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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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2 hours ago, Sake614 said:

I'm also firmly on the 'Alex not Anna' train. I know nothing about Alex, but this is decidedly not Anna. Her whole demeanor is different. She's more confident, smiling more. She didn't seem to know who Andre was talking about when he brought up Jordan and Curtis. I actually prefer Alex to Anna at this point. I'd grown very tired of Anna's sniveling, helpless act. I'm just waiting for her to take off that bandage on her hand or cut herself and not bleed out.  And Fin seems to be enjoying herself too. So good for her.

Yeah, I didn't watch AMC so Alex is a total unknown for me, too, but this is not Anna.  There's an icy air about "Anna" right now that didn't exist before she went out of town.  

  • Love 2

"Jax is responsible for unleashing Nelle on all of us!" Yes, Sonny, he was. But you were responsible for creating Morgan, an immature asshat who we can't escape even though he's dead, so dial down the indignation. Sonny's ability to minimize his own mistakes while magnifying everyone else's is truly stunning. 

Are they refreshing everyone's hair for Spring? I liked Ava's, but wish they had cut Nelle's instead of changing the color.

"Dante, we have a problem, it's Dad." And this is the point where I wish Dante would throw his phone out the window and pretend he has no idea who any of these people are.

LMAO at Jason enhancing the picture to find Julian lurking in the background like he's Bigfoot.

  • Love 11

The show just DRAAAAGS whenever Sonny or Carly and their juvenile whinefests and nonsense is on. 

The Charlotte actress is very good and I can see why the writers are giving her more dialogue to deliver. 

Diki are still cute and are actually acting like young 20somethings.  This is a soap! Where are the others? Molly/TJ should be in a front burner. Kristina should be in a storyline.  Bring in Serena or another young Quartermaine or Tommy Hardy.

Michael/Nelle are never going to happen. Both have anti-romantic chemistry and especially with each other.

Julian's face sticking out of the bushes. "Heeeeeeeere's Julian!"

  • Love 6

I'm always impressed that DZ gets out of performing at the Nurses Ball. LOL at Ava lurking in the background while Dante and Lucy were talking.

Of course it's Jax's fault that Sonny and Carly aren't getting back together. Jasus forbid Sonny take a hard look at his own actions.

4 minutes ago, Vella said:

Diki are still cute

I thought it was kind of gross that Dillon wouldn't let Lauren alone to study. It's like he doesn't take her ambitions seriously. His needs aren't more important than hers. She shouldn't have to make bargains with him.

12 minutes ago, Vella said:

Julian's face sticking out of the bushes. "Heeeeeeeere's Julian!"

The handheld camera stuff they use for his POV always cracks me up.

2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I thought it was kind of gross that Dillon wouldn't let Lauren alone to study. It's like he doesn't take her ambitions seriously. His needs aren't more important than hers. She shouldn't have to make bargains with him.

Since she was at his house and not anywhere else like her place or the library, I figured she wasn't THAT serious about getting work done and preferred being in his company, along with his distractions. If I'm a student, wanting to get work done, the last place I am going is to my boyfriend's house where plenty of other people live and roam around, especially when my place is perfectly quiet and distraction free.

  • Love 2

I love that Valentin was so obviously annoyed and hated it that Charlotte had a great time with Lulu. But who is he to disregard Charlotte's questions about how Lulu can be her mother and pass that talk onto Nina? Despite what I feel about Nina and what they clearly want Charlotte to feel, making Charlotte's stepmother having that talk with Charlotte isn't fair to any of them - Nina, Lulu or Charlotte.

Also, not that we didn't already know this, but the fact that poor Charlotte is so confused and afraid to like Lulu and is questioning how Lulu can be her mommy shows that Valentin did nothing to even try to explain any of the situation to this child.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Linny said:

Are they refreshing everyone's hair for Spring? I liked Ava's, but wish they had cut Nelle's instead of changing the color.

