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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Whoever the mother of Carly's first grandbaby is I really need it to piss her off. 


Id rather Brenda come back with a Mikey spawn than Ava conceive a Morgan spawn.


Either way, we must eventually have a SOARSed Joslyn sleep with and get pregnant by Jason.  Carly's daughter having Jason's baby when Carly never had a child with him is the perfect cumupence for her.

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Whoever the mother of Carly's first grandbaby is I really need it to piss her off. 


Id rather Brenda come back with a Mikey spawn than Ava conceive a Morgan spawn.


I would love for Brenda to return with Michael's baby. Carly would have to be committed and Sonny would just die which would be glorious. Mikey is so boring with Kiki and I can't stand them.

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Who was the announcer?  I'd love to here someone call out Ron for this shit.  And my question is, what is the parents' reactions to this?  Do they not see that their children are being given lines that are beyond their age?  What 8 year old worries about spending the rest of their lives with some else and that their live will be ruined if they don't get that person?  Me personally, I I think I was still in the "boys had cooties" stage at that age.


I will say, the kid that places Spencer is cute.  And he works well off of TC as father and son.  In fact, the only time I can tolerate him now is when he is with Nikolas and Nikolas is doing a modicum of parenting.  When the were talking about a story for him, I was hoping it would involve the Cassadines.  Maybe Stefan lurking around in the catacombs ore, hell, even interacting with the supposedly coming daughter of Stefan and Katherine.  I never imagined the kiddie tri that will be a quad all too soon.

Local Philly talk guy (MrJabroni listens to him) - mentioned that he and his wife were talking about the complete inappropriateness and just grossness of that whole storyline.  He (MrJ) mentioned it to me b/c we had had almost that exact conversation a day or so earlier.  For the life of me, I don't see how *any* writer, let alone a team of writers, backed by their EP and I imagine a line of other producers/suits, watches the 'dailies' of the story on film and ....  whatever.  I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir.  For the record, I, too, was still in the "boys had cooties" stage at age 8.


I've been on the barge and lurking over at TWOP (RIP) so I missed the beauty of actually seeing the crypt fucking and Fluke and Nulu's babyrabies and Carly/Franco, et al, but I made the mistake of watching it Friday and I see that I won't be disembarking the barge anytime soon.  But I am curious... how does Julian's naming Ric as his 'boss' serve Fluke's plan to bring down the House Corinthii?  After Jerry Jax/Dr. O/Faison shenanigans, I know that expecting a plan to have some sort of expected outcome that at least some of the participants are aware of/in agreement with is like that unicorn farm I keep dreaming of, but really.  No comprende.  And while I'm of the opinion that Fluke is gonna end up being Bill Eckert (not a spoiler - totally my spec), how does that even make sense?  Was Bill even still on the canvas when the Orange Moobster made his jazz handed, tiny dancer, entrance to PC?

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I am mourning the loss of TWOP, but figured I should get used to posting here.  So hi all!  Let the ranting continue!

Ditto this. But I'm glad we have a shiny new place where we can hate on this show!


Sonny, then the low level thug,  showed up less than 90 days before Bill died.  I don't think they even shared a scene.

I've been meaning to ask if it makes sense that Bill (because Puke is Bill) is so blood thirsty over Sonny and I guess it, in fact, does not.

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Maybe it's my fondness for GH in the 90's but I don't remember  Bill as being sleazy as Fake Luke is coming off as.. I want Carly head to explode when Brenda comes back with her daughter with Michael as well as being pregnant with Jax's twin sons while a SORASed Joss returns with her new husband an amnesiac Jason Q who is obviously in love with her.

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Anna started on the show as a shallow spy pretending to to deformed for revenge, and I even watched when she had sex with Robin's space alien friend's earth twin----all that aside, Ron as show runner has ruined Anna by turning her into the bumbling police chief who is the single worst dumbest cop ever.

They have her as such a moron, of course she'd arrest Ric since he didn't do it. It must be a running joke in the writers room by now.

Trevor also had a thing for Kate, so that would be another thing he has against sonny.


Trevor and Kate weren't really a couple when they were in PC, though. He may have wanted to start things up again, but at that point she saw him as her backer/mentor only. They seemed to be on fairly good terms. (Poor Stephen Macht. Another good actor whose character had to be sacrificed on the altar of Sonny and Jason.)


And as TeeVee329 pointed out, why would he know about Luke for years before? Trevor would have consider Luke a two-bit punk, which is basically what he's always been.

