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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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These actors have a spark, a fire, they have presence, they can cry on cue, and yet they get passed over for a Rosalie or Kiki 2.0 or either version of Sloane. It is madness, it is maddening even.


ITA.  To rinse and repeat: Rosalie, Kiki, and Sloane and their ilk are longer roles and thus "plums" that give extra ongoing exposure, money, and acting experience. IMO Ron reserves any role like that for doling out as a bribe, payback, crony share, protection money, whatever. For the lesser one-day roles he allows the competent casting people to do their jobs.


Thus we get excellent dayplayers but politically chosen nobodies for longer roles--wannabes who bought their opportunities through family connections, sex, golf partnerships, "awards" to the show or to Ron's favorites, etc  This stinking corruption permeates and engulfs the show.. If the nobodies are poor in talent, they are allowed to stay on the canvas in case their source continues to deliver the goodies. Otherwise, the role dries up like a pimple with no explanation from Ron et al.


  • Love 1

Stamos was so damn right.


Wait. What? About what was Stamos right?


The "jokes" in the Patrick/Alexis scene were so juvenile.


I am ashamed to admit this, but I thought NLG and JT had just great chemistry, that I enjoyed their nip scenes. *hangs head*


It would have been impossible for Jake to really move to Bleecher's Corners because there is no there, there. It would have taken a lot of work to fabricate his life there. Find a house, furnish a house with fake momentos of his life there. Hire a lot of people to pretend to be their friends. It would have never worked out.


Yeah. Forget about hating Ric for this plan. I just disdain him for this plan, because it is unsustainable.


I see wasted potential when I see Roger Howarth. I see miscasting like a motherfucker because that last scene with MSt in the suite wasn't bad. I even see actual anti - chemistry with LW now. If I'm not expected to buy him as Sonny's fool or see any story where Sonny is a star crossed anything, I can see good "I hate you/hate sex" chemistry with RoHo/LW. He'd have made a great Stephen Lars or AJ because he's great with the cast. He just has the worst role ever. At least his AJ wouldn't be arguing over relish.

Sometimes the stupid burns when I see Patrick casually putting Sam in Robin's place. I want someone to give any care about Robin and punch him in the face.

I decided long ago that RoHo's Franco isn't James Franco's Franco. I chalk it up to writer error, lawsuits, etc. and move on. This is an original character (I mean, in my mind) and I'm not going to hold RoHo's performance hostage to this insufferable writing.



That's the big reveal? WTH? While I can see where that type of incident would cause a psychotic break, what does it have to do with Fluke trying to kill everyone and take over Sonny's business? It just doesn't make sense. Seems to me that Ron changed the direction of the story midway through and left a lot of loose ends dangling.


At first I didn't recognize LW. She did a great job as Lena. 


LW was awesome as Lena. I want her to be a new character named Lena. 

I really liked today's scenes, even though I still hate TG's performance. The kids were great. It's silly that Pat is supposed to be older than Luke, because, oy, she's younger. It's also silly she's supposed to be older than Bobbi, because JZ has so fucked up her once lovely face. That said, I still love Pat. I love the kids. I thought baby Bobbi did a great job with her first scene (April Fool hiding behind the curtain) and was TERRIBLE with her more dramatic scene. But kids? What are you gonna do?

I just -- I can't even be mad at this story any longer. I just want it to be over.

Edited by General Days
  • Love 3

I kind of love you, Lillybee. 

During today's episode, I found myself sympathizing with Luke (Fluke?) because I did so love early years Luke and I don't want him to be a raping monster. While part of me digs the idea of Bill being Fluke, I'm kinda glad that he isn't.

I would personally feel a lot less like a hostage as a viewer if he would just finally get fucking fired.


I never watched ONTL. I came back to GH, just when "Todd" was putting cameras in teddy bears, or something. I just decided then and there that I would ignore the Todd and Franco stories, and decide RoHo wasn't at fault for them.

