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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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13 minutes ago, ulkis said:

ITA. i'm a huge JJ fan, but to deem JJ/Lucky can't be recast because they chose Jacob Young (square-jawed Backstreet Boy) and Greg Vaughn (charming but mediocre acting model) doesn't make sense imo.

LoL @ Jacob Young being a squared jawed Backstreet Boy. I agree that neither Jacob or Greg were suitable to play Lucky. I do think Lucky could have been recasted; TPTB just never chose the right actor. I feel the same way about Lulu. I might have embraced a recast if Emme Rylan were a better actress.

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Katy M said:

I'll be the first to admit I am horribly unfair to recasts and they have to be on a while for me to warm up to them.  Even then it's iffy.  Jacob Young was not Lucky at all, IMO.  Greg Vaughan was OK.  I think he benefited from having some in between him and JJ.  But, JJ will always be Lucky to me.

Natalia Livingston was never ever ever ever ever Emily.  That was some kind of weird imposter and it befuddles me how nobody ever noticed.

and I couldn't ever warm up to anyone besides Sarah Brown as Carly. I know LW has been playing her a lot longer, but I'll always prefer SB.  Heck I even prefer TB.  That was actually a fairly good recast.

I agree that JJ will always be Lucky.

Natalia was horrid as Emily. She's just a bad actress, in general IMO. How she won an Emmy I'll never know.

I loved SB as Carly, but I don't know if I could see her playing Carly at this stage in Carly's life.  LW nails both the feisty and vulnerable sides of Carly. TB IMO never quite mastered the feisty side of Carly. She wasn't believable as a tough girl at all. 

On 11/3/2019 at 11:40 PM, ffwbe said:

Catching up from last week and I’m wondering if there was any significance to Kendra dumping that protein jar in the dumpster behind Charlies. Could she be trying to set Julian up to take the fall for poisoning Alexis? They showed Kendra doing research on Alexis when she first came on the show and I’m assuming Julian trying to kill her would come up so he would seem like a likely suspect on paper anyway. 

I don't get what Kendra's end game is. I thought she was trying to slowly poison Alexis so Alexis would eventually die (even though we know she wasn't going to). But tomorrow, she is at Alexis' hosiptail bed pretending to be concerned about her. So what was the point of poisoning her?

  • Love 5
On 11/2/2019 at 9:05 PM, Winston Wolfe said:

Nik's return notwithstanding, is anyone else as bored with this show as I am? When Valentin interrupted Nina's bug-eyed rant #867 about Sasha's betrayal, have to admit, he was totally right. Everyone's tired of hearing about it at this point, including I guess, most viewers.

What this soap needs right now is a good action/adventure storyline, something we really haven't had since GH:Espionage. The current show-runners couldn't understand it, but those were the S/Ls that helped save GH and the entire genre back in the 70s. Mikos freezing the world. The Ice Princess. The left-handed boy. The Aztec Princess S/L. Check out YT, most of them have withstood the test of time.

In the GH that plays in my head, Robert is still with the WSB, along with a restored Lucky and now sane Dante. That trio joins with Anna (and maybe a re-cast Frisco) to take on a new group of international baddies. Maybe old man Luke drops by to deal with Valentin and few other Cassadine stragglers. I'd actually pay to see some of that.

I miss the days when writers could write storylines that had emotional payoffs and ramifications that could last for months, if not years. What was the point of Lulu revealing to Nina that Sasha wasn't really her daughter if Nina was just going to forgive Valetin after two episodes and blame the ruse entirely on Sasha?

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I should have said, he failed for me. He wasn't Lucky. Just as Yelly McYellerson wasn't Lucky. I think he was worse. But for me, neither had any characteristics that defined Lucky.

Same. They were calling him Lucky, and he was involved with all the people who were important to Lucky, but I didn't buy it. And I never found him sympathetic. Honestly, if they'd said one day during the "Lucky's addiction" story that he had overdosed, I doubt I'd have been able to squeeze out a tear. I would have been sorry for the characters in his orbit, but it wouldn't have had the impact of the '99 fire. He was just too different.  

If they had brought Greg Vaughan on in 2003 as a new doctor, like Griffin, or a new cop, like Chase, maybe I'd have warmed up to him. But for Lucky, no.  

Now, the new Nikolas reminds me I'm not temperamentally disposed to be unfair to recasts. I'm a Tyler loyalist.  As inconsistent as Tyler was in the 20 years (off and on) that he played that role, he was still the Nikolas to me. When it became apparent that the character was coming back, I wanted Tyler to play him. But I accept there may be good reasons that isn't happening, and I like this guy a lot so far.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Same. They were calling him Lucky, and he was involved with all the people who were important to Lucky, but I didn't buy it. And I never found him sympathetic. Honestly, if they'd said one day during the "Lucky's addiction" story that he had overdosed, I doubt I'd have been able to squeeze out a tear. I would have been sorry for the characters in his orbit, but it wouldn't have had the impact of the '99 fire. He was just too different.  

If they had brought Greg Vaughan on in 2003 as a new doctor, like Griffin, or a new cop, like Chase, maybe I'd have warmed up to him. But for Lucky, no.  

Now, the new Nikolas reminds me I'm not temperamentally disposed to be unfair to recasts. I'm a Tyler loyalist.  As inconsistent as Tyler was in the 20 years (off and on) that he played that role, he was still the Nikolas to me. When it became apparent that the character was coming back, I wanted Tyler to play him. But I accept there may be good reasons that isn't happening, and I like this guy a lot so far.