Edited by dubbel zout
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how typical of greasy Sonny to retreive Ava's pregnancy test from the garbage then proceed to touch himself all over his mouth and face?​

Oh my god - what if the lime transferred Morgan's sperm to Sonny, and Sonny is now pregnant with his own grandchild???


I don't really remember Damian Smith - I think he was on when I was taking a half-hiatus.  Would he be *this* sleazy?  Because this Fake Luke is gross.  Not even a charming rapscallion; just gross.  


I'm leaning toward Fake Luke being someone we have never seen before.  Leave it to this crack writing squad to go through all of this just to introduce a brand new villain, yet another new character that we could not care less about.  And who will die in a month. 


Remind me - why am I still watching this show?  Oh, right - Drunk Morgan.  And Huge Danny.  And Julian's Briefs.  

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Oh my god - what if the lime transferred Morgan's sperm to Sonny, and Sonny is now pregnant with his own grandchild???


Remind me - why am I still watching this show?  Oh, right - Drunk Morgan.  And Huge Danny.  And Julian's Briefs.  


Now that's a storyline I'd watch - Orange Glow getting even bigger in the middle, with his moobs filling out and hanging low, full of tanning solution to feed to his newest young'un.  Now if we could have AJ come back as his birthing coach, all would be perfect.  Just imagine the high-pitched screeching from Orange Glow when he discovered they didn't make any maternity wear in shiny sharkskin.


Julian's briefs - that's a show I'd watch.

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Anyone else find it interesting that Patrick had no interest in the baby taking his name?


That is par for the course for Patrick Drake.  Patrick had to be prompted to take off his wedding ring when Robin was "dead", had to be prompted to make an honest woman out of Sabrina, had to be prompted to reunite with his wife after Robin was revealed to be alive (it's a good thing Sam spoke up, or else he'd still be sitting around pulling his chin trying to make up his mind).  So him having to be prompted to give his son his name is right in character.


I couldn't believe the show actually had a gun being pointed at a womb.  Good lord.


Which is actually an improvement over Guza Hospital, where they had one woman take a bullet to the babymaker and another shot while giving birth.  (Carly should really let Ava know that when it comes to gunning down pregnant women, Sonny's already had practice).


For the life of me, I don't see how *any* writer, let alone a team of writers, backed by their EP and I imagine a line of other producers/suits, watches the 'dailies' of the story on film and ....  whatever.


I keep wondering where the Standards & Practices department has gotten to when this stuff airs.


But I am curious... how does Julian's naming Ric as his 'boss' serve Fluke's plan to bring down the House Corinthii? 


Maybe Fluke thinks that Ric's arrest will somehow bring Sonny's heretofore nonexistent familial feelings to the fore, thus making him vulnerable...  okay I give up.  I got nothing.


I don't really remember Damian Smith - I think he was on when I was taking a half-hiatus.  Would he be *this* sleazy?


What I remember of him was that when he finally "died" no one except Ned went to his funeral and the song that played as his coffin was taken out was "Sympathy for the Devil"...

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Glad to see more familiar names coming over!  Snark on,  people.


Thought TG did a good job on Fri.  This week has had it's  ups and downs but overall good....tho I could have lived without the Mikey/Kaka desk sex.  No matter how had Ron pushes them it still ain't workin', dude.


Sonny still brings the UCG.  Whisper shouting, stuttering threats and the way he looks up from under his brow makes him look like a Neanderthal.


Can we still access TWoP to read the last 2 days of posts?  I thought they said we could but I couldn't get there.  I missed the last of them.

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Can we still access TWoP to read the last 2 days of posts? I thought they said we could but I couldn't get there. I missed the last of them.

Unfortunately, No. Only the recaps are available. I think a lot of us were TWoP junkies needing constant fixed on Saturday. Some threads were sweet & others went down in a blaze of glory with people getting banned in the last hour.

ITA, that Ron doesn't even know FauxLuke. I believe he makes so much of this shit up as he goes.

I hated seeing seeing Felix being a bitch & Lucas being an ass to Brad today. Yes, Brad is the evul for sincerely liking Lucas (who agressively pursued him) & being about him being shot. Ron sucks. For me, showing Brad, Lucas & Felix in scenes only proves how limited MS/Felix is as an actor & his non existent sexual chemistry compared to PS/Brad & RyCa/Lucas who are blistering when allowed to go there. Just put Fecas together so I can ignore & FF their asses & let Brad hang out with Britt, Nathan & Dr. O.

Morning all.  It's going to take some time for my typing fingers to take me here instead of TWOP.


And I gotta say I'm actually curious about today's episode given there were numerous things in the preview (Nathan and Britt talking (even if was about Nina), Lucas and his boys, Bobbie going all mama bear on Julian) that caught my attention.