  • Love 1

I don't think he's writing it or making them do it, but I do think he is performing it (horribly) with (horrible) material that the writers think is gold which the viewers will eat up like it's still fifteen years ago. This guy is a serial killer and rape facilitator and we're supposed to just see Roger Howarth set to the tune of Wacky Sax. They chose to write awful shit and give it to him to play, he is playing what they ask for - sort of cliche "classic Roger!" and it is awful to watch. I don't blame him for the writing. I do think the writing and performance together are absolutely unwatchable and I deeply, deeply wish he was gone. He might as well be whenever he's immediately offscreen, that's how irrelevant and forced the character is now.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 18


I think of it as an alternative hell dimension.


So we're going to see Glory and Ben then?


I think this story works only if you know little to nothing about Luke's past, or are willing to just forego everything that makes sense. Once you start nitpicking, you really can't stop. It doesn't make much sense to me at all that killing his mother who he loved, and his father who he hated, would turn him into a perverted sex fiend that hits on young enough to be his granddaughter, not terribly attractive women.

  • Love 6

Yeah. Forget about hating Ric for this plan. I just disdain him for this plan, because it is unsustainable.


Ric is not known for excellent long term planning. So....Yay! character consistency


Sure it's plot point BS in service of a terrible story but I am willing to give partial credit for getting something right - even if it wasn't intentional 


That was all very "Cats in the cradle" .... but,  you know, terribly written. That was just awful. So awful I can't even think of someting snarky to say. But I'll try:


Patricide and matricide! Mental illness! Shitting on the history of your male lead- the one that put your show AND soaps smack dab in the middle of pop culture!  Happy Anniversary!! woo hoo!


As others have said, at least there were no dead Quartermaines this year.. so, you know, it's in the win column!


First thing I thought of when I saw the house fully intact - didn't Michael say to Sabrina that the clinic was on hold because the house was basically demolished in the explosion? Isn't that why he offered her a job? And it's not like I'm pulling a line from a show six months ago.. I think that was like three weeks ago. I mean, if the writer isn't going to care about his own show, then why should we?

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 5

Can we come up with a name for the action of trying to make sense of this show when it goes totally off the rails? It's a futile action, yet one we are somehow compelled to take; we don't actually care, yet it still somehow matters so very much. I'm not as creative as many of y'all are, and I just know someone will come up with the perfect word. Ideally, the verb could be turned in to a noun as well, so that when I'm trying to make sense of something like the Legion of Doom, you could all just say, Oh, Turtle, stop being such a [word].  



Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4

Killing both your parents in a single night would have been, in the 60's, a horrible trauma that would have brought a ton of guilt down on the perpetrator as well as permanent social alienation. "What will people think?"  was truly a powerful weapon to control personal behavior. We hadn't had the assassinations, the multiple drug-laced murders, the serial killings, the bombings and school shootings and so on that continually fray human society and relationships now. I can understand how decades of silence and weak good intentions then could have made the situation worse and strained the Spencer family.


On top of that...watching the black and white story, I heard questioning echoes several times of Greek, renaissance and Jacobean tragedies, where unconscious psychology and myth are deliberately intermingled with horrific violence and serial murder. Killing parents or children (or children killing parents) is a defining part of such tragedy. Literary critics have debated endlessly about the meaning and intent of the Greek tragedies, and the renaissance copies.


Yes, Luke's story could be a poor repatch of his whole history, and that of the Spencer family and PC. every charge that is currently leveled at this denouement and Ron can be successfully argued. Ron may have stumbled into myth and tragedy in a completely unconscious way.


But those who were classically trained must admit, I think, that other layers of meaning and intent are possible in this denouement, intentionally or not.

  • Love 2

I think a few of the actors did a fantastic job in Weds episode.  I had to stare hard to see Carly instead of Lena.  I wasn't around the the 1960s GH but I saw the clip of the first episode.  I think the actors for Patrick & Liz did a decent job though I wish they had taken more time to film it, I think Liz kept popping through instead of Jesse.  I didn't think it was Phil at all - he seemed really smug and smarmy in the clip I saw (not unlike Patrick).  I saw Lucas in those scenes.  I did enjoy the old GH set.


