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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Apparently Lulu is so riddled with baby rabies that she even goes to funerals of strangers' dead babies.


Olivia is supposed to be so motherly, I think.


Where was Emma? Didn't Patrick think she could handle death yet?


The whole service was not a Catholic funeral, which would have been a Mass. The baby was baptized before it died, so according to Catholics it went immediately to heaven.



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Sticking a tiny casket on screen

It wasn't even a casket, it was a cardboard gift box lol!


At least there isn't a gigantic picture of Gabriel in Sabrina's arms.


I liked that Nathan taunted Levi. Levi is a douche whose smugness about his own superiority needs to be pointed out as often as possible.



Memo to Duke: Holding a 25-year grudge like that is weird. You spook me out.


I totally get why Duke is still furious, but I'd think that now he's been back in the real world for a while, he'd want to put that energy to something more positive and useful than hating Julian. Especially since Julian really couldn't care less, and nothing is going to be enough for Duke.


I liked Sam's hair today.


Yeah, unrequited love sucks, Rafe. Get over it.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I totally get why Duke is still furious, but I'd think that now he's been back in the real world for a while, he'd want to put that energy to something more positive and useful than hating Julian. Especially since Julian really couldn't care less, and nothing is going to be enough for Duke.


Exactly.  I totally get that Duke's hatred of Julian and the Jeromes kept him going during his long stint in the Turkish prison, but he has Anna again and he's the one who's threatening their relationship with his antics, not Julian.  Like I've been saying, Julian does not seem to remember who Duke is 80% of the time.


It's sad how much I'm starting to not like Duke.  I blame Sonny.

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Anna should have drop-kicked the greasy little shit the second he opened his mouth and had that same disrectful tone he uses with all wimmins.  Anna may be an incompetant commissioner,  she is still the police commissioner not one of the bitches' whores.  


I didn't think Nathan's meat joke was disrespectful or "fratty" in the least.  I wish he had grabbed a big stick of pepperoni and shoved it down Levi's throat until he choked to death.  


Ya'll have already been far more eloquent and insightful on Rafe and his portrayer, that ill add no more to that conversation.


Duke & Anna's baby is definitely alive.  I just pray to god its not either of those stoopid bitches Keeks or Sobs.  I would love if it was Ellie.  She was an awesome character and I really liked Emily Wilson.  

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And I  realized today I think Patrick SHOULD divorce Robin.  She's a shit mother.



The only reason she is being shown be a shit mother is because the writing is skewed to protect the character of Patrick at all costs.  So Robin has to be made to look bad so Patrick will be "forced" to divorce her, and, therefore, Patrick will be blameless for the failure of the marriage.  I am no huge KM/Robin fan (although I like the character of Robin), and I am not going to make any fervent pronouncements about how RC will NEVAH EVAH NOT IN A MILLION ZILLION YEARS!!! MAKE ME STOP LOVING ROBIN!!! (Cue Celine Dion), but this setup for Patrick to dump Robin is absolute BULL. SHIT.


Duke & Anna's baby is definitely alive.  I just pray to god its not either of those stoopid bitches Keeks or Sobs.  I would love if it was Ellie.  She was an awesome character and I really liked Emily Wilson.  



I'm pretty sure Lauren will stay Ava's. There's no reason to change her parentage yet again, and she's settled in her bubble. Making her Duke and Anna's doesn't add a thing.


Which is why they will make Kiki Duke and Anna's long lost child.


On a more serious note, my mind went to Kiki as the lost Duke/Anna baby because plot wise, it would make sense that Olivia Jerome somehow got her hands on the baby, fooled Duke & Anna into believing it was dead, and then handed the young 'un off to Ava to raise.  No need to jump through a bunch of hoops to make the retcon seem plausible. 

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re:  Anna and Duke's baby

Ron was having a cow thinking people were going there, when he kept reminding people the miscarriage was on-screen and actually asked how far Anna was along when it happened.


Yes, it's unthinkable that the man who made Scott and Heather Franco's parents (as well as rewriting Franco's history) could make someone already on the canvas Duke and Anna's baby.


Bitch, please.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I just said recently how I can usually always find something to enjoy in any given episode. That task proved to be near impossible today, but I finally settled on the two seconds of Saxie sitting together at the funeral! Please, please, please - now that Maxie's finally been given scenes with Patrick, let's get her in scenes with Sam too. I want to see them catching each other up on their love lives over drinks.