Hah!  I found myself critiquing everyone's hair today, too.  Loved Ava's!  I've always preferred hers when she wears it sleek and straight, as opposed to her floofy look.  Agree, Nelle's needs cut, but I did like the lighter color.  Conversely, Lucy and Sonny both looked like they got shellacked with the shoe polish.  Both would be better served with lighter shades or, in Sonny's case, salt and pepper.

It must be lovely going through life not ever being responsible for the bad things you do, not even lying, cheating and murdering.  My question, Sonny, is, taking their retconning into consideration that they looked and looked and looked for a kidney for Joss, with no luck, was Jax supposed to just turn Nelle's away because she was Frank Benson's daughter and her existence would cause you so much trouble years later?  Nevermind if Joss died or anything...

  • Love 5

I didn't really like Lulu and Dante's house but right now it gets bonus point for looking kinda non-gray and airy.

1 hour ago, Linny said:

wish they had cut Nelle's instead of changing the color.

It's too. long. It's irritating.

Also, it's her dad's fault! It's Jax's! Hurry, anyone and everyone, take away anything about Nelle that might be slightly interesting!

A body of water right there and Michael doesn't push him in. Lame. Also I know he's kind and strong and forgiving and loveswithhiswholeheart just like mama, but who would listen to Sonny's whining about Carly at this point? I would have liked if Michael called Max to come by and then placed him next to Sonny and told him, "you stand here", and then left.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, Fellaway said:


It must be lovely going through life not ever being responsible for the bad things you do, not even lying, cheating and murdering.  My question, Sonny, is, taking their retconning into consideration that they looked and looked and looked for a kidney for Joss, with no luck, was Jax supposed to just turn Nelle's away because she was Frank Benson's daughter and her existence would cause you so much trouble years later?  Nevermind if Joss died or anything...

As if Sonny wouldn't have personally ripped out a vital organ from Lady Jane if it meant saving one of his many progeny.  Wait, scratch that: he'd send one of the Cheetwoods to do it.  Wouldn't want to get blood on his designer suits.

  • Love 7

Show ought to make Charlotte speak French back to Papa, at least once.

Did Bobbie ever get to say, officially, to Carly: "I told you so" about Nelle?

Now that Carly has dumped Sonny, who's going to explain Carly's ex-mommy status to Avery? And doesn't Avery get some kind of Easter too, like the other kids of Port Charles? Avery seems to be MIA; even realMom Ava is doing her best bar-fly impression instead of thrilling Avery with an Easter basket.

Dillon is a cad, interrupting Kiki's studies to get her into bed in the middle of the day as a "reward" for aceing her psych exam on Maslow's need pyramid. Don't even get me started on how Keeks relishes sexy times with a serial killer's son.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1
41 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Since Jax is a jillionaire, why doesn't he write Nelly a cheque for her future medical expenses, since he knows her daddy didn't give her a cent for her kidney?

Today, Jax offered to pay Nelle to get set up somewhere else, far away from PC, but she was all, "No I need to make things right with Michael".  So she turned down money for Michael.  

1 hour ago, ulkis said:

A body of water right there and Michael doesn't push him in

That pier is so dangerous!!  I noticed it last week when Dr Michael Silas Finn was trying to not score drugs then again when Laura yelled at Valentin and made his bottom lip go all wooby, the water level is almost right at the top of the pier and there is not railing or anything.  Anyone can fall in even without a good push.  

  • Love 1

Maybe it's the bottle of wine I had with lunch talking (don't judge it's been a long week), but I don't want Valentin to turn out to be evil. I like the way he interacts with Charlotte and his patience with Lulu. And his sad shy hunchback luv for Anna. And maybe he and Nick pre-planned Nick's death. And ...oh, okay well I guess he did clearly shoot Kevin and try to kidnap Spencer. But, I mean, hey, we've all done things. 