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Unfortunately, No. Only the recaps are available. I think a lot of us were TWoP junkies needing constant fixed on Saturday. Some threads were sweet & others went down in a blaze of glory with people getting banned in the last hour.

Oh man, I'm sorry I missed that! Someone needs to recap that last day for those of us that weren't on. I should've stayed home dammit!


I liked Maura West's reaction, as a viewer, to Sonny calling Ava a whore.

I loved that, too. 


I'm actually looking forward to today's ep too, TeeVee. I love Brad/Lucas and Nathan/Britt and I'm interested in seeing Julian/Bobbie interact. It's probably not a good idea to be excited for an ep though. It'll surely let us down!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Yeah, that was ridiculous. If anything I thought she was talking about keeping Kiki away from Silas or something. Or having to threaten (well "having" to threaten, I should say), Sabrina and her baby. Not effing Connie.


Yea, she's just parroting what the show is dumbly trying to now sell. It's so annoying when the actors are so team player like that, but really what can they do? Say how bad everything is? Only TG can do that and he manages to be just as annoying by doing it anyway.



I thought Laura Wright managed to get in a few digs through the cracks in her last interview. That was kinda satisfying.

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Since when has Ava ever shown unspeakable pain over murdering Connie?


 It must have been hellacious-ly unspeakable since she never spoke of it. Or even acted as anything other than smug about getting away with it and framing AJ. Deeply, deeply hidden pain, there.

Just me or was really like Sonny kept saying "the woman I loved!" as if he could not recall her NAME?


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  As always, Ron Cavrilati finds new ways to piss me off. When it comes to Ron's so-called "writing," it's "SS, DS (Same Shit, Different Script)." Ava's newfound pregnancy and the "Who's the Daddy?" storyline that inevitably comes with it is just one of the latest examples of RC's breathtaking incompetence. Once again, Ava has proven that she will use anyone to save her ass, including her unborn child. As for MW's claim in the TVGuide interview that "[Ava] was going through unspeakable pain over Connie," Ava wasn't the one who was framed for a crime she didn't commit and killed because of it. Then there was Ava's using Michael as an excuse to stop Sonny from killing her on the island when she doesn't care about Michael anymore than she did about AJ or does about Julian or Carlos, for that matter. That Ava managed to outsmart Sonny (which isn't even remotely hard) is marred by AJ's death and the Cryptfucking.


  Then there's Carly's part in all this. Instead of going to the cops or at least telling Michael first about Sonny's guilt, she went straight to Sonny and even tried to rationalize Sonny's crime by saying that "AJ wasn't innocent," well, neither are you, you  shrieking, hypocritical, serial-killer fucking slagbeast. AJ wasn't a saint, but he didn't deserve to die for it, especially at Sonny and Ava's hands.


  I never thought I'd say this, but poor Ric. He's no saint by a long shot, but now he's been AJed, which means his days are numbered, paving the way for the destruction of Julexis and the rebirth of Niz. I don't blame Julian for implicating Ric because Fluke left him no choice. This is all RC's fault. A real writer would not only have had Julian warn Fluke that if he kept going after the people he loves, then he would kill him, since he had nothing left to lose anymore, they would have had Julian join forces with the one person who hates Fluke as much as he does: Ned, who outfoxed Fluke once (even if he used Michael to do it) and is more than willing and capable of doing it again. Since Fluke is threatening both Julian and Ned and their families, they would not only have great reason to work together, if they got Ric and Jordan in on it, they could be unstoppable, but since RC's not even close to being a good writer, sadly, that will probably never happen.

Edited by DollEyes
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The thing about the whole Fluke storyline.....the payoff is going to be so bad.  Ron thinks he's clever with AG winking at the camera, all meta "wouldn't you like to know?" but in the end, when we do find out, it's going to be a big letdown.  Like everything else.


Ron and the soap press: OMG, Fluke is Bill Eckhert, what a stunning twist, what a total surprise, genius, amazing, Emmys!


The viewers: ...what?  We guessed that from minute one.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Ron and the soap press: OMG, Fluke is Bill Eckhert, what a stunning twist, what a total surprise, genius, amazing, Emmys!

The viewers: ...what?  We guessed that from minute one.

Apparently in Ron's universe, not acknowledging the elephant in the room is the same thing as creating a totally surprising plot twist.

That's all I can get from the great "AJ" mystery. Since nobody in town ever thought that the letters could implicate someone else, the viewers couldn't possibly think so either.  Maybe 1% of viewers didn't scream themselves hoarse yelling at their TVs and were truly surprised, but that was probably because they'd just awakened from comas or were thawing out after being cryogenically frozen. If Fluke is not Bill Eckert, then I don't think RC knows who he is either. He's demonstrated over and over that he can't write real suspense, just heavy-handed misdirects that are often motivated by the desire to give someone the finger. 