The only other thing that I liked was not gonna lie, seeing Nathan in his running attire.


Glad to finally have Ava back tomorrow, even if it's with her lameass daughter. And glad to see Morgan too, but that shirt has made its appearance one too many times I think. Plus it's just going to remind me of the 10/2 episode when they had really hot sex so it makes me bitter on top of that.


Finally, DIAF Sonny. You don't care about Ric, and you're disrespecting Anna. You can STFU and go to hell now any time.

Edited by tvgoddess
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Maxie and muppetboy are really starting to try my patience. All they do is act like hypocrites call each other out then forget about it. How in the world Maxie can be so blind to my det. Special Kitty boggles the mind! BOGGLES I tell you! I think Maxie has been in more scenes with him shirtless than clothed and nada?

I'm beginning to think she is braindamaged.


Is Julian homeless? He sneaks in Alexis' window at night and seems to spend ALL his time in the park like some zoo animal so everyone can come around shooting insults and picking at him. Seriously does he live in a cardboard box by the pier?

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Lulu and Patrick were close when JMB was Lulu.  She helped him through his 2 minute drug addiction when Robin died. 


As for Olivia, maybe she was Lulu's ride.


Olivia used to be pretty friendly with Patrick too, but that was ages ago.


Finally, DIAF Sonny. You don't care about Ric, and you're disrespecting Anna. You can STFU and go to hell now any time.



Seriously.  I wish Anna had said something like, "I doubt your son would appreciate you disrespecting me like this" but the upside for me of Anna not bringing up Dante was not acknowledging that Dante is Sonny's son, lol. I like to be reminded of that fact as little as possible.

Edited by ulkis
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Is Julian homeless? He sneaks in Alexis' window at night and seems to spend ALL his time in the park like some zoo animal so everyone can come around shooting insults and picking at him. Seriously does he live in a cardboard box by the pier?



Good question, and probably. Apparently a man of his status and wealth just doesn't need a place to call home, to rest his head or take a shower, he just stealths about around town, taking cat naps in his limo, not one to miss out on the exciting action, such as watching that dwouche Levi sucker punch Nathan and then look like an offended cabbage patch doll afterwards.


Honestly that's the thing I thought Levi looked like but never could rightly place until I saw one on a commercial. He is a cabbage patch doll but with all the ugly cuteness taken out of it and is now just ugly on ugly with a touch of moob.

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I am no huge KM/Robin fan (although I like the character of Robin), and I am not going to make any fervent pronouncements about how RC will NEVAH EVAH NOT IN A MILLION ZILLION YEARS!!! MAKE ME STOP LOVING ROBIN!!! (Cue Celine Dion), but this setup for Patrick to dump Robin is absolute BULL. SHIT.

Hey!!! I wouldn't cue Celine Dion but I resemle that remark.

Lol, I can't help it. It's because I've been watching this FAKATA show for decades on & off & Robin was a kid just like me. I'm two years older than KMc & I've grown up with her. I cried with her, laughed with her & have been mad with & for her. It's like she's a friend & I got her back against the douchecanoe hack Ron.

I couldn't watch today because I can't take this baby shamwow shit when AJ didn't get a real funeral. Monica was direspected in her home. Sonny, Carly & Ava were talking shit. They have people still talking shit about AJ.

Ron can take Sabweena, baby shamwow & shove them up his ass.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 9

Fercrissakes, why would it make any sense for Sam to be worried/confused that Nina is staying with Silas for now?  It's completely out-of-character and makes no sense given the crap she has thus far not been worried about.  And going to visit Nina?  CREEPY.


There's an easy way out here--Sam tells Silas that she loves him and wants to be with him but they both just found out he's still married, and his wife is in a vulnerable state, and they should take a break until he's had the chance to sort everything else.  This is not just sane and rational thing to do, it's also a morally sound thing to do.  Whereas now it seems like she's sort of okay with what is still technically cheating as long as Silas makes it clear that he likes Sam more?  Or something?  It's very strange.  And is making everyone look bad.