All of this, yes! And before I go too off-topic, let me just say, that while Jonathan always will be Lucky for me (Just as I can't imagine anyone else playing Robin or Robert or Laura (even if Genie's was a recast--she made Laura)), if they could find someone who could be Lucky--have his "gentle soul", canniness, street smarts, etc., I'd be happy. I'm only rigid when it comes to Robin, Robert, Anna, Laura, and Luke (yes, Luke!). They turned Greg's "Lucky" into an abusive asshole. Lucky would NEVER shove Liz around or mistrust her, pain pills or no. It's not like he was addicted to drugs that induced hallucinations. I wish Jonathan was in a place or willing to do the intermittent visits like Kimberly does. But that's me. And I understand and accept if Jonathan doesn't want to do that. Hell, he returned for Luke's exit--but that's because of Geary and their close relationship, and Geary and Genie being his mentors. Maybe he'll return when the show is cancelled and he and Liz and the boyzzzz will go off into the sunset! Hey! It could happen! I seem to recall in the final episode of Search for Tomorrow how one couple, who were dating other people, ended up together in the end. I'm blanking on the names, but the character was the oldest of three brothers. He was John, I think, on Another World. But Sri Rao would have to be headwriter for this to happen. I'm not holding my breath.

As for Nik, I'm also a Tyler loyalist. Even when he was being an asshole. He sort of redeemed himself when he found Robin. But this Nikolas finally convinced me he was Nik--he voiced why he didn't want Laura to be near Valentin--not because he thinks she'd be vulnerable to him or scared of him, but she would take him on. Yes! That's Laura!Fucking!Spencer! Plus, she already found out about the codicil, and NOT from Jax or Hayden. I can't recall how, so it's out there, Nik. Just open the damn door and let your mom know you're alive. Laura, of all people, can keep a secret, if Nik insists on staying "dead."

While I had a good laugh over SheBeast and Jax telling Joss how they didn't trust her, that she couldn't do this or that, blah, blah, fishcakes, I was still 🙄🙄 because this was her "first offense" if you will. It's not as if she had a pattern of lying and drinking, etc. that led to this point. And I hate this show for making me defend her whiny ass. But I did love Jax mentioning that she was a kidney transplant recipient.

Along with Kimberly (Robin), Becky Herbst is someone who I think is a chemistry magnet, but damn if I just was grossed out when Liz kissed Franco, trying to make him return by that. Maybe it's because I can't stand his character, and to a lesser extent, the actor does nothing for me.

I don't understand the disbelief over Nikolas possibly being alive to Laura, Scotty, Julian, etc., because Jason was also shot in the back and dumped in the PC river or whatever they call it. I wasn't watching when Nik was shot by Valentin, but no body was recovered, correct? Based on what Ava was saying? So why not believe her?

  • Love 5

God damn, MW was just so appealing yesterday with Scott. She's great as hard as nails Ava-- but when she's vulnerable she breaks my heart. Her trying to wrap her brain around what she saw (or didn't see) was so relatable. Also Scott (freaking Scott) bringing her everything from her bathroom counter.

Honestly, that was such a nice moment, to see her smile and start moisturizing, while Scott tries to flirt with her (you look like a million bucks instead of your usual two million bucks). 

Why can't these two just get together and drink and scheme and make Sonny's life miserable. Is there some go-fund-me I can contribute to -- to get that?

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9 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

LW nails both the feisty and vulnerable sides of Carly.

Carly has a vulnerable side?

1 hour ago, sacrebleu said:

God damn, MW was just so appealing yesterday with Scott. She's great as hard as nails Ava-- but when she's vulnerable she breaks my heart. Her trying to wrap her brain around what she saw (or didn't see) was so relatable. Also Scott (freaking Scott) bringing her everything from her bathroom counter.

Honestly, that was such a nice moment, to see her smile and start moisturizing, while Scott tries to flirt with her (you look like a million bucks instead of your usual two million bucks). 

Why can't these two just get together and drink and scheme and make Sonny's life miserable. Is there some go-fund-me I can contribute to -- to get that?

Get out of my head, sacrebleu! I didn't bother to watch yesterday, but now I will make sure I see these scenes. Ava and Scott have a really great rapport. And my god, the part you're saying about them scheming together and teaming up against Sonny? Yes please.


From what it looks like though, Ava will be paired with Nik. They went through a ton of auditions for the role, and Maura had to kiss every one of them. This is according to someone who was at a fan event this past weekend.

  • Love 4

I don't really like the actor now playing Nik, but I think that's because I don't like Nik right now. He's got a long way to go to make amends for lying to his family and friends about not being dead.

1 hour ago, sacrebleu said:

Why can't these two just get together and drink and scheme and make Sonny's life miserable. Is there some go-fund-me I can contribute to -- to get that?

The problem is Sonny would always come out a winner, since that's GH law. Though I suppose their mere existence is a thorn in his side, so at least there's that.

  • Love 2

Cameron seemed to have survived Baby's First Hangover a lot better than expected. He was able to put his full-hateon to FrancoDrew and storm out of the house before Liz could take him to the principal.

