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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Ian Buchanan is struggling with what is generally really lousy material, IMO, but he's not doing himself any favors and hasn't for a long while. He's okay in quiet friendly stuff with Felicia, Mac, etc. but he often comes off so out of sorts and doddering with Anna, Sonny, etc. I called him "Lurchin' Duke" before, and I still giggle when he shambles into some scenes, murmuring softly about needing to talk to people about the Jerome crime family. Okay, Grandpa.


That pains me to say because I've loved Ian Buchanan since Twin Peaks, and I know he is a great actor and has been great on this soap and others. I remember him being hogwild on both PC and DAYS, and then he came to GH to play Faison-as-Duke and beyond that story I don't think GH had any plan. They said, 'hey, why don't we keep him?' - and then they did and had no idea what to do with him, and very little interest in the actor or the character. They sort of fob him off. They rarely give him anything very good, although when they do he's pretty good with it IMO. But most everything is plot-driven dialogue, the pacing is a mess, and he just comes off dazed and bewildered. It's sad and it's a waste of him and of Duke, but it's on both the show and the actor.


They were clearly bored enough with Duke that they had scripted a scene for Robert to plant one on Anna back in January or February and probably ignite a triangle, something hinted at when Robert first returned and Duke made his insecurities known to Olivia. But of course, Tristan Rogers isn't 25 and a model-turned-actor so they couldn't be bothered to secure his availability, and when he took off for Y&R they had to change the scene at the last moment.

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I still giggle when he shambles into some scenes, murmuring softly about needing to talk to people about the Jerome crime family. Okay, Grandpa.


Ouch. And hee.


They said, 'hey, why don't we keep him?' - and then they did and had no idea what to do with him, and very little interest in the actor or the character. They sort of fob him off.

This is true of so many of the characters on the show. They bring on more and more characters when the ones they have are so badly used. Ric was brought on to be a red herring for FakeLuke, Nina was unnecessary from the get-go (WE NEVER CARED), Rafe is useless, Levi is a horror show, Sabrina is on mat leave and isn't missed atall, etc., etc.


The stories are unimaginative, the actors are badly used, and the head writer has nothing but contempt for the audience. And yet I'm still watching this junk.

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Lulu123, how many people would I have to pay to make this happen? This actually involves characters doing something kind of interesting!

We'd probably have to rob a bank or seven. 


I like Detective Bedroom Eyes and dammit we haven't had any real "eye-candy" on this show since GV departed.  He can just stand there and look pretty without his shirt or pants for that matter.  I want to see how he does a love scene, he seemed to bring the sexy in the opening convo with Britt the night they met and got drunk. 


It's really annoying to me that the writers can think of nothing better to do with Lulu than embroil her in baby issues. That's literally all she thinks and talks about.


It annoys me that Dante has a career at the incompetent PCPD while Lulu literally spends all day talking about babies. I guess Ron didn't get the memo that women are allowed to do other things besides obsess over kids and scheme to get men.

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So I gather we get Samtrick tomorrow?  My affiliate decided to be a bitchslutwhoretramp and cut off the previews in favor or a severe weather alert (aka it was dizzling).  


As I said in another thread, id walk up 16 flights of stairs in the dark for Samtrick right now.  I know Ron will ruin them eventually like he ruins everything, but right now I want them.   


Someone in this thread said they wanted Sahbweeenah to walk on them having sex and then slit her wrists.  The only thing to make that better would be to have Sonny trip over her body, slip on the blood, and fall dick firstinto the icy harbor to join his one twu love.

Edited by Tiger
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So I gather we get Samtrick tomorrow?  My affiliate decided to be a bitchslutwhoretramp and cut off the previews in favor or a severe weather alert (aka it was dizzling).  


As I said in another thread, id walk up 16 flights of stairs in the dark for Samtrick right now.  I know Ron will ruin them eventually like he ruins everything, but right now I want them.   


Someone in this thread said they wanted Sahbweeenah to walk on them having sex and then slit her wrists.  The only thing to make that better would be to have Sonny trip over her body, slip on the blood, and fall dick firstinto the icy harbor to join his one twu love.



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So I gather we get Samtrick tomorrow?  My affiliate decided to be a bitchslutwhoretramp and cut off the previews in favor or a severe weather alert (aka it was dizzling). 

