guess, at least this time, nobody was in actual mortal danger at the party. So..success?


Any large gathering should be avoided, but these idiots never learn.


Why is Nina saying "Call e me Mom" or whatever anyway? Molly HAS a mother, ya know, the one who raised her. Why does Nina think this a good thing to say to her new almost-grown step-daughter?


Nina is desperate to replace the baby she lost, so even an almost-grown never-met stepdaughter will do. Asking Molly to call her Mom seems entirely in character to me.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

 It's the woman who knows none of those things are true, and stays anyway, that makes that woman pathetic. As far as Tracy getting in Laura's face, what woman wouldn't get in the face of her husband to be's ex wife who showed up uninvited to their engagement party? Oh please. As if any woman on this show would have behaved much differently. As far as anyone acting like Tracy is something great-I didn't see that. I saw people rightly outraged at what they believe is basically a woman getting dumped in a rude unfeeling and tactless way. What would be weird is if the crowd had no reaction or they were cheering Laura and Luke on. The crowd thinks it is all as it appears to be. What I find most telling is that no one questioned this behavior. 

I think Tracy now truly feels that none of those things were ever true because Luke has a long pattern of behavior of using her and then feeding her ego to smooth things over. 


Laura showed up unexpectedly to the Haunted Star, but Dillon himself confirmed that that his conversation with Luke took place a few hours ago. That means Laura was already on her way to Port Charles. This party was very spur of the moment - so Laura wasn't deliberately party crashing unless she had just talked to her family or her ex in recent hours. It's been clarified that she has not talked to them. Tracy really didn't give her a chance to say a thing - her attitude was 'You're here to steal my fiance - get out! You're not wanted! Go back to France!" Both Luke and Tracy handled the situation very poorly; things didn't have to be horrible/awkward. Laura owes Tracy nothing, except perhaps a thanks for being there for Lulu - and I believe she thanked Tracy for that the last time she was in PC. All of Tracy's insecurities and issues about Luke and her relationship with him are because of the way Luke has behaved toward her, how he's neglected her and abandoned her. I recall Luke and Laura having their faux anniversary vow renewal on Q property (with Tracy as a guest)  - wasn't that Luke's idea? Or maybe Edward's. That's why I got annoyed that Dillon told Lulu the situation isn't her fault - it's her parents' fault. NO, it's her father's fault, and possibly also his mother's for not listening to him (or anyone for that matter).

  • Love 6

Granted, I've yet to see the last two episodes.  I think Jane Elliot is a great actress. BUT, if her speech to Luke was like "I deserve better than the crumbs you deign to give me, and I won't put up with any more" then, zzzz...because she's said it BEFORE. And yet, kept coming back for whatever crumbs he deigns to give her.


And it's not like Luke and Laura haven't been together for over 20 years or "yeeeaaaaarrrrrrs."  If Guzasshole hadn't been the ass he was, or Phelps, or hell, whatever caused Genie to leave in 2002, thus writing her out in the most insulting manner ever, Luke and Laura would have married.  They were set to remarry.  Then when she woke up in 2006--well, I know what I saw on my screen. And then back in 2008, Laura told Tracy, she could have Luke back if she wanted to, but instead, Laura walked away.


It's LUKE who doesn't love her enough. Frankly, I've never bought this relationship or love. I cringed when Chloe was on the show, doing Lila's memoirs, and we had Jane and Tony in flashbacks playing Lila and whoever Geary was supposed to be. YUCK.  That's probably when they got the idea to get those two in a relationship.


And not for nothing, but I saw how Luke broke down when Laura returned to her catatonic state in Christmas 2006. Now that's love. I've never, ever seen Luke light up, like he does when he sees Laura, with Tracy. With Tracy, I see it as her wanting to compete with Laura and come out the winner. After all, according to her, "the great Luke and Laura love" was "rammed down her throat." Yeah, when? And by whom? It was Laura who saved Luke; LAURA who went on adventures with him. But Tracy wants to be that person, so he'll say Laura, who?


Well, that's the vibe I get from Tracy, anyway.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 17

Wait, what? When did Jane Elliot and Tony play Lila and whoever in flashbacks? Granted, I blocked so much of the Felicia/memwahs arc out of my mind almost immediately as it aired*, but I don't think Jane was even on the show during that storyline.


I think Luke says he wants or doesn't want certain things, I think (like Tony Geary) he often makes himself believe them to get by in what's become of his life. But to his credit, one thing Tony has always done - no matter what he says in the press, no matter how he disparages the relationship - is play Luke as utterly gobsmacked any time Laura enters the room. You can see it in his eyes every time, there's no contest. He looks at Laura like she's an entirely different and fascinating lifeform.


Also, not to make this a History post, but I remember rumblings that much of the 2002 story with Rick, etc. may have come from Chuck Pratt as well as Guza. Parts of it were a very liberal lift from the famous Alison/attic molestation story on Pratt's Melrose Place, though I know there were also rumors they'd wanted to do something much bigger with Rick Webber and the hospital, Rick Jr., and having Bobbie turn out to be the woman Rick Sr. was fucking around with, not some random nurse. As always, it was (IMO) the seed of some good ideas - this secret of GH past - curdled into something gross.


(* - I didn't block out Chloe, though. I loved Chloe, I don't care! I hope Tava Smiley still has one of those TV presenter jobs like the last time I saw her.)

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

Why does everyone keep repeating themselves? Why does everyone keep repeating themselves? Why does everyone keep repeating themselves?


So Sam visits the Q mansion with Danny in tow but instead of having actual face to face scenes with Nana Monica (Who?) to talk about family and such she instead gets to be a sounding board about those effing shares with the almost baby killer, Sabrina. If there was ever a time for ghost!Carlos to make another appearance...


Liz hears about Jake's dream of good ol' Danny boy and decides to throw her vagina at him as a distraction. Always keeping that "ass" in classy Lizzie since, well, a long time now.


And suddenly Jake thinks of asking Michael, a kid he's only met a couple of times and so is basically still a complete stranger to and nearly killed, for a job because...? Oh reasons, well of course then it totally makes sense.


Jake doesn't need to find out he's really "Jason" to get sucked into the Q universe, he'll just get hired on as Michael's man servant bodyguard, how riveting... 


Ron has got to the laziest ass writer I have ever seen at work, I swear. He doesn't bother with the "why, who, where, when, and what" questions, he just decides something is going to happen so it does without even bothering to have any of it make any sense whatsoever, imho. 


Dante handcuffs T.J. to a table and supposedly just heads off because...? And of course he is still sneering at Jordan because she is the "enemy"...Tequan could be doing so much as a budding new male lead on this show and instead he just languishes.

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