Also, I get that Nina is in a wheelchair, but she'd been in that same damn room for more than a week now.  Can she please explore a new set?  I'm sure Port Charles is at least somewhat handicap accessible.  Would also reduce the creepiness factor of Sam's upcoming visit if they just happened to bump into each other rather than having her seek Nina out in Silas's apartment.

On the one hand I'm amused that upon learning of Ric's "death," Nic ditches his conversation with Britt to go running to find Elizabeth. On the other hand, he's a total douche to want to go find her when his cousin Molly is the one really suffering because she thinks her dad got killed. Molly could use an adult male family member to lean on - who's not a greasy criminal that is.  Nikolas and Sam should both show up to comfort Molly. 

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So I see Missy Corinthos threw on a hissy fit and went to dress down Anna for not protecting his brother!  What an adorable lil' moobster he is, isn't he??  This is a guy who really loves his family.  Loves them so much that he either shoots them in the chest, almost blows them up, gets them raped, sleeps with their significant other and threatens multiple times to kill them.

It's a Hallmark moment with Sonny.

The best part of today was watching the obvious disdain Anna has for Sonny.  I know she's made nice with him on occasion, always around a Robin issue, but at the end of the day she despises him.  And that's a beautiful thing to see.


I'm in the minority, I think, but I also liked watching Duke take the truth home to Julian.  I don't think his obsession - if that's what it is - is inappropriate at all.  He's trying to lay it to rest by laying Julian to rest.  And when I remember the story as it was I wish him all the best.  It's only when I see Duke with Sonny that my cordial feelings for the guy evaporate.

Edited by boes
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Why does this show continue to put that pissy little greaseball in the role of put-upon leading man?  Gawd!  For awhile Sonny's screentime was significantly reduced and I thought I might get my show back, but now he's back to being on all the fucking time.  How many incantations will it take for MB to retire? Because I'm willing to do whatever it takes. 


I'd double that number to get a new head writer who gets that soaps take place in a moral universe that makes at least a little bit of sense, and who writes characters with understandable motivations and believable relationships with other characteres, and is able to craft good stories with consquences and fallout that drives new stories ... and gets that soaps are not for making mobsters, hit men/serial killers, and other assorted societal leeches the heroes and clowns of the show, and not for plot-point nonsense only intended to make the audience say (paraphrasing RC), "Oh no they didn't," and not a forum to settle petty personal scores.  RC is such a stupid hack.


Damn but GH sucks.  I don't care about most of these characters, and the ones I do care about have been dumbed down, stuck into stupid stories, ignored, or trotted out to prop Sonny or Sabrina.

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I yelled at the tv when Rick was 'shot'. So fucking dumb.


And I *laughed* like a hyena when Epiphany started singing 'Amazing Grace'.


Oh God. Levi is *so* unattractive. *sob*


I miss Spinelli. I love Bradford Anderson and although he is waaaaaay too talented for this show, I miss seeing him :( Is Spinelli coming back for the custody hearing? 


When is MB leaving? I'm so tired of Sonny - and he was so disrespectful to Anna. I wanted her to bitch-slap him.


Most of the stories are terrible. I keep watching out of a sense of loyalty. 

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Please, please, please - now that Maxie's finally been given scenes with Patrick, let's get her in scenes with Sam too. I want to see them catching each other up on their love lives over drinks.


Ron barely remembers that Sam has a family outside of Silas. I'm not holding my breathe about anyone remembering that Sam and Maxie are supposed to be friends.

  • Love 1
Can anyone explain to me like I'm Sonny why Lulu and Olivia were at the funeral?


Since they did such an outstanding job of decimating the Quartermain legacy, RC/FV continue on with their decimation of the Spenser family.  Did Lulu offer to babysit?  I could only imagine the old Lulu (JMB) take a stab at some of the lines in her script. 


Bradford was driving folks around L.A. on the Uber rideshare last week. I think homey will be back soon.


That would suck.  The only tolerable thing in the past two years were his scenes with Ellie.  Bradford makes Levi look like superman.

"What a great way to kick off the week with such a riveting, spellbinding episode...I can't even really remember what I watched now."


CPP83 And here I thought it was my pain meds. And a big old Bullet of Love for your entire post, it was the only thing that jarred my memory about the nothing of an episode they threw together.

Although from what I do remember, and I don't usually say this but, Duke, shut the fuck up.