I think the young actors who played Luke/Bill and Pat were spot on.  I hope they get cast as family members or brought back as other people.  Really great acting.  ETs mom did a good job with the script she was given.  Lulu is turning into Maxie.  And that's not a good thing.  Tracy was believable.


Luke was not.  He didn't suck too much but he wasn't good.  He couldn't stay in character as his father and he was very one note.


Bobbi was OK.  The child actress wasn't good but it's probably harder to get good kid actors.


My local 7 cut off the last part.  Off to find it on youtube.


I hope they start tying up the loose ends.   Bill E gets the house because he walled up the body of his dead uncle.  OK.  He was a child but I guess another child could sign over a house that wasn't in their name.  It's the 60s you know.  (no idea)   Guessing his parents were busy talking to Dr Hardy at the hospital when he went over to talk to Pat.   I can maybe understand why Pat would stay away from Luke (keep him from remembering) but why wouldn't she take Bobbi and go live at the Eckerts and send Luke to FLA with Aunt Ruby?   What nonsense are they going to make up on that?  Does Port Charles have multiple elementary and high schools?  If not, wouldn't the Eckerts and Spencers run into each other at school?   And since Bill looks like a straight haired Luke, wouldn't they have bumped into each other before now?  The kids went to school, Luke played baseball...  Too many loose ends.


Almost as bad as Jacob Schmacob or whatever Jake's last name is.  Unless Ric hired someone to put clothes and other things in Hayden's Beecher's Corner's home, how is she going to explain having no Jacob items there?   And when he asks a neighbor, then what?   And why hasn't Carly asked Spinelli to look Hayden up?


Ric telling everyone he went on one date and it turned out to be a married woman feels like an anvil.


Cannot abide the Nina Franco crap.


Also cannot abide Sam's Jake obsession.  Stop playing with your ring.  Stop talking about other men when with your current boyfriend in bed.  If you cannot do those things, then you are not ready to move on.  you gave Silas so much crap for standing by Nina (before he found out how BSC she was) yet...


Yes, no Sonny!

  • Love 7

The 'Luke accidentally killed his mother' thing could have worked without totally invalidating what Bobbie and Luke believed about that night. Just change details. Tim punches Lena in the appendix area (but all we see are the kids' horrified reactions), and Luke and Patricia both grab at him or jump on him to make him stop. He rushes at Lena again (according to Patricia), cut to the audience seeing the kids struggling with him as Lena gets knocked down by Tim or falls down in the struggle. Tim has pushed or knocked Patricia off him. Luke runs for his baseball bat and swings it at Tim's head as Tim is screaming in Lena's face. At the last moment Tim sees a flash of Luke with the bat, ducks, bam Lena gets a bat to the head. This could all be shot in a way that Lena's death is at least as much Tim's fault as Luke's, TG doesn't have to hit anyone or strain himself physically, and Bobbie and Luke's truth is still partially true. 


I really thought - after the line from young Bill that his dad also says he looks just like Luke - that there would be some hint Tim either had a ONS with, or raped, Mrs. Eckert, Bill was the product of it. Lena either knew or suspected but stayed loyal to her husband, and thus no relationship between the Spencers and the Eckherts that Patricia could remember. I could believe they would send Bill to the hospital for information on Lena's condition, and Bill would say something like, 'I've felt tension in the air for as long as I can remember whenever there's a reference to our family visit before I was born; just the mention of Tim makes my mom uncomfortable. They worried about your mom being abused, but she and your dad told them just stay away.'


At least that would make it more plausible that the Eckherts didn't take in the Spencer kids. Bill doesn't tell his parents Tim is dead and so they're afraid of him showing up, or they don't want Bill's 'twin cousin' growing up in their house ... something. Maybe a reference to the bakery business struggling, and can't afford to take on children.  


Regardless, it's all a total fail for explaining Luke's behavior in the last year, or last five years, etc. (choose your own length of time since Ron's clearly just making it up day-to-day anyway).