I'm trying to find Carly's exact quote to Joss when Joss came down in the morning, to the effect of "No excuses, owe what you did and take the consequences," but it could have been summarized as "Don't Be Sonny".

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5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I wish Jonathan was in a place or willing to do the intermittent visits like Kimberly does. But that's me. And I understand and accept if Jonathan doesn't want to do that. Hell, he returned for Luke's exit--but that's because of Geary and their close relationship, and Geary and Genie being his mentors. Maybe he'll return when the show is cancelled and he and Liz and the boyzzzz will go off into the sunset! Hey! It could happen!

I think JJ would definitely be willing to visit every once in a while but Lucky the character isn't really positioned to do that, unless they say he married and settled off screen somewhere.

As for him showing up when the show is cancelled I'm sure if they ask and he's available he would do it, I am 100% sure. As for Lucky and Liz getting together again if the show is cancelled though, if you had asked me that even a year ago I would say yes that would happen. Now I'm not so sure.

I think the best hope for JJ coming back is Steve Burton eventually grinding him down to do a stint lol.

2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I think the best hope for JJ coming back is Steve Burton eventually grinding him down to do a stint lol.

Or maybe Genie, so she won't have to keep saying those ridiculous lines that Laura would never say, with a straight face.

If nothing else, I want to see Jonathan and Genie share a screen again.

And I also want a horsie.

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LOL at Jason telling Sam it's going to be just him and the kids for three whole days. Father of the Year. Also LOL at the Show trying to create a "Morgan family torn apart" vibe.

"Mad doesn't even begin to describe it." Good for you, Finn.  Hayden talks like she forgot to show up for a meeting with Finn, not ran away from their wedding, dumped him in a letter, and withheld his child from him during the first  years of her life because she's jealous he got into a relationship with Anna. It's a close contest between her and Kim as to who's the bigger bitch. Robert was totally out of line and a hypocrite toward Finn given how Anna handled things with the two of them in the past re: Robin and Heinrich/Peter, but he's not wrong about Hayden trying to get Finn back. That photo Hayden sent Finn was straight up manipulation. 

Scott's conversation with FrancoDrew was quite a savvy move - the smartest thing Scott has done in a while. 

So is Julian going to clue in on evil Kendra? That dead rat looked big enough to "drive" a child's sit-in play car. 

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Robert was totally out of line and a hypocrite toward Finn given how Anna handled things with the two of them in the past re: Robin and Heinrich/Peter, but he's not wrong about Hayden trying to get Finn back. That photo Hayden sent Finn was straight up manipulation. 

I don't care. I love Robert, and in the grand scheme of things, I'll take whatever he's dishing out, as long as he's in character!

17 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Scott's conversation with FrancoDrew was quite a savvy move - the smartest thing Scott has done in a while. 

What did he do???? You know I need the deets!

  • Love 1
23 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Hayden talks like she forgot to show up for a meeting with Finn, not ran away from their wedding, dumped him in a letter, and withheld his child from him during the first  years of her life because she's jealous he got into a relationship with Anna.

Okay, now I'm confused. Did she run away from the wedding BEFORE she married Nik? Because according to this week's episodes, she's still married to Nik; so how could she have married Finn? I know, I know, SOAPS.

4 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Did she run away from the wedding BEFORE she married Nik? Because according to this week's episodes, she's still married to Nik; so how could she have married Finn?

She married Nik, he was presumed dead, then she was engaged to Finn and took off.  Since Nik is no longer dead, they are still legally married.

Edited by ciarra
  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, ciarra said:

She married Nik, he was presumed dead, then she was engaged to Finn and took off.  Since Nik is no longer dead, they are still legally married.

I realize Hayden and Nik are still married--considering no body, she should have had him declared legally dead. I wasn't sure about the timeline between Nik and Finn.

  • Useful 1
17 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

This is not actually accurate in the case of Elizabeth's kids. It's true that Franco has not been physically abusive, threatened them, or verbally/emotionally abused them, but his judgement has harmed them . . . . Laura and Elizabeth should have both been expressing concern all this time about the true reasons for Cam's obvious dislike of and non-acceptance of Franco. Laura started to right before the wedding party, but then just said well this is going to happen because your mom and brothers love Franco so you better get on board.

Okay. I understand your point, and I don't disagree that Laura and Liz could have had a conversation about Franco when they first started dating. As a fan, I wouldn't have minded if they had talked about him with Laura expressing reservations and Liz explaining why he's a changed man in her eyes. That conversation would have been nice to see. 

That said, I still say it makes no sense for Laura to do that now. Too much time has passed. Liz is four years into this relationship, so any reservations Laura had about Franco have probably been cleared up. It was a missed opportunity for the writers to not let Laura and Liz have those conversations in the beginning. Laura was pretty much kept away from Friz when they first started dating, so, for me, it's water under the bridge now. Laura knows Franco loves Liz and the boys and wouldn't intentionally endanger them. That's all that matters at this point.

As far as Cam is concerned, I blame the writers. The SORASing didn't help either. Little Cameron had no issues w/Franco at all. Right before Friz's earthquake wedding, Cam came to Franco and asked him to do right by Liz or whatever, but that was it. All the dialogue we got around that time was that ALL of Liz's boys loved Franco. Cameron was aged up to a teen, so of course, he now has issues w/Franco. What those issues were was never really explored, so I have to blame the writers. It's like they wanted Cameron to have problems w/Franco but never wanted to flesh out those problems. As a Franco fan, I wouldn't have had any issue w/Cameron saying he used to like Franco when he was younger but is older now, learned about all the stuff Franco did and doesn't want him around anymore. That would have been interesting to explore, but the writing is not that deep or interesting, unfortunately. So, I can't really fault Liz or Laura for not exploring something the writers clearly didn't want to explore. 