  • Love 8
On 4/11/2017 at 10:12 PM, coffee drinker said:

Oh I don't know why that's confusing.  Because when Lucky did it to Elizabeth he was lauded for laying some "truths" on Elizabeth.  Wasn't Lucky seen as some paragon by the show as well when that loser JJ was in the role?  How is this any different?  Lucky is and was a dick as well, imo.  He's always been a prick and Guza poured it on Elizabeth so that Lucky could be the victim during the niz crap.  

*snorting* at the real reason for the difference, imo.  Elizabeth had it coming while Sonny is a bad guy for doing it to Carly.  

The relationships are/were so different, this isn't like comparing apples to oranges; it's like comparing apples to rocks. Lucky and Liz were childhood sweethearts who were torn apart BECAUSE HELENA. Then he came back and we all had to sit through Jacob Young playing him (except for people like me who stopped watching during NuLucky, because ugh).

Then Liz and Lucky reunited and had their problems. They were engaged, and she was having an ongoing affair with his brother. (Also, "loser JJ," really?)

Lucky's speech to Liz was horrifying, but it was born of believable and sympathetic, if condemnable passion.

Sonny and Carly are on their fifth marriage -- just to one another. That's not counting Lilley, Brenda, Jax, and whoever else they've been married to and/or shacking up with, never mind how many times. 

Carly and Sonny got their start by betraying Jason. 

I'm pretty sure Carly has cheated on Jax with Sonny (was there limo sex -- I remember limo sex). 

When Carly slept with Jax this last time, she was hurting because Sonny was all, "Forgive me right now, or it's over forever," and she was feeling sorry for Jax and the loss of his mom.  Most importantly though, she and Sonny were no longer together, largely because he issued a forgiveness-now ultimatum, after lying to her for months. Carly was, if still legally married, not attached in the same way Liz and Lucky, as an engaged couple were.

Then Sonny comes scrambling over her house to say, "Hey, even though I know you're mad at me more because I lied and exposed you to Nelle's shenanigans, than because I slept with her, I didn't actually sleep with her, so you can't be mad at me for lying, even though I still lied and exposed you to Nelle's shenanigans." 

Lucky, Liz, and Nik -- no matter how disgusting the Niz cheating was -- was a legitimate triangle, in which all three people involved loved each other and had for a long time. 

Jax, Carly, and Sonny? Carly basically yo-yos between these two, just like Brenda does. It shouldn't shock Sonny that she slept with Jax at this point. It should shock him that she waited until Jax came here, rather than hunting Jax down for a little revenge bootie. For Carly -- that showed remarkable restraint.


On 4/12/2017 at 8:43 PM, coffee drinker said:

Sure, to you (as a Lucky fan) cheered that Elizabeth had it coming for crapping on poor paragon Lucky while Sonny is an a-hole as a character, to you, and therefore a dirtbag for doing the same sort of rant against Carly.   

*blinks*  Both men were dirt bags for going off on the woman as the wronged party.  How is that acceptable?  Ever.  Poor babies got their "fees-fees" hurt so that gives them the right to say disgusting things to the woman who hurt them?   It didn't bother you or make you cringe a little to hear Lucky say what he said?  That the writers didn't go too far with it then?  You can love the character and still think/see the writers went over the line with that dialogue.  Like I said, Guza set that up with Elizabeth never getting a fair shake so Lucky could be the wronged party.  

I do think the writers went way too far with Lucky's rant, but in the context of the story, it worked better for me, because I could buy Lucky being that hurt that Nik and Liz betrayed him like that. I just laugh when Sonny's pissed. The man had crypt sex on the grave of his son's bio-father with an enemy mobster who was sleeping with his son. Apples to rocks, man. Apples to rocks.


On 4/12/2017 at 9:09 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Anna is us.  It's not our problem that Lulu is a baby-crazed idiot, but we're still stuck dealing with it. 