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 3

Re: Tuesday's show-


Preeetttyyyy sure Carly was wearing Blair's black blouse from the vastly improved wardrobe of OLTL 2013 the other day. Blair wore it a bit better.


I can almost believe Tracy could talk Fluke down, but not having this come from Laura or Lucky (or Bobbie) is still so ludicrous. Granted, Bobbie did make him break before in jail.


Why do they keep doing these endless raggedy comedy vignettes that sort of push time along for days or weeks? They keep running these sort of things into the ground and it never becomes a fun character beat, it just becomes this obnoxious sort of drone. Spencer loves Ronn Moss! Spencer loves Player! Let's have scenes all about that! Patrick saw Alexis' nipples! Let's keep that conversation going between multiple people for days upon days, just to draw out a discussion of Patrick and Sam moving in together (way too soon)! If we keep this stuff up it'll get us that much closer to May sweeps and the next big twist! Look, I love comedy on soaps, I used to find these kind of little recurring bits cute back in the day, but Ron and co. have used them way, way too often and kept them going in weekly story forever, as if they're so enamored of the gags. But now I'm starting to think they keep doing it just to fill time with sitcom shenanigans.

  • Love 3

I did really like both Pats.  Keep the younger Pat and cast her as Valerie's half-sister, I say.


Young Luke and Pat were both terrific.  However, young Pat kept reminding me of Meredith Grey of Grey's Anatomy.  They should use her for that someday.  BH really 'got' Jessie Brewer down !


I remember Steve Hardy as more empathetic though !  

I decided long ago that RoHo's Franco isn't James Franco's Franco. I chalk it up to writer error, lawsuits, etc. and move on. This is an original character (I mean, in my mind) and I'm not going to hold RoHo's performance hostage to this insufferable writing.


I do the same thing.  I don't connect this Franco to the James Franco one.  They are two totally different characters.  I see a lot of blame and all that going toward Roger Howarth.  That is not his fault.  He doesn't write this garbage.  He's just collecting a check.


I would personally feel a lot less like a hostage as a viewer if he would just finally get fucking fired.


That is just stupid.  I'm sorry.  I just have to say that comment is stupid.  Why should he get fired?

Edited by superdeluxe
  • Love 1

I thought the episode was decent, but I wish there had been more of the old hospital stuff.  AG was not terrible as confused Luke toward the end, but his other, screaming personality was still over-the-top.  Twirl that mustache, Fluke!  The young Luke/Bill and young Pat were really good, even though the curly haired Luke looked like Harpo Marx.  I don't think I ff once! 

I do the same thing.  I don't connect this Franco to the James Franco one.  They are two totally different characters.  I see a lot of blame and all that going toward Roger Howarth.  That is not his fault.  He doesn't write this garbage.  He's just collecting a check.


Him playing Franco is not his fault.  The writing is not his fault.  But he's accountable for his performance and it's been aggressively not good for a while.  I'm not gonna let him coast just because I liked him as Todd a million years ago.

  • Love 13

I'm kind of ashamed to admit this now, but I loved that episode. I thought it was great. Now, looking back on it I think it was probably because I am a newer viewer and because I easily just put everything past and future out of my mind. Leading up to this ep was awful and I am sure the future will be too, but this episode was good and I enjoyed it.


It's been said already, but I just have to say the actors playing Young Luke and Young Patricia were fantastic. It's too bad we can't bring them back as a new teen scene. 


Really the acting was great on almost everyone's part in this ep. LW and the young actors were all just fantastic. BH, JT, and RyCa weren't great, but it was fun to see them in those scenes. JT was probably the best. BH and RyCa just seemed like Liz and Lucas to me. TG wasn't good, but at least he was better than he has been.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 9
Can we come up with a name for the action of trying to make sense of this show when it goes totally off the rails? It's a futile action, yet one we are somehow compelled to take; we don't actually care, yet it still somehow matters so very much. I'm not as creative as many of y'all are, and I just know someone will come up with the perfect word. Ideally, the verb could be turned in to a noun as well, so that when I'm trying to make sense of something like the Legion of Doom, you could all just say, Oh, Turtle, stop being such a [word]. ]


Sisyphussing?  Oh, Turtle, stop being such a Sisyphus? That might capture the futility of making something work that doesn't. Though I don't mean to imply that you -- or any of us -- deserve punishment for anything.