17 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I agree with you wholeheartedly about this! I was livid when they fired him! I liked JJ's Lucky well enough when he was a kid, but I was never particularly attached to him. GV was always my preferred Lucky and still it. The writing for JJ's Lucky did nothing to change my opinion once he came back. I never bought into this idea that GV's Lucky was too dumb to live. I hated the writing for him and how he was made to be a loser to prop up the almighty Jason.

As far as Lucky being a deadbeat now, I mostly agree with you there as well. I don't like Friz or Franco very much. Franco could leave tomorrow and I wouldn't care. I've had a like/hate relationship with Liz for years, but this has probably been the longest time, generally speaking, I've gone without loathing her. I can't lay the blame at Franco/Friz for how Lucky's being written. Yeah, Laura does do some Franco propping duty but mostly I don't think it's being done at Lucky's expense. I don't blame any of the characters on-screen for not addressing the Lucky issue. There's nothing much to be done when the show refuses to bring the character back. The show could choose to write him more like they did Jax when he was gone (which is a miracle that they didn't destroy Jax to prop up Sonny as the best father ever - the Corinthii love collecting other people's children) but for some reason they pretty much chose to ignore his existence 70% of the time. It would probably upset me more if this were GV's Lucky but since it's JJ's it doesn't bother me too much.

Thank you! I was a huge GV/Lucky fan. Like you, I never found him to be stupid. He just suffered from bad writing most of the time. I was also never super attached to JJ. Heck, I enjoyed JY's time as Lucky too. I thought JJ was a good young Lucky. JY was a good late teens/early 20s Lucky. And GV was a good adult Lucky. 

Yeah . . . the destruction of Lucky started long before RoHo came to this show. I honestly don't think Lucky is being written worse now that Liz is w/Franco. He's the same old deadbeat in my eyes. LOL! 

I also agree w/you about not caring too much since GV is no longer Lucky and will likely never be Lucky again. I loved the Lucky that hated Jason, loved Liz's boys, and was happy to be a cop. That all changed - in my eyes - when JJ returned so I have no use for the JJ version of Lucky. 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I don't care. I love Robert, and in the grand scheme of things, I'll take whatever he's dishing out, as long as he's in character!

What did he do???? You know I need the deets!

Robert making assumptions/accusations and getting on his case about his obligations to Anna, in part because he still clearly has feelings for Anna, is not a good look for him. I bet he would not have reacted well to someone giving him crap about little Robin two days after he met her. 

LOL. Scott told FrancoDrew the story of heroic young Franco in the "Bobby and Andy," shove down the stairs incident where Betsy's boyfriend was a child molester. His message was basically "Franco saved you when you were a child, now he has built a good life with a family, are you saying your life is worth more/more important than my son's?" I.e. you think it's acceptable that my son ceases to exist so you can go off and have a life? FrancoDrew had tears in his eyes. 

My expectation - not a spoiler - is that FrancoDrew will either take Kim to a psych facility, leave her there for treatment and then come back for the brain procedure or tell Kim "I can't go with you" and she will leave Port Charles alone, sobbing.  Kim's stone cold bitch attitude with Elizabeth today is hopefully a set up for the latter. 

  • Love 6
36 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

So is Julian going to clue in on evil Kendra? That dead rat looked big enough to "drive" a child's sit-in play car. 

Kendra is such a terrible character. Why they decided to revive this Kiefer story is very stupid. He was an abuser and his sister seems to be as psychotic as he was. Wasn't their father also abusing their mother or something?

Also, the size of that rat, totally see it. As someone who lived in NYC, I have seen rats that size. That's the time when you wish you had superpowers. 

Violet is an adorable little girl. She is sweet and well-mannered and she can't pronounce her "R" which is even better. It's hard to believe that Hayden is her mother, and that picture of Hayden holding the baby after she was born while her hair and makeup were so perfect. I'm sure women don't look like that right after they've pushed a baby out of their bodies.

Finn is painfully awkward. 

I wonder what's going to happen in the park now. A hit on Cassandra that goes wrong? Sam stops Cassandra from running away?

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Robert making assumptions/accusations and getting on his case about his obligations to Anna, in part because he still clearly has feelings for Anna, is not a good look for him. I bet he would not have reacted well to someone giving him crap about little Robin two days after he met her. 

OY Yeesh!

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

LOL. Scott told FrancoDrew the story of heroic young Franco in the "Bobby and Andy," shove down the stairs incident where Betsy's boyfriend was a child molester. His message was basically "Franco saved you when you were a child, now he has built a good life with a family, are you saying your life is worth more/more important than my son's?" I.e. you think it's acceptable that my son ceases to exist so you can go off and have a life? FrancoDrew had tears in his eyes. 

My expectation - not a spoiler - is that FrancoDrew will either take Kim to a psych facility, leave her there for treatment and then come back for the brain procedure or tell Kim "I can't go with you" and she will leave Port Charles alone, sobbing.  Kim's stone cold bitch attitude with Elizabeth today is hopefully a set up for the latter. 