While I agree Lulu has been written as a baby-crazed idiot, if we remove baby-crazed idiocy, I would still expect Lulu to be fighting like hell (although smarter than she has been) to get her kid away from Valentin. Nik not withstanding, the Cassadines are the Spencers generational enemies. They kidnapped Laura and forced her into a marriage (and raped her), and held her against her will. Kept Nikolas and threatened Luke's life as leverage.

They later kidnapped Lulu. Helena stole her last egg. It was fertilized with Valentin's sperm. Valentin kept her daughter from her for 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 10 years. Lulu met V when he held her and the gang hostage and killed Nik. Then she found out about her kid.

Wanting that kid back is not just some ego thing. It's desperation. I was so glad to see Lulu have a normal day with Charlotte. 

If Anna were Anna (I def. think she's Alex, because otherwise, why have Griffin call and remind her about her phlebotomy appointment coming up), I think Anna, as a person whose own daughter was held hostage on Cassadine Island, and who was friends with Nik, would want to help Luke's ex and his daughter get custody of Charlotte away from a Cassadine and Crazy Nina. 


On 4/12/2017 at 10:32 PM, ulkis said:

Anna is friendly with Dante and Lulu's dad, so I don't think Laura was particularly nervy thinking that Anna would want to help out with the custody case.


6 hours ago, LexieLily said:

I love that Valentin was so obviously annoyed and hated it that Charlotte had a great time with Lulu. But who is he to disregard Charlotte's questions about how Lulu can be her mother and pass that talk onto Nina? Despite what I feel about Nina and what they clearly want Charlotte to feel, making Charlotte's stepmother having that talk with Charlotte isn't fair to any of them - Nina, Lulu or Charlotte.

Also, not that we didn't already know this, but the fact that poor Charlotte is so confused and afraid to like Lulu and is questioning how Lulu can be her mommy shows that Valentin did nothing to even try to explain any of the situation to this child.


I could be imagining this, but today, when Valentin and Charlotte were having that conversation, around the time he said that Nina was better at this stuff than he was -- a flicker of a look crossed JPS's face and I felt like he (as the character) was thinking, "This will totally push Nina's buttons and she will go into overdrive to disrupt Charlotte's fledgling relationship with Lulu, and I won't have to lift a finger."

In other words,  I don't think he was making a parenting choice so much as a manipulation choice. Then again, that's giving the show a lot of credit.  That said...

11 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

Maybe it's the bottle of wine I had with lunch talking (don't judge it's been a long week), but I don't want Valentin to turn out to be evil. I like the way he interacts with Charlotte and his patience with Lulu. And his sad shy hunchback luv for Anna. And maybe he and Nick pre-planned Nick's death. And ...oh, okay well I guess he did clearly shoot Kevin and try to kidnap Spencer. But, I mean, hey, we've all done things. 


I feel like this and have no wine. I would like him to be ambiguous, like Stefan, or a latter-day Victor Kiriakis on Days of Our Lives. I'm tired of flat out mobsters being the only characters who are allowed their flaws. Let Valentin be a little sympathetic, a little mean, a little misguided, a little needy, and a little manipulative.

This is also how I wish they'd let Ava be, for the record. I hate the Morgan's Pills story so bad, not because it contributed to Morgan's death (thank you, Ava) but because it really was pretty unforgivable to do that to an ill kid who both you and your daughter have slept with, and who is the half-brother of your other daughter. I want them to let Ava off the hook for that, because I want to forget it happened, so I can just enjoy Maura West.

Edited by General Days
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Methinks the next time we see RealAnna she'll be chained and locked up where ever Alex stashed her.

That better not be how they play this.  What it should be, is that Anna told Alex everything then went off on her vacation (hooking up with Robert somewhere, hey, it's my fantasy).  Unbeknownst to her, Alex came to PC, (knowing that Anna was on vaycay) took over her life and decided to mess with Valentin.  

And/or, Anna is fully aware that Alex is in town, pretending to be her, and is feeding her info from her beach chair in the Bahamas.  