Or, just futilist.  More specifically, a cognitive futilist? Stop engaging in cognitive futility, Turtle.


This will be even more random, but in the movie Chaplin, and there's a scene where Charlie Chaplin thinks over and over and over how to make a plot point work.  How to make it believable to the audience. You know, unlike Ron, who just blows past the unworkable point and shouts on twitter, "Only the basement exploded!"


So, when you're trying to figure something out, turtle , we will tell you to top being such a Chaplin and just accept that only the basement exploded.

That is just stupid.  I'm sorry.  I just have to say that comment is stupid.  Why should he get fired?

You mean aside from the fact that he plays an abysmally horrible character?

  • Love 9

I'm kind of ashamed to admit this now, but I loved that episode. I thought it was great. Now, looking back on it I think it was probably because I am a newer viewer and because I easily just put everything past and future out of my mind. Leading up to this ep was awful and I am sure the future will be too, but this episode was good and I enjoyed it.


stop that now girl. :) If you liked the episode, you liked it. I liked it too. I just can't get over how Ron was like, "only the basement exploded!!"

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 10

stop that now girl. :) If you liked the episode, you liked it. I liked it too. I just can't get over how Ron was like, "only the basement exploded!!"


I'm glad some others did like it because I honestly and truly thought it was great.


I literally can't with 'only the basement exploded.' And like he seems to be 100% serious with that, too. It's just mind-blowing. But, it is actually kind of nice to have confirmation of his stupidity.

  • Love 5
Can we come up with a name for the action of trying to make sense of this show when it goes totally off the rails? It's a futile action, yet one we are somehow compelled to take; we don't actually care, yet it still somehow matters so very much. I'm not as creative as many of y'all are, and I just know someone will come up with the perfect word. Ideally, the verb could be turned in to a noun as well, so that when I'm trying to make sense of something like the Legion of Doom, you could all just say, Oh, Turtle, stop being such a [word]. ]


You know what's interesting about this is that daytime showrunners, at least back in the late 80s had a term for the exact opposite of this.


Back when the actors would go to the writers or directors or producers and say, "But this doesn't make sense!" the writer or director or producer would dismiss the concern by saying, "Don't worry about it. They're ironing."  That  of course meant that we silly, empty-headed watchers at home were too busy with our housework to pay careful attention to the plot. 


I don't believe that was a term that Gloria Monty used, though.

  • Love 1

Oh, you're so funny on April Fool's Day!!


But seriously, why did Luke suddenly start trying to goose Kiki for months straight?  Why marry Tracy to get ahold of ELQ?  Why be repulsed by her when usually she's his quesadilla or meximelt or whatever? 


Didn't his psyche make him "forget" that he killed his MOTHER and his dad?  If he buried that and then, for the sake of discussion only, nevertheless felt guilty and worthless (without knowing why), didn't he just incorporate dad's personality (which knew no sense of shame and loved being evil to others) and activate it while away from his family?  He became Tim to the Max for any idea that popped into his head. 


 Was it Fluke who got to enjoy all the vacays away and became Tim, free to act out while away but with the connections and 'power' base that Luke had built (as mayor) when unaware of that special night?


  Well, I'm just trying to make sense of it all.  I DID especially enjoy the eerie music used for the b&w scenes.  And the writers  held my attention despite Tim being a heavy, obvious stereotype.


 Tony Geary has been incapable of subtlety for a long time and I think he gets high (or imagines he is doing fine acting) when he finds an excuse to YELL with the veins sticking out of his neck.

  "Y O UUU  D I D !!!!!!!"