As I said in another thread, id walk up 16 flights of stairs in the dark for Samtrick right now.  I know Ron will ruin them eventually like he ruins everything, but right now I want them.  

Someone in this thread said they wanted Sahbweeenah to walk on them having sex and then slit her wrists.  The only thing to make that better would be to have Sonny trip over her body, slip on the blood, and fall dick first into the icy harbor to join his one twu love.


The chemistry they've already shown and the prospect of Sobby sobbing notwithstanding; they are already set up to fail because Patrick knows that St. Jasus is alive, and it is extremely unlikely that he'll be telling her especially if they hook up.

Did you guys hear the Johnny Zacchara mention? Sigh. I would much rather see him back onscreen than an endless parade of newbie girls, who won't be able to act their way out of a paper bag.


I actually liked today's show. I adored the Molly/Ric scenes. I've always liked Molly, even when no one else did. Alexis is being a complete idiot in this case, and Molly is rightfully calling her on it. Team Father/Daughter.


Also Team whoever snarks on Liz, so that would be BRAT again for the win. They didn't say anything that isn't true, especially the passive aggressive. And since Lizzie came with her bitchface intact, she deserves everything she gets.


STFU Duke. You are an old non-sexy man who doesn't deserve to be with someone as hot as Anna. I hope Anna and Jordan team up like Thelma and Louise.


Did anyone else but me laugh hysterically at Ric's dramatic "SONNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" incantation? He really has been taking lessons from Carlos.


So was the show on today??  Oh yeah, riiiiiiiiiight.......we got to see Bwad and Bwitt being buddies.....I taut I saw a puddycawt.....Can't do it with him at all, Britt, yeah, but not that snubnosed, notalent hack whoever who plays Brad.  Ron just can't get rid of a character HE creates, can he?  He's like some insane curio collector who tosses out the good stuff but creams himself over his collection of Hummels.


Nick and Liz.  Actually I think they'd be fine together.  Prince Dick has become an even bigger pain this time around and Liz has become more fickle, and who thought that was even possible for her to do??  Audrey should get custody of the boys and then Liz and Nik and that prickish little twerp of his can go and open a frozen yogurt stand somewhere in Eastern Europe.  They could enroll Spencer in the Count Dracula Boarding School.


And Sonny ran down to the police station so he could yell at Rick, even though he has to get on his tippy toes to do it.  And then Rick yelled "Sonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny" like he was auditioning for A Streetcar Named Desire".  Oh, and Molly declared her undying loyalty to Rick, which is strange, considering that the one thing she needs - a tonsillectomy to fix that voice - neither parent has bothered to do for her.


Oh, and Duke yelled at Anna.  I wasn't listening but I think it had something to do with mislaying his AARP card, or missing the Early Bird Special, or something like that.  And now he's going back to work for Sonny.  Duke working for Sonny....Duke, who used to be 30 times smarter than Sonny could ever be.


Yep this show is GREAT.

Edited by boes
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I can't really fault Britt or Liz for what they said to each other today.  The Niz merry-go-round is as obvious to Britt as it is to us watching at home.  And Liz was right that snarking on her isn't going to help Britt's situation with Nik any.  I also kinda enjoy that Brad and Britt took back the "Britch" word from Felix, if that makes sense.  Hopefully their schemes to get Nik and Lucas back will be light-hearted and soapy and not predictable and sociopathic.


Nik's assy smile when Alexis called him out on the prime position Ric's incarceration has left him in...I really can't stand Nik these days.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Noticed that Patrick has been using every opportunity he can to paw Sabrina while the two of them are sitting there teary-eyed about Gabriel? He's hugged her, kissed her head, put his arms around her, and finally--to my utter shock today--he was running his big paws all over the front of her jeaned thighs, getting closer with each sweep to her Sweet Spot. Ugh this character is a hound-dog, consciously or unconsciously ( if he thinks he is just comforting her).