  • Love 4

I don't think anyone is saying Lucky was wrong to be furious with Elizabeth (and Nik) having the affair. The problem for me were he was much, much harsher with Elizabeth than Nik. The stuff he spewed toward her was just awful—and there was absolutely no reason to bring up her rape. 

13 hours ago, General Days said:

I hate the Morgan's Pills story so bad, not because it contributed to Morgan's death (thank you, Ava) but because it really was pretty unforgivable to do that to an ill kid who both you and your daughter have slept with, and who is the half-brother of your other daughter.

And the reason for all of this: so that Morgan and Lauren would break up. I mean, talk about taking a flamethrower to things. Eesh. Way to ruin Ava for a plot point.

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, General Days said:

The relationships are/were so different, this isn't like comparing apples to oranges; it's like comparing apples to rocks. Lucky and Liz were childhood sweethearts who were torn apart BECAUSE HELENA. Then he came back and we all had to sit through Jacob Young playing him (except for people like me who stopped watching during NuLucky, because ugh).


Elizabeth was NOT allowed to rip into Lucky and Sarah when she caught them having sex behind her back at Kelly's.  Nope.  Elizabeth turned around and walked off and did the samething when she caught Lucky with Maxie.  I will forever be pissed off that Lucky a serial cheater (Sarah, Maxie and Sam) was able to rant and rage at Elizabeth and Nik.  I hated Niz and thought it was nasty as hell.

On 4/13/2017 at 4:08 PM, Harmony233 said:

I don't get why it's so hard to write for Brad and Lucas I've read stories online of gay couples that was really good.I guess it could because there recurring but I don't know.

I have the same issues with minority romances.  Sheesh.  Write a compelling story and let fans fall in love with the characters.  

You would think TIIC would take a long look at Grey's and figure out how to write for a hospital based show!  There are lots of stories to tell for Lucas and Brad, but the show is so bloated that we see one of them every three months or not at all for six months.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Darklazr said:

Elizabeth was NOT allowed to rip into Lucky and Sarah when she caught them having sex behind her back at Kelly's.  Nope.  Elizabeth turned around and walked off and did the samething when she caught Lucky with Maxie.  I will forever be pissed off that Lucky a serial cheater (Sarah, Maxie and Sam) was able to rant and rage at Elizabeth and Nik.

To me, it's about equal there. Lucky did as you say, but then Liz did the same to him with Jason (and, as I said, that was emotional and before Lucky cheated, too) and Nik. So neither one has any moral high ground here. But neither were blameless, either.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Darklazr said:

Elizabeth was NOT allowed to rip into Lucky and Sarah when she caught them having sex behind her back at Kelly's.  Nope.  Elizabeth turned around and walked off and did the samething when she caught Lucky with Maxie.  I will forever be pissed off that Lucky a serial cheater (Sarah, Maxie and Sam) was able to rant and rage at Elizabeth and Nik.  I hated Niz and thought it was nasty as hell.

I have the same issues with minority romances.  Sheesh.  Write a compelling story and let fans fall in love with the characters.  

You would think TIIC would take a long look at Grey's and figure out how to write for a hospital based show!  There are lots of stories to tell for Lucas and Brad, but the show is so bloated that we see one of them every three months or not at all for six months.

That was my issue with how Niz ended. I cant stand Nik or any of his pairings and I hated how hypocritical Lucky was.

Hospitl dramas have always been popular and everyone seems to be able to write storieS based around the hospital but the writers of GH.

13 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't think anyone is saying Lucky was wrong to be furious with Elizabeth (and Nik) having the affair. The problem for me were he was much, much harsher with Elizabeth than Nik. The stuff he spewed toward her was just awful—and there was absolutely no reason to bring up her rape.