Edited by alicemorgan

Can't wait another minute to say how beautiful Tracy looked in that airy red and silver and gold jacket/blouse she was wearing when discussing her honeymoon with Puke (Phoney-Luke). Her makeup, nails, and hair were perfect too. Thank you, wardrobe people, and Tracy too...what a treat.


Where's Monica these days? Did she go into a nunnery after AJ's funeral and Dr. O's return as Chief of Staff? When Monica comes back onto the scene, will she know where Puke and Tracy have gone? Or that they married? (She wasn't at the Nurses' Ball.)


Where's Lucy? I halfway expected to see her clinging to Scott's trouser cuffs and sucking her thumb at the police station while he took care of Julian.

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After today the smiley face I currently wear is the exact opposite of how I feel. I did like the opening scene with Julian and Lucas, it's nice to see a father and son duo that don't/haven't shared lovers, a little normalcy.


The Silas and Sam scenes could have really worked for me if they weren't just another one of Ron's pitiful set ups for the Nina's return. I am going to call her "the Nina" because she really isn't a character imo, she's a Mary Sue from Ron's mind, one of a few now, and he just had to pick a crappy actress to play her too.


I skipped over all things Liz and Nik, those two will never, ever do it for me.


Good on Molly for sticking up for her dad, I get why Alexis wouldn't want to think that Julian has lied and set up Ric, but it's as dumb that she would so easily believe him as it is that Julian didn't just put a bullet in the back of notLuke's head and be done with the whole mess. Thanks Ron, your ability to suck all logic from a story line goes on unmatched.


And what a nice throwaway line that Danny was with his grandmummy Moncia, because of course she gets time with him off screen, where everything having to do with family ties and bonding happens because who the heck would want to watch all of that...unless it has to do with the virgin Sabrina's family, then we get every single detail laid out in front of us like a yellow brick road to hell. Here's hoping that kid just goes ahead and kicks the bucket.


Brad just stopped by to see how you were doing, Lucas, no need to be such an asspot about it. God, he and Felix continue to inch closer and closer together...I can't take it. It is nice though to see that Ryan and Jackie still have good chemistry, though her face may not always show it.

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Julian earned some points today in pointing out that Lucas might be in danger from the SERIAL KILLER dating his sister.  Still, I liked Bobbie getting her mama bear on.


As soon as Patrick made that comment about the baby doing better and being stronger, I just knew he'd have a setback by episode's end.


Shut up, Felix.

Edited by TeeVee329
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The Sam/Silas scenes were just really BAD.  Getting that worked up?  Ugh, please, next.


I did like Molly sticking by her dad.  And Liz, at least at the beginning.  But Nik?  I want it shoved so far up him when (if) it does come up at Ric was being framed.  Ugh, please, next.


How lovely they mentioned Monica.  Would be oddles better if we SAW her.  Ugh, please, next.


I did like the Nate/Britt scenes.  And Brad's rant about the wedding he was at.  But then it degenerated into Brad vs. Felix for the hand of Lucas.  Thank you, Bobby for saving your son from their childish antics.  Now, have a talk with him about his taste in men.  


I feel awful for wanting the baby dead, I really do.  But, well, you could hear the doom coming as they cheered the little kick.  And hey, tomorrow, Britt has bad news.  Yeah, not so bad.


TeeVee329, thank you for the mention of the serial killer Lucas' sister is dating.  Sadly, I think he heard his name mentioned, cause he's on tomorrow.  But, wait, are Carly and Morgan actually at the hospital to see Lucas?

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Ugh...Molly!  Do you always have to be an entitled little snot?  I guess you get that trait from your father.  And I'm not looking forward to the inevitable gloating you'll do once the truth comes out.


Molly can stand by her dad and she doesn't have to trust Julian.  She can even ask her mother why she won't help her father, but this "you'll help all your other daughters' mobster fathers but mine" argument grates on my last nerve.  I'm going to need someone, ANYONE, to clue in Miss Molly about all the heinous things her father did to her mother.  Maybe then she'll be able to buy a clue as to why Alexis doesn't trust Ric.


Molly is not in the wrong for being upset and wanting to stand by her father, and I don't take issue with her feelings.  I take issue with the shitty way she treats her mother!  Again, she must get that trait from her father.  Hey, Mol...it's thanks to your mother that you've lived such a charmed life.

Edited by Partygirl
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