Good! I cannot wait to see those scenes. Someone really needs to drive home to selfish Dranco that he is taking away someone else's life and using someone else's body. It's not right. I'm utterly amazed at how thoughtless he is. Who wrote this? He has no thought or consideration to anyone but Kim! It's insane. I understand he only knows Kim, but can he not see anything beyond her? I loved Cameron's rant to him yesterday. He's blowing up Franco's family and life w/o a single thought. I fully understand why Dranco wants to live, but there should be some part of him that recognizes that him living means Franco die.. How is that right? So happy Scott pointed that out, and that he seems to have had a reaction. He's so cold! It's made this story unbearable. 

The writing has been so awful. I hope this wraps up soon. Did Liz punch Kim in the face? Because she should have. Liz should have no sympathy for this woman who is happily stealing away your husband!!!! 

Edited by lala2
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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Or maybe Genie, so she won't have to keep saying those ridiculous lines that Laura would never say, with a straight face.

I don't think he and GF talk. But Steve has used her to try and convince JJ lol.

But seriously, FV should be trying his hardest for JJ to stop by because Lucky showing up just as Franco regains his memory would be soooo freaking soapy.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

Violet's a cute kid and all, but I'll admit I'm bitter that she's already been more visible and social in her few weeks of GH existence than Scout has been her entire life. Hayden's not sly, using intimate photos of Violet's life to reel Finn in, and as much as I love Robert, him jeering Finn and Anna's relationship isn't the best use of his time.

Good for Scott for trying yet again to get through to "Drew" and remind him that Franco's identity and journey are no less important than his own. And it still hurts to hear Kim say that "her Drew came back" when the real Drew, the one that gave life to Oscar and loved him in his last days, is (likely) gone forever.

Imagine if instead of Alexis being confined to a hospital bed and brushing clumps of hair out of her head, she were involved in this newly spun web surrounding Nikolas. All the pieces are there; she's Nik's aunt, Valentin's sister, Cassandra's lawyer (not that that means much now that she's stuck at GH), and she and Laura formed a connection during the onset of Laura's entry into politics. There's no reason in the world for Alexis to be sitting curbside for this splashy, back-from-the-dead return, except, I guess, that the show thinks it's better to once again torture her physically and relitigate her crimes of nearly a decade ago.

  • Love 9
41 minutes ago, lala2 said:

 He has no thought or consideration to anyone but Kim! It's insane. I understand he only knows Kim, but can he not see anything beyond her?He's so cold! 

 Did Liz punch Kim in the face? 

When Franco got fixated on Elizabeth, he had no thought or consideration for anyone but Jake and Elizabeth, and then for her eldest and youngest sons too because she loved them. It was either the fault of Howarth's acting or the writing that it seemed like Franco only tried to be nice to the three kids as a means to make Elizabeth love him.  I still remember that Elizabeth brought up Sam, and his reaction was "What about Sam? Who CARES about SAM?" Elizabeth gave him a WTH is wrong with you?? look because Sam had in fact been one of his victims. Franco was extremely dismissive of anyone who brought up having been hurt by him. Franco only took a real turn toward 'nice guy' after he and Drew dropped the hostility when Betsy's old boyfriend tried to get rid of them. That was the start of the 'Elizabeth and Franco friendship with Drew and Kim, bonding over teenage sons/the sadness of terminally ill Oscar.'

Nope. She correctly called Kim out on trying to ease her own conscience about husband stealing when Kim tried to insist she thought of Elizabeth as a friend.  She got all snarly that Elizabeth and Scott brought up her attempted rape of Drew in court as a means to label her crazy/hang on to "Drew," and won't accept Franco is gone and that "Drew and I love each other." She went off in a huff saying she would always be grateful for Elizabeth's support when Oscar was dying.  The message was basically, you don't have any idea of what I've been through because your son Jake came back, and you're a bitch for trying to stop us - a couple in love - from being together.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 5
34 minutes ago, Linny said:

Violet's a cute kid and all, but I'll admit I'm bitter that she's already been more visible and social in her few weeks of GH existence than Scout has been her entire life. Hayden's not sly, using intimate photos of Violet's life to reel Finn in, and as much as I love Robert, him jeering Finn and Anna's relationship isn't the best use of his time.

Good for Scott for trying yet again to get through to "Drew" and remind him that Franco's identity and journey are no less important than his own. And it still hurts to hear Kim say that "her Drew came back" when the real Drew, the one that gave life to Oscar and loved him in his last days, is (likely) gone forever.

Imagine if instead of Alexis being confined to a hospital bed and brushing clumps of hair out of her head, she were involved in this newly spun web surrounding Nikolas. All the pieces are there; she's Nik's aunt, Valentin's sister, Cassandra's lawyer (not that that means much now that she's stuck at GH), and she and Laura formed a connection during the onset of Laura's entry into politics. There's no reason in the world for Alexis to be sitting curbside for this splashy, back-from-the-dead return, except, I guess, that the show thinks it's better to once again torture her physically and relitigate her crimes of nearly a decade ago.

Julexis needs to reunite finally and Julian can be the savior against evil Kendra.  Show is not subtle.