My Sonny hate grows each and every day, which is remarkable because I already hated him so so much.  But this "what the hell happened to my brother?" crap is over the top, even for him.  He doesn't care.  Didn't he threaten Ric just the other day, for pete's sake?  It's not like Sonny believed that Ric was innocent.  I know that the writers ignore or re-write history all the damn time, but can they not even remember wrote they wrote 2 days ago?  


I wasn't crazy about Nathan baiting Levi, only because I want Nathan to be the clear and unequivocal good guy in this ridiculous triangle so that Maxie will get rid of Levi as soon as possible.  Nathan picking a fight, or telling Levi that Maxie ate the ribs, will only make Maxie less likely to trust Nathan.  I guess that's how we manufacture conflict, though...


Someone needs to tell Ron that a drug addiction storyline is much more interesting when we get to *see* the person start using and then spiral.  It's not that interesting when we don't even know he's using until after he's already killed a baby (or screwed up a surgery or whatever it was Patrick did during his 2-episode addiction).  

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Ron barely remembers that Sam has a family outside of Silas. I'm not holding my breathe about anyone remembering that Sam and Maxie are supposed to be friends.


But Sam and Maxie were sitting next to each other at the funeral so we can imagine what their conversation was before they sat down. You know, like with most of the characters who only have the good things happen to them offscreen because this writing staff sucks donkey balls. 

Edited by Box305
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At least she didn't sing "You Are Not Alone"!


Yikes, that would have been worse!


I was so happy to see Juan yesterday because I knew Sabrina's exit from the canvas was finally here!  And naturally, #1 Sabrina Cheerleader Michael Fairman had to make a big deal about her farewell.




And really...what is left for Sabrina when she gets back?

Edited by TeeVee329
And naturally, #1 Sabrina Cheerleader Michael Fairman had to make a big deal about her farewell.


Good grief. Sabrina leaving is temporary (alas). Get a grip, Fairman.


And really...what is left for Sabrina when she gets back?


Exactly. Once again, we are shown how poorly Ron thinks out his stories, and why plot-point writing doesn't work. Sabrina has no life or indentity outside of Patrick, so what will she do? Pick back up with Carrrlos? He's been AWOL for a month now, and if Ron waits to deal with him until TeCa returns, that's another three months or so he's offscreen. That's a long time.


I miss that crazy telenovela bastard.

  • Love 9
When will Duke realize that Julian wasn;t responsible for the death of his unborn baby?


*sigh* He won't.

It's stupid and Duke's harping on the (incorrect) history is almost as detrimental to his character as his working for Sonny. ( every time I type Sonny's name I have to go back and correct for the capital S. Freudian slip????) every time I see him now, I let out an exasperated sigh and tune out of his scene. Julian killed his baby, Sonny is noble and sacrifices for his family, blah, blah, crap! 


I don't want to shit on a baby's funeral ( those who have been to one know how heartbreaking they truly are), but wasn't it kind of 1) obvious it was a gift box and not a casket and 2) extremely narrow? Looking at it kept taking me right out of the moment. 


I miss that crazy telenovela bastard.


He would have been great at the funeral. Sexy, grieving and chewing the scenery. 

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls

I don't want to shit on a baby's funeral ( those who have been to one know how heartbreaking they truly are), but wasn't it kind of 1) obvious it was a gift box and not a casket and 2) extremely narrow? Looking at it kept taking me right out of the moment.



It really did look like a cardboard box and all I could focus on was that.

  • Love 1

Bradford was driving folks around L.A. on the Uber rideshare last week. I think homey will be back soon.


No-o-o-o-o---oooo. Especially if he came back his story would just be being jealous of Nathan, and then Nathan would probably get killed off, and then Spixie's story for the next 5 years will once again be "nice guy" Spinelli passive-aggressively whining about how Maxie must miss dating hot guys like Nathan.

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OMG the fact the blanket Drake gets a better funeral than AJ frikkin Quartermaine is maddening! TeCa is back to sucking.


When did Nina get her tan?  She's been in a coma for 20 yrs for crying out loud. 


And lastly I'd be gobsmacked if the GH writers could come up with any other  dialogue beyond "he's  gone and he's never coming back" didn't they over use that one you know before Robin came back?



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