Patrick's always gotta have it, and if he doesn't get some, he will find a way with the nearest female, no matter what the circumstances. It's been awhile since Robin dumped him, and Patrick is jonesing for a woman. I think Sabrina is well aware of this trait of Patrick's, and is using the sympathy act to draw him in. They both want each other for lots of sex, and poor dying Gabriel is the facilitator and convenient excuse to move closer, especially physically. The irony is that the two would probably pronounce how good came out of the baby's death because they "healed" each other afterwards. (Patrick is more guilty of this rationalization than Sabrina, who does have some motherly feelings of loss for the baby.)

Love the evil genius of your scenario. Only one thing spoils it: reality. When has Sabrina ever shown the diabolical, long range planning skills necessary to work Patrick like that?

This is the fool that still grins in Patrick's face like he's her prom date and not the man that impregnated her and publicly jilted her. She does not have the farsight to plan her next move much beyond flat hair or fluffy.

I watched half of today's epi and turned it off because I was bored. Did Caaraarrrrlllos make a late entry?​

I watched to the very end, and I have no idea if Carlos showed up.  Must have been quite a captivating episode. 


I was never a Duke fan, but I started to come around a bit during/ after the FonDuke time.  However, he has totally lost me again.  Working for Sonny alone is enough to make me dislike any character, but Duke's nonsensical bloviating to Anna just wears me out. 


My dream (other than more Julian's Briefs): Anna tells Ric that she knows he's innocent, but that they're going through with the prosecution as a cover while they try to trap the real boss.  Molly, in a quest to prove her father's innocence, goes a little dark and gets sneaky, being the detective that Sam only pretends to be.  For some plot-driven reason, Molly gets caught in the crossfire during Sonny's attempt to kill Ric or someone and she is severely injured but not killed.  Johnny comes back just to be sure everyone knows that Sonny almost blew up Kristina.  Alexis, Kristina (she's not dead!), and Sam all now hate Sonny, in addition to Morgan and Michael already hating him.  Dante and Olivia suddenly remember that Sonny shot Dante in the chest, and so they hate him.  Meanwhile, Ava is messing with Sonny's meds, and that, combined with everyone hating him, drives him to a pitiful and undramatic death, like he just stops eating or bathing or drinking water and just dies sadly in his bed, all alone.  


What?  I said it was a dream.  

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I enjoy Britt and Brad separately and together, but I never have and never will enjoy or be especially amused by their juvenlie scheming. It's just puerile and dull-witted, not at all compelling to watch coming from two supposedly smart characters even if it's a given that they are both well behind the curve in terms of emotional maturity. It has the potential to be comedic with a writer with a better flair for comedy than was in evidence today, but even so it regresses the arc we've been shown with both characters trying not to be such spiteful jerks in their dealings with others. It negates what little effort went into making them seem more dimensional and less like the flat, cartoonish plot-point villains they started out as being.


I don't entirely understand why TPTB are spending time on them staring at their latest bullying target, whispering in corners and generally acting like sociopathic middle-schoolers. If you like the characters it's quite possibly going to seem annoying and a waste of time, if you can't stand the characters it's quite possibly going to seem annoying and a waste of time. Where is the gain in that? Is it all good because we'll be united in a common cause of being annoyed and feeling like our time has been wasted?


I'd say it's down to the show really not having any plans for them storywise at the moment, so instead zeroing in some more of the hostility between women and toward women that makes up much of GH and much of Ron Carlivati's writing career. I'm half-surprised they didn't just script scenes of various characters going "I'm going to sneeze...a-slut! A-slut!" as Liz walked by.


It's similar to the current thrust of Alexis' story. It's not about her being pulled between past and present. It's about the writing essentially calling her a dumb slut. That's now her role. 


Even Anna, who mostly just exists now to be a bad cop and dye her hair, and look bored, will probably only get material if it's about being the dumb woman fooled by her man.

I like to think that neither Ric, nor Carlos need instruction on working their tongues. 


Given that Carlos' ex is one of the coldest fishes in town, and he doesn't have much interest in anyone else, I'd say his main skill with tongue is overenunciating every single word.

Edited by PeteMartell
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It's been mentioned before, either here or at TWoP, or both, that Julian doesn't really seem to have thought about either Duke or Anna A'TALL since arriving back in town. All Duke's blustering today seemed rather ridiculous. I was not watching regularly during his heyday, so I am not at all invested in the character, or him and Anna as a couple. Ms. Devane is on very thin ice with me, so if he goes back to Sonny and she does not immediately drop him? Not sure what I will do.