The rape mention aside, hasn't it always been said here (and in other places) that the cheated-on party should be angrier at, and harsher with, the cheating party than he or she should be at and with the cheated-with party?  Whether male or female, the cheater should feel more wrath from the party on whom he or she cheated.  So Lucky should've been angrier with Elizabeth than Nikolas.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Vyk said:

The rape mention aside, hasn't it always been said here (and in other places) that the cheated-on party should be angrier at, and harsher with, the cheating party than he or she should be at and with the cheated-with party?  Whether male or female, the cheater should feel more wrath from the party on whom he or she cheated.  So Lucky should've been angrier with Elizabeth than Nikolas.

Replying in Elizabeth thread.

Hey all I've mostly been keeping up through this board and not actually watching the show anymore because I just can't even with most the crap they write so I have to ask.  Based on what you all are seeing on screen is there any chance in hell that Elizabeth will be free from Franco anytime soon into either a relationship that makes sense or a storyline of her own where she is  single?  I just absolutely hate where they've taken her and it's a big reason I cant watch. And are we seriously in for round eleventybillion of Jax/Sonny/Carly and Jason and boring dirty holier than thou Sam apparently getting nice family moments?  That's really it? 

  • Love 1

why is sonny talking about his marital problems with michael? why can't Sonny have a therapist ? why cant they bring back sonnys brother?  michael should have friends his own age and a girlfriend .  

Michael should tell  sonny i dont want to hear about all the people you and mom sleep with. then micheal tells his kid sister.

charlotte has three dads on this show but that didnt bother her. now she's upset about her three moms.

she gets more screen time than that kid who plays danny.

  • Love 2

Sonny's motto is "what you do, you pay for." Really, dude? REALLY?? Because I've never seen him face any long term consequences for his actions. Any time he's ever been arrested he's been released for one bullshit reason or another. He goes home to his mansion and his millions, to his adoring children and to the women who worship him, and he basks in his ego and his power because he's untouchable. And now he's got the gall to try to take down Jax, a man who made a terrible decision that was necessary to save his child, all because that's the only way Sonny can feel superior to Jax. Sonny's a small, pathetic man, and it drives me crazy that he's the male lead we're supposed to support.

And Michael can fuck off with his "if Jax goes to prison, we'll never forgive you!" He killed your FATHER, Michael, and you're a-okay with that, so don't expect me to believe that this business with Jax is going to change your opinion of Sonny. 

Edited by Linny
  • Love 22

Really? I'm suppose to believe that ANY Corinthos would be on Jax's side? Carly, Michael, Dante?  Bull fucking shit, there is NO way they'd be defending him.

And I really don't believe Sonny would leave before watching Jax get carted off in handcuffs.

They said HIS name in the Q home. That awful, awful name belonging to that awful creature and then pretended that he was the best thing that ever happened to Tracy. Ugh. This is JE's exit story? Ugh.

  • Love 8

Sonny Corinthos is a Whiney Little Bitch.  He is always making excuses for his bad behavior...like drugging and raping teenage girls, running a criminal enterprise and murder for money, power and profit.  Jax is not making excuses for what he did.  He admits what he did was wrong but did it to save his baby daughter's life.  Jax is willing to face the consequences of his actions.  Sonny "the weasel" will always try to squirm his way out of accepting any sort of responsibility for his actions. 

I wish Michael would stop trying to "fix" Carly and Sonny.  They are an endless pit of "needing fixing".  He needs to fully embrace his inner Quatermaine and focus on living his own life.  Michael Quartermaine deserves to have a sane and happy life.  This will not happen if he does not detach himself from the Corinthos Crazy.  

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Vella said:

Really? I'm suppose to believe that ANY Corinthos would be on Jax's side? Carly, Michael, Dante?  Bull fucking shit, there is NO way they'd be defending him.

Sure, why not? Carly's mad at him right now, and he saved their daughter's life, and why would the other two even want to get involved?

2 hours ago, Linny said:

Sonny's a small, pathetic man, and it drives me crazy that he's the male lead we're supposed to support.

I don't think the audience is meant to think Sonny is in the right, even though we might be supposed to be sympathetic because he was hurt by Carly sleeping with Jax.

Edited by ulkis
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