Speaking of Alexis, I love how isolated Sam is from the rest of her family.  In prison with a sick mother and her cousin back. I know Cassandra ties into Nik but as someone who cannot stand Sam and wants her dead more than anything, it's nice to see her regulated to nothing on this show currently.   The show needs to make this an actual thing, cut the actress' minimums and save the audience from this stale character.  And the same should be done to the other three (Carly, Jason, and Sonny). 

Edited by Hater
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On 11/5/2019 at 12:20 AM, WendyCR72 said:

So I'm guessing William DeVry is not long for the show since...

.and he seems to be going dark/evil again. Shrug. He really has nothing to do.

Maybe he’s about to have a purpose. I’m guessing the rat discovery will lead him to find the giant vat of protein powder, and eventually connect the dots to save Alexis. Setting up another round of Julexis? Yawn, but methinks I see a triangle coming.

7 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I don't understand the disbelief over Nikolas possibly being alive to Laura, Scotty, Julian, etc., because Jason was also shot in the back and dumped in the PC river or whatever they call it. I wasn't watching when Nik was shot by Valentin, but no body was recovered, correct? Based on what Ava was saying? So why not believe her?

Yes! Because even if Laura thinks Nikolas would have called, she should at least be holding out hope that he had a good reason not to. The disbelief seems to be the usual conviction that nobody could possibly ever return from the dead, no matter what the circumstance. A rational stance in real life, but in PC? Just once, I want one of these dimwits to remember how many of their fellow citizens have returned, after they were really, most sincerely dead: Lucky! Jason! Jake! Laura! Helena! Brenda! Jerry! Robin! Etc etc. Sometimes there were even bodies recovered! Sigh. 

I can’t help but notice that Nik’s Giant Bowl of Succulents is trying to edge out my beloved Giant Bowl of Moss for screentime dominance. Not gonna happen, sand-sucking wannabe.  Moss may be on vacation, but it will be back, fresher and greener than ever!  #teammoss

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4 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Robert making assumptions/accusations and getting on his case about his obligations to Anna, in part because he still clearly has feelings for Anna, is not a good look for him. I bet he would not have reacted well to someone giving him crap about little Robin two days after he met her. 

I might not have seen everything, so if there was more to it than OK, but all I saw was that Robert told him that he had to tell Anna.  That's not really giving him crap about Violet, And IIRC, Robert told Holly pretty much immediately, even though she was in Australia at the time.  I'll admit that he did assume that Finn was the father, but Finn pretty much admitted that, so the assumption turned into fact.  He could have asked if he was OK, though, considering she's at the hospital getting tests.

  • Love 1

Wow, Jason and the kids are going to spend a weekend together! What a dad!

3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I can’t help but notice that Nik’s Giant Bowl of Succulents is trying to edge out my beloved Giant Bowl of Moss for screentime dominance. Not gonna happen, sand-sucking wannabe.  Moss may be on vacation, but it will be back, fresher and greener than ever!  #teammoss

Oof, it could be a bloodbath.

"The odds of me getting recognized are nonexistent." Oh, Nik. You just ensured someone will definitely recognize you, you nitwit.

  • Love 1

I hate to ask but where's Krissy? Seems like she'd have a major role in this Keifer based drama.

I don't want Julian to go dark side or start up with Alexis again.

NuNik is okay so far, just a bit frantic.

Jason needs a new hairdo, that punk pompador is so repulsive.

I would like for the Ava coalition to crush kill destroy the Corinthii and crown Laura true queen of Port Charles.

I feel like I'm waiting for the old, bad storylines to be resolved so we can get some new better stuff going.

  • Love 5

Last week I demanded that Dranco have a come to Jesus moment regarding the "Andy and Bobby" past, and this with Scott....? Just fizzled? I didn't know that Dranco had been made aware that Franco was none other than Bobby. Did that happen offscreen? Because that could have been a moment.

Jax' new house is totally the Cassadine Island main house, right? I don't think I'm imagining that.

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I think Jax's giant bowl of succulents >>>> the Corinthos bowl of moss because succulents can be useful. Moss only works if you're wounded and needed an antiseptic.. .oh, wait.

Poor rat. You didn't deserve that death.

I don't see Robert as stepping out of line. He's very protective of Anna and he sees Finn on the cusp of emotionally cheating on her, ably targeted by Hayden.

Is Sam going to save Cassandra's life now that Nik is going to have her killed, in a bad reprise of two weeks ago when Peter ordered his henchman killed?

11 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't really like the actor now playing Nik, but I think that's because I don't like Nik right now. He's got a long way to go to make amends for lying to his family and friends about not being dead.

He seems too weak to me to do all the devious stuff Nik is doing. He's like Valentin, supposed to be a formidable enemy but he's more like a petulant teenager insisting that things are going wrong because Jax and Hayden brought in Laura and Curtis.

7 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

LOL at Jason telling Sam it's going to be just him and the kids for three whole days. Father of the Year. Also LOL at the Show trying to create a "Morgan family torn apart" vibe.

This reminded me of my (now ex-) husband who once had to look after the 18 month old for 3 days when I got a bad allergic reaction. By the time I recovered, he had arranged full tine childcare for her.

6 hours ago, lala2 said:

As far as Cam is concerned, I blame the writers. The SORASing didn't help either. Little Cameron had no issues w/Franco at all. Right before Friz's earthquake wedding, Cam came to Franco and asked him to do right by Liz or whatever, but that was it.