Okay, did the actress playing Britt somehow get on the makeup team's shit list because what the ever loving hell was up with her hair today?!


I couldn't believe it - it was as if one side in the front was getting ready for a beauty pageant, while the other side hung limp and lonely, and then you had the back where sections, actual sections of hair were sticking straight out as if they'd gotten a "There's Something about Mary" treatment. I was just actually stunned to see that someone let her go out and film with that mess on her head and they kept it in.




Julian needs to go back to being a bad ass pronto, does he even carry his gun around anymore? I hate this, all of it, it's so pointless and Alexis is going to be very upset and Sam is probably going to pull back from him and he'll be right back to square 1 and I will be very, very unhappy. Thanks Ron, you festering ass pimple.




Ha!  Between the duck ass hair and the mustache shadow above her upper lip, she must be on the shit list.


Julian needs to go back to walking around in briefs.  I do like the chemistry between him and Alexis though I think he'd be fine with Jordan too.


Molly just needs to STFU.  With that vocal fry and 15 year old know-it-all attitude, I'd be sending her off to boarding school in London.

I hope Ric is still in jail even if he's innocent (he will be in on it to find out who's after Sonny) because Jordan's cover is going to be blown.

Duke is so dumb. Ever since he got into Sonny's orbit he's been an idiot. And Sonny may believe Ric? Say it isn't true because then that's the first time I've liked Sonny in forever.

Ric and Molly were great.

I can't take Julian seriously when he constantly parades around naked. Going back to that would be a mistake.


He did fuck with Duke early on - hired him when he was still "Derek Wells" and played him for a fool. But he dropped that completely, the Duke/Anna feud is not something that interests Ron despite the fact that Julian had Duke replaced by a ringer and then locked in a Turkish prison for decades.

Julian Jerome does not cheat. That is one character trait about original recipe Julian that they have been true to and kept. One thing Ron has made clear is Julian is all about Alexis. He will not be flinging with Jordan. I've yet to see one bit of interest in Jordan from Julian. I think he has always seemed rather annoyed by her.  And the only interest Jordan has in Julian is work related.


He put his arm around Jordan so he could talk to her about an illegal activity. Most people when plotting either do so in private, or speak to each other in a way that someone seeing it wouldn't get suspicious.


Alexis and Julian ave enough angst with the FauxLuke storyline and everything going along with it, they don't need a 3rd party to cause trouble. 3rd party angst are for couples who have nothing else.  Jordan was brought on for Shawn.

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I'm guessing we have about another 6 months before Alexis finds out Julian lied. I'm kinda hoping Fluke tries to killMolly when she investigates and Julian saves her.

He's gonna have to pull some magic out of his ass to get back in Alexis's good graces once the truth comes out.

Ron is going to milk this Fluke crap as long as possible. TG is in Europe for the summer so we won't be seeing Fluke other than in scenes like Monday's with him on the phone, unless TG pre-taped a lot.

I can't take Julian seriously when he constantly parades around naked. Going back to that would be a mistake.


I know that's why I can't take him seriously.  That, and the fact that he's a punk.


There are no words for how Alexis is acting.  Yes, she gets stupid when she's with a guy but she's never been this stupid.  Molly needs to continue to call her out because she is telling the truth.


But what would a Jordan/Joolian fling do to Julexis? Aren't Julian and Alexis pretty hot, still?


I myself am bored with them now. The scene with the belt and the ass grab was straight-up amazing, but I haven't cared since. They've been too juvenile for me lately. 


I guess what I'm saying is I really need some more hot scenes on this show and since they're never gonna let us have another hot Ava/Morgan scene, I'd take Julian/Jordan. I don't care about relationships at this point. RC hasn't written any of them well so far anyway.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Even Anna, who mostly just exists now to be a bad cop and dye her hair, and look bored, will probably only get material if it's about being the dumb woman fooled by her man.



I have to speak up about the hair, PeteMartell! It looks friggin fantastic and I curl up in a ball of Gollum-like-envy every time I see it. (Except for the ombre look she first returned with. That was bad.)

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(Except for the ombre look she first returned with. That was bad.)