By the way, I'm on the West Coast and somehow I didn't see that last scene live so had no idea he also killed his mother (until I read about it here), and I just figured that they'd show on Thursday what happened during the time he said he couldn't remember...  I wonder how many GH fans missed that last scene.

I did watch it on Hulu Plus after reading about it here though!

Edited by pitchy
  • Love 2

Well, that happened. Of course, Ron's ignorance, his disrespect of history and his all-around hackery raised their ugly heads for the umpteenth time. ITA with the poster who said that the current cast should've just remade the first episode, plus I think it should've been in B & W, except for commercials. While the actors playing the youngLuke, YoungPatricia & YoungBobbie were great, even they couldn't make gourmet chocolate out of that pile of shit-which, come to think of it, those last three words perfectly describe Luke/Fluke, this storyline and the show.

  • Love 1

Sisyphussing? Oh, Turtle, stop being such a Sisyphus? That might capture the futility of making something work that doesn't. Though I don't mean to imply that you -- or any of us -- deserve punishment for anything.

Or, just futilist. More specifically, a cognitive futilist? Stop engaging in cognitive futility, Turtle.

This will be even more random, but in the movie Chaplin, and there's a scene where Charlie Chaplin thinks over and over and over how to make a plot point work. How to make it believable to the audience. You know, unlike Ron, who just blows past the unworkable point and shouts on twitter, "Only the basement exploded!"

So, when you're trying to figure something out, turtle , we will tell you to top being such a Chaplin and just accept that only the basement exploded.

You mean aside from the fact that he plays an abysmally horrible character?

How about just the classic FrankenRon? Like, oh don't be a silly FrankenRon? Or 'You just FrankenRonned the shit out of that'? Edited by Badsamaritan
  • Love 1

I'm kind of ashamed to admit this now, but I loved that episode. I thought it was great. Now, looking back on it I think it was probably because I am a newer viewer and because I easily just put everything past and future out of my mind. Leading up to this ep was awful and I am sure the future will be too, but this episode was good and I enjoyed it.


No reason to be ashamed. I enjoyed it too, taken on its own merits -- and y'all know how much I rage and rant about the current writers.

Also, Tracy looked fucking amazing ... actually, so good that it seemed like she wandered in on these downtrodden people and decided to stay and help them rather than return to her much more glamorous life. Hee. I really enjoyed that.

But I still say it makes zero sense in the context of Luke's previously established history and even the Fluke stuff that started only a year ago. A traumatic event 50 years ago explains nothing. Only the last year of outright insanity required explanation - all of Luke's past bad behavior before then HAD an explanation ... which is that, when things get really rough for Luke, he turns into a cynical, self- destructive dick and ends up hurting others.

  • Love 10

Question for you guys. How old was Bobbie supposed to be in the flashback? I can understand her not remembering because she went upstairs (I guess, but having a parent die makes you remember everything about that day, from experience), but she looked to be at least 7 or 8. There is no excuse for her shoddy memory of their childhood. The way she made it sound was that she was like 4 when Patricia left. I don't know, I cut them a lot of slack, but I'm not seeing this line up that well.

  • Love 2

Question for you guys. How old was Bobbie supposed to be in the flashback? I can understand her not remembering because she went upstairs (I guess, but having a parent die makes you remember everything about that day, from experience), but she looked to be at least 7 or 8. There is no excuse for her shoddy memory of their childhood. The way she made it sound was that she was like 4 when Patricia left. I don't know, I cut them a lot of slack, but I'm not seeing this line up that well.


No, Bobbie said she remembered Tim being abusive all the time, and Tim hitting Patricia on that particular night.  She got sent upstairs before Luke accidentally hit Lena.  She didn't remember anything else - and thus realize the significance to Luke's mental state - because she was out of the room.

No, Bobbie said she remembered Tim being abusive all the time, and Tim hitting Patricia on that particular night.  She got sent upstairs before Luke accidentally hit Lena.  She didn't remember anything else - and thus realize the significance to Luke's mental state - because she was out of the room.


Okay, I guess I remembered it wrong then.

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