I got the feeling that Cameron's antagonism towards Franco was supposed to be that of a teenager getting a new step parent rather than opposition to Franco because of his serial killer past.

6 hours ago, Linny said:

Imagine if instead of Alexis being confined to a hospital bed and brushing clumps of hair out of her head, she were involved in this newly spun web surrounding Nikolas. All the pieces are there; she's Nik's aunt, Valentin's sister, Cassandra's lawyer (not that that means much now that she's stuck at GH), and she and Laura formed a connection during the onset of Laura's entry into politics. There's no reason in the world for Alexis to be sitting curbside for this splashy, back-from-the-dead return, except, I guess, that the show thinks it's better to once again torture her physically and relitigate her crimes of nearly a decade ago.

I hate that Alexis never gets a real Cassadine storyline. Nik, Valentine, Laura and Spencer get any Cassadine plots, now with Jax, Hayden and Curtis who aren't even Cassadines, while Alexis is sidelined, only getting plots about abusive men including Keifer. 

Where is Natasha when I want her?

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Wow, Jason and the kids are going to spend a weekend together! What a dad!

Let's hope Sonny doesn't have an emergency for him to handle, like needing his advice on what to do about Dev--or Carly doesn't need a picture hung in Donna's room, because then it'll be back to the Monica Quartermaine Home for Unwanted Children for Danny and Scout.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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Lol at poor Jasam and their precious little family being broken up. I'm surprised Sam remembered she had a mom and who Molly even was.

Time to put Julexis back together. Their chemistry is hard to ignore. Get Kendra the eff out of here. This isn't Buffy, she isn't Kendra the Alexis Slayer. She's just pathetically lame.

I wonder how long this Laura/Nikolas thing is going to drag out.

That operator was so cheerful informing Nik that he had a collect call from Pentonville. I need her to answer my phone at work.

I'm totally fine with whatever Robert does.

Shut the absolute hell up, Kim.

I adored everything about the Ava scenes yesterday, both with Scott and with Julian. Maura slayed the hell out of them too.

Hayden's daughter is adorable. I like that Hayden's still manipulative. There isn't a vixen type on canvas, and she fits that. The only thing that I'd keep is her relationship with Elizabeth, because that's worked incredibly well, surprisingly. The Rebecca's really like playing sisters, it's obvious.

  • Love 9
16 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

That dead rat looked big enough to "drive" a child's sit-in play car. 

Calling it. That 'dead' rat isn't quite dead, and it will be implanted with the memories of Franco.

14 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I can’t help but notice that Nik’s Giant Bowl of Succulents is trying to edge out my beloved Giant Bowl of Moss for screentime dominance. Not gonna happen, sand-sucking wannabe.  Moss may be on vacation, but it will be back, fresher and greener than ever!  #teammoss

We're seeing more plant-based actors to go with the plant-based acting.

  • LOL 10
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Laura knows Franco loves Liz and the boys and wouldn't intentionally endanger them. That's all that matters at this point.

What matters to this viewer is that Rebecca Herbst is wasted as an actress being forced to be the love interest of a serial killer/rapist character that was created as a vehicle for James Franco.  She seems to like RoHo IRL so it isn't as painful to watch as it could be.


Because even if Laura thinks Nikolas would have called, she should at least be holding out hope that he had a good reason not to.

I am grateful that FV is giving GF some screen time and am enjoying her performances.  Not a fan of her coupling with Kevin.  But any use of GF makes this show all the more watchable and I am confident she will be able to help gell NuNik into the show.  

The character of Nina has/had no strong actress to 'gell' her into the show.  IR is a good fit for that purpose.  I hate to admit it (since I HATE her character) but LW is doing the same thing for Sonny.  It would be preferable that these characters (Franco, Nik, Nina, Sonny) didn't exist.  YMMV. 




  • Love 4
10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I don't see Robert as stepping out of line. He's very protective of Anna and he sees Finn on the cusp of emotionally cheating on her, ably targeted by Hayden.


He seems too weak to me to do all the devious stuff Nik is doing. He's like Valentin, supposed to be a formidable enemy but he's more like a petulant teenager insisting that things are going wrong because Jax and Hayden brought in Laura and Curtis.


  1. Neither did I. Nor did I see any hypocrisy. He asked if Finn was going to let Anna know about Violet, and Finn hemmed and hawed. Robert wasn't telling him to call Anna RIGHTNOWTHISMINUTE. So, I take back my "OY, Yeesh!" comment from yesterday.
  2. YES! THIS! I got a rage blackout when Cassandra revealed it was NIK who was behind kidnapping Anna! This is ROBIN'S mother! Robin, who is supposed to be one of his best friends! And then the stomping around, yelling, blaming Jax for Laura's involvement. I just can't help think how Stefan would have handled this, and too bad he's most seriously dead...oh, wait...hmm...no, never mind. HACKFRANK would ruin any return of Stefan.

When did Jax become such an awful liar?

7 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

I'm totally fine with whatever Robert does.

Shut the absolute hell up, Kim.

Same here. I can't recall precisely, but I think Robert told Holly about who Robin was shortly after he was told that she was his daughter. Now when the FUCK is Anna/Finola coming back? 

Laura and Robert should have more scenes together! Too bad Robert's DA, otherwise I would love to see Laura loop Robert in for the search of the codicil. I laughed when Robert asked if it was the nude painting of Helena that Laura was looking for, and her reaction to that.  These two are so awesome together!