This is so true!  Otherwise, Anna's hair is fabulous. It is not quite world-saving like Megan Ward's but it will have to do for now.


I am surprised that Anna is taking the information about the frame back to Ric so fast. However, I am glad. It might make this story tolerable if I don't feel bad for Ric because he does not know why these things are happening to him. If he's in on the frame, to help protect Jordan's cover and find out who the big bad is in this situation, I might enjoy it a bit.

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Ya know  if I was an ordinary citizen of PC wouldn't it seem odd to me.....Julian Jerome (mob boss) gets busted then released...check.  Jordan gets busted in a drug deal then released.....check.  Now Ric Lansing (alleged mob boss) is busted and now will be released....check.  You know this is all big news and the papers would be all over it.  Especially Julian as he is their competition...assuming Julian's isn't the only rag in town.  I'd be demanding a new commissioner.  Any body wanna sign my petition?


Duke, Duke, Duke.  I used to love you but you've become petulant and childish.  Anna needs to move on.  Det. West is available.


Loving RHe.  Never saw him before but dude can act and he's easy on the eye.  MB looks so sad in comparison.  And on a shallow note when they showed Sonny's feet when he first walked in to the jail his feet turned out to the sides.


Loved Molly/Ric...Alexis/Nik...and Britt/Brad.  They're great schemers.


Yay....Diane is back.  Love her.



Forgot to mention.....did anyone catch Jonathan Jackson (Lucky) and his band on The View?  Wow...can he play a guitar and has a great voice, too.  I've seen Nashville and he's good on there but he can rock out.  Worth checking out.

Edited by OhioSongbird
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when they showed Sonny's feet when he first walked in to the jail his feet turned out to the sides.


That shot cracked me up. Who else but Sonny would be visiting Ric? Ric has no male friends in PC that we know of. If that shot was supposed to make me think some big shot was striding in, it failed. MB doesn't walk with what one would call authority.

Ya know  if I was an ordinary citizen of PC wouldn't it seem odd to me.....Julian Jerome (mob boss) gets busted then released...check.  Jordan gets busted in a drug deal then released.....check.  Now Ric Lansing (alleged mob boss) is busted and now will be released....check.  You know this is all big news and the papers would be all over it.  Especially Julian as he is their competition...assuming Julian's isn't the only rag in town.  I'd be demanding a new commissioner.  Any body wanna sign my petition?


Duke, Duke, Duke.  I used to love you but you've become petulant and childish.  Anna needs to move on.  Det. West is available.


Loving RHe.  Never saw him before but dude can act and he's easy on the eye.  MB looks so sad in comparison.  And on a shallow note when they showed Sonny's feet when he first walked in to the jail his feet turned out to the sides.


Loved Molly/Ric...Alexis/Nik...and Britt/Brad.  They're great schemers.


Yay....Diane is back.  Love her.



Forgot to mention.....did anyone catch Jonathan Jackson (Lucky) and his band on The View?  Wow...can he play a guitar and has a great voice, too.  I've seen Nashville and he's good on there but he can rock out.  Worth checking out.



I watch him on the View and that song was great. JJ is a fantastic guitarist. His brother looks a lot like him, too. Maybe GH can recast the brother as JJ. He is an actor. I saw him on Grimm and he was good.

I watch him on the View and that song was great. JJ is a fantastic guitarist. His brother looks a lot like him, too. Maybe GH can recast the brother as JJ. He is an actor. I saw him on Grimm and he was good.

Thanks, that's were I knew his brother from. I kept thinking he looked familiar.

I don't want Lucky back thou. Ron would fuck it up royally.


Well now...that was about as boring and pointless a show as has been in a while.


I shouldn't have to switch off my brain to watch a show without feeling as if I'm wasting my time, I just shouldn't. This show makes me feel that way, and then some.


The Rafe kid can't act to save his life, it's painful to watch him. I'm sure he's a sweetheart but he just shouldn't be an actor imho. Why TJ didn't just pound on him for a few minutes was disappointing. And if they do make him the one responsible for running Patrick and Sabrina off the road I hope that is the beginning of the end for this pitiful prat, it's beyond time for his exit.


So Sam has remembered what she, supposedly, does for a living again, good for her.


Where is Lucas? I want another Brad and Lucas scene without pest Felix being involved.


Can Lulu fall into a coma during the operation that is sure to come? She can be the next Nina, and maybe Ben can grow up without a baby rabies smitten mother hoovering over him.


Sabrina can't get off-screen fast enough for me at this point. I know what they're aiming for and why, to give the actress time off for her maternity leave, but really she had a hard enough time trying to play the broken almost wife when Robin returned, now they're wanting her to display the broken heart and mind of a grieving mother in denial having to bury her born too soon baby? Ron really has no shame from what I can tell.


What the hell are they doing to Ric, I should have known he'd end up wrecked too.

Edited by CPP83

OK . . . Sabrina will be having a mental breakdown over the death of her child and she's gone back to her nonwedding day and is permanently camping there. I'm irritated that she couldn't leave the screen in a way that didn't have her controlled by her uterus.

But with that said, the dress Felix bought for her looked more like a cocktail dress than a funeral dress. To that extent, she was right to say it was wrong.


Not a great episode for women.  We have Lulu, who has just been reunited with her child, but is instead focusing on having/carrying the next one as soon as humanly possible.  We have Nina, whose only amibition in life, apparently, was to make her husband snacks and have his baby.  And we have Sabrina, who, natch, has gone crazy over the death of her child and has retreated to a happy place, her wedding day.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I wanted TJ to punch Rafe so I could get a vicarious thrill. Boo.


Lante scenes were so pointless that they might as well have scrolled "Lulu may have been misdiagnosed: see Ron's twitter for details" across the bottom of the screen. And what is it about Lulu's hair that makes her look like a hippie.


Nina telling Silas she's broke was obviously a test of some sort.


Ick, I wish they'd at least let Ric say "Molly and Elizabeth" instead of vice verse. We get it, he reeeeeeeeeeally loves Elizabeth.


Why is Lulu still so obsessed with babies. She has one now. Give it a rest.



Y'all know I love Dante, but if this is all they can think of, or are willing to do, with Dante and Lulu, ship them off. I sometimes wonder if they aren't just keeping them around for this Luke denouement. 


I'm so annoyed that Sabrina has to have a break over this. Really? They couldn't just send her off for some relaxation?

Edited by ulkis

KeMo looks so beautiful in actual feminine top with some color in it. While pink is a lovely color on Becky Herbst, an outfit that emphasizes how thin she is, I find disturbing.


Sabrina's acting the same way now as she did with the non-wedding and Robin's return - no tears, wanting the funeral to be "perfect", wanting to focus on thank you notes. Sobby needs some therapy, stat. How could she put on her wedding dress, didn't they get rid of it?  


The Nina is somewhere between a young girl with developmental issues, manipulative and Koo Koo for Koko Puffs. Yikes. 


Methinks Rafe is going to die from drugs. Uberdouche behavior today! Also pretty clear he's the hit and run driver responsible for the Purina baby's death. 


Ric lost points for putting Elizabeth above Molly in importance. And no Molly, Elizabeth "dating" Rick does not make her "practically family."  I get Molly's hostility toward Alexis, but geez dial it down w/the demanding attitude toward Commissioner Anna. 

Oh please, show. TJ needs to just punch the hell out of Rafe and call it a day. Tequan acted circles around Faux Bieber. I wish we had a better young actor playing Rafe because that could have been better. TR carried him so much in that scene, that he deserves double pay. But, if Faux Bieber needs work, we know he can hit a target. Paging Sonny.

Dude, tommorow looks cool. BSC Sobby? Yes, please. Thank Jasus I'm off and can watch.

  • Love 3
The Nina is



Is there any particular reason we have or need to hear more background information on Nina and Silas during his doctor training days?  ME looks fairly as bored as I am with this storyline. Patrick and Sam looked fairly alert today.  Crazy Sabrina is much more enjoyable to watch than princess Sabrina.  Knowing that she will be leaving the show for a bit makes watching her scenes less painful. At least Rafe is making an effort and he truly doesn't look to be on this show for the long-term.


Dr. Chu made an appearance today and the episode was mobless!  Any episode without Sonny is better than an episode with him.

Edited by sunnyface
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