God, I wanted to punch Kim in the face.

  • Love 1

I can’t help but notice that Nik’s Giant Bowl of Succulents is trying to edge out my beloved Giant Bowl of Moss for screentime dominance. Not gonna happen, sand-sucking wannabe.  Moss may be on vacation, but it will be back, fresher and greener than ever!  #teammoss

It's not Nik's its in Jax's new home, and for that reason I am TeamJaxPlant! because everything to do with Jax is superior to anything to do with Sonny. 

Nic can kick rocks with his angsty hand-to-the-door-with-Mom-on-the-other-side because he's causing his loved ones pain unti he gets the Cassidine fortune back (yeah yeah-- he wants to neutralize Valentine, but honestly, in what way has Valentine demonstrated that he's a threat to anyone?)


  • Love 6
7 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

The only thing that I'd keep is her relationship with Elizabeth, because that's worked incredibly well, surprisingly. The Rebecca's really like playing sisters, it's obvious.

They do, and what I dread most about where this "Nikolas returns" story is going is all the relationships it might screw up. In addition to the people who will be furious with Nikolas for keeping his survival a secret for years (and his other misdeeds), Elizabeth may be furious with Hayden for not telling her that her best friend was still alive, even when she was living under Elizabeth's roof. Hayden may resort to that soap-opera standby, "It wasn't my secret to tell!"

8 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:
  1. . I just can't help think how Stefan would have handled this, and too bad he's most seriously dead...oh, wait...hmm...no, never mind. HACKFRANK would ruin any return of Stefan.

It would be hard to ruin him any more than the Gooze did last time around, when he was skulking around in the tunnels trying to rape a woman, and was the butt of a joke for Jason and Sonny ("No wonder Alcazar's still breathing!"). That was the worst part somehow. He wasn't just written as evil; he was written as ineffectually evil.  

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Katy M said:

I might not have seen everything, so if there was more to it than OK, but all I saw was that Robert told him that he had to tell Anna.  That's not really giving him crap about Violet, And IIRC, Robert told Holly pretty much immediately, even though she was in Australia at the time.  I'll admit that he did assume that Finn was the father, but Finn pretty much admitted that, so the assumption turned into fact.  He could have asked if he was OK, though, considering she's at the hospital getting tests.

Did you see the part where right after Violet walked away with Hayden, before Finn even got to open his mouth, Robert told Finn if we weren't in a hospital right now I would kick your ass (paraphrasing)? His first thought was to assume the worst, that Finn's been lying about/hiding this child all this time from Anna. Finn acknowledged he's the father and explained. Robert calling Violet a "charmer" sounded almost sarcastic; he was clearly displeased and made it sound like he was referring to potential young criminal Dev instead of an innocent pre-school age little girl.  Robert seems mad that Finn has a child with his ex period, and that he found out about this child because she ran into his leg.

11 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I don't see Robert as stepping out of line. He's very protective of Anna and he sees Finn on the cusp of emotionally cheating on her, ably targeted by Hayden.

It was not wrong of Finn to feel like he wants to tell Anna in person. Robert jumping on him about lying by omission every time Finn talks to Anna on the phone now was out of line.  It is not Robert's job to police Anna and Finn's relationship; Anna is not some young girl who needs to be protected from a big bag liar/cheater/criminal. Yes Hayden clearly wants Finn back, but Finn hasn't done anything wrong. My reaction to it all was "We get it Robert - you don't like FInn, you'll always think the worst of him, you don't think he deserves Anna, and you still have feelings for Anna." Well Anna chose to accept Finn's proposal and doesn't like the way Finn is handling their relationship and looking at Hayden, she can choose to break up with him.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:
  1. Neither did I. Nor did I see any hypocrisy. He asked if Finn was going to let Anna know about Violet, and Finn hemmed and hawed. Robert wasn't telling him to call Anna RIGHTNOWTHISMINUTE. So, I take back my "OY, Yeesh!" comment from yesterday.

I meant hypocrisy in the sense that Anna did in fact keep Robin a secret from him, then when he thinks that no good Finn has kept a child secret from Anna, he's all pissed off and tells him his instinct is to beat up Finn.  No, he wasn't telling Finn you have to call Anna immediately, but he was trying to force Finn to do what he wants because otherwise you're "lying."

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:
  1. Now when the FUCK is Anna/Finola coming back? 

Supposedly this week. I'll believe it when I see it.

59 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

They do, and what I dread most about where this "Nikolas returns" story is going is all the relationships it might screw up. In addition to the people who will be furious with Nikolas for keeping his survival a secret for years (and his other misdeeds), Elizabeth may be furious with Hayden for not telling her that her best friend was still alive, even when she was living under Elizabeth's roof. Hayden may resort to that soap-opera standby, "It wasn't my secret to tell!"

I'm hoping that won't be the case where it would permanently damage their relationship, although Liz would certainly have cause to be upset. Liz wasn't nearly as angry as I thought she might be at Violet being kept a secret from Finn or from her in general. She just rightfully said it made sense. Of course she was dealing with her Franco insanity, but it still could have happened. I didn't expect to like them as sisters as much as I have, but I think they balance each other out very well and have bonded together in a relatively short amount of time. They're one of my favorite relationships to watch now, shortly behind the Jiblings.

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